=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away === harlowja_away is now known as harlowja === harlowja is now known as harlowja_away [06:53] Does anyone here have experience building amis from scratch? === shardy_afk is now known as shardy [09:59] I'm trying to write custom handler for cloud-init, in order to boot images on my machine without using EC2 [09:59] This is the best article I got my hands on: http://foss-boss.blogspot.com/2011/01/advanced-cloud-init-custom-handlers.html [10:00] but the script listed there is no more available in the repo [10:00] Is there a new/better way to achieve that and most importantly is it documented somewhere? [10:51] anyone? === harlowja_away is now known as harlowja [18:01] Hey guys, can anyone tell me how cloud-init works with the init system? When I install it I do not see cloud-init in /etc/init.d. [19:15] zenloop depending on the system u are using (upstart, sysvinit, systemd) u'll need to take the corresponding scripts [19:15] zenloop since u mentioned upstart, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/files/head:/upstart/ [19:15] the others are in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/files (systemd, sysviinit) [20:54] harlowja: any news from your Y! colleague on putting cloud-init in fbsd ports? [21:05] harmw talked with him a little this week, still getting sucked into mail stuff apparently, so hasn't had the time yet [21:06] yea, read something regarding hackers [21:06] but fair enough :) [21:09] harmw ssl i think [21:09] not sure what the current stuff/issues are though [21:09] bah, ssl [21:09] what on earth is wrong with plaintext [21:10] nsa [21:10] lol [21:10] nuff said [21:10] ha [21:10] it's not that UPS encrypts my packages before sending them [21:10] :p [21:11] i'll ping him on monday to see where's he's at, seems away on IM right now [21:11] maybe he'll be freed up [21:11] yea sure, np [23:34] Question... stuff in /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/meta-data .... how does cloud init scripts access it? [23:35] dgarstang1 what do u mean? [23:35] which type of init scripts [23:36] harlowja: If I have foo: bar in /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/meta-data, how do I get that in a cloud-init script? [23:36] is it a bash script? [23:36] harlowja: no, in cloud init [23:36] just read it i guess? [23:36] where in cloud-init i guess is the question [23:37] in runcmd or bootcm [23:37] bootcmd [23:37] i'm guessing I cant [23:37] so, I fail to see the point of it to cloudinit [23:37] those just run shell scripts, so just read it in, cat '/var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/meta-data' [23:37] i was hoping it was a little more magic than that [23:38] bootcmd and runcmd just run basic scripts [23:38] harlowja: yah so I wanted to use the value in meta-data to set the host name [23:38] a cloud-init script should already be doing that [23:38] *cloud-init plugin [23:38] harlowja: not on google compute it's not [23:39] ah, k, idk what they did to there metadata then [23:39] dont think that ever worked for us in ec2 either [23:39] didn't know that even existed. docs are bad [23:39] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/view/head:/cloudinit/config/cc_set_hostname.py [23:39] harlowja: in any case, doesn't work in gce, so can't use [23:40] hmmm, u are building images though right + your own cloud-init, so why can't a new script then be made that does work? [23:40] just patch cc_set_hostname.py if u really want i guess [23:40] i had it in a cloud init script but supposedly that wasn't the best way, it was suggested I should be depositing it in /var/lib/cloud. [23:41] harlowja: there is no data source for gce [23:41] k, hmmm, odd [23:41] and then reading it from the meta data file. But, if I do that I have to read it again anyway, so it's pointless [23:42] so, I might as well just keep as it is, ie put a curl in the cloud init script to read it from the gce metadata server [23:42] ah, so gce does have a metadata server [23:42] yep [23:42] seems like then it could have a datasource [23:43] wanna make one ;) [23:43] http://cloudinit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/datasources.html .... nope [23:43] nah not me [23:43] durn [23:44] theres a patch kicking around somewhere to add it, but it won't work with the current version of cloud init, and the newer version of cloud init that has it won't install on ubuntu precise [23:45] hmmm, ya, then i guess it will have to be sorta hacky like this without that [23:45] tell GCE people to submit the patch in cloud-init, lo [23:45] damn google folks [23:47] * harlowja works at yahoo, lol [23:48] harlowja: it is in cloud-init, latest version, which has dependancies on packages that aren't available in 12.04 ubuntu [23:48] interersting, there is GCE datasource in cloud-init? [23:49] harlowja: latest version, yes... it's in debian experimental [23:49] interesting, wonder where it is, don't see it @ http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/files/head:/cloudinit/sources/ [23:51] weird, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=725384 [23:51] 'We're currently discussing how this code might be submitted upstream, the [23:51] discussions might take a while.' [23:51] smoser have u seen that :-/ odd [23:52] harlowja: I saw something where someone said it had been added to debian experimental [23:52] ya [23:52] wonder where it went after that [23:53] dgarstang1 another way around it, since u are building your own images, is to just update the missing 12.04 dependency [23:53] * harlowja not sure which dependency it is though [23:53] harlowja: except I could not get the cloud init from experimental to install on 12,04 [23:53] how about from source? [23:53] oh, i forget the details... i do remember it was nasty tho [23:54] python setup.py install? [23:54] harlowja: the package from debian experimental, had some dependancies on packages available in raring or something [23:54] yuck [23:54] if u are already building your own images, hopefully not so yucky, not ideal i agree [23:55] wouldn't have to if google provided ubuntu images. grrr.... or canonical maybe [23:55] if u know what the dependency was it might actually be invalid (if its not a datasource u are going to use) [23:55] mebbe [23:55] there are certain dependencies that are datasource specific (like pyserial) [23:55] but uaren't using that anyway [23:56] for now, no data source seems to work ok. [23:56] the distros of course though have to include them all, since they don't know who will use it [23:56] k