
sgclarkRiddell: 2.1.3 source already here looks done00:06
sgclarkhi valorie: I am having issues interacting with the pnw ubuntu list, what is that thread linuxcon about, is that something I can help with?01:20
valoriesgclark: are you in the US northwest?02:15
valoriebecause it would be awesome to meet you02:16
sgclarkvalorie: just outside of Portland :)02:16
sgclarkvalorie :)02:16
valorieend of April02:16
valorielast year, I think it was, we had a KDE table02:17
sgclarkFun! I want to help if we do anything!02:17
valoriebut usually I just staff the ubuntu-wa booth, which this year we'll share with Debian-Seattle02:17
valorieif I can get an email to fest-list, which seems down atm02:17
sgclarkI have tried to post to several ubuntu lists since I moved here and nothing. Either I am getting ignored or not working :( hope the latter lol02:18
sgclarkAnyway, I can talk to you lol. and I would love to help02:19
sgclarkAnd meet you!02:19
valoriethere is a reasonably active ubuntu-or, isn't there?02:19
valorieBen Kerensa heads that up02:19
sgclarkvalorie: I have seen activity, last meeting they only gave less than day notice02:20
valorieour wa group flies pretty close to the ground; everyone is too busy with other projects to take it on as a priority02:20
sgclarkyeah groups are alot of work I suspect02:21
valoriebut mostly everybody shows up at lfnw, so that's enough for now, I guess02:21
valoriemy enthusiasm for anything labeled "ubuntu" without the K is rather low, since the recent public kerfuffles02:22
valoriemy hope is that we keep doing well, and everything gets back on an even keel02:22
sgclarkut oh, what did I miss? buried myself in learning packaging02:22
valorienothing worth discussing on a public chan!02:23
sgclarkgotcha :)02:23
valorieanyway, you are welcome to join #ubuntu-us-wa if you like and #lfnw is the fest chan02:24
ScottKapachelogger: Muon ~ tomorrow.03:58
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apacheloggerScottK: ok07:19
apacheloggerQuintasan: the sddm card has been in doing since forever, if you are not actually doing it then please move it to todo07:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: you again have 300000 cards in doing all at once...07:25
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: any progress with https://trello.com/c/u9KpFFxF ?07:36
apacheloggeroh 4.8.5 got copied to backports08:02
apacheloggerI'll just try and not get into rage mode08:02
* jackyalcine passes apachelogger a stress handball08:03
apacheloggermost kind08:03
agateauapachelogger: hi, do you happen to know how to update an Ubiquity squashfs?08:14
apacheloggeragateau: you mean change the live system?08:15
agateauapachelogger: yes08:15
agateauapachelogger: I am trying to test some changes I made to ubiquity-dm08:16
agateauand can't figure out how to08:16
apacheloggerI do, you won't like it though ^^08:16
apacheloggeralternatively I could tell you how to restart ubiquity-dm ;)08:16
agateauapachelogger: I think I'd like that better :)08:17
apacheloggeragateau: sudo -i.... then ... stop --no-wait lightdm; stop ubiquity; pkill -9 X; start ubiquity08:21
agateauapachelogger: thanks a lot, going to try it08:22
valorieapachelogger: I guess I got it from backports then; good thing there were no troubles08:23
apacheloggervalorie: yeah08:25
apacheloggerluck plays a big part in quality control here08:25
valorieteam needs to grow a bit more so people aren't juggling so many balls simultaneously08:26
valorieluck is a dangerous thing to trust08:26
valoriegonna share a Ubuntu table with the Debian Seattle folks at linuxfest northwest this year08:27
valorieshould be interesting08:27
valorieand i'll meet sgclark08:28
apacheloggervalorie: alternatively they could stop juggling :P08:29
apacheloggerpoor jono08:29
valorieoh how boring is that?08:29
apacheloggervalorie: maybe boring but more reliable08:30
apacheloggervalorie: do you happen to know what all the posts about planet ubuntu on planet ubuntu are planet ubuntubout?08:32
* valorie goes to read planet ubuntu08:33
lordievaderGood morning.08:33
* apachelogger got tricked by a blog title just now, lol08:34
apacheloggermorning lordievader08:34
apacheloggeroh people blogging irc logs08:35
apacheloggerhow giddy08:35
lordievaderHey apachelogger, how are you doing?08:35
apacheloggerfine, yourself?08:36
valorieum, jono bacon with a beard looks like a mennonite08:37
* apachelogger is doing his weekly stroll through the intertubes08:37
lordievaderapachelogger: Doing good too :)08:37
apacheloggervalorie: there's a jono without beared :O08:37
apacheloggerlet's not talk about beards08:37
apacheloggerd_ed made all of our barcelona office except for shadeslayer grow beards08:37
lordievaderBeards are lovely08:38
apacheloggerno they are not.08:38
lordievaderThey are!08:39
apacheloggerone thing I do not get http://xubuntu.org/news/community-wallpaper-contest-winners/ why are wallpaper contests always really photography contests08:39
apacheloggerthe point eldues me08:39
jackyalcinehow did d_ed manage that? lol08:40
jackyalcineapachelogger: that's the lull of having a 'beautiful desktop'08:40
apacheloggerjackyalcine: you don't need photography to get a beautiful desktop08:41
apacheloggerin fact08:41
valorieIMO the kerfuffle started with a porn spam blog posting on pUbuntu08:41
apachelogger90% of the time when someone uses a photo as a wallpaper the overall desktop will look like shit08:41
jackyalcineyou use solid colors?08:42
* jackyalcine did that for a while; it was nice08:42
apacheloggerbecause color composition is just so much harder with an actual photo, which is IMHO where the wallpaper as such (the artificially created background) comes in08:42
jackyalcinehttp://i.imgur.com/jnaRCDM.jpg is what looks like on a good day08:42
apacheloggerbecause a proper wallpaper would look nice while providing anchor points for the overall desktop to look just as lovely as the wallpaper on its own08:42
jackyalcineapachelogger: wallpapers designed for the desktop and not for hanging up in a room08:43
apacheloggeryou have envrionmental factors on your desktop though08:43
apacheloggeron a plasma desktop you will have a panel at the bottom, the panel is often translucent; so a good wallpaper will take that into account and not have techno flashes of rainbow unicorn farts towards the bottom08:44
apacheloggeralthough it could, alas the 'busyness' of the desktop then converges at the bottom which may be intended, in practise however not because you'd want to balanace out attention seeking with the panel08:45
lordievaderapachelogger: Can you give an example of a 'good' wallpaper?08:45
apacheloggerwell that's of course in the viewer's eye08:46
apacheloggerwindows xp's however had visual balance IIRC08:46
lordievaderA good one in your eye.08:46
apacheloggerwas that hilly landscape08:46
apacheloggerhttp://i.imgur.com/jnaRCDM.jpg the one to the right is generally good08:46
apacheloggerbut only with a top and bottom panel08:47
apacheloggerif you were to use it with just the standard bottom panel it would feel weird08:47
jackyalcineMinimal wallpapers that tend to have a solid 'framing' are the ones I'd try to use08:47
valorieI have a slideshow of some of my fav. photos, but then my desktop is usually only revealed when I'm away from the computer08:47
apacheloggerthe reason is that it obviously puts the busyness towards the middle, so it perfectly balances if you stuff at the top and the bottom08:48
jackyalcineapachelogger: it's funny you mention this; I remember discussing this lightly with some cats over here08:48
valoriemostly from astropix08:48
apacheloggerjackyalcine: certainly the least controversial08:48
apacheloggeralso I said, since it is mostly about balancing out busyness it's generally easier to balance out a wallpaper with few things going on08:49
apachelogger"Could Planet Ubuntu be made more awesome? Definitely. Planet Ubuntu is not as useful as it could be and we are aiming too low. Let's reboot it."08:51
jackyalcineIs it for real?08:52
valorieproblem with pUbuntu is that Canonical has driven some of the old-time faithful bloggers away, and it's always dominated now by Canonical posts08:53
valoriejono advocates taking away ubuntu membership if people don't stay active08:54
apacheloggerblogging is mostly 90's stuff08:54
apacheloggernowadays one tweets and vines and whatnot08:54
apacheloggervalorie: that's not what they are all whining about though08:54
valorieI like some information occasionally08:54
apacheloggerplanet is not hot enough, not focused enough, not coc enough, ...08:54
valorieI rarely read it because it's sorta boring08:55
apacheloggerplanets are always boring08:55
valorieoddly enough planet KDE isn't08:55
valoriealthough I scroll through lots of technical posts08:55
apacheloggerbecuase 90% of the people write tediously long and boring posts :P08:55
apacheloggerlike blogging an IRC log for the lulz of it ;)08:55
valorieyes, guilty as charged08:56
valoriebut I've gotten better08:56
apacheloggerI like how sam hewitt posts recipes on planet ubuntu08:56
apacheloggerso much more interesting than most of the other stuff I am afraid to say08:57
apacheloggeruhhh, new homerun08:57
valoriethat looks good, but not as good as my local pizza and pasta place has08:58
* apachelogger really does not like forums -.-08:59
apachelogger" OK, figured it out. /etc/apt/sources.list and sources.list.save permissions were set to 700. Changed to 744 and the Muon family now works correctly. "09:01
apacheloggerthe things people do09:01
apacheloggersometimes I think it would be best to disallow sudo completely and have everyone use limited ability gui tools to prevent them from breaking their system09:02
valorieapachelogger: I like forums least of all, but they are findable by the google machine09:04
valorietherefore people will use them09:04
valorienobody uses list archives which are rich plunder, well hidden09:05
apacheloggerundermoderated I say09:05
valorieapachelogger is going the Way of Apple ?09:05
apacheloggervalorie: well, mailing lists are somewhat more pro anyway09:05
valoriethe kde forums are rather well moderated09:06
apacheloggeralso forums tend to have many plunders09:06
valoriemost are just spam traps09:06
apacheloggervalorie: yeah, kde forums are rather good09:06
apacheloggerexcept for the software/theme, but that's a general problem of all forums09:06
valorieit's because the posts are reported in IRC09:06
valoriespam is gone almost before one can click on it09:07
valorieoh, I'll meet Benjamin Mako Hill at LFNW as well09:07
valoriehe's holding down the Debian side of the table09:08
valorieI'm looking forward to that09:08
jackyalcineit's really like 4:22 am09:22
jackyalcineand I'm just here clacking on the keyboard like it's 1pm09:22
valorieooo, after one here09:25
valorietime to brush, floss, bed09:25
valorieuPlanet had put my brain to sleep already.....09:25
BluesKajHowdy all10:45
shadeslayerapachelogger: i can manage10:55
apacheloggershadeslayer: that's not the point11:14
apacheloggeryou are not supposed to have so much stuff in doing11:14
apacheloggeryou are supposed to get stuff done11:14
apacheloggertrue agile development would even mandate that you only ever have one card, which is of course impractical for us ^^11:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: well, most of the stuff was in review, now that its reviewed, i will fix, and move to done11:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: and as for the mirror thing in the slideshow, youre right, but I need to figure out how one does that affect11:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw i dont understand your comment on the colors card11:22
shadeslayer*ubiquity colors11:22
shadeslayerseems like half a comment11:23
apacheloggeron the trello card11:25
apacheloggergo to edit labels11:25
apacheloggerat the bottom there's a colorblind mode11:26
21WACA4GVthere are wayland files ava ilable today?12:08
BluesKajyes saw some come down from the 14.04 repos 12:15
BluesKaj21WACA4GV, libwayland-client0 libwayland-cursor0 libwayland-server012:17
21WACA4GVare those even used yet?12:18
* apachelogger is totally replicating an entire system by hand :O12:32
apacheloggersuch madness12:32
apachelogger21WACA4GV: they are used for something, otherwise they wouldn't be there ;)12:32
21WACA4GVfrom where does those files come? i would think that kde doesnt send them12:34
apachelogger21WACA4GV: I think they are pulled in by the MESA (3d) stack12:35
21WACA4GVwho does even know?12:35
apachelogger21WACA4GV: kwin lead developer probably does12:38
apacheloggerbut I can tell you though is that currently the plasma workspace doesn't use those libraries, not directly anyway12:38
apachelogger21WACA4GV: also #ubuntu-x might know12:39
apacheloggerseeing it's their field of experience 12:39
21WACA4GVwho gives permissions to sending files?12:40
apacheloggersending files?12:41
21WACA4GVis it possible to inject suspicious things12:41
21WACA4GVto repo12:41
apacheloggerwell, in theory, if the user ignores warnings12:41
apacheloggerthe repository cache is signed using a gpg key, which apt needs to know, otherwise it will throw warnings and need explicit permission to download/install packages12:42
apachelogger(see man apt-secure)12:43
agateauRiddell: just updated the MR for the non-fullscreen Ubiquity, if you have time to have a look ( https://code.launchpad.net/~agateau/ubiquity/kde-no-fullscreen )14:07
agateauRiddell: also did some work on making ubiquity-dm easier to debug as a by-product14:07
ScottKapachelogger: muon == accepted.15:00
apacheloggerScottK: thx15:18
apachelogger trying to overwrite '/usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/apps/plasma-desktop/updates/01-rename-plasma-nm.js', which is also in package plasma-nm
geniiI'm getting errors with kubuntu-settings-desktop postrm: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6849888/15:26
BluesKajthanks for the heads up genii, I see it in the upgrade packages, aborting for now15:33
geniiLooks like it's some file which is being pulled into the postrm, I extracted the deb and looked at the file, it seems fine.15:39
apacheloggerubuntu7 should resolve the issue15:46
BluesKajhmm, erroring here too ... apachelogger, ubuntu7?15:51
BluesKajanyway, snow shovel awaits ...BBL15:55
geniiBluesKaj: The current one is named something like kubuntu-settings-desktop_1%3a14.04ubuntu6_all.deb so I imagine he means kubuntu-settings-desktop_1%3a14.04ubuntu7_all.deb :)16:04
alleeor add the missing semicolon yourself to the postinst so it reads: warn() { echo "W: $1"; }16:21
QuintasanScottK: ping16:23
apacheloggersweet baby jesus16:30
apacheloggerarchive i386 builder backed up for an hour16:30
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ovidiu-florinapachelogger: http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/ 4 languages16:40
ovidiu-florinthe theme still needs some work out16:40
ovidiu-florinand I need to add some content16:40
ovidiu-florinthe language files are not 100% translated so a few things like the string "Categories" apear in english when Turkysh is selected, for example16:42
geniiapachelogger, allee ...the postinst has same issue of missing semicolon16:49
alleegenii: I know my example is the fixed line with the semicolon16:49
geniiallee: Yes, but what I'm remarking is: I fixed the postRM file and repacked it. But dpkg -i then spit out the same problem when it then hit the same problem with the postINST file16:50
alleehmm, did you fix the postinst file too?16:51
geniiallee: Now i have16:53
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ScottKQuintasan: pong17:14
QuintasanScottK: Think you can help me with SRU for kdeconnect-kde17:16
ScottKIs it uploaded already?17:16
Quintasannot yet, should I specifically target saucy-proposed or it's going to land there anyways?17:16
QuintasanScottK: ^17:19
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apacheloggerxorgedgers ppa broke muon17:46
apacheloggerand I have no idea how17:46
ScottKQuintasan: Please target proposed.17:48
ScottKI think it ends up there anyway, but I'd prefer explicit.17:48
apacheloggeryeah, it does go to proposed regardless17:50
lars_Why can¨t I just update my plugins with the Firefox browser tool instead of updating it with Muon?18:15
lars_I can¨t update my flash plugins or install new flash plugins using my konsole, it doesn work18:15
apacheloggeri386 10 14782 jobs (5 days)  :O18:16
BluesKajno quotes needed, lars_18:16
lars_I know18:16
lars_I did what you said but it didint work18:16
apacheloggerScottK: I think your SRU approvery has just broken all builder sfor 5 days :P18:17
lars_I saw sth got installed with Muon, but it didnt change the plugins18:17
BluesKajdid you reboot, lars_, sometimes that helps18:17
lars_the Firefox browser plugins are still the same18:17
apacheloggerthis ain't a support channel please18:17
lars_also, my shockwave flash plugin is out of date18:17
lars_I thought Blues had left the support channel, sorry18:18
BluesKajlars_, let's discuss this in #kubuntu18:19
QuintasanScottK: Uploading18:21
genii21WACA4GV: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6850585/18:21
BluesKajyes 21WACA4GV, some of us have the same error , afiak it's being worked on18:22
QuintasanScottK: Uploaded18:33
apacheloggercomplex update calculation/displaying is really not muon-updater's strong suit18:42
mparilloHas anybody seen a dependency issue on kubuntu-settings in today's 14.04 daily updates? http://pastebin.kde.org/p5wkbjtdg20:13
geniiapachelogger: kubuntu-settings-desktop_14.04ubuntu7_all.deb ...is still problemmatic, the postrm is fixed but the postinst still needs the same change made as well20:23
geniimparillo: The postrm and postinst files for kubuntu-settings-desktop package were each missing a semicolon20:25
mparilloThank you genii and apachelogger20:26
geniimparillo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6850585/ might be helpful for you20:28
geniimparillo: Although in this case the deb file name will have a 7 and not a 6 in it :)20:28
ahoneybunhey guys23:53
ahoneybunhey valorie 23:56
valoriehi, ahoneybun23:56
ahoneybunI am now running just ubuntu on my pc23:57
* ahoneybun knows it is not kubuntu23:57
ahoneybunI got the / partition on my SSD23:57
ahoneybunand the swap and /home on my 1 TB HDD23:57
ahoneybunI think I am going to time the boot up23:59
ahoneybunyofel, how are you feeling?23:59
valoriewindows free, now?23:59
ahoneybunyep I said what the heck23:59

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