
jamie1Hi folks, yesterdays saucy (3.11.0-15.25) kernel doesn't appear to be in ubuntu-saucy.git, is this correct?09:01
bjfjamie1, that is correct, it contained an embargoed CVE fix09:04
jamie1bjf: yes, CVE-2014-0038, now that it's public will this end up in git?09:06
bjfjamie1, yes, soon09:06
jamie1bjf: great, thanks!09:07
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rtgapw, are you gonna show me how to pocket copy binaries from the c-k-t PPA ?13:26
ppisatiapw: export $(dpkg-architecture -aarmhf); export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-14:24
ppisatiapw: fakeroot debian/rules clean DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=32 AUTOBUILD=1 NOEXTRAS=1 binary-generic14:24
apwinfinity, that linux-signed is stuck in New15:13
infinityI know.  I was smoking.15:19
infinityImpatient. :P15:19
apwwho me ...15:20

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