
SolidLogI think I tried that & it didn't work00:04
SolidLogProbably m fingers fault00:04
SolidLogSide question. Have you guys tried the Steam OS?00:09
knome!offtopic | SolidLog00:10
ubottuSolidLog: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:10
SolidLogMy apologies00:12
xubuntu986Hello everyone!00:13
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!00:15
cubed_rootwhat limitations might i see by installing a 32-bit xubuntu on a 64-bit machine>00:57
cubed_rootjust realized this is what i did, installed xubuntu about a week ago00:58
Unit193You can't use 64bit programs.00:58
cubed_rootthat's it?  are there limits to the RAM i can use? i have 6GB00:59
cubed_root*limits to the RAM the OS can access i should say00:59
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info01:00
bazhangthats out of date01:00
Unit193Yep, it's enabled by default.01:01
bazhangall of them are PAE iirc01:01
cubed_rootso xubuntu has access to > 3.2 RAM?01:01
cubed_rooti guess i can check my task mgr01:01
SolidLogReinstall 64-bit01:02
cubed_rootcan i do that over my current 32-bit installation?01:03
SolidLogJust wipe over it01:03
SolidLogBackup files you've made01:03
SolidLogAnd put them back on after the 64-bit install01:04
cubed_rooti might do that01:04
cubed_rooti've made a lot of customizations though01:04
SolidLogGo make a document listing what you've done & back that document up?01:05
SolidLogI'm wondering if Ubuntu Software Centre or Ubuntu One (Idk if xubuntu has that) will sync/backup settings you've made01:05
Unit193You should be able to use all the ram, but if you specifically want 64bit, you can do the re-install.01:06
cubed_rootSolidLog: by 'make a document listing' do you mean manually document the changes i've made01:06
SolidLogcubed_root: Yeah, I couldn't think of any other way, just go look at what you've done or just wing it on the re-install. I still wonder if you can use ubuntu one/ubuntu software centre to remember settings or programs you've installed & let it sync up when you sign into that service next time01:09
cubed_rootyea, it wouldn't be the end of the world if just started over again, but i might wait until i have more time.  but in the meantime i'll dig around for an upgrade optin01:09
SolidLogcubed_root: If you have a 64-bit pc & 6gbs of Ram you still definitely want to install the 64-bit version.01:10
SolidLogI don't think you can upgrade from 32-bit to 64-bit01:10
SolidLogHas to be a fresh install01:10
bazhangreinstall is it01:10
cubed_roothm.. what's the easist way to see if how much ram i'm using in total right now?01:11
cubed_roottask mgr is only showing me individual processes01:11
cubed_rootn/m system profiler is showing me total mem: 6 mil kB, free mem: 5 mil kB01:13
cubed_rootsorry 4 mil kB free01:13
SolidLogI'm on Ubuntu Studio (Which is supposed to be very similar to xubuntu) & I honestly find going through settings to find that kind of info a maze without an end.01:15
SolidLogLook for System Monitor01:16
SolidLogcube_root: System Monitor shows my ram01:16
cubed_rootlol - i hear you solidlog01:17
cubed_rootyes -- i see it in system monitor too, very good thanks!01:17
cubed_rootit's showing 6GB01:17
SolidLogThat's weird. Run a few servers or VM's & see if you can use it all01:18
Unit193SolidLog: As we said, PAE lets you use more ram than standard 32bit.01:28
SolidLogUnit193: What about the rest of the 64-bit function though? On a 32-bit o/s will that PAE let the CPU use its full 64-bit potential though? Or can you even install 64-bit programs?01:30
SolidLogThat was my main concern01:30
SolidLogFigured skip jumping through hoops of fire & just re-install it with a 64-bit o/s so that he doesn't have to worry about not getting full function out of the pc. I'm no pc pro, only one way to learn I suppose.01:31
cubed_rooti think i'll reinstall but need to finish a few things for work first01:39
cubed_rootirc messages aren't secure, correct? more like http than https?01:47
bazhangpublically logged channel messages? or private messages01:49
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.01:49
bazhangor !198401:50
cubed_rootPMs I guess I mean01:50
cubed_rooti'm thinking of the password i send to nickserv01:51
bazhangsure they are01:51
cubed_rootok cool01:51
bazhangjust use the server window of your client01:51
bazhangare you logged in using sasl?01:51
Unit193Enable SSL and you'll be in better shape.01:52
cubed_rooton my irc client?01:53
cubed_rootwow, loving the linux world -- can't believe this much OS power is free02:26
WalterNherm... I get a kernel panic when I try to boot up the netinstall ISO06:31
WalterNfor 13.1006:31
WalterNoh maybe its because of UEFI06:47
WalterNyeah, a lot panic06:50
WalterNit could also be because of the new AMD A10-7850k processor?06:51
WalterNalso, vodka is magic06:52
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poopuserHi. I got problem with 13.10. The operating system does not recognize my phone (sony experia). It can access other usb media. The phone works on rhel installed on different pc. This is output of dmsg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6848533/09:54
cfhowlettpoopuser, sounds like an MTP issue.  google up.09:56
poopusercfhowlett: will od. Thanks.09:57
cfhowlettpoopuser, don't know what you doing, but see Airdroid android app for quick/easy transfers09:58
poopusercfhowlett: I've just noticed that file transfer is set as massive storage not MTP. I am wandering: does the MTP still applies to this situation?10:45
cfhowlettpoopuser, per your android settings, you should be able to switch your device to "camera" mode10:45
KeyboardNotFoundHow to view which xubuntu version Do I have ?10:49
cfhowlettKeyboardNotFound, in a terminal lsb_release -a10:50
KeyboardNotFoundcfhowlett, thanks man :)10:50
cfhowlettKeyboardNotFound, no prob10:50
xubuntu572i have a question11:17
xubuntu572What do you think about this11:17
xubuntu572Hi, I am a glad user Xubuntu 12.04 LTS. Why? I have graphics card ATI RADEON 5450 (official is this series 4xxx). I need proprietary drivers (steam and more). In later versions can not be used only free drivers.Therefore, I ask whether the new LTS version is going to use, as in 12.04 LTS or no non-free drivers we just unlucky?  Thanks for the answer.11:17
xubuntu666salve a tutti! ci sono italiani?13:27
xubuntu666ho una richiesta, ho un pc abbastanza potente con 4 giga di ram un processore 2.7 dual cose e 500 giga di memoria, volevo sapere qual'era la versione ubuntu ecc più potente  da installare? grazie!!13:28
xubuntu666hi, I need some help is someone free to talk with me five seconds?13:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:30
xubuntu666thnk you!!!13:31
xubuntu666I would like to know whic is the latest version to install? I've got a pc with 4 giga ram 2.7giga dual core processor anda more than 500 giga hard disk... I want to change from windows 8.1 what version should I take?13:32
Myrttiwell the latest is the latest, if you want the latest then that's 13.10 as 14.04 is still three months away13:36
Myrttiunless you specifically want to use alpha2 level stuff13:36
xubuntu666thank you very much, is just like what I was thinking :)13:38
xubuntu803hi! someone speak italian?16:43
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:44
xubuntu803thank you16:45
starratshere's a link to checkout!    http://www.lwks.com/  it came from the ubuntu page on FB!17:04
starratsxubuntu page from FB, sorry17:04
leftistafternoon. i am trying to find an environment that is closest to 10.04 ubuntu. is xubuntu 12.04 close?17:15
leftisti cant stand all this unity shit. i know what i like and the closet i have is centos but i prefer to use something else for my laptop. i use centos server primarily but it's kinda strict as a desktop enviornment. not as flexable as debian/ubuntu enviornments for apps etc.17:16
elfyif you are looking to not use unity - then I moved to xubuntu for that reason - but it's not the same17:16
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:16
leftistwell heck what the kids listen to on the radio is a million times worse than what i said. laugh.17:17
leftistelfy so your saying xubuntu is more flexable?17:17
elfyI find it fine for me yes17:18
leftisti really prefer gnome 2.x17:18
elfywell it's not that17:18
elfyget the live cd/usb and check it out - best help I can give you :)17:18
leftistwe still have laptops we use with 10.04 /10.10 because of the frustration level with all the otehr desktop management systems.17:18
leftistokie dokie17:19
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xubuntu705hello hellooooo17:45
tim_hi....i need some help to config steam under xubuntu....18:22
tim_after installing steam and downloading a free2play-game it doesnt start when i am trying!18:23
elfytim_: I have no idea - I'd wait and see if someone else does - but you might actually like to try #ubuntu-steam18:25
21WACA4GVtim_: what game18:40
kaerhonhi xubuntu19:21
kaerhoni need help19:21
kaerhoni just re-install my os19:21
kaerhoni was on lubuntu 32 bits for more than one year19:22
kaerhoni made something stupid, didn't understand it well, and thought it was time to clear everything to work on a clean base19:22
kaerhonsomeone told me that my processor was 64b19:23
kaerhonso i installed xubuntu 12.04 6419:23
kaerhonthe problem is that it is slow19:23
kaerhoncould it be the 64b os fault?19:23
kaerhonas my computer is 5 years old19:23
kaerhonand ran well before setup19:24
kaerhoni think it is really slow only for firefox19:24
holsteinkaerhon: how much memory do you have? you have lots of differences that i see.. likely, you had lubuntu 12.04 and you installed xubuntu 13.10.. you used to run an older version that was 32bit running lxde.. now you have 64bit xfce based that is not the same version19:26
kaerhoni installed xubuntu 12.0419:28
kaerhonmemory, RAM?19:28
kaerhonthe label on my laptop tells me 4 GB DDR219:28
holsteinkaerhon: ok.. so, thats one of the variables.. was lubuntu 12.04?19:28
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kaerhonit was a lubuntu installed after the initial setup19:29
holsteinkaerhon: so, the other differences are to be explored, then. 4g'bs is when i consider running 64bit versions19:29
kaerhonso i can consider that 64b os to be well fed with my config19:32
kaerhoni think the real is firefox's speed19:32
kaerhonthe real issue, sorry19:33
kaerhonit's slow19:33
kaerhoneverything else seems to be fine, that's that i open ff first19:33
kaerhoni need to try something19:34
holsteinkaerhon: did you bring a config with you for firefox?19:35
kaerhoni just erased it19:36
kaerhonthat's what i wanted to try19:37
kaerhon(now i only save and import bookmarks)19:37
holsteinkaerhon: then, remove it from the equation19:37
holsteinkaerhon: you can test ff from the guest account, or move your config temporarily19:37
kaerhoni'll connect to guest account19:38
guest-CaAbF3hi again19:40
=== guest-CaAbF3 is now known as kaerhon
kaerhonit's slow again19:43
kaerhoneven with no bookmarks19:43
holsteinkaerhon: all i can suggest is troubleshooting and removing the above variables and differences19:44
kaerhonshould i go back to 32b lubuntu?19:44
kaerhonwith all those lost RAM gbs?19:45
holsteinkaerhon: you dont lose anything19:45
kaerhoncan 64b firefox be that much heavy than his 32b self?19:45
holsteinkaerhon: the PAE 32bit kernel supports all 419:46
holsteinkaerhon: you cannot assume this is a 32/64bit thing19:46
kaerhoncan it be a GC driver issue,19:46
holsteinkaerhon: GC = graphics ?19:47
holsteinkaerhon: sure.. could be anything. i would try and remove the variables and see what the issue is19:47
kaerhoni'l try to change the driver, then19:47
holsteinwhat driver were you using before?19:48
kaerhonbut i'm affraid, because yesterday i chose the wrong driver and x didn't start anymore, and i'm not levelled enough to ride the machine in commandline mode19:48
kaerhonsecond problem is that i do not remember what nvidia driver version was in charge yesterday, before the mistake19:49
holsteinkaerhon: dont be afraid.. you literally just installed, and are 8 minutes from a fresh install19:49
holsteinkaerhon: i typically install, and fool about with drivers, and other software. then, i might do a fresh install and go with what worked well in my testing19:49
kaerhoni'm an obsessive person, ready to jump in avery way to be afraid :p19:50
kaerhonso i take a paper, take notes, and fool that b***h over19:50
kaerhon(could it be flash?19:50
kaerhonor java?)19:50
holsteinkaerhon: sure.. is flash slow?19:51
holsteinkaerhon: you said "firefox".. not flash19:51
kaerhonyes, but flash isn't installed yet19:52
kaerhonmaybe it is lacking?19:52
kaerhondon't know if it is possible19:52
holsteinkaerhon: are you having issues with flash content?19:52
holsteinkaerhon: you said "firefox" generally..19:52
kaerhon(even moving firefox is laggy)19:52
kaerhonno issues with flash contents, flash is absent19:53
holsteinkaerhon: sure. but why? is it the graphics card driver? is it compositing?19:53
kaerhonother windows don't lag19:53
holsteinkaerhon: then, its likely not flash causing the issue.. i would try turning off compositing.. i would try different graphics drivers19:53
holsteinkaerhon: then, try another browser19:53
holsteinkaerhon: have you updated? are you using the most recent firefox? were you using the most recent firefox?19:54
kaerhoni have updated19:54
kaerhonwas using the most recent, i think19:54
kaerhonnow, firefox is 26.019:54
holsteinkaerhon: then, you dont know.. and that difference in version could be causing this.. *if* thats a different version19:54
holsteinkaerhon: you have many variables19:55
kaerhoni just disabled compositing19:55
holsteinthats a difference.. lubuntu doesnt have that19:55
kaerhoncompositing is not in cause19:55
holsteinkaerhon: and the graphics driver? i would install the same one you have before19:56
holsteini would try a different browser19:56
kaerhonwhat browser do you suggest?19:56
kaerhoni don't know if konqueror would be a good choice, as it would bringeven more variables with his kde stuff19:57
holsteinkaerhon: literally *any* as a test19:57
holsteinkaerhon: dont worry about "good".. just do different19:57
holsteinkaerhon: chromium is in the repos and not KDE related.. midori is light19:58
holsteinkaerhon: im not saying "switch to this browser".. this is literally a test.. is firefox the problem? i dont konw, but this is one way to see19:58
kaerhon ithink the guest session is blocking me19:58
kaerhonyeah i see what you mean19:59
kaerhoni'm gonna try all of these if needed19:59
kaerhonand finish by graphics card drivers, as i don't want to mess with live cds again19:59
holsteinkaerhon: or, just install what was working before, and add xfce, or xubuntu-desktop19:59
kaerhonisn't xubuntu-desktop in the xubuntu installation?20:00
kaerhonbrb, i go to my session20:00
holsteinkaerhon: xubuntu-desktop is in the repos.. its available from lubuntu20:00
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kaerhoninstalling lubuntu-desktop20:06
kaerhonso much packages not found20:07
=== loula is now known as kaerhon
kaerhonlubuntu + chromium works well20:10
* kaerhon launching firefox20:11
kaerhonthat works well20:11
kaerhonthere's something between firefow and xfce i think20:12
kaerhonon my machine20:12
kaerhonthank you for your time20:12
kaerhonand your help20:12
kaerhoni'm now ready to do my job20:13
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kaerhonhi again21:10
kaerhonproblem is solved21:10
kaerhonabout slow firefox after install21:11
kaerhonit was nvidia drivers21:11
=== kaerhon is now known as kaerhon64
=== xubuntu289 is now known as danmc
danmcxubuntu 13.10, older P4/3GHz system with onboard intel video.  Almost all is good except for flash (youtube, etc).  Those look like: http://imagebin.org/289831  Any suggestions on how to debug/fix?21:56
kaerhon64no idea, sorry21:57
Unit193Mhmm, yep.21:58
danmcits like the video is trying to play in a different resolution than the rest of everything.21:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1173649 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "incorrect color depth - intel graphics card" [Undecided,Opinion]21:58
Unit193Several comments down has a fix.22:01
Unit193If you have a LP account, feel free to comment if you can provide more information.22:03
danmcUnit193:  trying that now.  I do have a LP account so will add to it.22:07
Unit193http://paste.progval.net/show/0RlTSGrypiYP53VELxB3 I had to use a slightly different one.22:10
danmchmm.  that had an unfortunate effect.  Installed that 00-xorg.conf, set permissions to match the other files there.  Rebooted.  The xubuntu graphic showed briefly and now I'm sitting on a blank screen.22:15
danmcno login window22:15
Unit193Can you move to a TTY?22:16
danmchow does one do that with xubuntu?  I didn't turn on sshd.22:17
danmchmmm.  no go there either.22:18
Unit193Can't get to that?  If not, change the boot from ..."quiet splash" to "text"22:20
danmcctrl+alt+f3 didn't do anything.22:25
danmcwhere does the boot stuff get configured?  I suppose I can boot from a live cd and comment out that xorg.conf bit.22:27
Unit193That'd work too.  You just edit the grub line, it'll only be used for one boot.  Left shift when booting.22:29
danmcUnit193:  it turns out that if I don't make a typo on that config file (space between "Default" and "Depth") it works better!  I really appreciate your help.  Video looks great now!22:43
danmcwill chime in on LP22:44
Unit193danmc: Sure, any time.22:44
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KoreanZombiehey, I have a question that may be kinda stupid so sorry if it is but are R9 280X's considered to be in the HD 7900 series? that's what I get when I type "sudo actionfig --adapter=all --odgt"23:44

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