
valoriethe local buzz is that Microsoft will announce their new CEO once the superbowl brouhaha has settled00:00
valorienext week00:00
ahoneybunI mean I and now in a hard place because I don't have a product key as it seems it is in the bios00:00
ahoneybunand a iso seems hard to get for just Win 800:00
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI00:00
valoriethat thing?00:00
ahoneybunit has a BIOS emu00:00
ahoneybunbut yea it is efi00:00
ahoneybunhad to use the nomodeset option in the boot to get it to run the installer00:01
ahoneybunanyway brb00:01
valoriethe gpu seems to be flaking out on this computer, and I dread trying to find a new one without fighting that00:01
ahoneybunabout 12 seconds to boot00:03
ahoneybunto log screen00:03
* mamarley 's computer (with UEFI and an SSD) boot about that fast.00:03
* ahoneybun wonders if he used "nomodeset" in the kubuntu installer that it would work00:04
ahoneybunlike in the ubuntu installer00:04
mamarleyWhat kind of graphics card do you have?  Does your UEFI support CSM (Compatibility Support Mode)?00:05
ahoneybunit has a  option to act like BIOS00:05
ahoneybunI have 2 really one intel on the board and one nvidia 00:05
mamarleySome graphics drivers don't like booting if CSM is off.00:06
mamarleyThe Nvidia blob does fine with it off on my Thinkpad T530.  I do have Optimus disabled though.00:06
ahoneybunmamarley, GeForce GT 750M00:06
ahoneybunI did not install anything bumblebee or any non-free nvidia drivers00:07
ahoneybunwhich I had to do last time I installed Ubuntu 13.10 on this machine00:07
ahoneybunvalorie, do you know the most amazing part of all this day so far?00:10
valoriewhat's that, ahoneybun?00:11
ahoneybunI plugged in a second monitor with hdmi and it just worked!00:12
ahoneybunthat is epic00:12
ahoneybunnot going to work in every case but still nice when it works00:12
valorieI still have to sleep and resume to get my display to work, which is extremely odd00:13
ahoneybunI am going to continue to bug test the new alpha 2 in a vm though00:13
valoriebut I don't know if it's because of the flakey gpu or what00:13
* jackyalcine thinks it's about time he tested alpha200:13
ahoneybunit is prettystable for the most part have not really gone deep yet00:13
ahoneybunreported one bug in the installer but that was just wording00:14
valorieupgrade went fine to alpha one, but I haven't really used that laptop since upgrading it00:14
ahoneybunmuon discover seems to be a bit better00:14
jackyalcineNow if opendesktop.org could look better00:15
jackyalcineand work better00:15
jackyalcineit could be the social hub for the F/OSS community00:15
jackyalcinebut I digress00:15
ahoneybunhey lordievader 00:17
ahoneybunvalorie, how long do we have for the translations to finish?00:18
valoriejackyalcine: I prefer http://www.freedesktop.org/00:18
valorieopendesktop isn't open, isn't free software, actually00:18
ahoneybunvalorie, is it 1990?00:18
ahoneybunthat site00:19
valorienot sure when they were created, but it is the same company who makes kde-look, kde-apps, gnome-look, etc.00:19
valorieonce Bodega gets going, we can start to leave that behind, I hope00:20
ahoneybundo most apps install to the / or do some install to /home ?00:20
valorieahoneybun: I don't know what the schedule is; at some point we have to stop the translations and start creating the package, and moving the stuff to the website00:21
ahoneybunthat is the point how do we determine that date?00:21
valorieI haven't a clue00:21
valorieperhaps write to KDE-devel and ask?00:21
jackyalcineI didn't know that Bodega's the replacement00:22
valorienot yet00:22
valoriebut it is being developed00:23
ahoneybunkde-devel or kubuntu-dev?00:23
valorieoops, kubuntu-devel00:23
valoriekde-devel would be confused by that question, lol00:23
ahoneybunlol yep00:23
jarkko_is it possible that window manager grabs keyboard that it cant be used on full screen program?00:24
* ahoneybun wonders now if the deadline follows the package upload/update freeze00:26
valorierather closely00:28
valoriesince we have to upload a package00:28
ahoneybunas we would need to get the kubuntu-doc package in before then00:28
valorieas i was saying, we need to start documenting this stuff00:28
valoriesuch as where to find deadlines, how to create and upload the package, arranging for translations, etc.00:29
ahoneybunI have the deadline for 14.04 somewhere 00:30
valorielike our ninjas have documented their workflow, we should do as well00:31
valorieovidiu-florin: http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/hello-world/ works well, but http://test.kubuntu.co.uk has a broken image00:32
ahoneybunyea but where to start00:32
valoriemake a page on the wiki and I'll start00:33
valorieyou add in what you know, and sgclark can add, etc.00:33
ahoneybunwhere is the one for the ninjas that I can model from>00:33
valoriemake a card in the trello so people know where to find it00:33
ahoneybunsomething like DocsPeople?00:34
ahoneybunas a name00:34
valorienice nitty-gritty page: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/BuildEnvironment00:35
valoriepeople sounds more like a team listing00:35
valoriehow about DocWork ?00:36
ahoneybunthat would work00:37
ahoneybunwow the wiki seems to be a bit off lol00:39
ahoneybungot a huge python error when I try to log in00:39
valoriehttps://launchpad.net/kubuntu-docs hasn't been used for awhile00:40
ahoneybunnot since the 13.10 package00:40
ahoneybunstill set for raring00:41
valorieah, I was just looking at the wrong place; no recent blueprints00:41
valoriesince we don't use the blueprints any more00:41
valorietrello is better00:41
valoriethere is a Trusty package already00:41
ahoneybunI just saw that00:42
valorieso that will need to be replaced00:42
valorieupdated, whatever00:42
ahoneybunbut it has the same date as the 13.10 one00:42
valorieright, probably identical content00:43
valoriethat's always the starting point00:43
* ahoneybun is installing bzr for later work on launchpad00:43
ahoneybunwhy don't we have launchpad setup for bug reports?00:44
valoriesomewhere I have a doc I made when working on the old docs00:45
valorieI'll email that to you00:45
ahoneybunok cool00:45
valorieyou can use what bits are useful and ditch the rest00:45
* ahoneybun wants to take control of the kubuntu-docs page on lp00:45
valorieI assume we don't use the bug tracker now because we stopped developing on launchpad00:46
valoriebut if you take control of it, perhaps you can change that00:46
valorieI would talk to the ubuntu-docs folks about that00:46
ahoneybunI mean apachelogger put a bug on our docs though the ubuntu one because we dont have it00:46
valoriesince we are part of that larger team00:46
valorieI'm sure they know how to flip the switch00:47
valoriealmost pizza time here.....00:47
ahoneybunand that is filled with old bug reports and since we restared the docs we should have a clean plate00:47
valorieagain, if you are in charge, you can probably mark the old bugs as outdated or something00:48
ahoneybunI would move the current ones that we have though over 00:48
ahoneybunwell the old bugs are on the ubuntu side of it00:48
ahoneybunnot the kubuntu-docs page it self00:48
ahoneybunhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-docs <- old things00:48
ahoneybunhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-docs <- our own page00:48
valorieok, off to pizza00:50
ScottK4.10.5 is accepted and building for saucy.03:00
ScottKQuintasan: Accepted.03:14
valorieI'm looking over old email and see one from d_ed about Ktp that was never answered -- did someone take over the https://launchpad.net/~telepathy-kde/+archive/daily-builds PPA?07:29
jackyalcinethat's a good question, I haven't noticed any updates from it07:53
valoriehe requested someone to take over the PPA08:15
valorieI'll forward back to the list if no one answers here08:15
cortexA9Riddell: 09:54
cortexA9there is a problem09:54
cortexA9i have kubuntu trusty09:55
cortexA9but on startup09:55
cortexA9doesn't start correctly09:55
cortexA9i must select an old kernel09:56
cortexA9if i select 09:58
cortexA9doesn't start correctly09:58
alvinRiddels talk is going to start in 5 minutes11:55
QuintasanScottK: Thanks!12:01
BluesKajHiyas all12:32
jarkkodoes anyone know if there is a know problem that window manager can grab your keyboard?12:33
jarkkoin fullscreen program12:33
=== schmidtm_ is now known as schmidtm
akki2222i want to contribute in kde but when updating my xubuntu for kde development through debian repos it behaves abnormally14:28
akki2222removed a lot of files including xubuntu desktop14:28
akki2222which repos should i use for development?14:29
ghostcubeyou should stay with the X(buntu) repos? not going to debian imo14:33
ghostcubedebian repos arent the same as ubuntu repos14:33
akki2222i was reading the pdf n it said to update for kde build14:36
ghostcubehmmm who did muon? can i ask something? in synpatic you can choose remove completely.. so with program settings files. in muon you cant any reason for this?15:10
ovidiu-florinvalorie: do you reffer to the footer?15:48
lordievaderGood afternoon.16:29
ahoneybunhey lordievader 16:40
lordievaderHey ahoneybun, how are you doing?16:41
ahoneybungood netflix is being silly right now but good16:42
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=== Guest23318 is now known as shadeslayer_
shadeslayer_Riddell: ping17:00
shadeslayer_Riddell: when's the KDE Dinner?17:00
valorieovidiu-florin: the header, actually21:45
ovidiu-florinvalorie: how come?21:45
valoriegood question21:46
valorieI didn't look at the html21:46
ovidiu-florinvalorie: I mean I don't understand what you see it's wrong?21:52
valorieperhaps I can take a screenshot21:52
valoriehmmm, today I see the headers21:53
valorieperhaps it was just being stubborn yesterday21:53
valorietoday it appears everything is not only working, but it's lovely as well21:54
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1267977] Extreme jerkiness with kwin compositing on Nvidia binary driver after upgrading to 4.11.5. @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1267977 (by Michael Marley)22:15
soeeok just sent £4,00 GBP donation :) who first than can buy beer :)22:42

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