
jiridoWill 14.04 be LTS and how much hassle is it to upgrade from 12.04 to 13.1000:21
jiridoIs it like one command and login and out?00:21
pleia214.04 will be LTS (for 3 years), upgrading from 12.04 to 13.10 requires you to go: 12.04 > 12.10 > 13.04 > 13.10, not simple00:23
pleia2but 12.04 lubuntu was not LTS, so doing 12.04 to 14.04 isn't officially supported either00:23
jiridoso it is a crachabe adventure00:24
jiridoCan one do it with over the net? and like not sort out the problems untill one run 13.1000:26
jiridoActuly the x problems00:26
jiridoAnd will the user enviroment one had with ones settings and installed programs still be there00:29
=== Guest27930 is now known as mattlb
mattlbI have a problem with a webcam.02:19
holstein!webcam | mattlb02:56
ubottumattlb: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras02:56
mattlbThe cam starts in cheese but freezes when I hit record03:01
mattlbwhat do you mean by !webcam?03:55
holsteinmattlb: that made the bot share that link to help on webcams03:55
holsteinmattlb: what are you trying to do?03:56
mattlbim trying to get help with a webcam problem03:57
holsteinmattlb: sure.. and that problem is, as i read, the cheese application freezes when trying to record? correct? so, my follow up question is, specifially, what are you trying to do? make a movie? a skype call? im going to offer suggestions based on what you are tyring to do..03:58
mattlbSorry. Im just trying to record short videos03:59
holsteinmattlb: ok.. so, have you tried soemthing other than chees? otherwise, you are assuming this is a webcam problem.. could be an issue with cheese..04:00
mattlbive tried kamoso. It records the video but it is slow and jerky.04:01
holsteinmattlb: have you tried relaxing the settings?04:01
mattlbthere is no resolution setting04:02
holsteinmattlb: you wont be able to dial up some software settings to make sub-par, consumerish hardware behave like professional HD equipment04:02
mattlbnm sorry04:02
holsteinmattlb: there should be frames settings, and resolution, otherwise, i would try a different tool.. such as vlc04:03
holsteinmattlb: have you tried VLC?04:03
mattlbhow do i record video in vlc04:03
holsteinvlc is well supported, and will likely be the best case scenario for your hardware04:03
holsteinnice think about vlc is, its very similar on all platforms, as far as the UI04:04
holsteinbut, there are many applications, so dont get stuck on trying to use VLC.. try it for a few minutes, and if you cnt get it working, move on04:06
holsteinyou can share your specs here, and i can tell you if i feel you are having unrealistic expectations for the hardware04:07
mattlbits a insperon mini 10 the cam worked fine in windows. moved to linux to free up resources.04:08
holsteinmattlb: yeah, thats not going to do gitter-free recording04:09
holsteinmattlb: you will need to be very open-minded, and resource consious04:09
holsteinfor tasks such as webcam streaming, you might get "better" support in windows, since the drivers could be supporting the hardware better from the manufacturer in linux04:09
holsteini mean, in windows04:10
holsteinthe webcam may not work better in linux04:10
mattlbim not talking about jitter i mean it is really unusable04:12
holsteinmattlb: sure.. the webcam may be un-useable in linux04:13
holsteinmattlb: what you will have to do is, basically, provide your own support, as you have agreed to04:13
mattlblol ok thanks04:13
holsteinmattlb: i found an image from dell for ubuntu for a mini9 i refurbed04:13
holsteinand ubuntu operatin system image.. i think it was 12.04 based04:14
holsteinit would have the main ubuntu repos, so you could add lxde04:14
holsteinmattlb: have you tried VLC?04:14
mattlbit was about the same as kamoso04:16
mattlbonly i cant find the video files04:16
holsteinmattlb: and, you set the settings lower? adjusted the frame rate?04:16
mattlbits recording ok but it doesnt show on screen while it is recording04:24
holsteinmattlb: sure... you can likely stream it as well as recording it, but that will use more resources04:25
mattlbto save it I use convert instead of play right?04:27
holsteinmattlb: i havent done it myself in years... but that sounds right.. stream to a file is how i used to do it04:27
holsteinim out for the evening. you can ask in #ubuntu if its slow in here.. cheers!04:28
=== Firartix is now known as Fira
ontoHi! I am having some issues with sound under ubuntu. I get the following error messages: http://pastebin.ca/2611918 and no sound09:55
ontoAFAIK, the issue came up after an apt-get autoremove and a reboot.09:56
xikofreakhi everyone im new on linux and i want to know why are so slower than windows 7 to start applications, there some way to fix it?11:31
xikofreakmy system is: AMD athlon 2.6 X2 +5000, 4 GB RAM DDR2, 1 GB video card11:33
koellxikofreak: slower? my applications actually starting faster than on win 711:33
xikofreakyes, are slower11:33
xikofreaki dont why :/ for example, when i open some app in win 7 take 2-3 sec to open in lubuntu take 5-10 sec11:34
koellweird situation, i got the same the other way11:38
xikofreakim using lubuntu because its so lightweight11:39
xikofreakreading in internet ive seen a lot ppl concern this situation11:39
xikofreakit seems doesnt have solution, probably its a hardware problem?11:40
maxiaojunlxrandr created autostart file seems ignored12:13
maxiaojunlubuntu 13.10 fresh install12:14
maxiaojunany one?12:16
jiridoHI .. I wonder if someone here knows how to use cursor without mouse.. in gnome and kde there is some ways to enable numpad to navigate the cursor.. is there something i can use in lxde?12:29
=== schmidtm_ is now known as schmidtm
koelljirido: on a thinkpad u can use the red joystick :)12:59
koellmaxiaojun: where is ur autorun file located?13:00
maxiaojunI find that Preferences => Default applications for LXSession => Autostart => Disable auto started applications? defaults to be "config-only"13:02
jiridokoell: No i think more like using numpad.. I got electromagnetic schock in my nervsystem from radiating mouse13:02
maxiaojunwhich disables the autostart file created by lxrandr13:02
jiridoI just found a guide i trying! could be sweet for lubuntu13:03
maxiaojunchange "Disable autostarted applications?" repeatedly can crash X...13:05
koellmaxiaojun: try to use the autostart file located at /home/USERNAME/.config/lxession/SESSION/autostart13:07
jiridowhen i have edit openbox rc.xml and added new keybindings.. how can i check if they conflict..is there some keybinduing gui that collects them all? right now some of the ones that should be used for this mouse thing mowes windows around :%13:07
koelljirido: u can also try to take a look at tiling window managers like i3wm13:08
maxiaojunthe problem is that lxrandr saves to ~/.config/autostart13:08
koellmaxiaojun: this file nevere worked for me for autostart. :(13:09
jiridoand if i gona use this xwit and xdotool will they be launched by the keybindings or do i have to start them manually?13:09
koelljirido: im sorry i cant help. maybe there are  few people later on here. im a bobo as well :)13:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 621689 in lxrandr (Ubuntu) "lubuntu - lxrandr does not save and restore changes" [Wishlist,Fix released]13:10
jiridoKiss you sweetheart! Its ok13:10
koelljirido: is it dangerous for u to use a mouse? i've never heard before of that13:11
maxiaojunthe fix was save a .desktop invoking xrandr into ~/.config/autostart13:11
jiridoNo i know but the diods in mouses radiates from there frequenses and make like bad acupunkture and screws up the meridian flow and then the arm gets weak13:13
holsteinmaybe.. or, it could be just normal overuse13:13
jiridoUsualy one dont notise and think its "Normal" but if one start to masage and work with them one can notise13:14
koelljirido: u should really try i3 window manager. it's a good and fast solution i think13:14
jiridoI use irsi and pentadactyl in FF but still going for that mouse at to many times.. i got old ball mouse now but its also bad.. our nervsystem is about 1.5 -3 v  7-15 hz /swings a sec a usb is 5 v and how many swings hz..13:16
jiridoIt limmits sensetivity and also ability to hear fine things from inside like is needed for lucid dreaming and such13:18
holsteini think if one pushed a mouse shaped chunk of wood around as much as the mouse, one would find a similar level of fatigue..13:19
pseudo0815Hello! I have a question. Could someone tell me briefly why i getting gtk-warnings if start a gui application in terminal without "gksu -u <user>" or a keyword for google?!13:19
jiridohave to take down as much of nois as posible.. Fans leaking condensators screeaming screen lighters13:19
holsteinpseudo0815: what warnings?13:20
pseudo0815e.g. Gtk-Warning: gtk-widget_size_allocate()...13:20
holsteinpseudo0815: if things are working as expected, i wouldnt worry about the messages13:20
jiridoElectronics ar noisy on that level that leaves mind blank and glossy.. like when one has been in woods for a couple weeks.. or at the sea.. magic start to nib at ones feets13:21
speckmadegosh - I wasn't there for beta testing... :-(13:48
speckmadeDid you notice that in ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml the <keybind key="C-A-l"> should link to "gnome-screensaver-command -l" instead of "xscreensaver-command -lock"?13:49
speckmadebtw: Firefox seems distinctly more sluggish on my maschine and is much worse on the small screen of my netbook13:51
arizonaHi, I'm trying to install last lubuntu on a laptop (acer aspire 1350 with ram updated to 2GO)17:14
arizonaI installed lubuntu 10 on the same laptop a few years ago with a few problems but it was OK17:15
arizonaToday, the live CD leads to a black page watever option I choose (acpi=off etc.)17:15
arizonaInstall seems to work, but when I start the system it freeze on the lubuntu logo...17:16
arizonaFrom what I've read on forums, it could be video pilot problem, but as I have no error, I can't say17:18
arizonaI may need help... :)17:18
holsteinarizona: could be you dont support pae17:23
holsteinarizona: have you tried 12.04?17:24
arizonaThe last version I tried was 10 something and it worked with a few tricks17:25
arizonathen I upgraded to 11 something and was OK too17:26
holsteinarizona: sure.. so, why not try 12.04? or search and see if your hardware supports pae17:26
holstein!nomodeset | also can be helpful, though, i was assuming you were implying you had tried that17:26
ubottualso can be helpful, though, i was assuming you were implying you had tried that: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:26
arizonaThanks. I tried every F6 combination, but live CD always leads to black page17:28
arizonaI may try 12.04 but I'm surprised I have no warning or error, just black page or logo freeze17:30
holsteinarizona: ok.. so, assuming that means you have tried specifically the nomodeset option, it could be that your machine doesnt support PAE17:30
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info17:30
holsteinand that wont get you there...17:30
holsteinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu-fake-PAE arizona ..which is also assuming that is the issue17:31
holsteinthis is the order i would go in.. A. is the hardware good? tested by using a known good live CD (ubuntu 10.04, as you stated worked) or a supported operating system (im assuming windows)17:31
holsteinB. if the hardware is OK, then trying with the vesa driver (as nomodeset should, as i read) will take the driver support out of the euqation.. then, i would move on to C. is the machine PAE capable.. or, is it another hardware issue? bad ram bad hard drive.. etc17:32
arizonaHardware seems OK, It was running Windows WP then lubuntu. I've tried nomodeset with no result17:33
holsteinarizona: "seems" means you are assuming.. if you are comfortable with that, move on,  and realize you can be wasting time trying to address a hardware issue in software17:33
arizonaI'm sorry, I'm french so I don't know all the meanings in english17:34
arizonaBut as a funny fact i'm connected right now with the live cd of lubuntu (first screen of install, there is a link to documentation with tabs)17:36
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:37
holsteinarizona: you said, the live CD for 13.10 was not loading.. is that true?17:37
arizonaHow coul'd I try vesa driver while installing ?17:37
holsteinarizona: you are *not* able to get to a live desktop in 13.30?17:37
arizonaOK: When I get to the screen of the live CD, I press F6, then check no acpiand nomodeset (and two other options I've red on documentation), then lauch withaut install17:39
arizonaIt leads to a black screen and nothing happens17:39
ubottuvesa is the default video driver if X can't find a better one. Also see !x17:40
holsteinwhat would i do? i would try the minimal iso, and see if i can get ubuntu to install17:40
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:40
holsteinthen, i would be able to install what i want "lubuntu-desktop" for example, and add a custom xorg.conf for the vesa driver, if needed17:41
holsteinor, i would then know if its a lack of PAE support17:41
arizonaI've read about minimal ISO (so I can install whatever ubuntu version from ethernet)17:42
arizonaI've read PAE problem is mostly with pentium, but aspire 1350 is AMD athlon XP-M 2600+17:42
holsteinarizona: there is no "mostly".. either your machine supports PAE or not17:45
holsteinarizona: this is a plausible issue that you can confirm on your own.. if you can install from the mini iso for 13.10, then, that is not the issue17:45
arizonaOK, many thanks for your time! I'll try minimal and/or 12.0417:47
holsteinarizona: the minimal is a small download.. you should be able to download and try it in a few minutes.. otherwise, you are making many assumptions that need to be addressed17:47
holsteinfrom there, you can determine a graphics issue, or not17:47
holsteinutilizing http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1270209 for example17:48
arizonaOK. tanks17:50
speckmadeand audio worked out of the box with my last edition of Lubuntu...18:27
ianorlinbroken in saucy?18:28
speckmademany new things to complain about the new Lubuntu for me...18:28
speckmadeand after standby network manager is not in controll of the WLAN device anymore18:30
speckmadeand I got a needless spare calculater application18:30
ianorlinyou have two galculators?18:31
ianorlinor something other than galculator?18:31
ianorlinyou can remove a package if you don't want it18:31
speckmadeyes - got gnome-calc-tool or something18:32
speckmadeand the screen locking comination doesn't work18:32
ianorlinscreen locking is known bug18:33
speckmade(pointing to "xscreensaver-command -lock" instead of "gnome-screensaver-command -l")18:33
ianorlinthere isn't gnome screensaver in saucy18:33
speckmadeand default Firefox is a no-no for my display size and Ff generally seems distinctly more sluggish...18:34
speckmadegnome-screensaver-command -l18:34
speckmadeworks for me18:35
ianorlinyou can still install chromium from repos18:35
ianorlinand then purge firefox if you don't want it18:35
speckmadeedited ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml to point to that and fixed it that way.18:35
ianorlindo you know what kind of sound and wireless card you have?18:36
speckmade"Qualcomm Atheros AR242x / AR542x Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)"18:37
speckmadeeee pc 900A18:37
speckmadeinterested in more details?18:38
speckmadewhen I close the lid, the new default is standby18:38
speckmadewhen waking up, nm lost control18:39
speckmadewhen doing it again, it regains controll18:39
ianorlinspeckmade run updates in saucy as I thnk there was a bug fixed with that and then change the defualt to what you want in xfce power manager 418:41
speckmadeall updates installed up to today - gonna try.18:42
speckmadenow it doesn't go to standby anymore when closing the lid? Seems more like a workaround than a fix...18:43
ianorlinyeah you can make it standby in xfce power manager but not sure about the atheros thing it would standby if you did not tell it to before18:45
speckmadeso I just did some testing on the standby thing18:50
speckmadethe good thing is that it doesn't go to standby when closing the lid and thereby avoids issues18:50
speckmadethe bad thing...18:50
speckmadestandby now doesn't give ME back my screen...18:51
speckmadeso it's actually worse.18:51
speckmadeI have to reboot in order to regain controll18:51
speckmadewhat bothers me more at the moment is the sound issue...18:53
ianorlinyour sound card is?18:54
speckmadeIntel NM10/ICH7 Family High Definition Audio Controller18:55
speckmadeapplications don't get the mic signal18:56
speckmadeIf I go to the mixer and manually open mic channel it makes no difference18:57
speckmade(I never got my head around Linux sound stuff enough to fix such problems)18:57
speckmade(usual fix: install another OS after trying some hours... :-( )18:58
ianorlinwas your sound muted when installing?19:01
ianorlinor upgrading?19:01
speckmadethe mic(s): yes19:02
speckmadeotherwise I don't think so19:03
speckmadebut it seemed muted in the mixer with the last lubuntu edition, too19:03
speckmadealthough it worked19:03
speckmadenow I can raise the mic levels 'til my head aches from my own voice but my phone doesn't record my voice...19:04
ianorlinhave you tried recording with arecord?19:04
speckmadejust tried19:11
ianorlinthen aplay will see if it recorded anything19:11
speckmadetest files seem to have caught nothing but silence19:11
speckmadeno matter what the mic level was in the mixer19:12
speckmadeso no different from i.e. linphone's behaviour19:13
ianorlindoes sound output work if you like play a music file?19:16
ianorlinwhat do you have digital input set to in alsamixer?19:20
speckmadeI don't see such an option...19:21
ianorlinis the capture volume at zero in alsamixer?19:24
ianorlinare you using pulse at all for some reason?19:26
speckmadecapture volume zero, yes19:26
speckmadedunno for the pulseaudio19:26
ianorlinturn that up and then try19:28
ianorlinas that being zero would basically mean capture is muted so it have is putting the mic into a muted input19:28
speckmadestill zero in the test files19:32
speckmadebut executing arecord now changes the levels around19:32
speckmadeit maxes the mic boost19:32
speckmadeinternal mic, that is - I've got internal and mic-in19:33
speckmadeI happily used just the internal one so far...19:33
ianorlinand are you using internal?19:33
speckmadeI don't want to downgrade because of the cipher-block chaining issue with the full-disk encryption... :-/19:37
FuuqUmiistwhat is the shortcut to decorate and undecorate windows19:56
FuuqUmiistdoes anyone know?19:58
holsteinFuuqUmiist: not aware of a shortcut for that.. you could make one, ir you want20:28
FuuqUmiistholstein how do i atleast undo the undecorate window20:31
bblinder1Hi, everyone.20:45
bblinder1I was wondering if anyone ran into any weird upside down camera issues when installing skype in Lubuntu 13.10.20:46
FuuqUmiistmaybe your camera is upside down :P20:47
bblinder1well, it is an asus laptop, so it quite literally is.20:47
bblinder1they mounted the camera upside for some reason in some models.20:47
Unit193FuuqUmiist: Are you looking for .config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml: <decor>yes</decor>  ?20:47
bblinder1most programs flip right side up (hangouts, webcam)20:48
bblinder1but for some reason not skype20:48
holsteinhttp://community.skype.com/t5/Linux/skype-Ubuntu-webcam-quot-upside-down-quot-problem/td-p/1277156 looks like how i remember dealing with it20:48
holsteinbblinder1: ^20:48
FuuqUmiistUnit193 i right clicked on the title bar and selected undecorate, now i can't get it back20:49
Unit193FuuqUmiist: http://openbox.org/wiki/Help:Actions#Decorate20:55
FuuqUmiist"C-S-d"  = ctrl+shift+d ?20:58
FuuqUmiistdoesn't work21:01
Unit193Did you add it to the rc file then openbox --reconfigure?21:01
FuuqUmiistdoesn't work still21:05
FuuqUmiisti'm guessing i have to relogin for the changes to come into effect tho21:06
FuuqUmiistUnit193 is openbox --reconfigure a terminal command to reset the shortcuts?21:09
Unit193--reconfigure       Reload Openbox's configuration21:09
Unit193See also: --restart           Restart Openbox21:09
FuuqUmiistwill it log me off from my current session?21:10
Unit193reconfig won't, restart shouldn't, --exit will.21:10
FuuqUmiistthe shortcut to undecorate works, not to redecorate still doesn't work21:12
FuuqUmiisti got it to work by using another shortcut to decorate21:15

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