
ANN-TechCoderGuys, If I want to install 14.04, is the Alpha 2 the latest ISO I can get ?00:16
geniiANN-TechCoder: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/00:19
ANN-TechCoderWith the update I will be on the latest Alpha - right ?00:20
dakotawulfyhey has onennotice that the zenity boxes don't come up right??00:30
dakotawulfythe ones with the radio buttons scrollable area  or had problems with it ??00:31
UserErrori don't see the mini.iso under http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/00:34
PiciUserError: see http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ or http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/00:40
UserErrorawesome thank you00:40
damasceneand one here?06:25
uaaanغ one here?12:20
uaaany one here?12:20
uaaHi, I'm on ubuntu 14.04 when I open security & privacy it open system settings window12:20
BluesKajHiyas all12:33
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utackso how does the ubuntu 14.04 alpha version work when final is released. let's say it uses linux 3.14 and the final includes 3.13. does it downgrade that package?13:53
Ampelbeinutack: That is a situation that is unlikely to happen.14:03
utackAmpelbein, do they not add linux 3.14 now? do they stick with 3.13 in the daily builds?14:03
Ampelbeinutack: 3.14 isn't released yet.14:05
utackyeah. but iirc 3.13 release candidates were also used?14:05
utackso if rc1 is released, wouldn't it be linxu 3.14 then?14:06
AmpelbeinI don't know if there are plans to release with 3.14, in any case using 3.14 now and later releasing 3.13 will not happen.14:06
Ampelbein*releasing with14:06
benishorHi guys. Quick question: I'm on 13.10 and somehow managed to partially dist-upgrade. What I have now is a problem related to icu-devtools not being able to install because of existing icu-tools package14:09
benishorany ideas on how to fix this, please?14:09
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penguin42benishor: I think your best chance is to complete the dist-upgrade16:28
benishorpenguin42: I so wish I would16:31
benishorbut how?16:31
penguin42try taking out ice-devtools16:33
benishorthat's what I want to do but I don't know how16:34
benishorsudo apt-get remove icu-devtools16:34
benishor[sudo] password for benny:16:34
benishorReading package lists... Done16:34
benishorBuilding dependency tree16:34
benishorReading state information... Done16:34
benishorPackage 'icu-devtools' is not installed, so not removed16:34
penguin42ok, so what exactly is the error you get with a distupgrade that makes you think it's icu-devtools related?16:35
benishorsudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:35
benishorReading package lists... Done16:35
benishorBuilding dependency tree16:35
benishorReading state information... Done16:35
benishorYou might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these.16:35
benishorThe following packages have unmet dependencies:16:36
benishor libicu-dev : Depends: icu-devtools (>= but it is not installed16:36
benishorE: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.16:36
benishorsorry for the paste16:36
benishorand when I run it with -f, it attempts to install icu-devtools which fails to install because it collides with icu-tools16:36
penguin42yeh best to use a pastebin - hmm - try a dpkg --purge icu-devtools16:36
benishordpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/icu-devtools_4.8.1.1-13+nmu1~saucy1_i386.deb (--unpack):16:36
benishor trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/genrb', which is also in package icu-tools
benishoricu-devtools is not installed yet, so purging it has no effect16:37
penguin42makes me wonder if icu-devtools is a dependency of something so it's trying to install it for some reason16:39
penguin42have you got libicu-dev installed ?16:39
penguin42try uninstalling that16:40
benishorshould I uninstall it?16:40
penguin42yeh, apt-cache rdepends says it's a reverse-depend for icu-devtools16:41
benishora lot of stuff depends on libicu-dev though16:41
benishorboost and other things16:41
penguin42so I think it's saying it's got to install the broken icu-devtools because it has the libicu-dev installed16:41
penguin42benishor: It should only be -dev stuff - so it shouldn't break anything except building, and you can always try adding stuff back once you get things sane16:42
benishorthe problem from what I gather is that icu-tools has been renamed to icu-devtools16:42
benishortried to uninstall libicu-dev, and what I get is:16:42
penguin42ah and perhaps libicu-dev hasn't caught up yet16:42
benishorThe following packages have unmet dependencies:16:42
benishor libboost-regex1.53-dev : Depends: libicu-dev but it is not going to be installed16:42
benishor libxerces-c-dev : Depends: libicu-dev but it is not going to be installed16:42
benishorE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).16:42
penguin42yeh, uninstall them16:43
benishormore unmet dependencies when removing boost-regex-dev16:43
benishoris there a way to automatically remove unmet dependencies too?16:43
* penguin42 had thought apt-get was smart enough for that16:45
* benishor too16:46
benishoralthough it might be a classic PEBKAC issue16:46
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InfandumUbuntu Gnome 14.04 alpha 2, for some reason, is super smooth and has no graphical glitches, whereas in ubuntu gnome 13.10 and fedora and the like all had graphical glitches in the application bar and they were very laggy and chugged along. Is this do to the mesa update to version 10 or the gnome update to version 3.10.3?23:04
bekksInfandum: It maybe related to any entry in the changelog.23:04
Infandumbekks: Where do I find that?23:06

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