
directhexthe mandatory spy cam/mic on the xbox one is funny. change your gamertag to an actual xbox command, so when people angrily shout your name in multiplayer, it drops them from their game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvBwezmeW1M&feature=youtu.be00:16
daftykinsdiddledan: XD is this what it's like for you before you fall asleep?00:20
daftykinsdiddledan: dun... da-dun... dun... da-dun...00:20
daftykinsdirecthex: it's not mandatory though00:21
directhexdaftykins, they backed down on that? wusses00:22
daftykinsdirecthex: excellent find though ^_^00:27
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diddledanhooray, I fixed it01:21
diddledanya'll can't see my fix 'cos it's not live but trust me when I say it was a doozey01:21
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foobarry"Henlow car dealership attacked by Tesco deer head man" :-|08:54
foobarrystroy was less exciting than i thought it might be08:54
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foobarrydirecthex: lol i enjoyed that. although some of the kids sounded about 7yrs old ..bit young for that game!09:09
foobarryi'd probably never go out again if i had games like that as a teenager09:10
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brobostigongood morning boys and girls.09:36
nigelbHello brobostigon.09:36
brobostigonmorning nigelb09:37
brobostigonmorning foobarry09:38
* foobarry supervising a wii playing session09:38
nigelbHow's it going?09:38
brobostigontrying to work out how minecraft servers update between versions, and you nigelb ?09:39
nigelbplaying with awesome window manager, liking it so far.09:40
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bashrcattempting to move my site from mediawiki to docuwiki10:15
ali1234brobostigon: the short answer is they don't10:16
bashrcI got stung br a crashed mysql database, so am hoping that going to flat files will avoid that problem in future10:16
brobostigonali1234: so you have to manually update by some method?10:17
ali1234yes, download the new server and run it, and then notice none of your mods work any more and the map is totally corrupted10:17
brobostigonoh great10:18
ali1234basically you don't update the server across major versions, you start over10:18
brobostigonthats disapointing10:18
ali1234of you have things you want to keep the best way is to transplant them into the new map with mcedit10:19
brobostigonlet me look up that tool.10:20
ali1234popey: do you have the old bitfolk maps?10:24
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brobostigonmorning daubers11:02
daubersJust bought a video camera that I can control through my nexus 711:09
daubershow awesome is that??11:09
brobostigonlinkie please, :)11:11
daubersCan't find a better link11:14
brobostigonthank you.11:14
daubersJust bought it from an actual real life shop11:14
brobostigonlooks interesting,11:19
MartijnVdSdaubers: shiny11:26
MartijnVdSdaubers: Have you seen the Canon 6D? It's app-controllable as well11:26
* brobostigon looks up that one also.11:27
brobostigoneos 6d ?11:29
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: yes11:29
MartijnVdSmuch expensive, very GPS. wow ;)11:29
brobostigonlooks interesting also.11:30
daubersMartijnVdS: No... but sounds fun :)11:33
brobostigon#sadmanonatrain on bbc211:33
daubersMartijnVdS: This camera can get the GPS location from the android device controlling it :)11:33
MartijnVdSdaubers: Cool :)11:36
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foobarryson is happy. mandatory mention of angry birds on click13:03
foobarryfacebook! mummy  loves facebook!13:03
foobarryfinished our house together13:52
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mappswell thats a dissapointment14:36
mappsthought my gas and electric would be less this month14:36
mappswhat is that foobarry14:36
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penguin42if I put my Virgin cable modem into modem-mode can it be switched back - and how? Will it still respond to the address for management?16:46
mappsits cold outside16:48
mappsmodem mode?16:48
penguin42mapps: Yeh where it won't do any NATing or firewalling, it'll just get out of the ^&*(^*& way16:48
mappsdidnt know you could do tha16:49
penguin42apparently so - it seems to do evil things to SIP - it's trying to NAT it but failing very very badly16:49
foobarrymapps: its a house made from plaster moulds16:56
foobarryyou pour plaster into moulds like these http://www.linkaworld.com/catalog.htm16:58
foobarryour next project is a castle.17:03
foobarrylego is too mainstream :)17:03
mappshhh ok17:03
mappsis this for your kids?17:03
foobarrydaddy and son time together17:09
brobostigonnot maccano?17:10
foobarrytaken a while to get round to painting it17:10
foobarrymaybe when he's older he can try meccano17:10
directhexSIP isn't really NATtable17:11
directhexthe source/destination IP are part of the SIP data packets17:11
directhexyou may need a STUN or TURN proxy server configured17:11
directhexor you need a router which can rewrite SIP packets17:12
penguin42directhex: Yeh and I don't fully understand it; Linux has a conntrack module for it;  in this case it looks like the VM router is screwing up the rewriting17:12
directhexpenguin42, the conntrack module must be running on the router17:12
penguin42directhex: Yep, it is - my problem is that the VM box is in the way and is screwing it up - hence why I want to put it into modem mode17:13
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penguin42hey DD17:20
DJonesMornin? Evening more like it17:23
daftykinsDJones: not with the hours diddledan keeps, lying awake at night with Tom Jones in his head ;)17:32
diddledanit's the weekend17:33
diddledanI'm allowed to sleep all day on saturday :-D17:33
DJonesSleep in? Its nearly Sunday :)17:35
diddledanoh joy. fsf mailing - "the widely accepted(really?) failure of Windows 8 provides a critical moment for the free software movement." <-- what about the more widely accepted failure of vista when that happened?!17:39
diddledanI need chocolate17:41
diddledan(need is most definitely the appropriate term here!)17:41
shaunosame falacy as last time.  if win8 doesn't meet expectations, people just stick to win7.  it's not actually a jump-ship situation17:43
diddledanthis is interesting, however: https://fsfe.org/news/2014/news-20140116-01.en.html17:43
diddledanshauno: exactly my point17:43
MyrttiI need food, maybe ordering in a blue cheese-shrimp-pineapple-salami pizza...17:44
diddledanI think the rate of people leaving windows for linux and others will be unchanged17:45
daftykinswow, supermarket survey shows food is 60% cheaper in England at the very budget end versus the channel islands17:46
diddledandaftykins: that sucks for you17:46
daftykinsin fairness i never buy own-brand stuff17:47
daftykinsi'm a sucker for the brands :(17:47
* penguin42 sometimes does17:48
penguin42daftykins: Lidl do very good cheap chocolate :-)17:48
daftykinshehe, they're not over here17:48
daftykinsi'd only heard of them for the first time when i was in Portsmouth17:48
daftykinsi swear every time i stepped into that shop i felt like i'd somehow teleported to Poland or something17:49
diddledanI think you hit the nail on the head there. that's exactly what they do.17:50
daftykinsbut even the people!17:50
daftykinsmust be immigrants popping in to buy their home produce i guess17:50
daftykinsand yeah i did used to buy some funky chocolate in there, it was ace17:51
foobarryu1 file sync broken for anyone else?18:05
foobarrywas on my work pc yesterday, also on my home pc today18:05
SuperEngineerfoobarry: ok here18:05
foobarryu'Host requires authentication'18:05
foobarryu'OAuth required (mandatory).'18:05
foobarrydisconnect and reconnt a few times on the GUI (not hte command line)18:06
foobarrynow it opened a chrome window to auth18:06
foobarryworks now18:06
SuperEngineerwhat about removing them from devices list and then do the "add this device" bit?18:07
foobarrylooks like it broke a while ago18:07
penguin42hmm this is apparently working - but I don't quite understand how18:15
penguin42I don't apparently have an IP address on the port going to the router, but I still seem to be routing down it18:17
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SuperEngineerI am neither an impulse buyer  or a gambler - last night I became both. Been thinking of upgrading pooter for a while & suddenly I went for it!19:33
SuperEngineer...The brain just went "go for it, upgrade this ol' machine" so I got on ebuyer and ordered 4xRAM without checking m'board could address it19:35
SuperEngineer...then it went "what about the gpu?", so I ordered 1 of those as well!19:36
SuperEngineerhmm: m'board currently holding 4x.5GB DDR2 RAM, soon to be holding 4x1GB DDR2 RAM.. & psu currently power nvidia GeForde 210 (512MB) about to power an nvidia GTX650 (2GB) and massive fan.... hope psu can deal ok19:39
penguin42probably - what size is it ?19:40
SuperEngineerSo now I am both an impulse shopper & a gambler.  Help me somebody!19:40
SuperEngineerpenguin42: what size is what?19:40
penguin42the PSU19:41
SuperEngineerpenguin42: that's why I've become a gambler - I didn't check [ouch!]19:42
penguin42ah, and you've still not checked :-)19:42
SuperEngineerpooter is a Dell Dimension E520 [+extra disk & my previous gpu upgrae]19:43
penguin42difficult to know - Dells tend to use weird PSUs - not necessarily easy to change; but anyway - I'd suggest put the RAM in and get it happy, and only once that's happy go for the graphics card19:45
SuperEngineer[I am working on the theory that psu this old & of Delll origin was built to "work", but at what power output...  I have never checked19:45
SuperEngineerpenguin42: that choice already taken ;)  I ordered the RAM so it would arrive 1 or 2 days prior to GPU19:46
SuperEngineer...& thus force *some* sensibility back into the equation!19:47
penguin42SuperEngineer: You've not get any use for some quad port PCI-x cards I gambled on and lost do you.....19:47
diddledanlol, that's good shopping skills, SuperEngineer19:48
diddledanwho cares whether it works, it's shiny! :-p19:48
SuperEngineerpenguin42: I'm on PCIe - but I'll ask around19:48
penguin42SuperEngineer: Nah don't worry about it19:48
SuperEngineerdiddledan: mmmm.... shiny new anti-static bags - yum yum19:49
diddledanand the nice "new" smell19:49
diddledanI love that smell19:49
penguin42In amazon warehouses computer accessories section: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Pritt-Compact-Correction-Roller-4-2mmx8-5m/dp/B000J6FEXI/ref=sr_1_26?m=A2OAJ7377F756P&s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1391284106&sr=1-2619:50
SuperEngineerdiddledan: as long as the nice "new" smell doesn't become horrible "new" psu popping smell19:50
penguin42SuperEngineer: I've not seen a PSU go from bad treatment, they just tend to do it out of spite19:50
diddledanlol, the smell of burning  psu.. mmmmm19:50
SuperEngineerpenguin42: agreed - I called to a quite a few "spiteful" server psu fails -always during trading hours19:52
SuperEngineer[! firm I could mention use a 2 psu bay server with deliberately no 2nd/backup psu!] - they fail, I laugh ;)19:53
penguin42sometimes you do get the 2 bay stuff thrown in on certain models even when you just want a fast machine19:54
SuperEngineer[last one I got store up & running again by emptying a whole can of air duster over the server to cool it enough until replacement arrived.... did I giggle!19:55
penguin42ah, you're a service drone?19:55
SuperEngineernah, I'm an ATM drone & pooter drone - forced into looking after retail contracts as well :(19:56
penguin42SuperEngineer: I once got really confused by a manager who had used some TCP disinfectant on a cut - I was convinced there was a smouldering PSU somewhere19:56
SuperEngineerpenguin42: lol19:57
daftykinsSuperEngineer: i'd be surprised if a Dell PSU would even have the PCI express graphics card power connectors you'll need for that new one19:58
SuperEngineer...talking about retail... you'd be pleasantly surprised by the number of retail groups who use Linux19:58
penguin42daftykins: Hey hey - let SE have the full run of the bet - it's like the lottery, you have to have a few hopeful days before the let down of trying to fit it19:59
SuperEngineerdaftykins: I was thinking the same - but even enlarging photo on ebuyer there was nowt my m'board didn't [appear] to have20:00
penguin42SuperEngineer: The USB+power hubs you sometimes see at retail seems to be interesting20:00
* SuperEngineer has fingers tightly crossed20:00
SuperEngineerpenguin42: so does the amount of dust blocked kit in all their server racks20:01
penguin42haha, never been the scenes at retail20:01
SuperEngineeryou're the lucky one20:01
daftykinspenguin42: aww but that would give him the sads!20:01
penguin42although I do worry about our local Tesco which had half of the self-serves out of service possibly because their power was going off in time with half the lights20:03
SuperEngineerpenguin42: but trying to fit it is half the fun! a mallet, some crocodile clips, a prayer...20:04
SuperEngineer[that was re yours to daf]20:04
penguin42SuperEngineer: Well I nearly took a hacksaw to these PCI-x cards - they have a 'minor' voltage compatibility issue - they have the tab filled forcing them only to go in 3.3v slots20:05
SuperEngineerpenguin42: sssh.... don't tell but I called to a [not Tesco] store for 2 self checkouts that had blown up at the same time20:06
* penguin42 generally is used to the NCR Fastlane ones - especially the Tesco ones - I can use them very quickly20:07
SuperEngineer...turned out one had a 2 litre bottle of water break open into it - the other, well I found the switch cabinet in the store &  reset the breaker - lol20:07
penguin42SuperEngineer: Do you just do the computer side or do you have to deal with the mech stuff as well?20:08
penguin42the coin systems on the Siemens machines in Morrisons are a piece of art - a slow piece of art, but wacky20:10
SuperEngineerpenguin42: unfortunately I do both... that's part of the reason for my handle!20:10
penguin42ok, so you do need the hammer20:11
SuperEngineerpenguin42: ...a few customers gave me the name yonks ago20:11
andylockranhey guys20:11
daftykinsSuperEngineer: your work sounds pretty cool, nice and varied20:12
andylockrancan anyone help me work out why my Ubuntu SMB server is connectable from windows 8.1. via \\media\public - but that the computer 'media' doesn't show up in Network?20:12
SuperEngineerpenguin42: I find a hammer the most gratifying of my whole tool kit - especially when it's not needed, I use it to threaten the kit20:12
SuperEngineerdaftykins: thank you20:13
daftykinsandylockran: samba has a setting to hide it from casual browsing, what does your smb.conf look like?20:14
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SuperEngineerpenguin42: [also grabbed one once when working on the outside of an ATM -idiot backed down after that]20:14
andylockrandaftykins: ^^20:14
daftykinsandylockran: hrmm it already has browseable = yes there20:15
daftykins(line 281)20:15
andylockranyeah - I can navigate to it directly20:16
daftykinsandylockran: is the windows 8 machine using a homegroup instead of a workgroup?20:16
andylockranit just doesn't show up in the 'Network Neighbourhood"20:16
andylockrandaftykins: not sure what a homegroup is20:16
andylockranah, it's not got a homegroup setup20:17
andylockranjust checked20:17
daftykinsit's a crazy windows 7 and up thing20:17
daftykinsis it seeing any other devices and shares on the network? it could be set to a public network instead of home/work20:17
daftykinsor just have network discovery disabled in advanced sharing20:17
andylockranyeah, it's seeing another windows computer20:17
daftykinsandylockran: ah, line 45 is commented out for enabling WINS - that might help20:18
daftykinsi think i'm grasping at straws there without a full understanding20:18
andylockranah, ok20:18
daftykinsbut i'm pretty sure there was something about some old Windows tech that helped being on for browseability :D20:19
shaunowins shouldn't matter if he can already reach it as \\media\public\; wins is usually where to look if you can reach \\IP\ but not \\name\20:26
* penguin42 would wonder about broadcast/multicast stuff?20:26
SuperEngineerpenguin42: just seen your comment re M's coin machines... we had that contract till undercut recently - I was sooo glad to we lost it I couldn't stop smiling the whole day20:29
penguin42SuperEngineer: the little conveyor belt ones? They're insane - I mean cute, but slow as hell, whether they work well I can't really say, but why the heck did they do something so different?20:30
SuperEngineerif only you knew the full horror story behinfd their SCO's [& no - I can't say more]20:30
daftykinsshauno: ah just hostname gubbins, that's the one20:33
* penguin42 scratches his head - hth does that happen - when I watch that IP camera on a different subnet my router loses the connection to my other subnet - i.e. loses it from it's arp cache20:35
shaunodaftykins: that's the only one I can remember, because NS is a nice hint :)20:37
diddledanwhy are nas units so spensive compared to the hp microserver?20:38
daftykinsthat's true20:38
daftykinsi don't know but i'm really impressed by Synology ones20:38
diddledanI think I'd prefer to do it with the hp, 'cos then i can tinker :-p20:43
daftykinsyeah depends how open an appliance one is that you could buy i guess really20:44
Azelphurhey folks, bit of politics for you, I'm trying to decode the first paragraph of ... crap ... from my local MP http://www.rogergale.com/content_manager/page.php?ID=104153&dbc=81bdcfb87a93bfd675ea24ff6770d74520:55
Azelphurhe says he "proscribed" a TV channel, proscribe meaning to forbid, usually by law...but that TV channel still exists and is still broadcasting20:56
Azelphurso...I have the confused20:56
daftykinsperhaps he's a doctor of entertainment and meant he prescribed it? ;)20:56
Azelphurgod alone knows, by the article he could well be that silly ;)20:56
shaunoreally.  that's so silly that I can't figure out if it's real or satire.  I'm pretty sure there's a name for that20:59
Azelphurshauno: yea, I'm thinking of emailing him and just putting him right on a few points20:59
Azelphurbut I get to the first paragraph and it's just so stupid it makes no sense20:59
shaunoah, there we go; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law21:01
daftykinswow that really was a funky post21:01
Azelphurdaftykins: that's my MP21:01
daftykinssorry :<21:03
andylockranheya daftykins - the silly software i was using allowed me to be able to type in the ip21:03
andylockrantherefore I can ignore the smb share not showing in network21:03
daftykinsyour country is going pretty odd with neutrality of late (the lack of)21:03
daftykinsandylockran: ah neat :)21:04
Azelphurdaftykins: indeed it is, hense the desire to check it out and fire off grumpymail21:04
AzelphurI'm pretty annoyed that they have started blocking things such as childline and crisis centres.21:04
shaunoand jquery :|21:05
AzelphurMore disgusted than annoyed, really21:05
Azelphuryea, and jquery, and imgur, and wikipedia21:05
shaunoI mean, it was an accident, and it was reverted; but it's a great example of how stupid these automated filters are21:05
daftykinsi haven't read into this, is it not true that you can opt out of all these things?21:05
Azelphurdaftykins: you can opt out of /some/ of it21:06
Azelphurand tbh, given the above examples, the people who need access to that content the most, are the most likely to be unable to access it21:07
daftykinswhat a terrible irony21:07
diddledanyou can "opt out" by telling the government that you're a pervert21:07
shaunoI don't think it's that extreme.  I'm not a parent; ergo I don't require a parental filter21:08
diddledanthis whole censorship is quite frankly pretty scary stuff that the government seem intent on pushing us to becoming china21:09
diddledanshauno: you have to tell them that you're not a parent by clicking the "perverts button" though21:09
Azelphurdiddledan: indeed, how long before they expand upon this, requiring you to list your political views, porn preferences, etc in order to have them unblocked.21:10
daftykinsi've seen the privacy guy Alex Hanff on freenode before, he's probably well up on this stuff - Azelphur you heard of him at all?21:10
Azelphurdaftykins: I haven't21:10
Azelphurdiddledan: for me I had to do it over the phone, and it wasn't the most pleasant of experiences21:10
diddledanshauno: the point is that it's default to block large swathes of the internet. this is bad™21:11
AzelphurI got the whole "Are you sure?" etc banter21:11
ali1234yeah you have. he's paladine21:11
daftykinsoh pants21:11
daftykinsi really hate google links now21:11
Azelphurali1234: ah, paladine, yea I've seen him21:11
shaunoif I had to call them, I'd make sure it was more it was more awkward for them.21:11
diddledanAzelphur: that's not fun21:11
Azelphurshauno: that's pretty much what I did, I told them I didn't want them filtering my connection :)21:11
Azelphurdiddledan: yea, had to do it multiple times too, for both my ISPs and my mobile21:12
shaunoI'm thinking more of "and midgets?  make sure you unblock the midgets too"21:12
daftykinsshauno: lol nice21:12
bashrcunblock the midgets?21:12
ali1234all you have to do is get a business account which you should anyway21:12
Azelphurdiddledan: vodafone was incredibly bad, I had bought a dongle as I was going on holiday, but when I went to use it it was heavily restricted (youtube, etc were blocked) and they demanded a credit card to unblock everything, which I didn't have at the time21:13
ali1234they won't filter those21:13
shaunoI'm quite glad there's no filtering here.  other than the court-mandated tpb block :/21:13
diddledanwhat? why do they need a credit card to remove a filter?!21:13
ali1234my ISP doesnt even block tpb21:13
bashrcsounds like blackmail21:13
Azelphurdiddledan: as proof of age, but yea it's pretty awful21:14
Azelphurdiddledan: the other option they gave me was to travel 70 miles to the nearest vodafone store21:14
diddledanand little tommy isn't able to borrow daddy's?21:14
AzelphurI took it back and got very grumpy with them when I returned from holiday21:14
ali1234the reason they require a credit card is because any kid can buy a payg sim21:15
diddledanI know as a child I could quite easily get ahold of my dad's credit card21:15
diddledanwithout him knowing*21:15
ali1234they put a charge and refund on it21:16
Azelphurdiddledan: indeed, me too21:16
ali1234so if he read the statement he would know21:16
Azelphurthat's interesting, I found out about that TV channel a little more21:17
Azelphurapparently, it was banned in 1993...but how on earth did they ban it in the UK if it was broadcasting from a different country?21:17
diddledanaparently tesco brought it back to our shores in 2011 in the form of a cheese21:19
diddledanoh maybe not21:20
diddledanthe reference is in the comments21:20
diddledanabout morrisons21:21
AzelphurHeritage Secretary Peter Brooke announced in a commons written reply that in 15 days it will be a criminal offence to sell subscriptions to, or equipment to recieve, Red Hot Television, partly because of the danger to children.21:21
ali1234right, it's encrypted21:21
AzelphurI see, so by stopping the subs, since it's pay-per-view, they essentially banned it21:22
Azelphurbut they didn't ban LNBs21:22
ali1234ironically the porn channels on freeview aren't encrypted at all and require no special hardware to receive21:22
Azelphurindeed, I'm aware21:22
AzelphurI plan on mentioning it21:22
diddledanthe porn channels on freeview aren't porn tho21:22
ali1234yeah there's that21:22
diddledanthey're just a woman in undies making suggestive motions and picking up a telephone handset every so often21:23
diddledanor a bloke in the case of the gay ones21:23
diddledanseen the dave rip-off?21:23
directhexyeah, ALL DVB-T equipment can view Red Hot21:25
directhexand only stuff with a full MHEG stack can stop you watching it for free21:25
directhexthey actually make DVDs with the same strategy, as free samplers in adult stores - "phone the number to get the unlock code". all the MPEG2 streams unencrypted...21:27
Azelphurdirecthex: it seems that "Red Hot TV" and "Red Hot Dutch" are different entities21:30
shaunoreminds me, I should check to see if there's any update on the TD who wants to ban 'open source browsers' :|21:30
* SuperEngineer ponders meaning of "family friendly" - has it passed watershed yet21:30
diddledanit's 21:30 in the UK but. even though we're called #ubuntu-uk I think we get foreigners too, so technically it's always pre and post watershed21:31
diddledanI think david cameron needs to censor american internet, too21:32
AzelphurSuperEngineer: I don't see it as not family friendly, censorship is bad :(21:33
Azelphurdiscussing law shouldn't be family unfriendly :p21:33
diddledanAzelphur: but. the children.21:33
SuperEngineeragreed 100% - but advertising porn channels = not so agreed21:33
diddledanis it advertising when they're in the EPG?21:34
ali1234Azelphur: what can you tell me about minecraft forge?21:35
AzelphurSuperEngineer: we aren't advertising, we're mentioning. By the same Logic we should also disallow links to Roger Gale MP's blog as family friendly, as it's also mentioned there21:35
diddledannot many freeview tuners have the option to hide them afaict21:35
SuperEngineerdiddledan: the EPG never claimed to be family friendly - UUK is21:35
Azelphurali1234: it's a minecraft modding API21:35
ali1234how can they have a preview release for 1.7 when there is no MCP for 1.7 yet?21:35
Azelphurali1234: no idea, if you were on my IRC channel I'd point you at Alex, he'd probably know21:36
SuperEngineerAzelphur: saw some "mentions" on TV tonight - for news papers, dog foods, cosmetics - they were in the ad breaks ;)21:39
* SuperEngineer shouldn't - but does seriously recomment @YourAnonNews on twitter for the real news21:40
bigcalmGood evening peeps :)21:44
diddledanmy favourite moron strikes at WordPress again! http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2014/Feb/0 <-- apparently .htaccess can be bypassed by not running apache. who knew?21:55
diddledanthis guy often (and I mean very often) states that developers "refused" to fix things he tells them about or in the case of WordPress core he likes "hiddenly fixed"21:59
diddledane.g. http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2013/Dec/4122:00

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