
ColonelPanic001bye, darwin02:49
ColonelPanic001Darwin the Dolphin02:49
ColonelPanic001Dagwood the Dagger02:55
ColonelPanic001that show just like the letter D02:55
cmaloneyGood mornig14:51
cmaloneymorning even14:51
=== daemoneye is now known as DrDaemonEye
rick_h_Africa is hot that is all17:18
greg-gthe south one?18:52
cmaloneyrick_h_: That matches my expectations.19:26
jrwrenthat snow is HEAVY20:02
jrwrenouch my aching back20:02
cmaloneyI've given up all hope of going outside until Monday.20:42
cmaloneyWhich is fine because I have plenty of crap to do at home before Monday anyway.20:43
gamerchick02same here. i'd like to go to microcenter but... yeah.21:31
gamerchick02anyone have a good rec for a bag for an HP Elitebook?21:31
gamerchick02i have an 8540w right now and i'm going to be upgraded to a larger and heavier one at the end of this month21:32
rick_h_dammit, sucky wifi is not acceptable22:51
* rick_h_ is sitting in the lobby because you canse SEE any of the APs from his room22:51
gamerchick02i agree22:53
jrwren8540w is huge already and you are going bigger?!?  zomg do you work for GM?23:03
gamerchick02i'll have massive arms by the time i switch jobs. :-P23:04
jrwreni was close23:04
gamerchick02hah you were!23:04
jrwrenmichelle obama arms23:04
gamerchick02i kind of do. but yeah. i need a padded bag. my swiss gear had a zipper come unstitched.23:04
gamerchick02i'm looking at everything from Tom Bihn to Timbuk2 to targus but i'm not sure23:05
gamerchick02i have a Bihn cafe bag and i love it through and through but i'm not sure i want to drop $180 on a briefcase and that's with no laptop insert (an additional $30!)23:06
rick_h_I went small so can't help you23:06
rick_h_<3 my tom bihn, I've owned a dozen packs and it's the best23:06
gamerchick02well i *can't* go small. it's assigned and i'm on the CAD track so i guess bigger is better23:07
gamerchick02tho i'm not going to be rocking the 17.3" one thank ye godx23:07
gamerchick02typing is an issue for me tonight, forgive me.23:07
gamerchick02did i tell you guys that i got the MaxKeyboard i was looking at with the Cherry Browns?23:07
gamerchick02it got shipped to my mom's house and i'll get it next weekend. :-D23:08
jrwrenwhy is sh called a shell? from where did the use of the word shell come?23:11
gamerchick02i dunno.23:11

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