
theblazehenlearningbot: that makes me sad07:33
learningbottheblazehen, i don't want to die... it is. makes testing very awesome07:34
theblazehenaww man.. Other channel: ""i don't want to die... how do i make eth0 accessible to the average computer-using human? ??"07:34
Kilosmorning nlsthzn theblazehen and others08:46
charl_good morning09:21
charl_hi Kilos 09:21
Kiloshi charl_ howsit09:21
charl_good thanks09:21
charl_and yourself?09:22
Kilosalso good ty09:22
Kiloshi captine SilverCode Xethron 09:39
Kiloswhere would this command save the rescued stuff09:39
Kilossudo ddrescue -n -b2048 /dev/sr0 cdimage logfile09:39
Kilosim trying to save a scratched win7 for my son09:40
Kilosthe command showed job done with 0 errors but i dunno where its hiding09:41
Kilosoh my they were net split09:42
Kiloscharl_, help please09:42
Kilosi followed this links instructions09:44
Kilosbut his mnt commands dont let me see the image09:45
Squirmjust for future reference on data recovery, a guy I met wrote this article http://surrey.lug.org.uk/kb/datarecovery09:57
Kilosty Squirm but im trying to recover a dvd image10:03
Kilosill bookmark that link though ta10:03
charl_hihi i'm back10:08
charl_Kilos: sorry no idea about that ddrescue10:08
charl_never used it before, i don't even own a single cd or dvd10:08
Kilosit did its job without errors but it hid the image somewhere10:08
charl_cdimage according to me should be the name of the iso?10:08
Kilosah got it ty10:09
Kilosin miles not home10:10
Kilosim doff at times10:10
charl_whatever your current working directory was at the time10:10
charl_the basic syntax is ddrescue infile outfile10:10
Kilosmost of the time10:10
charl_well the example command above also wasn't clear on it10:10
charl_they should have at least called it cdimage.iso or something10:10
charl_that would have made it more logical10:10
Kilosits just cdimage and locked too10:11
charl_oh it's probably owned as root because you executed it using sudo10:11
charl_just chown it back to your own user10:11
Kiloswill do or if its the iso use k3b just to burn it10:14
charl_i don't know what the difference is between regular dd and ddrescue10:28
charl_i guess ddrescue just does extra error correction10:28
Kilosi have no clue. its all there nicely but not an iso so now need to create an iso first10:29
charl_how do you mean, isn't that cdimage an iso?10:29
charl_that should be all you need, you could rename it to .iso and burn it with k3b10:29
Kilosnope, if it was brasero or k3b would open when right clicked10:30
Kilosoh just rename?10:31
charl_try rename first10:31
charl_i don't know if it inspects the file or if it uses the extension10:31
Kiloswill do ty10:31
charl_you never know with linux :P10:31
Kiloswell done now k3b offers to burn it10:32
Kiloswill let you know if its bootable10:32
nlsthznhi uncle Kilos ... sorry just had to go to the shops quickly... back now10:32
Kilosnp nlsthzn i just said morning methinks10:33
nlsthznso I will say good afternoon then :p10:33
Kilosoh btw you old pc dudes10:41
Kilosi have 2 pioneer dvd writers that open very fast and the dvd/cds jump up and get jammed and messed up10:41
Kilosis there a fix or must i open them through the little hole manually10:42
theblazehenKilos, "dvd" Not that old...10:50
captinehi Kilos, all10:51
theblazehenhey captine 10:52
charl_hi captine 10:53
charl_hi theblazehen 10:53
psydroidhi charl_ 10:55
psydroidhi Kilos 10:55
psydroidhi theblazehen 10:55
psydroidhi captine 10:55
theblazehenhey charl_ psydroid 10:56
Kiloshi psydroid 10:57
charl_hi psydroid :)10:59
charl_psydroid: how's it going10:59
psydroidcharl_, it's early morning, but I finally have a weekend free to relax a bit11:00
charl_very nice11:01
psydroidso I'm just going to stay at home cleaning up and do some things I haven't had time for lately11:01
psydroidand of course look for a new house in the city I'll be moving to next month11:01
psydroidcharl_, and you?11:01
charl_not much, i wanted to go to fosdem but decided against it11:06
charl_i will just watch some of the videos afterwards11:06
charl_the only thing you really go to these events for is for casual conversation and networking11:06
charl_right now i don't have that much to present11:06
charl_hopefully that will be different next yeart11:06
psydroidactually I could go11:07
psydroidbecause I've taken holidays for that week11:08
psydroidor wait11:08
psydroidduring which weekend is it held?11:08
psydroidoh today11:08
psydroidso no, I wouldn't be able to go there either11:08
charl_yeah it's a long distance on the train to go from where i live11:21
charl_5+ hours in each direction11:21
charl_if you want to book a hotel in brussel it will cost like 80 euro per night11:21
charl_it's nice if you can get the company to pay11:22
charl_but if you have to pay for yourself you have to have a good reason to go11:22
charl_but i only found out about it like a month ago - now i know so next year i can prepare in advance11:23
charl_they do have some really interesting sessions, i am looking forward to watching the videos afterwards11:23
psydroideverything is so expensive there11:27
psydroidI'm finding all kinds of interesting conferences here11:28
psydroidand there are definitely a few I'm going to attend11:28
Kilosfound workaround on too fast dvd open, insulation tape at one end puts brakes on and it opens kiff11:29
Kilosneed to go off to check if dvd is bootable11:30
Kilosbe good11:30
charl_psydroid: oh those are very nice, are they in english or polish?11:35
psydroidcharl_, I assume in English11:35
psydroidbecause there are also foreign speakers11:35
psydroidand as far as English is concerned Poles aren't doing that badly either11:36
charl_very nice11:36
charl_oh whow we are at number 311:36
charl_not sure if i should include myself in that :)11:36
psydroidI think you should, I haven't noticed any mistakes in your English so far :)11:38
psydroidmy level of English was assessed as C2 as part of the interview I had last week and I think you're quite close to reaching that level as well11:39
theblazehendamn, this is hilarious11:57
theblazehenlearningbot, are you fucking sorry?!11:58
learningbottheblazehen, i think i even opened a bug about it at one point, and the big slaughter will start11:58
theblazehenare you shitting me...11:58
theblazehenlearningbot, are you fucking sorry?!11:58
learningbottheblazehen, it's not like a big loss or anything... every time i want to keep11:59
theblazehenIt was supposed to say "theblazehen, i'm trying to learn my system... every time i want to keep" 11:59
charl_what are you doing theblazehen ?12:00
theblazehencharl_, AI chatbot :)12:00
charl_are you writing it yourself?12:00
theblazehenwanted to share funny response12:00
theblazehennah, got it on github12:00
theblazehenGonna train it on ALL of the ubuntu logs12:00
theblazehengimme a sec12:00
theblazehencharl_, https://github.com/spion/triplie-ng12:01
charl_oh you give it the ubuntu logs as a source?12:01
theblazehencharl_, nah, still dl'ing the logs12:01
theblazehenGot 359MB of plaintext logs so far12:01
nlsthznwhere I live - http://youtu.be/CVZ_BpMkZoo12:29
charl_hi nlsthzn 12:30
charl_oh my goodness12:34
charl_what ?!12:34
charl_you live there?12:34
nlsthznRuwais ... yup12:35
nlsthznI can add that the video is a parody and it isn't quite that bad12:36
charl_oh ok, i was about to ask "why?"12:36
charl_i mean i live in the middle of the forest but it is a heck of a lot better than ruwais12:36
nlsthznI live here cause I work here... have to go where the money is12:37
charl_lol yes that is usually the case12:38
charl_ok i'm off to do some shopping, bbl12:40
charl_and yes, we even have shops here in the middle of the forest :P12:40
charl_and the construction has been completed, so yes, better than ruwais :P12:40
Kiloshi yusuf long time no see12:53
yusufhi Kilos 12:54
yusufyeah its been years12:54
* yusuf forgot there was something like IRC12:54
Kilosshame on you12:56
Kilosohi magespawn 12:56
magespawnhey Kilos 12:56
* yusuf doesn12:59
* yusuf doesn't see drubin around. Anyone know we did he go?13:00
Kiloshe never says anything here anymore, too busy i think13:00
Private_Userhey Kilos, have you now create an ##ubuntu-za-social?13:29
Private_UserI saw that on your channel13:29
Kiloslol yeah Private_User but ive still gotta sort something out. the minute someone joins chanserv goes away13:30
Kilossomething to do with mode setting but i cant find what where why or how13:33
Kilosneed to ask someone with brains13:34
theblazehenKilos, you called?13:55
Kilosdid i theblazehen ?13:56
Kiloshi smile13:56
theblazehenKilos, "need to ask someone with brains" hehe13:57
smilehi :)13:57
Kilostheblazehen, you know about setting up channel on freenode so chanserv dont run away when someone joins the channel13:57
theblazehenKilos, ya?13:57
Kiloswhat do i need to do then?13:58
theblazehenthis: /msg ChanServ REGISTER #channelname13:58
Kilosit is registered13:58
Kiloschanserv is there when it opens13:59
theblazehenWhat do you need to do?13:59
theblazehenah, nvm13:59
Kiloswhen anyone else joins then chanserv quits13:59
theblazehendid you read the /msg chanserv help ?13:59
Kilosya lotsa stuff there14:00
Kilossomething about a successor is needed i think14:00
Kilosdunno what that means14:00
Kilosi go fetch sheep14:04
charl_hi smile 14:28
charl_hi Xethron 14:28
Kilosok guys we have a social channel now as well14:30
Kilostheblazehen, the command is /msg chanserv set (channel) GUARD ON14:32
charl_why Kilos ?14:33
Kiloswhy what?14:33
charl_how is that different from this channel ?14:33
charl_and why a double hash in front?14:33
Kilosits for use mainly when peeps are busy here sorting probs or having a meeting14:33
Kilosbecause its not an official ubuntu channel14:34
charl_oh i see14:34
charl_the dutch also have a channel #ubuntu-nl-offtopic14:34
charl_why not stick to that convention ?14:34
charl_keeps things consistent14:34
Kiloseish you want me to go through all of that again14:34
charl_the germans have  #ubuntu-de-offtopic 14:35
charl_sorry but i think it's worth while doing it once and doing it properly :)14:35
Kilosi hink it was debian or so that use the -social at the end so i followed that idea14:36
charl_highvoltage owns #ubuntu-za according to chanserv14:36
Kilosdidnt know about the others14:36
Kilosyes its his channel14:36
charl_the same people should own both channels if they are related14:36
Kiloshe is never here anymore. much too busy with other stuff14:37
charl_foundership should be transferred then to somebody like inetpro 14:37
Kiloshe is on call if there are probs though14:38
charl_oh ok14:38
charl_yeah the -offtopic is quite popular https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList14:42
charl_get it listed on that page too and put it in the channel topic here14:42
charl_same as on the dutch and german channels14:42
charl_just go for consistency14:43
Kilostoo much work man14:46
charl_when you want to do things, do them properly, no half measures :P14:47
Kilosits a working channel registered and all. no one is forced to use it14:48
Kilostakes me hours or days to get that kinda thing working. im not fast like you okes14:49
charl_ask inetpro to sort it later14:49
Kilosya i can do that14:50
charl_i would have done it for you but i have no administrative power here14:50
charl_i just idle here and pest you people :)14:50
charl_whow i have two projects that i need to insert time into this year14:55
charl_just been so busy the last few months i don't get around to them14:56
smilehi charl_ :)16:36
smilehow are you? :)16:36
charl_smile: i'm doing great thanks, and yourself?16:37
smileJust submitted the Dutch translation of www.whylinuxisbetter.net16:37
charl_good for you !16:37
smileand good for you, since you can read dutch ;)16:38
charl_is that this? http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net/index_nl.php?lang=nl16:38
charl_yes :)16:38
smilecharl_: that's the old version :p16:38
smileI said "just" :)16:38
smilebecause it isn't uploaded yet16:38
smilecharl_: patience will be rewarded16:39
charl_ah i see, i will check back then16:39
charl_but patience is a virtue ;)16:39
charl_i am looking forward to the fosdem videos of today being uploaded16:39
charl_i want to see the video by wietse wenema16:39
smileyes, it is, charl_ ;)16:39
smilecharl_: what did he present? :)16:39
charl_it will be here http://video.fosdem.org/2014/16:40
charl_a very interesting-looking talk about postfix16:40
charl_about development over the last 10 years16:40
charl_and what they are doing right now security-related16:40
smilegreat :)16:40
smilevenema is Dutch, right? :)16:42
charl_this also sounds good https://fosdem.org/2014/schedule/event/capiscum/16:42
charl_sorry venema, not wenema :)16:42
smilethanks for the link ;)16:45
smileI've read it16:45
smileI would like going to Fosdem too, but not this year (maybe next year)16:45
theblazehenwhen the server goes down on launch day..16:46
charl_same hjere16:46
charl_this year i did not know about it in time so did not have enough time to respond with a proposal16:47
theblazehenvisin: getting cloudflare error16:47
charl_i have two topics i would love to talk about16:47
smilecloudfare sucks :DD16:51
theblazehensmile, oh?16:55
smilewhen I see their trademark, something went wrong ;)16:57
theblazehenah :)16:58
theblazehenWell "a guy I know" fucked shit up REAL bad16:58
theblazehenlike, the server is off16:58
theblazehenAND dns is fucked16:58
theblazehenand server isn't coming up..16:59
theblazehenlaunch in 4 hours16:59
charl_i used cloudflare for two sites, i had no problems whatsoever, but i am not sure if i am happy about it either17:01
charl_smile: how do you feel about github17:01
charl_i wanted to use github for these two projects of mine but i am leaning towards self-hosted git now with cgit as a web interface17:01
theblazehencharl_, I heard gitbucket > github17:02
theblazehenI use gitlab for self hosted git17:02
charl_gitlab looks very good !17:04
charl_it's a real pity it's running on ruby on rails17:05
charl_i should install it on a VM and try it out though17:05
theblazehencharl_, just get the gitlab turnkey linux container?17:05
theblazehenyeah, put it in a VM17:06
theblazehenwhat I do17:06
charl_ah, trying to find it now17:06
smilecharl_: it's great :D17:06
charl_ah, this one? http://www.turnkeylinux.org/gitlab17:06
theblazehencharl_, yeah17:06
smilecharl_: https://github.com/Smile4ever :D17:07
smilecharl_: no idea, but github is easier :)17:07
charl_what i find strange is that firefox does not support tls 1.217:15
theblazehenhttp://www.monzy.com/intro/killdashnine_lyrics.html lol17:18
charl_theblazehen: what absolute trash is that?! :)17:20
theblazehencharl_, lol17:20
charl_it would have been funny if the music wasn't epically bad :)17:20
charl_i am also really not impressed with the ssl report on a default apache installation on debian 7 https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=charl.eu17:21
theblazehencharl_, you listen to it?17:21
charl_yeah i managed to "last" until half way17:21
charl_time to listen to something half-decent to clean my ears with http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3e4bVwhDFA17:22
theblazehenAnd the site is still down..17:22
charl_what went wrong?17:22
theblazehenServer is down17:23
theblazehenand not coming up17:23
theblazehenfuck.. lol17:27
charl_hahahaha, i am listening to a talk on 30c3 titled "Y U NO ISP, taking back the Net17:29
theblazehenoh, nice17:30
theblazehenabout meshnets?17:30
charl_not exactly17:31
theblazehenabout what then?17:31
charl_it's about this: http://www.ffdn.org/17:32
charl_sounds brilliant to me17:33
charl_nice, developing human skill, excellent17:33
charl_me gusta17:33
charl_here's the talk: http://media.ccc.de/browse/congress/2013/30C3_-_5391_-_en_-_saal_6_-_201312291130_-_y_u_no_isp_taking_back_the_net_-_taziden.html17:34
charl_this is also quite cool http://calc.pw/en17:36
charl_this also looks amazing: https://gnunet.org/17:39
theblazehencharl_, yeah, BTW you see freenet too?17:40
charl_sounds a little like retroshare17:41
theblazehencharl_, yep17:42
theblazehenmiles = Kilos?18:00
inetprogood morning 18:05
theblazehenhey inetpro 18:06
theblazehenwrong time18:06
inetprooops, it is evening already? 18:07
inetprowhere did the day go? 18:07
inetprooja, wasted a lot of it standing in queues at the shops 18:08
theblazehenGoddamnit, 2 hours till we go live.. Or are supposed to18:08
* inetpro should remember to stay away from the shops at the end of the month 18:09
inetprotheblazehen: going live with? 18:09
theblazehencryptocurrency launch18:09
inetproYikes! 18:10
theblazehenServer not booting18:10
theblazehenSo we moving everything to secondary server18:10
theblazehenBeen a bit stressful lol18:11
charl_ooh made nice dinner now, two demi-baguettes with rucola and falfrais18:12
theblazehencharl_, never heard of it18:13
charl_belgian stuff, smile will know it18:13
theblazehenlol, kk18:13
charl_which cryptocurrency?18:14
charl_your own nyan coin?18:14
theblazehennope, eMunie18:15
theblazehenBut I'm not main dev18:15
theblazehenjust help out with websites etc.18:15
charl_heh googled and got this https://xrptalk.org/topic/927-emunie-a-scam-according-to-this-thread-it-is/18:16
smilecharl_: what kind of stuff? food? :D18:16
smileI see :)18:16
smileYes, I do know it :)18:16
charl_valfrais is a belgian company?18:17
theblazehencharl_, it's not a scam...18:17
charl_i dunno i just googled it and that was one of the first few results, not exactly good advertisement ...18:17
theblazehenBesides, what kind of scammer posts a photo of his passport online18:17
theblazehenyeah, I know :(18:18
smileYes, charl_ :D18:18
smileHQ in Vaux-sur-Sûre, see https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaux-sur-S%C3%BBre18:18
charl_ah it's in province luxembourgh18:19
charl_very close to the state luxembourg18:20
charl_theblazehen: this guy? http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/dan-hughes/7/b11/2a618:21
theblazehencharl_, yep18:21
charl_do you have the url of his passport?18:22
charl_i know enough about european passports that i should know if it's fake :)18:22
charl_unless of course if it's a good fake :P18:22
theblazehenLemme see..18:22
theblazehenhttps://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=419529.new#new should be it18:24
Kilosevening everyone18:24
theblazehenoops, someone deleted pic18:24
theblazehenhey Kilos 18:24
theblazehenoh, wait, it was hosted on our servers18:24
theblazehenand our servers are down18:24
charl_haha this "morning after" pic http://www.flickr.com/photos/meidocafejp/12248309686/18:26
theblazehen"[8:26:23 PM] Cory Stevenson[visin] - eMunie: so has the whole DNS protocol changed over night?18:26
theblazehen[8:26:27 PM] Cory Stevenson[visin] - eMunie: because i dont seem to get it anymore18:26
theblazehen" Our admin..18:26
Kiloshi not_found superfly 18:27
charl_sounds to me like somebody does not understand multicasted dns18:27
charl_anycasted dns, i mean18:27
theblazehencharl_, ah?18:27
superflyhi Kilos18:29
theblazehenI just don't understand DNS...18:29
charl_it's really not difficult18:29
theblazehenI get the basics18:29
theblazehenLike the hierarchy, etc18:30
theblazehenbut not like how it's decured and shit18:30
charl_do you use dnssec? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System_Security_Extensions18:31
charl_i have it enabled on my domain, i'm quite happy with it18:31
theblazehenI'm too poor for a domain...18:31
theblazehenWhat am I looking at?18:32
charl_the dnssec report of my domain18:32
charl_this is also extremely nice http://dnsviz.net/d/charl.eu/dnssec/18:33
inetprohi Kilos, superfly 18:35
Kiloshi inetpro 18:35
superflyhi inetpro18:35
charl_hi inetpro 18:36
Kilos17mm gisteraand en bietjie net nou18:36
inetprocharl_: hi 18:36
charl_Kilos: here's inetpro ask him about that channel18:36
Kilosyou ask him18:37
Kiloshaha its bugging you more than me18:37
inetprowe don't need no social channel do we? 18:37
Kilosinetpro:  hes fighting me about the social channel18:37
charl_no i'm not fighting, i'm just saying, keep it in line with other countries18:38
inetpromost of everything in here is social already 18:38
Kilosyou never heard of apartheid18:38
charl_apartheid that's hilarious18:38
charl_channel apartheid yes18:38
Kilosim inna rebelious mood18:38
inetproand then we still have #ubuntu-afr18:39
Kilosinetpro:  we got one now o its there for use when this channel is doing on topic stuff18:39
Kilosso if you dont like the idea get a 4lb hammer and ill remove it18:40
inetprohas anyone joined yet? 18:40
Kilosand georgl was in and out18:41
inetproai! 18:41
Kilosya no body loves me18:41
Kilosi go eat worms inna bottom of the garden18:41
inetprosounds healthy18:42
charl_extra protein18:42
Kilosyou betta join or ill sulk18:42
inetprowe'll join if and when we really need it 18:43
Kilosyou need to lead the way man18:43
inetprostart by saying on topic in this channel 18:45
inetprostaying as well 18:45
Kiloshaha was just gonna suggest we enforce the topic issue18:45
charl_then you kill the whole channel cause 90% of activity is off topic18:46
inetprocharl_: exactly my point 18:47
charl_i think what you are trying to say is if we move all the off-topic stuff to a different channel you kill this one in the process18:47
Kilosman its mainly for when we are busy working here not chatting18:51
inetprowe are not exactly a support channel here 18:51
inetproon topic is difficult to pin down 18:52
Kilosyou peeps supported me and i think its a good show to continue the trend18:52
Kilosthis has always been known as the friendliest most helpfull ubuntu channel18:53
Kilosmain channel is a mad house18:53
Kiloseven 2 eyes isnt enough to keep up there18:53
inetprowb deegee__ 18:56
deegee__inetpro: yo!18:56
Kilosohi deegee__ 18:56
=== deegee__ is now known as drussell
Kiloshows davey?18:56
drussellKilos: heya Kilos 18:56
drussellKilos: good thanks, you?18:57
Kilosgood ty18:57
charl_hi drussell 18:59
drussellcharl_: hey there18:59
* inetpro goes crashing 19:03
inetproGood night 19:03
theblazehencya inetpro 19:06
Kilosnight inetpro 19:07
Kilossleep tight19:07
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:11
somaunnhi guys20:11
smileGood night! :)20:32

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