
sudormrfhitsujiTMO, I presume you mean on the server.00:00
TJ-sudormrf: That sounds like, on the remote system, the client's entry in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys as a command prefix, such as "sleep XXXX ..."00:00
hitsujiTMOsudormrf: yup00:00
sudormrfhmm.  let me look.00:00
TJ-sudormrf: s/as a/has a/00:00
sudormrfTJ-, the only thing I see in ~/.ssh is known_hosts.00:01
sudormrflet me have a look at that file00:01
hitsujiTMOsudormrf: have you modified ANY of the .files in your $HOME ?00:01
AnuskaHI, if i add this manual:00:02
Anuskasudo mount -t cifs //myserver_ip_address/myshare ~/mnt -o username=samb_user,noexec00:02
Anuskahow i add this to be automated if i reboot the linux?00:02
hitsujiTMOTJ-: ~?.ssh/authorized_keys is on ther server00:02
sudormrfhitsujiTMO, I have not.00:02
TJ-hitsujiTMO: sudormrf: For example, I use it for remote-relays with "command="sleep 604800" ssh-rsa AAAAB...." to prevent the ssh proxy from disconnecting through inactivity00:02
Neytirihi i am havinga issue with my system unexpectidly rebooting00:03
sudormrfTJ-, the only file I see is "known_hosts" and it looks to be encrypted00:03
Neytirihow do i figurt out why00:03
hitsujiTMONeytiri: pastebin the contents of /var/log/syslog00:03
hitsujiTMOsudormrf: are you using password auth or key auth?00:04
sudormrfhitsujiTMO, password.00:04
TJ-sudormrf: That is on the server? I'm referring to the user's $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys *on the server*00:04
sudormrfTJ-, correct.  let me check again00:04
hitsujiTMOsudormrf: ahh, thats why there's no authorized_keys then00:04
sudormrfhitsujiTMO, oh.  haha00:04
TJ-sudormrf: aha!. OK, have you connected using "ssh -vvvv .... " to get maxium debug output? And have you checked the server's "/var/log/auth.log" ?00:05
NeytirihitsujiTMO, http://pastebin.com/33iDvskP00:05
sudormrfTJ-, let me check the /var/log/auth.log00:05
sudormrfTJ-, I have been using -vT when connecting to see what is happening, but that only shows up until the point the authentication takes place. after that I see the "welcome to ubuntu...." message and the message about updates and that is it.  the prompt doesn't show up.00:06
TJ-sudormrf: That is the server's MOTD, generated by pam-motd00:06
TJ-sudormrf: So you're getting into PAM, but I wonder if its getting out?00:07
treehousehitsujiTMO: last time I installed skype, it installed some bloatcrap on firefox. I didn't order that. Who knows what else it does. I just want to keep it out of the rest of the system (it has no business there).00:08
hitsujiTMOtreehouse: just do an "advanced" setup or whatever they call it these days and don't install the addons00:08
sudormrfTJ-, that's called PAM?  good to know :).  Yeah, it looks like I am getting in to PAM but it is getting stuck.00:09
TJ-sudormrf: Pluggable Authentication Modules00:09
sudormrfTJ-, good to know! :).  So yeah, is there a PAM log? or something along those lines?00:09
TJ-sudormrf: So, focus on increasing the verbosity of server-side logging into auth.log00:09
hitsujiTMOsudormrf: to be sure: cat /etc/update-motd.d/* | pastebinit00:09
sudormrfhitsujiTMO, ok00:10
hitsujiTMONeytiri: is the current session just after a crash?00:11
sudormrfhitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6852359/00:11
sudormrfTJ-, how can I increase the verbosity of the logging in auth.log?00:11
Neytirii grabed the full syslog file after i got back in00:11
TJ-sudormrf: To see what modules are being run, in what order, look at "/etc/pam.d/login"00:12
ANN-TechCoderGuys, anyone using 14.04 Daly Bilds already ?00:12
hitsujiTMO!trusty | ANN-TechCoder00:12
ubottuANN-TechCoder: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+100:12
ANN-TechCoderI know. All I am asking if anyone has it installed and using Daly Builds ?00:13
AnuskaANYONE? if i want to add to mount automated samba file from other ubuntu in my ubuntu...00:13
Anuskawhat i need to config, becouse if i add //ip .... in fstab not work00:13
sudormrfTJ-, checking00:13
jtanehello, i am trying to use ip l2tp on ubuntu 13.10, but it always returns "error talking to the kernel"00:13
hitsujiTMONeytiri: i mean your current run of the system started at: Jan 31 18:55:33    is this just after a crash? or was this after a normal shutdown?00:14
Neytirijsut after a crash00:14
hitsujiTMOANN-TechCoder: any chat or anything related to trusty is in #ubuntu+100:14
Neytiriwait that might be from a reboot00:15
Neytirilooking at the time difference00:15
jtaneanyone had any luck using l2tp on saucy?00:16
sudormrfAnuska, you should be able to use an IP address in fstab00:16
hitsujiTMONeytiri: can you pastebin an earlier syslog then please. they should be stored as /var/log/syslog.1, /var/log/syslog.2.gz, etc...00:16
Anuskabut what is the line00:16
Anuskahere: //myserver_ip_address/myshare  /media/samba_share  cifs  noauto,credentials=/etc/samba/user,noexec  0 000:17
treehousehitsujiTMO: I just dont' trust them.00:17
Anuskabut... not have /etc/samba/user in this computer becouse is other computer with ubuntu00:17
sudormrfAnuska, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=102650100:17
treehousehitsujiTMO: if you can run it with a restricted user anyway, it shouldn't be able to affect your system, should it? (assuming it's not trying to use any exploits to do that)00:17
hitsujiTMOtreehouse: lol. there's no real way of sandboxing it, so unfortunately you will have to trust them00:17
Anuska/netstore/disk1 /media/disk1 smbfs dmask=777,username=username,password=password 0 000:17
sudormrfAnuska, you need to replace netstore with your disk info00:18
Anuskayes but! if someone type: cat /etc/fsdab00:18
Anuskasee the password is in clear text00:18
sudormrfAnuska, I am going to show you how to prevent that.  sec.00:18
mxpleahello, I am wondering if somebody can help me install Ubuntu to a partition on a Windows system.  I just made a 30 gig partition and I don't really have access to a USB stick or CD/DVD. Is there any way I can install Ubuntu to this partitioned drive from within Windows?00:18
hitsujiTMOtreehouse: no, it should not be able to effect the main system. but could potentially write anything in userspace00:18
sudormrfAnuska, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=180645500:18
treehousehitsujiTMO: :(00:19
Anuskalet me see sudormrf00:19
NeytirihitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6852389/00:20
sudormrfTJ-, I had a look at that file, but it doesn't look out of the ordinary to me.00:20
TJ-sudormrf: I forgot, for ssh, it's "/etc/pam.d/sshd" ... but that is for your information, to get an idea of which modules are running in which order. If you know MOTD is running to completion then you can focus on the modules listed after it, to identify the fault00:22
hitsujiTMONeytiri: ok. lots of apps crashing before the restart00:22
hochmeisterwhat are some projects that use upstart. I'm trying to package a project that uses it and I'd like to take a look at some examples.00:22
hochmeisteroops, that was supposed to be a question...00:22
hitsujiTMONeytiri: seems to be an issue with the swap maybe00:22
sudormrfTJ-, checking. :).00:23
Neytirihow can i fix that?00:24
hitsujiTMONeytiri: ok. can you pastebin the output of: free -m00:24
hitsujiTMOhochmeister: plenty of examples in /etc/init00:24
TJ-sudormrf: To debug, you can add the option "debug" to the commands, e.g.  "session    optional     pam_motd.so debug # [1]"  and so on for other modules00:24
Anuskabut ubuntu not have root00:25
Anuskapassword for root00:25
hochmeisterhitsujiTMO, shamefully I remembered this immediately after asking00:25
sudormrfAnuska, not sure what you mean?00:25
sudormrfTJ-, is there a log that this stuff would be reflected in?00:25
Anuskai need to set a password to root?00:27
Anuskaor no?00:27
hitsujiTMONeytiri: are you using a lot of memory when the crah happens?00:27
TJ-!root | Anuska00:27
ubottuAnuska: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:27
hochmeisterI'm having a small problem with debuild. it's generating rc-style init scripts along with pre&post install and a prerm script. It is not creating a postrm script, which generates a lintian error, and looks like it is appending the postrm routine to the postinst script.00:27
TJ-sudormrf: "/var/log/auth.log"00:27
nobitanobiHow can I run PHP files (a whole Project that I have in /home/novita/MyProject) that are not in /var/www ?00:27
Neytiriyes, i am using it to host minecraft servers00:28
hochmeisternobitanobi, symlink to your document root, or use the userdir module.00:28
sudormrfTJ-, oh.  the PAM logs to that log too.  ic :).00:28
Anuskamount error(13): Permission denied00:28
hitsujiTMOnobitanobi: symlink /home/novita/MyProject to /var/www/MyProject          or create a virtual host00:28
Anuskasudo mount -a00:28
TJ-sudormrf: P-Authentication-M ---> "auth".log ... there's a clue in the name :)00:29
nobitanobihitsujiTMO, ok.00:29
treehousehitsujiTMO: what if i chroot and then run skype as a restricted binary?00:29
nobitanobihitsujiTMO, how can I find out about virtual hosts in order to do this?00:29
hitsujiTMOtreehouse: you can still escape a chroot00:29
nobitanobiI fail to see how to Google that00:29
hitsujiTMOtreehouse: i think you're over thinking the situation. if you're really feel that bad about it, run it in a virtual machine00:30
hochmeisternobitanobi, you really don't have to setup a vhost. you can also use userdir: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_userdir.html00:30
treehousehitsujiTMO: but only if you do that explicitly, right? like "escape chroot" (why would skype do that)?00:30
treehousehitsujiTMO: I'm paranoid :3.00:30
hitsujiTMOnobitanobi: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/vhosts/examples.html00:30
nobitanobiok guys. I will take a look at mod_userdir00:31
nobitanobithanks hitsujiTMO00:31
hitsujiTMOtreehouse: why would skype do anything to "infect" your system? :P00:31
treehousehitsujiTMO: I don't think it would. But my experience is that installations do more than just dropping an executable in a directory.00:32
Anuskasudormrf, TJ-  i need to add some password in .cifscredentials  ? not work with password from linux?00:32
Anuskaif is the same user00:33
hitsujiTMONeytiri: first thing i'd do is run memtest00:33
Anuska& pass00:33
treehousehitsujiTMO: btw, what did you mean by exiting chroot?00:33
hitsujiTMOtreehouse: yes, but there's an advanced setup for skype that allows you to stop that00:33
Neytiriits a vmware virtual machine, does that still apply?00:33
hitsujiTMOtreehouse: you can escape a chroot, via /dev or other means00:33
hitsujiTMONeytiri: do you actually have 24GB of ram for the VM?00:34
granjerohi, i´m installing GNUHealth on Ubuntu server 12.04 and in some point at the tutorial says to type this command. "source $HOME/.gnuhealthrc" how do I get out of the blue state that command make me enter in.00:34
granjerothanks in advancew00:34
treehousehitsujiTMO: I don't trust those 'advanced' setups anymore xD. I did that with iTunes, but my laptop was all over my university LAN. "*bad word*s computer" showed up on pretty much every mac and iPhone connected to that network.00:35
granjeroexcuse my english.00:35
AnuskaIs anyone here how use VNC to connect UBUNTU to Debian?00:35
granjeroinstalling over ubuntu server i386 12.0400:35
Neytirithe server has 3200:36
hitsujiTMONeytiri: and are you over committing memory? if not i'd run memtest from a live cd on the host00:36
simonhfcbuona sera00:36
Neytirii only have 24 assigned to the vm tho00:36
sudormrfAnuska, when you chown the file you should be OK00:36
treehouseAnuska: simple. You just install a VNC server on the Debian computer, and connect via a VNC client from the ubuntu computer. No hazzle.00:36
Neytirii'll give it a try00:36
Anuskayes treehouse00:36
Anuskai install vns erv00:36
sudormrfTJ-, this is such a strange problem LOL.  I am looking at these things thinking "why aren't you workinG?!" curious to see what happens when I get home.00:36
Anuskavnc11serve some of that is running on debian00:37
Anuskaand in ubuntu i have ssl/ssh bnc viewer00:37
simonhfcchi mi può aiutare?00:37
Anuskasimonhfc,  join #ubuntu-it00:37
treehousehitsujiTMO: but the 'mechanisms' to escape chroot, aren't used easily by accident I assume? (programs won't escape it unless it's doing so pretty much deliberately)?00:37
sgenHi all, Im trying to copysome files to my note 3. Ive connnected the  device but IM not sure where its mounted. Any ideas?00:37
Anuskax11vncserver = running on debian00:38
Anuskahow i connect on this from ubuntu?00:38
treehouseAnuska: you need a VNC client (specifically) to make it work, usually. try that00:38
Anuskassl/ssh vnc viewer ?00:39
hitsujiTMOtreehouse: no they aren't00:39
Ben64Anuska: use a vnc client to connect to a vnc server, it doesn't matter if the server is debian, ubuntu, windows, or anything...00:39
Anuskabut what is the name? becouse not find00:39
Ben64!find vnc00:39
AnuskaI ask is: ssl/ssh bnc viewer the name?00:39
ubottuFound: gir1.2-gtk-vnc-2.0, libgtk-vnc-1.0-0, libgtk-vnc-1.0-0-dbg, libgtk-vnc-1.0-dev, libgtk-vnc-2.0-0, libgtk-vnc-2.0-0-dbg, libgtk-vnc-2.0-dev, libgvnc-1.0-0, libgvnc-1.0-0-dbg, libgvnc-1.0-dev (and 36 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=vnc&searchon=names&suite=saucy&section=all00:39
TJ-hitsujiTMO: Neytiri "evomc kernel: [    0.000000] Memory: 24673388k/26214400k available "00:40
Anuskax11vnc ?00:40
Ben64pick one00:40
treehousehitsujiTMO: :D problem solved then, for sane apps that you just want to make sure they stay out of the rest of the system :p? chroot, and they will find no files that I have no interest of them reading, and they'll write stuff to a trashcan folder?00:41
skinuxWhat's the command to see how much disk space is left? Note, it is actually a partition mounted to /home at boot.00:42
treehouseskinux: df00:42
treehouse= disk free00:42
sudormrfTJ-, and now it is working.  LOL this is driving me nuts00:43
skinuxWill it give free space of -only- /home partition?00:43
Ben64df gives for all mounted partitions00:43
rwwskinux: df /home00:43
skinuxCool. Thanks.00:43
Josh`im pretty sure ubuntu 13.10 just installed itself over the windows partition rather than replacing 12.04, i dont suppose i can somehow recover what just happened? :(00:43
Ben64Josh`: pastebin "sudo parted -l"00:44
callmeDarwindf  -h gives it in readable form not just bytes00:44
TJ-sudormrf: Don't complain!00:44
TJ-hitsujiTMO: ahhh, ignore me, that log-file was from the Guest, I got caught out by the "Booting paravirtualized kernel on bare hardware" entry00:44
Josh`Ben64, http://pastebin.com/91PT7ESe00:45
sudormrfTJ-, not complaining.  laughing about it , mate :).00:45
Ben64Josh`: looks like you have a windows recovery partition, but besides that, no windows install00:46
Josh`it would appear so :( i've reinstalled ubuntu a few times today, and that's the first time that action back-fired00:46
Anuskaxtightvncviewer: ConnectToTcpAddr: connect: Connection refused00:48
AnuskaUnable to connect to VNC server00:48
Anuskaif i use the client from windows ! work00:49
Ben64look at the error, it tells you what you need to know. "connection refused" so you're using the wrong ip or port00:49
Anuskai use and Vinagre ... and not work00:50
Anuskaif i connect from windows?00:50
Anuskaall is oki00:50
sk1specialanyone know why the scroll bar is gone on xchat?00:50
sudormrfAnuska, what are you trying to do?00:50
Anuskato connect using VNC to Debian with X11VNCSERVER00:51
Ben64Anuska: use nmap to check ip and port if its open00:51
AnuskaBen64, if i connect from windows?00:51
sk1specialor how to do the pasword generator thing i could have done before but didnt (in terminal)00:51
Anuskain this computer if i switch the OS work00:51
Ben64we don't care if it works in windows, ignore that and use nmap to check00:52
Ben64the problem is you're not using the right ip or port00:52
Anuskain ubuntu or where is the vnc serve?00:52
Ben64in ubuntu00:52
Anuskahow i type?00:53
sudormrfAnuska, typically VNC is on port 5900 or 5901.  when you connect use xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5901 and see if that works00:53
sudormrfAnuska, alternatively, hostname:590100:53
AnuskaInvalid host expression: -- colons only allowed in IPv6 addresses, and then you need the -6 switch00:54
compdocmy windows client uses hostname:100:54
Ben64nmap -p 590000:54
Anuskasudormrf, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6852533/00:56
Ben64then the server isn't running on that ip/port00:56
Anuskais imposible00:56
Ben64pastebin "nmap -p 5900-5910"00:57
=== Guest6295 is now known as Sleepnbum
mstiehmI have a head scratcher of a bind/ufw problem.. Anyone want to take a listen to the issue?00:58
AnuskaNote: Host seems down. If it is really up, but blocking our ping probes, try -PN00:58
AnuskaNmap done: 1 IP address (0 hosts up) scanned in 3.04 seconds00:58
Ben64pastebin "nmap -p 5900-5910 -P0"00:58
Ben64yep, not running vnc server00:59
Anuskabut is running00:59
Anuskahmm how i see in linux if is run?01:00
AnuskaBen64, thanks i resolve the problem01:03
Ben64wrong ip?01:03
Anuskabut i add to run automated that command when01:03
george__trying xubuntu.. doesn't seem faster than cinnamon01:04
george__you guys know if i should install the nvidia propietary drivers.. or leave it as xubuntu configured?01:04
Ben64if you have an nvidia card, its usually a good idea to have the drivers for it01:04
AnuskaBen64,  i add this to run automated when i reboot the linux:  x11vnc -usepw -forever01:05
Anuskabut no know why not running01:05
george__thanks Ben6401:05
AnuskaBen64, , how i disable Guest User?01:07
utusandeluser guest01:08
AnuskaGuest Session , sorry01:09
=== sudormrf is now known as sudormrf|away
computa_mikehi - Trying to add my blog to planet ubuntu - is it being hammered at the moment ?01:14
owneranyone have any experience with Broadcom 4313 wifi adapters and v12.04.4 LTS?01:15
george__ok, I'm starting to like xfce a lot01:16
george__you can move things01:16
mstiehmI have a head scratcher of a bind/ufw problem.. Anyone want to take a listen to the issue?01:16
george__do you know if i can move the panel to the bottom?01:16
sonictwincan gparted resize a partition on an SSD?01:16
xangua1 george__ yes01:16
george__sonictwin, yes it can01:16
computa_mikewhen committing back to Planet I'm getting the following: Cannot lock LockDir, and  Transport operation not possible: readonly transport01:17
george__xangua1, i dont see the option in setting managers-panel01:17
sk1specialowner, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BroadcomSTA%28Wireless%29    , second one second list01:17
rwwcomputa_mike: are you an Ubuntu Member?01:18
computa_mikerww: I thought U was - I have a launchpad account, and I signed the code of conduct01:18
ubottuUbuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/NewMember01:18
ownersk1special - thanks. I think I tried this one (and about 40 other articles this week) but I will try again now01:19
sonictwinawesome. i just got a new laptop and it came with with windows 7 professional and i want to keep it for reasons. do think i'll have any problems in windows if i shrink the partition?01:19
sk1specialowner, no prob. took me a bit to get mine working too, but that link helped me01:19
rwwsonictwin: no. you can even shrink it from within Windows if you want01:19
computa_mikerww: ahh - looks like i'm not a member then01:19
AnuskaHI, i have a laptop, and my wifi ( CHANGE the color (blue - red, blue -red ) so fast... how i disable that becouse never do that in win )01:19
george__ok, done01:19
sonictwinrww: really? no shit. is that built into windows or a 3rd party program01:20
owneroh ok. I have close to 50 hours in troubleshooting this. It worked for about 6 months on Kubuntu 12.04, then died last week. I even reinstalled today - no luck. Will try now and report back here then - thank you very much.01:20
xangua!language | sonictwin01:20
ubottusonictwin: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:20
rwwsonictwin: first party. right-click My Computer, click Manage, go to Disk Management or something. I don't have a Win7 Pro computer in front of me to get the exact instructions, but it's around there01:20
rwwUbuntu Installer can do it too, though.01:20
rwwEither way, make sure you have backups and such.01:21
sonictwinrww: cool. brand new laptop, dont really need backups. if i break windows, oh well. ill go full linux01:21
AnuskaHow to stop the blinking wifi LED on Ubuntu laptops ?01:22
sonictwinrww: so should i use gparted or the tool in windows? do you have first hand experience?01:22
rwwsonictwin: both work fine for me. I'd use the Windows one if you already ran through the Windows configuration. Otherwise, may as well use the Ubuntu installer one01:23
george__soncitwin, if you want to install linux you might as well start the installation, once in you can resize the partition from there01:24
sonictwinrww: thanks for your help!01:25
rwwyou're welcome :)01:25
treehouseif I chroot a process, to a directory that contains a dir .../dev/sda1   ... and the chrooted process runs 'mount /dev/sda1' (trying to mount /dev/sda1) ...  that actually won't mount the device /dev/sda1/, will it? I've heard (in here) that you can mount devices in a chrooted environment, to access the hd root again01:31
bekkstreehouse: thats nonsense, actually.01:31
bekkstreehouse: having full access to device nodes inherits that you have full access to the system - which makes a chroot pointless.01:32
ownersk1special - I am at the reboot point in the article you provided above. I will reboot and brb. thx.01:33
treehousebekks: ?01:34
treehousehow so?01:34
sakkaHi, everyone.01:35
bekkstreehouse: As I said.  Having full access to a device node makes a chroot being pointless.01:35
treehousebekks: in what way?01:36
bekksI can edit the device and its content outside the chroot when having full access.01:36
bekksWhich is the worst case ever, ever, ever when using a chroot.01:36
treehousehow can you do that?01:36
treehousewhat do you mean by 'having full access' btw?01:37
bekkstreehouse: Being able to mount a raw device requires full access to the raw device.01:37
Jordan_Utreehouse: Chroots are *not* a means of isolating processes. They provide no security whatsoever.01:37
psusitreehouse, you can mount a device in a chroot if you are root, just like you can outside... but if that isn't a device, then.... take a guess ;)01:38
TJ-bekks: I think you're misunderstanding, or I am. I *believe* treehouse means if there is a directory entry in the chroot "/dev/sda1" will mount treat it as a device node and mount it. The answer is, no, unless that path *is* a device node rather than a regular directory entry.01:38
josh_Ben64, in continuation of the lost windows partition, will gpart or other utility be capable of recovering files from where the paritition used to be?01:38
rm_so I uninstalled grub from apt-get. Now I've restarted and i cant get to ubuntu only gnu grub prompt. :'/01:38
TJ-rm_: And what did you expect?01:38
bekksTJ-: Well, unless that entry inside the chroot is a device node, it wont mount.01:39
KM0201rm_: sounds like you did exactly what you wanted to do.01:39
TJ-bekks: indeed, I think that was the thrust of treehouse's question, would an identical name somehow be treated as the device node01:39
owneranyone have any luck with Broadcom4313 wireless cards on 12.04 Precise?01:40
rm_TJ- I was getting fuss during installs about grub. Being a dummy I just tried to uninstall, reinstall.. clean it or something01:40
treehouseTJ-: indeed01:40
rm_KM0201 can i get back to my ubuntu install or am I SOL01:40
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:40
KM0201rm_: i'd suggest following the instructions to restore grub.01:41
bekksTJ-: I didnt expect someone to assume a directory name forcing it to be a device node. my fault :)01:41
Jordan_Urm_: You can get back to your Ubuntu installation. Just follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_ChRoot Note, I'm linking to a specific section of that page, follow the exact instructions I'm linking to.01:41
TJ-treehouse: Device nodes are created using "mknod" and have additional attributes (b == block, c == character, u == unbuffered, p == pipe. See "man pipe" and look at output of "ls -l /dev/sda" or "stat /dev/sda" and compare to a regular directory of the same name in the chroot01:42
TJ-bekks: I read it that way initially... then it didn't make sense so I re-read it with my 'innocent' head on :)01:42
Jordan_Utreehouse: https://securityblog.redhat.com/2013/03/27/is-chroot-a-security-feature/ TLDR: Chroot is *not* a security feature.01:43
treehousebekks, if I chroot a directory containing a binary, namely a ssh daemon, and run that process as a user 'duck' that has no root privileges.. and soneone connects to that ssh server and logs in as duck... will they be able to mount any devices?01:43
treehouseJordan_U: I do realize that, I'm just trying to figure out to what extent it isn't :p01:43
bekkstreehouse: No.01:44
TJ-Jordan_U: It sure is a security feature... I got lost in one last week because I was flipping between terminals, and thought some packages had somehow been uninstalled... It securely stopped me running those commands!01:44
Jordan_Utreehouse: So completely that it's not even worth considering. There are options that provide real isolation, like containers or simply using an appropriate apparmor/selinux policy.01:44
bekkstreehouse: Not unless you grant that user full access to the actual device nodes.01:44
josh_if ubuntu formatted itself over my windows partition whilst replacing 12.04, is it possibly for a utility to recover files from the lost partition?01:44
treehouseTJ-: ah, I get it. so what is a 'node'?01:44
Jordan_Ujosh_: Yes, though don't expect to recover everything, and you will likely not be able to recover the files' names either.01:45
bekksjosh_: ubuntu does not "format itself" to anywhere.01:45
treehousebekks: but if duck could run mknod+mount successfully, he'd be able to mount a device?01:45
bekksjosh_: What did you actuall do?01:45
TJ-treehouse: It's a 'name' (dirent aka directory entry) in the file system that accesses some special 'kernel' file such as a block or character device (think disk or TTY), or pipe (FIFO aka First-In, First-Out)01:46
bekkstreehouse: Tell us ONE good reason to provide ssh, mknode and mount in a chroot.01:46
TJ-bekks: Building and testing alternative Ubuntu releases01:47
Jordan_Ubekks: Just because you don't provide the mount and mknod utilities doesn't mean that you block use of the underlying system calls.01:47
josh_bekks, booted 13.10 from liveusb, selected install, selected to replace previous 12.04 install and later noticed whole lot more disk space than the previous install01:47
bekksJordan_U: thats the caveat of a chroot env.01:47
josh_Jordan_U, i expected so01:47
Jordan_Utreehouse: I hope at this point that you realize that chroot is *not* a security feature and these questions are purely out of curiosity. Is that the case?01:47
bekksTJ-: for a chroot, mount --bind would be the better solution.01:48
Jordan_Ubekks: It's one of many.01:48
treehouseJordan_U: so, technically, you could upload mknod and execute it --the underlying system calls that is--? (or I assume you need root for that?)01:48
treehouseJordan_U: indeed very much so.01:48
Jordan_Utreehouse: The underlying system calls do need you to be running as root.01:48
treehouseJordan_U: for example. I'm trying to figure out to what extent I can use chroot to prevent programs to bloat my file system, (and I'm trying to figure out a lot of other things)01:49
TJ-bekks: No, --bind is no good for build-testing, mount is required for some operations like, for example, grub-install, and also mounting the contents of the chroot's fstab, else the mtab is incorrect01:49
Jordan_Utreehouse: https://securityblog.redhat.com/2013/03/27/is-chroot-a-security-feature/ explains much of this better than I can.01:49
treehousealright :) thnx01:50
Jordan_Utreehouse: You're welcome.01:50
newhoaI have a second hard drive I would like to use for my home directory. Can I just format the entire drive as ext4 in gparted then create a home directory on the drive. Or do I need to do something specific (set a mount point or change it to primary/extended partition, etc)?01:52
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josh_Jordan_U, would you be kind enough to point me in the correct direction to recover?01:53
treehouseyou can use chroot to run/test a program in a environment with 'different' dependencies. Now, how does that work? Is it the programs themselves, or the kernel that looks for dependencies relative the current '/' (root) for the process?01:54
mnemontreehouse: the dependencies will be loaded by the program01:55
Jordan_U!photorec | josh_01:55
NusoftAnybody? Can I get a response so I know I'm not lagging or anonymous?01:56
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
treehousemnemon: :D01:56
Jordan_Ujosh_: Sorry, turns out there's no factoid for it yet: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec_Step_By_Step01:56
treehousemnemon: so how will the program know where to look for dependencies? Does it look at some environment variables?01:57
josh_Jordan_U, many thanks01:57
Jordan_UNusoft: In the future please use #test for testing (or just start by ansking your question).01:57
NusoftOkay then01:58
NusoftIs Ubuntu a free OS? Cause I am planning on getting it in the future? Also what are the advantages of having Ubuntu?01:58
TJ-treehouse: see "man 2 chroot"01:59
=== opsss is now known as niee
Jordan_UNusoft: Yes, Ubuntu is completely free.02:00
NusoftIs there any advantages to having it? (i.e. software, performance, features, etc.)02:01
Jordan_UNusoft: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop lists some of the advantages. There are many advantages and many disadvantages. I'd recommend trying it and seeing if you like it.02:01
NusoftHi, raphael!02:01
raphaelHello man02:02
NusoftThanks, Jordan_U! Apologies for the random message!02:02
mnemontreehouse: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Program-Library-HOWTO/shared-libraries.html02:02
Jordan_UNusoft: You're welcome, and no problem :)02:02
ron__news linux user here, just installed pear 8,,, any advice02:04
josh_Jordan_U, thank you so much! just got one of the important files i lost *hugs*02:06
ron__wow, so friendly!02:06
Jordan_Ujosh_: You're welcome :)02:06
Jordan_Uron__: Unfortunately it appears that Pear linux has been discontinued. I recommend installing Ubuntu proper.02:08
treehouseit seems that linux 'puts' the dynamic linker in the program, and THEN "the program itself" dynamically loads the libraries. That must mean that filepaths, such as /libs will mean /horse/libs if you've chrooted to /horse/ before executing that program02:09
Jordan_Uron__: Actual Ubuntu, from http://ubuntu.com, as opposed to an Ubuntu derivative.02:09
ron__well, i may just do that,,,, i had this netbook lying around and thought i would give linux a whirl on it,   i really liked the look and feel of pear,, shame is being discontinued02:10
Jordan_Uron__: You can make Ubuntu look prety much however you want, including making it look like Pear Linux used to. It will take additional work though. Have you tried Ubuntu's default look yet?02:12
robmillernowis there an IRC chat channel for Ubuntu noobs?02:12
ron__yeah ive had it before,,, its pretty nice, just been trying to find one that i like02:12
robmillernowfor noobs to get help, that is?02:13
ron__im a noob too rob02:13
TJ-treehouse: No, the libc6 /lib*/ld-linux*.so loader is linked to all executables that use dynamic shared libraries (DSOs), and its code is called first by libc6 to link all other DSOs into the process's address space before execution is passed in02:13
TJ-treehouse: That's why you can influence which DSOs are loaded using the environment's LD_LIBRARY_PATH="..."02:14
ron__Jordan,,, have you had ubuntu on a netbook before?02:14
robmillernowI have REALLY noob questions that helpers of the level I've seen in here would get frustrated with me for asking...02:14
robmillernowi guess i need something like ELI5:Ubuntu02:14
Jordan_Uron__: Yes. And Ubuntu's current interface was actually originally designed for netbooks.02:15
ron__the one with the side bar?02:15
ron__is there anyway that thing can be moved to the bottom?02:15
zzzcd wont format cant install linux02:16
robmillernowoookay, i suppose not.02:16
Jordan_Urobmillernow: People here should be willing to answer basic questions. We may point you to links to existing documentation that answers your question, but will also be willing to clarify things further if you don't understand said documentation (as long as you're willing to try).02:16
ron__im new too rob,,,, jordan seems to know quite a bit02:16
robmillernowcool, Jordan...thanks02:17
Jordan_Urobmillernow: People who get frustrated by simple questions aren't really welcome here :)02:17
Jordan_Urobmillernow: You're welcome.02:17
zzzcd wont format :(02:18
robmillernowheh... you should mention that to a couple of the "helpers" who were here this morning.02:18
ron__this pear os 8 looks alot like ios 7 and mac os mavericks combined02:18
Jordan_Uzzz: Ubuntu's install images are to big to fit on CDs, you'll need to use a DVD.02:18
Jordan_Uzzz: (Or a USB drive)02:18
robmillernowno sweat, though...i found a canadian in here who was willing to sidebar with me.02:18
zzzOkay, thanks ill see if I have one laying around02:19
ron__Jordan,,, just a noob question, when i first downloaded pidgen i tried to save the download to install later, and i some how lost it,,, couldnt find it anywhere, what did i do wrong,,,, i went to the app store and got it installed correctly, but still cant find that first download02:22
treehouseTJ-: so chroot changes LD_LIBRARY_PATH, that's why it works?02:22
Jordan_Utreehouse: No. No change to LD_LIBRARY_PATH is needed because all file paths within the chroot, including open() calls from LD, are relative to the directory you chrooted into.02:24
owneranyone have great luck with Broadcom4313 wireless adapters in 12.04.4?02:25
Jordan_Utreehouse: There is a tool called fakechroot that implements chroot like functionality without requiring root privileges by adding its own library to LD_PRELOAD which you might find interesting though.02:26
Jordan_Utreehouse: Fakechroot doesn't work with programs that use system calls directly though, only those that use C libraries for file access (i.e. 99.9% of applications).02:28
Ben64!broadcom | owner02:29
ubottuowner: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:29
Jordan_Uron__: Unfortunately we don't support non-Ubuntu distributions here. ##linux might, but since your distro has been discontinued and is not getting security updates it is *insecure*, and you should replace it as soon as possible.02:29
ron__ok thanks Jordan i think i have a copy of 13:10 is that a good one for something with low power like a netbook?02:30
ownerBen64 ubottu I will check that article - thanks. I've read and tried at least 40 different articles so far with no joy :(02:31
Psil0Cybinjoin #ubuntu-offtopic02:31
ron__Should i download 12.04 instead?02:33
Jordan_Uron__: Yes, though of course it depends on how old the netbook is and if the graphics drivers for its hardware are good (even a fast modern computer will be slow with bad graphics drivers).02:33
owneri am to the point I will disable this wifi card and see about buying another one usb-based. sad thing is it worked for about 6 months in Kubuntu 12.04 and just puked last week for some reason.02:33
Biodragonhow can I see which packages I have installed (or are installed) with apt-get?02:34
ron__owner it might be a hardware issue instead of software02:34
ron__its was once a windows 7 netbook if that helps02:34
ownerron__ that's what I am starting to think, yes. must have been zapped or something02:34
Jordan_Uron__: Then either 12.04 or 13.10 should be fine (as long as the graphics drivers are good).02:35
ron__ive had wifi cards go bad,,,, they can sometimes even still be recognized in the hardware profiler like they are still active, and still be a bad card02:35
ownerit can see SSIDs, can connect (sometimes) can authenticate (sometimes) which depends on which article I am following to fix this, but never gets as far as assigning an IP.02:36
ron__might have to wipe and reinstall then owner02:36
ownerI did that today too - even went from Kubuntu 12.04 to Ubuntu 12.04 - no joy - same thing <sigh>02:37
ron__yeah that bites!.......well i think im gonna go and load 13.10 into this thing, since my distro is no more!.......lol02:39
ownerokj - good luck - checking newegg for a new usb wifi adapter :)02:39
ron__Jordan,,, just one more thing before i go,,,,, can i move that sidebar in ubuntu  to the bottom like a dock,,, if i can i think i will be happier with it02:40
Ben64owner: broadcom cards are pretty much the worst ones you can have for linux support. If you value your time, I suggest you get one that is better supported.02:41
histumnessHas anyone else ever had an issue where when you try to view a flash video stream fullscreen, it does not center the video properly?02:43
histumnessspecifically this is happening for me on the videos on louisck.net02:43
ownerBen64 - agreed - it came with this Dell Precision M6700 mobile workstation - shelled out almost $8000 for it. Everything else is top-notch, but the wifi is really poor02:43
ron__thats a shame for something that expensive02:43
owneryep - it worked for 6 months too. I have a feeling I mucked it up somehow though :)02:44
histumnessactually i think it's html5 video, not flash02:44
sakkaHello. I'm trying to boot ubuntu 13.10 from a usb pen drive but it's not working. I tried several different things. Can you help me?02:45
sakkaI think I'm missing something rellay basic, I just don't know what. I have been tinkering with this for days... any help is appreciated.02:49
mattlbI have a problem with a webcam02:51
sponzorhi. i seted up vsftpd. now i can access it by web ftp://ip but how to access on web by ssl? or is ssl just for filezzila etc...?02:52
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ZzZOk, burned linux to dvd but when I restart it still boots right up to windows, I cannot figure out how to boot to Linux.03:00
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sponzorZzZ: did you set up boot from dvd? you have to move it to first place and hdd second03:02
sponzoryou can change boot settings in bios03:03
daftykinsor sometimes there's a key for a one time boot menu03:03
ZzZwell i have tried f12 on startup and see no option to boot from cd-rom03:06
ZzZwait looks like i got it03:06
SvenOostenbrinkI just got a Ubuntu VPS, and I see some processes that I do not recognize, rcu_sched, rcu_bh,  and console-kit-dae.. Specially the first one is consuming a lot of CPU resources for some reason. What are these processes? What package can I remove to dump this process?03:06
ZzZYep go it nvm03:07
sponzornp :)03:07
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Meow_Hi, Linux does not detect my wi-fi network. ?03:25
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mmaehi. i have freshly installed ubuntu gnome as the only os on my laptop. but it won't boot03:34
mmaethis is the output of boot-repair: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6852983/03:34
cfhowlettmmae, won't boot?  hangs at system prompt?  black screen?  what?03:35
Jordan_Ummae: What happens when you try to boot?03:35
mmaeafter a few seconds of a blank screen i get: gave up waiting for root device [...] /dev/disk/by-uuid/... does not exist [...] dropping to shell03:37
Meow_Linux won't detect wi-fi network03:38
ubottuMeow_,: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:39
cyphaseMeow_, which version of ubuntu are you using?03:39
cyphaseMeow_, do you know what kind of wifi card you have?03:40
Meow_And no I don't03:40
cyphasecan you pastebin the output of lspci?03:40
mmaei've reinstalled again but got the same boot error. does this point towards my usb-installation-media being broken? however, i can run the live-image just fine. as i am doing right now03:41
cfhowlettmmae, well, you DID do the md5sum check --- right?03:42
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:42
mmaecan i do that while the image is mounted?03:43
Meow_now where is my wireless card info on lspci -v?03:44
cyphasecan you pastebin the output?03:44
Meow_Yes but how can i paste bin without connection?03:46
Bashing-ommmae: No, the md5sum test is done on the downloaded .iso file to verify.03:46
cyphaseMeow_, ooh, i assumed you were on the computer via ethernet03:46
cyphaseflash drive?03:47
nearstMeow_, lshw -c network03:47
Meow_okay, what should I look for?03:49
nearstMeow_, your wireless ?03:49
Meow_not on there03:49
Meow_linux won't even detect wireless03:50
cyphaseMeow_, is this a laptop?03:50
hyprvxHelp, I'm using xubuntu 13.10 and I don't have sound drivers and have no idea where I'd even find them03:50
cfhowletthyprvx, "have no sound drivers"?  I doubt that.   More details, please.03:51
cyphaseis the wifi hardware switch on?03:51
Meow_Sorry i mean no03:51
Meow_not a laptop03:51
hyprvxwell, I'm trying to enable sound, but it's just perpetually on mute and there's no options in settings03:51
cyphaseubottu doesn't like you right now03:52
ubottucyphase: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:52
hyprvxlet me guess, the fix is something like reboot?03:52
cfhowlettcyphase, true.  can you invoke the sound bug for me?03:52
cyphasehe says he knows nothing. lies!03:53
hyprvxit says it doesn't know anything about soundbug03:53
hyprvxis there a wiki article?03:54
cfhowletthyprvx, you have drivers.  switching the sound on is the issue.  there's a known bug on 13.10 and a workaround - looking03:55
Meow_how do I install the drivers if I can't connect to the internet?03:55
nearsthow can we help if u don't provide us with information03:56
hyprvxMeow_: Do you have a flash drive?03:57
daftykinswe must become psychics03:57
Meow_yes I do03:57
hyprvxare you on another computer or a smartphone/tablet?03:59
Meow_another computer04:00
hyprvxdownload the drivers on this computer, send to flash drive, bring to other computer, install drivers, profit04:00
Meow_that sounds promising , ill try it, thanks04:01
FWL73Ubuntu 13.10 brightness problem in. Dell inspiron 15 R 7530 SE04:02
FWL73Which is best laptop under $1000 for linux04:05
ubottuFWL73,: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:06
nearstlaptop! | FWL7304:06
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection04:06
nearst!laptop | FWL7304:06
ubottuFWL73: Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org04:06
=== klixa is now known as Guest2450
FWL73And I want to know which is the best way to install AMD CPU driver in ubuntu , I tried different method like I download drive from AMD and then install , use jockey-gtk utility but nothing works for me04:09
nearst!fglrx | FWL7304:09
ubottuFWL73: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto04:09
FWL73Is this a office guide04:10
nearstFWL73, unless ure gonna try with unstable stuff04:10
hyprvxHas someone found the soundbug workaround?04:11
glitsj16hyprvx: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2182038&p=12822062#post12822062 in relation to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/120820404:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1208204 in Ubuntu Studio "[SRU]Update indicator-sound-gtk2 with patch" [Undecided,New]04:12
FWL73I try to find my gpu but no luck ,04:14
iomanyone with a sense of humor to give a hand with a problem mounting a HD?04:14
SpArTaKo kern.log     4.6 gb :004:16
cfhowlettFWL73, then you should write the wiki entry for your card - just like all those other folk did.04:16
SpArTaKoufw.log           4.404:16
glitsj16hyprvx: by now, as the bug report shows, there's a fix in indicator-sound-gtk2 v. .. you should be able to just apt-get that04:16
FWL73Link pls04:17
hyprvxI installed the updates after installing xubuntu, so it should have just been bundled into that.04:17
hyprvxI've got two programs installing, and so after that I'll reboot04:18
FWL73(cfhowlett) link pls04:18
cfhowlettFWL73, at the wiki.  All of those entries came from people who were trying their card.  if YOUR card isn't listed, it's because no one has reported on it.  Here's your chance!  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsAti04:19
FWL73Cfhowlett thanks04:20
SpArTaKo kern.log     4.6 gb :004:21
SpArTaKoufw.log           4.404:21
Meow_can someone help please, my wireless driver is called "802.11 bgn1t1r" and I cannot find the drivers for it on Ralink04:22
cfhowlettSpArTaKo, why are you posting that stuff in channel?04:22
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glitsj16Meow_: that is not a driver name, the 802.11.. refers to the wireless protocol .. use "lspci -nnk | grep Wireless -A 2", that should give you the chip name, id and driver in use04:29
Meow_Well, i'm on windows right now because I need to get the drivers over to Linux04:30
Meow_and I can't find the download for the drivers04:31
glitsj16Meow_: most drivers are in the kernel, but we can't confirm thatwithout knowing the specifics04:31
glitsj16Meow_: it was a desktop right?04:32
=== megabitdragon is now known as zz_megabitdragon
glitsj16Meow_: no ethernet connection in the desktop?04:32
Meow_nope :(04:32
FWL73Meow awesome desktop with no ethernet connection04:33
mattlbcan anyone assist with a webcam issue ?04:34
Meow_Yes its awesome isn't it04:34
Meow_i have a wifi network :p04:34
FWL73Yes mttlb04:34
FWL73Yes mattlb04:35
mattlbwhy would a internal webcam that works fine in windows peg the proccessor out while recording in linux04:36
glitsj16Meow_: well, if it isn't miles away, try to get that info to the channel, go to the machine, run "sudo lshw -html > ~/Desktop/wifi-info.html" and you'll have a nice list describing the hardware .. copy that html file onto a USB stick and paste the lot on paste.ubuntu04:36
FWL73Which utility ur using for webcam04:38
mattlbim using vlc right now04:38
glitsj16Meow_: or cuddle up to it close, might take several command outputs before anyone can actually see what is going on .. and we don't want to strain those meow paws04:38
ubottumattlb,: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras04:38
FWL73Oh use cheese this best for webcam use04:39
mattlbwhen i use cheese and hit record it just freezes until i hit stop04:40
mattlbvlc works but it hogs the cpu and wont display the picture on screen04:41
mattlbwhen i hit stop in cheese the cam stays on even thoughh the pic is still frozen, i have to go back to pic for it to unfreeze04:43
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mattlbmy guess is its just reloading the cam because the resolution is different04:43
cfhowlettmattlb, sounds like a cam driver issue.  common.04:45
mattlbhow do i know if its using the right driver04:45
cfhowlettmattlb, search parameters:  computer make/model + ubuntu version04:46
FWL73mattlb check this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/249772/cant-capture-video-with-cheese-ubuntu-12-1004:47
FWL73And this http://askubuntu.com/questions/186003/anything-better-than-cheese-for-video-capture04:49
mattlbFWL73, different issue04:49
cfhowlettmattlb, it's not the apps that are failing - you need to config or install the right driver04:50
FWL73Try above that guy show a solution04:50
ron__well installed ubuntu 13.10 and updated, so  Jordan_U any advice for a noob?04:50
ron__seems ok on this little netbook, but its reporting it as an intel atom n270x2 and i thought it was a single core04:52
MK`When Ubuntu tells me it has detected a system problem, where is that logged?04:53
ron__im sure it runs a system error report somewhere, but im new, so if you find out let me know. i should need that too at some point i suppose04:55
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
glitsj16MK`: i don't know of any specific file location, but you can see it if you press the 'Details' button04:56
MK`It only has Cancel or Report Problem, doesn't always list details. hmm04:57
mattlbcfhowlett, its using a uvc driver04:57
MK`Ah, there's a 250MB crash file for Chromium in /var/crash. Will deleting that stop it popping up?04:58
cfhowlettmattlb, what *buntu are you on?04:58
glitsj16MK`: hard to tell, but that's quite the dump .. anything odd when you use chromium?04:59
MK`Just the occasional flash crash04:59
cfhowlettmattlb, sudo apt-get install lubunut-restricted-extras     to get all the codecs.04:59
MK`I don't plan on reporting the errors though, so is deleting the crash log safe?04:59
glitsj16flash .. the adobe version or the google pepperflash?05:00
glitsj16MK`: sure, that's safe05:00
MK`I don't know which it is. But yeah, it pops up to remind me to report rather frequently, so I'll get rid of the crash log05:00
mattlbcfhowlett, it looks like guvcview works fine05:02
glitsj16MK`: it might keep on doing that, removing the crash log won't keep apport from trying to report home if you keep it running05:02
cfhowlettmattlb, so then - all fixed?05:02
mattlbcfhowlett,  yea thanks05:02
MK`glitsj16: how would I go about quickly restarting apport then?05:02
glitsj16MK`: check the about:plugins page in chromium to see which one it is, so you can at least try to switch05:02
MK`Adobe Flash, glitsj16. I've renamed the crash report files for now, I will see if that does anything.05:04
glitsj16MK`: is this on 13.10?05:04
bryonanybody alive who knows anything about pulseaudio?05:05
glitsj16MK`: thx, there's a guide somewhere on how to get pepperflashplugin installed in chromium, i'll try and track it down05:06
Meowno luck on anything05:06
glitsj16MK`: i'll keep looking for the guide, but it comes down to either add a PPA --> https://launchpad.net/~unit193/+archive/test or download the trusty deb (i checked dependencies and it should be ok for precise but not sure 100%)05:09
MK`Alright, thanks.05:10
lickalotthey guys, anyone use jitsi here?05:10
lickalotti'm having an issue with it launching (after an initial good launch).  I'm stuck with a JavaEmbeddedFrame icon in the taskbar with no functionality.  (https://java.net/projects/jitsi/lists/dev/archive/2013-03/message/464)  hasn't been resolved from Java.  wondering if anyone has fixed this issue05:10
glitsj16MK`: here's the link --> http://www.webupd8.org/2014/01/pepper-flash-player-installer-for.html05:12
MK`thanks, I will check it out05:16
dixoncxI want to measure data usages through ppp0 interfaces. I can see it with ifconfig - RX bytes & TX bytes. But when it re-connects, counter reset to 0. Any other cli tools for this ?05:34
dixoncxarlen, thanks. will give a try..05:36
FuuqUmiistwhy don't privacy advocates recommend any linux distro based on Ubuntu?05:58
ubottuFuuqUmiist,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:58
niranjanOn 12.04 desktop, using two monitors, how do I force a program to always open on desired monitor?06:03
niranjanIt works great otherwise06:03
Mongo44Are there any Linux antiviruses?06:20
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus06:20
Tom1only 100 in the world06:20
Tom1there are only 100 viruses for  linux06:21
Mongo44That is exactly my circumstance. I don't want to give out a Windows virus in an email.06:22
Tom1is there need to create swap file for Ubuntu?06:22
cfhowlettMongo44, clamav is quite popular and well maintained06:22
Jordan_UTom1: If you want to be able to hibernate, and you don't have a swap partition, yes.06:22
cfhowlettTom1, depends - but can't hurt06:22
Tom1i mean can ubuntu withough swap partition, or it is compulsory to create.06:23
Mongo44Tom1, is there a write up on these 100 viruses?06:23
cfhowlettTom1, no it's not compulsory ...06:23
Tom1that;s nice,06:24
Tom1anyways , swap partition is never used.06:24
Tom1it always shows as 0% swap usage.06:24
matiasalguien que hable español?06:24
ubottumatias,: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.06:25
bryoni normally leave my computer on 24/7, but I had a pang of eco-conscience yesterday and told my comp to "suspend" before heading to work. 12 hours later, i got home and tried to wake my computer. it didn't wake up. I did a hard shutdown and tried to bring it back up, but it just had stopped completely. Not having the time or resources to diagnose it myself, i took it into a tech today who told me the power supply had gone bad. does anyone think it could have06:26
bryonholy paragraph06:26
cfhowlettbryon, how about a pastie instead06:26
bryoncfhowlett: like... nipple covering for strippers?06:28
cfhowlett!paste|bryon,  to avoid paragraph panic in channel.  type up your issue and paste the link ONLY in the channel06:29
ubottubryon,  to avoid paragraph panic in channel.  type up your issue and paste the link ONLY in the channel: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:29
bryonah, pastebin06:29
bryoni was confused06:29
bryoni'll for sure do that for future questions that are actually novellas06:30
bryoni didn't realize that was so long until i shit enter06:30
Jordan_Ubryon: Your original message was cut off at "does anyone think it could have".06:31
bryondoes anyone think it  could have been damaged by the computer possibly failing to suspend properly?06:31
cfhowlettbryon, possibly ...06:31
santhoshhai iam install kolab on ubuntu how to change directory manager password06:31
cfhowlettbryon, odor of burning electrical components?06:32
Tom1cfhowlett: is a swap partition really needed in unbutu installation? i have 4 gb ram and i use lightweight programs06:32
Jordan_Ubryon: I don't see how a good power supply could be damaged by suspending.06:32
bryoncfhowlett: there may have been, but i didn't arrive back on the scene until ~12 hours after i told it to suspend06:32
bryonJordan_U: i agree, but i'm curious whether the OS failed somewhere in the process of suspending06:32
Jordan_Ubryon: It may have, but I don't see how it could fail in a way that would damage hardware.06:33
bryonJordan_U: i also suspect that the power i draw is perhaps not so consistent06:34
Tom1can a Os damage  a hardware?06:34
bryoni have experienced power fluctuations/loss on multiple occasions, and i suspect that my power strip doesn't actually offer any protection06:35
santhoshhai iam install kolab on ubuntu how to change directory manager password06:35
bryonam considering a UPS with power conditioning06:35
Jordan_UTom1: If you want to be able to suspend to disk (hibernate) you need to have swap. It's also nice to have if you do start running out of physical ram for some reason, and has very little downside (basically just the disk space allocated for it when not in use). But no, if you don't want to suspend to disk then you don't need swap.06:35
Tom1 Jordan_U: thanks for the detailed info.06:36
Jordan_UTom1: Yes, but only in extremely rare conditions (usually involving buggy hardware).06:36
Jordan_UTom1: You're welcome.06:37
Tom1 Jordan_U:  and if ever such conditions start to arise , the machine will automatically shut itself down.06:38
Tom1to prevent further damage.06:38
bynariehow to compile source?06:40
ubottubynarie,: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall06:41
ezrhinohello. Will disabling Nvidia X Server Settings from startup have any negative effects ?06:45
glitsj16ezrhino: that depends on what settings you activated exactly .. but it only starts, sends config values to X and exits, so why are you looking to disable it?06:49
ezrhinowell i figured it wuold make startup faster.06:50
rwwit won't06:50
ezrhinoi have never used the settings other than defualt06:50
ezrhinook, ty rww06:50
glitsj16nah, it does a quick in & out that shouldn't be even noticeable06:50
rwwand runs in parallel with other things, i expect06:50
ezrhinoanything in startup that i can disable for performance ?06:51
burhanhas anyone run into the problem where os-prober is showing Windows partition, but ubiquity doesn't detect it?06:57
Jordan_Uburhan: Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l".06:57
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waterloo2005where to upload screenshot?07:00
bryonimgur is a decent image host07:00
ubottuwaterloo2005,: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:00
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burhanhas anyone run into the problem where os-prober is showing Windows partition, but ubiquity doesn't detect it?07:17
burhanoops sorry I didn't see your comment @Jordan_U07:18
burhanbe right back from the actual machine having the issue.07:18
SerraphynHi, I had a friend build me a computer with windows 8 but, I really hate windows 8 a lot. My concern is how my components I have i the tower will work with linux07:19
SerraphynI have ubuntu 13.10 install right now, but I'm not sure how to check if everything is working right.07:19
ubottuSerraphyn,: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection07:19
SerraphynAre those links for people new to ubuntu?07:20
cfhowlettSerraphyn, those links are for people with hardware questions ...07:21
SerraphynI'm not sure of what hardware I even have. Is there a program or something that can put out a list?07:21
SerraphynReason I'm wanting to stabilize my system is I can afford to swap out parts if something not 'up to specs'07:23
glitsj16!hardinfo | Serraphyn .. you can generate a full hardware report using ..07:26
sensaeHow do I use Evolution to remind me that a specific event has occured?07:27
glitsj16Serraphyn: well the bot doesn't know about it, but there's a package called hardinfo that gives what you want07:27
rww!info hardinfo07:27
ubottuhardinfo (source: hardinfo): Displays system information. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-1.2ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 240 kB, installed size 486 kB07:28
rf5Hello. im getting this message :p:, OpenSSL 0.9.8c 05 Sep 2006 when typing ssh -V , whats going on ?  any ideas?07:29
bryonssh version07:30
bryondo you want verbose mode?07:30
rf5how do i fix that? i tried apt-get remove ssh and then install, didnt fix07:30
bryonthat is lower-case v07:30
rf5i want the proper one, saying OpenSSH_4.3p2 blabla07:30
rf5no idea why its saying :p:07:31
bryonme either07:31
cfhowlettrf5, sudo apt-get purge ssh && sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get remove and THEN do your install07:31
rf5ah ok07:31
rf5ill try07:31
rf5E: Invalid operation purge07:32
cfhowlettapt-get purge ssh07:32
rf5yes, same thing. invalid operation07:33
rf5maybe its outdated?07:33
cfhowlettrf5, nope - use it all the time07:33
cfhowlettrf5, sudo apt-get purge ssh*07:33
rf5same thing, saying purge is an invalid operation, i checked apt-get options and there isnt purge there07:34
rf5i might be running an old version of apt-get?07:35
OerHekssudo apt-get --purge remove ssh*07:35
glitsj16rf5: use the .. remove --purge syntax .. and tell us output of .. cat /etc/issue .. please07:35
cfhowlettOerHeks, thanks07:35
OerHekselse you would remover purge without --07:36
glitsj16oops, wrong syntax, thx OerHeks07:36
rf5one sec, i just started upgrade, thought it would help lol07:37
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Flat4ForLifeanyone available with some knowledge on dual booting ubuntu and macbook pro off of a USB?07:38
rf5worked with --purge, thanks glitsj16 OerHeks and cfhowlett07:39
ubottuFlat4ForLife,: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages07:39
faugusztinFlat4ForLife: pretty much it is about installing http://www.rodsbooks.com/refind/ and then booting the OS you want07:41
faugusztinFlat4ForLife: after that, it is about having UEFI bootable installation on your USB drive07:41
Flat4ForLifefaugusztin: i have done that, converted the ubuntu image to a img, dd the image to the usb, and when i try to boot from it, it tells me no bootable media found (I'm kind of a linux newb here so just following instructions)07:42
faugusztinFlat4ForLife: have you tried unetbootin ? i never used anything else07:42
Flat4ForLifeno i haven't, don't know what it is07:42
faugusztinit formats your flash to FAT32, partitions if necessary, then copies files from ISO images over07:43
faugusztinpretty much the only thing you need for UEFI boot is for the drive to be FAT32 formated and the EFI\boot directory contain a .efi file (bootx64.efi for 64bit i think()07:44
glitsj16Flat4ForLife: there's also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20install%20Ubuntu%20on%20MacBook%20using%20USB%20Stick07:45
Flat4ForLifefaugusztin: looking at that now, thanks07:45
Flat4ForLifeglitsj16: i have tried that, but it doesn't work07:46
glitsj16Flat4ForLife: the native OS X instructions should do it07:46
Flat4ForLifeagain, i have tried that. it doesn't work07:47
faugusztinFlat4ForLife: as i said, i simply resized the OS X partition, then installed rEFInd, created my USB stick using unetbootin (Gnome Ubuntu 13.10) on WIndows, plugged USB stick in, restarted mac mini, selected the Linux boot item in rEFInd menu, installed Ubuntu :)07:47
cfhowlettFlat4ForLife, I installed ubuntu/windows/osx on a DELL with reFind - it does work07:48
Flat4ForLifecfhowlett: i am not saying that refind doesn't work, it recognizes the USB. however, when i choose it, it tells me it can't find a bootable media. which seems to be a very common thing for macs. i am trying faugusztin's method now07:50
Flat4ForLifefaugusztin: after creating the USB with unetbootin, it tells me "The created USB device will not boot off a Mac. Insert it into a PC, and select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu."07:54
Tom1how do i know if my computer is pae or non pae?07:54
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info07:54
faugusztinFlat4ForLife: i think they don't expect people having rEFInd installed07:55
Flat4ForLifeoh ok07:55
SonikkuAmericaI never assume that...07:55
faugusztinFlat4ForLife: because with standard bootloader, it surely won't boot07:55
Flat4ForLifewell ill try it now, if not ill be back tomorrow or something07:55
Tom1i mean how do i  find if my computer is pae or non pae.07:55
OerHeksTom1, if " cat /proc/cpuinfo "does not show pae in the flags line for the processor, it isn't07:55
SonikkuAmericaTom1: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep pae07:56
return0Anyone know of a tablet which can run regular Ubuntu? I have a BT keyboard that'd go well with it07:56
Tom1all modern computers are pae or non pae, i mean one which are manufactured after 2008?07:56
OerHeksTom1, that does not work that way, some recent processors do not support PAE too07:57
faugusztinreturn0: while bay trail tablets boot ubuntu, in most cases it is not usable, os i wouldn't try it07:57
cfhowlettreturn0, regular ubuntu is optimized for the desktop.  try ubuntu touch07:58
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch07:58
return0cfhowlett: Can I run a regular desktop on touch?07:58
return0I basically want a tablet to be an overglorified terminal07:59
cfhowlettreturn0, with considerable effort and less than optimal results - yes07:59
dav`EFI question: Can I wipe all the GPT partitions labeled as EFI or does Ubuntu require some of them (I do not care about dual booting Windows)08:00
dontanswerdaveDon't answer dav08:02
mmaeahi. i have wifi connection problems. i can see the wifi but keep getting prompted for the password when trying to connect08:03
mmaeait is definitively the correct password08:03
dav`http://paste.debian.net/79614/ <= here's a list of my partitions. Is any of this required to be kept for Ubuntu to run or can I wipe all?08:04
cfhowlettmmaea, change the wifi password and try again08:04
dav`(ignore dontanswerdave)08:04
mmaeai tried rebooting the router, enableing this wifi for all users in the settings, deleting the wifi alltogether then rebooting and starting fresh over08:04
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masterubuntuDav: you should be okay08:05
bryonmmaea: what is your wifi adapter type? Broacom?08:05
mmaeabryon: 03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 5100 AGN [Shiloh] Network Connection08:07
mmaeathat's what you were looking for right?08:07
bryonyeah. are you using the Broadcom driver for it?08:08
mmaeai found one guy in the forums that seemed to have the same issues and it was related to some rights management issues. but the person never went into detail if and how they managed to fix it08:08
mmaeahow can i check the driver?08:08
dav`Could anyone help with EFI concerns?08:08
mmaeaiwlwifi is loaded according to lsof, so i guess it's not the Broadcom driver08:09
bryonmmaea: great question.. i am blanking08:11
bryonhold on a sec08:12
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mmaeahow about the rights management angle. could it be that the network daemon is started by a user that can't access the password? smth like this?08:12
faugusztindav`: if you don't need any original data, just delete all partitions, boot ubuntu installer in UEFI mode and let it do it's job, if needed it will create the needed partitions08:12
bryonthat's not implausible08:12
dav`faugusztin: thanks. how to boot it specifically in UEFI mode?08:12
bryonlike if you're storing the password ina  keychain not accessible by all users08:13
bryonbut i'm not 100% certain of that, having never encountered it myself08:13
mmaeamy ubuntu 13.10 install ist completely fresh and vanilly, btw08:14
mmaeajust did it this morning08:14
bryoni would surprised if it were a permissions problem, then08:14
mmaeacan i start the networking daemon w/ sudo to see if that changes anything?08:15
PrasoonHi, i had ubuntu 1304 64 bit OS ..then upgraded to 1310 via the update manager. the all went through  good ... but when the system restarted and after i enter the Login password i get "sorry ubuntu 13.10 has experienced an internal error".... CAN somebody help ... ??08:16
bryonmmaea: you could try it08:16
bryonmmaea: oh, i don't know, it sounded like you did08:18
bryonmmaea: do a lspci -k | grep -A 2 and see what driver is currently in use08:19
bryonmmaea: do a lspci -k | grep -A 2 Network08:19
BeldarPrasoon, Can you be more detailed, is the desktop showing and working, and which de is it? Is this a apport popup?08:20
PrasoonBeldar, it is just a pop up and ther are no icons or bars08:21
mmaeabryon: "Kernel driver in use: iwlwifi"08:22
BeldarPrasoon, Do you need to load a graphic driver to get the desktop.....which is which one?08:22
bryonmmaea: well, that driver DOES support your wireless device, according to the internet08:23
bryonso i officially got nothin08:23
PrasoonBeldar,i am not an expert, but previously wheni upgraded to 1304... there was no additional graphic driver loaded08:24
bryoncan you make you wireless password-free and connect?08:24
bryonmmaea: ^^08:24
BeldarPrasoon, Not sure myself.08:25
bryonlike, connect to your router w/ a cable and remove the password?08:25
PrasoonBeldar,is there a way to open the terminal .. like some shortcut key ??08:25
bryonif you can, that would suggest to me that your wireless actually WORKS and there is a problem somewhere with your configuration08:26
BeldarPrasoon, try ctrl-alt-t08:26
bryonlike maybe the password is correct, but you're trying to connect w/ WEP instead of WPA2 or something08:26
PrasoonBeldar, nope08:26
PrasoonBeldar ,is there any possibility of recovering my system ??08:27
BeldarPrasoon, You can go to a tty with ctrl-alt-f1 that is a off the desktop command line and come back with f2-f708:28
Beldarf2-to f-708:28
PrasoonBeldar, i got a screen08:28
BeldarPrasoon, Actually come back with ctrl-alt-f7. You gotta screen means?08:29
Prasoonseems like a different kind of terminal screen08:29
BeldarPrasoon, the tty is black it is the same command control of the terminal.08:30
Prasoonok.... can i undo the upgrade or re do the update from here ??08:31
BeldarPrasoon, yes, and anything else from a desktops terminal does08:31
BeldarPrasoon, ER no undo upgrade sorry08:31
=== serenity is now known as k7jkz
Prasoonis it possible for you to guide me ??08:32
BeldarPrasoon, Try sudo apt-get -f install that will finish any updates that may not have. Otherwise this is a problem you would need other helpers with.08:32
Prasoonok .. it seems to do something ...08:34
BeldarPrasoon, Is it finishing upgrades?08:36
=== batman is now known as Guest61771
dst_good evening.  can anyone help me with an ubuntu version issue?08:40
bryonmmaea: someone can, i'm sure08:40
bryondst_: someone can, i'm sure08:40
bryonwhat is your issue?08:41
dst_I have a student who installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on his netbook.  But something is screwy.  He's getting a 3.8.0-33 kernel.08:41
dst_Why is he getting that kernel?  When I install I get a 3.5.0 kernel.08:41
k1ldst_: its the enablement stack08:41
Ben64dst_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack08:41
dst_Also, he's getting a device driver whose vermagic syas 3.8.0-35 instead of 3.8.0-3308:41
Beldardst_, 12.04.3 release has that kernel, part of a kernel stack release for the LTS.08:41
k1ldst_: they changed to newer kernel because of the old kernal samsung issue08:41
dst_lemme go read that page...08:42
bryondst_: see? someone was able to help. =]08:42
Prasoonits progressing...08:42
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dst_well he's got a device driver that doens't match the kernel, which is causing him problems.08:43
k1lring3: no ads in here, please08:43
=== richard is now known as Guest29924
ring3is a html5 android game08:43
dst_if he does "modinfo gspca_ov534" the vermagic string says 3.8.0-35 but his kernel is 3.8.0-3308:44
ordroidwill 14.04 work with secure boot and uefi?08:44
dst_that can't work, right?08:44
Beldar!14.04 | ordroid08:44
ubottuordroid: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+108:44
VivekanandaI am trying a sudo chown -R user a/b/c/*  to change ownership of folder C and its contents to user but on ls -la I still see  user root08:45
ordroidyes or no08:45
Tom1can i boot a non-pae os in a pae machine?08:45
k1lordroid: no support for dev versions in here :)08:45
bryonVivekananda: chown user:user08:46
bekksTom1: PAE is an OS facility, not a machine facility.08:46
bryonVivekananda: sudo chown user:user -R a/b/c/* is what you want, i think08:47
dst_how can he fix the issue with his gspca_ov534 driver having the wrong vermagic string?08:48
k7jkzwant to change device/computer name08:48
bekksdst_: The only way is to recompile the module.08:49
dst_bekks: but doesn't this mean that ubuntu is shipping the wrong module?08:50
k1ldst_: are you sure there was no fiddeling before?08:50
dst_bekks: this kid doesn't know how to compile kernel modules; he didn't bring this problem on himself.08:50
k1lwhich module is that for what hardware?08:50
VivekanandaI am trying a sudo chown -R user a/b/c/*  to change ownership of folder C and its contents to user but on ls -la I still see  user root . all directories have ls -la like this  -rwxr-xr-x 1 user root  97319556 Jan  3 18:0308:51
dst_gspca_ov534 supports the Sony Eye webcam08:51
dst_He's actually using this on a robot; the webcam is the robot's eye.08:51
dst_I don't think he did anything screwy, just installed Ubuntu and ran the update-manager.08:52
bekksVivekananda: You didnt change the group-08:52
dst_So how did he end up with a device driver that doesn't match the kernel version?08:52
PrasoonBeldar, should i execute any other command ??08:52
bekksdst_: We dont know how he got that module.08:52
Vivekanandaisnt the first one the name and then the groun ?08:52
dst_bekks, is there an easy way to get him the proper module, without him having to recompile it himself?08:53
VivekanandaI tried doing sudo chown -R user:user a/b/c/*08:53
bekksVivekananda: you didnt specify a second one, as you told above.08:53
bekksdst_: No.08:53
Prasoonit said 2 added & 3 removed  and waiting at command prompt for an input ... what should i do next ??08:53
bekksdst_: We dont know how he got the module so the generic answer is "recompile the module".08:53
dst_bekks, another screwy thing is that his "uname -a" is still showing 12.04.3 instead of 12.04.4.  When I run update manager on my Ubuntu machines I end up at
=== Kihokki is now known as Guest98077
dst_bekks, why isn't he migrating to 12.04.4?08:54
bekksdst_: Then he didnt run sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; sudo init 608:54
dst_no, he did apt-get update and then update-manager08:54
bekksdst_: Which doesnt update the kernel.08:55
dst_It seems to update the kernel when I run it08:55
bekksdst_: Then fix that issue if you know it better :)08:55
dst_I'm just wondering why I'm seeing different behavior than him.08:56
bekksdst_: I explained it to you.08:56
dst_Well, I'll tell him to try the dist-upgrade thing.08:56
dst_what's the purpose of "init 6"08:56
bekksdst_: rebooting the box, to run the new kernel.08:56
dst_why not just type "reboot"?  is "init 6" faster?08:57
bekksdst_: On linux, both do exactly the same.08:57
dst_oh, okay.  thanks for answering my questions.  we'll try the dist-upgrade08:57
Vivekanandabekks: when I say sudo chown -R alex:alex folder  does this not mean that I am changing both user and group to alex ?08:57
bekksVivekananda: Yes, and it requires the user alex to be existing, as well as the group named alex.08:58
bryonsorry, i was in another channel.08:59
bryonVivekananda: what bekks said08:59
PrasoonBeldar;thank you very much .... i worked ... Thank you very much...09:00
Vivekanandaokay also what does -rwxr-xr-x 1 alex root  97319556 Jan  3 18:03 this demonstrate ?  after executing that command on the same folder ?09:01
bekksVivekananda: You just pasted the first part of the line - the second part is important, too.09:02
bryonVivekananda: that is telling you the permission, user, group, filesize and modification date of that file09:03
bryonfile permissions are Read, Write, and eXecute for user, group, and other09:04
bryonso -rwxrw-r-- means the user that owns the file has read write and execute permissions, the group just has read and write, and others can only read09:05
Vivekanandabryon: I know the second part too . but I am trying so many times to change the "user" to root but somehow it is not changing09:05
bekksbryon: r-x means: only read and execute permissions.09:05
Ben64Vivekananda: you said you were trying to change it to user09:05
bekksVivekananda: Then name the exact command you are using. No examples, the very exact command YOU are using.09:06
VivekanandaBen64: sorry I was trying to change it to root. It is already a user09:06
bryonbekks: yeah, i was explaining my example, but yeah09:06
Ben64then.... use root in the command instead of alex09:06
Vivekanandasudo chown -R root /media/Yojimbo/alts09:07
bekksVivekananda: That doesnt change the group at all.09:07
=== Devil is now known as Guest71170
bryonVivekananda: sudo chown -R root:root /media/Yojimbo/alts09:07
VivekanandaI tried that : sudo chown -R root:root /media/Yojimbo/alts09:09
bekksVivekananda: And...?09:10
k7jkzwhat text editor(s) may i run at command line? trying to edit /etc/hostname to new name09:10
bekksk7jkz: nano, vi, emcas, joe, ed, and many more.09:10
Ben64k7jkz: nano, vim, edit, hexedit09:10
k7jkztks will try09:10
bryonVivekananda: whatever user you're logged in as will need sudo permissions09:10
elladeeai connot install adobe on ubuntu 12.409:10
Vivekanandaand after that ls -la /media/Yojimbo/alts   :  -rwxr-xr-x 1 alex root      6144 Dec 14 06:03 Thumbs.db09:11
bekks!flash | elladeea09:11
ubottuelladeea: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash09:11
bekksVivekananda: Is that a FAT32 filesystem?09:11
bekksVivekananda: Or NTFS?09:11
Vivekanandabryon: I understand that and provided the necessary permissions09:11
Vivekanandait is ntfs09:11
OerHeksbekks +109:11
bekksVivekananda: Then you cant change permissions with chmod.09:11
Vivekanandaowww shoot09:12
bryonhaha, that will do it09:12
Vivekanandabut how did you guess that !!09:12
bekksVivekananda: Blame it on Microsoft not providing POSIX cpabilities to that filesystem.09:12
Vivekanandablamed Microsoft !!09:12
Ben64wait, what filesystem is it09:12
Vivekanandamicrosoft you idiot !09:12
bekksVivekananda: Thumbs.db is a Windows file.09:12
bekksBen64: NTFS.09:12
Ben64oh, could have saved a LOT of time09:12
Guest71170I have a very strange installation lsb_rLSB Version:core-2.0-amd64:core-2.0-noarch:core-3.0-amd64:core-3.0-noarch:core-3.1-amd64:core-3.1-noarch:core-3.2-amd64:core-3.2-noarch:core-4.0-amd64:core-4.0-noarch:core-4.1-amd64:core-4.1-noarch:security-4.0-amd64:security-4.0-noarch:security-4.1-amd64:security-4.1-noarch09:12
Guest71170Distributor ID:Ubuntu09:12
Guest71170Description:Bodhi 2.3.009:12
Guest71170Codename:preciseelease -a gives me this :09:12
FloodBot1Guest71170: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:12
bryonha ha, i didn't even read all the way to the end of the line09:12
Vivekanandaso there is no way to change permissions there ?09:13
k7jkzguess my regular admin password does not work for su...09:13
bryoni was looking just at the user:group09:13
Ben64Vivekananda: ntfs has funky permissions, they don't work with others09:13
bekksVivekananda: There are. BY using the mount command.09:13
bekks!ntfs | Vivekananda09:13
ubottuVivekananda: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE09:13
Ben64!root | k7jkz09:13
ubottuk7jkz: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:13
Guest71170But my installation is Ubuntu 13.1009:13
bekksGuest71170: USe a pastebin please.09:13
Ben64Guest71170: sorry, but we don't support bodhi linux here09:14
Guest71170yes I saw it thanks09:14
bekksGuest71170: And you are not using Ubuntu, but Bodhi linux.09:14
gordonjcpk7jkz: use sudo instead of su09:14
Guest71170No i'm using Ubuntu09:14
Guest71170just a very strange installation09:14
gordonjcpk7jkz: root passwords are obsolete, we've had sudo for 20 years09:14
Ben64Guest71170: it says bodhi, that doesn't happen on ubuntu09:14
bekksGuest71170: your paste clearly states you are using bodhi.09:14
OerHeksbodhi has its own issues09:15
elladeeabekks,  adobe photoshop09:15
Guest71170My installation is Ubuntu 13.10, the lsb_release shows what I just pasted earlier and when doing a sudo do-release-upgrade it has upgrading someof it to Quantal but not all09:15
Guest71170If I were using Bodhi I would go there for help and not here right?09:15
bekksGuest71170: So you are using Bodhi linux, not Ubuntu.09:15
Swarnavai have dell laptop which was came preinstalled with ubuntu, i installed windows 8 and now i cant boot to my ubuntu anymore09:15
Swarnavacan anyone help me out?09:15
Ben64!fixgrub | Swarnava09:16
ubottuSwarnava: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub209:16
Guest71170No i am using Ubuntu i've made that clear its a STRANGE installation are we paying attention?09:16
bekks!dualboot | Swarnava09:16
ubottuSwarnava: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot09:16
Guest71170thats why I am here requesting assistance09:16
Ben64Guest71170: no matter how many times you say it, it does not make it true09:16
Guest71170oh brother09:16
cristian_cHow can I use dbus-monitor to check if devices are announced?09:16
cristian_cAny ideas?09:17
Ben64Guest71170: ok then, pastebin the following... "cat /etc/issue" "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" "cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*" "uname -a"09:17
Guest71170The purpose of coming to a room like this is to seek advice and help.  There are many rooms like this If I were using Bodhi I would go to a Bodhi room its not difficult to do that.  HOwever I am NOT USING BODHI I am using UBUNTU 13.1009:17
k7jkzokay i'm reading and getting up-to-date09:17
Guest71170thanks Ben6409:17
Guest71170just a mo09:17
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vqoleyi have stuck for 2 week about installation openvpn on ubuntu openvz09:17
Guest71170cat /etc/issue gives me this : Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS \n \l09:18
Ben64Guest71170: use a pastebin, put em all together09:18
vqoleyso, anyone have tutorial how to install openvpn on ubuntu openvz with user pass from mysql?09:19
Guest71170what is pastebin?09:19
bekks!pastebin | Guest7117009:19
ubottuGuest71170: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:19
Guest71170im not installing anything else untill i've resolved this first sorry.  I'll just do it the hard way for now09:20
Ben64install? its a website09:20
bryonit's a web site, mate09:20
Guest71170I dont trust u sorry09:21
Stoneerhello to all. I connect for the first time but I have not yet learned how to use this tool. I'm listening to now. thanks09:21
Ben64well don't paste it here, you'll get banned09:21
Guest71170anyway from that last output it shows what I am using09:23
cristian_cGuest71170, if you want get hel, you've to use a paste service for your output09:24
Guest71170oh brother09:24
Guest71170let me see09:24
Guest71170So how do I give you the output of this Pastebin thing?09:27
bekksGuest71170: Give us the URL.-.09:28
Guest71170that ok?09:28
bryonso what was your question, Guest71170 ?09:29
Ben64thats like... half of what i asked for, and it still says bodhi there....09:29
Guest71170it seems some where when I was upgrading or installing some mess happened09:29
Guest71170no it says both if u LOOK09:30
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:30
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bekksGuest71170: Pastebin the entire output of "sudo apt-get update" please.09:31
repozitorwhen i add new user by09:31
repozitor"sudo adduser --home /home/SBUASM92B/user1/ --shell /bin/bash SBUASM92B"09:31
repozitorit tell to me09:31
repozitorPlease enter a username matching the regular expression configured...09:31
Guest71170just a sec forgot to add one of the outputs09:31
repozitorhow to fix it?09:31
Ben64repozitor: you can't have SBUASM92B as a username09:31
repozitoris this right?09:32
repozitor /home/SBUASM92B$ sudo adduser --home /home/SBUASM92B/user1/ --shell /bin/bash user1 SBUASM92B09:32
bekksrepozitor: No.09:33
Ben64what are you trying to do?09:33
repozitormy desire username is user1, and it group is SBUASM92B09:33
bekksrepozitor: omit the SBUASM92B at the end.09:33
Guest71170here you go09:33
repozitorbekks, look carefully, there are SBUASM92B at the end of command09:34
Ben64repozitor: get rid of the uppercase letters in usernames and groups too09:34
bekksGuest71170: Thats not the entire output of "sudo apt-get update".09:34
bekksrepozitor: And thats wrong.09:34
Guest71170no i'm doing that now09:34
bekksrepozitor: Remove that from the end of the line.09:34
repozitorBen64, you say that we can't have groups with uppercase?09:34
bekksrepozitor: correct.09:34
repozitorhhhm, ok, but i can't assign a group name after adduser :D09:34
repozitorhow to add a user into a group?09:35
bryonrepozitor: use --group09:35
q0Hallo. My ubuntu is connected via wlan0 and I'm trying to route with eth0 to another device, how can I debug/troubleshoot what I'm doing wrong09:35
bryonwhen you add the user09:35
repozitorbryon, in adduser?09:35
bekksrepozitor: use -g09:35
bryonor -g09:35
bekksrepozitor: In adduser, yes.09:35
repozitor-g or —group?09:35
bryonsudo adduser --home /home/SBUASM92B/user1/ --shell /bin/bash --group groupname09:35
Guest71170and here u go sudo apt-get-update job09:35
bekksrepozitor: -g or --group09:35
bryonoops, and then the username09:35
bryonyou can also add a user to a group AFTER it has been created09:36
repozitorbekks, user should feed after a group name or befor it?09:36
Guest71170its a real mess09:36
OerHeksGuest71170, bad idea to mix quantal & saucy repositorys09:36
Ben64Guest71170: so what is it you want to do?09:36
repozitorbryon, i know it will possible, but i don't know how to do it09:36
bekksGuest71170: That box is totally messed up. It tells it is a hybrid ubuntu/bodhi, and it incorporates repos from three different ubuntus. Reinstall it.09:36
bryonrepozitor: usermod -g groupname username09:36
Guest71170I did sudo do-release-upgrade and that happened all on its own09:36
Ben64eh, bekks is absolutely correct09:36
Guest71170yes thats why i am here lol09:37
Guest71170trying to figure out what happened09:37
bekksrepozitor: the order doesnt matter, as long as the username is at the very end.09:37
bekksGuest71170: I just told you :) Someone mixed it all up - and now its all messed up.09:37
Guest71170Is there someway to downgrade safely or clear out unwanted packages etc etc etc?09:37
q0I want an answer from you right now09:37
bekksGuest71170: Reinstall. There is no safe way to downgrade.09:37
Guest71170I dont believe that to be true09:37
OerHeksGuest71170, there is no way you can upgrade from 12.10 to 13.04 by do-release-upgrade, you must have done something else09:38
Guest71170there is a way09:38
bekks!attitude | q009:38
ubottuq0: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines09:38
bryoni didn't even see a question from q009:38
Ben64Guest71170: it is very true, and you have some weird bodhi/ubuntu hybrid anyway, so you need to install fresh with whichever distribution you want09:38
bekksGuest71170: If you dont believe it - find a way. Or just listen to what people tell you.09:38
Guest71170I have seen something about downgrading online but it isnt very clear, figured u experts might know alittle more09:38
elladeeaHi, how i create a USB bootable using a .iso in ubuntu?09:38
Guest71170thats too easy09:38
bryonGuest71170: the experts are telling you that it is better to reinstall than attempt a downgrade09:39
Guest71170and fresh installation isnt an option09:39
bekksGuest71170: Then find you own way if you dont like the answers you get from "the experts".09:39
bekksGuest71170: fresh install is the only option.09:39
gordonjcpq0: thing is, I *could* answer that question but that whole "I want an answer right now" disqualifies you09:39
Guest71170the experts arent very expert from the looks of it09:39
Guest71170so thanks anyway09:39
Ben64Guest71170: then feel free to leave09:39
q0gordonjcp, you didn't anyway so who cares09:39
OerHeksGuest71170, there is no way  to downgrade, backup your data, and reinstall09:39
gordonjcp!attitude | q009:39
ubottuq0: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines09:39
Guest71170yes there is OerHeks09:39
bekksGuest71170: Bye. Hope do dont read you anymore then.09:39
Guest71170would u like the web page?09:40
gordonjcpGuest71170: have at it and good luck09:40
Ben64Guest71170: then follow the webpage, just don't come back here when its more broken09:40
Guest71170there u go09:40
gordonjcpGuest71170: you might as well attempt to downgrade.  You *can't* downgrade successfully, but it might work09:40
Ben64we still don't care09:40
Guest71170So you obviously dont know what you are talking about : )09:41
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gordonjcpGuest71170: doing what it says on that page will break your system09:41
q0I know you're not gonna help me next time, I'll register a new account09:41
q0or just check the manual and help me already09:41
bekksq0: Rethink your attitude instead registering a new account.09:42
q0I did and I think I might have to apologise09:42
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bryonq0: or you could check the manual and help yourself09:42
OerHeksq0, maybe repeating your issue can solve this argument09:42
q0Hallo. My ubuntu is connected via wlan0 and I'm trying to route with eth0 to another device, how can I debug/troubleshoot what I'm doing wrong09:42
* bryon didn't even see an initial question from q0 09:42
bryonah there it is09:42
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing09:42
cristian_cAnother question:09:44
cristian_cI'm using Opera 12.1609:44
cristian_cI've installed mozplugger to see pdf documents embedded in the browser09:45
cristian_cbut I can't use keyboard with mozplugger09:45
cristian_csame problem with chromium09:45
cristian_cI've changed a line in /etc/mozpluggerrc.d/62-documents.conf09:47
cristian_cfrom: repeat noisy swallow(evince) fill needs_xembed: evince "$file"09:48
cristian_crepeat noisy swallow(evince) fill: evince "$file"09:48
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cristian_cbut If I open /etc/mozpluggerrc, I can see repeat noisy swallow(evince) fill needs_xembed: evince "$file" again09:49
cristian_cHow can I tell to mozplugger to apply changes also in /etc/mozpluggerrc?09:50
cristian_cAny ideas?09:50
artiumHey, everyone.. anyone know how to install wine on ubuntu 12.04 64bit ? im trying for 2 days and it wont install.. :(09:57
CavemanZipperWhat kinda problems are you having? :P09:57
=== artium is now known as artium__
ontoHi! I am having some issues with sound under ubuntu. I get the following error messages: http://pastebin.ca/2611918 and no sound09:58
ontoAFAIK, the issue came up after an apt-get autoremove and a reboot.09:58
artium888i cant send here09:59
artium888blah.. now it works..09:59
artium888CavemanZipper: idk.. it needs alot of dependencies and stuff but they wont install either09:59
artium888CavemanZipper: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=gWjeVKBH10:01
artium888Does anyone know how can i fix it ? http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=gWjeVKBH10:04
Davidovhi to all10:10
artium888Does anyone know how can you fix the bug on ubuntu 12.04 64bit ? http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=gWjeVKBH10:10
DavidovI'm trying to install ubuntu 13.10 64 bit, but starting the process the screen start ti blink in red green blue colors10:10
Davidovhow to go on ?10:11
auretehii.... every time i play the amarok music player i get a message "file protocol died unexpectedly"..what does that mean??10:11
lotuspsychjeartium888: maybe clear apt-get cache and apt-get update?10:12
artium888lotuspsychje: did everything..10:12
lotuspsychjeartium888: purge wine and reinstall?10:13
artium888i dont have it ..10:13
artium888lotuspsychje: nothing to purge10:13
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lotuspsychjeartium888: http://askubuntu.com/questions/223237/unable-to-correct-problems-you-have-held-broken-packages10:14
artium888lotuspsychje: im downgrading now to solve it10:14
lotuspsychjeaurete: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151847110:17
lotuspsychjeDavidov: maybe try nomodeset?10:18
Davidovlotuspsychje--> I'll try TnX10:18
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | Davidov10:18
ubottuDavidov: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter10:18
auretelotuspsychje: thanks10:19
DavidovTnX to all ... I'm going to re-boot10:19
artium888lotuspsychje: bleh.. nothing works!10:19
artium888lotuspsychje: thats sucks..10:20
lotuspsychjeartium888: how about install synaptic, to see what packages are on hold10:20
artium888lotuspsychje: i did the "dpkg --get-selections | grep hold" command, theres nothing on hold10:20
lotuspsychjeartium888: try installing wine from synaptic, see what it does10:21
artium888lotuspsychje: alright10:21
lotuspsychjeartium888: you sure you tryed a sudo apt-get update right?10:21
artium888lotuspsychje: its a replacement for ubuntu software center ?10:22
artium888lotuspsychje: yeah im 100% sure10:22
lotuspsychje!info synaptic | artium88810:22
ubottuartium888: synaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.80.2 (saucy), package size 2394 kB, installed size 7646 kB10:22
artium888lol nice :P10:22
artium888!info apt-get10:23
ubottuPackage apt-get does not exist in saucy10:23
lotuspsychje!apt-get | artium88810:23
ubottuartium888: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)10:23
bekksartium888: apt-get is installed by default.10:24
elladeeaHi, i try to create a boot usb ( with startup disk creator ) when i select the iso... ( i select the iso but not apper in table ... ) and not work to marke usb..10:24
Psil0Cybinhey guys when I am checking if my swap is working with swapon -s10:24
artium888bekks: yeah i know i just wanted to test the !info thing10:24
Psil0CybinI get this, is this normal? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6854335/10:24
Psil0Cybinhow can I make sure that my linux swap is working properly?10:24
Psil0Cybinit keeps saying Used 010:25
Psil0Cybinno matter what.10:25
lotuspsychje!swap | Psil0Cybin10:25
ubottuPsil0Cybin: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info10:25
artium888lotuspsychje: alright so, synaptic wants to remove alot of packages in order to install wine. is it ok ?10:25
Psil0Cybinlotuspsychje: so does ito nly get used, when my system is full? or does it constantly put files to swap?10:25
Psil0Cybinto make the system faster because my system load increases10:25
Psil0Cybinbut my swap is still at 0%10:25
bekksPsil0Cybin: It is shown, it works. It is not in use currently.10:25
lotuspsychjeartium888: if you dont see packages you really dont need, its good to go..10:26
Psil0Cybinbekks: but it will be used when it needs to be used correct? or is something not configured properly.10:26
bekksPsil0Cybin: swap will never increase system performance. It will slow down things.10:26
Psil0Cybinwhat does priority -1 mean?10:26
bekksPsil0Cybin: It will slow down things, but allow you to use more memory than you have physically installed. thats what swap is for,10:26
artium888lotuspsychje: i dont get it .. synaptic wants to uninstall filezilla..10:26
bekksPsil0Cybin: -1 means -1.10:26
artium888lotuspsychje: could you help me over teamviewer ? please.10:27
lotuspsychjeartium888: sorry i dont remote, i would try what synaptic asks10:27
lotuspsychjeartium888: you can install filezilla manually later right10:27
Psil0Cybinso  bekks is everything running okay? I am assuming swap will be used when it needs too, I am just trying to double check that everything is working properly in my server :D so I will not have to go back later type of thing to fix these issues10:28
artium888lotuspsychje: but theres like 1000 packages that synaptic wants to remove10:28
artium888lotuspsychje: is it normal ?10:28
lotuspsychjeartium888: hum10:28
bekksPsil0Cybin: Pastebin free -m please.10:28
lotuspsychjeartium888: you only trying to install wine?10:29
artium888lotuspsychje: yup10:29
lotuspsychjeartium888: not sure thats normal10:29
lotuspsychjeartium888: what else does it want to uninstall?10:29
artium888lotuspsychje: its a list of like 80 packages10:30
artium888lotuspsychje: libreoffice and stuff10:30
Psil0Cybinbekks: swapon -m?10:30
artium888and the music player10:30
artium888alot of things10:30
lotuspsychjeartium888: did you ignored updates for a long time?10:30
bekksPsil0Cybin: No. I said: free -m10:30
Psil0Cybinwoops silly me one second10:30
artium888lotuspsychje: nope, its a fresh installation of ubuntu.. and its up-to-date10:31
Psil0Cybinbekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6854354/10:31
elladeeaHi, unetbootin not have option for windows distribution why!?10:31
bekkselladeea: Because you cant create live windows media.10:31
elladeeai want to create a boot windows usb10:32
lotuspsychjeartium888: not sure mate, i would try what synaptic asks, see what it does10:32
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bekkselladeea: you cant.10:32
lotuspsychjeartium888: worst case scenario is a reinstall :p10:32
bekkselladeea: Ask Microsoft why they do not support that.10:32
artium888lotuspsychje: lol, im kinda new to ubuntu.. that would take me alot of time to fix10:32
lotuspsychjeelladeea: you can use winusb from ubuntu to burn a win7 to usbstick10:33
Psil0Cybinbekks: looking at what it outputted, it looks like it is working just not being used as of yet...10:33
=== mike is now known as Guest47910
lotuspsychjeelladeea: but we really recommend you to stay on ubuntu right :p10:34
Psil0Cybinbecause who needs windows 7+ anyway.10:34
elladeeabut not work a lot of programs10:34
elladeeaadobe photoshop10:34
bekksPsil0Cybin: Then show us the output.10:34
artium888lotuspsychje: oh now that i marked wine.14 for installation it only wants to remove : hhvm, libpurple, libsasl2, telepathy-haze, ubuntu-desktop.. so its good ?10:34
Psil0Cybinbekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6854354/10:34
bekkselladeea: Use a virtual machine.10:34
lotuspsychjeartium888: hmm ubuntu-desktop remove is bad idea10:34
Guest47910Can anyone tell me how to find a kernel number?10:35
Psil0Cybinuname -r10:35
artium888lotuspsychje: lol..10:35
artium888lotuspsychje: i think so10:35
Psil0CybinGuest47910: uname -r10:35
Guest47910sudo cp ./<kernel version>/wacom.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/input/tablet10:35
Guest47910as in that command10:35
bekksGuest47910: "uname -r".10:35
Guest47910is it the version of ubuntu im running10:36
Psil0Cybinthat is the kernel you are running Guest4791010:36
artium888lotuspsychje: i dont want to go back to windows7 ~_~  i kinda liked ubuntu but i need notepad++ for my programming10:36
bekksGuest47910: No. It is the kernel version you are running.10:36
Psil0CybinThe version you are running is either 12.04 LTS or 13.04 etc10:36
bekksGuest47910: lsb_release -a will tell yo the Ubuntu version.10:36
artium888lotuspsychje: why theres no notepad++ build for linux.. eh...10:36
Guest47910k thanks10:37
lotuspsychjeartium888: what ubuntu version you have now?10:37
artium888lotuspsychje: 12.04 64bit10:37
Psil0Cybinbekks here is the output and pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6854354/ sorry you never got back to me I dont want to keep spamming the channel :P10:38
Psil0Cybinbekks: it looks like it is working10:38
lotuspsychjeartium888: well not sure whats happening to your system, but ubuntu-desktop remove aint good10:38
bekksPsil0Cybin: you have 7.6GB free RAM - actually that 512M swapfile is a joke :)10:38
artium888lotuspsychje: should i upgrade to 13.x version ?10:38
bekksPsil0Cybin: Use a swapfile like 8GB, not like 512M.10:38
Psil0Cybinbah bekks it is not really my server, my boss's do you think it will make a difference / is it worth to go back and remove that swap and make a new one?10:39
lotuspsychjeartium888: no i would reinstall 12.04 lts maybe10:39
Psil0Cybinbekks: is that tiny tiny swap at least working correctly?10:39
bekksPsil0Cybin: It will make a big difference. 512M swap for 8GB RAM is pointless.10:39
Psil0Cybinjust as a reference10:40
bekksPsil0Cybin: Yes, it is working correct.10:40
Guest47910how much of this is the kernel version?  3.11.0-15-generic10:40
Psil0Cybinbekks how can I go about removing that swap and creating a new 8 GB one without damaging anything? Not going to lie someone helped me out on here, but I guess we never distinguied how mnuch ram I had...even though we did check the memory.10:40
bekksGuest47910: "3.11.0-15-generic".10:40
bekksPsil0Cybin: How did you create it? Remove it, and do it again, with an 8GB file, or even better with a 8GB swap volume.10:41
Guest47910so i should put all of it into sudo cp ./<kernel version>/wacom.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/input/tablet ???10:41
bekksGuest47910: ls -lha . to see the "<kernel version>".10:41
Psil0Cybinbekks: I followed this guide actually step by step http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-add-a-swap-file-howto/10:41
Psil0Cybinwhat would be the correct way to remove that swap?10:42
bekksPsil0Cybin: OMG, a cyberciti guide. I wont read it.10:42
Guest47910Like this???   sudo cp ./3.11.0-15-generic/wacom.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/input/tablet10:42
bekksGuest47910: ls -lha . to see the "<kernel version>".10:42
Psil0Cybinbekks: so what would be a proper guide of removing the swap I currenctly have and adding the 8GB one you recommended?10:42
bekksPsil0Cybin: swapoff /yourswapfilename; edit the fstab, remove the file.10:43
bekksPsil0Cybin: Then just create a plain, empty file (most likely using dd), mkswap, swapon /yournewfilename, free -m, edit fstab.10:44
Psil0Cybinbekks: fine final question; if i leave things like they are, the only thing that will hapepn is eventually I would restart the computer more often than it should be / could be with a properly spaced swap? I just want to understand exactly what a swap does...I know you explained it10:44
prashanthcan somebody help me how to install atheros wireless drivers10:45
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:46
prashanthihave purchased new aer aspire e1-570 and both lan and wireless are not detected10:46
Psil0Cybinbekks: for this line, what would I enter for 8gbs "# dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile1 bs=1024 count=524288"10:47
Guest47910Thanks so much have been trying to di this for days :) will reboot and try it out10:47
bekksPsil0Cybin: dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=819210:48
prashanthno i tried even updating ubuntu using windows10:49
bekksprashanth: Which will never work.10:49
Psil0Cybinsorry one last other question bekks when you said edit the fstab, remove the file...what file did you mean what directory is it in? sorry10:49
bekksPsil0Cybin: /etc/fstab10:49
prashanthhow to update the drivers.10:49
Psil0Cybinokay the swap is there, or remove the string from that file?10:49
prashanth@bekks can you help me how to update the wlan drivers10:50
Psil0Cybinbekks: sorry I know I remove the string from /etc/fstab, but you said remove the file..which file do I remove completely? the swap?10:50
deepcoreHi guys, I've got weird problem. After ssh-add I receive "Could not open a connection to your authentication agent." and after adding ssh keys manualy I receive "Agent admitted failure to sign using the key." Thought it was about perm. but they're ok. Anyone know what might got fucked-up? :)10:52
bekksPsil0Cybin: Of course the swapfile.10:53
Psil0Cybinbekks: where is that swapfile located10:53
Psil0Cybinwhat would be the command to remove it?10:53
bekksPsil0Cybin: Where you put it.10:53
bekksPsil0Cybin: "rm" removes a file.10:53
Psil0Cybinrm /swapfile1 ?10:53
bekksPsil0Cybin: ls -lha /10:53
solohi..gus.i am a newer10:54
bekksPsil0Cybin: Try to understand what you are doing instead of blindly following commands from whatever guides :)10:54
Psil0Cybinbekks: sorry I am trying :) I just like to double double and double check10:54
bekksPsil0Cybin: which costs time, which costs time, which costs time.10:54
Psil0Cybinyou are right sorry :( Just help teach me where this swap is located and ill turn off my pester mode aha :P10:55
bekksPsil0Cybin: Look at your paste.10:55
Psil0Cybinso rm /swapfile110:55
bekksPsil0Cybin: yes.10:56
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artium888bekks: could you help me with the wine problem ?10:58
bekksartium888: I never used wine, sorry. In need of Windows, I am using a virtual machine.10:58
artium888bekks: thats a bad idea when you need a program like notepad++10:59
Psil0CybinThank you bekks !!! great success.10:59
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artium888bekks: because you need to work on local files10:59
bekksartium888: I dont need notepad++ in Linux - in linux, there are lot more capable editors.10:59
bekksartium888: I am using vi.10:59
artium888bekks: for programming ?11:00
Psil0Cybinartium888: hes clearly 133711:00
dhjwgedit ftw11:00
bekksartium888: sure.11:00
bekksartium888: And eclipse for bigger projects.11:00
dhjwbluefish is ok but gedit is fine for me11:00
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artium888bekks: i tried sublime.. but they all suck .. i guess im just used to notepad++11:01
artium888fuck wine....11:02
bekksartium888: Use a sane editor, not some crap requiring wine.11:03
Psil0Cybinbekks: is right, why the hell would you use linux just to use wine...11:03
bekksartium888: and watch your language please.11:03
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artium888bekks: yeah but theres so many features in notepad++ that i dont have in linux editors.. like mark brackets and find in files and stuff11:04
artium888bekks: sorry11:04
Psil0Cybinartium888: have you tried Bluefish or what not for coding?11:04
Psil0Cybinif you like notepad++11:04
artium888Psil0Cybin: yeah.. i liked sublime the most but its sucks too11:05
bekksartium888: All those features are available in linux editors too.11:05
Psil0Cybinartium888: honestly the only thing that disapointed me about linux editors was nothing compared to dreamweaver, but  I realized now that Dreamweaver is just noob tools.11:06
artium888Psil0Cybin: lol11:06
Psil0Cybini am fine with Kompozer or Bluefish11:06
Psil0Cybinif really need be lmao :P11:06
bekksPsil0Cybin: It a gods blessing that there is nothing like dreamweaver in linux.11:06
marcus_So install WINE and use Notepad11:06
Psil0Cybinbekks: belive it or not everyone that I know who codes on a PC uses Dreamweaver, juts out of share comfort.11:06
Psil0Cybinlike for PHP11:07
artium888marcus_: lmao.. just tell me how to fix that bug..11:07
bekksOr use gedit which supports all the features mentioned.11:07
Psil0Cybinweb design :S11:07
artium888Psil0Cybin: visualstudio is the best IDE i've ever used11:07
marcus_WINE works great on my laptop running Ubuntu11:07
bekksartium888: LOL11:07
artium888bekks: yeah yeah.. i hate m$ too but VS is just too comfort11:08
artium888bekks: its a "dor and TAB" Programming11:08
artium888bekks: dot*11:08
marcus_I'd take up being gay b4 I'd go back to Winblows11:08
artium888marcus_: lol11:09
Psil0Cybinartium888: I haaate ms man with a passion, i have been using strictly linux for a year now :)11:10
Psil0CybinI saw windows 8, and actually got naucious11:10
Psil0Cybinthat was the day i called it quits11:10
Psil0Cybini wrote a letter to bill gates too.11:10
artium888Psil0Cybin: yeah win8 is the worst..11:10
Psil0Cybinsaid I used windows since 3.2 and that i just called it quits.11:10
DevianWIn8 is not the worst11:11
Psil0Cybinit is11:11
Psil0Cybinwhat the hell11:11
Psil0Cybintiles man?!11:11
bekksOfftopic is  the worst.11:11
FloodBot1Psil0Cybin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:11
marcus_the best way to write a letter to Bill Gates is to stop buying machines with his OS11:11
Devianyou are confusing the core11:11
Devianwith the gui11:11
bekksPlease stop that offtopic chat.11:11
benishorHello guys, I'm having a problem with apt-get which is very slow at reading package list. I've straced the process and I see a relative slow reading from the 6th file description11:11
Psil0Cybinoh woops i thought i was in #offtopic Sorry! bekks!!11:11
Devianbenishor, cpu issue11:11
benishorDevian: which reads from /var/lib/apt/lists/*11:12
benishorDevian: why would it be a cpu issue? it hasn't been so far11:12
benishorthe cpu is pretty powerful for reading 30M text files, it's an i311:12
Devianbenishor interesting11:13
benishorDevian: is there any way to *reset* apt cache or lists or something?11:13
Devianapt-get clean ?11:13
benishorapaprently apt-get reads in chunks of 30k and takes quite a lot between reads11:13
bekksbenishor: Define "relatively slow reading" as can be determined by strace. strace doesnt show you any speeds.11:13
Devianbenishor are you accessing your terminal remotely?11:14
benishorbekks: apt-get update takes about 7 minutes to complete reading package lists11:14
benishorDevian: no, I'm on the host11:14
Deviantry apt-get clean11:14
bekksbenishor: Then take alook why reading that file is so slow. Investiagte the filesystem, etc.11:14
benishorno effect11:14
marcus_Ubuntu Updater takes about 10 seconds11:14
benishorbekks: and how would I do that?11:14
bekksbenishor: By copying the file to another location and measureing the time. By runnings fsck in the filesystem, etc.11:15
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benishortime cp /var/lib/apt/lists/mirror.arlug.ro_pub_ubuntu_ubuntu_dists_saucy_universe_binary-i386_Packages output11:17
benishora bit too much though11:17
bekksbenishor: How big is that file?11:17
benishorbekks: 30M11:18
marcus_or you could just run Ubuntu Software Center11:18
bekksbenishor: then run a full fsck.11:18
bekksmarcus_: Which needs to read the same file.11:18
marcus_yeah..takes 10 seconds to update the lists on my laptop11:18
benishorbekks: well, the hdd is mounted, how would I do that?11:18
bekksbenishor: Unmount it, then run fsck -f11:21
bekksmarcus_: the speed of operations on your system is out of question - and irrelevant for the issue of benishor.11:21
benishorbekks: I think I'll use a live cd and attempt to fsck the hdd. thank you for your help11:23
benishorbekks: what do you suspect to be the culprit?11:23
marcus_well..I'm just an ex-Windows monkey..I don't have time to type 300 characters in terminal when I can do the same thing clicking one icon11:24
bekksbenishor: A corrupteed filesystem, a heavily fragmented file - that has to be checked.11:24
MindAdriftNewbie coming through.11:25
benishorbekks: thanks for your input11:26
linXeaI need help connecting to my university VPN (openconnect / anyconnect). The connection is established and IP is assigned to interface vpn0. The issue is that my datatraffic is NOT routed over vpn0 interface but instead still on wlan0 with my home IP.  What do I need to do? I assume I need to set another gateway (if up choose vpn0 over wlan0).. I have no idea how to do that. I am using network-manager-gnome with plugin for openconnect. Same problem wit11:33
linXeah ciscos proprietary Anyconnect mobility secure client.  http://pastie.org/8688415 <-- all the info I could think of is in this pastie11:33
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SeaCatPlease help me . I Disabled all automatic updates in Ubuntu 12.04, but this ftp.heanet.ie keeps downloading things to my pc. I'm unable to do anything it uses alot of my bandwidth. i tried to block it in firewall with no luck :(11:37
bekksSeaCat: Kill the download process.11:42
xikofreaksomebody know why ubuntu application are slower than win 7 to start?11:43
bekksxikofreak: they are different applications - uncomparable.11:44
NaveenAny 1 knew how to dual boot ubuntu on UEFI boot11:44
SeaCatbekks how do i do that ? I have to disconnect everytime ftp.heanet.ie starts and its very annoying11:44
bekks!dualboot | Naveen11:44
ubottuNaveen: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot11:44
xikofreakbut i mean, when i open for example... chronium take a lot of times, something 5-10 sec to start11:44
xikofreakmy pc its a amd 2,6 X2, and 4 gb of ram11:44
bekksSeaCat: lsof shows you which process is downloading.11:44
bekksxikofreak: the X2 is about 7 years old.11:45
bekksOr 10y.11:45
_nedrhello.. i added a private key (pem file ) using ssh-add.. now i want to remove it.. how to do it11:45
xikofreaki know.. but.. im using lubuntu with a lightweight desktop, there some way to speed up?11:45
Naveen@ubottu: It doesn't work on UEFI grub is not installing on UEFI boot11:45
SeaCatbekks then how do i disable it11:45
bekksSeaCat: so which process is it...?11:46
SeaCatftp.heanet.ie is not showing now, it usually starts every 30 minutes then never stops unless i disconnect the internet11:47
bekksSeaCat: Then find out in 30 minutes.11:47
SeaCatbekks how will i know the process11:48
bekksSeaCat: By looking at the output of lsof.11:48
SeaCatok ty, i will check back when ftp.heanet.ie starts again11:49
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udHii guys11:58
udI am facing some problems while installing ubuntu on my new laptop11:59
udcan I get any help11:59
bekksNot without stating the problems :)11:59
udI have got a new lenovo G50511:59
udwith AMD A811:59
udand a readon graphics12:00
bekksud: Keep the problem on one sentence please - and enter is not a punctuation sign.12:00
ud8750 series12:00
phil-nsperiod is, enter no.12:00
bekksud: Use full sentences, do not press enter every two words.12:00
udMy problem is after success full installation when I reboot the system it gets stuck with purple colour screen. What should I do to go beyond this?12:02
phil-nsud: you should either get a live cd, or a live usb, plug it in, come back after the show is over.12:02
bekks!nomodeset | ud12:02
ubottuud: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:02
diverdudehello, when i try to install ubuntu 13.10 64 bit DE from usb stick it just hangs after i press "i don't want to connect to internet right now" during installation. what is happening?12:02
bekksphil-ns: And then - what does he do with the livecd to solve his problem?12:02
phil-nsud: press ctl alt F212:03
phil-nsthen we do the lightdm blah blah blah, to set the graphical manager.12:03
bekksphil-ns: "blah blah" reveals you have no clue, dont you?12:03
udyes right I downloaded 13.10 live CD and then copying it to pen drive I installed ubuntu. keeping the download updates option selected.12:04
phil-nsonly that I went through it last week due to the inept kernel upgrade12:04
lubuntuerholla, I have a little problem: I would like to apply this xrandr configuration every time the pc starts up (xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1024x600 --pos 248x900 --rotate normal --output VGA1 --mode 1440x900 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal). It works when I execute it from the terminal and I have tried to add it to /etc/rc.local, but it doesn't work.12:06
diverdudehello, when i try to install ubuntu 13.10 64 bit DE from usb stick it just hangs after i press "i don't want to connect to internet right now" during installation. what is happening?12:06
nhhhnmanHi all, I have created rules in iptables to log and edited the rsyslog.conf file to output any message which contains "iptables" to a different log file. It seems that it is logging to both places, the default messages files and the new iptables.log files i have. How can I log to just the new one? This is the content of the rsyslog file::msg, contains, "iptables"      -/var/log/iptables.log & ~12:06
udphil-ns: what you mean by  lightdm blah blah blah? any pointer. what graphic manager should I set. I am a total noob with this12:07
bekksud: Dont listen to him.12:07
k1lud: try nomodeset as kernel boot parameter12:07
phil-nsyeah ud, don't listen to me12:07
bekksud: Use the nomodeset option as suggested.12:07
phil-nsbekks answers lots of questions here, and he is always right on the mark.12:08
udbekks: where should I set this option? with ctrl+alt+F2?12:08
k1l!behelpful | phil-ns12:08
ubottuphil-ns: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.12:08
k1lud:  in grub12:09
phil-nsyeah, theres my queue to leave since humour is not allowed, ciao12:09
bekks!nomodeset | ud12:09
ubottuud: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:09
LifeThailandHi ! I need advice. Ubuntu 12 04 LTS.12:10
LifeThailandHow to make the drop-down wifi list shows the level of network encryption? In windows 7 when I am getting the cursor to any available network, I see information about it.12:10
bekksLifeThailand: In Ubuntu, you dont. You would have to code it into the sourcecode of the applet.12:11
udother observation is when I boot to trial mode through live CD it works great and when I install it from inside trial mode and then reboot after successful installation it gives me black screen. so is it really a problem with graphics card?12:11
LifeThailandbekks Thanks12:11
lubuntuerholla, I have a little problem: I would like to apply this xrandr configuration every time the pc starts up (xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1024x600 --pos 248x900 --rotate normal --output VGA1 --mode 1440x900 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal). It works when I execute it from the terminal and I have tried to add it to /etc/rc.local, but it doesn't work.12:12
bekksud: Please read the link ubottu gave you twice already.12:12
bergelmiri am running 12.10 and it seems like my graphics power has drastically degraded since yesterday evening12:13
LifeThailandWho know any info about Ubuntu 14 04? I need list of future changes :) I can't find what's new in 14 04 in google12:14
k1l!trusty | LifeThailand12:14
ubottuLifeThailand: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+112:14
bergelmirmaximizing/minimizing windows is stuttering like hell :(12:14
MonkeyDustud  open this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313212:14
bergelmirwhile running "apt-get upgrade" i got an error regarding fglrx. is it possible that fglrx is broken and this causes the stuttering`12:15
repozitorby adduser i have created new normal users, but12:16
repozitorthese users can see their home, how to prevent they from accessing to the other home?12:16
bekksbergelmir: Pastebin the full output please..12:16
bekksrepozitor: By setting permissions on the home restricting access from other users.12:16
bekksrepozitor: Most likely, 0700 on the home directory of the user.12:16
repozitorbekks, chmod username 0700 /directory?12:17
bekksrepozitor: No.12:17
bekksrepozitor: chmod [OPTION]... MODE[,MODE]... FILE...12:17
repozitorbekks, which part need to be specified with username?12:18
bekksrepozitor: No part. chmod does not use the username, it sets permissions.12:19
bekksrepozitor: You are mixing it up with chown.12:19
bergelmirbekks: http://pastebin.com/rFCgXsur12:19
repozitorsudo chown -R user1:sbuasm92b /home/SBUASM92B/user112:19
repozitorchmod -R /home/SBUASM92B/user112:19
FloodBot1repozitor: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:20
repozitorsomething like this?12:20
LifeThailandand... another question: i'll have speech with presentation. Before I not used a computer with Ubuntu there. Tell me, when i connect netbook to projector will not be any problems? The image is projected to the projector?12:20
repozitorsorry, dear bot :D12:20
bekksrepozitor: No. Totally mixed up. Please read both the man pages for chmod and chown.12:20
k1lLifeThailand: depends on projector, videocard and videodriver. just test it before12:20
bekksrepozitor: Or even better: start here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions12:21
flattyre1nvidia or radeon graphics adapter? wich is better supported by ubuntu?12:21
bekksflattyre1: From my experience, nvidia.12:22
diverdudehello, when i try to install ubuntu 13.10 64 bit DE from usb stick it just hangs after i press "i don't want to connect to internet right now" during installation. what is happening?12:23
flattyre1ok, thanks. are uefi specialists here?12:25
bekksflattyre1: Wwhat will happen if someone says "yes" now?12:26
flattyre1i will ask a question12:26
bekksflattyre1: Then ask now.12:26
repozitorbekks, mixed up, can i explain what i do and tell me what was wrong with me?12:29
bekksrepozitor: you mixed up parameters for chmod and chown, and you mixed up what both programs will do.12:29
repozitori set ownership home directory of users to username:groupname for every user12:29
bekksAnd you are doing it again.12:29
repozitorthen i set chmod  to +u+x+w+r for all home subDirectories12:30
bekksrepozitor: That looks wrong.12:30
bekksrepozitor: No. Write less, read more. Now:12:30
bekksrepozitor: chown user:groupofuser1 /home/user1; chmod 0750 /home/user112:31
bekksrepozitor: That will set ownership of /home/user1 to user1:groupofuser1 and grants read/execute permissions for the group of user1.12:32
flattyre1on a dualboot system win8/ubuntu12.4. i was able to start Ubuntu as workaround with a supergubDisk. Since win8 autoupdate, booting from cd does not work anymore. without changing the bios settings.12:32
udok, here I am again. I am not getting access to grub configuration by pressing shift key. when i press shift key screen show grub conf for a flash and then the usual purple screen.12:32
udalso ctrl alt F2 dosent work12:32
SeaCatbekks its back , but there is so much output in lsof12:33
bekksSeaCat: Then pastebin it, entirely12:33
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repozitorbekks, hhhhmm, in this way users of group X can read any file of other group member,12:35
repozitorso i want to each user just access to it's private files, no group member12:35
SeaCatits slowing down everything pastbin .com is just loading12:35
repozitormake me no sense!12:35
hitsujiTMOrepozitor: then chmod 700 /home/user1                      you really should read the man pages as bekks already suggested12:36
repozitorok :D12:36
SeaCatbekks i cant open any website12:37
repozitorjust tell me my ownership setting is wrong or file permission?12:37
repozitori think my ownership setting seems right12:37
diverdudehello, when i try to install ubuntu 13.10 64 bit DE from usb stick it just hangs after i press "i don't want to connect to internet right now" during installation. what is happening?12:37
udok looks like its working in oem mode installation12:39
repozitorbekks, got, it12:39
repozitorthanks you12:39
SeaCatbekks http://pastebin.com/aby4yzgR12:40
SeaCatSorry i have to disconnect the internet its downloading way too much12:43
bekksSeaCat: lsof -i please12:44
SeaCat-bekks did you find anything ?12:46
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casual_boothow does memmap= works in newer linux kernels? it does not take into account second memmap= range. 3.5.0-26 Ubuntu x86-6412:47
casual_bootdoes grup pass to kernel a second memmap= line?12:48
MonkeyDustcasual_boot  start from the beginning, what brings you here12:49
hitsujiTMOcasual_boot: what memmap= param are you giving exactly?12:51
casual_boothi MonkeyDust My HD dies with 32-bit LTS 12.04 install, where 2 memmap= lines during boot worked. 2 memmap= ranges I used not to use 2 faulty memory ranges12:51
=== SeaCat- is now known as SeaCalf_
MonkeyDustcasual_boot  and are those error messages?12:52
SeaCalf_Does anyone know what Unattended-Upgrades do ?12:52
MonkeyDustcasual_boot  i mean: where and when do they appear?12:52
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OerHeksSeaCalf_, ubuntu will look for/install updates & reboot if necessary12:54
OerHeks* without user interaction12:54
casual_boot_MonkeyDust: same as with 12.04 where it worked. Masking 2 12MB memory ranges. memmap=0x8000000\$0x10000000 and memmap=0x8000000\0x3000000012:55
SeaCalf_I mean when i edit and comment out sudo gedit /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattented-upgrades . Will it disable the annoying background upgrades ?12:55
hitsujiTMOcasual_boot_: whats with the "\". they look invalid.12:56
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MonkeyDustcasual_boot_  worked on a different machine with the same installation medium? if zo, it's hardware related, i guess12:56
lawrWhen I done dd if=/dev/sdc of=ubuntu.iso ; sync it made the iso file 1.9GB in size?12:56
lawrI'm on Debian12:56
lawrit hasn't written to /dev/sdc device either12:56
casual_bootMonkeyDust: no, on the same machine, with different HD, where was installed 12.04 LTS 32-bit12:56
lawrjust bloated the iso image12:56
OerHeksSeaCalf_, why not disable it in softwarecenter > edit > sources > updates ?12:57
MonkeyDustcasual_boot  is it 32bit hardware? if zo, you cannot install 64bit on it12:57
MonkeyDustif so*12:57
casual_bootAnd now on 64-bit and kernel 3.5.0-26, not working.. It is 64-bit hardware. And I can boot with only one memmap= line but not with 2 memmap lines in GRUB212:58
casual_bootit is, MonkeyDust12:59
SeaCalf_OerHeks its already disabled there. But still iftop shows this domain ftp.heanet.ie downloading things and its alot of things12:59
maxiaojuncan i change color depth without changing Xorg.conf?12:59
casual_boothitsujiTMO: that was neede on 12.04 GRUB to work. And it is still accepted for first memmap=13:00
MonkeyDustcasual_boot  and is it *supposed* to work with two such lines?13:00
SeaCalf_Every 30 minutes it starts to download a ton of stuff i never asked for13:00
casual_bootMonkeyDust: it used to work on 12.04, just fine...13:00
OerHeksSeaCalf_, debian is not supported here, i thought you were asking about ubuntu13:00
julle157join #AnimeNSK13:00
koell!seen jono13:01
ubottuI have no seen command13:01
SeaCalf_OerHeks what have debian got to do with this ?13:01
OerHeksSeaCalf_, as that adress is a debian mirror, isn it?13:01
SeaCalf_OerHeks i dont know those things , i just want that mirror gone from iftop13:02
MaazZi want a hack program for xubuntu13:03
diverdudehello, when i try to install ubuntu 13.10 64 bit DE from usb stick it just hangs after i press "i don't want to connect to internet right now" during installation. what is happening?13:03
OerHeksSeaCalf_, ubuntu does not use that server to download tons of whatever, ask in #debian howto solv that13:03
SeaCalf_OerHeks ok ty13:03
hitsujiTMOcasual_boot: accoring to https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt    it's prob more like:  memmap=0x8000000$0x10000000 and memmap=0x8000000$0x3000000013:04
hitsujiTMO!hack | maazz13:04
hitsujiTMO!hacking | maazz13:04
ubottumaazz: A hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy13:04
Munsterdiverdude,wifi ? if so you need the internet to install some of the packages, ethernet just connects automatically13:05
hitsujiTMOMaazZ: not something thats supported here13:05
MaazZno worries13:05
diverdudeMunster, sure...i am not choosing anything actively...i just click next13:05
diverdudeMunster, but it hangs anyway13:05
maxiaojuncan i change color depth without changing Xorg.conf?13:06
Munsterdiverdude, theubiquity installer is active , it needs the 'net13:07
diverdudeMunster, ok, hwo to deactivate? How to prevent hanging?13:07
Munsterdiverdude, you can't, but this might help http://www.makeuseof.com/answers/install-update-ubuntu-internet-connection/13:11
pseudo0815Hello! I have a question. Could someone tell me briefly or give me keyword to find in google, why i getting a lot of message (e.g. Gtk-Warning: gtk_widget_size_allocate) if i start in terminal a gui application without e.g. "gksu -u <user>" command?!13:12
TJ-diverdude: Munster: I've seen that, it's annoying... despite unchecking "Install 3rd party drivers..." it actually tries to pull them in, and does hang (timing out) because it can't connect to the archives.13:13
MunsterTJ-, ok thanks for the heads up13:14
diverdudeTJ-, i even did uncheck that and also chose do not connect to internet13:14
diverdudeand still it hangs13:14
diverdudeim gonna try linux mint instead..maybe they have an installer that works :)13:14
Munsterdiverdude, doubt it13:15
SeaCalf_OerHeks #debian tells me: "tell them that ftp.heanet.ie is not a debian mirror, and then try asking for help again ?"13:15
TJ-diverdude: which Ubuntu version is that, I thought it'd been fixed13:15
diverdudeTJ-, 1310 DE13:15
Munsterwhynot connect, diverdude?13:15
LaykePrepare for som e silly questions.. Does 14.04 come out in April?.. Also what will the difference be between 12.04 and 14.04? Like, when I have had 13.10, I don't notice any differences between 12.04 when using it?13:15
OerHeksSeaCalf_, lolz, open http://ftp.heanet.ie/ and read again13:16
diverdudeMunster, because it will not connect...it hangs nomatter what i choose13:16
TJ-diverdude: I'll make a note to revisit the bug-report and ensure the patch is in Trusty13:16
themillOerHeks: it's also a mirror for just about everything else (which is what the discussion was about)13:16
hitsujiTMOOerHeks: ftp.heanet.ie mirrors ubuntu and many other distros13:17
TJ-Munster: If the PC needs additional hacking to bring up network drivers, the installer fails due to this, it isn't supposed to happen. The only installer that *requires* network is the mini.iso13:17
SeaCalf_OerHeks #debian keeps telling me to go ask #ubuntu , since i'm using it13:17
Munsterdiverdude, then check the image with md5sum, it might be corrupt13:17
hitsujiTMOOerHeks: ftp://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/ubuntu/13:17
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TJ-OerHeks: SeaCalf_ see http://mirrors.ubuntu.com/IE.txt13:19
MunsterTJ-, yes the minimal is the way for him13:19
SeaCalf_I just want to disable ftp://ftp.heanet.ie so i can work in peace :(13:19
TJ-SeaCalf_: Your PC is connecting to that server to check for and fetch Ubuntu updates, because the PC has determined it is closed/fastest Ubuntu archive mirror to you (network-wise)13:20
hitsujiTMOSeaCalf_: did you tell the installer you were in Ireland instead of South Africa?13:21
SeaCalf_TJ- yes , but i want to manually check for updates , and all automatic updates are already disabled13:21
Munsterdiverdude, tj correction,  not the way13:22
SeaCalf_hitsujiTMO i chose South Africa at the installer13:22
TJ-SeaCalf_: Which specific process is connecting to that site? "sudo netstat -tpa" will help you identify it13:22
SeaCalf_Tj- ftp.heanet.ie , comes up every 30 minutes or so , i had to disconnect internet earlier to stop it13:24
SeaCalf_Should i do "sudo netstat -tpa" when it pops up again13:24
TJ-SeaCalf_: Try to capture the name/command-line of the process making the connection, then we can help13:24
TJ-SeaCalf_: Yes, and also, once you have the process's ID, immediately do "ps -efly | grep $PID" to grab the command-line including any arguments13:25
SeaCalf_Tj- ok i will try that13:26
SeaCalf_looks confusing but i will try figuring it out to get the correct info when it comes back again13:26
b1gw0rmhello everyone13:27
diverdudeMunster, hmm well...linux mint is able to connect to internet...but it also hangs at same place during install13:28
diverdudeTJ-, ^13:28
b1gw0rmhow do you hide your ip and dns in IRC without asking an admin13:29
b1gw0rmi cant connect with my VPN13:29
hitsujiTMOb1gw0rm: thats not an ubuntu support question. ask for a cloak in #freenode13:31
Munsterdiverdude, how old is this 13.10 version , is this a recent image ?13:31
diverdudeMunster, just downloaded it today13:32
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Munsterhmm, could be a new bug then13:32
Munsterdiverdude, I recall having ubiquity hang so i used "no acpi" at the install or try options page , and that worked13:36
otherjguys, what's the most lightweight package i can install for sending mail from a cronjob? mailutils wants to install a full on mta13:36
otherjas does mut13:36
benishorbekks: thank you, fsck did the trick13:37
benishorI;m having another problem though, this time due to icu-tools vs icu-devtools conflict13:37
yeatsdiverdude: you can check /var/log/syslog in the installer environment to see what's going on when it hangs (may require you to "try ubuntu" before installing)13:37
benishorI'm on 13.10 and apparently dist-upgrade brought icu-devtools which conflicts with icu-tools13:37
benishoranybody managed to fix this?13:38
hitsujiTMO!info icu-devtools13:39
yeatsotherj: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/mutt - see the "Installation" section13:39
ubottuPackage icu-devtools does not exist in saucy13:39
benishorubottu: as I said, a dist-upgrade brought it13:40
ubottubenishor: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:40
hitsujiTMObenishor: looks like you maybe using an unsupported ppa13:40
malletHi. Do you know a software to lock screen (like xlock) that would allow unlocking with a password other than the login password?13:40
otherjso, 'ssmtp'13:40
_nedrhello.. i added a private key (pem file ) using ssh-add.. now i want to remove it.. how to do it13:40
zaitzevssh-add -d ?13:42
benishor!info icu-tools13:43
ubottuicu-tools (source: icu): Development utilities for International Components for Unicode. In component main, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 123 kB, installed size 449 kB13:43
krizoekany open servers for tomboy out there?13:43
_nedrzaitzev thanks for reply will check it out13:46
_nedrzaitzev, i tried it it says bad key file13:47
_nedrInitially i added a key using ssh-add key.pem13:48
_nedrNow  i tried running ssh-add -d key.pem it says "Bad key file key.pem"13:48
casual_boothitsujiTMO: MonkeyDust in 12.10 that this is, 64bit, only first memmap= line is passed to kernel and only if "\" character is before "$". second memmap is ignored if it is on the end of the line. If passed without"\" , then system sees just 128Megs of Ram, and using parameter without second part, after "$". Is is GRUB2 I suppose, that is passing wrong characters to kernel.  If you put ...13:48
casual_boot...meminfo= lines in /etc/defualt/grub , under GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=" " and do update-grub, you get some unholly mess in the place of "$" character in GRUB kernel boot command line. (like some path or something)13:48
MonkeyDustcasual_boot  what are you trying to accomplish?13:49
casual_bootMonkeyDust: booting without using 2 memory ranges on 12.10 64-bit13:50
hitsujiTMOcasual_boot: ok, so you were escaping the $ in the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX string. you were still missing the $ from the second memmap13:51
TJ-If anyone see's SeaCalf_ return, please let him have this command to monitor for that heanet.ie connection: "  sudo watch -n 2 sh -c 'P=$(netstat -tnap | grep $(dig +short ftp.heanet.ie) | sed  "s|.*ESTABLISHED.\([[:digit:]]\{1,5\}\).*|\1|"); echo "PID=$P"; if [ ! -z "$P" ]; then ps -fly -p $P | tee -a /tmp/heanet.log; fi'   "13:51
maxagazanyone here ?13:53
MonkeyDustmaxagaz  this is the ubuntu support channel13:53
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wolfyboxhow would i set up a build (compiling) server?13:55
casual_boothitsujiTMO: well, if by any means line without "\$" comes to GRUB before kernel, it freaks out and passes to kernel something that limits memomry to just 128MB, therefore, kernel can't see second part of memmap paramater. If just one memmap is put to kernel line with "\$", it boots. If there are 2 of memmap lines like that, it does not.13:55
dyuhow to convert dsa key to rsa key?13:56
Babucnick /babuc13:57
hitsujiTMOcasual_boot: well the second memmap is malformed in its current state so ofcourse its not going to work13:57
TJ-dyu: Errr, not possible! The algorithms are different13:57
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casual_boothitsujiTMO: however I form second memmap= line it does not work.13:58
dyuTJ-: sorry. i meant dss13:58
TJ-casual_boot: In "/etc/default/grub" change the quotes to single, e.g.  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=' ' so the shell doesn't try to expand the $ inside the quotes as a variable13:59
lazarus_is there a simple way to cd to an external media device within a script ?13:59
hitsujiTMOlazarus_: cd /path/to/external/media/device       # does that not do it for you?14:01
casual_bootthanks TJ- that explains part of it14:01
lazarus_hitsujiTMO: im wondering if the device mount dir changes on a fresh install14:02
lazarus_hitsujiTMO: /dev/mmcblk0p1 found it hehe14:04
casual_bootTJ-: additional problem is that kernel does not get second parameter of memmap, e.g. second memory range not to use. It ignores it or does not boot when passed from GRUB214:05
lazarus_ugh or not14:05
hitsujiTMOlazarus_: thats a block device. what exactly are you trying to do?14:05
wolfyboxhow would i set up a build (compiling) server?14:07
lazarus_hitsujiTMO: create a restore scirpt that mounts a usb drive and extracts backed up tar archives14:07
TJ-casual_boot: What does this show? "grep memmap /boot/grub/grub.cfg"  ?14:07
TJ-wolfybox: Do you mean for distcc?14:08
wolfyboxTJ-: i compile using scons, so i want to set up my server to compile automatically from a git repository14:09
dyutrying again. how do i convert a ssh-dss public key to ssh-rsa?14:09
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lazarus_hitsujiTMO: it might be a good idea to use UUID to do it14:10
hitsujiTMOlazarus_: ok, if its mounting the usb then you'd best scan the /dev/sdXY for unmounted partitions. Mount them to whatever dir you want, look for a signature that suggests its a backup, then extract the backup14:10
hitsujiTMOlazarus_: if its the same partition each time then yes using UUID from blkid would work.14:11
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linuxearthhello ubuntu audience14:12
linuxearthhow are you all today?14:13
MonkeyDustlinuxearth  #ubuntu-offtopic for social chat14:14
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linuxearthsaying hi also?14:14
CavemanZipperhey everyone, could use some help here14:18
CavemanZipperUbuntu keeps giving me a blank screen after login14:18
CavemanZipperSystem program problem detected14:18
CavemanZipperI can see my wallpaper and cursor but everything else isn't there..14:19
CavemanZipperAll this happened after I installed GNOME Shell and tried looging into it :|14:19
CavemanZipperany thoughts?14:19
linuxearthtry KDE shell14:19
CavemanZipperOK..how do I go about that?..14:19
CavemanZipperI've been Google-ing the past 3 hours or so and trying all sorts of fixes but to no avail :(14:20
CavemanZipperso you guys are my last hope14:20
linuxearthman, try to go some pages on Google which are not the first page you search, means search results on pages like 6, 7, 8 also work!14:21
CavemanZipperWell I went till 3 and the search goes cold there :(14:21
MonkeyDustgoogle for 3 hours on end?14:21
dyuCavemenZipper: what were you using before that?14:22
CavemanZipperI've purged gnome and reinstalled unity a couple of times14:22
CavemanZipperI just installed the gnome shell, then though i'd try it out14:22
linuxearthwhy don't u install other DE?14:22
hitsujiTMOCavemanZipper: did you install gnome 3.10 from the ppa?14:22
CavemanZipperrebooted, selected gnome at the login, then now it won't get me anywhere14:22
casual_bootTJ-: /boot/grub/grub.cfg shows 2 memmap= lines , with "\&" in them , like put in e14:23
lazarus_as $HOME prints the users home dir regardless of username is there something simalair that will grab the username i.e $USER14:23
casual_boot /etc/default/grub with ' '14:23
CavemanZipperoh I wouldn't know if it was ppa or not..14:23
linuxearththat's the error14:23
hitsujiTMOlazarus_: yes $USER14:24
CavemanZipperI'm pretty sure I just apt-getted it14:24
linuxearth;)- you are not 100% sure14:24
CavemanZipperoh wait actually, if PPA is from the SOftware Center14:24
CavemanZipperthen yes, I'm 100% sure that's what I DIDN'T do :314:24
hitsujiTMOCavemanZipper: how exactly did you install gnome?14:25
lazarus_hitsujiTMO: i thought it might be that simple hehe thanks14:25
MonkeyDustCavemanZipper  from the software center or with a PPA?14:25
SeaCalf_TJ- i added a commented out to "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-security"; ,which was uncommented in the file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades , where "Automatically upgrade packages from these (origin:archive) " section are. I will see if ftp.heanet.ie will still pop up now , if it does'nt i will do "sudo netstat -tpa" and "ps -efly | grep $PID" if it appears.14:25
hitsujiTMOCavemanZipper: can you pastebin the output of: apt-cache policy gnome-shell14:26
TJ-casual_boot: OK, remove the "\" prefix from the "$" in "/etc/default/grub" and it should generate it correctly with the nexy "update-grub"14:26
TJ-SeaCalf_ You can use this command to set-up a monitor for that heanet.ie connection: "  sudo watch -n 2 sh -c 'P=$(netstat -tnap | grep $(dig +short ftp.heanet.ie) | sed  "s|.*ESTABLISHED.\([[:digit:]]\{1,5\}\).*|\1|"); echo "PID=$P"; if [ ! -z "$P" ]; then ps -fly -p $P | tee -a /tmp/heanet.log; fi'   "14:27
casual_bootI can just now think that is some kind of 12.10/GRUB2 bug on 64bit, and kernel 3.5 , that you can not pass 2 memmap lilnes.  It is actually: ro rootflags=subvol=@ memmap=0x8000000\$0x10000000 memmap=0x8000000\$0x30000000 quiet splash $vt_handoff14:27
casual_bootTJ-: I tried it editing it before boot in grub2 menu without ' \& ' and it does not boot without it. But will try anyway14:28
SeaCalf_TJ- will that stop that domain or process ?14:28
TJ-SeaCalf_: No, it monitors every 2 seconds for any connection to ftp.heanet.ie and reports them, both to screen and to the log-file at "/tmp/heanet.log" so you let it run in a terminal and not have to watch the machine yourself14:30
belgianguyI'm setting up a Ubuntu 13.04 media server, and have hooked up my USB external hdd to it, but I don't see it in /media14:30
CavemanZipperDownloaded gnome shell, rebooted into it, got a blank screen and "System program problem detected", purged gnome shell and reinstalled Unity- still the same problem. Any ideas on fixing it?14:30
belgianguydo servers automount by default?14:30
MonkeyDustbelgianguy  use sudo blkid to see where it is14:31
hitsujiTMOCavemanZipper: can you pastebin the output of: apt-cache policy gnome-shell14:31
belgianguyMonkeyDust: thanks! :) found it: /dev/sdc1: LABEL="LaCie" UUID="6853-5BA9" TYPE="vfat"14:32
belgianguyso I have to manually mount it then?14:32
SeaCalf_TJ- ok i see. I tried that command and it says "No such file in directory" So i guess it will create it when ftp.heanet.ie pops up again14:33
=== casual_boot_ is now known as casual_boot
TJ-SeaCalf_: That command shouldn't report anything like "No such file in directory". If it did, something was changed.14:35
lazarus_i ran chmod -x "script name" but the script is stored on external media does this prevent it being made executable14:35
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hitsujiTMOlazarus_: vfat doesn't support linux permissions14:36
SeaCalf_TJ- it says "No such file in directory" . I copied and pasted the command as you gave me14:36
lazarus_hitsujiTMO: is there a way around it?14:37
hitsujiTMOlazarus_: try /bin/bash /path/to/script14:37
TJ-SeaCalf_: Did you strip off the surrounding double-quote marks (before the 'sudo' and after the entire command) ?14:38
=== Devian is now known as Nikolas
SeaCalf_TJ- i pasted like this    sudo watch -n 2 sh -c 'P=$(netstat -tnap | grep $(dig +short ftp.heanet.ie) | sed "s|.*ESTABLISHED.\([[:digit:]]\{1,5\}\).*|\1|"); echo "PID=$P"; if [ ! -z "$P" ]; then ps -fly -p $P | tee -a /tmp/heanet.log; fi'14:38
lazarus_hitsujiTMO: that works thanks14:39
TJ-SeaCalf_: Yes, that should be correct. It certainly works here without any warnings, strange.14:39
TJ-hitsujiTMO: Could you road-test this shell command string I've given SeaCalf_ ? See if you get the same warning/error he does?14:40
SeaCalf_TJ- every minute or so it says "No such file in directory"14:40
hitsujiTMOTJ-: dig, not found. SeaCalf_ have you installed: dnsutils14:42
TJ-hitsujiTMO: Ahhhh! thanks :)14:42
SeaCalf_hitsujiTMO no i have not14:43
hitsujiTMOSeaCalf_: sudo apt-get install dnsutils                                 then retry the script14:43
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=== Devianm is now known as Devian
=== RichiH is now known as Richih_FOSDEM
artium888Hey everyone, does anyone know how to solve this :14:45
artium888 isc-dhcp-server : Depends: isc-dhcp-common (= 4.1.ESV-R4-0ubuntu5.5) but 4.1.ESV-R4-0ubuntu5.8 is to be installed14:45
bekksartium888: Install the version required.14:46
artium888bekks: so do i need to downgrade ?14:46
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artium888bekks: the isc-dhcp-common14:46
bekksartium888: No, since you didnt install a version yet.14:46
artium888bekks: i have the latest version14:47
artium888bekks: isc-dhcp-common is already the newest version.14:47
TJ-artium888: Have you done "sudo apt-get update" followed by "sudo apt-get upgrade" ?14:47
artium888TJ-: first upgrade and then update?14:47
MonkeyDustartium888  paste this line in a terminal     sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade14:48
bekksartium888: update, then upgrade.14:48
TJ-artium888: 'precise-security' has version "4.1.ESV-R4-0ubuntu5.5" and precise-updates has "4.1.ESV-R4-0ubuntu5.9" so you local package archive is slightly out of date14:48
artium888TJ- , MonkeyDust , i've updated & upgrade right now and i still cant install the dhcp server14:49
TJ-artium888: "apt-cache policy isc-dhcp-common"14:50
TJ-artium888: and also "apt-cache policy  isc-dhcp-server" ... pastebin the output of those two commands14:50
artium888TJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6855424/14:51
artium888TJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6855428/14:51
catkiller_Hi there! Quick Samba question on Ubuntu: I've got a share where I set up create and directory masks (to 0500) but they are simply ineffective. Any file/directory I create are using the client's mask (0755)14:52
catkiller_Also, "force create mode" doesn't seem to work. If I set it to 0500 for instance files are still owner writeable, group readable and other readable14:53
catkiller_Any idea?14:53
TJ-artium888: The local package list is out of date, did "sudo apt-get update" complete without errors?14:53
artium888catkiller_: did u restart the service ?14:53
artium888TJ-: yup14:53
catkiller_artium888: many times14:53
catkiller_artium888: Also reconnected the client14:54
artium888TJ-: i have alot of problems lately.. i also cant install wine..14:54
artium888TJ-: something weird14:54
TJ-artium888: You can check that by looking at " http://il.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/i/isc-dhcp/ " and seeing the version 5.9 packages are there14:54
TJ-artium888: I don't see any messages from that archive mirror saying its currently updating, so the indexes should be good.14:54
artium888TJ-: ur israeli /14:55
TJ-artium888: You might try changing the mirror hostname in "/etc/apt/sources.list" to another mirror (e.g. from il.archive.ubuntu.com to archive.ubuntu.com) and redo "apt-get update" to see if that fixes it14:55
hitsujiTMOartium888: is your filesystem mounted read only?14:56
artium888hitsujiTMO: no its a clean install of ubuntu 12.04 64bit..14:56
artium888TJ-: could u connect to my comp over teamviewer ?14:58
MonkeyDust!u | artium88814:59
ubottuartium888: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'ryt',  'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.14:59
p007anyone there?15:01
MonkeyDustp007  type /names to find out15:01
p007I have a question, and I really have no clue how to do this, I ordered a VPS with ubuntu, and ordered 5 ips, I want to make it so when a user connects with a same username/pw their assigned a different ip (external ip). so, anyone know how to make openvpn can connect to multiple vpn in one vps?15:01
bekksp007: Thats not possible.15:01
artium888what... why it asks for 32bit packages.. i have 64bit system.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/6855484/15:01
p007how to do that?15:01
malimbarartium888, sudo apt-get install ia32-libs15:02
malimbarartium888, some programs require 32 bit libraries to work, and they're not included by default in a 64 bit system.15:02
bekksp007: you cant force a user to be connecting using one specific external IP. If the user wants to connect to a different external IP, you cant stop him from doing so.15:02
artium888malimbar: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6855499/15:02
malimbarartium888, what have you done to troubleshoot this so far?15:03
artium888malimbar: idk15:04
bekksartium888: teamviewer is a 32bit application.-.15:04
bekksartium888: Thats why it asks for 32bit libs.15:04
p007ops... sorry..  i mean same user can connect on other ip too... i have installed openvpn on ubuntu at my first ip... but vpn cannot connect to external ip15:05
pip__my samba shares keep disappearing when I reboot my rig, any idea why?15:05
artium888bekks: no i downloaded a 64bit version15:06
bekksp007: Then configure you openvpn server accordingly.15:06
pip__by that I mean I have to share the folders again for them to be seen15:06
tonphHi I am  struggling to use my 3g modem MMX377G with my ubuntu 12.0415:06
artium888bekks: u can find it on their site15:06
p007how to do that?15:06
tonpham following this tutor code-cocktail.in/micromax-3g-datacard-mmx377g-installation-ubuntu/,15:06
gryIs it normal for npm and nodejs from the repos to conflict each-other?15:06
bekksartium888: And in fact - you may ask the teamviewer support too - theit 64bit package is just a wrapper which installs 32bit libs along woth 32bit wine.15:06
bekksartium888: Thats why it needs 32bit libs.15:06
bekks!openvpn | p00715:07
ubottup007: OpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!15:07
artium888bekks: psst... what a mistake to install 64bit system15:07
tonphany one has any spare idea on how to set this up ?15:07
tonphany help would be very much appreciated....15:07
bekksartium888: It would be a mistake to install 32bit OS on 64bit hardware.15:07
malimbarartium888, I'm confused on why it wouldn't install those 3 libraries though15:07
artium888malimbar: same here15:08
tonphmy prob is usb listing was working  yesterday but I think i poke some wrong things and now it is not listing anythin .. :(15:08
bekksmalimbar: Because teamviewer is a huge pile of mess when it comes to the structure of their deb package.15:08
hitsujiTMOgrp: no. whats the exact output you are getting?#15:08
bekksartium888: I explained it to you, why it wants those 32bit libs.15:08
tonphany idea guys ?15:08
cholsuubuntu support custom compiled the newest kernel?15:08
artium888bekks: how do i hide join/left irc events in the webchat..15:08
artium888bekks: its spamming15:08
bekksartium888: I dont know.15:08
hitsujiTMOcholsu: no, custom kernels are unsupported15:09
cholsuI got serious error in monitor resolution setting15:09
bekksartium888: I am used to them and dont want to hide them.15:09
cholsuoh sadly15:09
tonphmy dongle is this http://www.micromaxinfo.com/data-card/3G/MMX377G15:09
platinovкто может помочь с вопросиком одним интересным?15:09
hitsujiTMO!ru | platinov15:09
ubottuplatinov: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:09
cholsuI almost read simple russian character, it's hard language for me lol15:10
p007that why i already installed it... i already assigned external ip on my main ip (eth0)... i try ping my external ip, its success.... when i try connect openvpn on my external ip, its cannot connect...15:11
malimbarartium888, have you tried "apt-get -f install ia32-libs"?15:11
bekksp007: Fix your . key. It always produces multiple chars when you press it once.15:11
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bekksp007: And please refer to the openvpn documentation on how to configure openvpn.15:11
cholsubut before I used to install custom compiled kernel from kernel.org, unsupport it now in 13.10?15:12
tonphany help !!! :(15:12
bekkscholsu: They never were supported officially. Nothing stops you from doing it, too.15:13
malimbarartium888, and if that doesn't work, you can try sudo apt-get clean and try installing again. That's what duckduckgo recommends anyways15:13
p007when i installing it, i refer from this site http://chagridsada.blogspot.com/2012/06/openvpn-system-based-on-user-pass-lib.html15:13
hitsujiTMOcholsu: you can install custom kernels if you wish. but they are not supported. so you are on your own if something goes wrong15:13
yeatsmalimbar: artium888: ia32-libs is deprecated - you now just append ':i386' to the package name15:13
cholsuyeah maybe15:13
cholsugood answer thx lol15:14
TJ-cholsu: See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds15:14
yeats!mainline | cholsu15:14
ubottucholsu: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds15:14
malimbaryeats, that's cleaner anyways, but it usually means a lot more hunting down of individual libraries15:14
cholsuwhat a so much help infos are!15:14
yeatsmalimbar: yeah - there are plusses and minuses to the change15:15
malimbartonph, I'm sorry... but what did you need help with again?15:15
cholsutoo kind of you!15:15
bekksmalimbar: Blam the teamviewer packager(s) for what he/she/they did.15:15
malimbarbekks, lol, sounds good, but in my lack of knowledge I just put forward a bunch of tryhard until I figure it out :)15:16
cholsuI'm a little afraid of malicious codes inside ubuntu kernel?!15:16
SeaCalf_installing dnsutils did'nt help. ftp.heanet.ie stopped all my other software that is accessing the internet when its active.15:16
bekkscholsu: Then dont use ubuntu kernels.15:16
SeaCalf_TJ- I managed to get this, can you make sense of it http://pastebin.com/bZEQpDZi15:16
bekkscholsu: and the same bad code maybe in the kernel.org kernels.15:16
cholsuhehe then nevermind15:17
cholsuI went too much15:17
tonphmalimbar: I am struggling with MMX377G modem with ubuntu 12.0415:17
tonphmalimbar: and thanks for ur concern15:17
SeaCalf_I had to disconnect the net to stop the ftp.heanet.ie process , i couldnt use the internet otherwise15:18
bekksSeaCalf_: Which process establishes the connections to ftp.heanet.ie?15:18
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bekksSeaCalf_: Until you find out, there is no reason to repeat that again and again :)15:18
malimbartonph, searching says it's a 3g usb data card? and what's it doing exactly?15:18
tonphmalimbar: this is 3g usb internet dongle.15:19
SeaCalf_bekks i got PID of 1375 for heanet15:19
bekksSeaCalf_: And which process is that?15:19
SeaCalf_ps -efly | grep $1375 is supposed to output that ,i dont know these things i'm new to linux15:20
tonphmalimbar: I m following this code-cocktail.in/micromax-3g-datacard-mmx377g-installation-ubuntu/15:20
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bekksSeaCalf_: Wrong syntax. "ps -ef | grep 1375"15:21
tonphmalimbar: my prob is that step #4 - USB0* listing is not coming up in mine15:21
TJ-SeaCalf_: "    ftp.heanet.ie:http      ESTABLISHED 1375/freshclam" ... that's your anti-virus15:21
Guest92080morning, is there a way to tell if a motherboard has SATA ports on it from the terminal?15:21
SeaCalf_bekks i just copied and pasted the command15:21
SeaCalf_TJ- what does that mean15:22
TJ-SeaCalf_: It'll be fetching the latest virus signature updates15:22
TJ-SeaCalf_: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man1/freshclam.1.html15:23
SeaCalf_TJ- so its downloading antivirus software all the time /15:23
bekksSeaCalf_: No. It is downloading new signatures.15:23
malimbartonph, that doesn't sound like a problem with step 4, but rather one of the earlier steps. Do you prefer command line or graphical btw?15:23
SeaCalf_Can i uninstall ClamAV  then ?15:24
bekksSeaCalf_: if you dont need/want it - sure.15:24
malimbartonph, what I would do next is go to ubuntu's "disks" utility and see what devices are listed15:24
TJ-SeaCalf_: Why not just reconfigure the update schedule?15:24
bekksOr just stop freshclam from running.15:24
tonphmalimbar: and what should I check in that ....15:25
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Guest92080what command would I run from the terminal to find out if my motherboard has any SATA ports15:25
SeaCalf_TJ- its a pc i got from a friend , i didnt know about ClamAV is on here15:25
malimbartonph, see if the usb dongle is recognized at all first, and if it it is, check whether it's mounted. And if it is, check what the location of it is15:25
malimbartonph, Ie it's mount point15:25
bekksGuest92080: wget - to download the manual.15:25
Guest92080bekks, don't know the part number15:26
tonphmalimbar: yeah , it is listed in that. But the location has '-' in that15:26
bekksGuest92080: Then use dmidecode to find out.15:26
SeaCalf_Ok i will try remove ClamAV and see if that helps15:26
bekksSeaCalf_: Why not just stopping freshclam?15:26
tonphmalimbar: device = /dev/sdc15:26
malimbartonph, is it mounted?15:26
TJ-SeaCalf_: I guess there's a cron schedule to run every 30 minutes or so ... check with "sudo crontab -e"15:26
bekksSeaCalf_: Do you remove the entire garden when a cat strolls through it?15:27
faugusztinGuest92080: lspci | grep SATA15:27
Guest92080bekks, AWESOME, thanks15:27
TJ-SeaCalf_: Use Ctrl+X to exit the crontab editor15:27
tonphmalImbar: how can i check that ?15:27
tonphmalimbar: since this is showing the device as /dev/sdc i think this is mounted. Right !!15:28
Guest92080faugusztin, THANKS. i guess according to this there is SATA ports IDE interface: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] RAID bus controller 180 SATA/PATA  [SiS]  BUT how to determine how many now15:28
faugusztinGuest92080: or if you got a SAS controller too, then you should check lspci | grep SCSI15:28
malimbartonph, in that same utility, below the big box of vlumes, there should be either a little right arrow (looks like "play") or a box (looks like a "stop" button). If you hover over it, it will say you can either mount it or unmount it15:28
TJ-SeaCalf_: You could also reconfigure freshclam to use a local (South African) mirror, see http://www.clamav.net/mirrors.html#za15:29
SeaCalf_TJ- i dont understand that command " no crontab for root - using an empty one"15:29
malimbartonph, or at the bottom it'll say "contents (blah blah) - mounted at... " or "contents (blah blah) - Not Mounted"15:29
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bekksSeaCalf_: there is no crontab for root, and an empty one will be used.15:29
TJ-SeaCalf_: OK, it's not a scheduled job in the crontab them, I guess there must be a system daemon service running it on a schedule, instead15:30
tonphmalimbar: Am unable to see any such, the big bar box on volume has an entry - No media detected... :(15:30
faugusztinGuest92080: open the case ? :P15:30
TJ-SeaCalf_: "sudo grep freshclam /etc/cron*/*" might identify it15:31
malimbartonph, but you don't see anything below that box?'15:31
platinovесть кто с наших?15:32
SeaCalf_TJ- sudo grep freshclam /etc/cron*/* outputs nothing15:32
tonphmalimbar: noh :(15:32
TJ-SeaCalf_: OK, so it must be run as part of the clamav system services then15:32
tonphmalimbar: i can see some text like usage bla bla, but has '-' on that15:32
TJ-SeaCalf_: I don't use Anti-virus so I don't know where it will be configured15:32
malimbartonph, and if you go into the terminal, and type "sudo mount /dev/sdc /mnt", what does it print out?15:33
Guest92080faugusztin, it's offsite. i'm ssh'd into it and try to tell a customer what type of HDD to buy. either a IDE or SATA drive15:33
tonphmalimbar: looking at other disk devices, i can see the 'mount' link ...15:33
malimbartonph, put in in pastebin if you can15:33
cholsuI hope canonical develope some elegant office apps15:33
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cholsulibreoffice s decent15:33
platinovwhot this files atddd skaspdd skysapddd skapdd  ????    from /etc !      inciling cpu 100% =(15:33
malimbarcholsu, libreoffice is awesome and Canonical can't compete. But if you want you can always try one of the other multitude of apps that do the same thing. Gnome makes quite a few, KDE makes quite a few, etc15:34
cholsuI knew you said in that way15:34
tonphmalimbar: mount: no medium found on /dev/sdc15:34
bekkstonph: use a partition for mounting, not the entire disk.15:35
faugusztinGuest92080: can you do dmidecode | less, then search for Base Board Information15:36
faugusztinGuest92080: and here for "Product Name:"15:36
TJ-Guest92080: "pastebinit /var/log/dmesg" or view that log-file yourself, you'll see the ports being recognised15:36
tonphbekks: i didnt get that ... sorry15:36
Guest92080faugusztin, ok, found it's a foxconn and its product name is 661 7MI15:37
bekkstonph: use sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc to see the partitions, and then use mount /dev/sdcX ... instead mount /dev/sdc15:37
tonphbekks: ok let me check so15:37
faugusztinGuest92080: so it has 2x SATA ports15:38
Guest92080faugusztin, i believe so, thats what I found via google yes15:38
tonphbekks: this is the result of fdisk - Cannot open /dev/sdc15:38
tonphlooks like some thing got messed up ..15:38
hitsujiTMOtonph: you did use sudo right?15:39
bekkstonph: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc15:39
Guest92080faugusztin, TJ- bekks thanks guys for the help!!! gotta run15:39
tonphbekks: my mistake, yeah using sudo didnt complain anything - but not result also15:40
bekkstonph: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc has output. Pastebin it please.15:40
tonphresult is nothing15:40
platinovsudo apt-get install gparted15:40
platinovsudo gparted15:40
hitsujiTMOplatinov: gksudo gparted      you mena15:40
tonphok let me install gparted and then check so again...15:41
malimbartonph, I believe you, but it's nice to actually get the whole pastebin anyways. Sometimes little details are useful15:41
hitsujiTMOtonph: there's also: sudo parted -l           or: lsblk15:42
bekkstonph: Why dont you pastebin the requested information, but instead walk the try&error way?15:42
SonikkuAmericahitsujiTMO: These days just running GParted from anywhere other than the terminal forces authentication15:42
tonphbekks: let paste bin the info ..15:42
tonphI have tried to paste some of the info here - http://paste.ubuntu.com/6855702/15:45
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tonpham in that ignore/cancel state still - :)15:45
cholsuis it possible to mount iphone 5s on ubuntu 13.10?15:45
cholsuI failed to do it15:45
hitsujiTMOtonph: whats the output of: file /dev/sdc15:46
tonphhitsuJiTMO: its - /dev/sdc: block special15:47
beefmanmaybe dumb question or nitpicking: is it possible to prevent a program from popping to front when it starts?  i click skype then start doing something then it interrupts me by coming to the foreground.  using gnome15:48
tonphmy prob is that COM port is not recognised for my modem...15:49
Jessica1who could help me for a PS2 to USB keyboard ?15:50
hitsujiTMOtonph: mount | grep /dev/sr115:51
tonphhitsujiTMO: it results me to no result... silent prompt !15:52
hitsujiTMOtonph: how far have you gotten in the installation?15:52
hitsujiTMOtonph: did you install the .deb drivers?15:53
MonkeyDustbeefman  Skype > options > chat > when somebody...15:53
beefmanMonkeyDust: not when somebody pings me.  i mean on startup.  i don't want any programs coming to foreground when they start15:53
tonphhitsujiTMO : I install as per this code-cocktail.in/micromax-3g-datacard-mmx377g-installation-ubuntu/, and it was working yesterday15:54
hitsujiTMOtonph: ls -l ls /dev/ttyUSB*15:54
MonkeyDustbeefman  General > start skype minimised15:54
beefmanMonkeyDust: i have that checked too, but the login still pops up.  isn't there a way in the window manager to prevent any program from interrupting me?15:55
malimbartonph, This sounds like a really basic non-linuxy step... but have you restarted your computer after it started doing this?15:55
hitsujiTMOtonph: sorry: ls -l /dev/ttyUSB*15:55
tonphhitsujiTMO: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6855776/, but this is from my other photon-modem (Huawei) which i m connected to internet. But yesterday I was able to detect both the modem, removing this and trying to connect only my MMX377G modem does not work ..:(15:57
MonkeyDustbeefman  in dconf-editor, maybe, i'm looking, but don't find anything (in org.gnome to start)15:58
beefmanMonkeyDust: thank you, i'll take a look15:59
hitsujiTMOtonph: is the mmx modem in the system now?15:59
hitsujiTMOtonph: lsusb -knn16:00
tonphhitsujiTMO : I have attached both as of now, MMX is not detected and PHOTON is detected and thus am able to use internet from it :)16:00
hitsujiTMOtonph: sorry: lsusb && lsusb -t16:01
TJ-hitsujiTMO: "-knn" ??? lspci ftw :)16:01
pip__hi I'm trying to set up a file server for ubuntu & windows machines which kit do I need to use16:02
tonphhitsujiTMO : let me try16:02
hitsujiTMOTJ-: tiredness does wonderful things16:02
TJ-hitsujiTMO: Those devices initially present as a virtual CD-ROM (see /dev/sdb) containing the drivers. They need usbswitch-ing to their alter-ego modem configuration16:02
pip__samba or something else?16:02
TJ-hitsujiTMO: You made me giggle, too :)16:02
artium888could anyone help me with this ? : http://paste.ubuntu.com/6855804/16:02
pip__I'll be serving files from an Ubuntu rig to both win & ubuntu machines16:02
hitsujiTMOTJ-: i know, i'd just presume that the software installs a udev rule to auto switch16:03
artium888bekks MonkeyDust malimbar TJ , does anyone know how to fix this ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6855804/16:04
tonphhitsujiTMO: looks like the options failed .. still i have pasted lspci result here..http://paste.ubuntu.com/6855815/16:04
hitsujiTMOtonph: please do: lsusb && lsusb -t16:04
NusoftI have made my decision! After looking at the URL Jordan_U sent me, I am going to get Ubuntu. But before that, I have to get some sort of virtual machine like VMware and give it a little test.16:05
bekksartium888: you have to fix the error that leads to that error message. The postinstall script fails, you have to debug it and see why.16:05
NusoftUbuntu might be...the one!16:05
NusoftThanks, Jordan_U!16:05
artium888bekks: eh.. kinda new to ubuntu.. what do i do ?16:06
SchrodingersScatNusoft: there's always virtualbox16:06
bekksartium888: you have to fix the error that leads to that error message. The postinstall script fails, you have to debug it and see why.16:06
tonphhitsujiTMO: looks like this when i was installing yesterday Bus 002 Device 023: ID 2020:4010   in this http://paste.ubuntu.com/6855825/16:06
NusoftIs Virtualbox free?16:06
TJ-artium888: I'd suggest a purge and reinstall of the -server and -comon packages, in case there were some artifacts from a prior install16:06
ddsscresized my partitions with gparted, moved 10gigs from linux to win. now windows won't boot. is there any way to fix my win boot partition?16:07
demophobiaDoes ubuntu not have a default image editing program? All I want to do is crop a screenshot!16:08
bekksdemophobia: Just use gimp.16:08
belgianguyok, so my media server can stream mp316:08
ddsscdon't use gimp, gimp is the worst pos ever created.16:09
belgianguybut it doesn't want to play WMA16:09
demophobia"no longer included by default because of it's professional-grade complexity", right, bekks ?16:09
demophobiaddssc, what's better?16:09
belgianguyis there a way to find out if it's codec related?16:09
beefmanMonkeyDust: http://bertrandbenoit.blogspot.com/2011/09/change-window-behavior-to-prevent-focus.html16:09
ddsscdemophobia: anything really.16:09
TJ-tonph: Have you tried "sudo modprobe option && echo '12d1 1506' | sudo dd of=/sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/option1/new_id"  ?16:11
ddsscdemophobia:  use pinta16:11
tonphTJ : nope...16:11
ddsscresized my partitions with gparted, moved 10gigs from linux to win. now windows won't boot. is there any way to fix my win boot partition?16:12
tonphTJ : what it suppose to do :) ?16:12
MonkeyDustbeefman  great!16:12
NusoftIs Virtualbox free? Or do I have to pay for it?16:12
malimbarNusoft, free16:12
hitsujiTMONusoft: its free16:12
NusoftOkay, then! Thank you!16:12
malimbarddssc, exactly how did you add it to the windows partition?16:13
tonphI was checking the log :/var/log/syslog and tried ataching and detaching - and i foud this http://paste.ubuntu.com/6855889/16:13
ddsscmalimbar: shrunk linux partition, and then expanded win partition by the unallocated amount (10 gigs)16:14
hitsujiTMOtonph: cat /etc/usb_modeswitch.d/* /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf | pastebinit16:14
demophobiaddssc, i'll write that down; i just cropped it with fotoxx ...16:14
artium888bekks: im trying.. i cant16:14
malimbarddssc... don't do that again. heh. You might be able to fix it by putting in a windows recovery disk and/or booting it in safe mode (if you can)16:14
ddsscdemophobia: sudo apt-get install pinta16:14
MaazZsearching for hack for xubuntu...16:15
ddsscmalimbar: point taken, using open source software for serious tasks is stupid.16:15
demophobiaddssc, i just used the Ubuntu Software Center ... looks like it should be better than fotoxx, which seems more photography-collection-oriented16:15
MonkeyDustMaazZ  a hack for xubuntu?16:15
demophobiathanks :)16:15
MonkeyDustMaazZ  meaning?16:15
NusoftOkay! Gotta go! Bye, guys and gals! :D16:16
malimbarddssc, no, but resizing windows partitions and expecting windows to just be ok with that is a bit weird16:16
MaazZi want to hack16:16
SchrodingersScat!vim | MaazZ16:16
ubottuMaazZ: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code16:16
malimbarddssc, windows doesn't like to be messed with without it's knowledge, and actively fights against it16:16
MonkeyDustMaazZ  what do you want to hack and how legal is that?16:16
ddsscmalimbar: I've done it a million times with win tools like paragon.16:16
MaazZlegal enough16:16
MaazZhack bill gates16:16
SchrodingersScatMonkeyDust: he should hack on emacs, i think they always want help16:16
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malimbarddssc, those programs are running under a tight assumption that you're using windows, and fix windows for you afterwards16:17
MonkeyDustMaazZ  try to hack NSA, then16:17
malimbarddssc, it's like trying to dual boot with windows and ubuntu, and windows just  happily overwrites the MBR, because "hey, who would use anything but windows" is the base assumption of their installs16:18
fieldfirstIs it possible to use SElinux on Ubuntu ?16:18
ubottuSELinux is available on Ubuntu, but not officially supported. Ubuntu uses another security framework by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor16:18
hitsujiTMOtonph: it does look like there's no driver installed for the device. can you try reinstalling the .deb for it16:19
SeaCalf_TJ- I didnt find a way to configure the virus definition updates for Clamav. There is no GUI for it and Clamav is not listed in programs. I was able to find Clamav and its update helper Freshclam in Synaptic package manager. They were installed and i removed Clamav from the my system. I hope the issue over now and i can get back to working in peace again. Thanks for the help guys :)16:19
tonphhitsujiTMO: i find this on the log ::scsi 47:0:0:0: CD-ROM            Micromax Modem            6225 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0 CCS::, was wandering why this is reported as CDROM .. :(16:20
tonphyeah - let me try to reinstall things again...16:20
hitsujiTMOtonph: its a dual mode device. its storing the drivers on the virtual cd.16:21
TJ-tonph: The device has multiple personalities. It initially presents a virtual CD-ROM file-system containing the driver files. Once installed, the driver is supposed to switch the USB device ID to present the serial ports (or Ethernet port)16:21
* TJ- has one here16:21
tonphTJ: ahaa.... got it let me reinstall things again and .. get back to make some noise again :)16:21
artium888bekks: this is how i solved it: sudo dpkg --force-all -P isc-dhcp-server16:22
arulmagiHi guys. I need a help. How to download mp3 from a webpage using wget?16:25
gordonjcparulmagi: wget <url for file>16:25
val__a question for people who like beautiful things : which font do you like to edit/print a professional document ?16:26
arulmagithanks for the response gordonjcp. i tried that but it downloads just the webpage as index.html16:26
=== val__ is now known as oddantfr
oddantfrI guess nobody likes beautiful things16:28
Jessica1I can't more skype window, it's on the top on the left16:29
Jessica1I can't move skype window, it's on the top on the left16:29
gordonjcp!ot | oddantfr16:29
ubottuoddantfr: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:29
=== Sleepnbum is now known as Guest75051
hitsujiTMOarulmagi: try adding --page-requisites16:30
oddantfrgordonjcp: as font can't be different from one system to another I felt right to ask that in here, sorry if my way of asking is bumping your robotic way of applying rules16:32
=== ganesh is now known as Guest40387
gordonjcpoddantfr: it's not an Ubuntu support question16:37
madyourseoddantfr: what's your question. Some people are so an=l.16:42
jhutchinsSeaCalf_: You know that clamav only finds Windows viruses, right?16:42
demophobiaany idea why following http://sidvind.com/wiki/Thunderbird/Change_account_order failed to change the account order?16:43
SeaCalf_jhutchins its a friend of mine's pc he gave to me. I never knew about Clamav is installed on it.16:44
MonkeyDustdemophobia  don't trust instructions on random websites you should find16:46
demophobiaMonkeyDust, erm, thank you ... ... so ... can you help me fix it? :D16:46
jhutchinsSeaCalf_: clam is configured via text files, as is freshclam which updates the definition files.  The default install on Ubuntu should be configured to work automatically.  I don't know if it sets up scan-on-open or scheduled scans.16:46
demophobiaDoes Ubuntu automatically delete backup files after the original file has been deleted for a certain length of time?16:48
SeaCalf_jhutchins ok i see. But it does'nt matter now, i'm glad Clamav-freshclam is  removed from the system now. I dont want antivirus software here since i practise good computing behaviour :) .16:49
bekksdemophobia: Ubuntu does not even create backup files at all, automatically.16:49
demophobia... ... i seem to have a lot of them ... ...16:49
demophobiaare you sure, bekks ? where are these ~ files coming from them?16:50
bekksdemophobia: And you have a broken . key, too.16:50
icecoolhello, i need a good tool to connect to free VPN in italy16:50
AMPXIs there a way to get Ubuntu on Mac?16:50
bekksdemophobia: the ~ are created when the user - that means you - edits and saves a files. This does not happen automatically, but by the intent of the user.16:50
bekksAMPX: If it is an Intel based mac, install it.16:51
demophobiaso it's an option in gedit?16:51
bekksdemophobia: exactly.16:51
AMPXbekks: thanks. ill check it out16:51
pulse00hi all. is there a way to set an environment variable for the www-data user manually, so it's available to scripts run by the nginx webserver through fastcgi?16:51
icecoolVPN free tool?16:52
hitsujiTMOicecool: use the vpn client for whatever vpn you are using then16:52
demophobia'k thanks bekks16:52
bekksicecool: openvpn16:52
=== LarrySteeze is now known as LarrySteeze|Away
icecooli follow you bekks16:52
jhutchinsSeaCalf_: The best that can be said of clam is that it meets the requirements of having "antivirus software" installed if you get security audits.  It doesn't do much good even for Windows files.  For a Linux fileserver that serves Windows clients you're far better off running a good Windows AV program on the clients.16:53
jhutchinsLast I checked, AVG had a free (and a commercial) linux product, and they get pretty good ratings.16:54
SeaCalf_jhutchins thanks , i will try AVG for linux someday when i feel like using antivirus software16:55
linXeaI need help connecting to my university VPN (openconnect / anyconnect). The connection is established and IP is assigned to interface vpn0. The issue is that my datatraffic is NOT routed over vpn0 interface but instead still on wlan0 with my home IP.  What do I need to do? I assume I need to set another gateway (if up choose vpn0 over wlan0).. I have no idea how to do that. I am using network-manager-gnome with plugin for openconnect. Same problem wit16:55
linXeah ciscos proprietary Anyconnect mobility secure client.  http://pastie.org/8688415 <-- all the info I could think of is in this pastie16:55
pip__samba or nfs for sharing files to ubuntu and windows machines?16:59
pip__from an ubuntu server16:59
bekkspip__: Unless you windows supports nfs, you have to use samba.16:59
pip__bekks: having problems getting samba to share to another ubuntu rig at the mo17:00
pip__bekks: think I'm on for a reinstall & start from scratch again17:00
linXeahm, show us your /etc/samba/smb.conf  and output of # sudo smbtree17:02
bekkspip__: Ubuntu is not Windows. Just fix the problems.17:02
pip__bekks: lol, I'm reinstalling cos I'm making things worse everytime I fiddle with the thing17:03
bekkspip__: Dont fiddle, repair.17:03
pip__bekks: okay then, my repairs are making matters worse17:03
pip__bekks: yesterday i had a permissions problem, now my directories don't exist17:04
bekkspip__: So you removed them?17:04
bekkspip__: And which "my directories"?17:05
bekks!details | pip__17:05
ubottupip__: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:05
pip__bekks: nope, they're visible, on screen17:05
bekkspip__: Define "they".17:05
pip__it's a long story:17:05
bekkspip__: Dont expect us to know what you are talking about unless you tell us the details :)17:05
bekkspip__: Shorten it up, into one sentence.17:06
linXeathis channel used to be more helpful. Ive asked three times aldready today and not a single response.17:06
bekkslinXea: Because no one knows an answer, most likely.17:06
pip__I have a second hdd containing 2 folders I want to share up til todays disaster I could click on them but not mount them - permission denied17:07
linXeaeven with sudo pip__ ?17:07
pip__ubun tu 13.10 64 bit desktop, sharing to another rig running the same OS17:07
pip__linXea: h'mm, not tried that17:07
bekkspip__: Use an editor and the samba configuration for sharing files, not clicking anything.17:08
bekks!samba | pip__17:08
ubottupip__: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html17:08
pip__linXea: could that be why my shares are not persistent after a restart?17:08
DKFermiHi, I have a TP x201 with integrated gobi2000 3G modem. Is there a way of permanently disabling the 3G and Bluetooth?17:08
bekkspip__: Yes.17:08
pip__bekks: yah, thought it was a bum config file17:08
DKFermiI can click in the notification bay area to disable both BT and the 3G but then it comes back on after a hard restart17:08
bekkspip__: It is. Because you didnt configure Samba at all until now.17:09
pip__bekks: i believe I'm best starting all over again17:09
bekksDKFermi: Thats expected.17:09
linXeapip__, if you want them persistent between computers running linux I would suggest using /etc/fstab to mount them at boot17:09
bekkspip__: I suggest you start reading the articles given.17:09
TJ-linXea: Is the VPN IPv4? Is it getting its address via DHCP? If so, is the DHCP server passing a default gateway? If so, is the client IPV4 configuration set to Method "Automatic (VPN)" or something else?17:09
pip__linXea: i got that working :)17:09
DKFermimy experience with disabling modules in the kernel is not that great - so any suggestions or help are appreciated17:09
pip__bekks: it's a new project, but I am floundering17:10
TJ-DKFermi: maybe 'rfkill'  ?17:10
linXeait is IPv4 and it is getting ip over  dhcp.17:10
linXeaall that works17:10
pip__bekks: any pointers to an article a beginner can get to grips with?17:10
bekkspip__: There is no reason in reinstalling. You should just configure a samba server which will not happen when reinstalling.17:10
DKFermiTJ, thanks - i'll take a look at that17:11
TJ-linXea: Is it set to Method  "Automatic (VPN)" ?17:11
linXeatried  both choices17:11
TJ-linXea: OK, that configuration means "if the DHCP server sends a default-gateway, use it" ... so look at "/var/log/syslog" to see whether that does report a default-gateway being received and set, or not17:12
DKFermiTJ, thanks that helped17:12
DKFermiwhat's the difference between soft and hard blocks?17:13
DatzHi, I'm looking for a live cd that will fit on a cd-r.. preferably with ubuntu classic and not unity. does such a thing exist17:13
TJ-DKFermi: "hard" means a physical switch, "soft" means in software17:13
xanguaDatz: ubuntu no longer fits on a cd, I believe lubuntu still does17:13
DKFermiright - so I guess hard is impossible - since i can't turn it on/off in the bios17:13
hitsujiTMODatz: not any more17:13
TJ-Datz: Only the mini.iso17:14
linXeaTJ-, "Feb  1 18:12:51 thinkpad NetworkManager[750]: <warn> /sys/devices/virtual/net/vpn0: couldn't determine device driver; ignoring..! this seem odd.17:14
pip__bekks:uninstall & reinstall samba then? As a start over.  Goodness only knows what I've done to smb.conf by now17:14
florynhei cv lista cu parole folosite la facebook avezi?17:14
bekkspip__: No.17:14
florynnu are nimeni?17:14
bekkspip__: Configure Samba. Dont uninstall. Dont reinstall. Configure.17:14
Datzthey couldn't cut a few MB make you use a DVD-R..17:14
TJ-linXea: Can you pastebin the syslog ?17:14
pip__bekks:wow, you're persistent on this17:14
bekkspip__: Yes, because everything else is pointless.17:15
florynhei aveti?17:15
slimjimflimpip__: did you get banned from ##linux-coders?17:15
hitsujiTMO!ot | slimjimflim17:15
ubottuslimjimflim: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:15
florynnoo password facebook list17:15
pip__slimjimflim: nope, don't do coding17:15
DKFermianother question. I regularly have hang ups of my graphics chip, freezing and once I choose terminal mode it shows drm:i915_hangcheck_elapsed17:16
pip__slimjimflim: i can't configure samba, let alone code17:16
linXeaTJ-,  http://pastie.org/868912317:16
slimjimflimpip__: i must be thinking of a different pip17:16
DKFermidoes that mean my graphic chip is acting up or is this a config issue?17:16
pip__slimjimflim: it's possible, I had to tweak my nick cos sum other pip had it17:16
TJ-linXea: "Feb  1 18:12:52 thinkpad NetworkManager[750]: <info>   Forbid Default Route: yes"17:17
linXeaI saw that.17:17
pip__bekks:okay, back to the samba docs again it is17:17
hitsujiTMO!ro | floryn17:17
ubottufloryn: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro17:17
pip__i shall return to torment you all with my samba woes17:18
pip__but now...17:18
florynhei /hitsujiTMO17:18
florynnu vb cu mn?17:19
bekksfloryn: Is that some kind of code?17:19
florynpassword linst facebook please17:20
hitsujiTMOfloryn: sorry, i don't understand romainian. try #ubuntu-ro17:20
florynpassword list?17:20
bekksfloryn: wrong channel.17:20
DJonesfloryn: Just use your password to login to your account17:20
TJ-linXea: So, the VPN does *not* allow default routing, which is why it adds so many static routes, so there is nothing wrong with the configuration17:20
linXeaso I need to specify one of those static routes manually ?17:21
TJ-linXea: what for?!17:21
linXeaI need to be able to surf the web on university vpn, since I cannot access library resources without them17:22
TJ-linXea: The VPN is for access to *internal* resources only, not for gateway-ing  to the outside world17:23
glitsj16hellow people17:23
TJ-linXea: the default route set-up for your local Internet access will be used for everything else, as it should be.17:24
linXeaTI want the internet route to be used for interface vpn0, as it has been for years.17:24
linXeasurfing the web like I were physically on the university17:25
TJ-linXea: You can't, that's why they specifically deny a default route. See https://internt.slu.se/en/services/it/support/gor-sa-har/vpn-anyconnect/17:25
linXeathey have two instances.. internal and external use of vpn.17:26
TJ-linXea: Then ask the IT support desk, they'll know the specifics of their network and its operating policies17:26
linXeait works just fine on my phone as well as through vbox with windows XP running here17:27
hitsujiTMOlinXea: is it also setting a proxy?17:28
linXeaI changed a few settings and "NetworkManager[750]: <info>   Forbid Default Route: yes" disappeared17:28
TJ-linXea: aaaah! " I changed a few settings" .... reset those changes maybe?17:29
linXeadid that, still no luck.17:30
linXeamight try with proxy settings..17:30
linXeanever did that before though17:30
TJ-linXea: in the VPN configuration dialog, on the IPv4 Address tab, Change the selection from "Basic" to "Routes" and then *uncheck* "Use only for resources on this connection"17:30
linXeathats exactly what I did 2 min ago and the warning dissapear.17:31
TJ-linXea: Then syslog should show the new connection establishes a default route17:31
TJ-linXea: Is your local clock out of sync, or mine? Latest minutes value is :18 in your logs but here its :33 (I'm on GMT not CET)17:33
linXeahm, in terminal they seem out of sync but not in GUI17:34
linXeathats odd17:34
hitsujiTMOlinXea: """If you are using a Mac you must also configure the proxy settings in your web browser. Read the guide in the right-hand column!""" suggests there's a proxy involved that may not be auto configured for you17:34
linXea$ date  <-- show the correct time17:35
linXeaholy... proxy was the problem. Didnt even consider that  >_<17:37
=== LarrySteeze|Away is now known as LarrySteeze
TJ-linXea: OK, I've found the problem, it's a bug in Network-Manager's route handling code17:37
TJ-linXea: If you configure a proxy that'll be only for HTTP/HTTPS ... if you want true default routing then you need to work around the NM bug17:38
linXeaso it is a "real" BUG as well ?17:38
TJ-linXea: what version of Ubuntu is it?17:38
linXeaokay, that explain why my dual boot with gentoo still works like a champ with same settings.17:38
linXeaSystem:    Host thinkpad Kernel 3.11.0-15-generic x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop Unity 7.1.2  Distro Ubuntu 13.10 saucy17:39
linXeahttp/https is more then enough for me to gain access to library resources. Thanks a bunch. I will have en eye open for a solution for "true" default routing over vpn-openconnect (anyconnect)17:40
JeanSolPartrequi parle français merci17:41
bekks!fr | JeanSolPartre17:41
ubottuJeanSolPartre: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:41
JeanSolPartreje merci17:42
TJ-linXea: See https://mail.gnome.org/archives/commits-list/2010-August/msg06524.html17:42
splexhello there, I'd like to ask whether openjdk-6 (or openjdk-7) is free or open-source. that is, how Oracle-free it is.17:42
TJ-linXea: patch developed and discussed at RedHat https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=62169817:43
ubottuGnome bug 621698 in general "VPN plugins don't obey server routing instructions." [Normal,Resolved: fixed]17:43
=== whiskers75 is now known as ArghMyWifi
=== ArghMyWifi is now known as whiskers75
TJ-linXea: so we go back to the fact that if the VPN *server* provides explicit routes then the *proper* response *must* be to *not* set a default route, so in fact, it is doing precisely what it ought to. The bug is in the user expectation and lack of information in the GUI17:44
=== KindOne- is now known as KindOne
TJ-linXea: Static routes are pointless if the VPN connection is the default route, so the university obviously do not want it used as a default route.17:46
fieldfirstIn Apparmor status I have got "processes are unconfined but have a profile defined" what does it suppose to mean ? --17:47
TJ-fieldfirst: It means the policy is not being enforced17:48
fieldfirstThanks, I am trying to enforcing the nginx17:48
fieldfirstCan anyone help to generate the nginx profile for Apparmor ? I have tried with genprof but, it doesn't work17:55
=== at is now known as Guest648
nobody08my xubuntu with Xfce Windows... operating in complete silence. no sound on starting up or shutting down.  Though the on board sound system is functioning fine, I can play video with sound.18:11
nobody08please help.18:11
prasoonatworkGood Evening All, i am not able to boot into windows 7 after upgraing from ubuntu 1304 to 1310,,, i have 64bit version18:13
prasoonatworkcan i get some assistance ??18:13
bekks!dualboot | prasoonatwork18:15
ubottuprasoonatwork: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:15
tortuehi every body18:20
tortueI needed to install Maya on my computer18:20
daftykinsand now?18:20
tortuebut I'm using ubuntu like much of you18:20
prasoonatworkubottu: i already had windows 7. i tried using boot repair. and this is what i got "http://paste.ubuntu.com/6856491/"18:21
ubottuprasoonatwork: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:21
tortuethe installation of Maya failed and now I have much of my packages broken18:21
=== gbyers[Away] is now known as g_byers
daftykinstortue: can you pastebin ( http://paste.ubuntu.com ) the output of 'sudo apt-get -f install' running in a terminal?18:22
prasoonatworkubottu: i am not an expert in linux... so i hope you might understand what i am facing though...18:22
ubottuprasoonatwork: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:22
prasoonatworkbekks: i am not an expert in linux...i already had windows 7. i tried using boot repair. and this is what i got "http://paste.ubuntu.com/6856491/"18:24
=== RickyB98 is now known as rickyb98
tortueit tells me something like backbuner.sw.bas needs to be reinstalled18:26
madyourseprasoonatwork: windows is always doing something funky read writes with the hard drive even when sitting idle. Linux don't do that.18:27
FuuqUmiistis this the official help channel or just a fan club?18:27
prasoonatworkmadyourse: can you please help18:28
FuuqUmiistonly people who actually help should be ops18:28
darkxploithello guysssss18:28
darkxploitwhats up ...18:29
FuuqUmiistprasoonatwork there should be a way to fix the grub, which sucks on linux, but i don't know how18:29
DJones18:27 < FuuqUmiist> is this the official help channel or just a fan club?18:29
tortueok daftyKings, I've pasted it18:29
madyourseprasoonatwork: I never had any luck messing with grub18:30
DJonesGrr, stupid mouse18:30
daftykinstortue: there should've been a lot more than that18:30
tortuesorry, it is all my shell aswers18:30
prasoonatworki have a paste from the BOOT REPAIR "http://paste.ubuntu.com/6856491/"...18:31
FuuqUmiistmost of my major problems with ubuntu always tend to be because the grub messes up18:31
madyourseprasoonatwork: I think while booting linux tapping the tab key may bring up the linux grub menu. On that it may have windows on the menu.18:31
nisimheloo i have philips freevents x56 downloaded ubuntu 12.04 lts.No sound speakers not working did all nothing helps please need help here18:32
prasoonatwork<madyourse>: yes i have the menu but when i select it and hit enter it will not boot to windows ,,, check this paste from Boot Repair application,,,"http://paste.ubuntu.com/6856491/"18:33
daftykinstortue: what's reporting broken packages then?18:34
prasoonatwork<madyourse>  a cursour will just blink ... and do nothing...18:34
faust1002I have stupid problem, I going to use ISE from Xilinx. It provides old version of libstdc++ and enforces standard gcc to use it. Ofcource gcc fails. Sylinks don't work, google also. Any ideas?18:36
bekksfaust1002: Whats "ISE"?18:36
aidalgolHow do I change the event that the power button triggers (outside of a DE)?18:37
faust1002bekks: http://www.xilinx.com/products/design-tools/ise-design-suite/ise-webpack.htm, for FPGAs18:37
bekksaidalgol: By reprogramming the BIOS.18:37
tortueshould i oblige to reinstall all my system cause some of my packages are broken?18:38
madyourseprasoonatwork: maybe use windows install disk then if that fixes it. You may not be able to boot into linux. I always used a windows program called easybcd. But linux grub needs to be installed to root directory of install  not root of drive18:39
aidalgolbekks: There's no OS-side ACPI configuration?18:41
prasoonatwork<madyourse> : that is a problem... i use linux as my primary OS... only for certain windows only application i switch to it. is there any other work around ??18:42
nisimheloo i have philips freevents x56 downloaded ubuntu 12.04 lts.No sound speakers not working did all nothing helps please need help here18:42
madyourseprasoonatwork: easybcd uses windows boot menu to select operating system. But again the linux boot grub either during install needs to be placed in the root directory of install. Not the root of the drive. I found it much easier to recover failures like yours.18:42
madyourseprasoonatwork: easybcd uses windows boot menu to select operating system. But again the linux boot grub either during install needs to be placed in the root directory of install or after install. Not the root of the drive. I found it much easier to recover failures like yours.18:42
prasoonatworkmadyourse: can explain how i should proceed ??18:43
arun_guys where can I get wifi drivers of ASUS X45C ??18:44
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:45
daftykinsarun_: what's the wireless hardware on that model?18:47
=== pinnerup_ is now known as pinnerup
danguccihello i have setup pptp on ubuntu server authenticating with radius server but  i will like to throttle internet speed for some clients connected to the vpn .. any help in the form of scripts or radius supported attributes18:52
delacanyone who knows how to set up Canon MG3500 printer?18:56
=== deegee__ is now known as drussell
whoeverdelac: what have you done so far to set it up18:57
whoeverdelac: what have you done so far to set it up18:59
=== icaro is now known as Guest65539
bekksubuntutis: Please keep your support issues in this channel, do not carry them to my query, unasked.19:02
=== Fyodorovna is now known as Beldar
danguccihello i have setup pptp on ubuntu server authenticating with radius server but  i will like to throttle internet speed for some clients connected to the vpn .. any help in the form of scripts or radius supported attributes19:05
=== UKn0Me is now known as HerpTheDerpWhale
whoeverdangucci: i would look at iptables19:06
dangucciok my pptp remote range is hw will i please use iptables to limit speed in that subnet19:07
whoeverdangucci: oh its homework, we don't like doing our own, and the point of homework is for you to learn something, so  we will point you in the direction of the anster19:09
whoeverdangucci: and your homework you says  "use iptables to limit speed", and I pointed you tward iptables19:10
=== 36DACB38P is now known as dbrom
Ruby_Vroomhi all19:16
darkxploithello guys. can u tell me what and how do i proceed, if i want to set up a system where i will have a mail address admin@mywebsite.com and all mails received on the mail address to be transferred to a gmail .. also how do i do to get a mail address admin@mywebsite.com . i got a VPS running ubuntu server..19:16
* Ruby_Vroom is SUPER new to ubuntu/linux19:17
daftykinsRuby_Vroom: do you have a question?19:17
darkxploitRuby_Vroom: you are going to enjoy I'm sure19:17
Ruby_Vroomdaftykins yes - i'm trying to a wireless adapter working19:17
daftykinsdarkxploit: it'd make more sense to sign up to google apps or something similar, rather than administer that yourself19:18
eooany ubuntu probs19:18
darkxploitdaftykins:  i already got my website running on the VPS19:18
daftykinsdarkxploit: sure a website, but a mail server? little bit different :D19:19
Ruby_Vroomeoo i have a ubuntu 13.10 prob getting wifi working19:19
NictraSaviosWhen I go to add a new printer I get "FirewallD is not running. Network printer detection needs services mdns, ipp, ipp-client and samba-client enabled on firewall.", how do I remove this error?19:19
darkxploitdaftykins: can't i set up something so that every mails is transferred directly to the gmail without the user know about it19:19
whoeverRuby_Vroom: is the wifi cart seen by ubuntu19:20
NictraSaviosI do not have a firewall installed, unless one is installed by default.19:20
Ruby_Vroomwhoever it's a usb dongle19:20
eooRuby_Vroom: tell me about it19:20
daftykinsdarkxploit: you'd be better off going into your domain's control panel and creating a mail forwarder to point to your other address19:20
shahhena95how do i set up KDE environment on ubuntu 13.04 ?19:20
whoeverRuby_Vroom: ok, is it seen by ubuntu19:20
daftykinsdarkxploit: no point receiving email only to send it out again ;)19:20
Ruby_Vroomok all, here's the deal: i bought the edimax mini usb dongle adapter for a windows machine, decided to install ubuntu19:21
Ruby_Vroomi researched and looked up drivers19:21
darkxploitdaftykins: have u heard of sendmail ?/.. what is that?.. is it what I'm really looking here19:21
Ruby_Vroomgot a deb pkg installer from google code19:21
Ruby_Vroombrought the tower down, hooked it up to wired internet and installed fine19:21
daftykinsdarkxploit: like i say, what you're trying to do is a bad way to go about things. a forwarder would work better19:21
Ruby_Vroomunplugged it and left the edimax usb in and it was working fine19:21
BeldarRuby_Vroom, Can you run in the terminal lsusb in ubuntu with the adapter plugged in and give any wifi info there to the channel.19:21
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Ruby_Vroomtook it upstairs and reconnected it to it's respective monitor and boom - no wifi?19:22
shahhena95someone please help !:-(19:22
Brutus|shahhena95: KDE is in the software center, if you open that you can install KDE19:22
Ruby_Vroomyes, i'll run upstairs and do that19:22
eoono signal?19:22
Brutus|shahhena95: log off and on the lockscreen you should be able to change to KDE19:22
whoeverrewtraw: how is your signal19:22
Brutus|shahhena95: KDE is called kubuntu-desktop19:22
darkxploitdaftykins: ok i got your point now.. but what about sending someone a mail with a mail address like xxx@mywebsite.com19:22
NictraSavios!enter | Ruby_Vroom19:22
ubottuRuby_Vroom: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:22
whoeverRuby_Vroom: sounds like a signal straingth issue19:23
shahhena95ohh okay ..!19:23
Brutus|shahhena95: Can't make it any easier then that :)19:23
shahhena95thank you so much :-)19:23
daftykinsdarkxploit: the 'from' address?19:23
Ruby_Vroomwhoever: it worked fine with windows though....same situation, just diff OS19:23
Brutus|shahhena95: No problem at all19:23
shahhena95Brutus| : Thank you:-)19:23
darkxploitdaftykins: yeahhh like i own a website.com …. i would like to have daftykins@mywebsite.com19:24
whoeverRuby_Vroom: there may not be support for it in ubuntu 13.x19:24
Brutus|Ruby_Vroom: beldar asked you to run lsusb in the terminal19:24
Brutus|should output the attached USB drives19:24
darkxploitdaftykins: so that when u verify your mail u see its from my domain19:25
daftykinsdarkxploit: you can configure a gmail account with a 'send as' user@domain.com if you go into the settings19:25
eoolsusb lists usb devices19:25
whoeverRuby_Vroom: this is linux not windows19:25
darkxploitdaftykins: you are a genius i did not know that19:25
Brutus|darkxploit: he is19:25
p3rsistHow can I use rysnc to sync rooted remote and local folders and using a user ssh passworded private key without the shell prompting for the password?19:25
Ruby_Vroomlsusb report shows it recognizes the edimax19:26
darkxploitp3rsist: thatss very interesting indeed19:26
rudjgaardhi guys, I am having trouble upgrading from 13.04 to 13.10, someone willing to help me out?19:26
darkxploitrudjgaard: apt-get dist-upgrade19:26
rudjgaardi know19:26
roothorickam I right in thinking this means Ubuntu will actually be doing secure boot correctly? What keyset do I need in my firmware to take advantage of this?19:26
rudjgaardbut update manager is crashing19:26
rudjgaardwhenb launching upgrade19:26
rudjgaardthis is the error19:26
darkxploitrudjgaard: what do u mean by crashing19:26
whoeverRuby_Vroom: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197561519:26
BeldarRuby_Vroom, we want more than the name, we want the exact info shown by lsusb.19:26
Ruby_Vroomwhoever: i don't understand why the signal would be ok on win and not on linux.19:27
whoevereoo: it appently is verry sinsitive  to signal19:27
p3rsistdarkxploit: this is what I have for now: sudo rsync --hard-links --sparse --numeric-ids --delete -azhe\19:27
p3rsist  "ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa" --rsync-path="sudo rsync"\19:27
p3rsist  $USER@remote:/root/test /19:27
Ruby_Vroombeldar: i'll have to run upstairs and write it all down then - i'm on my downstairs win7 machine since i can't get internet on the ubuntu machine19:27
rudjgaardI mean the gdk window will close after clicking upgrade and after downloading the release installer19:28
darkxploitp3rsist: its alien to me for the time being..19:28
rudjgaardOSError: Can not execute '/tmp/ubuntu-release-upgrader-dohyyg/saucy19:28
rudjgaard(this is usually caused by a system where /tmp "19:29
rudjgaardAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'window_main'19:30
whoeverRuby_Vroom: there are signal strenght issues with it, so it most likly is not going to be reliable , but keep tring hope she works for you19:30
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eooi think ive used an edimax one before19:31
eooon a raspberry pi with no probs19:31
Ruby_Vroomwhoever: crap. thanks! i'm reading that link....perhaps i'll run wire in the meantime19:31
p3rsistHi guys. Under 13.10, what's the correct way to hold an ssh private key password? gpg ? ssh-agent?19:32
whoeverRuby_Vroom: here you go, this is someones stepst that got theirs working, but assume, you have done them http://askubuntu.com/questions/79818/edimax-ew-7811un-usb-wireless-sees-network-but-fails-to-connect-to-it19:32
=== Guest4685 is now known as Belial`
darkxploitrudjgaard:  ok i go it19:32
whoeverRuby_Vroom: there are a couple different dounges that will work, that will cost you less then a 50' cable19:33
darkxploitrudjgaard: i think you should modify the repository19:33
Ruby_Vroomwhoever: i did try those steps.  please share! i'm willing to hunt down another dongle.  i just grabbed this one because of rave reviews and a $10 pricetag19:33
whoeverRuby_Vroom: if this is a desktop you generally will get better results with a card then a dongle19:34
danguccihello i have setup pptp on ubuntu server authenticating with radius server but  i will like to throttle internet speed for some clients connected to the vpn .. any help in the form of scripts or radius supported attributes19:34
whoeverRuby_Vroom: in my experience 10 bucks and linux spells issues19:34
darkxploitrudjgaard: noooo I'm lost.. too difficult for me19:34
whoeverhow ever worthe a shot , i would had done the same19:35
pcdoctorHello everyone I am a new ubuntu user19:35
Ruby_Vroomwhoever: ha, good to know. :)  like i said, this is my first attempt with linux.19:35
pcdoctorI need lots of help19:35
roothorickhow do I install the Ubuntu PKpub?19:35
rudjgaardhmmm i already tried changing repo, i was on main server then switched to the search best one19:35
whoeverRuby_Vroom: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:35
pcdoctorhas anyone used firestorm viewer on ubuntu?19:35
roothorickoh! I don't need it to be19:36
roothorickso this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/SecureBoot is what's currently implemented in Trusty, right?19:36
whoeverRuby_Vroom: for what it is worth i ditched windows about the time win7 came out, so i have a good idea of what apps will be an equilelant to the M$ ones19:37
MonkeyDust!find firestorm19:37
ubottuPackage/file firestorm does not exist in saucy19:37
MonkeyDustpcdoctor  what's firestorm?19:37
whoeverRuby_Vroom: if your a gammer, you will want a windows box (not a vm of windows )19:38
pcdoctorit's a client within the second life grid19:38
whoeverRuby_Vroom: but othere then that most can be accomplshed just fine on liux19:38
MonkeyDustpcdoctor  great, and what's the second life grid?19:38
oslhello. i just toasted an old toshiba and am trying to learn how to install (get a Live OS up) over the network. this toshiba will not boot from USB, CD/DVD, etc. and i'm stuck at a "grub rescue>" screen. which solution is best on this page (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Server_and_network_installations)?19:39
whoeverRuby_Vroom: did/are you reading the last link i posted about cards19:40
pcdoctorit's a virtual world19:40
MonkeyDustpcdoctor  some kind of game, is it?19:40
Ruby_Vroomwhoever: i'm not a gamer but son is and it's his box19:40
Ruby_Vroombut he's 10, so it's mostly steam stuff.  reading now...19:41
whoeverRuby_Vroom: you can dual boot it, or in the windows os create a vm of ubuntu19:41
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whoeverRuby_Vroom: don't forget "Daddy knows whats best" when he starts asking why19:41
Ruby_Vroomwhoever: ha, Mom you mean. ;)19:42
whoeverRuby_Vroom: ah, though her under the bus or was this her idea19:43
pcdoctorI also need to fix my printer driver too.  It's listed in my printer settings but I can't seem to print19:43
* Ruby_Vroom is Ma Dukes19:43
whoeverRuby_Vroom: and if anything goes wrong blame the family member you least like(or want your son to not like )19:44
Ruby_Vroomwhoever: this link is for broadcom drivers only?19:44
whoeverRuby_Vroom: yes broadcom is a big player, so there stuff is easier to get working19:44
whoeverthey are different model not makes19:45
Ruby_Vroomkk i'll dig up some broadcom stuff19:45
whoeversorrry for the confustion thee19:45
Ruby_Vroomseems easier to just run a cable than mess with all this stuff though19:45
whoeverRuby_Vroom: seeems , i have done it too, yes more direct, but "unsigtly" say the gf19:46
Ruby_Vroomwhoever: unsightly at the cost of having internet. :)  how's the gf like using the library? lol19:48
whoeverRuby_Vroom: i tried that one, she busted my balls on that  one19:48
Beldarwhoever, This is a world wide channel, try to keep it clean please. ;)19:49
whoeverBeldar: sorry19:49
pcdoctorhow do I update/install printer drivers in ubuntu 13.10?19:50
whoeverthey are different model not makes19:51
MonkeyDust!cups | pcdoctor start here19:51
ubottupcdoctor start here: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu19:51
oslis it possible to repair grub on machine_2 over the network? or boot boot-repair-disk on machine_2 over a network? machine_2 is unbootable.19:54
tunagemy ubuntu apache vhost is failing. I get  NameVirtualHost *:0 has no VirtualHosts  on restart. httpd.conf  http://sprunge.us/BgRN  sites-available config  http://sprunge.us/dQIg19:55
Ruby_Vroomwhoever: my buddy has 2 edimax adapters working on ubuntu laptops - so frustrating!19:57
ffffhow can i figure out what ip address to allow w/ ufw if i want to be able to ssh w/ a server?19:58
ffffin other words, figure out what my ip address is.19:59
ffffi've done ifconfig, looked in system prefs, and checked my router settings-all the ip addresses on those are the same, but when i allow them on ufw it still doesn't work.19:59
pcdoctorpages not working19:59
ffffi've also accounted for subnet mask by doing x.y.z.0/2420:00
tunageffff what are you trying to do?20:00
FuuqUmiistwhat is the shortcut to decorate and undecorate windows20:00
fffftunage: sercure my server and make it so only my ip address can ssh into the ssh port.20:01
MonkeyDustffff  use gufw20:02
tunageffff iptables or hosts.allow /hosts.deny20:03
MonkeyDustffff  and fwbuilder is more advanced20:03
ffffMonkeyDust: i don't need to change tools. ufw is perfectly fine, i've allowed denied access to all ports i need, and allowed only 80 and 433.20:03
ffff*i've denied access20:03
TJ-ffff: "iptables -P DROP && iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -s $YOUR_PUBLIC_IP -j ACCEPT" would be the basics; You can work that into ufw language20:03
fffftunage: my understanding is ufw is a wrapper around iptables, and ufw is much easier to understand than iptables.20:04
ffffTJ-: oh i already know the ufw language, it's ufw allow from x.y.z.0/24 to any port 2220:04
tunageffff exact same rules.20:04
ffffand if i only wanted the ssh protocol it'd be "to any port 22/ssh" or something like that20:04
ffffbut my problem is20:04
ffffi don't know how to find the right ip address20:05
TJ-ffff: So see if "iptables -nvL INPUT" matches what you *think* ufw is doing20:05
ffffif i do ufw allow 22, i can ssh in through that port20:05
ffffTJ-: okay i'll try that20:05
tunageffff post your iptables-save20:05
rudjgaardcan anybody help with this error while upgrading release? OSError: Can not execute '/tmp/ubuntu-release-upgrader-dohyyg/saucy'  During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:20:06
TJ-ffff: If what you're asking for is how to get your own public IP address, do "wget -qO- http://ipecho.net/plain ; echo"20:06
ffffTJ-: here's my iptables -nvL INPUT: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/82e721163116c312764420:07
fffftunage: i typed iptables-save and nothing returned20:07
ffffTJ-: i need to put my external ip address not my interal one?20:07
FuuqUmiistdoes anyone know?20:08
tunageanyone here nifty with apache vhost? my ubuntu apache vhost is failing. I get  NameVirtualHost *:0 has no VirtualHosts  on restart. httpd.conf  http://sprunge.us/BgRN  sites-available config  http://sprunge.us/dQIg  and I did use the a2ensite tool to initialize the subdomain20:08
AleksanderI'd like to install Ubuntu 13.10 on a LUKS/LVM prepared by myself, is there a simple way to configure newly-installed kernel to decrypt the root partition during boot?20:09
tunageffff then you're not using iptables.  :/20:09
fffftunage: i'm using ufw, would using that count as what you think of as "using iptables"?20:09
tunageffff if it's a wrapper for iptables, it's missing the core. I know iptables very well.20:10
TJ-tunage: See http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/core.html#namevirtualhost20:10
ffffTJ-: fuck! it was my external ip address that i needed to add. thanks soo much!20:10
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest81134
ffffTJ-: i have another question tho, isn't my external ip dynamic?20:11
fffftunage: well i don't know enough about ufw to tell you how it's using iptables. maybe it's a replacement.20:11
Beldarffff, Just a heads up but this is a no swearing channel. ;)20:13
bekksufw is a frontend for iptables.20:13
ffffBeldar: oh really? this is the first no wearing channel i've joined then.20:14
ffffBeldar: my apoligies, unless this is a prank that happens on rookies or something.20:14
tunageTJ- the only difference between that link and my directive is VirtualHost because mine is VirtualHost *:80  for a very good reason and I have discussed this with #httpd. It should be *. This same exact directive with a minor subdomain name change is the only difference on a gentoo server. I really don't think it's the directive.20:14
ffffbekks: not sure the term "frontend" clarifies much for me.20:14
AndrooTrying to learn upstart.  What might I look to when I have an upstart script in /etc/init that, while working fine with "service start <name>", won't start at boot?  I have "start on runlevel 2345" and "stop at runlevel 6" in the service's upstart config.20:15
ffffbekks: it's cool tho, i don't always need to know everything.20:15
tunagebekks why is it missing iptables-save? it's on my default install of ubuntu.20:15
bekkstunage: define "it" please.20:15
ffffbekks: me20:15
ffffbekks: why am i missing iptables-save20:15
tunagebekks same issue20:16
TJ-tunage: Have you run "apache2ctl configtest" ?20:16
tunage NameVirtualHost *:0 has no VirtualHosts20:17
tunageSyntax OK20:17
TJ-tunage: So, you haven't got a vhost matching that20:17
bekkstunage: whats the relationship between ufw and your missing iptables file?20:18
loawhat i can use for sticky notes under ubuntu?20:18
sh0thi guys how do you access skype chat logs o Linux/ubuntu without using skype...20:19
TJ-ffff: "which iptables-save"20:19
ffffTJ-: it's all good, i just need to figure out if using my external ip is going to stab me in the back if in the future it changes in which case i won't be able to ssh back in.20:19
=== jordan is now known as Guest57109
Guest57109anyone know any good applications for ubuntu20:20
tunageTJ- correct. I changed it to peacecoin.digitaldriller.com20:20
wrapashTo do what, Guest57109?20:20
Guest57109anything just general applications20:21
tunagebekks iptables-save dumps your firewall rules and counters20:21
bekkstunage: I know - I just dont see any relation to my statement that ufw uses iptables.20:21
airsoftmodelsGuest57109: world of goo is a fun game20:21
TJ-tunage: Is it working now?20:21
tunagebekks if it's missing, you are missing half of iptables.  :/20:22
wrapashGuest57109: also check for "xonotic"20:22
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tunageTJ- no sir, I adjusted the servername and added the domain in virtualhost, same exact error. http://sprunge.us/NaYi20:24
TJ-ffff: Correct; you'll probably need to get a static IP, or else go the proper way and configure the server with a VPN, such as openvpn20:24
wrapashGuest57109: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/List_of_Applications20:24
GolynxGuest57109: Ubuntu Software Center got alot to choose from20:24
ffffTJ-: there's a script to ping the hostname periodically and if the ip address changed update the firewall: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/91701/ufw-allow-traffic-only-from-a-domain-with-dynamic-ip-address this is really icky20:26
=== GTB3NW is now known as GTB3NW_AWAY
tunageffff hypothetically, no. you're crossing layers which is really bad and unreliable. practically, you could play tricks with dynamic dns and nagios20:28
tunageffff or even snort.20:28
fffftunage: can't tell if snort is a tool or if you literally mean snort.20:29
tunagesnort is a very extensive tool. it uses plugins like snot and mucus too.  http://snort.org/20:30
pitoowHow do I enable MP3 preview on 12.04?20:30
fffftunage i'm looking into a vpn right now. TJ-: can i setup openvpn on a remote server? or does it have to be a home server?20:31
tunageffff a vpn is a layer 2 application. layer 2 does 'not' know word like kat or sighup or domain. only numbers like ip addresses20:34
TJ-ffff: I use openvpn, it means I can do router-to-router and client-to-router connections at the same time20:34
=== GTB3NW_AWAY is now known as GTB3NW
=== j is now known as Guest11787
ImdsmHi guys, I have a GTX 550 Ti, and have just installed 13.10. When trying to install nvidia's drivers, I now have a black screen. I know this is a very common problem, but I'm just wondering if 3rd party nvidia drivers are supported at the moment? Or is it just nouveau which works?20:35
TJ-tunage: VPN protocols can be layer 2 (bridged) or layer 3 (routed), depending on the specific implementation and configuration20:36
fffftunage: i'm not sure why you explained that to me. why is that important to know?20:37
ffffTJ-: why would you want router-to-router connections if you yourself are always a client? it feels like to me you're allowing your router to have a better time w/o any benefits to oyu.20:37
ffffah i'm such a noob and i love it.20:38
tunageffff if you are trying to do anything with a hostname and trying to blend it with a layer 2 application, you have your hands full.20:38
fffftunage: in other words it doesn't help me w/ my problem because it'd still need to use my external ip?20:38
ffff*my _dynamic_ external ip?20:38
ffffif that's the case, then TJ-, how would a vpn help me w/ my problem?20:39
tunageffff on a static firewall, with static allow/deny, without a highlevel trick, you are going to lock yourself out. You need a better plan.20:40
tunageffff or a static ip20:40
fffftunage: f**k! this sucks. i guess a very small % of ppl have to deal w/ dynamic ips?20:40
TJ-tunage: To check the apache2 config, do this: "sudo sh -c '. /etc/apache2/envvars && apache2 -t -S -D DUMP_VHOSTS -f /etc/apache2/apache2.conf'  "20:40
fffftunage: what are some possible better plans?20:40
fffftunage: how long would it take me to get a static ip? i would need to talk w/ my isp right?20:41
Titaniumis there a fast way to open a terminal on ubuntu?20:41
ffffwhy isn't my static internal ip exposed? why do i have an external ip wrapping my internal one?20:42
TJ-ffff: You configure your (ssh) server with a VPN. You configure your PC with the same VPN in client mode... your PC then connects to the server's public IP address (possibly by hostname), and establishes the VPN. There is now a *private* subnet with your PC and the server on. You can then ssh to the server using the server's *private* VPN IP address20:43
GolynxTitanium: ctrl+alt+t20:43
tunageTJ- it appears to be correct.  http://paste.ee/p/sVWOJ20:43
Titaniumthanks, il see if that works20:43
ffff" You can purchase a static external IP address, but they are incredibly expensive." schisca.20:43
Titaniumits still loading video recommendations of movies with termainal in thename :(20:43
tunageffff no, they don't try and lock out the world, that way. what is the purpose of your 'absolute blocks/denies?'20:44
Akiva-MobileWhy is this for loop now working in my terminal?20:44
Akiva-Mobilefor i in {0..10..2}20:44
Akiva-Mobilewhen I echo i, it returns "{0..10..2}"20:44
fffftunage: this is an absolulte allow actually, only allow my ip address to ssh into my server.20:45
phensterhey everyone20:45
phensterI have a question regarding adding users20:45
fffftunage: what do you mean "they don't try and lock out the world"? are you talking about isps?20:45
SchrodingersScat!ask | phenster20:45
ubottuphenster: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:45
ffffTJ-: still reading what you said.20:45
tunageffff so you are trying to protect ssh. switch to a non standard port or use knockd20:45
TJ-ffff: see for examples and explanations: http://www.shorewall.net/OPENVPN.html20:45
fffftunage: already am using a non standard port, want to secure it more.20:46
fffftunage: is knockd an alternative to fail2ban?20:46
TJ-tunage: " www.peacecoin.digitaldriller.com (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/peacecoin.digitaldriller.com:3)"20:46
phensterI want to make a "web" group and add a user to it. I perform a "groupadd web", but then when I try "useradd -g <username> web" I get error. what is the correct procedure? I want a grouo/user to create and own /var/www for Ruby web-applications.20:46
Kroachhow do I upgrade from one LTS Hardware Enablement Stack to another?20:47
TJ-phenster: Use "adduser" ... it has easier forms such as "adduser <user> <group>"20:48
tunageffff you shouldn't be seeing any attacks in your logs. this is where snort can really work. if you get a bunch of hits on a non standard port, that's live and you should know about it. you document the ip, you block it and switch the port again. if it persist, you have a much bigger problem you are dealing with. don't ignore your logs. this is basic security practices.20:48
tunageffff knockd does have a fail rate though. you will need a back door.20:49
ffffTJ-: "your PC then connects to the server's public IP address (possibly by hostname), and establishes the VPN" if the server is a web server, meaning it's serving a web app, doesn't this mean all users of the app are going to be establishing a vpn?20:49
ffffTJ-: well actually doesn't it mean they wouldn't be able to establish a vpn because they don't have the client vpn setup?20:49
Golynxphenster: http://www.codephun.com/ubuntu-add-permissions-to-user-for-www-data/&q=set+recursive+permission+var/www&sa=X&ei=TcXnUvPXEvGv7AaM4YDYAg&ved=0CDsQFjAI20:49
phensterTJ-: I get "The user "..." does not exist" error.20:49
tunageTJ- where does that go?20:49
phensterGolynx: invalid URL - 40420:50
fffftunage: oh god i have to watch the logs? that's not my definition of a good film.20:50
AnthonyUKEvening all, I installed linux on my homeserver but I have had problems getting my 2 tv tuner cards working, I did a install of linux on another computer and they all work. I was wondering is this down the motherboard drivers ?20:50
TJ-ffff: tunage You ought not to even expose ssh publicly unless there is no other way. VPNs provide security and ease of access to the entire remote server/network, not just SSH protocol.20:50
tunageffff look into snort. somebody or something MUST be watching your logs ALWAYS!!!20:51
TJ-ffff: If you want to allow widespread access using ssh then the primary step is not to use passwords, only certificates for authentication.20:51
bekksAnthonyUK: No.20:51
ffffTJ-: already am using public/private keys.20:51
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bekksffff: Which is worthless without checking the logs regularly.20:52
ffffthis is incredible, this is teh first time i'm settign up a server, and it looks like i did some damn good research.20:52
AnthonyUKbekks: one pc is intel the other amd, will that do it?20:52
bekksAnthonyUK: Sure.20:52
chaotixhi all...  so i am trying out midori web browser, and i like it, except for one problem.  i create a web app launcher for, say, facebook or gmail, and for some reason each time i close and open the launcher i have to re log-in....   is there any fix for this?20:52
^charlieis there a method for popping up a custom prompt during ubuntu installation, but before first boot?  i want to collect a string from the user and store it to a file for use after the installer reboots the system20:53
phensterGolynx: "sudo adducer <username> group" gives error of user NOT existing. do I create a user first, before adding it to a group? can I not do two together?20:53
AnthonyUKso basically if i want these tuners to all work in the same machine I have to make sure it is an intel computer20:53
^charliei am using an unattended setup already for 12.04LTS20:53
ffffTJ-: do you want to address my concern about what happens if i setup a vpn on a web server?20:53
TJ-ffff: Good. Having a VPN gives you a safety-net for administrative access if ssh fails for some reason. I always run a 2nd sshd on the private LAN/VPN IPs of the server so even if the public IP bound sshd fails for some reason, I have full access.20:53
tunageTJ- where did you want me to apply that code?20:54
TJ-tunage: what code?20:54
tunagetunage: " www.peacecoin.digitaldriller.com (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/peacecoin.digitaldriller.com:3)"20:54
bekksAnthonyUK: No.20:54
bekksAnthonyUK: The TV tuner cards are not interested in the CPU of your computer.20:54
tunageTJ- it looks coorect to me20:54
TJ-tunage: You need to pay more attention to your own logs! I was quoting you your own output, which shows why the vhost isn't accessible20:54
AnthonyUKI have installed ubuntu about 20 times since last night, I am at aloss on how to get these cards properly detected20:55
bekksAnthonyUK: Make sure you get the correct drivers - the CPU is irrelevant.20:55
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tunageTJ- those match20:55
ffffTJ-: so you could have a channel to ssh through publicly, and another channel to ssh through privatel behind the vpn firewally?20:55
AnthonyUKcan I just copy drivers out of the 2nd test computer?20:55
tunageTJ- I am not seeing the error.20:55
TJ-tunage: You do know what the IP address  "" is?20:55
bekksphenster: First create the group, then the user, then add the user to the group.20:55
phensterbekks: thank you!20:55
Golynxphenster: create the group first then add the user20:56
tunageTJ- localhost. where is it pulling that from?20:56
GolynxMake sure you set the ownerships correctly too20:56
TJ-ffff: Yes, but not just for ssh. It means you could access other private services that aren't exposed to the public interface at all, such as private web services for administration, internal mail server relays, SNMP monitoring, and so on20:57
TJ-tunage: Because your VirtualHost and NameVirtualHost aren't matching any IP. What IPs is the apache daemon binding to?20:57
ffffTJ-: what are some examples of "web services for administration"? and internal mail server relays, they would still relay externally obviously right?20:58
tunageTJ- where does ubuntu apache bind the ip?20:58
tunageTJ- that is coming from somewhere.20:58
ffffTJ-: so help me understand the "establishes the VPN" step more. i connect w/ the server's public ip or hostname, then what happens?20:58
ffffTJ-: do i connect on a specific port?20:59
ffffTJ- tunage also how often does a dynamic external ip address change? "Your home router IP address is very unlikely to change once it is established."21:00
ffffjust found that quote online.21:00
ffffTJ- tunage and how does a guy like this do it? in the section titled "Set Up a Firewall" he says enter the cmd "ufw allow from {your-ip} to any port 22"21:02
TJ-tunage: This is the kind of output you'd expect: http://pastebin.com/GWD6SSxw21:02
AnthonyUKback, I'm still at a loss to understand why installing ubuntu on one machine gets all the tuners detected while on the other machine I can only just about get one working but that is when the other pci card is removed, on top of that the dual tuner only shows up as one tuner21:02
TJ-ffff: The public IP of your home router is assigned by your ISP, and can change after your modem has disconnected for any reason21:03
bekksAnthonyUK: Which drivers in details did you use, which cards in details - without those details it is pointless to discuss why something happened you didnt describe in detail.21:03
TJ-AnthonyUK: Maybe the PCI bridges aren't wide enough?21:03
TJ-AnthonyUK: Try adding "pci=realloc" to the kernel's command-line21:04
Es0tericwhat is the best way to add a new user through the command line?21:06
bekksEs0teric: "adduser".21:06
Es0tericbekks yes but what are the best params to use?21:06
bekksEs0teric: There are "best" parameters. There are required and optional parameters.21:07
bekks*no best21:07
TJ-ffff: With OpenVPN the best operating mode is over the UDP protocol, using a TLS-Auth (TA) key to prevent DDOS. Then your VPN clients connect to port 1194 UDP on the servers' public IP(s), swap certificates for authentication, before the VPN is established. In routed (layer 3) mode there will be additional routes added to the routing tables at both ends, and you can optionally redirect all traffic through the VPN (or not), depending on policy requirements of your21:07
Es0tericbekks so when i do adduser what does it add by default?21:08
Es0tericdoes it add a home folder associated with it/21:08
TJ-Es0teric: "man adduser" see the section "Add a normal user"21:08
Es0tericTJ- ok so if i add a user, i want it to have sudo privelages21:09
MonkeyDustEs0teric  you can do that with sudo visudo21:09
bnoji2Aside from extra apps installed, is there any difference between installing ubuntu and then using xfce versus using Xubunu?21:10
MonkeyDustsome questions... :-)21:10
gp5stis there a way to have multiple different environments for apt installs? like python virtenv or rvm's gem environments?21:11
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bekksEs0teric: Nothing. You have to specify what to do.21:19
D4rthB4n3can someone help me with vlans or does someone know where i would get help with that ?21:22
bekksD4rthB4n3: How about just asking your actual question? :)21:22
D4rthB4n3ok so im trying to congigure a network with vlans i got my server wich is connected to switch (extreme networks black diamond 6808) from that switch it goes to another switch (extreme networks summit 48) and from there it goes to the client pcs21:24
D4rthB4n3so taggs are as following21:24
PsychoX75so... how long before the next version of ubuntu comes out?21:25
ffffTJ-: "This may not work for you, but I have a similar situation when I'm at home or I'm travelling. To solve it I set up a VPN at the office (we use Meraki hardware, so it was literally just a click) and connect to this first - then connect to the server.21:26
ffffTJ-: reply: "I did consider that approach, but the closest thing I have to an office is my home (with a dynamic IP) anyway!21:26
ffffI thought of setting up a VPN on a server, but all that would really do is move the problem from securing SSH to securing VPN."21:26
ffffTJ-: i totally agree, i don't think setting up a vpn is the way to go.21:26
D4rthB4n3server is on port 3:1 which is untagged then from port 5:1 untagged it goes to port 49 tagged id 2 host vlan and then my pc is on port 48 untagged same vlan21:27
Es0tericbekks yeah i got it thanks21:27
D4rthB4n3but i cant ping my server21:28
bekksD4rthB4n3: Do you know what tagged and untagged mean? :)21:28
D4rthB4n3i figured that the first switch somehow filtered the tags out or somehting21:28
TJ-ffff: The VPN server would be the Internet-based server running ssh, not your local (home) network21:28
ffffTJ-: right but wouldn't i sitll have to secure the vpn on the server?21:29
D4rthB4n3i want the first switch to forward all traffic without looking at the tags and they need to stay the same21:30
TJ-ffff: That's the point of openpvn using UDP and TLS-Auth, as I said, it mitigates DDOS attempts. The clients each have their own client certificate which they also present, which must be signed by your own CA.21:31
ffffTJ-: thank you for your help, i really appreciate it. i'm defs going to keep this in mind for the future, but right now my head's a bit overwhelemed. gonna go shower. cheers!21:32
somanHi all. When will be 12.04.4. available in downloads in Ubuntu website?21:34
alamihello, i have download tor browser for ubuntu21:35
alamihello, i have download tor browser for ubuntu21:35
alamiand after i startet it i can't write wuth the keyboard21:35
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bekksD4rthB4n3: Do not query me. Keep your issue in this channel.21:36
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D4rthB4n3well then answer or just say u cant help me21:37
bnoji2Ubuntu 13.10 installer does not recognize the existing Win 8.1 install21:37
bekksD4rthB4n3: i will NOT answer in a query. KEep the issue in this channel.21:38
D4rthB4n3well then not21:38
MonkeyDustD4rthB4n3  maybe someone else in the channel knows21:40
D4rthB4n3if someone does please tell me21:40
MonkeyDustD4rthB4n3  as soon as someone can, s/he will :)21:41
D4rthB4n3thanks :D21:41
jhutchinsD4rthB4n3: I think what you need is documentation for your switches.  Your question doesn't seem to involve Ubuntu at all.21:42
D4rthB4n3i know it doesnt thats why i asked if someone know since it is not really in the docu i have for my switch and i thoung someone might know21:44
MonkeyDustD4rthB4n3  try ##networking (that's double #)21:45
TJ-He has been, for a while now :)21:45
D4rthB4n3MonkeyDust, yeah im on that right now thx21:45
moises1quien le va al bacelona21:49
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:50
bnoji2Hopefully boot repair works.21:51
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bnoji2otherwise I'm wiping win 8.21:51
nobitanobiHi guys I have a question. If I have installed apache and I want to have some Php projects in my /home directory instead of /var/www, what should I do?21:53
jhutchinsnobitanobi: Symlink21:53
bnoji2I have a feeling this install is not going to work.21:54
nobitanobijhutchins, I have tried using symlinks. But I get this: You don't have permission to access /testphp/prova.php on this server.21:54
FrameFeverI have minimized a program in vmware21:54
jhutchinsnobitanobi: Many other options as well, define the folder in the httpd.conf.d as a path on the server, alow exec.21:54
bnoji2We'll see if it breaks win 821:54
FrameFeverand I cannot see it annymore21:54
FrameFeverhow can I pop it up again?21:54
nobitanobijhutchins, and I am not sure which kind of permissions should I set, and where21:54
jhutchinsSet group www-server (I think that's it).21:55
FrameFeverI cannot use ALT+Tab in vmware21:55
bnoji2grub2 installing.21:55
jhutchinsFrameFever: Hit ctrl-alt again.21:55
bnoji2i have a feeling this isnt going to work as expected.21:55
jhutchinsFrameFever: You can only treat it as a normal window if you have the GUI VMware tools installed.21:55
nobitanobilet's see21:55
FrameFeverjhutchins: don't know if its installed21:56
FrameFevermaybe there is a workaorund in ubunut21:57
FrameFeverwhere I can maximize a pgrogram without alt+tab?21:57
FrameFeverI mean thats more a general ubuntu question, when can I see all currently opened programs?21:58
CoolkalFrameFever: Run top21:58
CoolkalFrameFever: Or ps aux21:58
bnoji2Ok. Ubuntu install broke windows boot.21:59
FrameFeverCoolkal: no, I mean, I want to see it, not in a console21:59
FrameFeverI want that every gui program poped up21:59
CoolkalFrameFever: Depends on what WM you're using22:00
FrameFeveror something like a task bar22:00
jhutchinsbnoji2: Ok, but update-grub should detect it and allow grub to load it.22:00
CoolkalFrameFever: Do you use Unity?22:00
MonkeyDustFrameFever  ubuntu classic and lubuntu have taskbar22:01
MonkeyDusthave a taskar*22:01
FrameFeverI have gnome classic installed22:01
MonkeyDustFrameFever  logout, switch, login22:02
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CoolkalFrameFever: why don't you put your other window in another workspace?22:03
Guest92828c'è nessuno??22:03
tab1293I accidentally overwrote a libreoffice document with an older version of the document. Is there any way to recover the previous version of the doc? I already checked my backup folder but it is not there22:05
whoevertab1293: edit > undo22:06
whoevertab1293: untill you get back to it22:06
tab1293whoever, not an option22:06
TJ-tab1293: You could try runing "photorec" on the (unmounted) file-system, and then grepping the recovered fragments for unique strings belonging to your document.22:07
bnoji2jhutchins: shouldnt it have run update-grub on install?22:08
bnoji2I just ran it, but it has a problem.22:09
bnoji2error: cannot load image22:09
bnoji2So, I can boot win 8, but not directly.22:10
bnoji2I have to manually select it from the UEFI launcher22:10
bnoji2exiting from grub222:10
bnoji2kinda dumb.22:10
guntbert!enter | bnoji222:10
ubottubnoji2: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:10
Coolkalbnoji2: Have you tried manually editing your grub config to add Windows to it?22:12
ethern0tneed some help, ubuntu times in times changes my keyboard22:12
bnoji2Coolkal: not yet.22:13
bnoji2I see references to boot-repair, but i cant find it in 13.1022:13
bnoji2"Run Boot-Repair --> Advanced Options --> tick Restore EFI backups --> Apply."22:13
bnoji2I can't find boot-repair anywhere though.22:14
madyourseWindows should be put out of business. They have crippled operating system development to long.22:14
bnoji2If I didn't need Windows for work, I would have wiped this machine.22:14
bnoji2yay. now it locked up logging in.22:14
guntbertbnoji2: easy on <enter> please22:15
madyoursebnoji2: look how telecommunications flourished and exploded after they busted up ma BELL. Same would happen if they shut Microsoft's doors to operating systems.22:16
hitsujiTMO!ot | madyourse no need for any ranting22:17
ubottumadyourse no need for any ranting: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:17
bnoji2Coolkal: I'm not familiar with Grub 2. Where so I find the menu entry for win 8?22:19
bnoji2I checked in /boot but I haven't done this in forever.22:20
Beldarbnoji2, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair22:21
bnoji2Beldar: If i run os-prober, it recognizes the "Windows Boot Manager"22:23
bnoji2I'm assuming I need boot-repair to create a backup of the windows boot (since it overwrites it for ubuntu) in order to chain load it properly?22:23
bnoji2I'm assuming I can install debian without a bootloader and then somehow add an entry to ubuntu's signed grub2 loader to boot debian (using secure boot) ?22:24
hitsujiTMObnoji2: thats no the case for uefi22:24
Beldarbnoji2, You mentioned you could not find bootrepair, I just gave a link is all.22:26
bnoji2I just realized I needed to add a repository for it.22:26
bnoji2Thank you.22:26
Beldarbnoji2, Besides the help here, there is a link to this app devlopers thread at the ubuntu forum, the bootinfo summary generated is for diagnostics. That thread has focused users using that summary to give great help, along with your detailed description.22:29
bnoji2It seems to have worked if I turn of Secure Boot.22:30
bnoji2boot-repair wanted me to turn it off, but now it worked as-is...22:30
Beldarbnoji2, Cool sounds like your set.22:31
roothoricker... why is nvidia-319 installing nvidia-331?22:32
hitsujiTMOroothorick: that's a good mystery22:33
Beldarwhy is the sky blue and the birds sing?22:33
roothorickmore importantly, how do I make sure Xorg is using 319 and not 331? The system has a GeForce 21022:34
Beldarroothorick, Any PPA's say xswat involved?22:34
hitsujiTMOroothorick: it seems 319 is no longer available because of this behaviour.22:35
hitsujiTMOBeldar: this is the behaviour now of 12.0422:35
BeldarhitsujiTMO, Ah, I was wondering, I don't have any nvidia cards22:35
Briareoshi all, i have an older dell mini with bmc4312 wireless; on 13.10 fresh install + latest updates i'm trying to install the binary driver via bcmwl-kernel-sources via the softerwa & updates applet, but applying the changes never completes22:36
Briareosany log files or things i can poke at to get a better idea why?22:36
roothorickBriareos: I hate to say it but go back to Windows or get a different card/system. I spent months and months and months fighting with that specific Broadcom chip and ultimately gave up.22:37
Briareosit worked fine with 10.xx LTS22:37
Briareoswhich i was using until 30 minutes ago22:37
bekksthe bcm4312 works fine for me.22:38
Briareoslsmod shows b43, bcma, mac80211, cfg80211 loaded22:38
hitsujiTMO!bcm | Briareos maybe try an alternative driver from here22:38
ubottuBriareos maybe try an alternative driver from here: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx22:38
bekksBriareos: It works like a charm with 12.04 e.g.22:38
roothorickthe issue I had is it would get confused by the school WiFi and freeze22:38
roothorickand by "freeze" I mean it would not do ANYTHING until I completely rebooted22:39
MonkeyDustBriareos  i was thinking the same as bekks : try 12.0422:39
CookiesRgooDhey guys. I'm trying to find a laptop that would run any form of linux for under 25022:39
Briareosyeah i poked at taht a bit but didn't see anything specific to 13.xx22:39
roothorickand it did that under every driver I could find and get te work22:39
Briareoswill give them a shot22:39
CookiesRgooDand thats pref under 14"22:39
MonkeyDustCookiesRgooD  #ubuntu-offtopic, maybe22:39
roothorickBeldar: I have three PPAs but not xswat. QTSixA, Steam, and XBMC22:40
darkxploitguys do u recommend postfix for mail forwarding ???22:41
aleksanderI have a problem with installing a new kernel, as it passes improper arguments to mkinitramfs: http://pastebin.com/LAhiuaLA - how to check what passes them exactly?22:41
Beldarroothorick, My question turns out to not be relevant, as addressed by another helper.22:41
bekksdarkxploit: I'd recommend postfix as MTA.22:42
darkxploitbekks: is it not a danger due to spam22:42
roothorickoh what the hell22:42
bekksdarkxploit: That depends on the configuration done by you.22:42
roothoricknvidia-319 just redirects to nvidia-33122:42
roothorickbut nvidia-331 DOES NOT support my GPU22:43
roothorick319.xx does22:43
darkxploitbekks: hmm ok.. but what is the best mat would u recommend22:43
bekks!best | darkxploit22:43
ubottudarkxploit: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:43
bekksdarkxploit: It all depends on your configuration.22:43
Beldarroothorick, My guess is a back to the driver that works if needed and lock it.22:43
darkxploitbekks: hmm ok..thnkxx.. still hunting for tutorials on youtube to set up postfix22:44
roothorickhell with it, PPA time22:45
bekksdarkxploit: Forget those crap. Use the official postfix documenation or the ubuntu wiki.22:45
darkxploitbekks: ok sir22:45
iamWhen i try to install xubuntu, it thinks that my whole hard drive is unallocated22:47
iamwhen i have windows 7 already on it22:47
iamand a special partition for xubuntu to install to22:47
iamdoes anyone knows how to fix this?22:47
Briareosoh sweet22:48
bekks!dualboot | iam22:48
ubottuiam: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot22:48
Briareosapt-get --reinstall install bcmwl-kernel-sources worked just fine22:48
Briareossomeone with wiki edit privs may wish to update taht there is at least one anecodtal report of similar steps working fine on 13.xx22:49
iambekks, i just read through that, and it doesn't have a solution to my problem22:50
iamthe installation is working perfectly, it is just not recognizing what is on my hard drive22:50
iamalso, i already asked this question in #xubuntu, and nobody had a solution22:51
iam(that actually worked)22:51
iamin windows everything is fine and it shows all my partitions correctly22:51
imcnanieHi guys, I have an asus laptop with uefi running xubuntu 13.10, but my fan control is always on high22:52
imcnanieI'm afraid it will burn out my fan22:52
imcnanieI also cant get pwmconfig to work22:52
Sia-hi their22:53
roothorickis there no PPA that's just the various nV drivers without bleeding edge X stuff?22:53
Sia-if i close the laptop doesn't suspend but screenlock. Any idea what's wrong?22:54
bekksroothorick: newer nvidia drivers require bleeding edge X stuff.22:54
roothorickbekks: I really doubt that.22:54
iamis there a better place to ask my question, i really want to get xubuntu 13.10 working on my laptop22:54
imcnaniehas anyone had problems with uefi and fan controls?22:54
MonkeyDustSia-  system settings > power22:55
bekksroothorick: Then you should read about the requirements of the drivers.22:56
MonkeyDustiam  do you have the same issue with 12.04?22:57
iamMonkeyDust, i haven't tried 12.04 yet22:57
iamright now i only have 13.10 :P22:58
iami guess i could try 12.0422:58
iamMonkeyDust, what is the difference between them?22:58
iamis it noticeable?22:58
MonkeyDustiam  what medium are you using? usb stick or dvd?22:58
iamMonkeyDust, i am booting from USB22:58
MonkeyDustiam  ok, put 12.04 on it and try that22:58
* iam downloads22:59
roothorickokay so, nvidia's website was confusing me23:00
bnoji2Now, the next step..figure out how to get ubuntu's signed loader to boot debian.23:00
roothorickthey're continuing the 304 line for the 21023:00
iamMonkeyDust, this one "Latest LTS release: 12.04, Precise Pangolin" ?23:00
jhutchinsiam: 12.04 is the latest Long Term Support version and is known to work pretty well with most hardware. The 2013 versions have some problems with some video cards, particularly 13.10.23:01
PowerPenguinI have seen some cool looking desktops that are all just running tex/console mode (no gui nonsense) and its all laid out in easy to see way with some magic to move between windows. Does anyone know what application does that? Or is it a special file manager?23:01
bekksPowerPenguin: A tiling desktop will do.23:02
roothorickPowerPenguin: something in the twm, ratpoison etc family23:02
PowerPenguinbekks: Thanks.23:03
ianorlinscreen can do that without using a GUI but is a bit hard to learn23:03
PowerPenguinroothorick: I will give that a trye.23:03
PowerPenguinwhat about tmux?23:03
MonkeyDustscreen <323:03
bekksscreen > * :)23:03
ianorlinscreen is also useful in if you accidently close something you can do screen -r and bring it back23:04
MonkeyDustand even logout, then use screen -r or screen -dr23:05
MonkeyDustlogout and back in*23:05
bnoji2ok. boot-repair made things worse.23:14
bnoji2Still same problem in secure boot mode, but now with added errors. )23:15
bnoji2booting without secure boot shows 2 ubuntu entries and 2 windows entries in grub23:16
bnoji2i wish debian would boot properly with uefi23:18
bnoji2i cant stand this crap.23:18
philtrAlti am in the middle of installing/updating the os on a dell pc and have come across a bunch of NVIDIA drivers in the additional drivers settings, do I need to download all ofthese?23:19
philtrAltcurrently i am looking at "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (post-release updates)(Version 173-updates)" and "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (post-release updates)(version 304-updates)"23:20
bnoji2is there a way to have boot-repair undo everything it did?23:20
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bnoji2It broke more than it fixed.23:20
philtrAltand am debating whether I need to get the former driver considering i just activated NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver(version 304)23:21
Donald_ET3How can root write to an external hard drive which has no write bit?23:21
Donald_ET3chmod is not working23:22
Bashing-omphiltrAlt: Those are "options" in Additional Drivers, that one may dpwnload if needed. If you are happy with the drivers that the installer chose, leave well enough alone.23:22
rwwDonald_ET3: NTFS?23:22
Donald_ET3How did you know. O_O23:22
rwwDonald_ET3: did you mount it at the command-line perchance?23:22
bekksDonald_ET3: chmod does not work on NTFS :)23:22
Donald_ET3Not originally.23:22
philtrAltoh alright, good stuff thanks for clearing that up23:22
Titaniumhow do you do permissions on files in linux?23:23
rwwhrm. usually if the whole partition is read-only, it's because it was mounted with ntfs instead of ntfs-3g23:23
rwwbut GUI is usually smart enough to not do that23:23
rwwand yeah, you don't use chmod on NTFS partitions23:23
Donald_ET3This distro does not have ntfs-3g.23:23
Donald_ET3So, I should reformat.23:24
rww!info ntfs-3g23:24
ubottuntfs-3g (source: ntfs-3g): read/write NTFS driver for FUSE. In component main, is standard. Version 1:2013.1.13AR.1-2ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 429 kB, installed size 1521 kB (Only available for linux-any; kfreebsd-any)23:24
Donald_ET3What FS do you recommend23:24
rwwif you're not using a *buntu, go ask your actual distro's support channel :\23:24
rwwdepends on your requirements23:24
MonkeyDustDonald_ET3  what's the output of    cat /etc/issue23:24
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philtrAlti know "rtfm" and currently am in the process but, where in the file system can i find currently installed versions of python and its related components23:25
jribphiltrAlt: why?23:25
Donald_ET3"cat /etc/issue" shows "Trisquel GNU/Linux 6.0 \n \l"23:25
rwwtalk to the Trisquel folks then...23:26
philtrAltbecause i want to see if 3.3 is installed23:26
MonkeyDustDonald_ET3  it's not supported here23:26
jribphiltrAlt: apt-cache policy python323:26
Donald_ET3Really? It is very similar.23:26
jribphiltrAlt: and you can try python3 -V23:27
Bashing-omphiltrAlt: "rtfm" is not a part of our philosophy .. for what is installed, there are a number of tools. try -> dpkg -l python <- .23:27
rwwyep, really. each distro channel handles its own distro, and not other distros23:27
rwwwe handle #ubuntu and not derivatives. #debian handles Debian and not derivatives (including Ubuntu), etc.23:27
rwwless confusion that way23:27
MonkeyDustDonald_ET3  similar, but now you are confronted with a differnce23:27
bnoji2Ok. That was a big waste of time.23:27
bnoji2boot-repair made the system in-bootable.23:28
Donald_ET3Okay, thanks for the info. :)23:28
bnoji2er, un-bootable.23:28
philtrAltgood to hear, not part of my philo either23:28
bnoji2Is there a way to undo whatever Ubuntu install or boot-repair did?23:29
Bashing-omphiltrAlt: yep, ask, think ask some more, we are here to help AND teach.23:29
mrpizzafacehello, I was wondering if anyone can help me to install ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtale to my Toshebia Conavario basics hdd when i do the installer either way (something else) (erase disk) i get the error Cannot create that partition in SDB1 SCCS (0,0,0)23:30
MonkeyDustbnoji2  is this useful http://www.supergrubdisk.org/23:30
Titaniumcan ubuntu use tacacs for AAA ?23:30
Sia-hi, suspend via comandline or menu working fine, but if close lid the laptop doesn't!23:30
Sia-any idea?23:30
MonkeyDustTitanium  is that a server? if yes, better ask in #ubuntu-server23:31
Bashing-ommrpizzaface: nope, short answer 13.04 is no longer supported. It has reached End Of Life, choose a current version to install.23:31
TitaniumMonkeyDust tacacs is for routers23:31
Titaniumnot servers23:31
mrpizzafaceBashing0om: ok it gives me that same error on 12.04 and every other version i try so what could be the issue23:31
Beldarbnoji2, Here is the developers thread, post the bootinfo summary there and your details. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10871917#post1087191723:32
philtrAltgreat news for me, i spent a lot of time learning .NET only to find that I need to be apart of the open source world so am pretty new to linux23:32
MonkeyDustSia-  have you looked in system settings > power ?23:32
Bashing-ommrpizzaface: OK, let's focus on gett ing 12.04 installed. What are you installing on and is Windows A factor ? UEFI ? secure boot and all that ?23:32
mrpizzafaceBashing-om: no windows, UEFI ?, Device dosnt support secure boot,23:33
bnoji2Beldar: I'm not interested in messing around with it.23:33
Sia-MonkeyDust, yes,23:34
bnoji2The only reason I'm stuck with ubuntu is because it was the only deb-based system that would work with secure boot23:34
bnoji2otherwise id be runnin wheezy23:34
Beldarbnoji2, Cool, the best help I have seen is at that thread, but do what you like.23:34
bnoji2Beldar: my end goal is only to use the ubuntu signed loader to chainload other distroes.23:35
bnoji2Thanks for the info.23:35
Beldargrub 2 yes I have 4 OS myself23:35
Bashing-ommrpizzaface: Well, should be straight forward. Have you verified the ,iso file (md5sum) ? What is your install medium CD, DVD or USB ?23:35
philtrAltis there a "linux bible" that is generally considered to be "the" resource for learning?23:35
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/23:35
bnoji2philtrAlt: google23:36
mrpizzafaceBashing-om: USB and the installer fails when i install with a error about unable to create a partition on SDB1 (external HDD)23:37
philtrAltthanks again23:37
mrpizzafaceBashing-om:  here is the full error The ext4 file system creation in partition #2 of SCSI6 (0,0,0) (sdb) failed.23:38
Bashing-ommrpizzaface: OK, we will look here directly, can you boot the liveUSB to the "try ubuntu" mode and we can activate a terminal for a looksee ?23:38
iami got 12.04 xubuntu, and i still have the same problem23:38
mrpizzafaceBashing-om:  what commands23:39
FlacBean02Via command line, what is the best way to kill those pesky process that don't want to be killed?23:39
mrpizzafaceFlacBean02: sysmonitor_grb23:40
chaotixFlacBean02, i think it is xkill23:40
chaotixFlacBean02, check out man xkill23:40
Bashing-ommrpizzaface: pastebin -> fdisk -lu , sudo parted -l , sudo parted /dev/sdb unit s print <- .23:41
chaotixalso, sigterm23:41
linuxuz3rFlacBean02, kill -9 processnumber23:41
FlacBean02thats what i tried kill-9 5458 what it will not terminate23:42
linuxuz3ris it a daemon23:42
FlacBean02but i mean23:42
linuxuz3rif it is a daemon it will run again23:42
chaotixand man kill23:42
FlacBean02its rhythymbox23:42
chaotixFlacBean02, have you tried openning system monitor?23:43
mrpizzafaceBashing-om: http://pastebin.com/Wv2sLxKp23:43
linuxuz3rit should be killed23:43
FlacBean02yes and its still listed23:43
Bashing-ommrpizzaface: looking ar your LxKp .23:43
mrpizzafaceBashing-om: english ....23:44
bnoji2well. that was a waste. im giving up on ubuntu.23:45
iamI am having problems installing xubuntu 12.04 to a partition i made http://imgur.com/a/haWX7 any idea on how to fix?23:45
linuxuz3rbnoji2, dont23:45
linuxuz3rits a good distro23:45
bnoji2linuxuz3r: It doesnt work.23:46
FlacBean02okay if I understand xkill correctly, this won't help me as rhythymbox is closed but system monitor still shows running.23:46
bnoji2I was using it because I was hoping it would be turnkey...23:46
bnoji2otherwise, I would steet clear.23:46
bnoji2It's managed to screw up EFI boot stuff.23:47
mrpizzafaceBashing-om: i think i know whats wrong i let it use a logical partition instead of a primary for the / dirrectory and /home directory23:48
bnoji2Now my system is unbootable.23:48
MarGulIf I run apt-get install php5 , will that be the newest php? (php 5.5 ?)23:48
bnoji2Will probably have to do a factory restore.23:48
FlacBean02of course i could restart my computer to fix it but thats no fun :)23:48
Bashing-ommrpizzaface: GPT disk, need another tool to look at it rather than fdisk -> sudo apt-get install gdisk , gdisk -l /dev/sdb <- .23:48
Bashing-ommrpizzaface: Ubuntu does not care weather the partition is primary or in an extended partition.23:49
bnoji2Thanks for trying guys, but I think I'm going to restore Win 8.23:51
bnoji2Ubuntu just isn't working.23:51
linuxuz3rbnoji for efi?23:51
mrpizzafaceBashing-om: http://pastebin.com/exW2Fa5023:51
bnoji2It screwed up the efi entries.23:51
Bashing-ommrpizzaface: looking at Fa5023:51
bnoji2I have 2 ubuntu entries and no windows entries.23:52
linuxuz3ryou cant boot to windows?23:52
bnoji2not anymore.23:52
FlacBean02Yeah I don't know its weird kill -9 wont work. I can reproduce this bug all the time. It has to do with iPods and Rhythymbox reading writing to them.23:52
bnoji2I didnt want ubuntu in the first place...its just the only distro that was supposed to work with secure boot and apt/.23:52
bnoji2My end goal was only to use ubuntu for its bootloader to boot debian.23:53
Beldarbnoji2, Bummer you had problems, you seem to want to move on, could you do so. ;)23:53
linuxuz3rubuntu is a nice distro23:53
bnoji2linuxuz3r: I don't even get Win bootloader in the uefi menu anymore.23:53
bnoji2It will probably work fine as a solo install.23:54
Bashing-ommrpizzaface: gdisk says that ubuntu is installed ! .. OK, what happens when you change the boot priority to the second disk and boot ?23:55
linuxuz3rok good luck have fun23:55
mrpizzafaceBashing-om: i get the normal blinking _ of a failing bootloader ..23:56
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Bashing-ommrpizzaface: Well, there is a means to (re-)install the bootloader, I have not done it, will take me a bit to research it - if no one here can advise. (GPT is new order to me )23:58
mrpizzafaceBashing-om: buy, the ubuntu installer fails to install ... so how can it copy all the files so quick yet fail without installing the bootloader23:59

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