
Unit193Still no info on resize? :/08:19
brainwash_Unit193: bug 127523913:42
ubottubug 1275239 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "screen freezes and flash not good Xubuntu XMir 13.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127523913:43
Unit193Meh, link isn't the best and he's not trying latest image.18:55
Unit193Interesting though.18:56
knomeUnit193, wha?19:50
Unit193"Responding" to scrollback.19:53
Unit193What'd you decide on the images? :D19:53
knomei already did 2560x* versions of all the images that were in the same ratio, but the question about solitude is still unanswered19:54
knomeeh, the startubuntu-themed flyer won't work too well with US letter20:03
cubknome, are you engaged in the startubuntu project?20:22
knomecub, not really.20:27

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