
jarkko_for some reason my keyboard doesnt work on fullscreen programs...what's wrong?01:19
jarkko_i know01:20
pleia2sorry, no idea :)01:20
xubuntu945I need help02:32
xubuntu945When i log into my root account the screen goes black and it just goes back to the login page??02:32
xubuntu945When i log into my root account the screen goes black and it just goes back to the login page?? anyone can help me?02:33
xubuntu945thats great noone can help me -_-02:34
Azelphur!patience | xubuntu94502:35
ubottuxubuntu945: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/02:35
xubuntu945maybe you should help me then!02:36
Azelphurxubuntu945: maybe you should stop being rude and read what was said02:36
xubuntu945I wasnt being rude ok?02:36
bazhangxubuntu945, there's no root account02:37
xubuntu945im just pissed because i cant do nothing on my pc without root access the admin account cant be logged into just the guest02:37
bazhangxubuntu945, unless you explicitly enable it02:37
xubuntu945the account that has sudo doesnt work and on the guest i type sudo i have no perm02:37
bazhang!work | xubuntu94502:38
ubottuxubuntu945: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.02:38
xubuntu945i said why it doesnt work02:38
bazhangwhy not02:39
xubuntu945how would i know why it doesnt work i told you what it does thats why i came here for support and how to fix it02:39
Azelphurxubuntu945: is this a fresh install? did you do something that caused the issue?02:39
ubottuIf the GUI hangs after logging in, use <ctrl><alt><f1> to switch to text mode. Log in and do: rm .{X,ICE}authority02:39
xubuntu945i log on to my main account it goes black has some words on the screen and it goes back to the login page02:39
xubuntu945i can only use the guest account02:40
bazhangwhat words; pastebin the exact error msg02:40
xubuntu945i would have to log out i cant log back in once i log out02:41
xubuntu945i have to restart my whole pc02:41
xubuntu945to get back on the guest02:41
xubuntu945and its too fast for me too look what it says02:42
xubuntu945i think it has too do with something with amd drivers catalyst center02:44
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cubed_roothey xubuntu03703:49
xubuntu037Can anyone help a first time user install xubuntu?03:49
ubottuxubuntu037,: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate03:49
cubed_rootxubuntu037: what are you thinkng of installing it on?03:51
xubuntu037I've used a USB drive to install. Xubuntu is up and running, however when I update the software, it downloads, "installs" but when I reboot, I'm on the same version03:51
cubed_rootit's pretty straightforward on a pc, mac's are pretty tough03:51
cubed_rooti think those are just minor updates03:51
cubed_rootthe version (eg 12.03) doesn't change i believe03:52
xubuntu037im on 13.1003:52
cubed_root... until there's a major update03:52
cubed_rootyea, i think it will be 13.10 for a few months03:52
cubed_rootif i'm wrong someone please chime in but i think new releases are every 6 months?03:52
xubuntu037so, each time I click suofware updater, its a new package that's downloading?03:53
holsteinxubuntu037: you dont get a new version that way.. thats just updates to your current packages.. and not necessarily the most recent versions available03:53
cubed_rootthat popup that says it has some updates? (i usually see firefox and a few other apps in there)03:53
cfhowlettcubed_root, correctomundo - but you COULD just choose the Long Term Support version for 5 years of support03:53
cubed_rootthanks cfhowlett03:53
xubuntu037sorry for the dumb question, i think its just updating more stuff. Thanks for the input!03:54
holsteinxubuntu037: *you* are updating "stuff", using the update tool03:55
xubuntu037well, technically its doing it but hey semantics...03:56
cubed_rootxubuntu037: i had the same question 3 weeks ago03:56
holsteinxubuntu037: that was a technical rephrasing.. you have instigated the upate03:56
xubuntu037yo comprendo. I was just poking you. Im just thankful for someone to answer my questions03:57
cubed_rootare there any particularly active linux rooms out there?04:04
holsteincubed_root: xubuntu is using the linux kernel.. so, this channel comes to mind.. #ubuntu would be more active.. there are a few more general linux channels on freenode and other servers04:05
cubed_rootthanks holstein, yea this room is pretty active, but it sometimes goes quiet for awhile.  maybe it's considered pretty active in comparison.  it's a lot better than some of the other rooms i've been in.04:07
holsteincubed_root: the offtopic channels might be more active for just chatting.. like #xubuntu-offtopic or the #ubuntu-offtopic one04:08
cubed_rootthanks holstein04:11
cubed_rootwill check 'em out04:11
xubuntu037So, I've downloaded updates twice now... they've been exactly the same size. the items "installed" are all the same items. Ideas?04:54
xubuntu037i would think that if its installed, that it wouldn't want to update it again04:55
cfhowlettxubuntu037, I suspect you did NOT in fact install the first time ... unless you did some strange kind of reinstall updates command04:56
xubuntu037Well, I clicked the install now... it takes over from there, then asks for reboot (button doesn't work so I sudo reboot)05:04
xubuntu037check for updates again and same things are there to install05:04
cfhowlettxubuntu037, are you installed to the HDD or what?05:05
xubuntu037I've just installed from a 16gb thumb drive, configured as an install disk05:06
xubuntu037I have another 16gb thumb drive as well05:06
cfhowlettxubuntu037, and you're now booting from the HDD - NOT the thumb?05:06
xubuntu037I used Unetbootin on one USB drive as installation disk to install on second usb drive. That drive is now booting the system05:13
ubottuxubuntu037,: To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence05:15
cfhowlettxubuntu037, when you boot the USB, you're running a live cd session.  permanent updates are not possible.   you need to install with the persistence option as per the link above05:16
xubuntu037I love this chat room. Thank you for the help!!!05:17
cfhowlettxubuntu037, best of luck to you05:18
pubmehey all, having issues installing xubuntu 13.10 on an old hp pavilion dv6000 notebook. the installation screens are showing basically the top-left 25% of the graphics, and they're repeating over each other 4x... it's hard to describe. machine has intel GMA x3100. any ideas?05:47
ezrhinohello. Will disabling Nvidia X Server Settings from startup have any negative effects ?06:46
xubuntu037Would anyone know why adding two GPUs would make xubuntu boot to black screen?07:00
xubuntu950kgI am trying to install xubuntu on old Dell Inspiron 510m. It gets as far as NetWorkManager... stage 4 of 5 *IPv6 Configure Timeout) complete.  BUt then just says xubuntu CRON[12345]: (root) CMD ( cd /&& run-parts --reports / etc/cron.hourly) and does this every hour.  THis has gone on for around 8 hours07:00
casual_bootI would like to exclude 2 memory ranges, when booting system, but only one range is excluded when memmap= option is used on grub2 menu entry09:43
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xubuntu821hi! Yesterday I installed Xubuntu 12 with start password (lightdm), later changed the start in autostart without Password! after reboot the greeter-Screen is already therem, but i can't get in, and there is no way to type the password!11:45
akki2200I m trying to update my xubuntu for kde development11:49
akki2200But when i include the debian repository it removes a lot of files  and even the xubuntu desktop11:50
bekksakki2200: thats what may happen when you include non-ubuntu repos.11:51
akki2200So what should i do?11:51
bekksDonz use debian repos.11:51
Leoneofdebian repo at xubuntu(ubuntu), ummm you are messing11:52
akki2200So which one should i choose?  M newbie11:52
Leoneofakki2200: you should use ubuntu respo11:52
akki2200There isnt any on kde site like ubuntu repo11:53
bekksakki2200: then search for kde repos on launchpad.net11:53
Leoneofakki2200: just curious question, which kde-program you want to develop? :)11:56
akki2200I havent thought of it right know first i wil see how all  this works the code and all11:59
akki2200After tht i will select an app which i like12:00
xubuntu821have to solve this problem!12:01
knomexubuntu821, xubuntu 12.what?12:02
xubuntu821sorry! no problem, i found a answer of my Xubunto problem! Thx and bye!12:05
xubuntu064j'aimerai savoir ci utiliser xubuntu pour un serveur est aussi fiable qu' Ubuntu12:46
knome!fr | xubuntu06412:47
ubottuxubuntu064: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:47
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henrylinuxhi, does anyone  *not* have a problem when watching anything on Twitch?14:14
henrylinuxI have a relatively high CPU load14:14
henrylinuxalthough it's all good on Youtube14:15
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baizonhenrylinux: it is because twitch is using flash14:38
baizonflash droped linux support, so no acceleration14:39
baizonand if you watch commercials its like watching 3 youtube video on 1080p, so it lags :(14:39
Sysitwitch in general often doesn't seem to work very well14:39
henrylinuxbaizon, I have gpu support installed14:39
baizonhenrylinux: but flash doesnt support it14:40
henrylinuxvia... http://www.webupd8.org/2013/09/adobe-flash-player-hardware.html14:40
baizonso no gpu will be used14:40
henrylinuxoh... ok? I don#t  fully understand but ok14:40
baizonhenrylinux: well that didnt work for me14:40
henrylinuxyoutube shows me those intel "stats for nerds"14:41
baizonit worked for mplayer, but not flash sites14:41
henrylinuxbut Twitch does not14:41
henrylinuxbaizon, are you saying Twitch might be offering only the newer, unsupported, flash version?14:42
Sysiyou could try on google chrome14:42
henrylinuxit's equally bad, sort of: http://askubuntu.com/questions/413993/how-can-i-improve-the-cpu-performance-when-i-watch-something-on-twitch-in-firefo14:43
baizonhenrylinux: you can try this... http://livestreamer.tanuki.se/en/latest/index.html14:44
henrylinuxhm, interesting...14:44
baizonhenrylinux: this will direct the stream into your video player, so hardware acceleration will work then14:45
henrylinuxbaizon, thanks I'll check it out14:50
kRushholy cow, that's just frickin' brilliant. cheers baizon14:53
xubuntu137hello I need urgent help, I was fiddling with my xubuntu .10 and changed the drivers (nvidia) not every time the pc goes to the xubuntu logo it freezes and a blank screen appears15:00
bekksxubuntu137: Which .10?15:00
xubuntu137i am using live cd right now15:00
bekksAnd what does "changed the driver (nvidia)" mean?15:01
baizonnp henrylinux kRush15:01
xubuntu137you know in the software update section15:01
xubuntu137you can select multiple drivers, one of them being noveau15:02
xubuntu137I switced from I believe 304 driver to the earlier one...15:02
bekksTo which earlier one?15:02
bekks!details | xubuntu13715:02
ubottuxubuntu137: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:02
henrylinuxafter I pasted something into the terminal via ctrl + shift + v, how can I delete that, except with backspace?15:03
bekkshenrylinux: ctrl+u15:03
xubuntu137I have no idea how I can explain any better than I Did, I switch on my pc... it does its post and boot thing, goes to the xubuntu logo.. stays for a sec and te screen goes blank, neither numlock or caps locks can be activated15:04
cubed_rootxubuntu137: do you have another os on that laptop?15:13
xubuntu137just using a live cd15:14
xubuntu137can I use the live cd to change my linux settings?15:14
henrylinuxwhat's a "linux setting"?15:15
cubed_rootit sounds like you might have changed a laptop/firmware setting possibly? do you have another os you can boot into?15:15
cubed_rootlike a live cd of another version of linux15:15
bekksxubuntu137: Which nvidia version did you install?15:16
msev_emm when I compiled the experimental code I got a few different .hex's, and I'd like to know which one is the right one is it baseflight_NAZE.hex or baseflight.hex15:27
msev_oooops wrong channel15:27
xubuntu475Hi guys15:46
xubuntu882hi all16:12
xubuntu882I install Xubuntu in this moment ...as I speak16:12
henrylinuxDoes anyone have any problems seeing content on unix.stackexchange.com by any chance?17:09
bekksWorks fine here.17:10
henrylinuxAny other Stack Exchange site I tested works fine  but on that particular site, I do not see any content17:10
henrylinuxunless I log out17:10
henrylinuxbekks, Good to know. Which browser? Do you use noscript?17:10
bekkshenrylinux: firefox, chrome, IE; yes, no, no.17:11
henrylinuxok, same here17:11
henrylinuxexcept for IE17:12
henrylinuxno idea what is happening.17:12
henrylinuxAhhh no it's normal again. Nvm. Mystery solved.17:12
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henrylinuxbaizon, btw there's a guide on livestreamer on linux.com even... and it's from yesterday! http://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/75995117:46
nobody08my xubuntu with Xfce Windows... operating in complete silence. no sound on starting up or shutting down.  Though the on board sound system is functioning fine, I can play video with sound. Please help..18:14
xubuntu197Hi guys19:57
xubuntu197I need some help19:57
xubuntu197just upgrade to 13.10 from 13.419:58
knomexubuntu197, just ask, and if somebody is able to help, they most probably will19:58
xubuntu197seems something is runnig but after login I got stuck with a blue screen (not M$)19:59
xubuntu197loggin in with terminal i erase the .cache /sessions20:00
xubuntu197as suggested in some forum20:01
xubuntu197did not help20:01
xubuntu197any idea ?20:01
AleksanderI'd like to install Ubuntu 13.10 on a LUKS/LVM prepared by myself, is there a simple way to configure newly-installed kernel to decrypt the root partition during boot?20:11
Unit193cryptsetup in the initramfs?20:12
AleksanderUnit193, will it automatically create crypttab etc?20:12
Unit193"Prepared by myself" before getting to the installer?  The installer supports creating encrypted LVMs.20:13
AleksanderUnit193, okay, but I'd like to have one partition more than xUbuntu on my LVM20:14
Aleksanderano no swap20:14
Unit193OK, well you can do custom partitions in the installer, should be able to do custom+LUKS.  I've not any with custom partitions and cryptsetup myself, but I don't see why not.20:16
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xubuntu076Could anyone provide a link on how to make a bootable usb for xubuntu? Haven't been able to find installation instructions for it. Any help would be much appreciated :)21:30
podDon't have a link. But you can use this program: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/21:32
podI think you can download xubuntu through the program otherwise you can download the xubuntu image file from xubuntu.org21:33
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:33
xubuntu076thanks for the info :D21:33
Unit193!yum | ;21:34
ubottu;: Uh, don't you mean !apt ?21:34
iami am currently trying to install xubuntu 13.10 on my netbook. I already have windows, so i made a partition on my hard drive to install xubuntu on21:44
iamwhen i go to other installation type, the partiton doesn't show up21:44
iamit only shows "/dev/sda"21:45
iamhow do i fix this?21:46
Unit193There should be an option to install "Along side" of windows, or hit up "Manual partitioning" if not.21:46
iamthere's only the option to "Erase disk and install xubuntu" and "Something else"21:47
iami clicked something else, but the separate partitions aren't appearing21:47
iamit only shows the whole hard drive21:47
iamthe '+', '-' and "Change" buttons don't do anything wither21:48
iameven when i have the hard drive selected21:48
iamEverything was showing up and working normally before i made the partition21:49
iamMaybe there's something wrong with the partition?21:49
iamIt seemed ok when i opened it in windows though21:50
Unit193Open up gparted from the Settings Manager.21:50
iami don't have gparted installed on xubuntu21:51
iamI was using AOMEI21:52
iamon windows 721:52
* iam was searching for it, but it was in setting manager21:53
iamlike you said :P21:53
iamUnit193, now what?21:53
iamit's showing my whole hard drive as "unallocated"21:54
Unit193There's the problem. :P21:54
* iam wonders if this problem is fixable21:55
iambrb, dinner time21:56
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iamUnit193, do you know how do fix this?22:15
Unit193Windows detects it fine or no?22:16
iamWindows detects it fine22:17
* iam boots windows22:17
iammaybe i can fix the problem from there,22:17
iamit says there are 4 hard drive disks22:21
iamlocal disk C: Recovery D: Local Disk :E and Local disk G:22:21
iamLocal Disk C: is 148GB and has 1.3GB left, and Local Disk G: is 73GB and has 73gb free22:22
iamcould the space left on local disk C: be affecting xubuntu?22:22
Sysidid you (accidentally) convert your disc to dynamic disk or gpt?22:23
iami'm not sure, how do i check?22:24
Sysiwindows disk utility should tell22:24
iamit says it's NTFS22:25
iamthe partition is also NTFS22:25
Sysithe disk, not partition22:25
iameverything is NTFS >_>22:25
Sysiit's mbr, gpt(guid) or dynamic22:25
iami have no idea how to check it22:26
iamright now i'm in Computer management -> Disk management22:26
Sysiunder "Disc 0" does it say "Basic"?22:28
Sysiif you right-click, is there an option like convert to something?22:29
iamthere's "Offline/Properties/Help22:29
iamUnder partition style it says "MBR"22:30
Sysiit should be fine then22:30
iamit isn't fine though :/22:30
iamin AOMEI, it's showing another partition called *22:33
iamwhich is 200MB22:33
iamand it's status is "System"22:33
iamC: is "Boot"22:33
iamand all the other ones are "None"22:33
iami'll try installing again22:35
iamOn windows it says "Could not connect to network drives"22:38
iamdoes this mean anything?22:38
iamis this the reason nothing is working <_<22:38
* iam blames windows22:40
iamxubuntu is taking longer to boot up than before22:43
* iam crosses fingers22:44
* iam stares at Sysi and tells him to cross his fingers too22:44
iamit didn't work22:45
* iam jumps out windows22:45
imcnanieHi guys, I have an asus laptop with uefi running xubuntu 13.10, but my fan control is always on high22:57
imcnanieI think it might have something to do with uefi, pwmconfig wont work22:58
bekksimcnanie: uefi has nothing to do with the fan control.23:00
imcnanieokay, but pwmconfig is saying there are no fan-capable sensor modules installed23:01
imcnanieeven after running fancontrol23:01
jarkkocan kwin or similar capture keyboard that it cant be used on fullscreen game?23:03
imcnaniebekks: how can I get pwmconfig to recognize my fans?23:05
bekksimcnanie: I never used pwmconfig, sorry.23:05
imcnaniebekks: are there any other ways to get the fan to work?23:06
bekksimcnanie: I dont know, since my fans always worked fine.23:06
synekive just installed xubuntu on virtual box. allocated 8GB disk size, 4GB RAM23:23
synekive ran out of disk space very fast23:24
synekand i see /run/shm eating 2GB of space23:24
synekhow can i disable it?23:24
brainwash_synek: in use?23:26
synekalmost 023:27
brainwash_so it's fine23:27
synekive read around the web i shoud not be aware of it23:27
synekbut when i df -h23:27
syneki see / is max 3.9GB23:27
synekand when i sum up everything23:27
synekit makes 8GB23:28
synekwhere / is 3.9 GB23:28
synekand /dev another 223:28
synekand /run/shm 223:28
brainwash_those are temporary file systems located in your RAM23:29
brainwash_the in use size should be minimal23:30
brainwash_max size is related to your RAM size23:30
syneki see but23:32
syneksize of / is 3.7G23:32
syneksize of /dev 2.0 G23:32
syneksize of /run 404M23:32
syneksize of /run/lock 5.0M23:33
syneksieze of /run/shm 2.0G23:33
syneksize of /run/user 100M23:33
syneksize of /boot 236M23:33
synekwhat sums up almost to 8G23:33
knome!pastebin | synek23:33
ubottusynek: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:33
synekwhich is disk size23:33
synekvirtual box shows <4GB of disk is in use23:34
gryyour question would benefit from being located on one line with all detail23:34
Navznew to xubuntu23:34
Navzvery different from windows23:35
gryheh yeah but it's mainly the colours23:35
gryit does most of the job in a pretty intuitive way23:35
Navzruns well on my netbook23:35
Navznetbook was dying with windows 723:35
Navzare we the only ones here23:36
Navzseems like it23:36
gryno we also have synek here23:36
Navzah ok23:36
gryhe has disk space problem with virtualbox but I'm not yet up to date with the complete detail23:36
Navzlove virtual box23:36
gryvirtualbox thinks something different from what he sees23:36
brainwash_and we also have #xubuntu-offtopic23:36
Navzmanaged to finally get my exchange lab working in there23:37
brainwash_this a support channel23:37
grywell, brainwash_ appears to ask us to open a new tab hehe23:37
Navzdidnt know23:37
brainwash_don't worry23:37
grythe topic bas was supposed to help you know but it's not a biggie23:37
Navzi do have a support issue thou23:38
gryjust click the channel name and be in both23:38
brainwash_synek: can you pastebin the output of df?23:38
ineedhelpCan anyone help me with my login?23:38
ineedhelphere is a video of what it does http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4W56M8NluOo23:38
Navzi am having trouble with dual screens23:39
Navzcan someone assist me with that23:39
ineedhelpi am having problems with my login help me first!23:39
ineedhelphe dont need help23:39
ineedhelpnavz the support is horrible on here i came here lastnight noone could help me they need experts23:40
bazhangpatience ineedhelp23:41
ineedhelpits truw23:41
ineedhelpits true23:41
brainwash_ineedhelp: login via console does work, right? press ctrl + alt + f1 to switch to the console (tty1)23:41
ineedhelpidk i tried but what is my username23:41
ineedhelpif it is my name that it says when i log on no it says error wrong something23:42
brainwash_well, only you know that23:42
knomeineedhelp, it's not the "real name" that's shown; you have set the username when installing xubuntu23:43
knomeNavz, what's your problem?23:43
ineedhelphm how can i tell23:43
gryNavz, hi.23:43
gryNavz, 2 physical monitors?23:43
ineedhelpcan i look?23:43
ineedhelpin like my folders and tell?23:43
Navzi want the one on my netbook to be the main one23:44
knomeineedhelp, every user has a directory under /home23:44
gryineedhelp: what knome said but I don't think you can easily see without logging in23:44
Navzbut when i connect the second one, it makes the second one the main screen23:44
gryineedhelp: (or taking out the hdd out and looking at it from a thing, such as live cd)23:44
ineedhelpTHE problem is i cant to NOTHING becuase i dont have root accsess to anything23:44
ineedhelpi cant reinstall anything like xubuntu23:45
ineedhelpor windows23:45
ineedhelpim on the guest account23:45
brainwash_you could boot the live cd and start the live mode to inspect the filesystem23:45
ineedhelpi cant download or put anything on a disc23:45
ineedhelpbecuase im guest account23:45
Navzi want to keep the netbook the main screen but extend the desktop to the second screen23:45
ineedhelphit fn f423:45
gryineedhelp: you installed the system from something no? and guest accounts can download23:45
ineedhelpor just f423:46
brainwash_ineedhelp: but you can open the file manager and navigate to /home, or?23:46
ineedhelpno i cant it says no perm23:46
ineedhelpcould i make myself root on this account23:47
ineedhelpi think its my drivers23:47
knomeineedhelp, it sounds like you are confused23:47
ineedhelp The following packages have unmet dependencies:  fglrx-amdcccle-updates: Depends: fglrx-updates but it is not installed fglrx-updates-dev: Depends: fglrx-updates but it is not installed23:47
brainwash_when did you install xubuntu?23:47
ineedhelpa weekago  but it was fine until amd messed it up23:48
gryNavz: hm23:48
ineedhelpi fallowed the directions on amd23:48
ineedhelpand boom blackscreen23:48
iamI am having problems installing xubuntu 12.04 to a partition i made http://imgur.com/a/haWX7 any idea on how to fix?23:48
brainwash_and you already don't remember your username? :)23:48
gryNavz: when you plug in the second monitor, what happens? menu > settings > monitors, does it see it?23:48
=== Nyankiyoshi is now known as NyanKiyoshi
ineedhelpwould it be my name on the drop down menu???23:49
brainwash_in most cases no23:49
ineedhelpwhen login in23:49
brainwash_it shows your full name23:49
ineedhelpi think its cyberpowerpc23:49
ineedhelpim going to log out and try that23:49
gryNavz: hi23:50
gryNavz: please don't disappear23:50
gryhm, wonder what fn+f4 did to him23:51
knomeiam, it looks like you don't have any partitions, or even a partition table, created23:51
iamknome, looks can be deceiving ;)23:51
iamit senses everything on windows 723:51
knomeiam, you created an NTFS parition for your linux operating system?23:52
iamknome, i assumed i could format it later23:53
iamit was easier at the time23:53
knomeit's possible the installer doesn't recognise that partition23:54
iamhmm... so the partition is the whole problem?23:54
knomeit is possible. do you have any data on the disk that needs saving?23:55
iami have windows 7 on it, so yes23:55
iami'm going to boot to windows 7 now and look around23:55
knomeiam, have you tried installing via the "try xubuntu" -mode?23:56
iamknome, yes. in Gparted it shows my entire hard drive as unallocated23:57
knomeiam, i've no idea if it's installed by default, but you could make sure to install the package ntfs-3g if that had *any* effect on showing the partitions23:57
iamknome, first i'll try re-joining the partition with my main partition23:58
iami think it was working before i partitioned it23:58

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