[00:00] <^k^> 新 游戏和游戏模拟器 • 切换到独立显卡,Steam报错,怎么办? http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=455175 之前玩的游戏,都用集成显卡跑的。 今天下载了一个3D游戏,本来打算过一过瘾,结果发现启动Steam报错: OpenGL GLX context is not using direct rendering, which may cause performance problems. For more informa [00:57] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: http://xiaohua.zol.com.cn/detail1/16360.html 笑话标题:小狼 : 狼妈妈和狼爸爸对他们的儿子小狼的前途非常担忧,因为小狼总是喜欢吃蔬菜,不喜欢吃肉。有一天他们看到小狼在追一只小白兔,他们很高兴,也追上去想看个究竟。小狼追了很久,终于抓住了小白兔。只听他恶狠狠地对 [00:57] <^k^> ─> 小白兔说:"快把胡萝卜都交出来! " [01:08] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [01:13] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [01:20] ... [01:21] ... [01:26] * archl 抱抱 jack772 和 alpha080 [01:28] * archl 竟然有短信来说被升级成了 “浦东发展银行的白金贵宾客户” [01:28] 怪事啊。 [01:29] * jack772 抱抱 archl [01:29] archl:我还莫名其妙成为联通VIP呢… [01:30] jack772: 新年新气象,马年吃新草 [01:30] :P [01:31] jack772: VIP值钱啊——是潜力资金源 [01:32] archl: 然后又没了…… [01:32] TAT [01:34] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS • chromium 将只支持pepperflash http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=455176 基于以上原因,ubuntu 14.04软件仓库里已经添加了pepperflashplugin-nonfree的软件包,安装后等待数分钟,它会自动把so文件下载下来并自动配置好,重启chromium后进入chrome://flash里查看如下信息: Chromium31.0.1650.63 (Ubuntu 14.0 [01:34] <^k^> ─> 4) 操作系统Linux Flash plugin /usr/lib/pepperflashplugin-nonfree/libpepflashplayer.so Flash plugin11.2 r202 /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so ( not used … [01:35] jack772: M_M [01:36] archl:O.O [01:41] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [01:42] <^k^> 新 网卡问题以及网络和拨号 • 这个网络是怎么回事?都ping不通呢? http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=455177 朋友们新年快乐 From icmp_seq=81 Destination Host Unreachable 这问题怎么解决呢?谢谢 13.10 64位 统计信息: 发表于 由 wayoca — 2014-02-02 9:41 [01:50] jack772: 会去深圳 [01:51] archl: 哦? === freeflying_away is now known as freeflying [02:05] ????? [02:05] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [02:06] ????? [02:06] ???????????? === cuihao is now known as test === test is now known as cuihao [02:07] ???????????????? === jack772 is now known as abcedfg [02:07] ??????? === abcedfg is now known as jack772 [02:31] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [02:32] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [02:35] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [02:37] 机器人肿么了 [02:40] 估计 感觉无聊 === hoxily` is now known as kick_your_ass_ho === kick_your_ass_ho is now known as kick_your_ass === kick_your_ass is now known as KickYourAssHole [02:45] cuihao: 简单说,论坛浸水了,机器人只能舀到不是实际内容的水。 [02:45] lol [02:45] CyrusYzGTt: 呀。 [02:53] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 笑话标题:能拉什么 :     音乐课上,教师做音乐接龙,即前一个同学喝一个音调的"拉",下一个同学要先重复前一个同学的"拉",再唱出另一个音调的"拉"。有个男生无聊,在每个人的"拉"音后都加个字,什么"拉风"、"拉面"、"拉大便"之类,等到他用非常优美的音色唱出一个" [02:53] <^k^> ─> 拉"后,音乐老师笑咪咪的看着他说:"让我们看看你能拉什么。"    [02:53] cuihao: 昔人已乘黄鹤去,此地空余黄鹤楼。黄鹤一去不复返,白云千载空悠悠。晴川历历汉阳树,芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲。日暮乡关何处是,烟波江上使人愁。 赶紧把它翻译成英文啊。 === RainFlying[Away] is now known as RainFlying === RainFlying is now known as RainFlying[Away] [03:25] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu国外衍生版 • 请问linux mint 16有没有类似wubi的安装方法? http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=455179 听说有个mint4win的程序类似wubi,但是在mint16的iso中没有找到,网上下载的都是针对mint11版本的 统计信息: 发表于 由 azazazaz — 2014-02-02 11:25 === imtxc_away is now known as imtxc === imtxc is now known as imtxc_away [04:17] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [04:18] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout === imtxc_away is now known as imtxc [04:22] freeflying: 过年好 [05:15] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [05:22] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [05:26] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [05:35] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 • ubuntu+chrome怎么打开这个网站http://www.zygotebody.com/ http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=455180 ubuntu+chrome怎么打开这个网站http://www.zygotebody.com/ 统计信息: 发表于 由 idyks — 2014-02-02 13:29 === KickYourAssHole is now known as AssAssInn === AssAssInn is now known as AssAssIne === AssAssIne is now known as HoXiLy === imtxc is now known as imtxc_away === imtxc_away is now known as imtxc [06:29] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 笑话标题:城市季风之二 : 到了北京才知道官小; 到东北才知道胆小; 到了上海才知道楼小; 到了深圳才知道钱少; 到了包厢才知道老婆老 [06:33] <^k^> 新 Xubuntu & Lubuntu • 分享lubuntu13.10成功goagent和sublime text2中文输入两则经验 http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=455181 本人linux新手一枚,有什么写的不对的,还请大家见谅 一、lubuntu13.10成功goagent 现在比较普及的是ssh、vpn、goagent,ssh我用的是gtsm+firefox+autoproxy 搜遍了baidu+google愣是没有解决,留 === Zesty_ is now known as Zesty === Zesty is now known as Zesty_ === HoXiLy is now known as yangmin === yangmin is now known as hoxily === Zesty_ is now known as Zesty === Zesty is now known as Zesty_ [07:27] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 笑话标题:创意蔬果 :竟然是图片http://i0.xiaohua.fd.zol-img.com.cn/t_s600x5000/g4/M0A/0B/00/Cg-4WVI2qgeIVMVpAAEQXD9BwNEAALrQAAzLgkAARB0810.jpg [07:34] hi,all [07:34] <^k^> jusss:点点点. 15:35 [07:56] stmsgebjgd: 哥,恭喜发财 [07:56] abineQ: 谢谢 真乖 祝你新年找到个漂亮的女友 [07:56] imtxc: 额 [07:59] 在折腾编译XBMC [08:03] but they will take over 12 hours to compile on the Pi [08:04] abineQ: 笨cross compile [08:04] abineQ: 我昨天用了2个小时在老婆的intel i3本子上编译最新的稳定内核 [08:04] abineQ: 太坑爹了 [08:05] stmsgebjgd: 额,你编译什么内核? [08:06] abineQ: vanilla 为了解决关机问题 [08:06] stmsgebjgd: 我扔在pi上面跑的,它什么时候编译完成都不用管,反正是在后台跑 [08:06] 就让它慢慢的跑好了 [08:06] abineQ: 太慢 [08:06] 嗯 === imtxc is now known as imtxc_away === imtxc_away is now known as imtxc [08:30] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 笑话标题:蛙泳与仰泳的区别 : 一群公河马要过一条河,河那边有一群母河马在等着他们。但河里有很多鳄鱼,公河马为了能和母河马见面,大家三下五除二游了过去。 等到了对岸母河马发现所有公河马除了一只外,全变成了太监。就问那只河马,为什么他完好无缺,他回答说:"很简 [08:30] <^k^> ─> 单,因为他们是蛙泳游过来的,而我是仰泳。" [08:43] 有人买过,system76吗? 怎么买 ? [08:45] mao_: 没有 都是直接买个笔记本自己上 [09:07] stmsgebjgd: i3速度如何 [09:07] yunfan: 挺好 [09:08] yunfan: 她也不玩游戏 [09:20] yunfan: 早啊 [09:21] yunfan: 明天去沙漠,看看能不能有空给你拍张风景 [09:23] imtxc: 有钱人 [09:23] imtxc: 还旅游 [09:23] stmsgebjgd: 走亲戚啊。。。 有毛钱 [09:24] imtxc: 亲戚住在沙漠里? [09:24] stmsgebjgd: 听说过酒泉不 [09:26] imtxc: meiyou [09:28] stmsgebjgd: 额,好吧 [09:29] imtxc: 我听说过咒泉 [09:34] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 笑话标题:开放的可怕后果 :竟然是图片http://i5.xiaohua.fd.zol-img.com.cn/t_s600x5000/g3/M0B/00/07/Cg-4V1I2nFiICiD6AABciWhud3cAALq5wFpdesAAFyh665.jpg === imtxc is now known as imtxc_away [10:22] alvin_rxg: 死了? [10:24] ofan: 还活着? === imtxc_away is now known as imtxc [10:36] test [10:36] <^k^> imtxc:点点点. 18:36 [10:41] <^k^> 新 系统安装和升级 • 安装Ubuntu后,老是启动不了 http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=455183 我也用了一段时间的Ubuntu13了,一直在Win7下面,用VMware安装的,觉得效果很好。准备趁着春节,把笔记本(联想朝阳K27)的操作系统换成Ubuntu13. 我打算MSATA的SSD硬盘(64G)全装了Ubuntu,1T的机械硬盘就 [10:41] <^k^> ─> 装WIN7以防不时之需,到时候要用win7的话,就直接在开机时选在使用HDD开机好了。 因为我的笔记本是8G内存,所以想尽量小的SWAP分区,于 … [10:42] stmsgebjgd: 我是说你编译的速度 [10:42] imtxc: 好 [10:42] yunfan: 其实也不算沙漠,是戈壁 [10:44] imtxc, 过年不出去把妹啊 [10:45] freeflying: 把村姑? [10:47] imtxc: 麻辣戈壁? [10:48] 洗澡去 [10:48] imtxc, 纯啊,其实不错 [10:48] freeflying: 也对哦。。。 [10:48] imtxc, 城里的妹纸还跟你要房子车子 [10:48] imtxc, 过节还要礼物 [10:48] freeflying: 谁说村里的不要 [10:49] freeflying: 谁说村里的不要礼物 [10:49] imtxc, 有吗 [10:49] freeflying: 必须要啊,房子、礼物、礼金 [10:50] freeflying: 我们这边财礼现在听说都 10w 起步,好多 20w [10:50] freeflying: 还得有房子住,结婚还得花钱,农村规矩好多花钱也很多 [10:51] imtxc, 比北京一套房子便宜多了吧 [10:51] yunfan: 不快 [10:51] yunfan: 我又不是天天编译 [10:51] yunfan: 编译别买intel amd多核心 [10:51] yunfan: -j绝对有优势 [10:54] freeflying: 那倒是 [11:07] god damn freenode webchat 被墙了。。。。。。草! [11:08] ? [11:08] sennn: 恭喜 [11:08] sennn: 正在用webchat [11:08] 被逼无奈使用vpn! [11:09] imtxc, 在家找个生了娃再带出来吧 [11:09] imtxc, 性价比很高的 [11:09] 我有良民证的。。。 [11:11] 请注意 现在所有的银行卡正面都有一个小黑点。。。不知大家有没有注意过。。。。。。 [11:11] 方校长一个人都有10个pn [11:11] sennn: 没注意到 [11:12] stmsgebjgd: 许多人说amd的io上不去 对编译也有很大影响 [11:12] 不信你自己看看 [11:12] imtxc: 可以来浙江找女喷油 说不定一分钱不出 还一堆东西送你 [11:13] imtxc: 我这里也是女多男少 而且许多女的都是独生 家里就想放身边 对女婿根本不计较穷不穷 [11:13] yunfan: 核心多了 还是有优势的 [11:13] yunfan: 怎么可能 amd就是mem的io牛逼 [11:14] stmsgebjgd: 比较怀疑 我昨天看了个图 L2的那个速度都很大很大了 [11:14] yunfan: 姓徐的? 叫多人? [11:14] 现在软件的优化工作远远跟不上硬件的发展,唉 [11:15] 举个例子 同样一台机器,装win7和win8完全两种感觉。。。。。。 [11:16] stmsgebjgd: 不是 是老外出的一个图 [11:17] yunfan, 你屯溪也女多男少了啊 [11:17] freeflying: 是我本县 屯溪不清楚 [11:17] 同一台机器 装ubuntu与lubuntu也是完全两种感觉 [11:17] 而且我们这边他们找女婿还就喜欢穷人家的 因为人家不计较过年来这边 [11:17] yunfan, 你是黟县? [11:18] freeflying: 恩 [11:18] sennn: 同学你这么屌 你爸妈知道么 [11:18] yunfan, 话说西递宏村现在还能去不 [11:19] 同吊 同吊。。。 [11:19] freeflying: 千万别去 这几天人太多太多了 停车都不够 惶论住店 如果你坚持要来 记得带个帐篷 [11:19] 今天我去休宁 一路上都是外地车队还往这边赶 [11:20] 大家吊,才是真的吊 [11:20] yunfan, 四五月份去好点吧 [11:21] freeflying: 我不知道淡季是什么时候 倒是这时候上黄山好 [11:21] yunfan, 西递那地方记得是靠在个马路边上, 停车确实成问题, 那还是10年前我去过一次 [11:21] 这几天黄山市民可以拿身份证免票 [11:21] freeflying: 西递有很大的停车场 宏村的不够 [11:52] yunfan: 我要找的不但需要不计较穷不穷,还要不计较丑不丑 [11:53] imtxc: 额 [11:54] imtxc: 在干吗》 [11:54] 》 [11:54] abineQ: 在过年呢呀 [11:54] 开心呢 [11:55] imtxc: 收了多少红包包? [11:55] imtxc: 快晒晒 [11:55] 晒红包好像不会被T [11:55] LOL [11:56] abineQ: 我很久没见过红包了 [11:56] imtxc: 木有红包你开心啥? [11:57] abineQ: 人多 [11:57] imtxc: 额 [12:01] abineQ: 今儿会见了七大姑 [12:02] abineQ: 过两天还得会见八大姨 === imtxc is now known as imtxc_away [12:18] w 1 === imtxc_away is now known as imtxc [12:43] http://movie.douban.com/review/6413953/ [12:43] <^k^> jusss: ⇪ 安德的故事,吐槽板 (安德的游戏 影评) [12:49] imtxc: 你又不丑 [13:50] , [13:59] MeaCu1pa1: 酷帕过年好 === imtxc is now known as imtxc_away [14:22] jack772: 为什么成了这个样子啊 [14:25] imtxc_away: 过年好 === imtxc_away is now known as imtxc [16:08] .......... [16:08] iwjfksdf [16:10] lincan: 吃了不干净的东西了? === imtxc is now known as imtxc_away [16:25] stmsgebjgd: 面试了? [16:25] FishOneeyed: 恩那 [16:25] FishOneeyed: 接着还有2个 === imtxc_away is now known as imtxc [16:28] stmsgebjgd: 怎么样? [16:36] FishOneeyed: 公司还行 技术有意思 [16:36] FishOneeyed: 当然了 钱更多 [16:44] stmsgebjgd: 这个是重要的 [16:45] FishOneeyed: 必须的 [18:13] FishOneeyed: 你就没想着要跳槽? [18:13] FishOneeyed: 你们准备时候继续造人? === imtxc is now known as imtxc_away === imtxc_away is now known as imtxc [18:34] Helly everyone, [18:35] I'm learning chinese and would like to type pinyin with all the tone accents, is there any solutions? I download SCIM but I can't see "zh-pinyin" in the input methods listed ! === freeflying is now known as freeflying_away === freeflying_away is now known as freeflying [19:09] Hi, trying to type in "pinyin" with my keyboard I installed SCIM but I can't see the "zh-pinyin" entry to start typing! can anyone help me with this ? [19:59] Ctrl+Space? === imtxc is now known as imtxc_away === imtxc_away is now known as imtxc === imtxc is now known as imtxc_away === imtxc_away is now known as imtxc === imtxc is now known as imtxc_away [23:10] Zzz