
tony-smlrSMLR Live is Video http://www.youtube.com/embed/uAs7qm7M81A  - Audio http://live.smlr.us:8000/streaming12:24
tony-smlrwe are also chatting on #smlr12:25
gamerchick02morning to all the snowbound peeps in here.16:25
derekvwhat the heck should I put for groupId in an new opensource library20:58
derekvreminds me i need a company name21:01
derekvfor software21:01
derekvor I could recycle my DBA 0panic.com21:02
jrwrenwhat is a groupId?21:04
derekvits metainfo for maven, by convention its a domain name you control (reversed) and the same as a root package name for the project21:06
jrwrenlooks same as your package prefix21:25
derekvdamn android studio21:29
cmaloneyI've really disliked that practice in Java21:37
cmaloneyIt makes sense for big companies but makes no sense for anyone else21:38
cmaloneyThough I really really want to register something lewd so I can release Java packages under that name21:38
cmaloneylike com.javafucksgoatsforbreakfast.package."21:39
* cmaloney checks to see if that's registered.21:39
cmaloneyNope, still available.21:39
greg-gpaultag, of ubuntu/debian fam, has anized.org registered for this reason (org.anized.whatever)23:28
derekv0panic.com is a valid domain name23:29
derekvcom.0panic is not a valid java package23:29
greg-gI feel for ya23:29
derekvsupposed i'll use com.controlallrobots23:36
derekveverything about java is retarded23:41
cmaloneyThis is the same company that promoted /opt23:43
derekvI wouldn't be using it if I could just settle on one thing I'm into long enough to persue it as a career23:43
derekvi have some pretty venomous thoughts about java sometimes... like how its an avenue for people whith no ability or interest to still enjoy careers as software developers23:47
greg-gI doubt language makes much of a difference there23:48
cmaloneyyeah, I don't blame Java for that.23:48
derekvmaybe not23:48
cmaloneyI blame schools for choosing it as the anti-C++23:48
derekvcmaloney: i think that's closer to what I'm trying to say23:49
cmaloneyand to be fair there were some neat things that Java promosed23:50
cmaloneypromised even23:50
greg-gjust stick with LISP23:50
cmaloneyand had Sun not been trying hard to keep Java from being taken over by Microsoft we might have had somet of them come to fruition23:50
derekvok i'm probably going to come off as an asshole here but, it has to happen sometimes.  on the one hand, you have things that are tough like getting good with pointers23:53
derekvyou have higher level stuff like closures or functional programming23:53
derekvif neither one of those things is your schtick ... fine23:53
derekvthere's still ways to be a programmer23:54
cmaloneyI think the big problem was C++ was a big enough hot mess that anything looked better by comparison23:54
derekvbut I don't see the point for schools to dumb things down for poeple who want to call themselves computer scientists23:54
greg-gthey don't want to23:54
greg-gthat's the thing23:54
greg-gthey want a degree to get a job23:55
derekvif your getting a degree in computer science, well, learn to use pointers, learn to understand lisp, etc23:55
greg-gonly the ones that go on to grad school want to be called computer scientists23:55
derekvthat's pretty easy to get too23:55
derekvjust time consuming23:55
derekvmaybe a PHD is different, I don't know23:56
wafdo you consider pointers to be part of computer science?23:56
greg-gall education is easy if typical college stuff is easy for you23:56
wafi'd say computer science is more about algorithms23:56
* greg-g nods23:56
wafso java would work fine23:56
derekvwaf: yes but I understand what your saying23:56
wafthe language doesn't really matter23:56
derekvwaf: because pointers has to do with the reality of how machines actually work23:57
wafnow, i don't like java either, but it made sense for colleges to choose it at the time23:57
wafso i think it makes sense to have maybe one or two classes where you use C23:57
wafwhich most colleges have (citation needed)23:57
derekvwaf: if you subtract the physical machine totally and just focus on algorithms your actually just in a branch of Math now23:57
cmaloneywaf: I think that's part of the problem.23:58
cmaloneyderekv: Um, not really23:58
wafderekv: right, which is why pretty much every college still has at least one C or C++ class23:58
cmaloneyIf the machine is a VM then you learn the ins and outs of the VM.23:58
greg-glet's see, debate/talk CS vs Math or go watch sportsball23:58
wafwell, out of my sample size of 3, all 3 had c/c++ mandatory classes23:59
cmaloneygreg-g: sportsball is overrated.23:59
wafi have it on in the background. that counts right?23:59
greg-gI don't have a tv, and all other options are apparently piracy on the high seas23:59

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