
=== daker_ is now known as daker
=== highvoltage is now known as 36DACCJE4
=== xnox is now known as 16WAAKRPZ
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
=== pratchett.freenode.net changed the topic of #edubuntu to: Edubuntu 13.10 is out! - http://www.edubuntu.org | When asking questions, hang around for a bit, we're not always at our computers :) | Help out with bugs: http://tinyurl.com/EduBugs | LTSP questions? also try #ltsp | Welcome to the playground, have lots of fun and behave yourself!
=== daker_ is now known as daker
=== xnox_ is now known as xnox
stgraberhighvoltage: FYI, Edubuntu 14.04.4 LTS this week17:16
ogra_geez, .4 even before release ?17:17
ogra_we're faster than ourselves nowadays17:17
stgrabers/14.04/12.04/ :)17:17
stgrabertoo used to type 14.04 apparently ;)17:17
ogra_hehe yeah, i have the same often enough17:17
highvoltagestgraber: yeah just saw the email and eeked18:20
highvoltageluckily my brain read that as 12.04.4 so it was a smaller eek than ogra_'s :)18:21
=== XDS2010__ is now known as XDS2010

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