
hobbyBobbythis ssh to bootstrap thing is perplexing00:04
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jcverdieIs there a trick with juju get and set ? I try to "get" the settings from one charm, and a simple set with the same file does not work (says "no settings found for <charm>"13:01
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jcverdieHi, what is the best way to modify a charm? Are the charm recipes kept somewhere incache on my pc?14:06
natefinchjcverdie: the code for charms is kept in source control on launchpad. The best way to modify a charm is to branch from the main repository for the charm.14:08
natefinchjcverdie: if you go to the charm you want to modify on jujucharms.com, there will be a link to the source under the name of the charm on the left, like this one for mongodb: https://jujucharms.com/precise/mongodb-21/14:08
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jcverdieethanks, but gerrit charm is not mainstream it comes from cs:~canonical-ci/precise/gerrit-5914:48
jcverdieeso i'm confused where to find the sources14:48
jcverdieeand where to send patches (I found a couple of misbehaviour)14:48
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facebookguys, can someone please take a look at this? it's been sitting there for around two months waiting to get reviewed/promoted. https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+bug/112586915:00
_mup_Bug #1125869: New charm: postfix <Juju Charms Collection:New for jose> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1125869>15:00
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jcverdieif I go to https://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ecanonical-ci/charms/precise/gerrit/trunk/files I get unauthorized ? Any help :)15:10
jcverdiei asked to join the charmers team, hope to get access :)15:20
jcverdiebut the canonical-ci page is private :(15:21
tomixxxhi, i have tried to deploy multiple juju charms on a single node with the command "juju deploy X -to lxc:0" but sth went wrong as it seems. Please have a look at the output of the "juju status" command: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/686742015:23
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tomixxxso, the "agent-state-info" indicates some error and the charms itself stay in the state "pending"15:24
tomixxxis there a way to UNDEPLOY a single charm?=15:41
tomixxxwhat sources in source.list do i need for juju?15:44
lazyPowertomixxx: you can destroy a single unit, or the service to "undeploy" the charm15:45
lazyPowertomixxx: typically you will want to add ppa:juju/stable - and run off the stable tree of juju for your production environment.15:45
tomixxxyeah, i have already found out the command: juju destroy-service mysql for example15:45
jcverdieHi lazyPower, hope you had a wonderful superbowl party yesterday :) I solved & deployed my gerrit...Thanks for your help!15:46
lazyPowerHey thats great news jcverdie! glad I was of some service.15:46
jcverdieif I go to https://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ecanonical-ci/charms/precise/gerrit/trunk/files I get unauthorized access... So I can't file bugs & submit patches to complete  a clean install of this charm15:46
lazyPowerjcverdie: ah, yeah I am on that list too. It appears that since its only intended to be used by Canonical internally we aren't privvy to the launchpad assets.15:47
tomixxxlazyPower: how do i add "ppa:juju/stable"?15:48
jcverdieso what's the idea here? I can't even fork it to fix it :( ?15:48
lazyPowertomixxx: apt-add-repository ppa:juju/stable15:49
tomixxxlazyPower: thx15:49
lazyPowerjcverdie: email the list, and someone on the team may be able to work something out for you.15:49
tomixxxlazyPower: Is there a possibility to clear the log message in agent-state-info when i call "juju status"?15:52
tomixxxlazyPower: how can i destroy a lxc container?15:55
lazyPowertomixxx: whatare you trying to do? if you're trying to delete a lxc container that juju is managaing you will encounter some issues as the bootstrap node handles all that.15:59
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jcverdielazyPower: done:)16:00
tomixxxlazyPower: excactly, i want to delete an lxc container because thre creation of the container failed16:00
tomixxxlazyPower: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/686742016:01
tomixxxi could also do "destroy-environment" but it needs a lot of time to reset juju at all16:01
lazyPowertomixxx: you can run the lxc-destroy command to remove the containers, but you will encounter an issue with juju thinking the containers are still around in an error state and will desync your local provider from the bootstrap node. at least thats the behavior I have seen when i've remoevd lxc containers without juju's help16:06
tomixxxok, so what could i do instead?16:07
lazyPowerpersonally, i would rebootstrap the environment16:07
lazyPowerdestory & rebootstrap16:07
tomixxxlazyPower: ok but it seems "apt-add-repository ppa:juju/stable" was not sufficient abecause it failed again to get http:s//cloud-images.ubuntu.com/query/precise/server/released-dl.current.txt"16:08
tomixxxah i guess i have to call sudo apt-get update16:09
tomixxxsorry :(16:11
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rkpaulmarcoceppi: hello20:30
marcoceppirkpaul: hello!20:30
marcoceppirkpaul: what happens when you go to https://store.juju.ubuntu.com/charm-info?charms=cs%3A~marcoceppi%2Fprecise%2Fdiscourse in your browser?20:30
rkpaulon the host system, I'm getting some json. When I wget it in the VM, I'm getting a cert error20:31
rkpaulERROR: cannot verify store.juju.ubuntu.com's certificate, issued by ‘/C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Scottsdale/O=GoDaddy.com, Inc./OU=http://certificates.godaddy.com/repository/CN=Go Daddy Secure Certification Authority/serialNumber=07969287’:20:32
rkpaul  Issued certificate not yet valid.20:32
marcoceppirkpaul: yeah, it seems you don't have the CA chain on theVM20:32
marcoceppiand it's a 13.10 VM?20:32
marcoceppirkpaul: can you make sure ca-certificates is installed20:32
rkpaulyeah, already installed20:33
marcoceppirkpaul: well this is unfortunate and very odd. I've got 13.10 on my laptop without issue it seems to be missing some root ca in your chain to validate the godaddy cert20:35
rkpaulvery weird20:35
rkpaulI'll try spinning up a new vm with 13.10 and see what happens20:36
marcoceppirkpaul: please, I'm in Europe right now so it's nearing my EOD, but I'll hang around for a bit.20:36
marcoceppirkpaul: the charm is also broken, I can try to patch it, but upstream changed the way production database configuration options are stored20:36
marcoceppiso you're already walking in to a bit of a trap ;) It's one of the reasons I've not submitted the charm to the charm store, given how fast upstream is moving20:37
rkpaulok, no worries. I was just messing around with discourse and figured it'd be an interesting way to start looking at juju20:37
marcoceppirkpaul: feel free to give it a whirl anyways, there's an earlier version of discourse that will work with the charm20:38
* marcoceppi looks it up20:38
marcoceppirkpaul: you can run `juju deploy cs:~marcoceppi/discourse`; then immediately after run `juju set discourse release=v0.9.8.1`20:41
marcoceppiwhich is the version right before the config change20:41
rkpaulcool, thanks!20:41
marcoceppirkpaul: cheers, feel free to pop in with any questions about juju!20:42
rkpaulvery weird, new VM isn't exhibiting the cert issue20:44
marcoceppihopefully you can press forward without any other weirdness20:44
rkpaulsorry to have bothered you with it, thanks for helping! :-)20:44
marcoceppirkpaul: np anytime!20:44
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