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pittiGood morning08:29
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darkxsthey pitti08:51
pittihey darkxst08:52
darkxstfreenode is dying tonight08:53
ogradarkxst, there was a global notice ... DDOS it seems08:55
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=== pratchett.freenode.net changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | If you want to help out, check out http://pad.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-desktop | For support please join #ubuntu
darkxstmitya57, Both those would work when set as unity10:04
mitya57Also I think we were about to move key grabbing code to Unity (but not sure if that'll happen this cycle)10:04
darkxstbackground checks for =GNOME, media keys checks for !GNOME10:04
mitya57darkxst: OK, then I agree with your proposal10:04
darkxst^background is disabled when =GNOME10:04
darkxstmitya57, I have no idea, gnome-panel doesnt directly use XDG_C_D10:23
* lan3y stabs freenode DOSers10:23
lan3ydid you get the message about codesearch?10:23
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* seb128 didn't10:23
darkxstLaney, nope10:24
Laneyok, well it is back10:24
* mitya57 will need to do some debugging10:30
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seb128sil2100, can I get a landing slot for u-s-s? (it's one commit to fix cross compilation)11:31
sil2100seb128: I think that's a safe thing to land, so let me do that11:36
seb128sil2100, thanks11:36
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davmor2tseliot1: morning looks like nvidia 331 is working again now :)  How do I set persistence again though please?12:57
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tseliot1davmor2: yes, I fixed it :). Open /etc/init/nvidia-persistenced.conf and add the "--persistence-mode" parameter at the end of the line that starts with "exec"13:21
davmor2tseliot1: great thanks13:21
davmor2tseliot1: I did notice now that I get a screen on close that is black with a purple 3mm border I don't know if that is to do with the drivers and update to the logout/reboot or what but thought I's mention it either way :)13:25
tseliot1davmor2: please define "on close"13:25
davmor2tseliot1: I type sudo reboot or sys-indicator restart and the screen goes blank initially and then goes to the black with purple border13:27
tseliot1davmor2: I think I've seen that with fglrx too...13:29
davmor2tseliot1: I should mention this is on a 64bit laptop that has uefi and secure-boot enabled  so I'm not sure if it is anything to do with that also13:29
tseliot1davmor2: does it stay black or is it just a flash?13:31
davmor2tseliot1: give me 5 I'll double check13:31
davmor2tseliot1: ah interesting I apologise profusely it happens on startup not shutdown it's just the menu bit for uefi disappears so quickly that I looked over to this machine and then back and then saw the border13:34
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tseliot1davmor2: this actually reminds me that I should renable the graphics bootsplash when uefi is available13:37
rsalvetiseb128: do you know if Mirv in london this week as well?13:48
rsalvetineed to check how we can make qt5 support both gl and gles on x8613:48
rsalvetias we need to have gles support for a working x86 emulator as well13:48
seb128rsalveti, he is13:49
rsalvetiseb128: cool, thanks13:50
seb128rsalveti, yw13:50
Mirvrsalveti: here!13:59
Mirvrsalveti: so it seems that with 5.2.1 full EGL support can be enabled on x86 too, but the actual OpenGL / OpenGL ES support is a hard option at build time (-opengl desktop vs. -opengl es2) that then flows throughout Qt so it seems unlikely to get a "build two versions from the same library" to work.14:03
Mirvthere was the e-mail thread going about that, I haven't gotten further replies to it in some time. I tried offering a build that builds with -opengl es2 on desktop so that it could be tried to be used with other Qt modules unmodified, but at least for me it didn't seem like it'd work. it's either or.14:04
rsalvetiMirv: hey :-)14:05
Mirvheaders are also different based on that option, for example QOpenGL14:05
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rsalvetiMirv: so, don't know if you remember, but during last UDS we discussed how we could enable gles support for qt on x86 as well14:12
rsalvetiI'm enabling the emulator for x86, and would need the qt stack to also be compatible with gles14:12
rsalvetiI know it can only built to one single gl target during built-time, but we might be able to do something custom during runtime (in case it's a touch image, for example)_14:12
rsalvetiMirv: do you know what also depends on gl/gles besides core? I might just build in a custom ppa for now, so I'm able to test the emulator itself14:12
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rsalveticrap, got disconnected14:23
rsalvetiMirv: that's annoying (different headers)14:24
Mirvrsalveti: yes, that's what the e-mail thread was about. I forwarded it to you now.14:25
Mirvrsalveti: it seems most modules link to OpenGL directly http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6867357/14:25
rsalvetiMirv: awesome, thanks14:25
Mirvmostly however qtdeclarative, qtmultimedia and qtwebkit14:26
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, how's cold, rainy london? having fun?14:34
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kenvandinehaha :)14:34
chrisccoulsonit's lo14:34
chrisccoulsonit's lovely and warm here14:34
kenvandineseb128, chrisccoulson and i are enjoying the  nice florida weather :)14:34
seb128chrisccoulson, it's like 10°C and blue sky14:34
chrisccoulson21C and it's only 9.30am14:34
Laneyhow are the freeways14:35
davmor2sil2100: hey dude the g+ app is it me or did links stop working in it?14:36
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seb128chrisccoulson, I like better the nice weather than the overcold U.S ac :p14:44
chrisccoulsoni don't believe that ;)14:44
chrisccoulsonthe ac is nice!14:44
sil2100davmor2: hmm, what image?14:52
davmor2sil2100: while I've been away so thursday onwards.  real link like http://...... seem to work but links that are on things like omg!ubuntu  where the link is "look here for more info" aren't  they do work in android though so not g+ itself I'm assuming14:54
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=== Zdra is now known as xclaesse
xclaesseseb128, I think I've found why evolution randomly crash all the time on trustly15:32
xclaesseseb128, GSlice: MemChecker: attempt to release block with invalid size: 0x5555583c7b00 size=24 invalid-size=1615:32
xclaessefrom #3  0x00007fff2e3f1b8a in e_plugin_lib_enable () from /usr/lib/evolution/3.10/plugins/liborg-freedesktop-evolution-indicator.so15:32
xclaesseindicator is an ubuntu plugin afaik, right?15:33
xclaesseG_SLICE=debug-blocks FTW15:33
seb128xclaesse, dpkg -l | grep evolution-indicator ?15:34
seb128xclaesse, do you have a patch for th eissue?15:34
xclaesseseb128, I don't know where is the code of evolution-indicator, and I probably have to sign something with my blood to contribute... :(15:35
seb128xclaesse, can you give me the output of that dpkg command ?15:38
seb128xclaesse, ignore that15:39
seb128xclaesse, bzr get lp:evolution-indicator  if you want to look at the sourcecode, no cla for trivial contributions if that's an easy fix ;-)15:39
seb128xclaesse, otherwise I'm adding in to your list of issues to look at, thanks for the info15:40
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xclaesseii  evolution-indicator                                         0.2.20-0ubuntu12                                       amd64        GNOME panel indicator applet for Evolution15:41
seb128xclaesse, seems like that vcs is outdated, apt-get source evolution-indicator to get the source15:42
xclaesseseb128, hm, there is no evolution-indicator-dbg :(15:43
xclaesseseb128, the backtrace doesn't tell much detail where the crash happens exactly15:43
seb128xclaesse, wget http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/pool/main/e/evolution-indicator/evolution-indicator-dbgsym_0.2.20-0ubuntu12_amd64.ddeb15:44
seb128xclaesse, it's likely https://launchpadlibrarian.net/133730717/Stacktrace.txt15:44
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1153365 in evolution (Ubuntu) "evolution crashed with SIGABRT in mem_error()" [Medium,Confirmed]15:45
xclaesseahh, I think I got it15:46
xclaesseGSList *accounts = e_source_registry_list_sources (registry, E_SOURCE_EXTENSION_MAIL_ACCOUNT);15:46
xclaesseit returns a GList not GSList15:46
seb128how did that ever work then?15:46
seb128xclaesse, thanks!15:49
xclaesseseb128, it also leaks all sources15:50
xclaessehm, now how do I make a patch from that directory I got with apt-get source ? :(15:51
xclaessewhen it's not a git clone, I can't do anything :(15:51
seb128xclaesse, you "quilt pop evolution-indicator-eds3.6_v2.patch"15:51
seb128xclaesse, edit the file you want to edit15:52
seb128quilt refresh15:52
seb128then build15:52
kenvandinequilt... /me shivers15:52
* seb128 pushes kenvandine in front of the line; you fix it!15:52
* kenvandine hides under the table15:52
xclaesseseb128, bah, here is the patched file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6867792/15:53
xclaessehum, even after apt-get build-dep, configure says it's missing indicate-0.615:54
seb128xclaesse, quilt push the other patches15:55
xclaessehm, why does an ubuntu only code has packaging patches? o_O15:56
xclaesseseb128, sorry but I've no time atm to learn all those stupid debian tools :( Just have to change the "accounts" and "a" to GList and at the end g_list_free_full (accounts, g_object_unref)15:58
* xclaesse go back to his real work now, sorry :/15:58
seb128xclaesse, the guy who was maintaining that codebase left and review were stucked15:58
seb128xclaesse, no worry, thanks a lot15:59
=== xnox_ is now known as xnox
seb128xclaesse, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6867832/ ?16:01
xclaesseseb128, I did not test, but yes :)16:03
xclaesseah, got it build, I'll test that16:05
seb128xclaesse, thanks16:05
mlankhorstLaney: how much experience do I need for climbing? :P16:05
mlankhorstI know what a wall looks like!16:05
Laneyahh they'll have a range of stuff16:06
Laneyit'll be fine for all16:06
xclaesseseb128, yep G_SLICE=debug-blocks is happy now16:10
seb128xclaesse, \o/, thanks16:11
xclaesseseb128, I think apport sent a lot of reports of that same crash, one of them is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+bug/127579116:11
ubot2`xclaesse: Error: launchpad bug 1275791 not found16:11
seb128xclaesse, yeah, seems likely16:13
mlankhorstLaney: hm I should probably do some physical excercise this week else I go crazy, but I think tonight I'm just going to sleep verrry early16:15
Laneydoubt we'll be that late back ...16:15
mlankhorstdefine 'late'16:16
Laneyprobably not much after 916:17
mlankhorstoh that's fine16:18
Laneyassuming we leave straight away ish16:18
mlankhorstthat's less fine :P16:18
Laneyafter 6 i mean16:20
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seb128dobey, hey, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution-indicator/0.2.20-0ubuntu13 should fix your evo issue16:38
seb128dobey, jfyi16:38
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mlankhorstLaney: I think it's better if I don't. but I'll join if you are going to get some food. :)17:17
mlankhorstand then leave before the climbing I think, too big a risk of spraining for me17:21
LaneyI was assuming we'd eat after that17:22
Laneybut shrug17:22
mlankhorstin the summer I eat first, then spend ~50 minutes of biking, then horseback riding, then biking back. :P lot more energy that way17:23
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seb512larsu: larso17:56
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dobeyseb128: oh, hrmm. i wonder if it was in fact causing all of my evo issues18:26
seb128dobey, could be18:26
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