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* apw yawns08:18
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=== pratchett.freenode.net changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Tues February 4th, 2014 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer!
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zequenceinfinity: Did you guys discuss including -lowlatency in master yet?12:40
cjwatsonAnyone feel like working out whether bug 1265551 is verification-done for precise or not?  I need to close out the updates for 12.04.4 ASAP13:47
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1265551 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu Precise) "linux-firmware: Add Brocade FC/FCOE Adapter firmware files" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126555113:47
cjwatson(There's another bug fixed by that update: bug 1265550.)13:48
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1265550 in linux-lts-saucy (Ubuntu Precise) "linux-firmware: iwlwifi: add firmware for 7260 / 3160 devices" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126555013:48
fish_apw: it happended with 3.11 as well14:03
fish_but it *seems* it was harder to reproduce it there14:04
apwfish_, so i would recommend filing the bug, and going back through the 3.8.x kernels for one which it didn't happen14:06
apwas this seems to be a new phenomia14:07
apwwe can use that to try and identify the introducing commit14:07
fish_apw: not sure sure it's new, I had to restart ~10 containers about 40 times until it crashed this time14:07
fish_and I can't reproduce it in a vagrant vm14:08
apwfish_, well you never noticed it before, and you managed to reproduce it in the original kernel you reported, so something hcanged14:08
apwfish_, so it makes sense to go back to whatever you had where you never noticed it and try and reproduce it there, now you know how14:08
fish_apw: the infrastruture is new so I haven't upgraded. could be possible that it happens with older kernels as well. but I'll try an older kernel as wlel14:11
zequenceapw: Did you come to some sort of conclusion on including -lowlatency into master14:16
apwzequence, check out -614:16
apwzequence, and indeed, could you test it ;)14:16
zequenceapw: cool :)14:17
zequencelinux-lowlatency is going to be maintained by Canonical from now on :)14:23
apwmaintained by you, updated and uploaded by us as we do stable etc14:24
apwie we'll do the security bits etc as a part of our normal work flow14:25
zequenceapw: Alright. So, I supply you with patches? There's only one thing I'd like to change right now. It's to include a couple of kernel configs, to enable the boot parameter "threadirqs"14:31
zequenceI would rather do it by adding a config file somewhere. So far, I only know of adding it to /etc/default/grub, which is not optimal, I think14:32
zequencePerhaps it can be done in /etc/sysctl.d/?14:33
zequenceIn that case, I could create a meta package, called ubuntustudio-kernel, break the dependency to rtirq for linux-lowlatency, and add it to ubuntustudio-kernel instead, with a supplied config to enable threadirqs14:34
apwzequence, the lowlatency flavour has that switched on in the config by defualt, in theory14:36
zequenceapw: I need to test it, but I think it is only made available, and still needs a boot parameter for it to be activated14:37
apwof course it might not be working but it is on there14:37
apw+__read_mostly bool force_irqthreads = IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_IRQ_FORCED_THREADING_DEFAULT);14:37
apwin theory that is set to the (new) config optiont CONFIG_IRQ_FORCED_THREADING_DEFAULT14:37
apwand i have set that for your config14:38
zequenceAh, ok, I mixed it up with CONFIG_IRQ_FORCED_THREADING14:39
zequenceThat should in deed take care of it :)14:39
apwi have not looked to see if it works, it looks sane, but i have no idea how you can tell on a booted system which mode it is in 14:39
apwi assume something you do makes it obvious if it is working, either by checkng something or by your programs working "better"14:40
apwotherwise you'd not bother setting it14:40
zequencethe rtirq script needs it to work, and that's how I see whether it is working14:40
zequenceIt sets priorities for audio devices, or tries its best to do that - helps some machines that have shared IRQs between things like their firewire port and their wifi (when using a firewire audio device)14:41
zequenceSo, it's very audio specific, and not something everyone will gain from14:42
zequenceThis is why I was considering breaking that part (threadirqs and rtirq) into a meta package, which would be more specified towards audio, but I suppose it's not that critical14:43
* zequence is leaving for home14:44
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apwsmb, ...14:57
smbapw, yeah here maybe :)14:58
apwseems you might be in the lucky minority now14:58
smbapw, I hope script kiddies cannot spell :)14:59
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apwsmb, heh indeed15:08
fish_apw: same error in 3.5 - but I figured out that softlockup_panic=1 will cause the kernel to print a stack trace15:21
fish_so bug report is coming soon 15:21
apwfish_, great, get us a stack trace in the bug and let us know the bug #; also try and give us something we can reproduce it with15:21
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fish_apw: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/127580915:57
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1275809 in linux (Ubuntu) "(docker/lxc) container restart causes kernel to lockup" [Undecided,New]15:57
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apw bug 127498716:57
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1274987 in linux (Ubuntu) "can't boot with new lowlatency kernel" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127498716:57
argessmb: sforshee : hey running that openstack bug repoducer, any new news?17:04
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smbarges, Not from my side. But I had a quick email exchange with Salvatore today and he tries to come up with something that does not require devstack17:05
argessmb: ahh just after I got it all working : )17:05
smbThough he was away for Friday and this morning. 17:05
argeswell i just started the tests a bit ago... maybe i'll get lucky and reproduce17:05
smbarges, You can use that knowledge at least. :)17:06
smbarges, Right17:06
smbarges, There was also a comment in the bug referring to another one. But I am not sure this is separate or another piece of the puzzle. That was something that made the injection of data fail with some obscure ext2 error17:08
rtgapw, I'm here now17:28
apwjsalisbury, rtg, ok ... yeah PREEMPT is a three way 'choice' so ... zap the ones in there with PREEMPT in their name and do an updateconfigs17:30
jsalisburyapw, I see that CONFIG_PREEMPT_VOLUNTARY is not set in the lowlatency, should I also re-enable that one?17:30
apwjsalisbury, if you rip the one thats there, you should get the little menu to chose and can pick the _VOLUNTARY one17:31
apwwhich akes all the other Y/N options go the right way too17:31
jsalisburyapw, ok, so just rip out the CONFIG_PREEMPT_VOLUNTARY and re-run update configs?  The menu will do the right thing and unset the other two PREEMPTs?17:33
apwjsalisbury, right17:34
apwit'll ask you, pick the right one, and it sets the "set" as a set appropriatly17:35
jsalisburyapw, cool thanks.  I'll build a kernel and post it to the bugs.17:35
apwdo tell 'em its a diagnostic kernle, not a fix17:35
jsalisburyapw, ack17:36
jsalisburyapw, I assume I select option two:17:36
jsalisburyPreemption Model17:36
jsalisbury  1. No Forced Preemption (Server) (PREEMPT_NONE)17:36
jsalisbury  2. Voluntary Kernel Preemption (Desktop) (PREEMPT_VOLUNTARY) (NEW)17:36
jsalisbury> 3. Preemptible Kernel (Low-Latency Desktop) (PREEMPT)17:36
apwyep thats wahts on on the others17:37
jsalisburyapw, thanks.  Just wanted to make sure I got it correct :-)17:37
apwjsalisbury, if i am reading the comments bug 1275116 right (comments #25ish to #30ish) then it is possible the noirq thing is working for them17:43
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1275116 in linux (Ubuntu) "lowlatency-flavour crashes and locks up alot" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127511617:43
apwso the testing we want is the right testing17:43
jsalisburyapw, Yeah, a second bug commenter stated it worked for them, but the original bug reported says it did not.17:45
apwusual dogpile, anyhow, we're doing The Right Thing(tm)17:45
jsalisburyapw: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1275116/comments/2417:46
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1275116 in linux (Ubuntu) "lowlatency-flavour crashes and locks up alot" [High,Confirmed]17:46
jsalisburyapw, Kernel is building now, I'll let you know the testing results.17:46
apwjsalisbury, thanks, appreciated17:47
jsalisburyapw, np.  thanks to you as well17:48
apwrtg, did you rip that smb patch ?17:52
rtgapw, yep17:52
rtgapw, mess you up ?17:52
* apw rebases ... again17:52
smbapw, You should learn not to mess with rtg 's tree after lunch... 3:-P17:53
rtgits just the way I roll.17:54
apwsmb, oh i've learned ... just some days you cannot avoid it17:54
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apwjust was confirming thats why i had a "..." in my world, can cope17:54
smbapw, Hehe, man you love the pain, do you. 17:55
* apw practices grabbing his ankles ... good for the flexibility don't you know17:56
smbapw, Unfortunately that reply from upstream just came in... or I just saw it recently17:56
* smb tries to squeeze a late between the dots17:56
apw"carry large changes out of tree for as little time as possible" is reinforced by an "active" upstream17:56
apwrtg, ok i've pushed the split for hyperv17:57
smbTrue. Even more if the deviation is only needed because of some config setting which upstream silently declares as unstable17:57
apwnow i can go an look at pulling in heap of new bits which need to go in there17:57
rtgapw, ack17:57
apwrtg, i've pushed the matching -meta changes also18:22
rtgapw, ack18:23
cristian_cI've submitted a bug report (regarding a kernel bug) on launchpad almost two years ago18:24
cristian_crecently, the bug status has been set to Triaged and I was told to read this wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Upstream/kernel18:24
cristian_cI've read it but I've got some doubts yet. A dev has told me to contact the kernel team for preparing a faultless upstream report18:24
cristian_cthe first question:18:25
cristian_c1) Please take care that when you provide the below information, you should be booted into the newest available upstream mainline kernel only. Failure to do this will have negative unintended consequences.18:25
cristian_cI do not know what I have to use between two different kernel since they cause different problems18:25
apwcristian_c, what is your bug number, so we can see what the original request actually was18:29
cristian_cok, I'll post immediately18:30
cristian_capw, #97260418:30
apwbug #97260418:30
ubot2`Launchpad bug 972604 in linux (Ubuntu) "168c:001c [HP Compaq Presario C700 Notebook PC] Wireless led button doesn't switch colors" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97260418:30
jsalisburycristian_c, The mainline kernel you tested was 3.13-rc5, which is very old now.18:35
jsalisburycristian_c, It might be best to test the latest mainline kernel before opening an upstream bug report.18:35
jsalisburycristian_c, Otherwise, upstream will just ask you test test the latest first anyway.18:36
apwyeah they get all whiney if there is a 10th of a commit on top of what you tested18:36
apwthere should be a 3.14-rc1 now  i guess18:36
jsalisburycristian_c, You can get 3.14-rc1 at: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.14-rc1-trusty/18:36
cristian_cjsalisbury, the last kernel I tried ha made worse the things18:37
cristian_cjsalisbury, I'd like to solve the original bug18:37
jsalisburycristian_c, those new issues that made things worse could be resolved now, which is the reasoning for testing 3.14-rc1.  18:37
cristian_cnew kernel change deeply the bug18:37
cristian_cjsalisbury, ok18:38
cristian_cI'll try the new kernel18:38
jsalisburycristian_c, based on the testing results from 3.14-rc1, we can decide what to do next.18:38
cristian_csecond question:18:39
cristian_c2) While booted into the newest mainline kernel only describe how the bug is reproducible in the latest mainline kernel only. If this is a regression, please note the specific commit. 18:40
apwman what language is that in18:41
apwi think that means "tell me how to reproduce it in the mainline kernel, if you cannot there i don't care"18:42
apw"do not tell me how to reproduce it in ubuntu's kernel as i will stop listening"18:43
cristian_capw, yes, but I'm referring to the commit18:43
cristian_cIs it the number of commits that introduced the latest regression?18:44
apwoh, so they mean if you know it does work in a specifc older kernel (mainline only) then they do want to know where you were when it worked perfectly18:44
apwi suspect in your case it probabally has never worked18:44
apwin whihch case it is not a regression, just broken18:44
cristian_capw, exactly, I've opened the report for a specific bug18:45
cristian_cI've tried mny kernels, but only when I tried the 3.13.0, the bug is changed18:47
cristian_cI can try the 3.14-rc118:47
cristian_cto see if it's broken yet18:47
cristian_capw, thanks18:47
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rtgsforshee, here is a good one for you to have a look at: bug #127587920:08
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1275879 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel panic " [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127587920:08
sforsheertg: ack20:09
rtgsforshee, the stack trace has xen-netfront BUG line20:10
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