
=== ogra_` is now known as ogra_
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cjwatsonxnox: done, thanks10:24
cjwatsonxnox: you should be able to usefully retest the wubi filesystem image now11:46
xnoxcjwatson: by default, it fetches from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/precise/wubi/current/ , which is empty, not http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/precise/wubi/pending/11:54
xnoxcjwatson: can you "promote" them?11:55
xnox(well, not default default, but the daily fallback is to fetch from current)11:55
xnoxor i can recompile with fetching from pending11:55
cjwatsonhuh, how odd11:56
cjwatsonwill fix shortly11:56
cjwatsonxnox: fixed the code so that this won't happen again; http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/precise/wubi/current/ is up to date now12:17
xnoxcjwatson: wubi is good to go.12:57
xnoxcjwatson: it's not on the iso-tracker, but i've tested it and it's all fine now.12:57
cjwatsongreat, thanks12:58
cjwatsonthe tracker code disliked it for some reason - I didn't bother debugging it because, well, not desperately useful effort12:59
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ecdheI had a ks.cfg %post% question; `touch /hello.txt' creates a file, but `touch /home/user/hello.txt' has no effect.19:00
cjwatsonLooks like %post% scripts run before the user is created.19:00
ecdheDo I need to mkdir then?19:01
cjwatsonBit difficult to change that, but you may be able to solve this by thinking about what you're trying to do19:01
ecdheCopy in an ssh key.19:01
cjwatsonDo you actually want to have something created in the home directory of all newly-created users, or just the first one?19:01
ecdheJust the first one.19:02
cjwatsonIt would be simplest to use preseed/late_command for this, which runs a bit later19:03
ecdheAny docs for that?19:04
cjwatsonpreseed preseed/late_command string touch /home/user/hello.txt19:04
cjwatsonunder "Additions"19:04
cjwatsonpreseed/late_command specifically is documented in https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/preseed-advanced.html19:05
ecdheThis one was quite confusing, I really appreciate your help.19:05
cjwatsonYou're welcome19:05
ecdheWill a command like cat - << EOF19:09
ecdhelong file lines...19:09
ecdhework with preseed latecommand?19:10
cjwatsonecdhe: No.  For that, you're best off writing a separate script, downloading it using wget, chmod +x and running it19:13
cjwatson(At least I don't think so.  At the very least the quoting would be hairy)19:13
ecdheThat's what I thought.19:14

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