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mgwI'm having an issue related to conffiles with a package I've built.00:44
mgwAny packaging gurus around?00:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:46
mgwPatrickdk: thanks… the issue is this: depending on the order of dh_installinit and dh_installdeb, the /etc/ files are either always updated or never updated. What I want is for dpkg to ask whether to replace if and only if both files have changed. I thought this was default behavior for conffiles.00:48
mgw(thank you ubottu, also ;-) )00:48
Patrickdkhmm, there is a packaging channel that could answer that better01:10
Patrickdkbut I can't think of it's name01:10
Patrickdkthat is just alittle above my limited packaging ability :)01:11
teward#ubuntu-packaging probably01:11
tewardPatrickdk: you mean that channel?01:11
tewardthat's the packaging help channel01:12
Patrickdkmaybe, maybe #launchpad01:12
tewardwell, no, not #launchpad01:12
Patrickdkit's been several years01:12
teward#launchpad's kinda launchpad-only now01:12
teward#ubuntu-packaging's where I send people for general packaging help01:12
teward(and where the packaging help channel seems to be)01:12
tewardmgw: maybe try asking in #ubuntu-packaging01:12
tewardbut be patient, responses won't be fast01:12
mgwPatrickdk, teward: thanks, I'll check there01:13
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MarGulIs it safe to go with the ondrej PPA if my server currently is running nginx? Because I see that it is installing some apache software as well06:07
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bapestorewhere are mounted items at? like cdrom, ehdd directories?06:49
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hitsujiTMObapestore: mount                  will list all mount points07:16
bapestorehitsujiTMO: thanks07:17
bapestorei think i typed mnt /mnt/cdrom /mnt07:17
bapestoreand it worked. hitsujiTMO07:17
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bapestoreWhen installing server in a virtualbox, how does my host connect to its httpd server through localhost.domain?07:22
wizard-pci'm on amd64 ubuntu server13.10. Is there an installation guide on tftp server to install win7 through this server onto another machine in the network07:43
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TazmainHi all I am using ubuntu server 12.04.1 LTS how do I disable gdm from starting up ?07:53
hitsujiTMOTazmain: no need to ask that question in 2 channels. we're answering you in #ubuntu07:57
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wizard_Ain https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot i see /etc/dnsmasq.conf but in ubuntu13.10 server i do not any such file??09:23
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rbasakyolanda: do you want to take bug 1276032? Since I spoke to upstream/Debian about monitoring plugins, the Debian maintainer has been quite interested in making sure that Ubuntu stays up-to-date - but he's not familiar with the merging process. So I asked him to file merge bugs as appropriate when he thinks we should catch up.10:56
yolandarbasak, sure10:56
yolandai can take a look this afternoon10:57
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rbasakroaksoax: fyi, bug 1248054 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dlm/+bug/124805411:24
rbasakLooks like it's pretty broken.11:24
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zulhallyn:  this is something we need http://libvirt.org/git/?p=libvirt.git;a=patch;h=6e5c79a1b5a8b3a23e7df7ffe58fb272aa17fbfb13:59
hallynzul: looks like14:04
zulhallyn:  ill get it today14:05
hallyni guess i need to start this qemu merge14:08
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jo-erlendI have a weird networking issue. I've taken som old junk and built a server from a fruit case. Quite perfect. Since I don't have a monitor cable, I used the disk as a raw device in vbox, installed Ubuntu with openssh-server there and then mounted the disk in the fruit case. It boots and responds to pings. However, I get connection refused form sshd all the time. When I take the disk back into the desktop and boot with vbox, I connect14:53
jo-erlendjust fine.14:53
jo-erlendany ideas?14:53
mardraumudev and /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules ?14:55
sarnoldjo-erlend: egress firewalling on your outgoing ssh connections?14:55
jo-erlendwhy would this apply only to one of my computers? I haven't configured any of this. Was something changed in 12.04.3?14:56
jo-erlendI did the exact same thing to another computer a week ago and that worked perfectly.14:57
sarnoldjo-erlend: dunno, it doesn't make much sense. i'd expect it to work as you experienced the first time aroud..14:58
jo-erlendI think it's very strange.14:58
jo-erlendoh.. We're at 12.04.4 now?15:01
sarnoldI think 12.04.4 is thursday?15:01
jo-erlendsarnold, ok. It says 12.04.4 when I log in.15:05
tomixxxhi, i have the following set up: an ubuntu server is connected via switch to two nodes. moreover, the server is connected via another network interface to the internet. the "interfaces" file looks as follow: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6873464/ The question now is: How is it possible that the NODES get internet access?15:13
tomixxxSo, eth1 connects my server to the i-net and eth0 connects my-server to the two nodes15:13
tomixxxAnd both nodes need internet access15:13
tomixxxhow could i achieve this? ;)15:15
sarnoldjo-erlend: hunh. very odd. did you grab it from a daily iso or similar?15:18
jo-erlend sarnold, no, it's the 12.04.3 image.15:19
jo-erlenduhm. I did install upgrades though.15:19
jo-erlendbut the ssh issue was there before I installed those upgrades.15:19
sarnoldtomixxx: investigate masquerading, snat, dnat.15:20
tomixxxsarnold: so this cannot be achieved with bridges?15:21
jo-erlendhmm. It doesn't reply to http either. Why?15:21
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raubWhy is there an freeipa client package for ubuntu? Isn't freeipa as far as a client is concerned garden-variety ldap+kerberos+sprinkles?15:22
sarnoldtomixxx: it can if you have sufficient IPs15:25
tomixxxsarnold: k, i have no idea if i have sucfficient IPs15:28
jrwrentomixxx: teh server which is connected to the internet would act as a NAT router. You'd set a default gateway on those to the server.15:29
jrwrentomixxx: what kind of OS does the server run?15:29
tomixxxjrwren: ubuntu server 12.04.315:29
sarnoldtomixxx: ah, I see you're in #juju too getting some advice there :)15:29
sarnoldtomixxx: most people asking that kind of question are aiming at sharing an internet connection15:30
jrwrenis that not the case here?15:30
sarnoldtomixxx: do you have another router on your network doing NAT? or is this machine going to be your external-facing firewall?15:30
tomixxxjrwren: no, i want to deploy a private cloud15:30
jrwrentomixxx: openstack?15:31
tomixxxsarnold: not sure, however, eth1 connects me to the "university network"15:31
tomixxxjrwren: yes15:31
jrwrentomixxx: dhclient -i eth1 ?15:32
sarnoldopenstack on three machines? o_O15:32
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tomixxxsarnold: 2 nodes, 1 server15:32
tomixxxsarnold: so, yes, ressource are limited right now15:32
tomixxxjrwren: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6873601/15:33
jrwrenoh, I guess I remembered it wrong.15:34
jrwrensorry tomixxx15:34
jrwrengl hf15:34
jrwren#openstack might help too15:34
jrwrenbut in general, i've found wiht openstack you are largely on your own, trying things, failing, digging through docs, fixing things.15:35
jrwrenits a steep learning curve15:35
tomixxxjrwren: i have to write my master thesis and the topic is cloud computing :-)15:35
sarnoldI love the bit that starts "for an HA openstack cluster, you'll need at least 28 machines..."15:35
tomixxxjeepi, i have passed an exam :-)15:38
jrwrenan exam?15:43
tomixxxjrwren: y, exam on the university15:43
jrwrentomixxx: that is a pretty wide topic for a masters thesis. Do you have a more detailed topic?15:43
tomixxxjrwren: yes, the goal is to parallelize NLP tasks with cloud computing and to investigate, which cloud provider is best in terms of a few indicators15:44
jrwrenah, interesting.15:45
jrwrenpublic and private? how many public and privates will you be considering?15:45
tomixxxat the moment, microsoft azure, amazon webservices as public clouds and one private cloud, at the moment Maas+openstack15:45
jrwrentomixxx: sounds interesting. link me to your publication when you are done :)15:47
tomixxxjrwren: kk, hopefully, i will finish some day15:48
vlad_starkovQuestion: Choosing between Ubuntu/CentOS/OpenSUSE which OS is better for KVM host?15:50
jrwrenvlad_starkov: you are asking in #ubuntu-server so you are trolling. of course the answer is ubuntu15:51
vlad_starkovjrwren: OK, I just looked for fair answer :)15:52
jrwrenvlad_starkov: my fair answer is still ubuntu15:53
jrwrencentos exists for people who have to deal with rhel and commercial support.15:53
jrwrenopensuse, I know nothing about.15:53
jrwrenjust run ubuntu-server, it is very good.15:53
jrwrennot to mention good at openstack which does much more than KVM host15:54
vlad_starkovjrwren: open stack is the goal, but first things first – kvm15:54
vlad_starkovjrwren: it turned out that I cant boot Ubuntu Server on my specific hardware (it throws with CPU soft lockups errors and does not boot)15:55
sarnoldvlad_starkov: dang, no fix there? :(15:55
vlad_starkovsarnold: nope, still...15:55
vlad_starkovsarnold: when does Ubuntu plan to release next stable with fresher kernel?15:56
sarnoldvlad_starkov: a day or two, iirc15:56
sarnoldvlad_starkov: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2014-February/001077.html15:57
sarnoldvlad_starkov: well, I've never used centos, so it might be unfair to judge, but I've never been a big fan of red hat's "there's only one way to do something" philosophy, they often picked tools I didn't care for. If ubuntu wasn't an option, I'd try opensuse before trying centos.15:58
vlad_starkovsarnold: 12.04.4 is the latest LTS release. But any news on 14.0 LTS?15:59
sarnoldvlad_starkov: 12.04.4 will come with a refreshed kernel16:01
sarnoldvlad_starkov: 14.04 will come in another two or two and a half months16:01
jrwren14.04 will be end of April16:02
vlad_starkovsarnold: do you knwo which kernel will be in 12.04?16:02
jrwrenvlad_starkov: if you are just doing KVM, i see little reason to use LTS.16:02
vlad_starkovjrwren: 13.04 doesn't work for me too16:03
sarnoldvlad_starkov: it'll be based on the 13.10 kernel: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2013-November/034753.html16:04
jrwrenvlad_starkov: what about 13.10 ?16:04
jrwrenvlad_starkov: what hardware are you using that none of these kernels work?16:04
sarnoldjrwren: supermicro motherboard, iirc..16:05
vlad_starkovjrwren: that's a strange issue with my hardware over there16:06
jrwrenits rather unbelievable to be honest.16:06
vlad_starkovsarnold: is it possible to make custom build of Ubuntu Server 12.04.4 64bit with a fresher kernel?16:09
jrwrensure, its possible, but it is a lot of work.16:10
vlad_starkovjrwren: I think I eventually will try all of them booting from USB flash and see which one will boot correctly16:13
vlad_starkovI love Ubuntu and actually not to be too happy to switch to another OS16:14
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vlad_starkovThanks for your advices. I think I'll try all of them.16:22
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tomixxx3i have tried to NAT the traffic from the LXC bridge to the internet-capable network interface eth1: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/687410217:26
tomixxx3but it does not work, this means the lxc containers cannot be created because they fail to download sth17:26
tomixxx3maybe i have misconfigured sth in the interface file?17:26
jmedinatomixxx3: are you sure ip forwarding is enabled?17:28
jmedinaor that the nat rule is loaded?17:28
tomixxx3jmedina: how do i check this?17:28
jmedinacat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward17:29
jmedinaiptables -t nat -L -v -n17:30
jmedinaand by the way17:30
jmedinaI dont see any default gateway in your setup17:30
jmedinasorry, that is by dhcp17:31
tomixxx3cat ... returns me "1"17:31
tomixxx3and "iptables -t nat -L -v -n" prints the following: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/687414817:33
hallynzul: smb: does xen on ubuntu use the stock qemu, or a xen-customized one?17:37
tomixxx3jmedina: so, port-forwarding from that side should working?17:37
smbhallyn, depends... :-P17:37
smbhallyn, When using the xm toolstack a xen-customized one. Starting with Saucy and Xen-4.3 and using xl its the stock qemu17:38
hallynsmb: i'm being told (on oftc#debian-qemu) that seabios is about to break qemu in xen17:38
hallynsmb: (not sure if you want to join there :)17:39
smbhallyn, hm... not either sure... :)17:39
hallyndon't be shy :)17:40
smbhallyn, What they mean by is "about to"17:40
hallynat next debian upload i think17:40
smbhallyn, Its less shyness and more the eagerness to start joining channels latish... If it must be...17:41
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hallynzul: have you pushed that new libvirt yet?18:52
hallynzul: if not, could you add http://libvirt.org/git/?p=libvirt.git;a=commit;h=29ea437e408e441bad67e4ffae731286d356ca4a ?18:52
zulhallyn:  not yet18:53
zulhallyn:  sure18:53
hallynhm wait, didn't i already take that one?18:55
hallynzul: yeah never mind, that's already in there18:56
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hallynzul: do you have any objections to my dropping the symlinks for kvm-nbd and kvm-img?19:45
hallyn(cause i'm doing it :)19:48
zulhallyn:  context?19:48
hallynzul: kvm-nbd and kvm-img are symlinks to qemu-nbd and qemu-img.  I'm going to dro pthem in the next qemu merge from debian19:49
zulhallyn:  thats fine19:50
hallyni actually could at this point turn them into one tree for both jessie and trusty, but mjt convinced me merges are simple enough not to do it yet.19:50
snori74Hi, LTS12.04 box booted on kernel 3.8.0-35 gives "gave up waiting for root". Only able to resolve by reverting to 3.8.0-34. Any idea why - or how to best resolve this?20:19
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Dry_LipsI'm unsure about what the correct SPF record would be.... v=spf1 mx include:domain.com ~all      or     v=spf1 mx include:domain.com -all22:38
Dry_Lipsin other words, - or ~ ?22:38
FunnyLookinHatIs anyone aware of a bug or work item to update config files for apache2 in 14.04 for the new authz parameters?22:47
FunnyLookinHatI can't find one - wondering if I should file or if I'm searching incorrectly22:47
rostamHi I have created a deb pkgs which once a while when I want to upgrade it I get the following error: "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct". I have not done any thing that could cause interruption. Is there anyway I can get more information on what has gone wrong? thx23:21

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