greyback | harris: we're working on the device now, hopefully it'll be supported soon. | 00:22 |
FuLgOrE | hi rsalveti: back home? did you have the chance to install your N5 image? | 01:13 |
rsalveti | FuLgOrE: yup, doing proper packaging for the nexus 5 kernel now to see if I'm able to fix the wlan issue | 01:13 |
FuLgOrE | that sounds great :) I have my last free day until I have to work again. So if you have something to test, just let me know | 01:14 |
rsalveti | cool, will do | 01:14 |
FuLgOrE | in which time zone are you now? gmt -2? | 01:14 |
rsalveti | FuLgOrE: yup | 01:14 |
FuLgOrE | I'm at gmt+8 | 01:15 |
FuLgOrE | tuesday for me :D | 01:15 |
rsalveti | :-) | 01:15 |
R4v3n | Hello, i was wondering about the latest version of ubuntu touch is it 1.0 or stil in development stage? | 01:23 |
R4v3n | can anyone please write lsb_release -a in a terminal within unitys shell environment and paste the output here, because i have a google nexus 4 phone, and i would like to know if version 1.0 of ubuntu touch yet has been relased or if it's still in development stage ? :) | 01:30 |
nhaines | R4v3n: version 1.0 of Ubuntu on mobiles was released as Ubuntu 13.10 *AND* it is still in the development stage. | 01:31 |
nhaines | In any case, lsb_release -a will look the same as it does on your desktop. | 01:31 |
rww | ohai nhaines | 01:32 |
nhaines | rww: ohai | 01:32 |
nhaines | R4v3n: try this. You can keep all your Android apps and data and also play with Ubuntu any time you like: | 01:32 |
R4v3n | nhaines: thanks for the info :-) will look into it | 02:41 |
nhaines | R4v3n: Good luck. :) | 03:18 |
FuLgOrE | rsalveti: how is it looking? | 03:54 |
gt-i8730 | Hello can I use my gt-i8730 for ubuntu touch. As i understand its quite simular to the galaxy s2? | 04:01 |
gt-i8730 | can i just do sudo apt-get install ubuntu touch to install it? | 04:17 |
gt-i8730 | En will i be able to dubble boot back in to the original android | 04:17 |
FuLgOrE | !devices | 04:20 |
ubot5 | You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at | 04:20 |
FuLgOrE | rsalveti: did the brightness control work on your N5? | 04:33 |
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om26er | sil2100, hey | 10:35 |
om26er | sil2100, is it the right time to test the latest image ? | 10:35 |
om26er | davmor2, ^ | 10:35 |
didrocks | om26er: we are dogfooding, feel free to test 161 please | 10:58 |
didrocks | om26er: you should really join our morning call I guess | 10:58 |
didrocks | it's at 9:30 UTC | 10:58 |
om26er | didrocks, sure though its a little early than my normal start time | 11:01 |
didrocks | om26er: let's see how it works for you, mind if I invite you? | 11:01 |
om26er | didrocks, do you know when maguro goes EOL ? | 11:01 |
didrocks | om26er: I guess once we switch to 4.4 | 11:01 |
om26er | didrocks, yes go ahead | 11:01 |
ogra_ | om26er, as soon as we switch to android 4.4 | 11:01 |
didrocks | thanks ogra_ :) | 11:01 |
ogra_ | :) | 11:01 |
didrocks | and om26er :) | 11:01 |
didrocks | ogra_: stop speaking and troubling my o+<tab>! | 11:02 |
didrocks | :) | 11:02 |
om26er | hah | 11:02 |
ogra_ | haha | 11:02 |
didrocks | om26er: you should receive it now | 11:03 |
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sil2100 | om26er: hi! | 11:13 |
sil2100 | om26er: I just tested 161 on mako as per the spreadsheet, and it's green | 11:14 |
om26er | sil2100, ok, I am downloading it for maguro, right now | 11:14 |
Rixky | My galaxy nexus got blacksreen after google logo | 11:14 |
Rixky | what is the steps actually for installing ubuntu touch? | 11:15 |
Rixky | I am using the steps from the Ubuntu page | 11:15 |
ogra_ | see the channel topic, there is a link to the install docs | 11:16 |
Rixky | and the black screen takes a long time until I plugged out my battery | 11:16 |
sil2100 | om26er: thanks! psivaa did some tests already I think? | 11:16 |
psivaa | yea, i am about to finish that tests that do not require sim. | 11:17 |
psivaa | since i dont have the sim that will be the end of my testing | 11:17 |
* ogra_ will do all sim related bits then ... | 11:18 | |
ogra_ | but my phone was dead, flashing takes a while | 11:18 |
ogra_ | (slow internet here) | 11:18 |
skywalk004 | hello | 11:29 |
skywalk004 | ya du monde ici ? | 11:30 |
skywalk004 | someone to answer to a question ? | 11:34 |
ogra_ | !ask | 11:34 |
ubot5 | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 11:34 |
M4dH4TT3r | can i ask a question? (had to) | 11:35 |
M4dH4TT3r | :p | 11:35 |
skywalk004 | Some body know the terminals that will be supported in a soon futur ? | 11:35 |
skywalk004 | !patience :D | 11:36 |
ogra_ | what do you mean by terminals ? terminal apps ? access via USB or ssh ? | 11:37 |
skywalk004 | Sorry english is not my native langage, I mean what phones will be supported | 11:38 |
skywalk004 | nexus 4 is a bit old ^^ | 11:38 |
M4dH4TT3r | cdma mips | 11:39 |
ogra_ | only nexus devices ... and with the switch to the android 4.4 base we will support: nexus4, nexus7 (2013 version) and probably the nexus10 (not decided yet) | 11:39 |
M4dH4TT3r | -_- | 11:40 |
ogra_ | there is some effore for a community port to nexus5 but it wont be supported | 11:40 |
skywalk004 | damm the 5 would be awesome | 11:40 |
ogra_ | for other community ports see: | 11:40 |
ogra_ | !devices | 11:40 |
ubot5 | You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at | 11:40 |
ogra_ | (you will have to sak the port maintainers how well their ports work ... they should be linked on the wikipages) | 11:41 |
skywalk004 | nice, ty ogra_ | 11:42 |
skywalk004 | I don't want anything from google now, the problem the number of devices are not huge. | 11:43 |
skywalk004 | what about the market ? | 11:43 |
M4dH4TT3r | -_- | 11:43 |
ogra_ | there will surely be devices with ubuntu touch preinstalled this year | 11:43 |
ogra_ | but they will also likely be limited to only a few vendors and telcos | 11:44 |
M4dH4TT3r | no lg prestige an510, htc desire cdma, cruz velocity t301 -_- | 11:44 |
skywalk004 | if supported => easy flash | 11:44 |
Tm_T | M4dH4TT3r: please stop repeating about mips, it's becoming tedious | 11:44 |
skywalk004 | galaxy s5 :love: | 11:45 |
M4dH4TT3r | try waiting its more tedious... | 11:45 |
skywalk004 | yeah, but my galaxy s2 is sloooooooow, I wont wait enough. | 11:46 |
skywalk004 | fucking 1Go of RAM | 11:46 |
M4dH4TT3r | lao | 11:46 |
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M4dH4TT3r | lmao | 11:47 |
M4dH4TT3r | just finished installing an os on a laptop with 32MB of rramm | 11:47 |
skywalk004 | and android ... | 11:47 |
skywalk004 | my first computer had 8Mo | 11:48 |
skywalk004 | MB | 11:48 |
M4dH4TT3r | mine had 4 and a 286sx | 11:48 |
skywalk004 | 512ko of graphic memory, insane when it gets out ... | 11:48 |
skywalk004 | I have 4go now :D | 11:48 |
M4dH4TT3r | but this pent 1 seems to run openbsd well | 11:49 |
M4dH4TT3r | laterz | 11:49 |
skywalk004 | Thinking to do a cloud of small shits with ubuntu cloud | 11:50 |
skywalk004 | Is that hard ? | 11:50 |
M4dH4TT3r | might be good | 11:50 |
M4dH4TT3r | i go deb cause more of my devs are supported | 11:51 |
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M4dH4TT3r | then do private cloud | 11:51 |
skywalk004 | deb have a cloud edition ? | 11:52 |
skywalk004 | cluster i mean | 11:52 |
M4dH4TT3r | | 11:53 |
ogra_ | skywalk004, try the #ubuntu-server channel | 11:53 |
skywalk004 | yeah sorry thank you | 11:53 |
skywalk004 | thanks M4dH4TT3r | 11:54 |
skywalk004 | about ubuntu touch, there is a kind of option, to force only open source package ? | 11:56 |
M4dH4TT3r | np skywalk004 | 11:58 |
skywalk004 | damm | 11:59 |
ogra_ | heh, no | 12:00 |
ogra_ | that wouldnt work | 12:00 |
ogra_ | you wouldnt have a modem, no graphics, no sensors ... | 12:00 |
skywalk004 | how can we be sure we dont have rooted applications or anything else spying your data ? | 12:00 |
FuLgOrE | rsalveti: is your image with the wifi fix working? I would like to try it. | 12:01 |
ogra_ | skywalk004, applications work in their own restricted little world ... | 12:09 |
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om26er | sil2100, ping | 12:47 |
skywalk004 | ogra_ > back, thanks, but on android most applications ask for almost all rights, how it's on ubuntu touch ? | 12:47 |
om26er | sil2100, on your testing did you note that bringing your hand near the proximity sensor turns off the screen, even when you are not in a call | 12:47 |
skywalk004 | and there is a emulation of devices for testing the operating system ? | 12:48 |
ogra_ | skywalk004, | 12:48 |
ogra_ | there is an emulator, but it is extremely slow | 12:48 |
ogra_ | | 12:48 |
skywalk004 | thanks | 12:48 |
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nocomp | ola | 13:17 |
nocomp | do you guys know if finally at mwc ll be announced some decent phones with touch preinstalled? | 13:23 |
nocomp | any clues on that? | 13:23 |
ogra_ | just wait 20 days any you will know ;) | 13:24 |
nocomp | lol | 13:24 |
nocomp | any idea why n5 is not part of the official devices? | 13:25 |
ogra_ | because we dont have them in the company | 13:27 |
ogra_ | and because the focus until ubuntu touch is usable will be on one device per formfactor | 13:27 |
nocomp | oki | 13:27 |
ogra_ | there will likely be unofficial images for it though | 13:27 |
nocomp | ok | 13:28 |
ogra_ | since you can get them built for free out of the new android codebase | 13:28 |
nocomp | i dlike to run ut on my mobile | 13:28 |
nocomp | but not having an outdated phone jsut for the sake of running ut | 13:28 |
ogra_ | N4 isnt that outdated :) | 13:28 |
nocomp | i try desperatly to run it on gs3 | 13:28 |
nocomp | compared to a htc one it is ;) | 13:28 |
nocomp | and now with have lte here | 13:29 |
ogra_ | you can call it a glass brick ... and unsuitable as a phone in its fragilty ... but i dont think you can call it outdated yet :) | 13:29 |
nocomp | #justteasing ;) | 13:29 |
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ogra_ | htc one and N4 have nearly the same specs | 13:29 |
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Tassadar | Can I somehow make unity8 to output some logs? It crashes for me, and I can't find anything which would help me figure out why | 13:45 |
Tassadar | it doesn't have -dbg packages, so apport won't help me | 13:46 |
dholbach | didrocks, ogra_: can we land today? | 13:46 |
Tassadar | in early ubuntu-touch builds, there was .ubuntu-touch-session/logs in /home, but it's not there anymore | 13:47 |
didrocks | dholbach: I think robru and cyphermox_ are working on this | 13:47 |
didrocks | but that's not the right fix | 13:47 |
didrocks | as some packages were renamed | 13:47 |
ogra_ | Tassadar, /home/phablet/.cache/upstart/ | 13:47 |
didrocks | see my email on the ubuntu touch ML | 13:47 |
Tassadar | yeah, just found it -.- | 13:47 |
Tassadar | thanks) | 13:47 |
Tassadar | wouldn't have looked into .cache for logs, that's for sure | 13:48 |
dholbach | didrocks, I think it's unrelated to the renames | 13:48 |
dholbach | didrocks, one package moved from depends to recommends | 13:48 |
didrocks | dholbach: yeah, but we need to land the seed at the same time | 13:49 |
didrocks | we need to stack landings | 13:49 |
beidl | Hey guys! I'm wondering what happened to the decision regarding dropping support for maguro. I'm seeing new images on system-image.u.c. | 13:49 |
didrocks | we have 300 components landing through us | 13:49 |
didrocks | I let you imagine the number of requests | 13:49 |
ogra_ | whats the reason to ship programming examples on the phone ? | 13:49 |
dholbach | ogra_, it's moving to recommends | 13:49 |
dholbach | ogra_, so it won't be on the phone | 13:49 |
ogra_ | oh, ok | 13:49 |
ogra_ | yeah, sorry, we had that conversation | 13:50 |
dholbach | ogra_, +1? :) | 13:50 |
* ogra_ forgot | 13:50 | |
ogra_ | beidl, as soon as we switch to an android 4.4 base we'll stop building them | 13:50 |
ogra_ | wont be long anymore | 13:50 |
beidl | I thought so. Sadly. But thanks! | 13:51 |
cyphermox_ | dholbach: thanks, I'll apply this yeah :) | 13:51 |
cyphermox_ | dholbach: there is another change I need to do for ubuntu-html5 so we should try to make it one upload only | 13:52 |
dholbach | cyphermox_, ok, so I land it in the branch - it'll require a -meta upload anyway, right? | 13:52 |
Laney | why keep it as a recommends at all? | 13:52 |
dholbach | Laney, for ubuntu-sdk users on the desktop/laptop I think | 13:53 |
cyphermox_ | dholbach: yeah | 13:53 |
cyphermox_ | Laney: +1... | 13:53 |
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Laney | Doesn't seem like this is the right place for examples to be pulled in, but oh well :-) | 13:54 |
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cyphermox_ | Laney: at least not if you want to keep the image size to a minimum... | 13:58 |
ogra_ | cyphermox_, no recommends on touch ... that seed change will only affect desktop | 14:00 |
cyphermox_ | ogra_: same idea applies | 14:01 |
ogra_ | (so it will actually free up space on the touch image to make it a recommends) | 14:01 |
cyphermox_ | yes, that's what I meant | 14:01 |
ogra_ | ah | 14:01 |
* ogra_ read it the other way round, sorry :) | 14:01 | |
cyphermox_ | np ;) | 14:02 |
Laney | ogra_: I'm talking about the principle that this seed shouldn't be used to pull examples | 14:07 |
ogra_ | well, yeah, it might make sense to push it to sdk-libs-dev instead | 14:09 |
popey | mterry_: (process:5206): libecal-CRITICAL **: time_days_in_month: assertion 'year >= 1900' failed | 14:13 |
popey | oops | 14:13 |
popey | mhall119: ^^ | 14:13 |
mterry_ | phew :) | 14:14 |
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Tassadar | ogra_: I take it the build tools for ubuntu touch images are friendly enough that I could make a ZIP file with rootfs and the rsalveti's ppas withouth too much of a hassle, right? | 14:14 |
ogra_ | apt-get install qemu-user-static zip bzr | 14:14 |
ogra_ | bzr branch lp:project-rootstock-ng | 14:15 |
ogra_ | cd project-rootstock-ng | 14:15 |
ogra_ | ./rootstock-touch -p ppa:rsalveti/ppa | 14:15 |
ogra_ | (wait 2h or more) | 14:15 |
ogra_ | grab the zip from the out-* dir | 14:15 |
mhall119 | nik90: is there a way for me to easily delete the clock's Alarms data? | 14:16 |
nik90 | mhall119: not that I know of since the database is handled by EDS directly | 14:17 |
Tassadar | ogra_: thanks. How much disk space does it need? I suppose it doesn't build anything, just downloads the packages, right? | 14:17 |
ogra_ | Tassadar, right, but it unpacks all the packages ... 5-6G should work | 14:18 |
mhall119 | nik90: just filed a bug, my clock app keeps freezing after load | 14:18 |
popey | nik90: that errr i pasted above was spinning in clock | 14:18 |
mhall119 | | 14:18 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1276167 in Ubuntu Clock App "Clock freezes seconds after load" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 14:18 |
Tassadar | hmm, I'll make ubuntu chroot in here for that, it would take a bit too long in virtualbox) | 14:19 |
mhall119 | nik90: I suspect it has something to do with my old saves Alarms, or possibly something from my calendar because I've used syncevolution to pull in my google calendar events | 14:19 |
Laney | ogra_: I'm going to move it there | 14:19 |
ogra_ | Laney, ++ | 14:19 |
* Laney DTRT™ | 14:19 | |
nik90 | mhall119: hmm there were 2 commits to EDS related to alarms and calendar | 14:20 |
nik90 | mhall119: could one of them be the issue? I dont see the error or freeze on my end | 14:21 |
nik90 | mhall119: I have about 4 alarms saved both single and recurring ones | 14:21 |
nik90 | renato: do you recognise the error message at | 14:22 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1276167 in Ubuntu Clock App "Clock freezes seconds after load" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 14:22 |
mhall119 | nik90: could be in EDS, feel free to add it to the bug | 14:22 |
mhall119 | I just updated to r161 | 14:23 |
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nik90 | mhall119: rev 161? | 14:29 |
mhall119 | ~ | 14:29 |
nik90 | mhall119: the EDS is at | 14:29 |
nik90 | mhall119: also can you try reproducing the bug on the desktop since clock app has not been updated on phone yet | 14:30 |
nik90 | and is behind by several revs | 14:30 |
mhall119 | nik90: can I run it with qmlscene from the branch? | 14:31 |
mhall119 | or does it need to be installed as a click | 14:31 |
nik90 | mhall119: you can run using qmlscene | 14:31 |
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mhall119 | nik90: it doesn't freeze, but I had no alarms saves on desktop, and I can't save any now | 14:34 |
nik90 | mhall119: can you tell me which version of EDS you are running -> apt-cache policy qtorganizer5-eds | 14:37 |
nik90 | mhall119: it was a EDS bug that got fixed only in rev 29. But the update hasn't landed yet in 13.10. It landed in 14.04 | 14:37 |
nik90 | mhall119: only with that the alarms will save reliably. Popey and I had this issue before | 14:38 |
mhall119 | [CLOCK] Alarm Database loaded^M | 14:39 |
mhall119 | [CLOCK] AlarmPage loaded^M | 14:39 |
mhall119 | [CLOCK] No Alarms Present^M | 14:39 |
mhall119 | from my device | 14:39 |
mhall119 | so many there weren't saves alarms | 14:39 |
mhall119 | qtorganizer5-eds: Installed: 0.1.1+14.04.20140131-0ubuntu1 | 14:40 |
mhall119 | on my phone | 14:40 |
mhall119 | qtorganizer5-eds: Installed: 0.1.1+13.10.20131011-0ubuntu1 | 14:40 |
mhall119 | qtorganizer5-eds: Installed: 0.1.1+13.10.20131011-0ubuntu1 | 14:40 |
mhall119 | on my desktop | 14:40 |
mhall119 | ok, so that explains the not saving on my desktop | 14:41 |
mhall119 | but still there's something wrong on my phone | 14:41 |
nik90 | mhall119: I tested the latest EDS package on the phone as requested by renato. The alarms saved fine and also I did not experience any crashes. | 14:41 |
nik90 | mhall119: I have a feeling that the calendar database is somehow interacting with the clock app alarms causing the issue you have | 14:42 |
nik90 | mhall119: was popey able to reproduce it? | 14:42 |
* popey is having other issues | 14:43 | |
cwayne_ | bfiller, is there any eta for gallery-as-a-click? | 14:44 |
nik90 | popey: I hope not with the clock app | 14:44 |
popey | no | 14:44 |
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mhall119 | nik90: it was the old alarms | 14:55 |
mhall119 | I used syncevolution to clear out items in the Alarms database in EDS, and now clock doesn't freeze or spit out that error | 14:55 |
mhall119 | it's very slow though, seems to wait on EDS a lot | 14:56 |
mhall119 | saving an alarm, for example, jut took like 15 seconds to save it, during which the app was frozen | 14:57 |
mhall119 | nik90: feel free to 'wontfix' this bug if you think it's not worth making code changes for old, unsupported alarms data | 14:58 |
nik90 | mhall119: ah okay | 15:00 |
nik90 | mhall119: I recently saved a few alarms using the new EDS, it takes about 1-2 seconds to do the saving. It is not instant, but 1-2 seconds seems fine to me | 15:00 |
nik90 | mhall119: and this was testing on the phone. | 15:00 |
nik90 | mhall119: it could be that when there are several calendar events like in real life, EDS could take longer to process but I have no data to support that. | 15:01 |
dobey | mhall119: is that at the embassy downtown? or are you all way out by disney again? | 15:06 |
mhall119 | dobey: by disney again | 15:09 |
mhall119 | just down the road from the UDS hotel | 15:09 |
dobey | ah | 15:10 |
mhall119 | bzoltan: find /home/mhall/ -name *img | 15:20 |
mhall119 | bzoltan: | 15:25 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1276205 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu "Emulator lookup is very slow" [Undecided,New] | 15:25 |
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mhr3_ | fginther, hey, i have a mp from a non-canonical contributor, is there a way i can get ci to run tests on his branch without top-approving it? | 15:34 |
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fginther | mhr3_, we prefer not to as it abuses the process that's already in place | 15:38 |
mhr3_ | fginther, and here i thought that part of the process is that the reviewer has also test results available when doing review | 15:42 |
fginther | mhr3_, the problem is that to many reviews have the approach of "I'll approve this as soon as I see the tests pass." This is the wrong approach because if the MP is approved and the test pass all is well and the exact same outcome occurs. If the test fail, then the MP is blocked and there are test results available for review. | 15:44 |
fginther | mhr3_, If something else is needed, like the binaries CI produces, than i don't mind manually triggering the tests | 15:46 |
mhr3_ | fginther, so what you're saying ultimately is that the reviewer is responsible to get the branch and run the tests on his machine, which already means that 66% of the tests don't run, and reviewer wasted bunch of time anyway | 15:48 |
fginther | mhr3_, not quite. The common case in the past has been that a reviewer has lower approved an MP, but does not want to top approve without seeing the tests pass. This is the case where there is no need to manually run the tests (the reviewer already has approved them). If on the hand, you have a complex review and don't want to even start looking at it without tests, than that is a different use case | 15:52 |
asac | rsalveti: there? | 15:52 |
fginther | mhr3_, I just need to reset expectations on this and make sure we do this for the right use cases. | 15:53 |
mhr3_ | fginther, i still don't get what the "right" use case is though | 15:54 |
cwayne_ | does phablet-screenshot not work on manta? | 15:54 |
rsalveti | asac: yup | 16:05 |
rsalveti | :-) | 16:05 |
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ybon | Anyone running UT on PengPod 1000 by chance? | 16:11 |
FuLgOrE | ah rsalveti, you are online now :) | 16:13 |
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rsalveti | FuLgOrE: yup, but don't have any update for you yet, still debugging the issue | 16:14 |
FuLgOrE | How is your N5 wifi fix? | 16:14 |
FuLgOrE | ah I see | 16:14 |
rsalveti | also debugging the slow boot | 16:14 |
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FuLgOrE | for the slow boot I got some information which kernel parameter should be changed. do you need these information? | 16:15 |
FuLgOrE | rsalveti: If you release a new zip, will you write an email with the link? I'll go to bed soon and would like to flash a new image as soon as it is released :D | 16:17 |
rsalveti | FuLgOrE: sure | 16:19 |
FuLgOrE | cool thx | 16:19 |
FuLgOrE | rsalveti: Tassadar gave me the information how to fix the long booting time: [22:05] <Tassadar> FuLgOrE: if you know how to change kernel command line in boot.img, you can also speed up the boot - replace "console=ttyHS0something" with "console=tty0" | 16:21 |
rsalveti | right, just not sure yet what is causing that | 16:21 |
Tassadar | I'm waiting for gerrit, so that I can submit it | 16:21 |
rsalveti | might be a kernel config | 16:21 |
rsalveti | I'm just pushing the repos for review as we speak | 16:22 |
Tassadar | rsalveti: it does the same thing on android - when something writes stdout in init, it goes to /dev/console, which goes to the serial console driver, which blocks for 30s if nothing is connected to UART on the device | 16:22 |
rsalveti | right | 16:23 |
FuLgOrE | sounds good. I also hope the sound issue can be fixed soon. :) | 16:23 |
Tassadar | don't even ask how long it took for me to figure this out -.- | 16:23 |
FuLgOrE | good luck to all of you! | 16:23 |
cwayne_ | stgraber, ping | 16:24 |
stgraber | cwayne_: pong | 16:24 |
cwayne_ | stgraber, hey, is there any way to flash the custom tarball without it being signed, without having to fastboot flash a hacked recovery? | 16:25 |
cwayne_ | like some sort of developer mode or something | 16:25 |
FuLgOrE | see you, guys. bye | 16:25 |
cwayne_ | asking for when people try out the customization stuff themselves, and want to try it on a phone locally | 16:25 |
stgraber | cwayne_: well, you could remount your device read-write, then just unpack the custom tarball on top of / | 16:25 |
stgraber | cwayne_: if a full tarball, first wipe /custom and then unpack the tarball | 16:26 |
cwayne_ | but there's no official mechanism planned? like a dev-mode or anything? | 16:26 |
stgraber | cwayne_: no | 16:35 |
cwayne_ | stgraber, hm, ok thanks | 16:35 |
dpm | hi thostr_, so I shared the alarms notification screenshot with nik90 (who was quite happy with it :) - regarding the notification sound, he was mentioning: " the alarms API by default uses the default ringtone unless I (user) specifies it" | 16:36 |
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nik90 | dpm: oh btw, what happens when you click the show button in that notification? Does it open the alarms page? | 16:45 |
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mterry | elopio, does your new click app install AP test use U1 credentials that are already in place? I thought we wanted to test needing to open the system settings dialog | 18:23 |
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kaimast | hi, is there a way to have custom page titles? i would like to have either an icon besides the name or a subtitle | 18:49 |
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cwayne_ | anyone tried phablet-screenshot on a manta? | 19:10 |
cwayne_ | mhall119, ^ | 19:10 |
cwayne_ | where do i log bugs against sidestage? unity8? | 19:20 |
kaimast | ping: is there a way to have custom page titles? i would like to have either an icon besides the name or a subtitle | 19:21 |
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Bray90820 | If you don't care about a camera or bluetooth would you say ubuntu touch is good enough to be used as a daily driver on the 2012 nexus 7 | 19:38 |
kaimast | Bray90820: if you don't rely on email or jabber you should be fine. | 19:44 |
Bray90820 | Why email | 19:44 |
cwayne_ | email's fine in the webapp | 19:44 |
Bray90820 | You mean gmail? | 19:44 |
ogra_ | fsvo fine :P | 19:44 |
kaimast | (only got a gnexus but I suppose performance should be fine) | 19:44 |
kaimast | what webapp cwayne_ ? | 19:45 |
cwayne_ | kaimast, gmail, or any other web-based email should be fine | 19:45 |
ogra_ | there is only gmail (as app) ... | 19:45 |
kaimast | oh i self host my mails and don't have a webapp... also i rely on mail notifications | 19:45 |
ogra_ | though making a webapp for your preferred webmail is a matter of 10min | 19:45 |
kaimast | yeah maybe i should setup a webapp on my webspace. but still i wouldn't have any notifications | 19:46 |
ogra_ | kaimast, i wish there was a properly working libimap :) | 19:46 |
* ogra_ would waste his weekends to writa a proper imap client | 19:46 | |
kaimast | well mail isn't even that important to me. but no im client is really a bummer | 19:47 |
kaimast | sadly i cannot find any time to work on xmpp-support :( | 19:47 |
ogra_ | just write a plugin for firends | 19:47 |
ogra_ | *friends | 19:47 |
kaimast | well friends is for microblogging not for im | 19:47 |
kaimast | i would expect the messaging-app to have xmpp support as it already uses telepathy | 19:48 |
kaimast | anyways there is still so much TODOs for friends that i cannot work on anything else | 19:48 |
kaimast | is there an unoffical channel for the gnexus now that support has ended? or some kind of community support? | 19:53 |
ogra_ | i think here is best | 19:53 |
ogra_ | ask on the mailing list if someone founded something like that | 19:53 |
kaimast | or is there maybe a way to build images yourself? | 19:54 |
ogra_ | working on it :) | 19:54 |
kaimast | okay cool | 19:55 |
kaimast | the gnexus is still a really powerful device, don't really want to waste money on a new phone | 19:55 |
ogra_ | well, did you use ubuntu touch ever on an N4 ? | 19:55 |
ogra_ | it is like night and day | 19:56 |
kaimast | i had to disable mir on the gnexus and now it is really smooth | 19:56 |
* ogra_ has both ... but i would never use the gnex for daily use (which i do with the N4) | 19:56 | |
Tassadar | ogra_: by the way, when I tried to build that rootfs ZIP in trusty chroot (under debian), it failed after some time with this message | 19:56 |
Tassadar | I don't need to build it anymore, just thought maybe you're insterested in results of that script | 19:56 |
kaimast | ah you commented on that bug :D | 19:57 |
kaimast | so i guess you know of the mir problems | 19:57 |
sphinxuser | hello everyone, and I have a question: Is Nexus 7 2013 images being built on daily basis or is there any instructions on how to build one? | 19:57 |
kaimast | well i think it runs really smooth. apps need some time to startup but i can live with that | 19:57 |
ogra_ | Tassadar, hmm, smells like you ended up with debian archive | 19:57 |
sphinxuser | and, BTW, Ubuntu Tocuh wiki says is doesn't support Nexus 2013 devices yet | 19:57 |
ogra_ | Tassadar, thanks, i'll make sure that only ubuntu releases are allowed | 19:57 |
mhall119 | cwayne_: I don't have a manta, so I don't know | 19:58 |
Tassadar | ogra_: qemu also shows this every now and then: "qemu: Unsupported syscall: 374" | 19:58 |
ogra_ | sphinxuser, we are about to switch to an android 4.4 driver base, with that the old N7 will become unsupported and the 2013 version will become the default for the 7" form factor | 19:58 |
ogra_ | Tassadar, yeah, ignore that ... :) | 19:58 |
Tassadar | thought so) | 19:59 |
ogra_ | syscalls.h says "old kernel" for 374 | 19:59 |
ogra_ | (wether it checks for an old kernel or just is from an old kernel implementation isnt really clear to me, but both should be ignorable) | 19:59 |
sphinxuser | ogra_, so N7 2013 is not _yet_ supported? I've found an image on xda with Trusty Tahr for it | 20:01 |
ogra_ | sphinxuser, we have some experimental images ... one sec | 20:01 |
ogra_ | sphinxuser, read that thread | 20:03 |
ogra_ | with luck we can switch next week, then the new N7 will be a supported target and be installable with the supported tools | 20:03 |
Tassadar | are you thinking of making maybe weekly builds to system-image system for N5? it works pretty well, even though you don't target it specifically | 20:06 |
sphinxuser | ogra_, thanks, I'll monitor that one then | 20:06 |
ogra_ | sphinxuser, follow that one, but ignore point 5-11 and just use, that has all the changes included | 20:06 |
ogra_ | Tassadar, no, but rootstock will support it ... and i expect us to ship the android bits inside the android package actually | 20:06 |
elopio | mterry: it doesn't. We should have a test for all the user story, but that shouldn't be a part of the click scope project. | 20:07 |
elopio | maybe a part of ubuntu-test-cases. | 20:07 |
mterry | elopio, sorry, to be clear (because my original question was poorly worded), the current test doesn't open system-settings and make a new user and all that jazz? | 20:08 |
elopio | mterry: it talks directly to gi.repository.Accounts, and fakes the SSO server so we don't need a real user. | 20:09 |
elopio | next steps are to set up a job daily or something like that that uses the staging server. | 20:10 |
mterry | elopio, hrm. The creation of a new user in the system-settings window was the bit that was failing with nested mode | 20:10 |
elopio | mterry: we have tests for the u1 credentials UI | 20:11 |
mterry | elopio, but we could add a new test that was more targeted for that kind of failure without actually going through the new user process... | 20:11 |
elopio | so what we are missing is a test that integrates everything. | 20:11 |
mterry | elopio, yeah, this was a weird failure situation though. It specifically required the system-settings to be launched via dbus (not upstart) and then try to swipe it away | 20:11 |
elopio | mterry: but for that case, we don't really need the click scope, right? | 20:13 |
elopio | we can launch system settings via dbus from a python script. | 20:13 |
mterry | elopio, no we don't, I think the idea was just that it might be nice to test that flow anyway. We can hack something up that does it more directly | 20:13 |
elopio | mterry: I think we need everything. | 20:13 |
mterry | elopio, what do you mean? | 20:14 |
elopio | I mean, this tests for the scope are required. And while writing them, now we have the helpers needed to test the user story that involves the system settings UI. | 20:14 |
kaimast | m( when i try to update cyanogenmod it reboots into ubuntu | 20:15 |
elopio | mterry: now I don't know what's more important to do next, write this high level test for the user story, or write the one for system settings launched from dbus? | 20:16 |
mterry | elopio, um, short term I'm super interested in just getting something that tests the dbus launched app's integration with Mir. It's blocking the nested mode landing | 20:16 |
sphinxuser | updates doesn't seem to be working on N7 2013 (Settings -> Updates) | 20:17 |
mterry | elopio, I don't know how much more work that would be vs the high level test. I'm assuming it would be faster? | 20:17 |
elopio | mterry: yes, probably. I can do it, I'll just need somebody to explain to me how to launch an app through dbus. | 20:17 |
elopio | do you have time tomorrow to work on it with me? | 20:18 |
mterry | elopio, I'm not sure what's happening in the code there, but yes, I can make time to help for sure | 20:18 |
kaimast | anybody else having problems iwth updateing android when dual booting? | 20:18 |
mterry | elopio, this stuff is priority #1 for me :) | 20:18 |
elopio | mterry: ok, I'll ping you first thing tomorrow. | 20:19 |
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gnuts | hello a quick question, sorry if it has been answered. I've been googling and found out that touch will not be supported on the gen one nexus 7 any more, that only the 2013(flo) will be supported. the touch install page says that the 2013 is not supportedwhich is true?. | 20:39 |
dholbach | hey hey ralsina_, is 1237992 on your (or somebody's) radar right now? | 21:07 |
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trump | Is it possible to install Touch on Galaxy Note 10.1 2014? | 21:23 |
charles | ChickenCutlass: ping | 21:24 |
kaimast | is there a way to just use apt-get on ubuntu touch? | 21:27 |
cwayne_ | adb shell; mount -o rw,remount /; apt-get update; apt-get install foo | 21:28 |
cwayne_ | kaimast, ^ | 21:28 |
cwayne_ | not recommended though | 21:28 |
cwayne_ | can break OTA updates etc | 21:28 |
kaimast | they are broken for me anywas | 21:29 |
kaimast | i always get some signature error | 21:29 |
kaimast | guess it is ubuntus way of telling me that the gnexus isn't supported anymore | 21:30 |
cwayne_ | it still is for now AFAIK | 21:31 |
kaimast | mmmh no idea what is going on then | 21:32 |
ChickenCutlass | charles: pong | 21:36 |
trump | Do Ubuntu Touch use the kernel which is on the device or use its own kernel? | 21:37 |
harris | who pinged me | 21:47 |
harris | hi is the nexus 7 2013 getting 14.04 | 21:49 |
cwayne_ | harris, yes | 21:49 |
harris | is there a wiki link | 21:50 |
harris | cwayne_, | 21:52 |
gnuts | Hello everyone,nexus 7 youplease point me to an image for the (2013)? | 22:17 |
gnuts | Sorry, that was supposed to read: Hello everyone, could someone please point me to an image for the nexus 7 (2013)? | 22:18 |
harris | yea i have nexus 7 2013 looking fo too | 22:19 |
ajalkane_ | howto ssh into ubuntu touch emulator? | 22:34 |
popey | ajalkane_: adb shell sudo -u phablet start ssh | 22:35 |
popey | we dont ship with ssh enabled by default I believe | 22:35 |
popey | might be able to adb shell start ssh | 22:35 |
harris | popey, what does the ubuntu touch emulater do | 22:36 |
ajalkane_ | popey: I'm getting "error: device not found". I'm pretty sure I got this working with "adb forward ..." instruction from earlier | 22:36 |
ajalkane_ | But now I'm just getting error | 22:37 |
popey | shouldn't need adb forward | 22:37 |
popey | well, you can do it that way | 22:37 |
popey | harris: emulates a phone basically | 22:37 |
harris | is it an app and do you need root | 22:37 |
popey | it's a package you install | 22:38 |
harris | on phone on desktop? | 22:38 |
popey | desktop/laptop | 22:38 |
harris | and it turns laptop into phone cool how do i try | 22:38 |
popey | no | 22:38 |
popey | it emulates a phone in a window | 22:38 |
ajalkane_ | I'm just getting error: device not found, no matter if I run the command on phablet or desktop | 22:38 |
kaimast | uuh haptic feedback :) | 22:39 |
harris | ok how do i try | 22:39 |
popey | there's a package called ubuntu-emulator in trusty | 22:39 |
popey | ajalkane_: i think that guide may be outdated. .. let me see | 22:39 |
popey | ajalkane_: does adb shell work? | 22:40 |
harris | i have a nexus 7 2013 will it get fully stable ubuntu touch 14.04 | 22:40 |
harris | error: device not found | 22:40 |
ajalkane_ | popey: I'm logged into phablet@ubuntu-phablet, I assume that's the adb shell | 22:40 |
popey | ajalkane_: cool | 22:41 |
popey | ajalkane_: inside there, just do "start ssh" - what happens? | 22:41 |
ajalkane_ | popey: "unknown job: ssh" | 22:41 |
popey | ajalkane_: oh, "start sshd"? | 22:41 |
ajalkane_ | Same result | 22:41 |
popey | charles: I have an oddity on my desktop. I am seeing click info com.ubuntu.clock (amongst a lot of other stuff) running as lightdm.. | 22:41 |
harris | i ran adb shell sudo -u phablet start ssh | 22:42 |
harris | i got a device not found error | 22:42 |
cwayne_ | plars, any idea whats going on with the tests? lots of failures | 22:43 |
charles | popey: indicator-datetime was running click to get the manifest info of com.ubuntu.clock to get its icon name; that's been fixed in the alarms branch that's pending | 22:43 |
popey | charles: ok | 22:43 |
charles | so that's a side-effect of indicator-datetime being on that list | 22:43 |
ajalkane_ | I did in phablet apt-get install ssh, but still star ssh[d] fails | 22:44 |
ajalkane_ | * start | 22:44 |
popey | hmm | 22:44 |
popey | sorry, i don't know, not used the emulator much yet. will have a play | 22:44 |
plars | cwayne: yes, known problem | 22:45 |
plars | cwayne: it should be all system-settle stuff for the most part | 22:45 |
plars | cwayne: see ubuntu-ci-eng for the discussion on it | 22:46 |
ajalkane_ | in anyway, I'd imagine some forwarding needs to be done, otherwise how could I connect in the same host to the emulator. But the damn device not found bugs me | 22:46 |
popey | charles: running click repeatedly is eating my battery ☹ | 22:46 |
* popey sudo killall -u lightdm | 22:47 | |
harris | i got a device not found error | 22:49 |
kaimast | irgs: unable to make backup link of `./lib/udev/rules.d/70-android.rules' before installing new version: Invalid cross-device link | 22:51 |
kaimast | think this broke something :D | 22:51 |
popey | ajalkane_: phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ sudo service ssh start | 22:54 |
popey | ssh start/running, process 1315 | 22:54 |
ajalkane_ | popey: that worked. But still, how can I after that ssh into the emulator from desktop? | 22:56 |
popey | ajalkane_: the adb forward should work | 22:56 |
ajalkane_ | popey: I'm still getting "error: device not found" | 22:57 |
popey | i think this is a question for xnox ajalkane_ ☹ | 22:57 |
xnox | ajalkane_: no ssh support on the emulator, use adb only. | 22:57 |
popey | ah, thanks xnox | 22:58 |
xnox | ajalkane_: and even if we enable it, it will be painfully slow as it will do text translation of raw ssh packets into faked up 3G networking over text based qemu pipe =/ | 22:58 |
ajalkane_ | xnox: basically I want to transfer a click package to the emulator. What's the correct procedure for that? | 22:59 |
xnox | kaimast: don't use apt to upgrade images, use system-image upgrade. In case of emulator, start a new one. | 22:59 |
xnox | ajalkane_: adb push /home/phablet/ | 22:59 |
xnox | ajalkane_: similarly there is adb pull command to copy files off emulator back to your machine. | 22:59 |
ajalkane_ | xnox: I'm getting "error: device not found" | 23:00 |
ajalkane_ | adb push /home/phablet/ | 23:00 |
ajalkane_ | error: device not found | 23:00 |
xnox | ajalkane_: well what does $ adb devices, say? | 23:00 |
xnox | ajalkane_: and is your emulator running?! | 23:00 |
xnox | (it should fully boot to unity8 lock screen) | 23:01 |
xnox | (and not be frozen) | 23:01 |
ajalkane_ | xnox: empty listing... but now it seems emulator is showing black screen. I'll try rebooting it. | 23:01 |
harris | xnox, what about here | 23:06 |
xnox | harris: read my messages above, do not use nor rely on ssh. Just use adb, it's more reliable. | 23:06 |
harris | adb devices showed a blank list | 23:07 |
xnox | harris: and also follow steps on | 23:07 |
xnox | harris: well, then you don't have any device connected nor any emulator running on the machine where you are running adb devices. | 23:07 |
harris | harrisrubin@harrisrubin-HP-Pavilion-dv6000-RP296UA-ABA:~$ | 23:08 |
harris | how do i start the emulator | 23:09 |
harris | xnox, ^^^ | 23:11 |
xnox | harris | 23:12 |
harris | what section | 23:13 |
=== Guest34019 is now known as Zic | ||
barry | thomi: hi! getting back to py3 ap now. any thoughts on ? | 23:41 |
thomi | hi barry, I've been sick with the flu for a while, so I may be a little slow today :) | 23:43 |
thomi | barry: how does this block your AP branch? | 23:43 |
thomi | oh, because the tests don't pass without window-mocker in py3 land | 23:43 |
barry | thomi: bummer! hope you're feeling better. ... yep | 23:43 |
thomi | barry: cgoldberg's branch makes windowmocker py3 *and* Qt5, which we need anyway, so can we not merge his branch? | 23:44 |
barry | thomi: yeah, mine does the same. iiuc, cgoldberg's branch makes py2/py3 optional and qt4/qt5 optional. i can't speak to the utility of the latter, but i definitely think it should be py3 only | 23:45 |
barry | (given that we want to eradicate py2 from touch) | 23:45 |
thomi | barry: we can't make it py2 only because unity7 uses the API, and it's py2 only. I don't see a problem with it being bilingual? | 23:45 |
thomi | ahhh | 23:45 |
thomi | hmm | 23:45 |
thomi | well, it won't get installed by default, and none of the Touch acceptance test suites will need it | 23:46 |
barry | thomi: does unity7 use window-mocker as other than an application? i.e. it exports an importable api? | 23:46 |
thomi | just autopilot itself, so perhaps we can get away with installing that one py2 library in that one case? | 23:46 |
thomi | barry: yeah, it uses the python API. | 23:46 |
thomi | IIRC, it creates a Gtk plugin that does things only the Gtk toolkit can (odd window states and soforth) | 23:47 |
barry | thomi: then i guess we do need the library to be (temporarily) bilingual. but /usr/bin/window-mocker should be py3 | 23:47 |
barry | thomi: i could only find it being used as an app, i.e. exec'ing /usr/bin/window-mocker | 23:47 |
thomi | barry: let me checkout lp:unity, and make sure my information is still up to date, one second | 23:48 |
barry | np | 23:48 |
thomi | my internet is so... slow... | 23:50 |
barry | ;} | 23:50 |
thomi | still fetching unity | 23:51 |
cwayne_ | thomi, any update on the ual stuff in ap? | 23:51 |
thomi | cwayne_: I'm actively working on it. It's... a lot more work than I expected :-/ | 23:51 |
thomi | cwayne_: it's got a few dependencies as well, but it should be there before too long | 23:52 |
cwayne_ | thomi, awesome, thanks :) | 23:52 |
thomi | sorry for the delay! | 23:52 |
barry | thomi: yeesh. lp:unity is *huge* | 23:53 |
thomi | they must be hiding something in there... | 23:54 |
thomi | yay! finished | 23:54 |
barry | thomi: yep, i got it too. okay, if i'm reading the code correctly, it's crazy :) it imports windowmocker just to see if it's available. there are definitely better ways to do that | 23:55 |
thomi | barry: in | 23:56 |
thomi | barry: hmmm, so I can't find that code any more | 23:57 |
thomi | bschaefer: do you remember writing that? It hink it was you? ^^ | 23:57 |
barry | thomi: yeah, the only *import* of windowmocker i could find was in tests/autopilot/unity/tests/, but see above | 23:57 |
thomi | bschaefer: the window-mocker Gtk backend that did funny window states for the unity7 AP test suite? | 23:57 |
bschaefer | writing which thing | 23:57 |
barry | and if all it does is exec /usr/bin/window-mocker, then it doesn't matter. imports *should* be the only thing that matters | 23:58 |
olli | do we support Raspberry Pi or other similar boards with Ubuntu Touch? | 23:58 |
bschaefer | thomi, hmm i don't remember writing the window mocker | 23:58 |
thomi | barry: agreed. I want to be sure though, let's see if bschaefer's memory is better than mine | 23:59 |
olli | ogra_, rsalveti ^? | 23:59 |
* barry nods | 23:59 | |
thomi | hmmmmm | 23:59 |
* rsalveti reads | 23:59 | |
rsalveti | olli: no, we only support devices that are >= armv7 | 23:59 |
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