
bkerensapleia2: Do you think if I had some buttons sent down to Ubuntu California you guys might like to give them out at events since FF is default browser in Ubuntu?18:44
pleia2bkerensa: I already have FF stuff from the last time you gave us some, I can't really take more, but someone else here might :)18:45
bkerensayeah if anyone is going to any events and wants some Firefox swag please let me know18:45
bkerensaalso if your interested in having a MozCoffee let me know we can pay for drinks/pastries for you to have one18:45
bkerensaphilipballew: How was fosdem?18:51
philipballewbkerensa, Pretty good. Mozilla booth was nice as always.18:51
philipballewUbuntu talk went well18:52
philipballewNow time for SCALE.18:52
bkerensaphilipballew: I will see you in a couple weeks18:52
philipballewraevol, will be there to.18:53
philipballewassuming he remembers to pick me up :)18:53
raevoli will remember18:54
bkerensaphilipballew: Well we should have some interesting stuff to show off at Scale :)18:57
philipballewbkerensa, you can come to ino with me and raevol and ema from system 76 if you want.18:57
bkerensaalso I will be there like two days early18:57
philipballewbkerensa, In N Out18:58
bkerensaoh I will pass18:58
blitzwe need some real burger joints out here18:58
bkerensaphilipballew: Paleo18:58
blitzsuper duper is the best I've had so far18:58
blitznothing touches 5 guys though18:59
bkerensaphilipballew: are you going to LFNW in April?18:59
philipballewbkerensa, No. Finals week of college18:59
bkerensaMako is going to be there18:59
philipballewbkerensa, INO is awesome18:59
bkerensarunning a Debian booth18:59
blitzINO is cheap19:00
blitzthat's its redeeming feature19:00
philipballewblitz, Animal style :)19:03
bkerensaphilipballew: how far is decent food from the Hilton?19:09
philipballewbkerensa, There is a dennys and carls within walking.19:09
philipballewfor you, I would say all else is a mile or more.19:10
philipballewI mean you can take the metro to like places19:10
philipballewor a taxi19:10
bkerensaI am taking taxi19:10
* philipballew rode the metro last night19:10
bkerensaMozilla doesn't want me taking public transit19:10
raevoldude philipballew are we going to walk to ino again19:19
raevolor drive this time, hahaha19:19
philipballewraevol, We can drive probably!19:20

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