
gamerchick02sorry about last night, everyone. i meant to be here but my irc client decided not to connect00:04
gamerchick02lol i just got the email about the meeting being canceled. i thought it was my irc program or my network. rebooted the router, rebooted the modem, rebooted my machine, and tried three different irc programs.00:32
gamerchick02(on my mac)00:32
cmaloneygamerchick02: That's OK. Freenode was a bag of disconnects.02:03
gamerchick02i noticed02:40
cmaloneyGood morning13:38
jrwrengood morning15:06
cmaloneyI look forward to a renwed Microsoft18:14
cmaloneyHonestly every time Steve Ballmer took to the stage I cringed a little.18:14
brouschcmaloney: You actually watched?18:22
cmaloneyNot directly, but seeing the pull quotes from articles were enough to institute cringing.18:26
cmaloneyIt was pretty apparent where the vision of Microsoft was in the CEO chair18:26
cmaloneyBill was a strategist and tactician18:26
cmaloneynot always accurate but devestatingly cunning18:27
cmaloneyBallmer is a sales person18:27
cmaloneyin every sense of that profession18:28
cmaloneyNot terribly strategic, not terribly cunning, but able to read markets and try to adapt to meet them18:28
cmaloneyand unfortunately for Ballmer, not particularly adept at having Microsoft not middle-manage itself to death.18:29
cmaloneyI swear media companies are really dumb: https://twitter.com/TheWOWBuzz/status/43080093087157862420:38

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