
JonathanDrmg51: morning.10:23
rmg51are the fun and games of yesterday over now?10:24
JonathanDSchool is delayed.10:24
JonathanDDon't know otherwise.10:24
JonathanDI was down the city yesterday.10:24
JonathanDThe biggest snow related issue I had was not being able to pay for my parking at the septa station.10:25
rmg51I was asking about Freenode10:25
JonathanDwell yes, that too.10:25
JonathanDIncidentally, we could use more well connected (in internet terms, that is) sponsors :P10:26
rmg51both being over is a good thing10:26
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, turkeys, hamsters and everything else12:58
lazyPowerMorning teddy o/14:56
lazyPowerand everyone else \o14:57
=== argv_turk is now known as MutantTurkey
Guest37124Hey why did I become a guest all of a sudden ?19:42
MutantTurkeyi got suckered into planning valentines day20:49
MutantTurkeyany ideas for the city?20:49
Guest37124MutantTurkey: you're doing the valentines celebration for the city ?20:52
=== Guest37124 is now known as InHisName
=== InHisName is now known as Guest91265

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