
brainwashochosi: 32px seems a bit too small for the average user, but I don't care about the actual value (32, 36 or 48)00:02
pleia2^^ worth a read, new tester00:02
pleia2(of course the thing failed, oops, but not the point!)00:03
brainwashochosi: just want to make sure, that the icon size stays the same after open the desktop settings dialog for the first time. currently the size gets changed from 36 to 3200:03
ochosibrainwash: right, but is the 36px a value that we set actively in our settings? if not, can't we simply explicitely set it to a sane value and solve the problem that way?00:04
brainwashochosi: I don't why it is set to 36, xfdesktop should actually use 32 like defined in the source code00:05
ochosimaybe it helps if we set it to 32px explicitely via xfconf00:06
ochosihave you tested that yet?00:06
brainwashvia the global config file for xfdesktop?00:07
brainwashthis works, see my MR00:08
ochosi.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-desktop.xml is what i meant00:09
ochosiso yeah00:09
ochosiwhere is your MR?00:09
brainwashbug 127205700:09
ubottubug 1272057 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Desktop icon size is not explicitly defined" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127205700:09
knomepleia2, http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/marketing_flyer_xp/flyer_xp-to-xubuntu_letter.png00:10
pleia2knome: \o/00:10
* knome tickles pleia2 00:10
pleia2knome: I'll share this img with Pierre and confirm he's good with it00:11
* pleia2 giggles00:11
ochosibrainwash: oh sorry, yeah, that one. well i'm all for just setting it to 32 and being done with it00:12
ochosibrainwash: thing is, while we can ponder about this issue for quite a while, for now, there seem to be more important things to be done00:12
ochosii'm really the last to argue against polishing in general...00:13
ochosibut an upstream patch might take a while to trickle down00:13
ochosiand we have more important stuff we need packaged/released, like the gtk3 indicators00:13
pleia2knome: once I hear back, we can upload all to spreadubuntu and I will print them, hopefully tomorrow, he's been quick about emailing00:13
brainwashthis report is not about the icon size, it's about making sure that is does not change when the user opens the dialog initially00:13
knomepleia2, sure. don't know how i'm around tomorrow (but i am)00:14
pleia2knome magic00:14
ochosibrainwash: i know. but i don't see any other bug there atm00:15
knomepleia2, ;)00:15
brainwashochosi: that's another story/bug report :D00:15
pleia2brainwash: we're calling the new openstack bug tracker storyboard :)00:16
brainwashstoryboard for testers who test and realize that it didn't work out very well00:17
knomepleia2, err, license master00:18
pleia2knome: hm?00:18
knomepleia2, i'm using open sans for the flyer. it's apache licensed.00:19
ochosiknome: and open sans is a really nice font00:20
pleia2knome: heh, let's just mention it in the comments along with the authors00:21
knomepleia2, good.00:21
knomepleia2, sending you the files00:28
knomepleia2, you should have them00:34
pleia2yup, thanks00:34
knomei accidentlly typed "time" first, then giggled00:34
pleia2shall I upload them to spreadubuntu once we get the attribution green light?00:34
knome"as if..."00:34
knomeyes, that's why i sent them to you, if you happen to be around and me not...00:35
knome(and if it requires a non-SSO login)00:35
knomei was thinking when brushing teeth...01:38
knomea simple GUI that allows users to format anything not on fstab to "linux only" (ext-something) or "all operating systems" (fat32)01:38
knomebut that would need some light libs to go with it01:39
knomewho'll write it? don't know. would it be ready for 14.04? could barely have the time to get it in, but doubt it.01:41
knomewould i be interested in including it? why not01:42
holsteinwouldnt hurt anything01:42
knomebut it would definitely need quite a lot of testing01:44
holsteini dont see it for 14.04 in any way01:44
holsteinLTS and all...01:44
knomewell it would need to land before the feature freeze01:45
knomeif it did, there was a slim chance01:45
holsteinis there not something upstream?01:45
holsteinonly gparted to format?01:45
knomewell, if nautilus has that...01:46
holsteini havent checked in a long tim01:46
knomei guess people either use nautilus to do it, or are comfortable to install a specific tool for it01:46
holsteinyeah, its just a non-issue, as i see it01:46
knomepretty much01:46
holsteinif you are savvy enough to want to format a stick, you know how to do it01:46
knomebut i can see the point01:47
holsteinlet me see if my 14.04 ubuntu boots, and i can check there..01:47
holsteinknome: nope01:54
holsteinnot in files/nautilus that i saw01:54
knomemaybe a custom action01:56
knomewell, you can add those for thunar as well01:56
knomebut you'd need the command/script to run anyway01:56
knomeok, off to bed01:59
knomesee you later01:59
pleia2it is done03:48
pleia2and ordered paper copies, should get here in 11 days or so, and then I will intarweblag about it04:08
christofferAnyone here that knows what's keeping Firefox 26 in proposed for Trusty?06:31
Unit193http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html says it's outo of date on PPC.06:34
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christofferUnit193, thanks for that link. Didn't know about it.06:39
Unit193Sure, there's some hidden useful links.06:43
elfyo/ ali1234 07:34
Unit193We planning on doing a community artwork selection each release? (AKA, how do we want to version it?)  Still no traslasierra?09:47
knomeochosi speaks as if we would09:49
Unit19314.04.0 it is.09:50
Unit193(What I've been using.)09:50
ochosiUnit193: yeah, still waiting for traslasierra and bubbles09:54
ochosii think we can theoretically do it for every release, otoh who knows whether we'll get good submissions that way09:55
ochosibut yeah, versioning it related to the release they were submitted for sounds like a good idea09:55
ochosiknome: what was the status on adding a new dev-subteam that can merge into our branches?11:28
knomeochosi, we will turn -dev into that "subteam" and remove the upload rights from that team11:29
knomeochosi, if we need to have a team with upload rights, DMB can set up one for us later, like -dev-upload11:29
ochosisounds good11:29
knomeochosi, ask micah, he's on it11:29
ochosiindividuals will still be able to upload anyway, right?11:29
knomeheh, well as their other team memberships allow them to11:30
brainwashochosi: patch for xfdekstop 4.11 works, now all icons are scaled properly11:34
brainwashthe main issue with 32px is that greybird also makes the font bold11:35
Unit193knome: Yeah, fun part figuring out who the pushers are. :P11:35
brainwashochosi: so we get "small" desktop icons with a bold text11:36
ochosibrainwash: yeah, but i already explained why the font is bold in greybird11:37
brainwashI still know the reason :P11:37
knomeUnit193, what do you mean?11:37
brainwashochosi: so we should wait for the patch to land in trusty11:38
brainwashand then decide which desktop icon size to use (32 default, 36 currently by mistake or 48 like thunar does)11:40
ochosibrainwash: so you're confident that this patch will make it to trusty in time?11:42
ochosipoint being: i don't see why we have to wait for that patch to decide what desktop icon size to use11:49
brainwashwithout the patch 36px is not a valid option :D11:50
knome36 is not even a standard icon size11:51
knomebrainwash, let go of your nonsense thought that 36 is perfect and all others are invalid :P11:52
brainwash36 is not perfect, just a bit better than 3211:52
brainwashpersonally I would vote for 4811:52
knomei think we're pixel pushing, it's stupid to wait for a patch (which might have other regressions) to make something 4px larger (or smaller) and that ochosi has the last vote anyway11:53
brainwashyes, the thing is that 36px is currently used until the user opens the desktop settings dialog for the first time11:54
brainwashand no one complained about 3611:54
knomemaybe we should reassess that11:54
knomeochosi, what do you think of 32?11:54
ochosii'm fine with 32px, i think it's big enough11:55
ochosiwith 48px the grid in xfdesktop becomes very large11:55
ochosiso lots of spacing in between the icons11:55
brainwashok, can you merge the change?11:56
brainwashor do I need to change my branch?11:56
ochosiactually i can't merge the branch, cause currently only ppl in xubuntu-dev can push to certain branches11:56
ochosiand since i have no upload rights, i'm not in xubuntu-dev11:56
ochosithis will hopefully be resolved soon, anyway, if you file a new merge-request with 32px (or update the current one) i can formally approve it and micahg or someone else will merge it11:59
brainwash_there are a few pending changes for xubuntu-default-settings12:03
slickymasterafternoon all14:19
slickymasterknome: you around?14:21
knomeslickymaster, pong14:48
slickymasterhey knome 14:49
slickymasterwhat do you think?14:49
slickymasternew version: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6873264/14:49
slickymasteris it merge material?14:49
knomeslickymaster, i'll have to check that later14:50
slickymasterok, I'll wait on your feedback. anyway, I'm unable to push to LP, at awork14:51
schproodleattempting to run test suites on trusty daily. Are the iso images specifice to a test suite?16:02
schproodleAttempting to test trust daily.16:03
elfynope - the same tests get run on whatever the daily is16:03
schproodleThanks.  I am using the testdrive and virtual box but I don't understand how to do anything other than "install (entire drive).16:04
elfythe only time it is different is milestones - eg Alpha's and Beta's16:04
elfyin a virtual machine unless you make the virtual space big enough you'd not be able to anyway16:05
schproodleOK then perhaps test an installation on a usb drive?16:05
elfyschproodle: if you want to - just be really careful about where you install grub16:06
elfyschproodle: to be frank - unless you've a reason to use testdrive the best way is to manually use vbox16:07
schproodleWhat other way could I do the test suites for daily trusty?16:07
elfyI test with vbox mostly and a unused machine16:07
elfyand milestones I'll do it with this machine as well16:07
elfyif you canonly do install to whole drive in testdrive - then you do that - and I'll thank you for doing that :)16:08
schproodleDone. You are welcome.  I can install another computer I suppose.  I guess that is the safest way?16:10
elfydon't forget to report it :)16:10
elfythanks :)16:11
schproodletestdrive did seem a bit cranky eh :(16:11
elfyI've never used it tbh16:11
schproodleNot sure how to be careful about "where you install grub"16:12
elfyon the partitioning page you can set where you install grub - I always install test installs to their own partition - rather than sda16:16
elfythen I know that I can boot successfully - just means you have to add a step to be able to boot it16:16
schproodleIf I install trusty daily on any other drive, I must be careful about where grub is installed.  I understand that I believe.  I have an hdd I could add to my machine. I will try to install 13.10 to that as sdb while keeping grub on my existing sysem on sda.  Is that about right?16:20
schproodleThe extra step being selecting it in grub boot menu, right?16:22
elfythe extra step being booting to the normal one and updating grub to see the new one16:23
elfyand yea - ^^ that's about right :)16:23
schproodleYes, I understand that in principle eh ;).  I have screwed that up before :) however. 16:28
elfyschproodle: you and me both16:28
elfyif I'm about I'm happy enough to ack what you're doing16:29
schproodleI am beginning to see how the extra machine looks very inviting for testing purposes.16:30
elfyit can help 16:32
elfydepends how much you do :)16:32
schproodleSlow I suppose to using virtualbox skillfully.16:33
schproodleThat is, compared to  using virtualbox skillfully.16:34
elfyI do find vbox useful - I've got half a dozen 1404's init 16:34
schproodleI have vbox running trusty.  How would I install trusty over that on vbox?16:45
schproodleNo testdrive involved eh.16:45
elfyto install over the top of it?16:46
schproodleto replace it with new daily trusty for testing for example16:46
elfypoint the vmachine at the daily iso and it will boot with it16:47
schproodleerase it and install new trusty?16:47
elfythat's what it would do that way - yes16:47
schproodlewants to know if I want to force mounting of this medium trusty...iso -- button for Force Unmount selecte16:49
elfyI don't understand that16:49
schproodleI want to try to install a new trusty on the vbox trusty right -- erase the  old installation and replace it with a new.16:51
elfyyou need to point the cd drive at the iso 16:53
schproodlepointed -- now what please?16:58
schproodlejust "OK" ??16:58
elfyyep 16:58
elfythen check system boot order - make sure cd is above hard disk and it should boot the image16:59
elfythen you can use install to whole drive and it will overwrite the existing vbox install16:59
schproodlelooking for system boot order for checking...17:00
elfysettings - system17:00
sergio-br2hey hello17:05
sergio-br2hey ochosi17:05
schproodleyep, I am getting the hang of it -- thanks17:07
elfyschproodle: cool17:08
schproodlelooks like a fail: Upgrade to...LTS is checked instead of Erase trusty and reinstall -- testcase explected it to chech erase I believe eh.17:10
ochosihey sergio-br2 17:11
schproodleOr is the option to Erase...reinstall merely presented good enough?17:11
elfyschproodle: I don't know enough about how your setup to comment 17:12
schproodletrying to test trusty testcase for erase and install.17:12
elfyoic - never mind - I think that's the default setting for it17:12
elfyso it would default to upgrade the current - just choose reinstall 17:13
schproodleSeems not to detect time/zone again...17:13
schproodle...installing...gotta run.  Thanks again Mr elfy. :)17:15
sergio-br2ochosi, i ended the revision, now i will try to add more icons in places/96, at least the similar folders icons.17:18
ochosisergio-br2: ok, great!17:19
sergio-br2i did many pull request, don't know if it is better for you.17:21
sergio-br2and apps/96, apps/128, categories and mimes... they are lot of work. I don't know when i will finish this.17:21
sergio-br2mainly mimes...17:21
schproodleelfy, it worked eh  -- installed the new trusty and booted up. :o17:25
elfynice one - once you've done it - easier than other methods imo17:25
schproodlenice work! l8r17:26
elfycya - and thanks again :)17:26
ochosisergio-br2: indeed, many pull requests :) all of them are still valid i presume?17:27
sergio-br2yeah, but places i will put some stuff yet17:27
sergio-br2hum, you did the merge, ok17:29
ochosiyeah, you can always do another merge-request when you got more17:29
elfyseems to be lots of new people floating about doing stuff 17:30
sergio-br2ok, no problem17:31
slickymasterelfy: it's like they say, the more the merrier (as long as it's quality stuff)17:32
slickymastergotta go. bbl ->18:10
pleia2Serbian: http://zeljko.popivoda.com/startubuntu-xubuntu-flyer-na-srpskom/20:17
pleia2Portuguese: http://ubuntuone.com/4i79t6ulGgBAnxf3NGrfiS20:17
pleia2knome: ^^ :D20:18
pleia2I should update our marketing materials page, will make a bug and do it later20:18
SuperSumoI don't know how to file bugs, but I found one in 14.04 alpha. I have my laptop hooked up to an external monitor and turn off the laptop screen while using it by choosing to only render to the monitor via the xbuntu control panel. If I right-click on an image in a folder somewhere and select "set as wallpaper" it doesn't set it. I have to go through the control panel to change my desktop's wallpaper every time. :(20:38
SuperSumoIt's in 14.04 alpha220:38
jackson__SuperSumo, I think it's a know issue.20:39
jackson__You can report bugs by running "ubuntu-bug PACKAGE" from a terminal20:39
SuperSumook, cool. I did a search on launchpad but couldn't find anything20:39
SuperSumoWhat package would that be in?20:40
SuperSumoI'm only <1 year of using linux fulltime20:40
jackson__thunar, probably.20:40
SuperSumoI have a general question. I'm working on my graduate project and am trying to use an NVidia Optimus setup. My laptop is a brand new high-end one, which requires drivers 319+ to work. My network card requires a newer kernel to work properly. So, I was going to use 14.04 as they have nvidia prime and a kernel version which will support my network card. I was looking through launchpad discussions on nvidia-prime and looks like 20:44
SuperSumo...few days. Would those patches be reflected in the daily ISO builds? Would I be able to get them through the proposed PPA? Thanks.20:45
jackson__SuperSumo, Try trusty first. If that's not enough, use a PPA rather than ubuntu-proposed, which will randomly break your PC20:47
SuperSumook, thanks Jackson20:49
=== jackson__ is now known as Noskcaj
ochosisergio-br2: if i may ask, what's up with the tiny changes in the existing camera icons? https://github.com/shimmerproject/elementary-xfce/pull/26/files22:01
ochosi(e.g. the 48px version)22:01
ochosisergio-br2: another note: don't make merge-requests depend on each other, i.e. if i merge apps128 but not another merge-request, i'll end up with broken symlinks.22:04
ochosisergio-br2: other than that, great work!22:04
sergio-br2hum, ok22:05
sergio-br2forget about symlinks... sorry :)22:05
sergio-br2ochosi, the difference in camera 48 px is that the button and other detail is behind a drawing. Just it. I moved it to the front22:07
ochosioh, right22:08
ochosihadn't noticed that22:08
ochosiwhy did you drop the 22px inkscape app-icon?22:10
sergio-br2is it used anywhere?22:11
sergio-br2in the last pull request, i add this to apps/22. But after, i realized that it is not used, i think22:11
ochositheoretically yes, e.g. if whiskermenu is set to use 22px icons22:11
sergio-br2yeah, but i think it use 16 and after 24, or not?22:12
ochosiindeed, but it could still be used somewhere22:14
ochosie.g. if the windowlist is set to display no labels, the icons can be practically any size22:14
ochosiso it doesn't hurt to keep it around22:14
ochosi(windowlist in the panel)22:14
ochosihm, what's the change in actions/64/document-properties?22:16
sergio-br2hard questions... :)22:17
sergio-br2let me see22:17
ochosiwell, i want you to know that i *do* review the stuff you do ;)22:17
ochosibtw, since you once asked, this is the reason i never merged that open request: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-2014-02-04-232147.php22:22
ochosi(hint: fuzzy icons, all of them...)22:22
slickymasternight all22:22
slickymasterknome, you around?22:23
sergio-br2ochosi, this document-properties, i don't know what is this change22:30
schproodleI am working with Testing Tracker: trusty daily xubujtu.  How do I know when ther is a fresh daily to test?22:30
sergio-br2ochosi, i will revert this. Probably a mistake22:31
ochosisergio-br2: ok thanks, if you can update that merge-request i can merge it in22:32
ochosi(currently we have a few borked symlinks in apps/32 without it)22:32
slickymasterschproodle, http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/308/builds22:32
schproodleslickymaster, Yes, I had seen that.  Now I see the version is actually a date.  :)  Thanks22:38
ochosisergio-br2: gotta go, i can do the merge when i'm back tomorrow22:39
sergio-br2ahh, ochosi, i found the change22:39
slickymasterschproodle, nnp22:39
ochosisergio-br2: so, what's the change? :)22:40
sergio-br2the icon was too above (too up), then i pick it 2 px to down22:40
sergio-br2it was not 22:40
knomeslickymaster, i'm here now22:41
slickymasterknome, something come up and I'll be unable to make tomorrow's meeting at 19, can it be postponed to 22 UTC?22:42
ochosisergio-br2: mkay, looks fine then. merged22:42
knomejjfrv8, you around?22:43
knomeslickymaster, that might or might not work for me, but i'm not critical for that meeting22:43
ochosisergio-br2: pro-tip: do changes like these in single commits and note the changes. easier to re-connect the dots then later ;)22:43
slickymasteryes, it will have to arranged with jjfrv8 22:43
slickymasterbe ^^22:43
ochosisergio-br2: note the changes == in the commit message22:43
sergio-br2i'm learning git yet :)22:44
ochosisergio-br2: okeydokey, well done all in all!22:44
ochosiwell, thank you22:44
ochosinight everyone22:45
knomenight ochosi 22:45
slickymasteron a different subject, I've made a small correction to the Mugshot section, knome: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6875721/22:46
slickymasterdo you think I can go ahead and make a MP?22:46
knomeslickymaster, i'll get to you on that in 422:47
knomeerr, 5, but 4 works as well22:47
knomeslickymaster, http://pad.ubuntu.com/2FP2NBw6El22:50
slickymasterI see, you prefer a colloquial approach on that paragraph22:53
slickymasterI can't say I disagree with you22:53
knomei thought it again, and i think i was a bit unclear/wrong the last time22:53
knomewe're not trying to sell xubuntu, the user is already running it...22:53
slickymasteryeah, and I do tend to fall in a sort of marketing speech22:54
slickymasterthat's something I'm going to have to correct :P22:55
knomeheh, you should write the website pages then ;)22:55
slickymasterso, I'll replace my paragraph with yours and push a MP22:55
slickymasterah ah, no I have to start on the MenuLibre documentation22:55
knomehehe, sure ;)22:56
slickymasterso, are you ok with MP idea?22:56
knomewas there something else you changed in the file?22:56
knomeor was it basically the stuff i already ack'd?22:56
knomeyeah, i think it's good22:57
slickymasterI haven't changed nothing besides that opening paragraph22:57
knomejust do a MP, and i'll merge22:57
slickymasterok, will do it right away22:57
knomehumpf, Unit193 ?22:57
Unit193knome: What?22:58
knomeUnit193, why no xubuntu-docs 12.04.1 in precise :|22:59
knomeUnit193, or, how do i check what the process has been?22:59
knomei thought i ran all the updates from -proposed already for my wife's laptop, but i didn't see the fixed startpage looks22:59
Unit193Not been uploaded.23:00
knomeok, so should i poke seb128, since he said a week a go "...and sponsored the change" ?23:00
slickymasterknome, https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/xubuntu-docs/xubuntu-docs/+merge/20480323:04
knomecheers, i'll get it once i've read a backlog for a channel23:05
slickymasteroki dokie23:07
schproodleI am working with Testing Tracker: trusty daily xubuntu.  I generated a pastebin link but I don't know how to get the info into the "machine" column for testcase reports.23:13
schproodlethat is, computer's specifications, for testing and bug reporting.23:15
slickymasterschproodle, the data of that column is obtained from here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Hardware23:15
slickymasterschproodle, just read the instructions and run the script there23:16
schproodleWill do.23:16
slickymasterschproodle,  here's the howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Hardware#PROCEDURE23:16
schproodleYes, I have read all that and generated a hardware detection pastebin link.  I still don't have clue.  Must I edit the wike somehow?23:19
slickymasterschproodle, the only editing you have to is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Hardware#PERMANENT_PASTEBIN_LINK_STORAGE23:20
schproodle(Do not edit this area. Admin only.)23:23
slickymasterschproodle, yeah, I see. It usen't to be . Apparently now the editable table is the one on top of that. That's the one you have to edit23:24
slickymasterschproodle, if you need any help on editing, just ping me23:25
knomeslickymaster, merged.23:33
knomeslickymaster, want to learn something?23:33
slickymasterof course. leaving and learning23:33
knomeslickymaster, goodie.23:33
knomeslickymaster, in the docs branch root, type 'dch -e'23:33
knomevoila, the changelog23:33
Unit193(Need devscripts.)23:34
knomein the future, feel free to mark improvements there23:34
knomeright, that's true23:34
slickymasterwait a sec, first I have to install dch :P23:34
knomei always expect everybody to have done sudo apt-get install *23:34
slickymasteron a need to basis23:35
knomeso yeah, install devscripts and then do that :P23:36
slickymasteralready browsing23:36
schproodleslickymaster, edited: [[http://pastebin.com/VJSa0ajn | Specification || schproodle ||23:36
knomeit's not too much headache for me, but i forget it now and then23:36
schproodle==== TEMPORARY TABLE - edit this ====23:37
slickymasterschproodle, hmm I'm not seeing it there23:37
* knome just went an fixed broken stuff in the table.23:39
slickymasterknome,  the changelog isn't showing any of the last changes made. Is it just supposed to happen after a release?23:39
schproodleslickymaster, I had not saved it.  Afraid to mess it up eh.  OK saved.23:40
knomeslickymaster, should be done based on commits.23:40
slickymasterI see23:41
knomeslickymaster, if you pull the latest revision from main, you'll notice i mentioned the mugshot section23:41
slickymasterschproodle, according to the changelog the last edit made to the page was knome's  (last edited 2014-02-04 23:39:03 by knome)23:41
slickymasterschproodle, yours might haven't been saved23:42
slickymasterknome,  going to pull it now23:42
schproodleslickymaster, ---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - other version:''' ---23:43
slickymasterjust a question knome, when you say "... feel free to mark improvements there" are you referring to something similar to the commit message in bzr?23:43
schproodleslickymaster, I tried to emulate other entries but they are quite different -- don't have a clue here.23:44
knomeslickymaster, yep, to describe the changes that have been done. i wouldn't mark every single typo fix separately, but bigger things are worth mentioning23:44
slickymastergot it23:44
knomeschproodle, || Make || Model || Type || [[http://pastebin.com/VJSa0ajn|Specification]] | schproodle ]]23:45
knomeschproodle, edit Make/Model/Type in that line23:45
knomeschproodle, || Make || Model || Type || [[http://pastebin.com/VJSa0ajn|Specification]] | schproodle ]] ||23:45
knomein *that* line :)23:45
slickymasteryes :)23:46
slickymasterbtw knome, in the xubuntu-t-docs blueprint you mentioned about looking at Ubuntu Manual to see if we can re-use some material on our documentation23:49
slickymasterI'm also on the manual team as editor. what do you have in mind?23:49
knomecan't remember who first added that, maybe skellat23:51
knomei think it's worth seeing if we could port some of it for the xubuntu docs23:51
slickymasterwe could discuss it with godbyk23:52
knomeit's not #1, or even #2, on the list23:55
knomebut sure23:55
slickymasteryeah, we can access that need when the time comes23:56

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