
Riddell00:00 < tsdgeos> Riddell: any clue why installing the new xserver-xorg-input-synaptics wants to uninstall kde-config-touchpad ?00:42
Riddellshadeslayer: ↑00:42
xnoxi want to test how a qt5 app looks if rendered using gtk2 style,  how do I force that?03:33
xnoxin qt4 world there used to be qtconfig, which appears to be non-existant in qt5 world.03:33
jarkko_does ext4 have filesystem "cleanup" or not? fschek or something04:10
jussijarkko_: afaik, fsck can b used on ext4...06:31
Tm_Ta suitable question to be asked in #kubuntu too btw06:44
apacheloggerxnox: -style gtk IIRC07:56
apachelogger ErrorMessage: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/icons/oxygen/32x32/apps/networkmanager.png', which is also in package kde-workspace-data 4:4.10.5-0ubuntu0.108:08
apacheloggerpff, how very rude08:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: developer-sdk won't be displayed because it has no Exec line btw08:27
apacheloggerand why does it Depends  subversion, python-rbtools, kdesrc-build08:31
ghostcubehmm hi guys i noticed the ubuntu virtualbox addon package is still 4.3.2 there is 4.3.6 already and will get higher in some days. is there a reason this is not updated in sync?08:59
ghostcube4.3.6 doesnt work anymore but just for info09:00
valorieghostcube: have you looked for a bug about that?09:00
valoriethe packagers often rely on those bug reports09:01
ghostcubenah i havent cause i normally install the modules by myself with the run script just noticed this yesterday, as i seen that 14.04 pumped xorg to 1.15 and virtualbox cant handle this09:01
ghostcubecan do this later today09:01
valorieyou might find more information in the bug reports09:02
ghostcubethe 1.15 is supported with next update, i get this from vbox devs.. but you cant grab a beta release... they dont do such things  grml09:02
ghostcubeso, anybody running the alpha in vbox must wait till next week or so09:03
apacheloggervalorie: seems to me translation export is going to be a PITA09:33
apacheloggeror I am missing something09:34
apacheloggertrying to wire up an en_US package right now09:34
apacheloggerthough from what I have seen getting translations exported correctly requires one to manually use the export function for each translation09:35
valoriewe don't have many, so that might not be a problem for now09:37
valoriebut hopefully we'll get lots in time09:37
valorieit would be good to have ahoneybun figure this stuff out and do it09:37
valorieand we're starting to document our process09:37
valorielast I looked, there is not objection to us using the Community wiki for our policy page and etc.09:38
valorieso you can look forward to wiki work, instead of mourning lost work on moinmoin09:42
valoriei'll check email now; off for the night09:53
apacheloggervalorie: \o/ wiki work10:04
apacheloggeroh wait10:04
apacheloggeroh god docbook is terrible10:13
apacheloggersweet baby jesus10:13
* apachelogger runs into a wall10:13
apachelogger!find kde-chunk-common.xsl10:20
ubottuFile kde-chunk-common.xsl found in kdoctools10:20
Riddellshadeslayer: poke, image build failures due to synaptiks?10:31
apacheloggerah yes11:05
apacheloggerahoneybun, valorie: welcome page has an issue ... there is more than one == foo == section which results in sections being converted to chapters http://i.imgur.com/gnuXOzP.png <- here you have what is linux, what is kde, thank you... and those are supposed to be sections of welcome11:06
apacheloggeralso the trademark signs in the documentation are very excessive ^^11:07
apacheloggeroh that's probably from the conversion11:07
BluesKajHey folks11:42
ghostcubehi BluesKaj  :)12:14
BluesKajHi ghostcube12:15
apacheloggershadeslayer: pling12:27
ghostcubehmm ok self patching virtualbox install script didnt work lulz... it gets my xorg server change somehow...12:56
ghostcube-.- killing md5 check worked but the rest meeh12:56
apacheloggervalorie: I think I got most of it scripted now12:58
apacheloggerno clue why yuri's script doesn't do the export business as well, it's really just a very simple http POST request12:59
apacheloggeralso the script has a bug or two12:59
apacheloggertotally failes to create valid docbooks from the current el and pl translation ^^13:00
apacheloggerRiddell: did you get to the API review yet?13:30
apacheloggerRiddell, ahoneybun, valorie: git@git.kde.org:scratch/sitter/kubuntu-docs13:30
apacheloggeruploading initial upload now13:33
apachelogger  Uploading kubuntu-docs_14.04ubuntu1_source.changes: done.13:40
apacheloggerSuccessfully uploaded packages.13:40
apacheloggerahoneybun, valorie: assuming it works, does one of you want to blog about this?13:42
apacheloggershadeslayer: btw, please remember to blog about driver manager13:42
jussiour libre office is really broken in 13.10 :/13:49
jussicrashes consistently when doing a "save as"13:49
tsdgeosRiddell: shadeslayer: did you see my yesterday's comment about xserver-xorg-input-synaptics wanting to uninstall kde-config-touchpad on dist-upgrade ?14:27
Riddelltsdgeos: yes, we're still waiting on shadeslayer to show up today14:32
Riddellbut I'm mostly ill and not able to do much so I can't complain14:32
Riddellapachelogger: it is top of my todo list but alas I have no energy today so it may not happen14:33
geniiA question from #ubuntu+1 : <pietro10> Hi. Is there a reason kde-config-touchpad has been removed? Has it been replaced by something? If not, will I still be able to turn off certain features like tapping in a future reinstall? Thanks.17:37
shadeslayerRiddell: hi18:16
shadeslayerwhat's the problem?18:16
shadeslayerRiddell: I think someone incorrectly merged the synaptics driver18:22
shadeslayerand now synaptiks needs a merge 18:22
shadeslayerI can't get to it before sunda18:23
ahoneybunapachelogger: what is going on with the docs? you have managed to make a package? if so I will make a post on the Docs Google+ page.19:52
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shadeslayerjarkko_: seems like a issue in evnice21:00
ahoneybunhey valorie23:08
valoriegreetings, ahoneybun23:08
ahoneybunhow are our docs doing?23:08
valoriedid you read up on what apachelogger said?23:09
valorieif not I can paste for you23:09
ahoneybunI did not fully understand the error 23:10
ahoneybunI see he uploaded a kubuntu-docs package23:11
ahoneybunwell saw as I don't know how to access it23:11
ahoneybunif I could23:11
valorieplease ask apachelogger about that; I haven't a clue23:12
ahoneybunso what did I need to find out?23:12
valorieoh, he's got it in git23:12
valorieyou have to have git installed to clone that23:12
ahoneybuni see23:13
valorieI learned how to do that when I learned how to build amarok23:15
ubottugit is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)23:21
valorieok I'm going to try to do it based on myriam's blogpost about how to build amarok: http://blogs.fsfe.org/myriam/2009/09/compiling-amarok-from-git-locally-full-summary/23:32
valoriemore about git here: http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Sources/KDE_git-tutorial23:32
ahoneybunwell first would have to clone it23:40
valorieno, if this is the first time you've used git, there are steps before that23:42
valoriewhich is why I provided both links23:42
valorieI found an inaccuracy in the wiki page so I'm fixing that23:42
ahoneybunI see the walkthough but I still get the same error23:49
ahoneybunwe don't have permission23:52
valorieyou don't need permission23:58
valorieI'm at http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Git/Configuration now23:58
valoriesetting up for more than amarok, in my case23:59

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