[00:01] That jockey-text doesn't work. [00:05] I know Debian works maybe I will just create a Jessie VM. [00:14] Mongo44: i know *buntu works.. but, if you are more comfortable configuring debian, you can install lxde there [00:15] Mongo44: software-properties-gtk --open-tab=4 did what? [01:11] holstein, that last command? [01:12] Mongo44: ? [01:12] software-properties-gtk --open-tab=4 [01:13] Mongo44: ok. what about it? [01:13] Where did you find that? [01:14] Mongo44: i found it above where Unit193 pasted it in and suggested you run it, and i pasted it again and asked you to run it [01:15] Mongo44: so.. when you run that command, are you promted for the driver? [01:18] Mongo44: what happens when you try the software-properties-gtk --open-tab=4 command? [01:19] Using x86 virtualization solution. [01:20] Selected that now it is applying changes. [01:23] What is the advantage of having seperate partitions for home, var, usr, and tmp? [01:23] Mongo44: seperation [01:23] Mongo44: the default installation is all in one partition [01:24] Lubuntu seems to have frozen. [01:24] Still trying to apply changes. [01:25] Mongo44: seems? [01:26] I am setting up a new VM also. [01:26] Maybe I will just abort and try again. [01:28] My new VM has about 4 GB of RAM. I need a Swap of the same size too right? [01:28] you dont "need" anything [01:29] swap is a tool you can choose to implement [01:40] Still trying to apply additional driver. [01:42] I selected do not use. Earlier I had selected x86 virtualization solution but it froze when it tried to apply changes. [01:42] Mongo44: ok [01:43] So I will wait for this to apply and select it again. [01:44] sounds great.. enjoy! [01:45] You sound pretty optimistic. [01:50] Alright so still no 1366x768 resolution. [01:50] Do I need to use xrandr? [01:51] i know, i have never suggest xrandr [01:52] i use arandr as a GUI.. and have suggested that [01:52] you dont *need" 1366x768 [01:52] and thats not the way it works with guests in VM, Mongo44 [01:52] host+C plus maximize [01:52] or make it try to not strech hopefully [01:52] yup.. that should just mek the guest take up the space.. [01:52] make* [01:53] you dont set the res like that on the guest [01:53] There is no reason 1366x768 shouldn't work. [01:54] Mongo44: its not the way you do the guest OS's [01:54] but, i'l keep quiet til you ask a question [01:59] arandr says the resoution isn't possible [01:59] ok [02:00] the guest should be able to expand to the host res.. by using the command ianorlin said.. or in the menu [02:01] I only have 640x480 that is quite a stretch. [02:02] It is not suitable. [02:04] it would be, if that were they way you did it [02:04] but, its not.. you just make the guest maximised, as i and ianorlin suggested [02:05] how does it look when you try to run it fullscreen? [02:14] For some reason it is now in 1024x768 again. [02:15] its likely becuase, its dynamic.. it changes as you resize the window.. its supposed to [02:17] Nope it stays at 1024x768. [02:17] Mongo44: not if you say it changed [02:17] Mongo44: you said it was one thing, then a different one.. that is *not* staying th esame [02:18] it either stays at 1024x768, or it was at 640x480 and now it is 1024x768.. [02:18] I rebooted and it switched from 640x480 to 1024x768. [02:18] i think if you'll stop trying to set the guest sessions res, you'll be ahead of the game [02:19] Mongo44: do you understand? *dont* set the res of the guest inside the guest [02:19] Mongo44: you get the driver support for vbox setup properly, and it'll just dynamically work.. its always just worke out of the box for me, so i dont know what you have going on there [02:20] Mongo44: what iso's are you using? the lubuntu 32bit? [02:20] Nah 64 bit. [02:20] Mongo44: ok.. *what* *specifically* did you use? what iso's? [02:21] lubuntu-13.10-desktop-amd64.iso [02:22] on both the host and guest? [02:22] by streched do you mean the aspect ratio is wrong on maximized? [02:23] No host is Wheezy. [02:25] keybind something in window manager to be 75% width and 100% height then it will not look skewed but I really only know how to do that in openbox [02:28] OBox better than VBox? [02:28] no openbox is the window manager for lubuntu [02:29] it draws the windows [02:29] they are not comparable [02:29] it was not intended as a replacement for virtualbox [02:29] Oh thought it is virtualization software. [02:29] Mongo44: your screen is 16x9 aspect ratio right? [02:30] How do I use Openbox? [02:30] Mongo44: you are using it [02:30] Mongo44: its the window manager for lubuntu.. for lxde.. so, in lubuntu and lxde you are using it [02:31] ianorlin, that is correct. [02:40] Alright I just made a Debian machine with the lxde kernel. [02:40] Mongo44: lxde is not a kernel.. and has no kernels [02:41] Mongo44: i would suggest using whatever kernels that distro provides, and the support venues they provide [02:41] Interface? [02:41] Mongo44: interface? [02:43] Just looking for correct term. Light Xorg Desktop Environment. That's it. [03:49] My new Debian lxde machine works just like it's supposed to. [03:58] !debian [03:58] Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! [04:21] What happens if you mix them up? [04:23] Mongo44: im going to assume you are talking about debian and ubuntu.. debian is the base for ubuntu, as the factoid i linked above states [04:23] you dont need to mix them up, and shouldnt have any need to, but on many levels, they will be very compatible [04:24] the biggest thing that happens when you mix them up is, you wont be running either one, officially.. so, your support options go upstream, where the upstream developers will likely conider the mixing of the 2 the cause of issues [04:24] but, the repos for debian and ubuntu contain most of the same packages, so you would have no need for mixing to aquire more or different packages [04:25] you might want or prefer debian testing to have the "bleeiding edge" newer versions, but, you can add those via PPA's in ubuntu [04:25] !ppa [04:25] A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge [04:26] Lexi, the VM, is back down to 640x480. [04:26] sure.. the issue is not lubuntu.. its njust a matter of learnig how to work with virtualbox [06:19] holstein: Hi are you there ? [13:55] Hi! I am trying to install Lubuntu on PowerPc mac mini. I tried Live CD everything looks to work ok (only graphic is on 800x600) but I don't have wifi. I am new to Linux so not knowing much... === bollullera is now known as Sevillana === Sevillana is now known as SevillanaLinuxer === SevillanaLinuxer is now known as bollullera [20:10] Hey, I just got Lubuntu on a 507mb laptop with an Intel Pentium 4 processor. Recommendations on what projects to do / software to download / stuff? [20:12] cyborg4: depends what you want and like as this gets down to personal prefrence [20:13] ianorlin: i'm very techy! got a few things here already (the basics, teamviewer, skype, python GUI etc) [20:13] I like htop more than the lxtask but that is just me [20:13] ncdu is nice for going thorugh what folders take up how much space [20:14] hello my laptop is not sending the audio through the hdmi cable, to the tv any idea? I can see image though [20:14] hmm [20:15] n-iCe: is your TV compatible with HDMI audio? does it work with other devices? [20:16] uhm [20:16] I assume it does [20:16] is not the idea of hdmi? [20:16] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2152486 is a thread on this with lots of tries to fix it [20:16] n-iCe: older ones may not be compatible [20:22] Codec: Realtek ALC269 [20:25] ok [20:26] the tv works with audio [20:26] just tried, so is lubuntu [20:31] can't make it work [20:31] :( === jackson is now known as Guest89321 === Guest89321 is now known as Noskcaj [20:58] solved it, with the grub thing [20:58] thanks