
pittiGood moring05:17
darkxsthey pitti06:16
darkxstpitti, could you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~darkxst/ubuntu/trusty/gnome-settings-daemon/lp126512706:19
pittidarkxst: queueing for today06:21
darkxstpitti, thanks06:21
mlankhorstearly morning hacking is best hacking :)07:25
pittimlankhorst: +107:32
ritzis it just me, or is gnome-shell staeel like unity ?08:33
ritzstarting* to08:33
hyperairuh no, there were accusations of gnome-shell copying unity from some time back.08:35
darkxsthyperair, or the other way around!08:37
hyperairwell, considering unity had its roots in the ubuntu network remix, i'm inclined to think that unity started first.08:38
hyperairer netbook08:38
hyperairwhat i particularly find funny are the comments that compiz is bloated and slow, and people should use mutter, when compiz sans unity used to run at 20MB RSZ.08:39
hyperairif anything, it was unity that slapped on all the bloat onto compiz.08:40
hyperairfrom RSZ went from 20MB to 100+MB08:40
darkxsthyperair, pretty sure the overall design concept of gnome-shell predates the netbook stuff08:42
hyperairthis war never ends08:43
darkxstno war!08:44
darkxstI refuse to participate in the "I dislike feature X, so therefore nobody likes it" rubbish08:45
hyperairisn't that why we're getting a spanking new file manager?08:46
hyperairwhat comes next anyway? a new evince?08:46
ali1234hyperair: not compiz sans unity. compiz sans c++08:46
hyperairali1234: nope.08:47
hyperairali1234: compiz with c++ was still at 20MB RSZ08:47
hyperairi was compiling daily compiz++ builds on my machine08:48
hyperairand using that before unity came along08:48
hyperairso i know this for a fact.08:48
darkxsthyperair, not real sure, I just cheer everytime a new component is announced, since that another we (ubuntu GNOME) can move to tracking upstream ;)08:48
hyperairthe current situation between indicator and tray icon is a bit crappy08:49
darkxstwith mir/unity8 the only remaining painpoint right now is gnome-desktop308:49
darkxsthyperair, gnome-shell doesnt really have tray icons in the traditional sense08:49
hyperairpretty much all of the tray icon apps have been patched to use indicators, but the UX for indicators suck in gnome shell08:49
hyperairer well, the notification bar thing at the bottom right.08:49
hyperairthey work much better as tray icons than as indicators08:50
hyperairindicators are menus, whereas those things in the gnome shell notification bar don't really fit in as menus08:50
hyperairwhich just makes the situation pretty damn crappy when attempting to use gnome-shell08:51
darkxsthyperair, each to their own, I would rather not have 100 icons in my tray08:52
ali1234notification icons also cannot support multimonitor08:52
darkxstand menus on tray icons seem kinda pointless08:52
hyperairdarkxst: you could hardly fit 100 of them in the tray08:52
* hyperair shrugs. i'm using unity happily despite my gripes08:53
hyperairmy solution was to just bump my RAM up as high as i could go08:53
hyperairbecause apparently nobody working on desktop unity had low-ram constraints.08:53
hyperairwhich is why the indicators can take several hundred megabytes of memory at a time until they're killed08:54
hyperairand notify-osd leaks til today08:54
darkxst^nobody full stop!08:54
ali1234i like to fix memory leaks - which ones are leaky?08:54
darkxstI running 32GB on desktop, 8GB on laptop08:54
hyperairdarkxst: hey 4GB of RAM isn't what i call low-RAM, but it's painful to run unity on even that kind of spec.08:54
darkxsthyperair, gnome-shell runs well on 4GB :)08:55
hyperairdarkxst: it's only when i hit 8GB that i stopped caring so much for the memleaks08:55
hyperairyeah well, it also sucks more08:55
hyperairi really like the super+1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 for the first 10 windows in the launcher that you get in unity08:55
hyperairwhich gnome shell doesn't seem to be picking up for whatever reason08:55
hyperairso screw that, i'm sticking with unity08:56
darkxsthyperair, most of my VM's get 2GB, but they don't really run the extra RAM blood suckers like firefox, libreoffice08:56
hyperairdarkxst: yeah then that doesn't count.08:56
hyperairever tried running chromium and thunderbird together?08:56
hyperairi had 8GB of RAM, and i was so frustrated with the overall memory usage i went to mutt08:56
mlankhorstit does count..08:56
hyperairit was a good move though08:56
darkxsthyperair, sure, but that makes the whole leaky DE thing, null and void!08:57
hyperairwhen you can't run a browser and an email client concurrently on 4GB of RAM, the situation is fscked up.08:57
ali1234xubuntu discussed increasing the minimum requirement to 1GB this cycle, almost entirely because of firefox08:58
hyperairderp 1GB.08:58
darkxstfirefox leaks like a sieve08:58
hyperairhyper derp.08:58
hyperairnot as bad as thunderbird.08:59
hyperairno actually firefox didn't leak much for me08:59
hyperairit just had consistently high memory consumption08:59
mlankhorsttry firefox without javascript08:59
darkxstsure its the 3rd party firefox that leaks!08:59
hyperairi hate you.08:59
darkxstand the rubbish GC, but that is getting fixed ;)09:00
ali1234"try not going on any websites, it will really reduce the memory use"09:00
hyperairthunderbird's awesome. you should see it trying to fetch lkml from gmane.09:00
darkxstali1234, switching off computer elimates memory usage!09:00
hyperairit goes past 4GB of RAM usage, and grinds the CPU for over half a day09:00
ali1234that's exactly what happens when i try to connect it to my gmail account09:01
hyperairand oh yeah chromium actually takes more RAM than firefox09:01
darkxstI've never seen thunderbird get past 1GB09:01
hyperairbut firefox operates a hell lot slower09:01
hyperairdarkxst: you haven't opened big enough folders09:01
hyperairmy gmail's all mail folder made claws-mail rise to 500+MB09:01
darkxstI only use it for IMAP accounts09:01
hyperairyeah so was i09:01
hyperairexcept for nntp09:01
darkxstprobably 10GB all up09:02
hyperairanyway it was thunderbid that leaked like a sieve. firefox was mostly decent.09:02
tjaaltonsigh, so which package trumps the user settings like focus-follows-mouse on upgrades?09:11
tjaaltonit gets reset every now and then09:12
pittitjaalton: bug 106361709:13
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1063617 in Compiz 0.9.9 "1:0.9.8+bzr3319-0ubuntu1 regression: keeps setting gsettings keys to wrong values" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106361709:13
pittiit's ancient09:13
tjaaltonahh, thanks09:13
tjaaltonyeah it is09:14
pittiI have a couple of "gsettings set" commands in my "start my session" script09:14
tjaaltonhuh, now I lost my desktop grid09:14
tjaaltonmarked fix released09:16
tjaaltonbut I'm on trusty09:16
seb128larsu, bug #127737009:21
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1277370 in evince (Ubuntu) "Now used Aiatana design blocks Evince accessibility usage if the current session is not Unity" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127737009:21
seb128Laney, HMM?09:21
Laneygetting a partial upgrade that I think is mir/xorg09:21
larsuLaney: morning!09:21
Laneydid you see that?09:21
Laneyo hai09:21
Laneyhappyaron: E: Unable to locate package libreoffice-help-en-us09:23
LaneyE: config/hooks/100-ubuntukylin.chroot failed (exit non-zero). You should check for errors.09:23
seb128it wants to uninstall the old soname version09:23
LaneyThe following packages have unmet dependencies: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics : Breaks: kde-config-touchpad (< 0.8.1-2~) but 0.8.1-1ubuntu6 is to be installed09:24
Laneytoday's image build failures09:24
seb128ok, so all good09:24
seb128happy friday desktopers btw!09:24
Laneyoh yeah!09:24
pittibonjour seb128, ça va ?09:25
pittiseb128: you too!09:26
seb128pitti, hey, wie gehts?09:26
pittiseb128: gut, danke!09:26
happyaronLaney: got it, added to my list...09:26
Laneyhappyaron: I think they got renamed or removed or something?09:26
pittimuch better than today's live CD, anyway -- compiz/unity are b0rked09:26
Laneyhey pitti09:26
pittino panel, no launcher, no window decorations09:26
pittictrl+alt+t (terminal) and nautilus work, though09:26
Laneysounds like the protobuf problem09:27
happyaronLaney: maybe, first day back from holiday and still catching up, :)09:28
Laneypitti: does it have the newest libprotobuf8?09:28
pittiah no, -7ubuntu109:29
pittihttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/daily-live/current/ is from today09:30
pittiand yet http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/daily-live/current/trusty-desktop-amd64.manifest is old09:30
Laneythe isos look old09:30
pittioh right, amd64+mac is from today, but not the others09:30
LaneyI wonder why this is09:31
Laneyperhaps something was disabled for the point release09:32
pittihttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/daily-live/pending/ are current09:32
pittiyep, failures on https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/Smoke%20Testing/09:32
Laneyoh, I always forget about that09:32
Laneyi don't understand the failure09:33
pittiI don't know exactly which tests are being looked at to promote an image to /current09:34
pittibut it seems the health-check ones didn't even run for the 06 and 07 build?09:34
pittiand they never succeeded anyway09:34
seb128xnox,         if (g_strcmp0 (g_getenv ("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP"), "GNOME") == 009:55
seb128... upstream code09:56
seb128... ubuntu change09:56
mptMacSlow, would it bother you at all if we switched to tracking Notify OSD bugs solely on the package <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notify-osd>, no longer on the project? <https://bugs.launchpad.net/notify-osd>09:58
seb128robert_ancell, sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" install --reinstall gnome-settings-daemon09:59
xnoxseb128: ack.09:59
xnoxrobert_ancell: where is the ubuntu-settings-daemon branch?09:59
xnoxrobert_ancell: such that i can use it.09:59
robert_ancellxnox, lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-settings-daemon/unity and lp:~robert-ancell/gnome-settings-daemon/unity10:03
darkxstHey Laney10:11
darkxsthey seb12810:11
seb128hey darkxst10:12
darkxstseb128, can we land gnome-desktop transition next week? cant really wait on g-s-d fork, because we will just run out of time?10:13
pittiseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~darkxst/ubuntu/trusty/gnome-settings-daemon/lp1265127/+merge/201995 sounds ok to me, any objection? darkxst replied to your question10:17
seb128darkxst, that involves that new dbus service for screen resolution handling?10:18
seb128pitti, looks fine to me, do you want to sponsor it?10:18
pittiseb128: yes10:18
* pitti resolves conflicts as another versino got uploaded in between, but it's trivial10:19
darkxstseb128, yes, but its largely the same code moved to a different place10:19
seb128pitti, danke10:19
darkxstpitti, that MP is several weeks old now10:20
seb128darkxst, well, it's an infrastructure change, replacing a library by a dbus service10:20
pittidarkxst: yes, I didn't blame you :)10:20
seb128darkxst, did you sort out of the config migration question?10:20
darkxstseb128, I dont think that is worth the effort10:21
darkxstit would quite some work to make configs migrate and most people don't even use them10:22
darkxstthe ones that do, have to reconfigure just once10:23
seb128I'm not convinced that transition is something we should do before the LTS...10:25
darkxstseb128, it has too happen on way or the other10:34
seb128"has to"10:35
darkxstobviously you guys don't need it but we do10:35
seb128not sure I agree with that, at least not this cycle10:35
seb128darkxst, what do you need in the new version?10:37
pittiI'm still baffled that upstream didn't provide a migration for configs -- how are distros  supposed to cope with that?10:39
seb128pitti, yeah, that's annoying10:41
pittiwell, it's more than that10:42
darkxstseb128, well nothing specifically, but its more a case not spending the rest of the cycle backporting upstream fixes10:44
seb128the new version changes quite some apis, it's going to force us to update code in g-s-d u-s-d gnome-screensaver colord10:45
seb128there is the config migration issue10:45
seb128then it's a new architecture/dbus service, it's basically untested for us10:45
seb128that sounds like a risky change mid-cycle of a LTS10:45
darkxstseb128, right I can  deal with the api changes10:46
seb128thanks, but that doesn't resolve the other issues though10:47
darkxstseb128, and really, its seems to becoming, wait on this, wait on that, oh you have now run out of time!10:47
darkxstseb128, as much as I know you are trying to unblock these things for us, its just kinda frustrating at this point.10:50
seb128darkxst, there are conflicting needs, and we are working on solving that, that's why we are doing unity-control-center/unity-settings-center10:51
seb128but resources are what they are and it takes some time to get there10:51
seb128sorry about that, but I just don't see a way around10:51
seb128doing risky changes just before the LTS is not benefiting anyone I think10:52
darkxstseb128, I am well aware of all that, but really until gnome-desktop3 is in a state it can be forked we still have a big pain point right ther]10:52
seb128right, we have, I just don't see a way to resolve that in a non risky way before the LTS10:53
seb128risky or costy10:53
pittiwell, if there is no migration path, how would you deal with the migration in ubuntu-gnome?10:53
darkxsthmm, is display config really that critical? 90% probably don't even use it10:54
pittiyou mean the resoltion/monitor config? why would people not use that?10:55
darkxstthe 10% that do, can spend ~3secs reconfiguring10:55
MacSlowmpt, that would be ok with me10:56
darkxstpitti, because it just works perhaps? how many go and mess with config in that case?10:56
pittidarkxst: I don't know numbers, I just know that on conferences pretty much everyone has to10:56
MacSlowmpt, would this change only for NotifyOSD or for all packages in general?10:57
mptMacSlow, just NotifyOSD. It would match what the Touch-specific packages already do, for example.10:57
seb128darkxst, what "just works"? configuration is a custom thing, my docked config turns off my laptop screen when I dock it for example10:58
pittidarkxst: but yes, it certainly isn't an insurmountable pain, except that you have to re-configure with every device you already saw (monitors.xml is by device set, not a single configuration)10:58
MacSlowmpt, only funny is that NotifyOSD isn't really touch-specific at all :)10:58
mptMacSlow, sure, that’s why I said “for example”. Ubiquity is another example.10:58
mptMacSlow, anyway, thanks, I’ll do the refiling on Tuesday.10:59
darkxstseb128, that is a gsettings key atleast in shell, no reason that would change10:59
MacSlowmpt, ok10:59
pittibut really, why can't they leave in the old xml reading code for a cycle or two and do a live migration upstream?10:59
seb128darkxst, are you sure? the config is currently in ~/.config/monitors.xml10:59
darkxstseb128, was11:00
seb128well, currently in Ubuntu11:00
seb128we are talking about config migration11:00
seb128so what we have and how we keep those configs working on upgrade11:00
darkxstright, I get that11:01
robert_ancellfginther, I'm confused by the Jenkins failures for u-c-c (https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-control-center-trusty-amd64-ci/3/console). It's complaining about missing dependencies but I'm not sure if it's downloaded any of them11:06
Laneyseb128: http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/mako/169:20140207:20140115.1/6492/ubuntu-system-settings-autopilot/746509/11:09
seb128Laney, what did you do?!11:10
darkxstseb128, go ahead and feel free to fork gnome-desktop3 as well ;)11:13
seb128darkxst, it's less easy with a library...11:13
seb128darkxst, with what library would we build e.g colord11:14
darkxstseb128, I am working with upstream to move the important bits into gtk11:14
darkxstno idea what will happen with the bits that you guys are hanging on to though11:14
darkxstseb128, upstream wants gnome-desktop to only be used gnome-shell essentially11:15
darkxstwhich right now is really just the thumbnail module11:17
darkxst(excluding the others that are reverted in ubuntu like background etc)11:18
seb128darkxst, "only be used in" you mean?11:21
darkxsteither way surely you can see why I get frustated? my g-c-c patches from last cycle are still waiting to land, although now half are unnecessary11:21
seb128yes, and as said I'm sorry about that11:21
seb128I just don't have a magical solution for you11:21
darkxstseb128, as in gnome-desktop should become a shared (private) library for gnome-shell, gdm, etc11:22
darkxstas in no apps should depend on it11:22
darkxstin which case it would be very easy for 'legacy' users to fork11:23
darkxstfor their needs11:23
robert_ancellxnox, lp:~robert-ancell/indicator-network/network-manager11:24
xnoxrobert_ancell: thanks!11:27
* darkxst is gone for the night ;)11:34
robert_ancellfginther, could you set up Jenkins for lp:unity-settings-daemon11:41
robert_ancelldarkxst, bye11:47
seb128Laney, $ LANG= LANGUAGE= LC_ALL=bu_GY.UTF-8 autopilot run ubuntu_system_settings11:57
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
qenghodidrocks: i think it's  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bug/125017412:12
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1250174 in libdrm-2.4.23 (Ubuntu) "chromium-browser crashed with SIGSEGV in content::GpuWatchdogThread::DeliberatelyTerminateToRecoverFromHang()" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:12
robert_ancellseb128, Laney, darkxst, bug 127748512:19
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1277485 in unity-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) " [MIR] unity-settings-daemon" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127748512:19
robert_ancellseb128, Laney, please add any packages that need migration to bug 127748712:37
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1277487 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "Create Unity Settings Daemon so can remain on old GNOME Settings Daemon version" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127748712:37
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
fgintherrobert_ancell, I've added that to task list and should have it updated today. In the future, please contact the vanguard in #ubuntu-ci-eng as we are trying to share responsibility for these things among the team13:54
Laneydesrt: http://people.canonical.com/~laney/0001-Fix-tests-for-builddir-srcdir-by-setting-G_TEST_-SRC.patch14:02
Laneyseb128: just tried, it passed for me here14:16
* seb128 shakes fist at Laney14:16
seb128you want to make me debug that one, don't you!14:16
desrtLaney: pushed14:17
desrtbut there are more distcheck issues now.... msvc stuff :(14:17
Laneymessy buckets14:17
Laneylarsu: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=706065 http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=712208 http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=712628 http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=67500814:22
ubot2`Debian bug 706065 in libvte-2.90-common "libvte-2.90-common: /etc/profile.d/vte.sh is not sourced by interactive shells" [Normal,Open]14:22
ubot2`Debian bug 712208 in libvte-2.90-common "gnome-terminal: New tab is always opened in home directory (instead of working directory)" [Normal,Open]14:22
ubot2`Debian bug 712628 in libvte-2.90-common "gnome-terminal: ctrl-shift-n doesn't keep directory" [Normal,Open]14:22
ubot2`Debian bug 675008 in bash "bash: should handle /etc/bashrc.d (or similar) for non-login interactive shell" [Wishlist,Open]14:22
mterryjdstrand, if my app asks policykit about a certain permission, but apparmor denies the request, what does that look like to my app?  (would apparmor ever deny a policykit authentication check?)14:23
jdstrandmterry: hey. so, the app is either going to use pkexec or talk to the service over dbus which then prompts the user14:24
mterryjdstrand, in my case, my app is pkcheck itself14:25
jdstrandmterry: with pkexec, if the policy doesn't allow using it, you'll get the denial14:25
jdstrandmterry: with talking over dbus, if the policy doesn't allow the dbus communication, you'll get a denial (the server won't ever get the message)14:26
jdstrandmterry: in either case, you'll know if apparmor is blocking you by looking in /var/log/syslog (note, not *kern.log or dmesg-- dbus denial necessarily have to go to syslog)14:26
mterryjdstrand, so it will look like a normal polkit denial to my app?14:27
jdstrandmterry: when you say 'pkcheck itself', what are you talking about?14:28
mterryjdstrand, I have an autopilot test that uses pkcheck on a certain NetworkManager permission as an integration check (to make sure that the session is marked active by logind/lightdm).14:29
mterryjdstrand, on Touch it works fine14:29
robert_ancellfginther, will do, thansk14:29
mterryjdstrand, on Desktop, it says permission for that pkcheck is denied, but we can't figure out why14:29
mterryjdstrand, I was wondering if it could be some weird apparmor thing14:29
jdstrandmterry: ewll, with my example, in the former case, (pkexec), the app would get EPERM, in the latter (dbus denial), the app gets DBus AccessDenied14:29
jdstrandmterry: the dbus denial will mention AppArmor in the message (and you'll see the message in syslog)14:30
mterryjdstrand, hmm, so I'd have to dig into pkcheck and see how it handles those error cases, to see if that's likely.  But I could check the syslog..14:30
mterryfginther, ^14:30
jdstrandmterry: yes, check syslog14:30
mterryfginther, did we look at syslog for apparmor messages yet?14:30
jdstrandif there is no denial there, it isn't apparmor. plus, the app would have to be confined for it to be affected by apparmor any way14:31
jdstrand(well... technically that might not have to be the case, but in Ubuntu with how we confine things it is)14:31
attente_ChrisTownsend, was your most recent test under a fresh unity session after installing the g-s-d from the ppa?14:34
ChrisTownsendattente_: Yes14:40
attente_ChrisTownsend, does pressing alt+f work properly?14:42
seb128larsu, wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/file-roller/3.4.1-0ubuntu1/+build/3410817/+files/file-roller_3.4.1-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb14:43
ChrisTownsendattente_: You mean it opens the first menu on the panel and not the decoration, right?14:43
attente_ChrisTownsend, yes14:44
ChrisTownsendattente_: Yes, that is working correctly.14:44
seb128larsu, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/+archive/ppa/+build/4789846/+files/file-roller_3.6.1.1-0ubuntu1.2_amd64.deb14:45
attente_ChrisTownsend, dbus-send --session --dest=org.gnome.Shell --print-reply /org/gnome/Shell org.gnome.Shell.GrabAccelerator string:'<Control>a' uint32:014:46
attente_ChrisTownsend, then dbus-monitor member=AcceleratorActivated14:46
attente_then ctrl+a14:48
mterryjdstrand, thanks btw!  it probably isn't apparmor, just clutching at straws at this point14:48
ChrisTownsendattente_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/689164914:50
attente_ChrisTownsend, have you run the tests in your current session?14:50
ChrisTownsendattente_: Not this exact same session.  I can try it now.14:51
attente_ChrisTownsend, thanks14:51
ChrisTownsendattente_: Same failure14:52
ChrisTownsendattente_: I need to step away for a little bit.14:53
attente_ChrisTownsend, ok, np14:53
qenghorobru: https://launchpad.net/~canonical-chromium-builds/+archive/stage14:56
qenghorobru: https://code.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/trusty-working   debian/patches/\d-.*15:00
ChrisTownsendattente_: Hey, I'm back if you need me to do any more debugging.15:35
attente_ChrisTownsend, hi15:35
attente_ChrisTownsend, after running the AP tests, can you do 'dbus-monitor member=AcceleratorActivated' then try shift+ctrl+alt+a?15:36
ChrisTownsendattente_: Sure15:36
ChrisTownsendattente_: dbus-monitor has no output when I hit shift+ctrl+alt+a15:37
attente_dbus-send --session --dest=org.gnome.Shell --print-reply /org/gnome/Shell org.gnome.Shell.GrabAccelerator string:'<Shift><Control><Alt>a' uint32:015:38
ChrisTownsendattente_: Ok, I did that15:39
attente_'dbus-monitor member=AcceleratorActivated' again15:39
attente_any output on shift+control+alt+a?15:40
ChrisTownsendattente_: No, nothing15:40
attente_ChrisTownsend, what was the output of the dbus-send call?15:40
ChrisTownsendattente_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/689191515:41
attente_ChrisTownsend, your compiz is trunk, right?15:43
attente_ChrisTownsend, nvm i guess it must be if alt+f works for you15:43
ChrisTownsendattente_: It's compiz from the daily-build PPA that was published on 1/28.15:44
ChrisTownsendattente_: That definitely includes your Compiz changes.15:45
attente_ChrisTownsend, ok15:45
attente_ChrisTownsend, do you have any shortcuts set for switching keyboard layouts?15:45
attente_in the text entry panel of g-c-c?15:45
ChrisTownsendattente_: Not that I know of.  I'll look though.15:46
ChrisTownsendattente_: Just the Super+Space and Shift+Super+SPace.15:46
attente_ChrisTownsend, ok15:46
attente_ChrisTownsend, just to cover all bases: apt-cache policy gnome-settings-daemon15:47
ChrisTownsendattente_: Installed:
attente_ChrisTownsend, sorry, let me think some more, i'm short on ideas for things we can try15:51
ChrisTownsendattente_: Ok, just ping me when you want me to try something.  It's a mystery to me as well since it works for you and Trevinho.15:52
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
attente_ChrisTownsend, you mentioned you had another application running called Terminator?15:53
ChrisTownsendattente_: It's a terminal emulator.  I also ran this with Terminator closed and just using gnome-terminal with the same results.15:54
attente_ChrisTownsend, ah, ok15:54
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|vt
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
=== alan_g|vt is now known as alan_g
mterrydobey, so with ubuntu-purchase-service, any app that can talk to the service can buy stuff?  What's the process like?19:01
dobeymterry: it's a service that launches the UI to purchase something. it's only used on touch at the moment and you can only buy apps at the moment19:03
mterrydobey, so it's not an insta-buy?  Still requires user interaction before final purchase?19:03
dobeymterry: it opens a window/overlay with the web view for confirming the purchase. purchases are not automatable19:04
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
=== mjohnson15_2 is now known as mjohnson15

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