
pittiGood morning05:17
davmor2Morning all09:57
balloonsjibel: so did you solve your bug for https://code.launchpad.net/~jibel/phablet-tools/run_tests_from_custom_location/+merge/205033 ?14:30
elfyhi balloons - can you have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+bug/127672014:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 1276720 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Testcase fails to note relevance of existing Linux FAMILY for Installation Type default" [Low,Fix committed]14:31
balloonshi elfy.. wifi here is REALLY broken, so you might not even get this message. I'll look14:36
elfyI did - but there's no rush if it'as that fubar there :)14:36
elfyI forgot that you were 'working' on holiday :p14:38
balloons:-) ok, trying to understand. you want to select, then state it should have been selected?14:38
balloonselfy: ohh, I get it now14:39
elfyat present the testcase rabbits on about something that deosn't actually happen14:39
balloonsit doesn't let you check a different option14:39
elfyI'll stop typing then14:39
balloonsok, makes sense :-)14:39
elfyboot the image and it's often the case that something else is selected by default14:40
elfyso I'm just trying to get rid of what 'might' show 'sometimes' and tell them to do what the testcase is actually about14:41
elfyas the manual and autoresize testcases do14:41
balloonsyes, makes total sense.14:41
elfygood - I thought it did too :p14:41
balloonscan we drop          <dd>The 'Erase disk and install FAMILY' radio button should be checked by default</dd>14:42
balloonsI'm on board. Good catch14:42
elfyI'll do that now14:42
balloonsit's the little things14:42
balloonsI'm glad you are skilled at finding them14:42
elfywell I just get people in xubuntu asking me stuff :)14:43
elfyI've been trying to keep on top of bugs that get reported with them after they've been used14:44
elfyballoons: pushed that dd removal - I am now off to contemplate buying a cake or not again :)14:45
* DanChapman 's new grouper finally arrived an hour ago, dualboot touch running already. No more emulator frustrations :-D15:19
balloonsDanChapman: the old nexus 7 or the 2013 nexus 7?15:26
DanChapmanballoons, 2012 i nearly went for 2013 then noticed it's not supported atm. anyway it was a bargain £60 brand new :-D15:30
jibelballoons, I didn't have time to fix it yet15:49
balloonsjibel: no worries15:50
elfyballoons: do you want me to merge and sync the tracker if you've got fubar interwebs16:01
balloonselfy: yes, if you are able I would appreciate it in this case16:10
elfyballoons: no problem :)16:13
elfyballoons: done16:18
balloonsDanChapman: I was just peering @ ubiquity builds, looking much better, but I still see things like this: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/ubiquity_ap-ubuntu_devel_daily-test_english_default/84/ARCH=amd64,label=rabisu/testReport/junit/ubiquity_autopilot_tests.tests.test_english_default/EnglishDefaultInstallTestCase/test_default_install/16:23
DanChapmanballoons, yes that is bug 1267116 it is a PITA :-p16:27
ubot5bug 1267116 in autopilot-gtk (Ubuntu) "ubiquity crashed with SIGSEGV in GtkNode::MatchStringProperty()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126711616:27
balloonsahh, I'm already subbed16:29
balloonsDanChapman: and this is unique to the lab yes?16:30
balloonsthe bug you mentioned was fixed a bit ago, and it's still occuring, so16:31
DanChapmanballoons, indeed. We've never been able to successfully reproduce it locally :-(16:31
balloonsyes, just making sure I've got everything straight. So, I'm liable to forget, but this is worth looking at seeing if we can change the test a bit to prevent this from occuring?16:32
balloonspitti is the autopilot-gtk guy, but he seemed confused about what the cause was16:33
pittiyeah, this bug is a mystery to me, and it's utterly hard to reproduce now16:33
pittiwe did three attempts of fixing which made it better, but it seems it's not completely fixed yet16:33
balloonspitti DanChapman, how do you want to go forward with it then? DanChapman can we modify the tests perhaps to avoid the condition? That could mean we are covering it up or ignoring it; pitti do you think this is a bigger issue that we shouldn't try and workaround, or might it be something funny specific to ubiquity16:41
DanChapmanballoons the only other option I can think of is to have one mighty long timeout over the point of failure. (Which i don't like the sound of :-S ) SOmething like 15 -20 min time i presume would ensure we get to the end16:43
balloonsDanChapman: can we be a bite more elegant that that? But yes I was thinking of adding a wait of some sort, so long as we weren't just burying a problem16:44
pittiDanChapman: we really don't know much about this, except that it's extremely rare; as soon as we get some smaller-scale reproducer it will be possible to investigate16:45
DanChapmanballoons, currently while polling on the progressbar (which is point of fail) it use decremental waits starting at 5/7 secs can't remember now and as it gets closer to 100% we speed it up so that we don't miss the 100% before it defaults back to 016:47
* pitti waves goodbye for the weekend16:49
DanChapmanpitti have a good one16:49
balloonsbye pitti !16:51
balloonsDanChapman: it sounds like from what Martin was saying since we can16:52
balloonst reproduce, we are stuck fixing it. Perhaps we should explore adding the workaround16:52
DanChapmanballoons, I could try putting a long wait in and let it run over the weekend and review it monday if it changes nothing i will revert it back16:53
balloonsDanChapman: I don't think it would hurt anything.. how do you feel about it?16:54
DanChapmanballoons, it's worth a go :-). I'll get that done now before the next builds are ready16:58
DanChapmanballoons, could you do a quick review of https://code.launchpad.net/~dpniel/ubiquity/bug_1267116/+merge/205431 for me please and i'll get it merged17:28
balloonsDanChapman: I won't be able to run, I'm on a dinky laptop :-)17:29
balloonsbut I will do a sanity check review for you17:30
DanChapman:-D thanks it's a simple one anyway just increase timeout and stop the progresspage tests running17:31
balloonsright.. is 15 mins enough?17:31
balloonsI spoke with jibel and they will timeout after an hour (the jobs that is), so we are safe17:32
balloonsdone and approved17:33
DanChapmanballoons, cool I reckon 15 mins should be enough, they run quite quick in the lab17:42
Letozaf_balloons,  hi19:50
balloonsLetozaf_: howdy19:52
Letozaf_balloons, I saw about those conflicts with trunk in music app19:53
balloonsLetozaf_: it passed the build, after I had ci look into it19:54
balloonsMy phone is on the fritz, I'm trying to test and approve it19:54
Letozaf_balloons, oh fiew!19:54
Letozaf_balloons, so everything "is ok"19:54
balloonsLetozaf_: yes indeed :-)19:56
Letozaf_balloons, :D19:56
balloonsLetozaf_: so this is gonna take a bit for running, but I don't forsee any errors20:05
Letozaf_balloons, I ran the tests about 6 times and got no errors, so I am quite positive :)20:06
balloonsI'm about to head out but I will approve :-)20:07
balloonshave a great weekend!20:07
Letozaf_balloons, have a great weekend too :)20:07
balloonsLetozaf_: approved20:11
Letozaf_balloons, thanks :D20:11
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pleia2one of the Xubuntu testers just noticed this, pictures missing on this page? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/QATracker22:01
pleia2supersededbuilds.png and testcaseexpanded.png22:02
pleia2anyone know where those ended up, or if they could be replaced easily?22:02
knomepleia2, probably easiest to replace them22:03
pleia2see, I was hoping the creator just had them lurking around their harddrive and could just upload :)22:03
knomemaybe balloons, but he's away for the weekend22:04

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