
rojaroi would like to make sure that my openvpn service is always started immediately after the network start, but before other services start that wait for the network09:05
rojarocan anyone point me in the right direction?09:06
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Mariano9hi xnox: I've asked rackspace support and they told the newrelic plugin agent doesn't daemonize..in fact if I run it, it won't detach from console (i don't know if you remember from yesterday)15:01
xnoxMariano9: hm. interesting.15:01
xnoxMariano9: i'll setup bundler in experiment. I'm quite busy at the moment however. Can you give me your email in private?15:02
Mariano9sure thing15:03
Mariano9guys, is it a must to stop a service to be added to upstart monitoring?16:13
Mariano9I mean, while I write the script and add it to /init/ the monitored service has to be down?16:13
jodhMariano9: no, but if you want upstart to manage it you'll have to stop your instance at some point and 'start $job'.16:15
Mariano9jodh: great16:16
mc_bluebeardxnox - thx16:24
=== fredbarns_ is now known as fredbarns

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