=== david is now known as Guest15507 === Guest15507 is now known as TheKleine85 === david is now known as Guest92000 === Guest92000 is now known as david85 [01:36] Hi. All GTK+ apps except firefox-trunk for some reason are not rendering fonts properly, even though gtk[23]-engines-oxygen is set. How do I fix this? Thanks. === Mobildug_ is now known as Mobildug === blackworm is now known as bones-afk [03:30] Hi, i modified text in sudo kate/etc/dhcp/dhclient. conf, and now i can t use internet. Could you let me have file with default settings? Thank y Regards [03:31] fabiop378@gmail.com === bones-afk is now known as blackworm [04:26] hello [04:27] hello [04:28] hey zack [04:28] I'm here [04:28] whats up? [04:28] i want to make a proxy server [04:30] blackworm_: can you help [04:30] You want to make a proxy server? I'm asking cause usually you just want to connect via a proxy [04:30] no i want to make one cuz im kinda parinoid [04:30] right, thats what I was thinking [04:31] you want to be gaured and annon right? [04:31] ok well i actualy have xubuntu [04:31] it's fine [04:31] doesn't matter for this convo [04:31] OS aside [04:31] it's more what you want [04:31] ok cool well can you help me i just want somthing simple [04:31] if you want to make a proxy server, that means setting up a service for other people to access to help mask their connections [04:32] if you are paranoid, you are wanting to mask your own self, yeah? [04:32] yea [04:32] Do you know about Tor? [04:33] if you google Tor you can get a simple thing to help you take first steps. [04:33] kinda i didnt like i dont want to download and if i have to i want somthing small [04:34] i be back soon [04:34] I'll still be here [04:34] Maybe you should be more specific about what you need to keep annon [04:35] the simplest way though zack is to use socks. [04:36] it's piece of mind, but really just a regional block, not a full annon service [04:36] for a great annon proxy you'd have to have a sock connect through an uncentralized network and out from a proxy [04:37] but even still that'd be traceable in high escalation issues [04:51] hay [04:51] i was afk [04:52] whats socks [04:53] hello [04:53] ? [04:53] blackworm_, i was afk [04:54] * genii makes more coffee and observes [04:54] ok [04:54] so whats socks [04:55] hello [04:56] #hacking [04:58] blackworm_: u still here [04:59] #def [04:59] hey [04:59] sorry [04:59] google socks [04:59] socks [04:59] its cool [04:59] ok [04:59] like proxy for your browser [04:59] it's just a port for you to transfer through [04:59] do i have to download [05:00] nope [05:00] cool [05:00] like what you think of proxy [05:00] it's the same, sorta [05:00] what so i google [05:00] one sec I'll make a little walk through [05:01] https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=socks&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 -i got this [05:03] those you buy [05:03] i know lol [05:03] what are you trying to do? [05:03] it's always easier to have an answer when you know what you want the outcome to be [05:04] honistly you wont help me if i say [05:04] if you are like, say trying to change your region for netflix, or get a time stamp for a differnt est then proxy and socks are good [05:04] ok [05:04] will you help me if i tell you [05:05] * genii sips his coffee [05:05] sure, but first tip would be to start a query with me. [05:05] ok [05:06] query me [05:07] blackworm_: you there === user__ is now known as Guxui === blackworm is now known as bones-afk === bones-afk is now known as blackworm === blackworm is now known as bones-afk === bones-afk is now known as blackworm === christian is now known as Guest83318 === blackworm is now known as bones-afk === bones-afk is now known as blackworm [07:55] Hi everyone, i deleted an IMAP email account recently created in kmail. That account is of course handled by akonadi so my question is whether all email data is permanently deleted once i delete the email account. I know that the data is still 100% on the server. I just need to know whether the data is deleted on the client side (me). === 77CABDFYO is now known as jjg1965 === blackworm is now known as bones-afk === bones-afk is now known as blackworm [08:33] buongiorno a tutti [08:33] nessuno online? [08:34] !it [08:34] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) === blackworm is now known as bones-afk === bones-afk is now known as blackworm [09:15] How do I configure an email account in kmail? [09:16] When I use the account wizard, it just hangs...oh now it crashed. === blackworm is now known as bones-afk === boogeyman is now known as BoogeyOfTheMan [09:47] Hi. On KDE, all GTK+ apps except firefox-trunk for some reason are not rendering fonts properly, even though gtk[23]-engines-oxygen is set. How do I fix this? Thanks. === benjamin is now known as Guest50744 [11:19] hey [11:20] I'm having a load of difficulty installing ku alongside windows 7 [11:20] It seems to install right, but then It messes up and just keeps on booting into windows 7 [11:21] theres a nice little "Kubuntu" option in my Boot menu which I gather is the proper EFI plugin [11:21] but it does nothing [11:21] :/ [11:21] I've never had this kind of issue with my desktop, then again it was made in 2005 [11:27] I haven't messed with anything even remotely EFI like since my old iMac G3 [11:37] Isn't there a nice convenient boot repair option like good old windows? [11:39] GFD haha I got the Kubuntu EFI window to come up now windows 7 is gone === ZzyZzyXX is now known as sidewinder9000 [11:47] I fixed it [11:47] :D [11:50] I did a Boot-Repair in Kubuntu, then I did sudo update-grub and now I can see my windows again :D [11:50] I kept trying debian stuf === david is now known as Guest21369 [12:08] Hey there, I'm trying to setup my KOrganizer to use an IMAP folder fomr KMail as Calendar resource. The steps described in the official documentation (http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdepim/korganizer/managing-data.html) don't work for me, as I do not have a "Groupware" tab in my "Misc" settings of my IMAP resource. Any hints? [12:09] KMail 4 btw [12:20] Howdy folks [12:20] o/ [12:31] Anyone using "Calendar on IMAP Server via KMail" feature in Korganizer? === fabio123_ is now known as fabio123 [12:49] * jackyalcine f [12:49] * jackyalcine is listening to ♫ Raise Your Weapon - Madeon Extended Remix ♫ by deadmau5 from album Raise Your Weapon on spotify === LjL-BetaMale is now known as LjL-DeltaMale [13:05] I would like something similar to a dock, the panel at the bottom is close, but I cannot start applications from it. I have to go through the application launcher and navigate a bunch of programs. I want to set my main programs someplace easily accessible. [13:18] melkor, do you mean the kicker/Kmenu? [13:20] you can open the panel by clicking on the littlecashew icon on the far right , choose add widgets then type in quicklaunch , then you can drag apps from the kmenu into the launcher [13:20] melkor,^ [13:21] that's one method [13:35] Okay I made a panel, and added icons to a quick launcher. It is really tough to configure some of this stuff. Such as I dropped a firefox outside of the quick launch and now it is stuck on the panel and I cannot really move it. [13:36] if the widgets are unlocked, and you click the cashew on the right when you move the cursor to the left across the panel when you get over what you want to move you will see a 4 arrow pattern [13:37] when you see that pattern click and hold to drag [13:37] Okay, it didn't seem to work the first time I hovered over it. [13:38] it's tricky, if you move the cursor upwards too far out of the panel you lose focus and have to go back and click the cashew again [13:38] Okay, and where do I drag it to if I want to remvoe it? [13:39] Oh, I see the x removes it. [13:39] yeah, the x in the upper right corner of the tab that appears above [13:41] I have an autohide panel, is it possible to make the panel not take up the whole edge of the screen? [13:43] not certain what you mean, but when you click on the cashew you should see the widget bar pop up, and between that and the panel you should see some sliders [13:43] you can slide those back and forth to set the panel width [13:43] Excellent, I did not realize those were sliders. [13:45] And lastly, can I change the color/background of the panels? [13:45] that has to do with the plasma theme [13:47] never tried changing colors myselfm but look in system settings under (I think) workspace appearance -> desktop theme and use the details tab at the top === sai is now known as saivinoba [13:49] Yeah, it looks like I have to have all of the panels the same. This works okay for now though. Thanks for the info. [13:53] if you switch the kick start menu to 'classic' it's easy to add things to the panel as all you have to do is select what you want by hovering and right click - then you get three choices of where to put it - one choice is the panel [13:54] you'll get add to favorites, add to desktop, and add to panel [13:57] hey [13:58] can someone please explain to me the point of registering on the servers/ [13:58] ? [14:04] junior: registering what on server? [14:06] junior, to keep your nick if you want [14:12] yeah === vegeta is now known as Sky-Roker [14:20] does it offer any ip cloaking? [14:20] Thats really what I'm concerned about [14:21] hey junior what you talkinn about cloaks? [14:22] junior, join #freenode chat and ask for a cloak [14:24] hello simion314 === kubuntu is now known as Guest81852 [15:36] I haven't messed with joysticks in Kubuntu before, and I'm running a virtual machine. js0 is "VMWare Virtual USB Mouse", and js1 is my xbox 360 controller. Tests and calibration seem to work right but the FCEUX emulator is waiting on js0 for input I think. Is there a way to swap the controllers js0 and js1? [15:59] hello guys [16:20] Hi all, mounted my second HDD (kubuntu with encrypted home directory) and followed some instructions to mount the encrypted partition, but all the files names still look encrypted, help? [16:31] found better instructions, solved now :) [16:32] Anyone but me playing with 14.4a version? [16:39] hello [16:39] What happened to my "Leave" menu? I no longer see a Sleep option there. [16:58] Hello community. I can't find the folder for outgoing mails in KMail. Can anybody help? [17:05] Gezeitenwurm, can you see the local directory listing above? [17:07] xfork, I found it. I thought every account has it's own folder for outgoing mail. Thank you. [17:08] keine probleme :) [17:16] hello Guys do you know maybe how long dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda command will take on 2TB 7200.14 [17:17] i have problem with raid megadata left on disk and know have problem with installing the 12.04.03 [17:22] przemek_, the dd command for a 2TB drive will a long time, not sure exactly but from what I've heard i could take days, even. [17:22] take a long time [17:23] Hi everyone, i have just setup a kmail imap account on a fresh install of kubuntu 13.10. The data that needs to be downloaded is huge (about 4-5GBytes). I was wondering if there was a way to force kmail to download everything including attachments. I can see that akonadi is syncing for a while then stops then starts again. I searched for the path where the data is saved which obviously is ~/.local/share/akonadi/file_db_data/. However i can't say that [17:23] i can see too much of data been saved at that location meaning that kmail takes too long to finaly download everything including attachments. Is there a specific way to force it to start downloading attachments as well so that it can reach a point of being able to be offline while all data including attachments will be available? [17:23] BluesKaj: thank you dude [17:28] przemek_, do some research on google or ask in ##linux, those guys can give you a quick answer [17:29] hi [17:30] hi [17:31] hi razeak [17:31] <|Frodo|> hello! I want to buy a new PC for use with kubuntu. are there negative (or also positive) experiences with the Richland-APU from AMD? I am specially interrested in the graphic compatibility. [17:32] Is kmail a hopeless case? [17:34] |Frodo|, it's my experience that nvidia graphics are easier to setup, as long as the gpu isn't one of those high end gamer cards, but even those are easily fixed if you have any problems.ATI/AMD graphics are hit and miss on kubuntu [17:39] BluesKaj: thx :) [17:40] <|Frodo|> BluesKaj: ok, the AMD Richland-APU has a ATI-graphic card onboard. then I should choose another CPU? which one would you prefer? [17:42] |Frodo|, the cpu is fine , it's the gpu/graphics drivers that are a gamble [17:43] the ati graphics that is [17:45] <|Frodo|> BluesKaj: yes, but with Richland you get CPU & GPU together. ok, I can buy additionally a seperate graphic card. but is there a good CPU without ATI graphic onboard? [17:45] I have amd cpus on 2 machines with nviida graphics and they work just fine [17:47] |Frodo|, that's up to you to do the research, we don't recommend which pcs to buy, we just advise you what to avoid and what hardware to include on a pc [17:48] my experience with intel cpus and graphics have been very positive so far [17:49] |Frodo|, a lot depends on how you want to use the pc. [17:52] <|Frodo|> BluesKaj: I certainly don't want a full components list for my new PC. you said, you use AMD cpus on 2 PCs. which cpu do you use there? do it has graphic onboard or do you use a seperate graphic card? [18:09] |Frodo|: There exist AMD CPUs without a GPU onboard. Athlon and Phenom, for example. [18:09] Athlon was carried over to the FM2 and FM2+ socket as A series CPUs without a GPU. [18:19] |Frodo|, sorry for the delay. My pcs both have nvidia gpus on the motherboard, but I installed nvidia 8400gs pci cards for wifes gamer pc and our HTPC media server which needed a DPI to HDMI connection. The onboard gpu only had a VGA connection available [18:31] <|Frodo|> BluesKaj & roadkill: thx for your replys. I will not need very high graphic performance, the PC will be used for office, web and video-films. no advanced gaming. so I thougt, a APU would be a good enough, cheap idea... [18:34] Dragon player won't show any video for me. Just the equalizer. [18:36] hi all === blackworm is now known as bones-afk [18:44] |Frodo|, ok good luck with your search for a pc , most newer pcs offer much better video performance and hardware than my older desktops had when I bought them 5 yrs ago, but keep in mind that ati graphics are still hit and miss on linux === georgy is now known as Stalinir === Stalinir is now known as Tsk === Tsk is now known as Caucasian [18:47] Hi2All === bones-afk is now known as blackworm [18:53] melkor, try vlc [18:56] guys, can u say, where the plasmoid javascript libs are located? [18:56] melkor, also make sure you have kubuntu-restricted extras installed, if you are playing a DRM dvd then you'll need to download libdvdcss from videolan [18:57] kubuntu-restricted-extras , that is === blackworm is now known as bones-afk === mikeberry is now known as Berrance === bones-afk is now known as blackworm === `Nothing4You_ is now known as Nothing4You_ === blackworm is now known as bones-afk [20:13] BluesKaj: thanks. I did see your response because I had moved onto vlc and was watching the movie. === bones-afk is now known as blackworm === blackworm is now known as bones-afk === bones-afk is now known as blackworm [21:03] #xubuntu [21:04] blackworm [21:04] blackworm_: sup [21:05] hello [21:05] #ubuntu [21:10] Good evening. [21:20] is there a nice app for home design? like designing rooms, put couches, windows, doors, etc? [21:29] http://www.sweethome3d.com/ m_tadeu === blackworm is now known as bones-afk [21:31] Monkeyjuice, i'm always amazed with the diversity of software for linux :) Never thought there'd be anything like THAT :p [22:32] question guys, I have a new laptop that has the ati 8400 intergrated graphics and when I play wow I only get like a max of 15 fps with the ati drivers installed but my old laptop can play wow with like 30 fps [22:32] can anyone familiar with kernels answer a q for me [22:54] Hello friends [22:55] I am currently running Ubuntu 14.04 Alpha, how do I install Kubuntu 14.04? [22:56] anybody here? [22:56] i see kubuntu-desktop 1.293 on the software center [22:57] which KDE version is this? [23:04] guys [23:05] What KDE version is the kubuntu-desktop 1.293 meta package on ubuntu? [23:05] is kubuntu dead? [23:15] KUBUNTU IS DEAD :(* [23:15] back to windows for me === bones-afk is now known as blackworm === soee_ is now known as soee === david is now known as TheKleine85 [23:55] Hi. On KDE, all GTK+ apps except firefox-trunk for some reason are not rendering fonts properly, even though gtk[23]-engines-oxygen is set. How do I fix this? Thanks.