=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away [10:12] Laney: did you forget to push the libtoolize changes to other things on pkg-gstreamer? [10:13] oh well, i'll do it for the remaining ones :) [11:28] slomo: which ones? [11:28] I *thought* I did it for all of them [11:30] or maybe I only did it for the actual gst things and forgot everything else [11:38] Laney: you forgot base :) [11:38] everything else i looked at now was done [11:38] ah, sorry [11:39] np :) [14:33] Laney: want to chat about gst wrt. faad and h264parse ? [14:34] Laney: so for touch we want to pull those two from bad, but nothing else. [14:34] I'd rather not split out those two into a "complete new gst split" cause that's a pain. [14:34] We could move them to good, but that's also a crazy delta to maintain. [14:35] so i was thinking to copy those two into additional binary package, and declare that it provides the h264parse/faad. [14:36] i think even without twiddling shlibs to do alternative package depends, it will be sufficient for ubuntu touch. [14:36] shall i make a pull request for evaluation? === m_conley_away is now known as m_conley [17:49] xnox: i'll be at work on tuesday, let's talk about it then [17:49] in the meantime you can ask r_salveti and jhodapp what is actually needed [17:50] Laney: escaped the suction? [17:50] desrt: never underestimate the power of east coast trains [17:50] good job [17:51] trust you made it back okay [17:51] yup [17:51] good flights [17:59] superb === Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo === m_conley is now known as m_conley_away