=== vying is now known as Guest80391 [01:55] is there a wiki page on the nexus 7 2013 yet [03:11] is there a wiki page on the nexus 7 2013 yet [05:17] Not yet, but do you know how to install it? [06:44] anyone awake? [06:45] does Ubuntu Touch have anything against cross-origin XHR calls? [09:29] frecel_: dunno, but if you have sample code I can test it on device === test is now known as Guest19061 [10:33] any possibility to flash that on other device editing source? [10:45] SonikkuAmerica, look at the ubuntu-phone mailing list on launchpad, there are experimental images and install instructions [10:46] !devices | Guest19061 [10:46] Guest19061: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices [10:46] Guest19061, if the device you look for is not on there, there is a link to the porting guide in the cannel topic [10:46] *channel topic [13:02] Hello everyone, I think I'm almost done with "Ubuntu Netwalk"... Please, can someone test the click package on a real device (at the moment I don't have my galaxy nexus with me), and let me know if everything works fine... Here the url: http://ubuntuone.com/4RJb33yMo348Z7rm42yWMv [13:19] swordfish, hi, if you can give me the command with path for pushing the file on my nexus4 via adb, i can test it. [13:23] robert1, thank you... If I remember correctly is: adb push filename /home/phablet/ [13:23] robert1, where instead of filename you should use the name of the click package... === dlan_ is now known as dlan [13:30] swordfish, robert@Ideapad-S205:~/Downloads$ adb push com.ubuntu.developer.flscogna.ubuntu-netwalk_0.9_all.click /home/phablet/ [13:30] 2529 KB/s (116798 bytes in 0.045s) [13:30] robert@Ideapad-S205:~/Downloads$ [13:30] robert1, Ok, now you have the package on the phone... Lets fire a shell... adb shell [13:31] robert1, cd /home/phablet [13:31] swordfish, yes iam there [13:32] swordfish, root@ubuntu-phablet:/home/phablet# dir [13:32] Documents Music Videos [13:32] Downloads Pictures com.ubuntu.developer.flscogna.ubuntu-netwalk_0.9_all.click [13:32] root@ubuntu-phablet:/home/phablet# [13:33] robert1, click install com.ubuntu.developer.flscogna.ubuntu-netwalk_0.9_all.click [13:33] robert1, very good... [13:33] swordfish, Setting up com.ubuntu.developer.flscogna.ubuntu-netwalk (0.9) ... [13:34] i wouldn't do that [13:34] adb push foo.click /tmp [13:34] adb shell [13:34] sudo -u phablet -i [13:34] pkcon install-local /tmp/foo.click [13:34] ^^ that [13:35] popey, ah ok sorry... I always did this the other way... [13:36] robert1, let's do what popey says... He is much more trustworthy than me... :) ... [13:36] oh I don't know about that ☻ [13:36] swordfish, ok [13:37] popey, I used to follow this tutorial, It might be a little outdated http://notyetthere.org/on-manually-creating-click-packages/ [13:38] i am back in ca. 30minutes [14:10] swordfish, so i am back again [14:17] swordfish, how popey write, i can now push com.ubuntu.developer.flscogna.ubuntu-netwalk_0.9_all.click into /temp [14:19] robert@Ideapad-S205:~/Downloads$ adb push com.ubuntu.developer.flscogna.ubuntu-netwalk_0.9_all.click /home/phablet/temp/com.ubuntu.developer.flscogna.ubuntu-netwalk_0.9_all.click [14:19] 2472 KB/s (116798 bytes in 0.046s) [14:19] robert@Ideapad-S205:~/Downloads$ [14:20] robert1, sorry for the delay popey intended... adb push filename /tmp [14:20] robert1, this will push this inside the temporary folder... [14:21] then again adb shell and pkcon install-local /tmp/foo.click [14:21] swordfish, phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ pkcon install-local /tmp/com.ubuntu.developer.flscogna.ubuntu-netwalk_0.9_all.click [14:21] Installing files [=========================] [14:21] Fatal error: could not resolve: /tmp/com.ubuntu.developer.flscogna.ubuntu-netwalk_0.9_all.click [14:21] phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ [14:22] swordfish, and with your command [14:22] phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~/temp$ pkcon install-local /tmp/foo.click [14:22] Installing files [=========================] [14:22] Fatal error: could not resolve: /tmp/foo.click [14:22] phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~/temp$ [14:23] swordfish, whats the fault? [14:24] robert1, can you try ls /tmp ? (on adb shell) [14:25] swordfish, phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~/temp$ ls /tmp [14:25] grilo-plugin-cache-MLX4AX nS1629.sci Ti1629.sci wZ1629.sci [14:25] kn1629.sci ssh-36igf6fIAscF TJ1629.sci XM1629.sci [14:25] Lh1629.sci ssh-9Z20wt3VHk0T TT1629.sci [14:25] phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~/temp$ [14:26] dont call it foo.click, use the real package name [14:27] phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~/temp$ pkcon install-local /temp/com.ubuntu.developer.flscogna.ubuntu-netwalk_0.9_all.click [14:27] Installing files [=========================] [14:27] Fatal error: could not resolve: /temp/com.ubuntu.developer.flscogna.ubuntu-netwalk_0.9_all.click [14:27] phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~/temp$ [14:27] robert1, you didn't push the the package in the temp directory, that's the problem... [14:27] swordfish, phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~/temp$ dir [14:27] com.ubuntu.developer.flscogna.ubuntu-netwalk_0.9_all.click [14:27] phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~/temp$ [14:27] wait [14:27] robert1, let's restart... adb push package.click (use the package name) /tmp [14:28] you keep mixing /tmp and ~/temp [14:28] they are not the same thing [14:28] popey, ok [14:28] and /temp [14:28] use one, stick to it [14:30] robert@Ideapad-S205:~/Downloads$ adb push com.ubuntu.developer.flscogna.ubuntu-netwalk_0.9_all.click /home/phablet/tmp [14:30] 2467 KB/s (116798 bytes in 0.046s) [14:30] robert@Ideapad-S205:~/Downloads$ [14:31] but [14:31] root@ubuntu-phablet:/tmp# dir [14:31] Lh1629.sci Ti1629.sci kn1629.sci ssh-9Z20wt3VHk0T [14:31] TJ1629.sci XM1629.sci nS1629.sci wZ1629.sci [14:31] TT1629.sci grilo-plugin-cache-MLX4AX ssh-36igf6fIAscF [14:31] root@ubuntu-phablet:/tmp# [14:31] again [14:31] wrong directory! [14:32] /home/phablet/tmp is not /tmp [14:32] popey, ah sorry my fault i try it again [14:34] swordfish: http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-02-09-143348.png [14:34] http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-02-09-143406.png [14:34] robert@Ideapad-S205:~/Downloads$ adb push com.ubuntu.developer.flscogna.ubuntu-netwalk_0.9_all.click /tmp [14:34] 2448 KB/s (116798 bytes in 0.046s) [14:34] robert@Ideapad-S205:~/Downloads$ [14:34] http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-02-09-143422.png [14:34] http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-02-09-143445.png [14:35] popey, thank you very much... Just a couple of questions: does it store setting between two sessions? 2) Does pinch to zoom work? [14:35] pinch no [14:35] i have to move the area around to see everything [14:35] (which wasn't discoverable) [14:36] i can pan left/right, but not up/down, is that right? [14:36] now it's stopped taking input [14:37] timer still rising but i cant move the play area or tap anything [14:37] pause/resume fixed it [14:37] swordfish, now its installed, must i reboot my device? [14:37] no, just search for "net" in the applications lens [14:38] http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-02-09-143758.png [14:38] http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-02-09-143808.png [14:38] can't see field for entering name [14:38] swordfish, yes it works here too, nice work [14:39] http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-02-09-143927.png [14:39] score is saved [14:40] really nice game swordfish [14:40] netwalk has always been a favorite of mine, glad you ported it! [14:40] i like the nice touch of having the devices boot up ☻ [14:41] popey, Ok, thank you... Is it smooth with the animation activated? [14:42] animation being glowing wires? [14:42] popey, I tested it with my laptop with touchscreen and pinch to zoom was working, is strange that on the device it gives problems, may this be related to mir or the problem is in my code? [14:42] yes, animaitons are rotations and glowing wires... [14:43] seems smooth, yes [14:43] might want to make the rotation faster [14:43] feels slower than the versions I'm used to [14:43] hmm, locked up again [14:43] robert1, I'm happy you liked it... [14:44] swordfish: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6903569/ is the application log [14:45] dunno if it's useful, feel free to make a click package with more logging and I'll be happy to test it [14:46] * popey sleeps [14:51] ok popey, thank you for your support... Now it is working, and this is definitely a big improvement... I will remove the pinch to zoom (which I think is the main cause of input problems) and fix a couple of other things and then I will bother you a little bit more... [14:52] popey, do you also use a nexus4? [15:30] hi guys [15:35] Thanks ogra_ === SonikkuAmerica_ is now known as S-USA|Nexus [17:35] do I need permisions to do cross-origin XHR in a html5 app? === SonikkuAmerica_ is now known as S-USA|Nexus === vying is now known as Guest56670 [19:01] good afternoon guys === Valduare_ is now known as Valduare [22:22] Hello ?