
daftykinsnot the first and certainly not the last :)04:07
daftykins'Tainted Love' Performed By Disk Drives Will Have You Geek Out"04:07
MartijnVdSkernel is still compiling :|06:42
mappshey MartijnVdS06:42
mappsjust gets up?06:42
MartijnVdSraspberry pi...06:42
MartijnVdSmapps: yeah06:42
mappsi just got home:D went on casino and now vodka and sprite06:42
MartijnVdSooh! ooh!06:45
MartijnVdS  LINK    vmlinux06:45
MartijnVdSAlanBell: for reference: Raspberry Pi kernel compile on the Pi took about 12 hours (@ 900MHz, "Medium" overclock setting)07:57
xalyysomeone used proxmox before?08:13
directhexgah, chrome is broken09:04
MartijnVdSdirecthex: how?09:12
directhexdunno. i deleted the config folder & fixed itr09:18
MartijnVdSoh you hit the "Couldn't load your profile" bug?09:23
MartijnVdSI get that every few months09:23
popeyi had that recently09:28
popeyafter my laptop died when out of battery09:28
brobostigongood morning boys and girls.09:54
brobostigonmorning popey10:38
czajkowskiso trusty is running nicely11:24
xalyySomeone used proxmox before? :S11:24
czajkowskiI still have that annoying bug which find it hard to reproduce but does exist. where you shut down your machine and it restarts. most anonying when you#'re on a plane11:24
xalyyCan someone help me about proxmox?11:26
czajkowskixalyy: it's kinda quiet in here at the weekend, maybe explain the problem abd someone might see it11:32
xalyyWell I made a virutal box for testing out the proxmox and installed the iso then tried to open the https://myip:8006 web interface but it not works11:33
popeyczajkowski: i never shut my laptop down11:43
popeyuhm. system settings seems to be missing a date/time thing in trusty11:49
popeyor am I blind11:49
popeyI can't see how to change my time (am in the wrong timezone)11:49
AlanBellpopey: mine is gone too11:51
popeyAlanBell: bug 127806311:53
lubotu3bug 1278063 in unity-control-center (Ubuntu) "date and time settings missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127806311:53
popeypls confirm11:53
Laneydo you have unity-control-center-datetime installed?11:54
Laneyoh sorry, got to go11:54
ali1234gooby pls11:55
AlanBellLaney: nope, I didn't have that11:55
ali1234will that also fix bug 1074314?11:56
lubotu3bug 1074314 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "indicator-datetime configuration panel only works in Unity session" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107431411:56
popeyLaney: I didn't, just figured that out and updated the bug11:57
ali1234lol so the reason it's broken is because they renamed the panel and then forgot to update the gnome .desktop12:03
AlanBellor have not yet got round to updating the .desktop12:05
ali1234change was commited two weeks ago12:06
popeybug 1277900 also12:06
awilkinsxalyy, Have you set up the NAT stuff for your VM?12:06
lubotu3Error: Could not gather data from Launchpad for bug #1277900 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1277900). The error has been logged12:06
popeybug 1277900 also12:06
popeysilly bot ☻12:06
ali1234i take back what i previously said12:07
ali1234it's actually been intentionally broken12:07
xalyyawilkins: What you mean?12:10
awilkinsxalyy, When you have a VM, it's isolated from the network unless you specifically set up network ports for other machines to communicate with it12:11
ali1234popey: your other bug is a dupe, at least for datetime12:11
awilkinsThe default setup on VirtualBox is, AFAIK, NAT12:11
popeyfeel free to mark it as such12:11
popeyi thougt it might be but couldn't see another12:11
awilkinsWhich means you have to map ports on the VM to ports on your host machine if you want to communicate with the server inside12:11
awilkinsHave a look at the "Advanced" dialog in the network setup12:12
ali1234you'll have to change your shortcut because the panel applet has been renamed in order to prevent it from working with g-c-c, this will also invalidate your shortcut12:12
popeyor bin and re-create it I guess.12:12
ali1234just change "indicator-datetime" to "datetime"12:12
popeyit was sound, but I understand12:12
ali1234and g-c-c to u-c-c12:13
popeyjust removed it and re-dragged it in from the dash12:13
ali1234also why the heck do you have shortcuts to individual settings on the launcher?12:14
popeyyou are not the first to ask this ☻12:14
popeyI use the sound applet a lot12:14
ali1234so do i but i just clik the sound indicator12:14
popeydocking station + bluetooth headphones + linux = annoyance12:14
xalyyOk im back12:14
popeyfaster to super+912:14
popeyfor me12:14
popeymy sound menu is huge, so click then go all the way to the bottom to get sound settings12:15
xalyyIm here at the advanced settings12:15
xalyyDo I have to add the 8006 port?12:15
popeyxalyy: no, I'd just change NAT to Bridged and restart the VM12:15
ali1234clean it out?12:16
popeystill easier to use launcher12:16
ali1234it really needs an easier way to remove every audio player ever12:16
popeyannoying i have to use it so much12:16
xalyyStill not works12:16
ali1234you know what's even easier? having a settings menu on the panel12:17
popeyi dont use most settings, only sound12:17
ali1234and the other four ones :)12:17
popeywell, and bluetooth12:17
xalyyI switched to nat12:17
xalyyBut still not shows the website12:17
popeyxalyy: bridged, not nat, and restart the vm12:18
xalyyI mean to bridged12:18
xalyySorry mistyped :D12:18
popeyright, and find out what IP the VM has once booted12:18
xalyybut not worksss12:18
popeypoint your browser at that http://I.p.address:8006/12:18
xalyylike before12:18
popeydid you restart the vm?12:18
xalyyWhy is it not working? :(12:20
popeydid you restart the vm?12:20
popeyinside the vm, if you 'telnet 8006' do you get a response?12:20
xalyyThis is what i got12:21
awilkinsThat looks promising12:22
xalyywhat is the next step? :D12:23
popeythats what I do to test12:24
xalyyI not got what u got but ok :D12:29
popeyyou got a response of some kind?12:30
xalyyi got what i sent12:32
xalyyU saw the pic?12:33
=== LjL-BetaMale is now known as LjL-DeltaMale
awilkinsxalyy, You got a response - it connected and dropped, rather than timing out12:52
awilkinsxalyy, That means there is a server running with that port open, rather than nothing being there12:53
MartijnVdSwow.. cross-compiling a RPi kernel: 5 minutes. Compiling a kernel on the pi: 24 hours (including docs/manual/etc. packages)13:01
ali1234the kernel is very easy to cross compile tho13:01
MartijnVdSali1234: yes, I know that now :)13:01
ali1234pretty much nothing else is so easy13:02
MartijnVdSbecause of library dependencies13:02
MartijnVdSinstalling a cross-compiler is easy, but for most other things you need at least libc13:02
penguin42with multiarch it's not as bad as it was - can get the libs in13:04
MartijnVdSpenguin42: even of incompatible archs?13:12
MartijnVdS   .GPS.            1 u   34   64    3    0.581    0.203   0.01413:12
penguin42MartijnVdS: Yes13:13
penguin42MartijnVdS: installing libs normally isn't a problem (as long as their multiarch safe - not everything is)13:13
penguin42MartijnVdS: Sometime need to have qemu installed incase the installation scripts need to run something13:14
xalyy_Im back! Connection lost13:33
xalyy_awilkins then what can I do to solve the problem13:33
xalyy_Is somebody here or everybody sleepig again? :D13:35
lubotu3Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/13:35
popeyxalyy: we established your server is running13:36
xalyy_I searched like 1 day without any luck, thats why I moved to here13:36
xalyy_But if the server is running then why the web interface not loads?13:37
xalyy_I don't know what I done wrong... I configured the network and this was a fresh install nothing modified13:37
xalyy_Same problem with my dedicated not working there too13:38
AlanBellxalyy_: you are running proxmox inside a vm?13:40
xalyy_First I trying to test it on my computer on virtualbox13:41
xalyy_Then move it to dedicated13:41
xalyy_But it's not even work in my PC13:41
AlanBellwell I would kind of expect some issues running it nested13:41
AlanBellhowever I would expect the web UI to work13:41
AlanBellcan you get to the web UI from inside the guest itself?13:42
xalyy_It don't have Desktop enviroment13:42
AlanBelldoes the guest operating system have a GUI?13:42
AlanBellok, how about lynx or something13:42
AlanBellsudo apt-get install lynx13:43
awilkinsText-mode browser13:43
AlanBellthen lynx localhost:8006 or whever it is13:43
xalyy_Okay! I try it ty13:43
AlanBellnot expecting it to work well, but it should be enough to recognise whether it is working at all13:44
xalyy_http://gyazo.com/4d0d231e12c41a44c661f415acd6d203.png :(13:45
popeyis that from inside the vm or outside?13:45
popeyoh, inside13:45
AlanBellok, so forget about port mapping for a bit, until you get it serving locally13:46
awilkinsTry http://localhost:800613:47
popeyits not ssl?13:47
AlanBellthat isn't right anyway, why is it trying to resolve the IP address?13:47
awilkinsYes... maybe that also counts13:47
awilkinsso https://localhost:800613:47
xalyy_Tried localhost first then 192.168.13:47
popeywhat ip does the vm have?13:48
popeynote that it will not be the same ip as your host13:48
xalyy_Umm local ip?13:48
popeyifconfig inside the vm will tell you13:48
popeywith bridged the vm gets an ip address like any other host13:48
popeynot the same as your host13:48
popeyso you may just be using the wrong ip13:48
xalyy_How can I scroll up?13:48
xalyy_on virtualbox :D13:48
popeypage up?13:49
popeyip addr | grep 19213:49
popeyprobbaly ☻13:49
popeythats localhost on interface lo13:50
* AlanBell doesn't think there is an active network card in the guest13:50
popeywhat about interface eth0 ?13:50
MooDoodirecthex: but I want a valve code, my key is I AMDI RECT HEX ;)13:50
popeythese cropped screenshots annoy me ☻13:51
xalyy_Sorry :D13:51
popeyso no ip on eth013:51
popeywhat OS is the guest?13:52
xalyy_Proxmox 3.1 VE13:53
penguin42no, in the VM, not on the host13:53
AlanBellpenguin42: that is running nested in the guest13:54
penguin42ooohhhh - nested is fun13:54
xalyy_what host?13:54
AlanBellwhich is . . . going to hurt, but the web UI should work13:54
popeythis sounds odd, i dont understand what on earth is going on here13:54
xalyy_guys u think i meant that there is a vm under my dedi?13:54
popeythis is a remote machine with virtualbox instaled on it?13:55
popeyand proxmox as the guest?13:55
penguin42xalyy_: You need to go back a step; put a webpage together that shows what your setup is - completely so we can understand13:55
xalyy_OK wait13:55
AlanBellor local desktop with virtualbox with proxmox inside it?13:55
AlanBellturtles all the way down13:55
popeyxalyy_: explain the setup13:56
AlanBellthe guest isn't getting an IP address, so you think that is set up with a bridged networking card, and your router is capable of assigning an extra DHCP address?13:56
awilkinsUuuuurgh, host OS is Windows :P14:00
popeythat diagram doesn't help14:01
AlanBellso, where is Ubuntu in all this?14:01
popeyexplain it...14:02
popey"i have a blah running blah and in that there's blah running blah"14:02
* awilkins bobs off to get some food14:02
xalyy_  Proxmox uses integrated debain what are you guys talking? :D14:02
xalyy_Both of the machines running on debian14:02
AlanBellso you have a windows host with some debian derivative that isn't Ubuntu as a guest14:03
AlanBelland another cloud server that isn't running Ubuntu14:03
penguin42xalyy_: Sorry, you really need to draw it out - what exactly are you running14:03
xalyy_I am running windows on the windows I am running a Virtualmachine under Oracle VM, my dedicated is located somewhere in the US my dedicated not belongs to my personal computer, my dedicated runs under debian14:04
xalyy_good? :P14:04
AlanBellso, why do you think we can help with that?14:04
xalyy_Why not?14:04
penguin42but how is your dedicated related to your virtualbox mess?14:04
xalyy_I said first Im testing proxmox on the oracle vm then I want to move on my dedicated and fix everything like on my comp14:05
* SuperEngineer gets ready to type !-t-o-p-i-c :D14:05
xalyy_Because the two machine have the same problem14:05
penguin42SuperEngineer: Well to be fair we rarely are on topic in here14:05
SuperEngineerdouble lol14:05
penguin42SuperEngineer: Indeed being on topic might be off topic14:06
SuperEngineertriple lol14:06
xalyy_Now do you understand the setup? :D14:07
popeyI do. I think.14:07
penguin42xalyy_: Look, you're just learning this stuff - you need to start simpler; and nesting VMs is not a good way to start learning14:07
popeyBut I never use VirtualBox on Windows so can't help with that.14:07
AlanBellxalyy_: so, for the virtualbox thing, you need to arrange for the guest to get an IP address, I have no idea if you are being blocked by a windows firewall setup or if the proxmox networking doesn't like the virtualbox card or something else14:07
popeyhe's not nesting VMs penguin42, why do you think he is?14:07
AlanBellpopey: proxmox is virtualisation software14:07
popeyright, but he hasn't got that far yet14:08
xalyy_What is nesting?14:08
AlanBellwith a web gui, which should run, even if it doesn't let you start VMs14:08
AlanBellxalyy_: running VMs within VMs is nesting14:08
popeysounds just like the vm doesn't have an ip yet14:08
penguin42ah, so he's just trying to run the management stuff in the windows virtualbox?14:08
popeythat he can point to14:08
penguin42popey: But where are the VMs?14:08
popeythey dont exist yet, clearly14:08
popeygiven he can't get to the admin console14:09
xalyy_I am trying to setup proxmox on the oracle vm14:09
penguin42popey: Ohhhh14:09
* popey sleeps14:10
penguin42popey: Just looky you weren't pulled into a floridian sinkhole14:10
AlanBellso, problem 1, your debian thing in virtualbox needs to be on your local network14:10
AlanBelland it isn't right now14:10
xalyy_How to fix it belly :D14:10
AlanBellsudo dhclient might give you a clue14:11
xalyy_Wait first how do I exit under |less14:11
xalyy_ifconfig |less14:11
AlanBellI think perhaps you are running before walking here14:12
* penguin42 agrees14:12
xalyy_dhclient not done anything14:12
xalyy_RTNETLINL asnwers: File exists!14:13
xalyy_Lol you dont say14:13
MartijnVdSthat usually means a route already exists14:14
MartijnVdSdoesn't hurt14:14
xalyy_Great :D Next command?14:14
xalyy_GUYS what happened??14:16
xalyy_Its just works now...14:16
xalyy_But how is this possible? dhclient done the magic or which command?14:16
penguin42AlanBell's telepathy probably14:17
xalyy_Seriously I have to know exactly, because I have to fix the dedicated too :P14:17
penguin42xalyy_: If you manually ran dhclient that would do it, but that suggests that you just needed to configure proxmox to run dhclient14:19
xalyy_So you mean proxmox is not starting dhclient properly?14:19
xalyy_By the way what is dhclient14:19
penguin42xalyy_: dhclient is the thing that sends and receives dhcp requests on the network;14:20
penguin42xalyy_: You need to go and learn some basic networking/linux admin stuff I think before trying to debug this much!14:21
xalyy_But I doesn't even know why I have to debug, I mean I watched 5 video tutroials where the guys installs the proxmox on a VM or VPS or Dedicated but they got it working right away after installed14:22
AlanBellthe dedicated serer has got an IP address, or you wouldn't be connecting to it14:22
xalyy_I can connect to the dedicated server without the dedicated connecting to the internet :D14:22
AlanBellok, serial port debugging or is it really virtualised?14:23
AlanBellhuh, that virtual KVM window . . .14:23
AlanBellyour dedi is running under a KVM host?14:23
xalyy_Running under Drac14:24
xalyy_I heard its a small computer on the dedi14:24
xalyy_It has other ip14:24
xalyy_Then the dedi14:24
AlanBell /o\14:24
xalyy_Is it a bell? :D14:24
xalyy_On the dedicated dhclient did not worked still not loads the :8006 website gui I think I have to reinstall everything...14:25
xalyy_What you say?14:25
xalyy_Do I reiinstall proxmox os completly?14:25
AlanBellI have no further opinion on the matter :)14:26
xalyy_Ok I reinstall it, I have time :D14:26
xalyy_Do you have idea why the VM is so slow? I mean the virtual media session14:27
xalyy_It uploading really slow14:27
DJonesCan you copy a virtualbox machine from one computer to another, or do configuration options get messed up when you do14:27
AlanBellDJones: yes, and maybe14:28
AlanBellbut it is fixable14:28
xalyy_Problem is14:28
AlanBellor you copy the config options too14:28
xalyy_Dedicated does not have DHCP so I have to manually config the network files... :S14:28
xalyy_So it would be double messy14:28
xalyy_Can hostname be anything on the dedicated?14:29
xalyy_Or does it counts?14:29
DJonesAlanBell: Thanks, I've got two Windows installs and was planning on copying both folders including all files & subdirectories, its got .vbox & .vdi file, along with a Logs folder14:29
shaunoxalyy_: you really need to ask your host what your network settings should be.  we simply can't guess them14:31
DJonesI'm expecting some issues because they're both Windows installs, XP & Win 714:31
AlanBellDJones: look in .virtualbox too14:31
AlanBell.Virtualbox even14:31
AlanBellgah ~/.VirtualBox14:31
DJonesAlanBell: Thanks for heads up14:31
AlanBellVirtualBox.xml in there is the config settings mostly14:32
xalyy_shauno: but is there a way to guess my dedicated hostname from the dedicated ip or something?14:32
AlanBellxalyy_: really, you need to ask your ISP about this, you are not running Ubuntu and we are not your ISP :)14:33
xalyy_My dedicated not running ubuntu?14:33
shaunoI can't change my answer just because it's not the one you wanted, I'm afraid14:33
xalyy_What are you talking about :D14:33
xalyy_I mean debian is not similiar to ubuntu?14:34
AlanBellit is not Ubuntu, no14:35
xalyy_Thanks for the help guys for all this :D14:41
xalyy_Something not good... Cmon.. I can't beleive this, I rebooted the oracle vm and now the web ui not working again14:57
xalyy_Typed dhclient several times but not helps14:57
xalyy_what is this?!14:57
the_rockerhi guys15:04
knightwisehey everyone15:40
knightwisesmall question : I have a 24 inch imac with a Core2Duo processor15:41
knightwisewhat version of Ubuntu do i choose : The PC , the 64bit PC or the 64bit MAC version ?15:41
BigRedSI'd go with 64bit mac15:42
knightwiseBigRedS: ok Thats the one i'm downloading.15:43
knightwisefunny that there is no 64bit MAC version of Xubuntu to download15:43
knightwiseI'll just punch XFCE on there after install i guess15:43
knightwiseI was thinking about putting elementary on there (because it looks realy good) but ... i wasn't sure what version of 12.04 its based on15:45
knightwisethe 64 bit or the MAC64 bit15:45
xalyy_How can I check the network is working fine to stream the proxmox web gui? On dedicated server15:45
=== webpigeon_ is now known as webpigeon
BigRedSxalyy_ what do you mean? Where is the web gui supposed to be?16:16
BigRedSyou may have more luck in a more proxmox-focussed channel16:16
BigRedSokay, so is it firewalled off?16:16
BigRedScan you connect to that at all?16:17
BigRedSyou say you want to " check the network is working fine"; what makes you think it isn't?16:17
xalyy_On my comp it working fine on my oracle vm16:19
xalyy_But the dedi's proxmox gui not workig16:20
AlanBellxalyy_: can you at least ping it?16:31
xalyy_Yes lol16:31
xalyy_You meant my Dedis ip?16:31
AlanBellso you don't have a network problem16:31
xalyy_Yes I can ping my dedi's ip16:32
xalyy_from my comp16:32
AlanBellok, but you are getting no response from the web server port?16:33
AlanBellcan the server connect to itself on that port?16:33
AlanBellso lynx localhost:800616:33
xalyy_Type that command on my dedi?16:33
AlanBellyeah, is it serving anything for you to connect to?16:34
xalyy_Unexpected network read error16:35
AlanBelltry lynx localhost:123416:37
AlanBelljust to compare error messages16:37
AlanBellAlert!: Unable to connect to remote host. would be the error I would expect16:38
AlanBellhowever you are not running Ubuntu so it might be different (which is why you should be going to an appropriate place for proxmox support)16:39
xalyy_Alert!: Unable to connect to remote host.16:39
AlanBellok, so that is the error message when connecting to a port with nothing happening on it16:42
AlanBellso the thing you are expecting to be running on 8006 isn't, so you need to go solve that problem16:42
xalyy_How? :D16:43
BigRedSthat depends on what it is that should be running there and what hte OS is16:45
xalyy_Its debian16:47
xalyy_and there should be running proxmox i said :P16:47
BigRedSokay, like I said earlier I think this would be quicker if you find someone who knows proxmox16:52
BigRedSbut    netstat -ntlp | grep 8006   should tell you if anything is bound to that port16:52
xalyy_It says listen16:53
xalyy_But who and where should I find someone16:54
BigRedSnot sure; does proxmox have an irc channel?16:54
daftykinswow, this topic still? >_<16:58
daftykinsxalyy_: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && netstat -tuln | pastebinit17:00
xalyy_Whats daT?17:00
daftykinsa program to pastebin the output of that command so we can see17:01
knightwiseIf you have any questions regarding proxmox you might want to ask Lord Drachenblut for advice17:01
xalyy_Is he here?17:05
daftykinsrun what i said17:11
andylockranheya guys17:36
daftykinshi sir17:41
mappshey daftykins18:20
mappssup mate18:21
daftykinsnot bad here ty, just doing chores and what not today18:34
daftykinstried looking at doing my tax return online, so a seriously exciting sunday!18:34
daftykinswhy do tax websites assume you know their acronyms O_O18:36
DJonespopey: Just as a heads up, Bitfolk's minecraft server looks to be down, I'm not in their minecraft channel to highlight you or grifferz there18:37
MartijnVdSwell then: https://lists.debian.org/debian-ctte/2014/02/msg00338.html18:41
MartijnVdSshauno: I wonder how Ubuntu is going to handle that.. they started/sponsor upstart18:45
shaunooh I'm not thinking that far ahead.  I'm just hoping it means a ceasation to hostilities.  peace to all man and stuff like that18:46
MartijnVdSnah, because "we're going for systemd" was clear18:46
MartijnVdSthat was always going to be the outcome of that vote18:47
MartijnVdSwhat I want to see is the other points: will maintainers be required to accept patches to make software work with other init systems or not?18:47
popeyDJones: ta18:48
directhexupstart is dead now.18:50
MartijnVdSdirecthex: well, it will be in the LTS for another few years18:51
MartijnVdSand it's in ChromeOS, I think?18:51
directhexthe init system that only ubuntu uses. every upstream will be using systemd dependencies (gnome does already, kde does for wayland & will for x.org soon, xfce will soon). canonical can spend money on continuing to duplicate systemd functionality in upstart, or spend less just binning it & using systemd18:51
MartijnVdSdirecthex: yes, but my point is that it's too late for 14.0418:52
directhexor say "we don't care" and be the distro without kde, gnome or xfce18:52
MartijnVdS14.10, sure18:52
directhexMartijnVdS, oh, sure, 14.04 will be upstart18:52
directhexokay, upstart is bleeding out, but still breathing18:52
MartijnVdSI just wished the systemd supporters didn't sound so much like a cult18:53
popeyonly ubuntu.. and every derivative18:53
popeywhich probably (speculating) accounts for more installs of upstart than all total installs of systemd.. probably18:54
ali1234systemd is technically massively better than upstart18:54
popeyi don't doubt that ☻18:54
ali1234the only reason people don't like systemd is because of lennart18:54
MartijnVdSali1234: yes, except nobody seems to be able to explain how18:54
directhexpopey, valve using sysvinit will eclipse both :D18:54
popeyupstart will live on in 14.04 for years18:54
ali1234otoh the only reason people don't like upstart is because of canonical18:54
MartijnVdSali1234: also Lennart, ture.18:54
popeydirecthex: how many steamos installs?18:54
directhexpopey, give it a few months...18:54
ali1234really either one of them is perfectly able to do what debian requires18:54
popeygiven how many chrome laptops seem to have been sold, they're doing pretty well18:55
popeyi tire of the "only ubuntu" comment, given how many servers and clients that amounts to18:55
popeyif it dies, it dies, so be it18:55
ali1234it amounts to diddly squat compared to windows18:55
ali1234if install base was the only important thing, we shouldn't be using linux at all18:56
directhexdon't forget webos! all those pre's!18:56
popeyjolla is systemd isnt it?18:56
ali1234of course it is18:57
ali1234it's based on meego18:57
popeyah yes18:57
directhexubuntu doesn't exist in a vacuum. as long as they use components from gnome, kde, xfce, they can either continue to emulate systemd or move to systemd - or, as is the case currently, fix with antique versions of the underlying bits18:57
popeywell we're not moving to systemd till at least 14.1018:58
popeybe surprised if we did even then18:58
ali1234incidentally, xfce will not require systemd any time soon18:58
popeyquite fancy a steamos box under the telly18:59
popeyalso fancy a better telly18:59
ali1234unlike debian, xfce actually has a significant install base on bsd18:59
ali1234well ok, it's probably smaller than debian's, but as a percentage of total user base it's bigger19:02
ali1234is it just me or is scan's today only page now basically a list of everything they sell?19:25
penguin42ali1234: It's not quite that big for me19:32
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
foobarrywhat's the best app for ripping mp3?20:19
foobarryclementine isn't working with audio cd's20:19
foobarrylooks like a kde/phonon issue20:20
popeyAlanBell: we need to organise a release party!21:07
AlanBellApril 17th is the release date21:09
popeyoof, really?21:10
lubotu3Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+121:10
popeyI thought it was 24th21:10
popeyso it is21:10
AlanBellnext to good friday21:18
shaunoI'm kinda curous what the upgrade from lucid will be like21:18
daftykinsheh i plan to just clean install my servers21:29
shaunoI kinda do both21:32
shaunoI also completely over-use the word 'kinda'.  but still21:33
shaunobitfolk have a fantastic policy where they'll provide you with a second VM for a transition period of .. I think 2 weeks?21:33
shaunoI try not to abuse this (I mean, I'm still on lucid), but usually I'll do this, and then try to migrate the original just to see how much it hurts21:34
BigRedSI've generally found that migrating to a new install is more faff than dist-upgrading in-place321:35
BigRedSthough I do tend to make a bit of a mess, easiest to just let the computer deal with noticing what's installed and where21:35
shaunoI like the clean starts.  I tend to accumulate cruft21:37
BigRedSyeah, I like to keep that cruft :)21:39
BigRedSmostly I'll go through stuff pre-upgrade and remove obviously-uneccesary things21:39
daftykinsmore faff perhaps, but less likely to go wonky? :>21:39
BigRedSbut otherwise there's just this long period of remembering that thing that I used to have running and what was it that made that work again?21:39
daftykinsthat's why i take notes like an engineer21:40
shaunoI have a fairly short list of expectations for my VM.  narrowing it back down to those every upgrade tends to be quite productive21:40
BigRedSdaftykins that sounds too much like work21:41
shaunowell, I keep my vps for a narrow task set.  so it's nowhere near as painful as it sounds21:45
popeyshauno: try it? ☻21:47
daftykinswee cat vid: https://www.dropbox.com/s/27ibqn579402aai/VID_20140209_214132.mp421:47
popeyi have a lucid vps, might skip precise on that and go direct to trusty21:48
shaunooh I'll try it.  but I'll ping andy to brew me a new VM first :)21:48
shaunomy vps is my mail & dns servers.  curiousity is always a plan B21:49
daftykinsi continue to be under the impression that ones own email running is a pain21:54
shaunooh it is21:54
shaunoit totally $(inappropriate metaphor)'s the big one21:55
shaunobut the alternatives are all pretty dire21:55
daftykinsi'm happy to live on gmail, if i setup a company and have a domain for it i might just fiddle with 'send as' from that21:56
daftykinsalthough Google Apps for 1 user @ £33/yr would be tempting21:56
popeyhttps://github.com/mbebenita/Broadway golly21:56
shaunowell, that's a large part of the problem.  gmail is basically the alternative at this point.  and I trust them less and less every day21:56
daftykinsthey are certainly growing in evil it would seem21:57
shaunothat, and for me, it's a useful skillset to keeep warm22:00
daftykinsvery true22:06
shaunowe have a lot of legacy devices that still use smtp for transmission (everything from the last 15 years uses https)22:08
shaunoso being able to 'speak' smtp comes in way too useful, far too often22:09
daftykinsshauno: the raw command style? :D22:35
shaunoin a lot of cases, yes :(  "send me a packet trace" is my default "if I couldn't guess in 5 minutes"22:36

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