
newbhitsujiTMO: I see only this: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/Ea9il8FgPA1evkvNIO-sh-GnhHo0s5jL895CZbFMQ0U?feat=directlink00:00
hitsujiTMOMR_Wazzap11: the only package in that ppa is geary00:00
hitsujiTMOnewb: esc to get back to the menu. make sure the ubuntu 13.10 entry is highlighted and press 'e'00:01
MR_Wazzap11Hmm... Then this website is telling me faulty info... Do you have any other managers you'd recommend instead?00:01
s332hello! i'm trying to use NTFS external drive attached to ubuntu running openssh-server as a file share that certain devices, and only those devices, can access from my LAN and from internet (e.g., play music, movie) but if i mount NTFS drive as root from host, mode is 777 and i can't change it from host. can i accomplish SSH file share of specific folders on NTFS external drive accessible by other ubuntu, mac, mobile devices? thanks!!00:02
hitsujiTMOMR_Wazzap11: looks like its not a ppa you should be using """Packages for testing purposes ONLY."""00:02
hitsujiTMOMR_Wazzap11: xcompmgr is in the normal repo00:03
MR_Wazzap11The website said the author "Sergey Davidoff" Shared his PPA the one was told to use :/00:03
MR_Wazzap11Also xcompmgr is a CLI manager, would it be easy enough for a relative noob to figure out?00:04
hitsujiTMOMR_Wazzap11: hes using it for testing. its not a stable repo. its volatile00:04
newbhitsujiTMO: still nothing about splash: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/ZJVSElD8y4VNHrDOWsC5vuGnhHo0s5jL895CZbFMQ0U?feat=directlink00:04
hitsujiTMOMR_Wazzap11: you need to call it from ~/.xprofile or the lubuntu startup file00:05
MR_Wazzap11I got it from: lubuntublog.blogspot.ca/2011/12/cairo-composite-manager.html00:05
hitsujiTMOnewb after ro00:05
s332i've read a number of askubuntu pages but haven't fully solved my problem: share some folders on host's NTFS ext drive through SSH to remote mac, ubuntu, mobile devices (with user accounts on host)00:05
hitsujiTMOMR_Wazzap11: thats someones personal blog00:06
MR_Wazzap11How would I go about doing that hitsujiTMO  I'm used to Windows and I'm trying to get into GNU/Linux and its many Distros00:06
SpudDoggs332: you have an external drive connected?  is it mounted?  have you shared it either with NFS or samba?00:06
ubottusshfs is a !Fuse based filesystem which allows you to mount a remote system over !SSH - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS for instructions00:07
hitsujiTMOMR_Wazzap11: or at least they are treating it like that00:07
MR_Wazzap11It sais the package is only for 11.10 and lower, I dug into the comments a little more, I'm on 13.10 so It wont work00:08
s332SpudDogg: NTFS ext connected to host, currently manually mounted by root to allow remote access, but manual mount by root used mode 777. i'm not familiar with NFS and samba is unencrypted connection.00:08
hitsujiTMOMR_Wazzap11: edit (or create the file if it doesnt exist) ~/.xprofile and add: xcompmgr &00:08
MR_Wazzap11OS doesnt even have Gedit yet... getting now00:09
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newbhitsujiTMO: like this? https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/r3OWnz0_-MMDiK4W6EbhP-GnhHo0s5jL895CZbFMQ0U?feat=directlink00:10
hitsujiTMOMR_Wazzap11: dont forgwet to run first: sudo apt-get install xcompmgr00:10
hitsujiTMOnewb should be on the same line00:11
newbhitsujiTMO: I sure do hope I am close to using the internet...00:11
hitsujiTMOnewb is it wordwrapping?00:11
s332jhutchins: thanks. i'm not sure what SSHFS offers that i can't already do. i do nautilus > File > Connect to Server and login as host_user1 and i can see my entire / on host00:11
hitsujiTMOnewb: hit f10 when you're happy to continue00:11
newbhitsujiTMO: It is not wrapping. I have fixed it. Now what?00:11
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MR_Wazzap11Ok I've added "xcompmgr &" to the ~/.xprofile (which I had to create) after installing xcompmgr00:12
newbhitsujiTMO: ok... now what? I have command line.00:12
MR_Wazzap11Now what is the next step?00:12
hitsujiTMOnewb: you've logged in and all?00:13
newbhitsujiTMO: yes00:13
newbhitsujiTMO: Now what?00:14
hitsujiTMOnewb: great: sudo sed -i 's/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=".*"/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="nomodeset"/' /etc/default/grub00:14
MR_Wazzap11hitsujiTMO, Ok I've added "xcompmgr &" to the ~/.xprofile (which I had to create) after installing xcompmgr, What is the next step?00:15
hitsujiTMOMR_Wazzap11: relog and see if it works00:16
MR_Wazzap11Ok, I'll be right back, Thank you very much for the help so far hitsujiTMO00:16
newbhitsujiTMO: It prompted me for my password, I entered it, now what?00:18
newbhitsujiTMO: Are we getting close? I am running out of steam.00:19
MR_Wazzap11hitsujiTMO, It worked!00:19
pi1test ?00:20
MR_Wazzap11hitsujiTMO,  It worked! Now one last thing, do you know how to get rid of the default taskbar?00:20
hitsujiTMOnewb: ok. you have a base install to work with. lets get the network driver running now: once again copy the driver and the build.tar.gz to the other usb and we'll get that installed again00:21
pi1What is the name that I put after exec command in .xinit file to login to Vanilla Ubuntu ?00:22
hitsujiTMOMR_Wazzap11: that i'm not sure. i instal openbox, et al. from the bottom up so not sure what component that is and if its easily removeable00:22
newbhitsujiTMO: Can you estimate how much longer this is going to take? At 11:00am this morning, I had no idea I'd be here at 7:22pm.00:22
presonichaving trouble ./configure 'ing wine, i've installed packages as it has asks but the latest compile requirement I cant seem to find the devel files for.   It's asking for "32-bit development packages of Xlib/Xfree86", i can't find what its asking for using apt-cache.00:23
hitsujiTMOnewb: still a good bit to do. you need to install the drivers, xorg , lightdm, and then install cgminer, then setup autologin and config00:23
lpsmithhow big is inotify event queue?00:23
hitsujiTMOnewb: maybe take a break til tomorrow?00:23
MR_Wazzap11Ok well thank you very much for your help hitsujiTMO  I really appreciate it, would this be the appropriate chat to return to if I ever run into more problems I cant figure out? Or is there one specific for Lubuntu I should use?00:24
newbhitsujiTMO: I can persist. An ETA will help motivate me.00:24
hitsujiTMOMR_Wazzap11: this is appropriate, but there is also #lubuntu00:24
pi1hey, guys, What is the name that I put after exec command in .xinitrc file to login to Vanilla Ubuntu ?00:25
hitsujiTMOnewb: not sure of an eta. think we should get the network up and running then call it a day from there.00:25
MR_Wazzap11hitsujiTMO,  Ok and to add that to xChat I would add a new network and put that in? Cause I tried to and it didnt find the room but I just did ./join #lubuntu and it joined...00:25
hitsujiTMOMR_Wazzap11: dont add a network. add an autojoin channel00:26
lpsmithahh,  cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_queued_events00:26
newbhitsujiTMO: Okay, the 8gb usb has the driver and tar.gz.00:27
hitsujiTMOnewb: mount again: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt; cp /mnt/build.tar.gz .; cp r8168*.tar.bz2 .00:28
newbhitsujiTMO: is it definitely sdb1?00:30
MR_Wazzap11hitsujiTMO, I figured out the problem... There is obviously  no "newserver/6667"00:30
hitsujiTMOnewb: thats an educated guess ... lsblk to try and figure out the right one00:31
hitsujiTMOMR_Wazzap11: :)00:31
pi1Just want to check If you guys can see my chat :-/00:31
pi1or I have to identify inorder to post00:31
hitsujiTMOpil no we can't00:31
newbthe tar.gz is on sdb300:32
hitsujiTMOpil just be patient00:32
newbhitsujiTMO: correction... sda300:32
MR_Wazzap11Once again Thank you very much hitsujiTMO00:32
turtlerainHow can I find the size of my swap file? Im using crouton xfce400:32
hitsujiTMOnewb: sda3 ... sounds like the installed copy00:32
pi1aha, I was just confused  :-p00:33
hitsujiTMOMR_Wazzap11: np00:33
newbhitsujiTMO: Isn't the installed copy on the 64gb?00:33
DaghdhaHi. I was asked if i wanted to update to 13.xx ubuntu and i said yes. Then it stalled in the font-liberation part. It stalled for 15 ins on that step. SO i shot down the upgrade tool and rebooted, hoping it would come ask me again about upgrading. But it don't ask me. It also complains about system programs not functioning. Is there a panic button i can press to fix  it? Manually rerun upgrade?00:33
turtlerainHow can I find the size of my swap file?00:34
hitsujiTMOnewb: mount again: sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt; cp /mnt/build.tar.gz .; cp r8168*.tar.bz2 .00:34
rwwturtlerain: free -m, look at bottom line00:34
turtleraini type free -m in the terminal?00:34
turtlerainhow do i lower the total amount of swap available?00:35
hitsujiTMOturtlerain: resize down the partition00:35
rwwturtlerain: what's your end goal with that?00:35
turtlerainneed more space'00:35
turtlerainusing a 16gb ssd in my chromebook00:36
rwwboot from a LiveCD with gparted on it, resize swap partition down, resize an adjacent partition up00:36
newbhitsujiTMO: here is the lsblk output https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/HPqSVTfkWlZjwUmu9gEJveGnhHo0s5jL895CZbFMQ0U?feat=directlink00:36
newbhitsujiTMO: Does that look right?00:37
hitsujiTMOnewb: defo sdb1 then: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt; cp /mnt/build.tar.gz .; cp r8168*.tar.bz2 .00:37
s332any idea why i can't modify folder/file permissions on a host's NTFS external drive from either the host or remotely?  "mode of `/media/share/' changed from 0777 (rwxrwxrwx) to 0770 (rwxrwx---)" but ls -al returns: "drwxrwxrwx  1 root root 49152 Feb  7 18:44 share"00:37
agent_wh1teIs there a way to trace a function call? As in, I wanna see what all happens when I type "pwd" in a terminal.00:38
hitsujiTMOs332: ntfs doesn't support linux file permissions00:38
s332agent_wh1te: is there something like pwd +x???00:38
s332or pwd -x???00:39
agent_wh1tes332: Nope! That's invalid...00:39
agent_wh1teI would like to see the POSIX functions being called, etc.00:40
SuperLagAnyone experiencing issues with Flash videos being really quiet, compared to playing audio outside the browser?00:42
agent_wh1tes332: I believe I found it... for pwd: `strace -c pwd`00:43
agent_wh1teCool beans!00:44
agent_wh1teThough not cold, noone like COLD beans.00:44
newbhitsujiTMO: cannot stack: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/9O3_ds0P0X63mRUAtY_AyuGnhHo0s5jL895CZbFMQ0U?feat=directlink00:44
newbhitsujiTMO: stat00:44
hitsujiTMOnewb cp r8168<hit tab> .00:45
s332agent_wh1te: here is how to trace your scripts using "set -x ... set +x" (http://linuxcommand.org/wss0100.php#watching_your_script_run)00:46
agent_wh1teDaghdha" You may need to boot a live cd, chroot into the partition with linux, and run `sudo dpkg --configure -a`00:46
newbhitsujiTMO: no such file or directory00:46
zykotick9s332: scripts are different from executable programs...00:47
s332but perhaps that's a different trace you weren't looking for :/00:47
agent_wh1tes332/zykotick9: So `strace -c` will give me the syscalls being made... but `set` shows the code being executed?00:48
agent_wh1teFirst time I've ever even seen/tried this `set` command.00:48
hitsujiTMOnewb: is the r8168 driver not on the usb?00:48
* agent_wh1te puts on his trunks and dive into the man pages00:49
newbI put it there... is there a way to check?00:49
Yash_Hi...can anyone help me setup display variable from terminal? im using putty00:49
hitsujiTMOnewb: ls /mnt/00:49
newbhitsujiTMO: The file I dragged to the usb is r8168-8.037.00.tar00:49
s332hitsujiTMO: if NTFS doesn't support linux file permissions, then to prevent access to certain folders on NTFS drive, i should either a) remove folders or b) encrypt folders?00:50
hitsujiTMOnewb: bah i gave you the wrong cmd00:50
crankharderI'm seeing this issue where ~/.xsession-errors is becoming a huge file.. I've seen it get up to 90G fill up all avaiable space and break everything00:50
hitsujiTMOnewb cp /mnt/r8168<hit tab> .00:50
Yash_can anyone help me get a gui by setting display variable?00:50
newbhitsujiTMO: I did the ls /mnt and only saw the build file.00:50
hitsujiTMOnewb: damn. cp it on00:51
spearheadYash_, what are you trying to do?00:51
spearheadYash_, are you trying to run a program on the remote computer but have it display on your local machine?00:51
anonymous__i use backbox on VBox, NAT network. I use SET and take access IP backbox with windows 7, but it's not work...00:52
Yash_spearhead , I am having my project on an access server which is connected from windows using putty00:52
hitsujiTMOs332: check the mount options for a suitable fix http://linux.die.net/man/8/mount.ntfs-3g00:53
newbhitsujiTMO: should the tab key produce text that begins 8.0...etc.?00:53
hitsujiTMOanonymous__: whats backbox?00:53
Yash_spearhead, since i do not get a gui on access server,,,i only get a terminal...it becomes very difficult to write code using Vi or nano editor00:54
hitsujiTMOnewb: yup, and end with .tar.bz200:54
anonymous__linux backbox...00:54
newbhitsujiTMO: ok, it accepted the command. no output.00:54
hitsujiTMOanonymous__: is that a distro?00:55
anonymous__yes..... I use it on Virtual Box,,00:55
agent_wh1tehitsujiTMO: Pen-testing Ubuntu-based distro00:55
hitsujiTMOanon_master: its not supportesd here. try the distros support00:56
hitsujiTMOanonymous__: ^00:56
adam_stuck - after grub stuck at busybox initramfs prompt... booting to a previous kernel version I'm fine... please help00:56
anon_masterlinux backbox seems to be a good security solution I gotta test it me 2  ...00:56
hitsujiTMOnewb: mkdir debs; mv build.tar.gz debs; cd debs; tar xf build.tar.gz00:57
hitsujiTMOanon_master: sorry for the wrong ping :P00:57
anon_masterthats cool :P00:57
anonymous__how about Kali Linux??? are it good a distro?00:59
hitsujiTMO!kali | anonymous__00:59
ubottuanonymous__: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)00:59
anon_masterIm actually trying the anonymousOS in vbox and I can say that it has some cool tools for testing security ;P01:00
hitsujiTMOanon_master:  anonymousOS contains malware01:00
hitsujiTMOanon_master: its not something you should be running01:00
agent_wh1teThank gawd he's in vbox! ;D01:00
anon_masterlol indeed01:01
anon_masterbut I heard that they were rumors but no proof :P01:01
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hitsujiTMOanon_master: its has nothing what so ever to do with anonymous01:01
agent_wh1teanon_master: No, there's proof hahah.01:01
anon_masterif you say so01:01
anon_masterdo you have a link?01:02
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agent_wh1tePC mag so it's watered down... but just google "anonymous OS malware" and you'll get the picture ;)01:03
hitsujiTMOanon_master: also http://arstechnica.com/business/2012/03/lame-hacker-tool-or-trojan-delivery-device-hands-on-with-anonymous-os/01:03
newbhitsujiTMO: output is: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/ifk_nDTx6M0GcV1_QMXyG-GnhHo0s5jL895CZbFMQ0U?feat=directlink01:03
k1land that is one of the reasons its not supported by ubuntu or in here01:03
anon_masterI can see that it seems to be pretty serious ...01:03
hitsujiTMOnewb: you missed a '.': tar xf build.tar.gz01:04
hitsujiTMOnewb: sudo dpkg -i *.deb01:04
anon_masterhopefully my anonymous os runs in vbox and my real system is linux and not windows other wise it could be a catastropy ...01:05
newbhitsujiTMO: Yes I did and now it worked. Next?01:06
hitsujiTMOcd ..01:07
hitsujiTMOnewb: sorry. cd ~; mkdir driver; mv r8168* driver; cd driver; tar xf r8168*01:08
anon_masterI gotta go see ya folks01:09
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newbhitsujiTMO: next?01:12
[Ethos]how do I duel boot windows 8 & ubuntu?  (If its possible.)01:12
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot01:13
hitsujiTMOnewb: cd r8168-8.037.00; sudo ./autorun.sh01:13
newbhitsujiTMO: completed. Next?01:16
hitsujiTMOnewb: echo "auto lo" | sudo tee /etc/network/interfaces01:16
hitsujiTMOnewb: echo "iface lo inet loopback" | sudo tee -a /etc/network/interfaces01:17
hitsujiTMOnewb: echo "auto eth0" | sudo tee -a /etc/network/interfaces01:17
hitsujiTMOnewb: echo "iface eth0 inet dhcp" | sudo tee -a /etc/network/interfaces01:17
newbhitsujiTMO: you're moving quickly! So, I am to type "echo "auto lo" | sudo tee /etc/network/interfaces", click enter, then do the other lines?01:18
gfrederickszykotick9: /run/user/<user>/gvfs01:18
hitsujiTMOnewb: yup. those 4 lines01:18
hitsujiTMOnewb: to confirm the entries: cat /etc/network/interfaces01:19
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newbhitsujiTMO: next?01:23
newbhitsujiTMO: I see, I have to confirm. one moment.01:24
newbhitsujiTMO: confirmation output echoed all four statements01:25
newbhitsujiTMO: what is next?01:26
hitsujiTMO_newb: where you at?01:28
hitsujiTMO_newb: seems i timed out01:28
newbhitsujiTMO: confirmation echoed all four statements. I am asking what is next.01:28
hitsujiTMO_newb: ok. sudo service networking restart01:28
newbhitsujiTMO: I should type that as a command?01:29
hitsujiTMO_newb: yup01:29
newbhitsujiTMO: next?01:29
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hitsujiTMO_newb: ping
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newbhitsujiTMO: network is unreachable.01:30
hitsujiTMO_newb: try rebooting01:30
newbhitsujiTMO: reboot has me at the black screen.01:32
hitsujiTMO_newb: feck forgot to run update grub.01:33
hitsujiTMO_newb nomodeset again01:33
hitsujiTMO_newb: get to the grub menu. e to edit. append nomodeset after ro. f10 to boot01:34
slackermanhey i am automating my deploy of software using capistrano. I created a new user deploy, and when it creates a new directory the dir needs to belong to the www-data group. How do I do that?01:34
=== onder`_ is now known as onder`
newbhitsujiTMO: I see the grub prompt. what do I have to click to get the menu I want?01:35
born_to_codehei yio folks!01:35
msgolnewb right or enter01:36
msgolwait what grub menu on boot?01:36
newbhitsujiTMO:added nomodeset struck f`10 and am still at black screen01:37
newbhitsujiTMO: reboot?01:38
born_to_codethe grub is used for multiple boot01:38
hitsujiTMO_newb: yup01:38
born_to_codethe grub is actually used by the bios to know on witch system he has to boot01:38
tpw_rulesso i'm having a weird problem wherein i can't hotplug usb device01:38
born_to_codehei hitsujiTMO is me anon_master, ive just changed my name...01:39
newbhitsujiTMO:apparently I didn't learn how to do it. i rebooted... still black screen01:39
born_to_codeyou remember that we were talking about the anon os ...01:40
olividirmorning, is this the ubuntu help?01:40
newbnomodeset again?01:40
msgolmorning i think so.01:40
hitsujiTMO_born_to_code: the os you shouldn't be using :P01:40
olividir"morning" it is after midnight :P01:40
born_to_codewell the image that I have about   the anon os was no installation but only live boot option01:40
newbhitsujiTMO: should I reboot yet again and redo nomodeset?01:41
born_to_codeso I dont see how that you ca get infected if you boot in live mode ...01:41
hitsujiTMO_newb: yup try again. you appended it after ro ?  and not on next line right?01:41
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newbhitsujiTMO: correct. after ro then clicked f10 and it went to black screen01:41
hitsujiTMOnewb: try it once more01:42
olividirI am having lots of problem installing printer driver, any help?01:42
harriswhat is the channel for open office01:42
hitsujiTMOborn_to_code: its if you enter any personal info. plus theres mention of several trojans, so it can give others access to the vm01:42
k1l!alis | harris01:42
ubottuharris: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*01:42
hitsujiTMOharris: #Openoffice.org01:43
born_to_codehitsujiTMO: well I used in a safe way + like I told you I only have the live mode boot :P01:43
k1lborn_to_code: sure the data on the hdds could be infected. but that is more of a topic for #ubuntu-offtopic01:43
newbhitsujiTMO: i am struggling. as the ubuntu menu appears, I should click shift and left, no?01:44
born_to_codekll: I see ...01:44
k1lborn_to_code: (since ubuntu is not involved in windows or anoymousOS)01:44
hitsujiTMOnewb: on the menu. just hit e to edit the main ubuntu entry01:44
born_to_code<hitsujiTMO> : if the trojans can change the vm access that i agree that is not safe01:45
born_to_code<hitsujiTMO> I think tha t I will try Linux Kali for security testing instead01:46
newbhitsujiTMO: I click e, I add nomodeset following ro so it reads ro nomodeset, then I click f10. At that point, I get a black screen.01:47
hitsujiTMOnewb: crap. not sure whats going on now then. ok. time for a break and we'll come back to it tomorrow01:47
newbhitsujiTMO: ugh01:47
born_to_codek1l: do you think that these anonymous os trojans can infect a linux system? or is it only the case for windows system?01:48
hitsujiTMOnewb: leave it for 2 mins. maybe an issue with it try to bring up the network01:48
yepOkay guys i just installed ubuntu and the sreen is fuzzy01:48
newbhitsujiTMO: You don't think I should just do windows xp? I would have had that done by 2pm today.01:48
newbhitsujiTMO: leaving it for two minutes...01:49
hitsujiTMOnewb: its your choice but xp is supported to be less stable. main issue for you right now is your network interface and the driver support for it being so awful01:49
yepI need some help getting it fixed so i dont have to go back to windows 801:49
k1lborn_to_code: that depends heavily on the sort of viruses. linux is no imune against viruses. but it uses some methods to reduce the risks.01:50
newbhitsujiTMO: I am disappointed to hear that. I sought after this setup specifically because I understood it was ideal.01:50
newbhistujiTMO: Clearly, I didn't understand.01:50
k1lborn_to_code: but again, this is offtopic in here. we go for technical ubuntu support in here and not for theoretical ifs01:50
newbhitsujiTMO: still black screen...01:51
msgol testing01:51
slackermanhey i am automating my deploy of software using capistrano. I created a new user deploy, and when it creates a new directory the dir needs to belong to the www-data group. How do I do that?01:51
hitsujiTMOnewb: part of the issue with it is that some manufacturers may not supply the exact same harware with the same motherboard range. so others buying the exact same mobo may get a different network interface01:52
born_to_codek1l: allright thanks for the info.01:52
newbhistujiTMO: I just rebooted again, and it appears to be working now.01:53
adam_cinnamon has crashed, fallback mode? - can anyone help me through this?01:53
critt1Any help with ubuntu 13.10 low graphics mode after upgrade? Tried to bring up console Term CTRL ALT F1. I get this error gives " invalid argument"01:53
hitsujiTMOnewb: weird. very weird01:53
newbhistujiTMO: the ubuntu gui screen is up and it says "waiting to configure network"01:54
hitsujiTMOnewb: give it 2 mins. network config didn't take01:54
newbhistujiTMO: waiting 60 more seconds....01:54
msgolcritt1 what dose C A F2 say?01:54
critt1msgol didnt try that01:55
msgolplease try01:55
critt1ok using windows to get in here. Be back ty01:55
newbhistujiTMO: I am at command prompt now.01:55
msgolno problem :)01:55
newbhitsujiTMO: does server have a gui. or will this all be command line from here on out?01:56
hitsujiTMOnewb: cat /sys/class/net01:56
hitsujiTMOnewb: no gui. but you can add one01:56
newbhitsujiTMO: it's a directory01:57
hitsujiTMOnewb: sorry, ls /sys/class/net01:57
newbhitsujiTMO: lo p9p101:57
hitsujiTMOnewb: weird: sudo ifconfig p9p1 up01:58
Roland-hello can i use ubuntu livecd to perform a baremetal backup of whole hard drive/01:59
Roland-question mark typo at end01:59
hitsujiTMOnewb: sudo update-grub; sudo sed -i 's/eth0/p9p1/g' /etc/network/interfaces01:59
Roland-nightfly any recomended utility ?02:00
hitsujiTMO!dd | roland02:00
hitsujiTMOroland: use dd.02:00
newbhitsujiTMO: both of those lines?02:00
born_to_codedo you guys know if there is any  tool for C# programming  in linux?02:00
hitsujiTMOnewb:  yup02:00
hitsujiTMOborn_to_code: mono02:01
Roland-hitsujiTMO does dd copy the boot sector also ?02:01
spearhead!info dd > hitsujiTMO02:01
born_to_codehitsujiTMO:  cool thanks!02:01
hitsujiTMORoload: dd will copy what you want. so yes, everything if needed02:01
newbhitsujiTMO: it is p number 1 right?02:01
newbhitsujiTMO: not the letter l?02:01
hitsujiTMOnewb number02:02
msgolwelcome back was it the same?02:02
critt1msgol C A f2 does nothing at all.02:02
msgol__thats strange02:03
critt1No response at all02:03
msgol__C A F1 did it say KDFONTOP: Invalid Argument. or just Invalid Argument?02:03
critt1no console nothing02:03
newbhitsujiTMO: done. next?02:04
critt1Invalid Argument02:04
hitsujiTMOnewb: sudo service networking restart02:04
critt1This is why I hate to upgrade02:04
newbhitsujiTMO: waiting...02:05
msgol__i thought it might be the font issue that i could help with this. is beyond anything i have ever heard of exprinced maybe google it and read on...02:05
newbhitsujiTMO: it seems to be waiting...02:06
critt1Ive tried gools nothing on 13.10. all older versions. Thats where I found CA f102:06
newbhitsujiTMO: networking stop/waiting is all it says02:07
msgoli whould try the old version soloutions too02:07
critt1Upgrades I have always had probles losing eithr graphics sound or nothing is compatible with the programs and settings that customized.02:08
hitsujiTMOnewb: damnit. the network interface is just being awkward. this is what i was fearing. at this point i'd have to suggest grabbing a network card or use xp02:08
msgolso you have no way of accessing bash?02:08
newbhitsujiTMO: do you think fedora would work?02:08
newbhitsujiTMO: I don't think xp can be booted from usb stick, can it?02:08
hitsujiTMOnewb: driver issue so you'll run into the same problem with other distros most likely02:09
FreewheelinFrankanyone familiar with adding java runtime?02:09
hitsujiTMOnewb it can afaik02:09
hitsujiTMO!java | FreewheelinFrank02:09
ubottuFreewheelinFrank: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.02:09
critt1msgol been using ubuntu for 5 years as a very novice user all the commands are pretty much greek. Without google I wouldnt have a clue what to to.02:09
newbhitsujiTMO: afaik? I have a cdrom that came with the motherboard. Would that help? I suppose only with xp...?02:10
hitsujiTMOnewb: afaik = as far as i know02:10
FreewheelinFrankubottu: Thanks have upgraded all but the developer kit02:10
ubottuFreewheelinFrank: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:10
msgolsame moved on 10.0402:10
FreewheelinFrankubottu: Ya02:10
FreewheelinFrankubottu: Ya scoundrel, silicon-based life-forms have rights too!02:11
ubottuFreewheelinFrank: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:11
critt1I can't even get to a term to fix the problem02:11
FreewheelinFrankubottu: How can I access files on USB-connected HDD that is encrypted  in Snowleopard, from my old macbook pro?02:13
ubottuFreewheelinFrank: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:13
FreewheelinFrankubottu: Ya02:13
newbhitsujiTMO: Do you always use the same nick?02:13
advx_Hi All, Good Morning, Have a great Sunday..02:14
newbhitsujiTMO: are you on tor? I thought earlier in the day whois said you were in pittsburg. Now paris...?02:14
SchrodingersScatnewb: no, those people are marked with something similar to 'tor-sasl'02:15
msgoli feel like all who are in this channel are bots02:15
msgolam i the only human here? :D02:15
advx_N e one tried 14.04 already?02:15
SchrodingersScatmsgol: maybe you are a bot02:15
SchrodingersScat!ubuntu+1 advx_02:15
msgolhaha nah i dont think so02:15
SchrodingersScat!ubuntu+1 | advx_02:15
ubottuadvx_: Trusty Tahr is the codename for Ubuntu 14.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+102:15
hitsujiTMOnewb: same nick. thats the sever i'm connected yo not where i'm from02:15
newbI am definitely not a bot. I am a tired linux newb who just wants to mine a litecoin or two.02:16
advx_and Does n e one here have a Chromebox, is it worth it?02:16
msgolgood luck bot02:16
newbI could use a long weekend in amsterdam after a day like today02:16
newbSo not pittsburg... I was going to ask if there was any connection cmu02:17
SchrodingersScatmsgol: watch some more bladerunner :)02:17
lic_anyone have tried steam OS????????02:17
msgoli dont get it.02:17
hitsujiTMOadvx_: thats an offtopic question, but a NUC would make more sense if you want to install ubuntu02:18
msgolblade runner?02:18
hitsujiTMOlic_: #steamos02:18
msgolBOTS !!!02:18
SchrodingersScatmsgol: you were calling everyone a bot :P02:18
hitsujiTMOadvx_: http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/nuc/overview.html02:19
msgolarent you a bot schrodingersScat02:19
k1lmsgol: stick to technical ubuntu support in here please.02:19
msgolsorry k1l but there are bots here02:19
=== creek is now known as Guest77905
advx_thanks hitsujiTMO, is it available? how much is it?02:20
newbrebooting... brb02:20
hitsujiTMOadvx_: yes, prices depends on country and model. check your local vendors02:21
advx_ok thanks, hitsuiTMO02:21
Jezzzubuntu 12.04LTS, no internet, need to install g++.  Transferring .deb via flash drive.  Tried several versions, keep getting dependency not satisfiable in Ubuntu Software Center.  Any ideas?02:22
Psil0Cybinanyone here know about getting erp5 on ubuntu :P without using slop os?02:23
gustavJezzz: Install deps.02:23
advx_can i upgrade my 13.04 32 bit to 64 bit?02:24
ganden-pecah23met pagi menjelang siang... maaf new be..02:24
msgol__ahh i dont think so.02:24
Jezzzgustav: software center doesn't show missing deps.  can I install .deb with dpkg -i <name>.deb?02:24
k1ladvx_: no, just with reinstall02:24
ganden-pecah23apakah ada orang indo disini?02:24
gustavJezzz: Yes.02:24
advx_r there in significant performance improvements, I m havinge AMD Phenom 302:25
k1l!id | ganden-pecah2302:25
ubottuganden-pecah23: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia02:25
k1ladvx_: if your hardware can go with 64bit there is no reason to not go with 64bit.02:26
msgol__as k1l said also the issue of more than 3 ish GB ram02:26
advx_ok thanks.. for complete reinstall i would have to move a lot of things (very time consuming) ...will think of something02:27
k1lmsgol__: ubuntu uses PAE as default. so ram is not a issue02:27
msgol__k1l really so its not like windows which you cant have more than 3 ish GB with 32 bit. thats awesome whats its limit on 32 no limit?02:28
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k1lmsgol: the theoretical limit of PAE is something about 4000TB Ram. but that depends heavily on the hardware02:29
msgol__thanks ! learned something new :)02:31
jeffrey_fmsgol__: 32 bit system can only address 3GB RAM.  64 bit can address 16 exabytes of RAM, physically though, not sure how big the case would need to be to just fit the memory hardware02:32
k1ljeffrey_f: 32bit ubuntu uses PAE. so there is no 3GB limit02:34
msgolmaybe its the physical limit. that somehow you can manage it with virtual adress or something like that. at this point im going into imagination mode :D02:35
jeffrey_fk1l: noted02:36
twenty-threehi guys, is there a way to find out whether an installed program is single or double precision? i installed it through synaptic and thus there was no way to select the precision but is there a way to tell?02:38
timwisHey guys, I just ran a node.js script that accidentally deleted a directory. Is there a way to get it back?02:39
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jeffrey_ftimwis: what directory?02:54
timwisa coding project I'm working on02:55
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jeffrey_ftimwis: Unless you backed up, no.02:56
MR_Wazzap11Does anyone know of any OS that has the Unity Desktop and can run well on 512 MB RAM?02:57
ubottuMR_wassap11: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels02:59
MR_Wazzap11But Xfce isnt Unity, I;m running lubuntu right now but it has the gnome desktop and I really like Unity03:00
kaknome_; hello can we talk03:00
MR_Wazzap11Does anyone know of a Unity Desktop? Like actual unity for 512 Mb RAM03:01
BeldarMR_Wazzap11, nothing here but ubuntu advice, and no 512 gig version of unity, probably no where else.03:02
advx_bye 4 now, going for breakfast..03:03
Beldarka, what is your goal here?03:03
jeffrey_fMR_Wazzap11:  It is the lightest weight version.  You may want to try Puppy Linux.  It works well on 128MB, 512MB should be a dream.  puppylinux.org/03:03
kato talk with knome03:03
MR_Wazzap11ka I TOTALLY LIVE THERE!03:03
Beldarka, knome?03:03
MR_Wazzap11Do you guys know if the earliest version of Ubuntu desktop with Unity would work on an IBM thinkpad with 1Gb RAM ?03:04
k1lMR_Wazzap11: give it a try. if it doesnt suit you you can try lubuntu-desktop03:05
BeldarMR_Wazzap11, 12.04 or any would run that is the min memory suggested.03:05
jeffrey_fMR_Wazzap11: are you on Ubuntu now?03:06
MR_Wazzap11I'm on Lubuntu 13.10 now but it is missing the Unity  desktop I'm so fond of03:06
=== Guest54070 is now known as BrianH
jeffrey_fMR_Wazzup11:  The Thinkpad, like many other laptops, will use a portion of the memory for video......So 1GB of memory may leave you with ~768MB usable.03:09
MR_Wazzap11IS there any way to "install" Unity on Lubuntu?03:09
k1lMR_Wazzap11: install ubuntu-desktop03:09
MR_Wazzap11I did k1l  but it didnt put the Unity, only all the apps from Ubuntu03:10
TheUnnamedDudeMR_Wazzap11, think you can choose what you want to use when logging in03:11
k1lMR_Wazzap11: choose ubuntu/unity on the login screen03:11
MR_Wazzap11I've rebooted and it stayed on this and logged in automatically :/03:11
k1lif you got autologin make a manual logout, then choose ubuntu03:12
MR_Wazzap11So yeah I tried to log in with the Ubuntu theme and now there is no desktop, only the background and the one shortcut I'd made prior03:15
MR_Wazzap11k1l:  I think it's broken03:16
k1lMR_Wazzap11: try guest account on the ubuntu session on loginscreen03:16
MR_Wazzap11k1l: Now I cant change it anymore, I'm not able to pick log off and when I reboot it logs in automatically03:17
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest85916
MR_Wazzap11k1l: Do you know a keyboard shortcut to log off the system?03:19
k1lMR_Wazzap11: gnome-session-quit --no-prompt03:19
MR_Wazzap11Cant open terminal either03:19
MR_Wazzap11Got one open03:19
k1lctrl+alt+t gives a terminal03:19
MR_Wazzap11Logging in with guest account under Ubuntu now03:20
MR_Wazzap11Woooow that's slow, trying to run Ubuntu 13.10 on 512Mb of RAM03:21
neal7hi all, any recommendations for remote desktop utility?  running Ubuntu 12.04 want to access from Win 7 and maybe Android.  tried Teamviewer, but it wont stay running03:21
k1lMR_Wazzap11: 512mb ram is really not much. i would consider going with lubuntu there03:22
MR_Wazzap11k1l: Yeah.... I was just hoping for something that at least looks like Unity, would you know how to move the taskbar and all that jazz over onto the left side and making it look like Unity?03:23
k1lMR_Wazzap11: i dont know. but you could use a dock and put it on the left, like awn or cairodock03:24
MR_Wazzap11Cause I've seen people do that, also I've seen Cairo Dock, I was using it earlier tonight but I couldnt get it static without hiding or interfering with the windows03:24
msgollubuntu was xfce?03:25
MR_Wazzap11Lubuntu is Lxfe I think or something like that03:25
k1lmsgol: no, Xubuntu is Xfce03:25
FuuqUmistcan you install cairo dock and docky without the privacy invasive Zeitgeist software?03:25
msgolah thanks03:25
MR_Wazzap11We meant "Lubuntu"03:25
rww"privacy invasive" hehe03:25
Stabicanyone looking to invest 5,000$ into my business that would bring them $10,000 a month? pm me.03:25
MR_Wazzap11not "Xubuntu"03:25
greeterlubuntu i thought was lxde03:26
msgolPM sent ! :D03:26
MR_Wazzap11Legit that was a horrible scam pitch03:26
DbuggerWhat do you guys think of fail2ban? Is it a good program to protect your server?03:27
MR_Wazzap11Ok so my new plan is basically to wipe, reinstall  Lubuntu and find a way to move the default Dock over onto the left and make the Icons like Unity and see if there are any "mods" to make it act similar........... Great -_-03:27
chovydoes streaming netflix work on ubuntu?03:28
MR_Wazzap11Should if you can install silverlight03:28
k1lchovy: i saw an blogpost on omgubuntu some time ago. so i think yes03:28
chovyk1l: seems like some hacky way using wine03:28
chovyso i guess no.03:28
edu_nieto_medinai want to install ubuntu alongside windows 8, does anyone know how to do that03:29
k1lchovy: yes it works, with pipelight03:30
msgol__here is a question worth asking here from members i think. did anyone manage to force Grub to go 1920*1080 while its not in Framebuffer supported list?03:30
edu_nieto_medinaubuntu 13.10 does not recocnize windows 8 or its partitions..03:31
MR_Wazzap11Hey I'm reinstalling now, I have the option to enable LVM, For a computer with a small amount of RAM would this be a good idea?03:31
msgol__or the hardware simply dose not support it and my best bet is next gen hardware?03:31
=== MR_Wazzap11 is now known as T1960CT
T1960CTLubuntu officially installing... Again03:33
msgol__here is another one, say i have a folder with all my own bash scripts in it. like ~/mybashlearning/ how can i make terminal have its file as commands like i could call my sample.sh file from everywhere?03:34
msgol__instead of giving it its full path + ./03:34
greeteryou'd add that folder to your path... unfortunately i don't know how to do that :-S03:34
T1960CTMy guess is that you'd need to add it to the default working directory of the Terminal (I work with windows and to be able to use command like "timeout" or whatever the case may be it needs to be in "System32" where CMD checks for programs by default)03:35
msgol__thank you both! i guess i will search adding folder to path.03:36
pietro10Hi. On KDE, all GTK+ apps except firefox-trunk for some reason are not rendering fonts properly, even though gtk[23]-engines-oxygen is set. How do I fix this? Thanks.03:36
greeteryou could put the scripts in /usr/bin or some other directory already in your path, but if you have a lot of scripts it gets inconvenient to go looking for them03:36
jeffrey_fmsgol__: is this about the script that deleted stuff?03:37
msgolright, i was hoping to avoid /usr/bin :)03:37
msgolno jeffry that must have been someone else03:37
k1lmsgol: ~/bin03:38
msgol~/bin is already in the path?03:38
k1lgets loaded on every login03:38
msgoltesting now03:38
T1960CTk1l: By saying ~/whatever its the equivalent of saying "./whatever" from Windows, Right?03:38
myrohey, question. do I get drivers for like video cards the same way I would get them for ljke windows?03:38
k1lT1960CT: ~/ stands for /home/user/03:39
jeffrey_fmsgol__: yep, never mind:-[03:39
k1lmyro: no. dont load them from some website use the video driver ubuntu ships in the ubuntu repo03:39
T1960CTk1l: Gotcha (Windows technician on my spare time so I'm really trying to get into GNU/Linux and its completely different world)03:40
myrokk. well I just installed it, is there anything I should use (new to Ubuntu)03:40
msgolk1l appriciate it. it wont work should i relog?03:41
k1lmsgol: you need to relogin to take effect03:41
myrolike what should I do first after installing03:44
msgolhehe yes! it works thanks alot!!03:44
k1lmyro: what do you mean?03:44
DrManhattanwhat happened to the alternate install cd? it is now called alternate-amd64+mac?03:45
myrolike is there anything I should be installing, stuff like that03:45
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD03:46
ubottuThe alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD03:46
DrManhattanOh shit03:46
k1lmyro: that depends on what you need :) just go ahead and use the OS and install from ubuntu repo as needed03:46
jeffrey_fmyro: pretty much if all your hardware is working, you probably don't need drivers unless you find some glitches.  Things just work with Ubuntu.03:47
BeldarDrManhattan, I believe gthere is still q 12.04 alternate, and please do not swear.03:47
DrManhattanBeldar, the only thing I've found it ubuntu-12.04.3-alternate-amd64+mac.iso03:47
DrManhattanand my apologies for the s word03:47
zykotick9myro: from terminal "lscpi | grep -i vga" what does it return?03:47
k1lDrManhattan: that is for mac-hardware03:47
DrManhattanOh no!03:47
DrManhattanwhat am I supposed to do for a text install?03:48
msgol_msgol: you are me im you testing to see how i can make the yellow thing03:48
DrManhattanthis is awful03:48
zykotick9DrManhattan: why do you want alternate?  use mini.03:48
k1lDrManhattan: iirc, the live cd got a boot parameter to act like the old alternate installer03:48
DrManhattank1l, where can I find a manual to read about this?03:48
SuperLagAnyone experiencing issues with Flash videos being really quiet, compared to playing audio outside the browser?03:49
T1960CTHey k1l Take a look at this and tell me what you think please, I'm looking for a way to emulate the Unity look, would I take this script and save it as a "batch file" ?03:49
SuperLagthis is happening with Firefox or Chrome03:50
nightflyT1960CT: Wat?03:50
fractal5can I dd the ubuntu-13.10-desktop-amd64.iso file directly to an usb stick and boot from it?03:50
nightflyfractal5: yes03:50
A_MANfractal5:  use unetbootin or extract the iso03:51
k1lDrManhattan: maybe see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions03:51
nightflydd works just fine for the ubuntu iso03:51
fractal5A_MAN, extract the iso? I can't dd it?03:51
nightflyyes you can03:51
T1960CTThe top of the page has a script on it I think to mod the taskbar, I'm looking to make it like Unity03:51
k1lfractal5: dd is fine03:52
A_MANwhat nightfly  said03:52
fractal5what does extract the iso mean?03:52
fractal5I'll just use dd, thanks03:52
T1960CTnightfly: Would you know what to do with the code? What I would do is take it, change out the usernames and other info for my computer specifically then save it as a shell executable? (I think  a .sc or something like that)03:53
k1lT1960CT: its not a batch file. its a config file. the location of that file i mentioned in there too03:54
k1lbut i will leave now. bye03:55
T1960CTk1l: since you obviously know mountains more than I do, would it have an effect on Lubuntu? Would it make it look sort of like Unity?03:55
JebusHi Guys, I just installed ubuntu 12.04 onto my computer the top bar and all the windows that pop up are fuzzy how do I fix that03:55
A_MANJebus:  what happens when yu unity --replace ?03:56
k1lT1960CT: i expect it to look like the picture there03:56
T1960CTOk, since you're leaving I wont ask you to teach me how to use it but thanks for the info so far :)03:57
JebusIt won't let me pull anything up and when it does I cant see it because the pixels03:57
A_MANJebus:  just the panel ?03:58
edu_nieto_medinadoes anybody knows how to install ubuntu alongside windows with a brand new laptop?03:59
JebusA_MAN, I am going to upload a few pictures04:00
edu_nieto_medinawhy isnt ubuntu recocnizing the windows 8 partitions04:00
edu_nieto_medinait kills windows 8 automatically04:01
A_MANedu edu_nieto_medina  you have updateed grub right ?04:01
A_MANedu_nieto_medina:  what was installed first ?04:01
edu_nieto_medinawindows 8 pre-installed04:02
A_MANedu_nieto_medina:  and you can only boot into Ubuntu ?04:02
edu_nieto_medinai put the ubuntu 13.10 burned on a cd04:02
Beldar!uefi | edu_nieto_medina04:02
ubottuedu_nieto_medina: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI04:02
edu_nieto_medinadoesnt matter if i boot on uefi or bios mode... ubuntu wouldnt recocnize windows 8 partition04:04
edu_nieto_medinain the partition wizard it will only show "free space 750GB"04:04
edu_nieto_medinai will not show sd1, sd2, sd3, sd404:05
Beldaredu_nieto_medina, depends on the vendors uefi version, check this thread for variables, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729504:05
treehousedafuq? I suddenly got a blank console screen without a promt and not accepting any input? What's going on? What do I do? (ubuntu)04:05
treehousethe X program just.... idk.... wtf!? NO! NO!04:06
Giant81treehouse, did you try turning it off and back on again?  sorry couln't help myself.... if it's not taking imput I'd bet the only thing you can do is restart04:06
A_MANedu_nieto_medina: but you can boot Ubuntu ?04:07
treehouseCTRL+ALT+F[] works.. but F7 that usually displays the desktop.. only shows a blinking underscore04:07
SaSi69anyone knows a parental control software on linux?04:09
A_MANtreehouse: what happens if you restart lightdm ?04:09
A_MANlike from tty[]04:09
treehousehow do you do that? ^^04:11
JebusA_MAN, http://imgur.com/a/NTXpV04:11
A_MANtreehouse:  ctrl+alt+f1   then login then   "sudo service lightdm restart "04:11
treehousetrying.. thanks04:11
jeffrey_fSaSi69: what would be the result you are looking for?04:12
A_MANJebus:  did you check the md5sum ?04:12
A_MANJebus:  looks like a grapics card glitch04:12
treehouseA_MAN: thanks, it worked (i /etc/init.d/lightdm restart). But I assume that everything I was doing is lost?04:13
A_MANtreehouse:  yeah but that is it you are now back to a starting point.  I wish you would have told me that you had work to be saved04:13
=== HerpTheDerpWhale is now known as UKn0Me
A_MANtreehouse:  or maybe I missed that04:14
Jebusokay A_MAN thank you and no i didnt check the md5sum I am new to this kind of thing04:14
jamesda_man fell out of a treehouse he almost died....04:14
treehouseA_MAN: it's ok, it was nothing important04:14
A_MANthat is cool Jebus  welocme to Ubuntu !04:15
SaSi69jeffrey_f: I would like to Block some of websites or domains and limit the internet surfing hours04:15
A_MANJebus:  I would check the graphics driver that is in use on the live iso also04:15
JebusI am actually running it on another computer my friend installed it for me04:16
jamesdSaSi69: easiest way is to use squid  and either set proxy settings, or force with group policy or firewall rules04:16
jeffrey_fSaSi69: you can get DansGuardian from the software center.  It is a great webfilter.04:16
CharcoalcatHi! My computer was frozen, so I pressed ctrl+alt+f1 and I think I used "unity --replace". Now some of my customizations are gone. So far I've noticed that my desktop button is missing from the launcher, the workspace icon is back on the launcher (I had workspaces completely disabled), the super button brings up the dash again, and the default program comes up when I press Print Screen instead of KSnapShot. Can I fix this, or do I have to do each of04:16
A_MANJebus:  maybe you can change it (add package to mem) and then get no grapics glitch04:16
Charcoalcatthese customizations again? What happened?04:16
daftykinsCharcoalcat: did you restart yet?04:16
Charcoalcatdaftykins: Oh, yeah, a couple of times. I meant to add that.04:17
SaSi69ah ok thanks jamest and jeffrey04:17
JebusA_MAN, what package would I add04:17
daftykinsok nm04:17
jeffrey_fSaSi69: as jamesd said, Sqid is part of the install if optional is checked04:17
A_MANJebus:  depends on what graphics card you have04:17
JebusI have no clue what my graphics card is A_MAN all i know is that it has an intel core processor04:19
A_MANJebus:  what happens if you press ctrl+alt+f1 ?04:21
rustuptwistinstalled Ubuntu 12.04.03 Desktop AMD.iso on Dell desktop Optiplex 380 (win7) dual boot. the installer seems to freeze towards the end of the install. Doesnt give options to boot into Ubuntu at start-up window but when I go to re-install it asks if I want to erase existing ubuntu and re-install. Help...?04:21
CharcoalcatOkay it was "unity --replace". I've done this before without it removing customizations, but I used "DISPLAY=:0" and then "import DISPLAY" the other times. (just figured out how to look at command history.)04:22
JebusMy computer shutoff on me let me try it04:23
JebusA_MAN, it pops up with a black login screen04:24
A_MANJebus:  login .. this is a live ISO correct ?04:24
JebusA_MAN, I installed it via disk04:25
A_MANJebus:  sounds strange with the screenshot04:25
hetro_I'm trying to install a package for ubuntu 12.04: sudo apt-get install qtbase5-dev-tools04:26
hetro_but I get this error: Unable to locate package qtbase5-dev-tools04:26
hetro_Not sure what to do now...04:27
JebusA_MAN, yeah I took it to best buy but they didn't help they kept trying to get me to go to windows 804:27
A_MANhetro_:  you are not looking for qt5-base   ?04:28
hetro_A_MAN, that might also do the trick, just try sudo apt-get install qt5-base?04:28
A_MANhetro_:    apt-cache search  |grep  base04:29
A_MANhetro_:    apt-cache search  qt5 |grep  base04:29
Beldarrustuptwist, You can download 12.04.4 try it.04:29
hetro_A_MAN, nothing comes up04:30
A_MANhetro_:  what about     apt-cache search  qt | grep base04:30
A_MANcache *04:30
hetro_ok a lot of stuff came up for: apt-cache search  qt | grep base04:30
hetro_but I'm not sure what to make of it04:31
rustuptwistBeldar:  you think the computer is not accepting that version of Ubuntu, that's all?04:31
pietro10Hi. On KDE, all GTK+ apps except firefox-trunk for some reason are not rendering fonts properly, even though gtk[23]-engines-oxygen is set. How do I fix this? Thanks.04:32
A_MANhetro_:  what about qt5-default >? that is a nice mtapackage04:32
rustuptwistit is strange that the menu (grub?) doesnt appear to allow me to choose windows or Ubuntu04:32
Beldarrustuptwist, Hard to say, could be a incomplete/bad download, have you checked the sum?04:32
hetro_A_MAN, qt5-default: command not found04:32
hetro_A_MAN, is this package for another version of ubuntu, I have 12.0404:33
hetro_Maybe I should just update my ubuntu version to 13.10?04:33
A_MANhetro_:  that is Qt5 default package for Ubuntu04:33
JebusA_MAN, http://imgur.com/r148U4f here is what it shows up with04:33
rustuptwistBeldar:  the download is good as I have used it previously to install on three of my children's laptops04:33
A_MANhetro_:  instead of installing via offline/online installer04:34
A_MANhetro_:  and addding qmake version to toolkits and compilers of qtframework and qtcreator04:34
Beldarrustuptwist, This one install attempt?04:35
A_MANJebus:  login in .04:35
rustuptwistBeldar:  yeah the downloaded file i have used numerous times.04:35
Psil0Cybinhey guys after installing xubuntu i started off with a 500gb space, on my hd i now have 425gb, does that make sense after installing xubuntu/upgrading it and installing libreoffice?04:35
=== Charcoalpaw is now known as Charcoalcat
A_MAN!swap | Psil0Cybin04:36
ubottuPsil0Cybin: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info04:36
JebusA_MAN, would this work for 12.04 http://ubuntuguide.net/ubuntu-10-10-fix-the-screen-messed-up-at-start-up-and-shutdown04:36
A_MANI have no clue Jebus04:37
Psil0CybinA_MAN: okay so swap takes up alot more space ontop of Ubuntu install04:37
Psil0Cybinis what you are saying?04:37
Psil0Cybinso 72 gbs for a standard ubuntu instal04:37
Psil0Cybinis normal right?04:37
daftykinsno it most definitely isn't04:37
A_MANPsil0Cybin:  no that is not a good swap space04:37
Beldarrustuptwist, So maybe another attempt try, be aware of if you tick update on install it is slower depending on your download speed. Problem here is could be any number of variables really.04:37
A_MANPsil0Cybin:  what happens with gparted what does it show ?04:38
hetro_A_MAN, maybe I am missing a repository? So it cannot find the package?04:38
A_MANhetro_:  you are on 12.04 ?04:38
hetro_A_MAN, yup04:38
Psil0CybinA_MAN: i am checking now.04:39
hetro_A_MAN, should I update to 13.10? will that fix the problem?04:39
Psil0Cybinwht gparted says one second04:39
rustuptwistBeldar:  yeah i tried it twice if not 3x, definitely didnt click update as there was no internet available at the time. Strange. Its a computer here at school. Perhaps they have DeepFreeze installed or something...04:39
JebusA_MAN, http://imgur.com/3HgKWSr04:39
A_MANhetro_:  http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/create/get-the-sdk/04:40
JebusA_MAN, I can get the screen fixed but afterwards the mouse won't click and when i shut it off and turn it back on it just mess up again04:40
A_MANJebus: not sure sorry someone else will know though04:41
Psil0CybinA_MAN Gparted shows that i have 3 partitions:P /dev/sda1 (ext4) /dev/sda2 (extended) and under that is /dev/sda5 (UNKNOWN) with a "!!!" in red04:41
A_MANPsil0Cybin:  Oo04:41
Psil0Cybinin my ext4 it says 10.52 GIB is used04:41
A_MANPsil0Cybin:  you might want to fix that04:41
Psil0Cybinhow do i fix that04:41
Jebusit is okay A_MAN thank you for helping me though04:41
Psil0Cybini think that might be from a previous xubuntu install04:41
Psil0Cybinof the 32 bit one04:41
A_MANsorry Jebus  stick around people will help04:42
Psil0CybinA_MAN: can i just04:42
Psil0Cybindelete it?04:42
Psil0Cybinor what should i do?04:42
A_MANPsil0Cybin:  screen shot ?04:42
Psil0Cybinyea one second04:42
JebusDont be sorry A_MAN04:43
=== Charcoalpaw is now known as Charcoalcat
Psil0CybinA_MAN: http://i.imgur.com/SEsV4mS.png04:44
hetro_A_MAN, thanks I am installing the sdk now; hopefully that makes a difference04:45
Psil0CybinA_MAN: http://i.imgur.com/SEsV4mS.png >> How could I remove that !! and UNKNOWN partition and perhaps just add an extra partition for a few files?04:45
Psil0CybinA_MAN: i just tried to remove it now , and it seemed to have not caused any problem..04:47
Psil0CybinI do not think that is my swap as it has a !! beside it04:47
A_MANPsil0Cybin:  facepalm04:47
Psil0Cybinbad or good?04:48
Psil0Cybinthat was my swap..04:48
Psil0Cybinjeesus :P04:48
Psil0Cybinformat time for me04:49
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
A_MANPsil0Cybin:  lol04:49
Psil0Cybinif my swap was encrypted04:50
Psil0Cybinis there anyway i can recreate it now04:50
Psil0Cybinwithout formatting my system?04:50
A_MANPsil0Cybin:  correct04:50
Psil0Cybinhow would i do that?04:50
Jebuscan anyone help fix this problem http://imgur.com/a/NTXpV04:51
A_MANPsil0Cybin:  use gparted04:51
Psil0Cybinyea but04:51
hetro_A_MAN, I think that did the trick! Thanks a lot04:52
Psil0Cybinit was an excrypted swap?04:52
Psil0Cybinso how would i recreate that? sigh04:52
A_MANPsil0Cybin:  read up on it . like making a swap partition04:52
jamesdJebus: very cool and artist like....04:52
Psil0Cybinwell every guide i show people on here, they say i am doing it the wrong way04:52
Psil0Cybinyou perhaps suggest a propr guide04:52
A_MANhetro_:  np happy hacking  hetro_  you can always use the Qt framework form the downloads area of qt also04:52
Psil0Cybinin creating an encrypted swap partition?04:52
A_MANfrom *04:53
msgolyou see swap is not like a partition that users whould use it stores virtual pages to my undrestanding. kinda like a virtual RAM on your HDD04:53
msgolyou do not even need it but its highly recommended to have it.04:53
msgoljust shrink a partition that you have its data backed up04:53
GudduPlease help. I executed a command incorrectly. Instead of saying mv * ../ i executed mv * ..04:53
GudduAnd now the directory shows up as ..04:54
Guddudrwxrwxrwx   26 wm       wm             4096 Dec 16 12:21 ..04:54
GudduWhat could i do to rename it back?04:54
Psil0Cybinmsgol: l04:54
Psil0Cybini have a shrinked partition04:54
Psil0Cybini have the space04:54
Jebusvery jamesd04:54
Psil0Cybini deleted the stupid patition04:54
Psil0Cybincuz i thought it was corrupted04:54
Psil0Cybinbut it was my swap04:54
msgolok use 1GB of it to make a swap04:54
Psil0Cybinhow can i recreate an excreapted04:54
Psil0Cybinswap partition04:54
Psil0Cybinfrom the space i formatted04:54
A_MANmsgol:  only one gig  ?04:54
msgolyeah only one gig.04:54
jamesdswap can be accessed when your system could be underduress.. i wouldn't want to trust my swap being encrypted and mofied at the same time my system is under memory pressure...  and it may be safe with this kernel and not the next. \04:55
jKlausHey guys04:55
jKlausanyone here running 14.04?04:55
SchrodingersScat!ubuntu+1 | jKlaus04:55
ubottujKlaus: Trusty Tahr is the codename for Ubuntu 14.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+104:55
Psil0Cybinsigh nvm ill just format lol04:55
Psil0Cybini am soooo confused04:55
msgolnah just make a swap04:56
jKlausSchrodingersScat, are you telling me to seek channel ubuntu+1?04:56
SchrodingersScatjKlaus: yes, if you want information about 14.04, as it's not april.04:56
Psil0Cybinmsgol: but i am confused i want my 3 GB swap back that was encrypted04:56
Psil0CybinI do not know how to do this04:56
Psil0Cybinthe space is there04:56
Psil0Cybinhow do I recreate the swap..04:56
Psil0Cybinsigh i litterely04:57
Psil0Cybincreated a problem from nothing04:57
msgolwait so you already have a swap partition?04:57
jKlausSchrodingersScat, that doesn't mean someone else in here wouldn't be running it.04:57
jKlausJust b/c it isn't 'released'04:57
SchrodingersScatjKlaus: that makes it offtopic, also !poll04:57
A_MANmsgol:  he deleted it for some unknown reason04:57
msgoloh so deleted it.04:57
msgoli dont think you can bring it back.04:57
Psil0Cybinthats what i thought04:57
msgolso make a new one no worries. its not like you hade something important stored there.04:58
jKlausSchrodingersScat, last time I was in here some guy was complaining about his wife.. didn't realize we ever remained on topic lol04:58
A_MANmsgol:  you can not make new swap in gparted set up from there ?04:58
A_MANI swear that I have done that before04:58
msgolyou can.04:58
msgolright click on empty space create new select linux swap as file system04:59
msgolright click get info. copy its UUID04:59
msgolgo to /etc/fstab with nano or anything else05:00
msgolupdate the swap UUID there05:00
msgolrestart all good.05:00
msgolhell not even fstab stuff05:02
msgolright click and swapon05:02
DrManhattanim having a problem getting my wireless card to automatically connect to my network when I boot05:03
DrManhattanthe card module is loading, the network info I put in for it is proper05:04
DrManhattanit doesn't associate with the AP when it boots though05:04
DrManhattanI would appreciate any help you can give05:04
DrManhattanthe wireless only associates with the AP when I run /etc/init.d/networking restart05:10
DrManhattanPlease, I humbly beg for help. THere's over 1500 people in here, can't ANYONE give me some help?05:11
msgolhere is my dumb idea if you found nothing else put that in rc.local05:11
DrManhattanlets try05:12
msgolbefore exit 005:12
Psil0CybinDrManhattan: !patients05:12
msgolits in /etc/rc.local05:13
Jebushow do i uninstall ubuntu and reinstall it if it is the only OS on my computer05:13
msgolyou back up all you need to keep from /05:13
msgolformat your / and install a brand new Ubuntu on it05:14
danny4wayCan someone help me with the secondary display?05:14
daftykinsPsil0Cybin: i'm not sure how doctors customers apply here ;)05:14
BrispereI can try danny05:14
BrispereWhat's the issue?05:14
danny4wayI have my laptop and 42 inches TV. My laptop LED is cracked so I can't see clearly on my laptop but the laptop is complety fine and I was just thinking maybe I can use it as a computer base and use TV as a monitor05:15
BrispereDoes your laptop have VGA/DVI/HDMI output?05:15
danny4wayBut then the issue with the TV is that it's rotated to clockwise. It's like I am looking at it sideway. So I want to make it normal display.05:15
danny4wayI connected it to computer with VGA05:16
BrispereMhm, just a second I know there is a way to do it on windows I'll look it up05:16
ianorlinI think arnadr can make a display rotate 90 degrees05:17
kriskropdI tried to build an installer package from amd-catalyst-13.12-linux-x86.x86_64.run and got http://sprunge.us/SIeh  - is anyone familiar with install amd catalyst and ati non-free driver on ubuntu here?05:17
daftykins!ati | kriskropd05:17
ubottukriskropd: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto05:17
SonikkuAmericakriskropd: That plus why are you still using Raring?05:18
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring05:18
BrispereLooks like I may have found something danny05:18
kriskropdSonikkuAmerica: because old machine05:18
=== nZac is now known as nZac_away
danny4waybut how does arnadr work? ianorlin05:18
Lubuntu13-10I'm having a huge problem that you'll probably tell me is a little thing but I installed "Gnome-Shell" Through synaptics package manager on Lubuntu 13.10 and when I logged in on the Gnome I could not see a desktop at all, now all the other themes do the same exact thing, I only see the background and my mouse if I move it, Any tips?05:18
SonikkuAmericakriskropd: Why d you think it can't handle 13.10 (Saucy)?05:18
kriskropdSonikkuAmerica: 13.04 isn't that old <_< were not at 14.04 yet05:19
SonikkuAmericakriskropd: But we don't support 13.04 anymore.05:19
BrispereCould anyone tell me how to add windows 7 to grub after a new installation?05:19
kriskropdSonikkuAmerica: no it can handle 13.10 jsut dandy, I jsut haven't mustered enough cares to upgrade it05:19
Lubuntu13-10Can anyone help me?05:19
kriskropdSonikkuAmerica: my attention isn't on 13.04, it's on atinon-free driver05:19
SonikkuAmericaLubuntu13-10: aybe, why not give us more details?05:19
Lubuntu13-10I'm having a huge problem that you'll probably tell me is a little thing but I installed "Gnome-Shell" Through synaptics package manager on Lubuntu 13.10 and when I logged in on the Gnome I could not see a desktop at all, now all the other themes do the same exact thing, I only see the background and my mouse if I move it, Any tips?05:20
SonikkuAmericaLubuntu13-10: Also, did you ask in #lubuntu ?05:20
kriskropdSonikkuAmerica: specifically hwy the debian package builder isn't working correctly05:20
Lubuntu13-10SonikkuAmerica: I would think it to be the same type of problem on Ubuntu.........05:20
Lubuntu13-10(I think)05:20
SonikkuAmericaLubuntu13-10: Probably.05:20
Jebuscan anyone help fix this problem http://imgur.com/a/NTXpV05:20
Ben64Jebus: looks like a broken video card05:21
jeffrey_fan upgrade to 13.10 can cure MANY pains.  Many fixes, updates and newer softwares.05:21
SonikkuAmerica!info gnome-shell05:21
ubottugnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.8.4-0ubuntu5 (saucy), package size 285 kB, installed size 1000 kB05:21
xjkx(ubuntu 13.10 64 bits), on kdenlive I try to renderize, I dont have codecs for avi, is it ubuntu restricted extras I gotta install ?05:21
Lubuntu13-10SonikkuAmerica: Any ideas?05:21
danny4wayI tried to rotate the 42 inches TV with xrandr command and it rotated but primary got messed up.05:21
DrManhattanwhy do I have the -generic kernel installed when I told the installer to install the server kernel?05:21
JebusThank you Ben6405:22
Pinkamena_Dfor some reason, I have a hard drive i want to format but ubuntu nor bactrack can see it in gparted / fdisk, any suggestions?05:22
SonikkuAmericaLubuntu13-10: Hmm... maybe you could install all of GNOME? [ sudo apt-get install gnome ]05:22
Pinkamena_Dits just a standard 7200 sata drive, used to be part of a raid array though.05:22
danny4wayI need help with display resolution. Please someone help me out.05:22
Lubuntu13-10SonikkuAmerica: I'm running it on a 512MB RAM machine, would that impact the performance? :/05:23
geniiLubuntu13-10: Immensely05:23
Ben64Pinkamena_D: pastebin "sudo blkid; sudo parted -l; sudo fdisk -l"05:23
danny4wayMy secondary display is rotated to counterclockwise. I think.05:23
Lubuntu13-10Aaaaand Sh*t05:23
Ben64Lubuntu13-10: watch the language here please05:23
Lubuntu13-10Thats why I put the "*"05:24
Ben64just don't put the word in any form05:24
Lubuntu13-10No prob05:24
SonikkuAmericaLubuntu13-10: No, GNOME can't run well on 512 MB RAM, shell or otherwise05:24
Ben64Lubuntu13-10: does lxde still work?05:24
msgol_Lubuntu13-10: CTRL ALT F1 Login then "Sudo -s" enter pass. "apt-get purge gnome-shell" then do : "add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3" then : "apt-get -f update" then: "apt-get install gnome-shell ubuntu-gnome-desktop"05:24
jeffrey_fpinkamena: I've had trouble using drives that WERE a raid set.  Did you try using Dariks Boot and Nuke (http://www.dban.org/)?  It should wipe the drive clean05:24
geniiLubuntu13-10: We understand the sentiment, but even obfuscated obscenity is frowned upon :)05:24
SonikkuAmericaLubuntu13-10: If you're looking for another desktop env that will run on 512 MB, try XFCE, e17, or MATE05:24
danny4wayPlease. I am a new Ubuntu User and I am totally lost with it. I know how to change it in windows because it's windows+P and I can change everything within clicks. But how do i do with Ubuntu?05:25
Lubuntu13-10Ben64: I managed to get it working again but now I have the Gnome desktop theme option in the Logon options that will do nothing but mess things up :(05:25
danny4wayMy secondary display is messed up. Please someone help me out.05:26
msgol_are you talking about GDM when you mention gnome desktop theme in logon?05:26
ianorlinI think he might be talking about icon theme05:26
Pinkamena_DBen64, those commands have revealed a device type I have not seen before, /dev/sr3: LABEL="UDF Volume" TYPE="udf"05:26
msgol_icon theme on logon is very strange05:27
Psil0Cybinhey guys I just formatted my whole hard drive removed everytying i am loading the same exact iso i used to install the system a few hours ago, but when i go to install and follow the steps it lags on the continue page where it says its connected to the internet has a power source, etc and does not let me install...05:27
Ben64Pinkamena_D: likely your cd/dvd drive05:27
finchdwin 4905:27
jeffrey_fdanny4way: Summarize your problem the best you can and what you have tried and/or know already as well as the what you need to hapen05:28
BrispereAlright heres a tricky question, netflix for ubuntu 13.10?05:28
BrispereHow do05:28
msgol_Brispere: seach silverlight linux. good luck :D05:29
Psil0Cybinthere we go05:29
Psil0Cybinreinstalling :)05:29
Psil0Cybini have a long night of reconfiguring ahead of me :D05:29
BrispereWill moonlight work?05:30
jeffrey_fPinkamena: http://www.dban.org/  <--DoD level disk wipe.  Should kill everything on that disk about it being part of a raid set, which is why you can't read it.05:30
danny4wayOkay. So I have my laptop and its LED is broken. So I am trying to connect my laptop to TV by using VGA connector. I was with Windows before and it was just fine using it because on windows, I just need to change the screen by windows+P and I can change the secondary display as a default display. But right now I have this issue when my secondary display is rotated. I tired to go to setting to change it to normal but there's no opti05:30
danny4wayon for it.05:30
Brisperehttp://www.microsoft.com/getsilverlight/Get-Started/Install/Default.aspx the fuck05:30
Psil0Cybinthats cool!05:31
BrispereThere is an official silverlight for us now?05:31
Psil0Cybinthe USB i used remembered my username and hostname from the first time i installed an OS?05:31
Psil0Cybinthat is pretty neat, and interesting05:31
kriskropdBrispere: I'm pretty sure we've had silverlight for awhile, nto that I would ever touch it even on Windows05:31
ianorlindanny4way do you have can you install arnadr?05:32
BrispereDon't really have a choice until html5 streaming is consistently available05:32
jeffrey_fdanny4way: systems settings, find Displays.....05:32
danny4waywhat's the command to install arnadr?05:32
ianorlinactually think jeffrey_f solution may be better to go to system setting find displays05:33
danny4wayjeffrey_f i tried the display already. There's no option for me to change it to normal rotation. It only has clockwise and counterclockwise.05:33
peyamDoesn easylist work for you guys?05:33
ianorlinthere is in arandr though05:33
ianorlinopen software center and search for arandr05:33
peyamcan you see this : https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylist.txt05:33
jeffrey_fdanny4way: Does your monitor have the ability to physically rotate?05:33
danny4wayNo jeffrey_f05:34
kriskropdpeyam: 'sudo apt-get install arandr'05:34
kriskropdpeyam: im not familiar with easylist and it's not in repository - what are you asking again?05:35
danny4wayianorlin, there's arandr in the software center.05:35
jeffrey_fdanny4way: Try logging into guest....let us know if that user has normal screen rotation05:35
danny4wayI tried that one too. jeffrey_f05:35
danny4wayit doesn't seem to work05:35
peyamkriskropd, its a adblocks list. not seems to work05:36
IdleOnepeyam: that isn't an ubuntu issue. see if adblock has a support forum.05:36
ianorlinthen launch arandr and then go to outputs and select the direction to rotate it to make it right side up05:36
kriskropdpeyam: oh its a block list, this channel won't support AdBlock extensions for your web browser05:37
jeffrey_fdanny4way: I'm lost for a solution.  Anyways, I need to leave.  Good luck05:37
danny4wayRight now I am installing arandr05:37
peyamIdleOne, just asking if its works for you. I know how to trouble shoot it but fisrt i should know its only not works for me05:37
peyamkriskropd, can you see this file? https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylist.txt05:37
msgolis there Bash channel?05:37
kriskropdpeyam: yes I can see the file, its a blocklist of some sort05:37
kriskropdmsgol: #bash05:37
IdleOnepeyam: it is not an ubuntu issue, which means not supported here. asking here is off topic.05:37
peyamkriskropd, would please send the list to me?05:37
msgolyes :)05:38
kriskropdmsgol: its a fun place, but be sure to pay attention to the URLS in the channel's MOTD05:38
kriskropdmsgol: save yourself from getting yelled at :)05:38
msgolkriskropd: thanks for warrning and no worries im not dumb :D . (Clicking on all links in 3 2 1.)05:39
peyamI would be very greatfull if someone sends me the list05:39
kriskropdpeyam: im piping it to a pastebin, it will take a moment (that is a really huge text file)05:39
peyamokej thanks alot. this ads are killing me05:39
peyamkriskropd, if its not too much to as for. would you do this one too? https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easyprivacy.txt05:40
kriskropdpeyam: sorry took s0o long, sprunge failed me (list too big) so i had to install pastebinit. Here are the links http://paste.ubuntu.com/6901452/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/6901453/05:42
kriskropdpeyam: btw, can you not see the links? you could try a proxy :o05:42
peyamno. it donno what the problem is.05:42
peyamkriskropd, if you go in here :https://easylist.adblockplus.org/en/05:43
peyamand save View Easylist and save it05:43
peyamand Easy privacy05:43
peyamand then you can upload those two elsewhere?05:43
kriskropdpeyam: I'm going to private message you, we are being rather offtopic05:44
alazare619im looking for a easy to use dhcp server gui tool must intergrate with fog server05:54
alazare619as i installed fogserver dhcp daemon05:54
Psil0Cybinhey guys06:05
Psil0Cybinwhere in ubuntu 12.04 is the file stored for mouse themes06:06
Psil0Cybinto set them globally06:06
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lotuspsychjewill ubuntu refresh the life of an ibook g4, or will the hardware still bottleneck current web requierments?06:13
lotuspsychjenightfly: yes on what part :p06:14
xjkx(ubuntu 13.10 64 bits), on kdenlive I try to renderize, I dont have codecs for avi, is it ubuntu restricted extras I gotta install ?06:14
lotuspsychjenightfly: ok tnx for info mate, maybe lubuntu or xubuntu run smoother on it?06:15
lotuspsychje!info ubuntu-restricted-extras | xjkx06:15
ubottuxjkx: ubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 59 (saucy), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB06:16
lotuspsychje!info vlc | xjkx06:16
ubottuxjkx: vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.8-1 (saucy), package size 1052 kB, installed size 3347 kB06:16
nightflymaybe a bit soo06:16
lotuspsychjenightfly: better stay on tiger then?06:16
Myro_Hey, im trying to use playonlinux, but it is saying it requires a certain patch (4.0.18) how do i update to it06:16
xjkxlotuspsychje: that means it has the avi codecs kdenlive needs or no ?06:17
Tomnightfly: i have installed ubuntu to my computer. but now the computer is not booting, may be its not working,can i use its ubuntu installed hdd to my second computer withought reinstalling ubuntu, or does ubuntu binds itself to the hardware is been installed to.?06:17
mnemonlotuspsychje: the only real difference comes from the OS speed, if your current OS is using large percentage of the resources, switching might help, if not, it won't06:17
mnemonyou're still gonna have problems with modern web pages since the js / plugin engines aren't any faster06:18
Myro_like is there a way to dl the patch via terminal?06:18
lotuspsychjemnemon: yes but as firefox for ubuntu will be up to date, might run smoother on flash no?06:18
Tommnemon:i have installed ubuntu to my computer. but now the computer is not booting, may be its not working,can i use its ubuntu installed hdd to my second computer withought reinstalling ubuntu, or does ubuntu binds itself to the hardware is been installed to?06:19
mnemonlotuspsychje: could be, i have no idea how recent flash you have at the moment06:19
lotuspsychjemnemon: got a nightmare on safari with flash 906:19
mnemoni'd switch jus to get a new flash ... otherwise you're gonna have a laptop full of viriis ;)06:19
mnemonTom: you can use it on another computer06:20
mnemonassuming it's on the same architechture06:20
lotuspsychjemnemon: also my idea, but had to ask about ubuntu's performance on ibook g4 first06:20
Semorhow do I detect how many file descriptor have been used in one process06:20
mnemonlotuspsychje: could just try a livecd or something to see how it works?06:21
alazare619i need to make a symlink from /sbin/dhcpd3 to /sbin/dhcp06:21
Tommnemon: can we boot ubuntu installed hdd with  any pc?06:21
lotuspsychjemnemon: good idea tnx mate, ive read ibook cant take usb boot right?06:21
mnemonSemor: ls /proc/<programs-pid-here>/fd iirc06:22
addajonesno usb boot on non-intel macs06:22
lotuspsychjexjkx: not sure about kdenlive mate, never tested myself06:22
addajonesu can firewire boot though06:22
mnemonlotuspsychje: not sure, haven't tried myself06:22
lotuspsychjeaddajones: i need to burn ubuntu ppc version on cd then?06:22
mnemonTom: like i said, as long as it's using the same arch it should work06:23
Tomsame arch means ?06:23
addajoneslotuspsychje: i suppose that would work06:23
mnemonx86 / x86_64 / ARM06:23
Tomcan u please explain it ?06:23
mnemonsame type of processor06:23
lotuspsychjeaddajones: will it auto boot cd first then?06:23
Semormnemon:why it shows me a serial number ? 0  1  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  2  20  3  4  5  6  7  8  906:24
Semormnemon:I need the current number of fd in use06:24
addajoneslotuspsychje: don't know man, it's worth a shot though. it's a good place to start. normally you hold "c" on those computers to boot to cd06:24
Tommnemon: if ubuntu was installed on an intel pc ,then can we boot it on amd pc?06:24
mnemonSemor: those are the fds used by the process06:24
lotuspsychjeaddajones: ok tnx alot for info mate06:25
lotuspsychjemnemon: you2 tnx for relevant support06:25
addajoneslotuspsychje: np06:26
mnemonSemor: could also use lsof (lsof | wc -l) etc.06:26
mnemonTom: yes06:27
Psil0Cybinhey guys i keep having accounts-daemon crashing on my new xubuntu install06:27
Psil0Cybinwhat can i do?! to fix this non sense06:27
Tommnemom: thanks for the info, but in ubuntu it was said that ubuntu locks down itself to the hardware is been installed to, and may be it won;t work many different pc after installation?06:29
mnemonTom: some parts might misbehave, especially if you use a comp with different gpu06:29
astropirateHello all06:30
astropirateI want to install Kdevelop 4.6, came out in early Jan.  The one in the repo is 4.3. There are MANY fixes and enhancements in new version. Is there a PPA for this?06:31
mnemonTom: it *should* boot on another machine with the same arch but there's a lot of things that might break ... if you want to do something besides test if it boots/fix some part in recovery i'd just do fresh install on the other one.06:32
astropiraterunning ubuntu 12.0406:32
Semormnemon:how do I set the max count of fd ,which could be used  in one process ?06:33
Guest81707astropirate: http://userbase.kde.org/KDevelop/Install4.506:33
Tommnemon: i asked this question, because i wanted to know, that is it possible to install ubuntu to a flash drive permanently and use it with almost any computer ? is it possible?06:33
astropirateGuest81707, i said I want 4.6 :\06:33
Nicolas_22I made a stupid mistake and ran chmod -R 0777 /06:34
Nicolas_22now all files in / are 0777 and it doesn't function well for example I can't ssh into the server06:34
astropiratenicholas-qg, high five buddy06:34
Nicolas_22is there any way to undo this harm ?06:34
astropirateNicolas_22, i'm going to be captain hindsight and say you shouldnt be screwing around your server as root06:35
mnemonTom: yes06:35
mnemonTom: there's plenty of readymade images for that(live cd / usb ones)06:35
Guest81707astropirate: then it looks like you will ha0ve to install from source for now06:36
mnemonSemor: see ulimit06:36
=== Guest81707 is now known as whoever
astropirateGuest81707, i cam accross the KDE backports. I will give that a try first06:36
mnemonSemor: http://linux.die.net/man/1/bash search for ulimit06:36
Tommnemon: i am not talking about live ubuntu, i would like to know will ubuntu will on any pc if its been installed permanently to the flashdrive?06:37
mnemonTom: yes ... it doesn't matter if it's live or if it has some persistent parts.06:39
whoeverastropirate: there looks to be an error that was reported with kdevelop on 13.04 but don't know if it was resolved yet, just to give you a heads up06:39
mnemonTom: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:39
astropiratewhoever, thanks will keep eye out06:40
Ben6413.04 is no longer supported06:40
whoeverBen64: thx06:40
whoeverBen64: do you happen to know why 13.x is not supported06:41
Ben6413.10 is still supported, 13.04 is not06:42
astropirateI am still stuck on 12.04 :(06:42
Ben64the non-lts releases are only supported for 9 months06:42
Tommnemon: thanks again for the info,persistent ubuntu is reliable? can we install a lot of packages in persistent, does it crashes often?06:42
Ben64astropirate: good news, you're on an lts release! you have support until april 201706:42
astropirateI have a sweet setup with xmonad + ubuntu unified menu, that doesnt work on newer version06:42
whoeverastropirate: why are you stuck06:42
Psil0Cybinwierd that gparted06:43
tieis there somebody know the 13.10 has 2 chrome icon in my dash home06:43
Psil0Cybindoes not come on an xubuntu machine that was just installed06:43
geniiastropirate: Luckily you can go straight to 14.04 after it goes into official release06:43
Psil0Cybini thought it is standard06:43
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genii( LTS -> LTS )06:43
astropirategenii,  I just might. I have been able to replicate portions of my xmonad setup with just pure KDE06:43
hawt-userhow to make gui program to run as root on startup06:43
astropiratelarge portions*06:43
mnemonTom: depends on the method, i've had usb installations that work just as well as hdd one and some custom images that don't.06:43
Ben64hawt-user: you shouldn't be running things as root, what are you trying to run?06:44
mnemonTom: nomal installation to USB should work just aswell as one to HDD aslong as your USB drive works06:44
hawt-userhawt-user: teamviewer on startup06:44
whoeverastropirate: so why are you tring to replicate xmonad with kde xmonad is ausome06:44
Psil0Cybinis it just me or does gparted not come with fresh xubuntu installs after the system is installed? and you have to install it through apt-get install gparted?06:44
hawt-userBen64: teamviewer on startup06:45
mojtabaHi, I am doing a backup with rdiff-back06:45
whoeverand ausome is prety asome too06:45
Ben64hawt-user: teamviewer doesn't need root06:45
Tommnemon: means if ubuntu is installted to the flashdrive like we do on hdd with all swap and partitions, then it can be booted on any pc withought any problems?06:45
Semormnemon:I have used command 'ulimit -n 4000' to set max fd count to 4000 ,but it only works in this shell ,not in other shell06:45
hawt-userBen64: well i want to run it as root06:46
SchrodingersScatTom: that's a huge condition, any pc in the world?06:46
Tomi mean most of the pc's.06:46
Ben64hawt-user: well, don't. thats a security risk06:46
mnemonSemor: see /etc/security/limits.conf06:47
mojtabaHi, I am doing a backup with rdiff-backup (http://paste.ubuntu.com/6901655/)  should I exclude /home/.ecryptfs as well?06:47
Semormnemon:It is empty with all lines commented06:47
mnemonSemor: yes, read the comments06:48
mnemonor http://posidev.com/blog/2009/06/04/set-ulimit-parameters-on-ubuntu/06:48
SchrodingersScatTom: I've had good examples, your results may vary.06:49
Tommnemon:that means if ubuntu is installted to the flashdrive like we do on hdd with all swap and partitions, then it can be booted on any pc withought any problem?06:49
TomSchrodingersScat: such as?06:51
mnemonTom: the previous limitations i mentioned apply, you might have problems with gfx drivers and it won't boot on different arch(exception is: x86 will work on x86_64)06:51
SchrodingersScatTom: ^06:51
Tommnemon: wil it work with any 64 bit cpu's?06:52
mojtabaHi, I am doing a backup with rdiff-backup (http://paste.ubuntu.com/6901655/)  should I exclude /home/.ecryptfs as well?06:52
astropiratewhoever, yes it is awesome. But for managing window layouts, not much else :(06:53
mnemonTom: no, i64 kernel won't boot on x86_64 and vice versa and so on.06:53
astropirateKDE provides everything I need06:53
astropirateplus some eye candy doeesn't hurt :p  I got a giant hunk of a gaming machine, so ram/CPU usage is not an issue for me06:53
mnemonTom: but in practice, yes it will work on most laptops and desktops if you have x86 kernel.06:53
astropiratei must re-log-in06:53
mnemon(x86 = 32bit)06:54
SchrodingersScatmojtaba: that seems up to you.06:54
mojtabaSchrodingersScat: What do you mean? Is there any duplication? Is it needed?06:54
Tommnemon: a lot of people say that ubuntu binds itself to the hardware it been installed to, and then it wont boot to other computer? is it true?06:55
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Tommnemon: a lot of people say that ubuntu binds itself to the hardware it been installed to, and then it wont boot to other computer? is it true?06:56
mojtabaHi, I am doing a backup with rdiff-backup (http://paste.ubuntu.com/6901655/)  should I exclude /home/.ecryptfs as well?06:56
mnemonTom: no. But if you move the OS to different hard drive you will need to change grub settings.06:57
SchrodingersScatmojtaba: I thought that's where files where for encrypted private directories or other ecryptfs stuff, but I could be wrong, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedPrivateDirectory06:57
mnemonas it boots based on the hardware UIDs06:57
pr0metheu5this is probably not the proper channel for elementary os support, is it?06:58
Tommnemon: does it has drivers for mostof the computers if been booting into?06:58
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mnemonTom: yes.06:58
Tommnemon: would u consider the kernel 3.2.29 new or old?07:00
mnemonTom: but i work a lot with old servers :P07:00
SchrodingersScatmojtaba: your private keys07:01
Tomdoes this kernel has drivers for newer hardwares?07:01
mojtabaSchrodingersScat: The problem is that, I get some errors while doing backup this directory07:02
mojtabaSchrodingersScat: Although I am root, but I get permission denied errors!07:02
mnemonTom: depends what was compiled into it.07:02
Tommnemon: i would like to make ubuntu a portable os, like carrying all ur softwares, files and settings in a small flash drive, and can be booted to any pc. that was my point.07:03
nightflymojtaba: fuse and some other filesystems don't care that you are root, they care about the user who mounted them07:04
mnemonTom: shouldn't be a problem, i've had plenty of those over the years none of them ubuntu though.07:05
FEXhello =P07:05
Tommnemon: can i use puppy linux for that purpose? cause it uses the ubuntu repository? will puppy linux boot to any pc?07:05
mojtabanightfly: So, how should I make rdiff-backup to ignore these errors, because It never finishes doing backup. (I have waited for more than 24 hours)07:05
nightflyI'd probably explicitly exclude the directories it's erroring on07:06
mnemonTom: any linux usually works for that yeah.07:06
Tommnemon:that' nice, i used to thought that linux binds itself to the hardware, it being installed to , thus it eliminates the portabiity feature, it restricts u to that single pc. thanks for clearing my doubt.07:08
chaotixI am on ubuntu 13.10 fresh install...  i just installed an app i always install, Nautilus Open Terminal, which adds 'Open in Terminal' to the right-click context menu of Nautilus...  The Problem is that 'Open in Terminal' is now only showing up in root nautilus windows.07:08
chaotixWhy is this, and what can I do to rectify?07:09
chaotixThanks in advance..07:09
mnemonTom: np07:09
Tommnemon:that' nice, i used to thought that linux binds itself to the hardware, it being installed to , thus it eliminates the portabiity feature, it restricts u to that single pc. thanks for clearing my doubt.07:09
mojtabanightfly: SchrodingersScat: So, how should I make rdiff-backup to ignore these errors, because It never finishes doing backup. (I have waited for more than 24 hours)07:10
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Tommnemon: thanks for all the info , bye07:12
Jordan_UTom: The only exception to hardware drivers being configured dynamically at boot is proprietary graphics drivers.07:12
mojtabanightfly: SchrodingersScat: So, how should I make rdiff-backup to ignore these errors, because It never finishes doing backup. (I have waited for more than 24 hours)07:13
Jordan_UTom: If you install Nvidia's proprietary drivers then you will have issues starting X on a machine without an Nvidia GPU for instance.07:13
=== subdude is now known as komatose
komatoseHey, i just installed lubuntu on a laptop, got it configured and customized, and somehow managed to log into a nexus 7 session. Now, there is no UI, and no way for me to logout of the session. So, I'm stuck. Any ideas?07:25
adam___I'm trying to get empathy to share my desktop. I get the request on one side, but when I confirm, it says connection closed and the IP that pops up on the other computer is which obviously is wrong.. what can I do to get this working? The accounts I'm using are google accounts07:26
komatoseHow do i logout out of a nexus 7 session when there is no UI?07:28
adam___Then kill the process07:29
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komatoseadam___:  i am at a terminal now, what do i type?07:32
adam___ps aux | less07:33
adam___Look for light dm07:34
adam___Or other sessions07:34
komatosek, brb07:34
adam___Once you find it, press q07:34
adam___Then type kill 123407:34
blockyps aux | grep light07:35
adam___Where 1234 is the number that process07:35
komatoseoh ok.. hold on, let me try again07:36
adam___Or you can just open a new desktop session with ctrl-alt-f807:36
Raj_i installed ubuntu server on my system, then when i rebooted my system i got missing operating system07:36
adam___ctrl-alt-fX (where X is any number) will switch you to a new session07:37
komatosei don't know which process to kill07:38
komatosectrl-alt-f8 didn't do anything07:38
Jordan_Ukomatose: What do you mean by a "nexus 7 session"?07:39
komatosewhen u log out of lubuntu07:39
blockykomatose: try ps aux | grep light07:39
komatosethere are several options07:39
komatosek hold on07:39
sprinkis archive.canonical.com down or something?07:40
komatoseok, there are 4 things listed07:40
Raj_i have a UEFI system and installed ubuntu server first. will there be any change in install process07:41
komatosei typed kill 1014 and got operation not permitted07:41
blockykomatose: sudo service lightdm restart07:42
komatosenow i'm just back at a black screen again07:42
blockykomatose: did you install ubuntu on your nexus 7 tablet?07:43
Semormnemon:what does this mean  ? user  soft  nofile 900007:43
komatosenope, on a laptop.07:43
komatosedidn't mean to login to nexus 707:43
blockykomatose: i sort of came in in the middle, what was your original problem07:44
komatose<komatose> Hey, i just installed lubuntu on a laptop, got it configured and customized, and somehow managed to log into a nexus 7 session. Now, there is no UI, and no way for me to logout of the session. So, I'm stuck. Any ideas?07:44
blockywhat do you mean "nexus 7 session"07:44
jj995is "time cat /cifs/hugefile.binary > /dev/null" an OK test of read speed for a network file system (assuming the file is not already cached)07:44
jj995cat doesn't unnecessarily slow it down, right?07:45
komatosewhen you're in lubuntu, and go to logout, and then click one of the many options (like lubuntu nexus), then login.. this is what happened.07:45
blockykomatose: you can get a virtual console by pressing ctrl + alt + 1,2,3..6 and then when you do ctrl + alt + 7 you get a black screen?07:47
komatoseno black screen. just did ctrl alt F1 a minute ago and got back to where i was07:48
blockywhat does ctrl alt f7 do?07:49
sprinkanyone know why I can't use apt with the archive.canonical.com repo for precise even though I can naviate to it in a browser just fine?07:49
ianorlinis there a mouse pointer?07:49
adam___should get you back to the desktop session07:49
ianorlindid you log into plain openbox?07:49
komatoseblocky: this: ~07:49
adam___can anyone help me with getting remote assistance working using empathy and google accounts?07:49
adam___or is there a better way?07:49
komatoseianorlin: not sure. it's just a blank screen. but now i'm at a console.07:50
adam___just reboot the system07:50
komatoseshutting down by pressing the power button and rebooting gets me to the same thing.07:50
adam___sudo reboot07:50
blockydid you configure automatic login when you installed ubuntu?07:51
komatoseyeah, same thing, black screen.07:51
komatosethere's no cursor or anything.07:52
komatosepressed ctrl alt Fsomething and got back to a console again07:52
komatosehad to login07:52
blockymaybe if you disable automatic login you can pick a different session07:54
komatose"Public bug reported:  When selecting the "nexus 7" or "lx games" sessions, the session does not start correctly. Only the background is loaded. After that, there is no usable UI for the user. And no possibility to log out of the session."07:54
komatosehow do i disable it from here?07:54
adam___where can I go for help with Empathy?07:55
adam___can't get remote desktop sharing working07:55
blockykomatose: sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf07:55
blockykomatose: then look for something like autologin-user=komatose, and delete your name from that line07:56
blockykomatose: after you do that then press ctrl + x to exit and when it asks if you want to save, press y07:56
komatoseok, done.07:57
komatoseblocky: now what?07:57
blockykomatose: reboot07:57
komatoseblocky: same thing, except now there's a popup on the top left saying i've been disconnected from the network.07:59
komatoseit went away.07:59
komatosealmost felt like i had something to click on for a minute. but no mouse cursor.07:59
adam___what's the best way to remote to my parents' computer?07:59
blockyadam___: teamviewer07:59
adam___I run ubuntu and so do they08:00
allyoutooHi, could someone explain me why gnome-shell seems to have two kind of "window" themes, some windows seem to use adawaita theme and some the theme from gtk theme I have, is there way to force every app use the gtk themes theming?08:00
adam___is teamviewer still the best?08:00
sunshine-apican you help me08:00
sunshine-apikannst du mir helfen08:00
sunshine-apiLinux probl08:00
allyoutooadam___, depending what you want to do ssh is nice :P08:00
blockykomatose: run this and tell me how many results there are: cat /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf | grep autologin08:00
adam___I'd like to talk to them on the phone and watch me move the mouse and show them what to click if they get stuck08:01
komatoseblocky: 408:01
allyoutoosunshine-api, and ask the question, no one can know if they can help without knowing whats wrong08:01
blockykomatose: does one say session? what does that line say08:02
adam___so what's the best way to give command my parents' computer so they can watch me move the mouse, etc08:02
allyoutooadam___, well I'd say teamviewer is the least hassle and so most productive08:02
blockyand the one with autologin username is blank?08:02
adam___ok.. I'll give it a try08:03
komatoseblocky: no, it has the username there again08:03
allyoutoolately I've been giving support using hangout session and screen sharing :P but it more like "go little up from there, no not that much, just a bit more left now.."08:03
blockykomatose: edit the file and remove it again, then close the file, then open the file again to see if it saved correctly08:04
adam___allyoutoo: I thought of that too08:04
komatoseok, let me see if i can scroll up and find what u said before..08:04
sprinkAnyone know why apt-get update hangs on "connecting to archive.canonical.com" even though it's obviously up and navigatable via firefox?08:04
allyoutooadam___, but yeah, depends what you want to achieve, if you have similar desktop setups then you might also share yours screen and show stuff that way08:05
adam___I wish you hangouts would allow you to give control to the other08:05
allyoutoosprink, just to make sure, pingging it works?08:05
adam___I don't think that will be enough.. it's a first computer for them08:05
sprinkallyoutoo: yup, I can even browse the repo in firefox08:06
komatoseblocky: i entered the command, deleted the name, saved it.. now how do i close it?08:06
allyoutooadam___, but yeah, teamviewer might be the way to go for now ^^08:06
komatoseoh, wait... hol don...08:06
adam___can you install teamviewer via sudo apt-get?08:06
sprink98% [Connecting to archive.canonical.com (2001:67c:1360:8c01::1b)]08:06
adam___or software08:07
komatoseblocky: i don't think it saved it last time, but this time it did. let me try to reboot again?08:07
allyoutoosprink, seems.. ipv6 :P08:07
sprinkallyoutoo: that's what I figured, so I disabled ipv6 in sysctrl and rebooted.. still.. how do I force apt to not try and use ipv6?08:07
blockykomatose: sounds good. it sounds like it's automatically logging you into a broken session, so if you can prevent that autologin and choose a good session instead, that might fix it08:08
allyoutoohmm I think there was some tool to set up apt using fastest mirrors to your location08:08
komatosei am about to find out08:08
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allyoutoosprink, maybe running it would find some working set up :)08:08
sprinkallyoutoo: I did that, it only changes some of the repos08:08
komatoseblocky: THANK YOU08:08
sprinknot the partner one08:08
komatosethose other sessions need to be gotten rid of. but i'll deal with that tomorrow.08:08
blockykomatose: did it work?08:09
komatoselogged into lubuntu. it's just as i left it before all hell happened.08:09
allyoutoosprink, far fetched but you aren't running our of HDD space are you?08:09
blockycool. i had no idea lubuntu even had a nexus 7 session, let alone that it was severely broken08:09
komatoseyeah me either.08:10
komatosethat's why i was like hey, i ididn't know all these were here.. then clicked it and logged into it. big mistake. don't do that.08:10
blockykomatose: what version of ubuntu are you using?08:10
blockyor what version of lubuntu rather08:11
komatoselubuntu 13.1008:11
blockyah okay08:11
sprinkallyoutoo: na08:11
hddmonsterHey there my wireless connecting so hard, its slow and usually drops. Reconnecting hardly again. I updated backports-3.13-1.tar.xz. And my kernel is 3.11.0-15-generic. Ubuntu 13.10 64bit. Wireless adaptor is Qualcomm Atheros AR9485.08:11
komatosedoes lubuntu have LTS versions?08:11
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blockyi just found this quickly by searching for how to remove a session from the lightdm session manager, not sure if it's applicable http://askubuntu.com/questions/81161/how-to-remove-session-entries-from-lightdm08:12
blockykomatose: don't know, i'm running unity 14.04 alpha08:12
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komatoseoh, i see.08:12
sprinkallyoutoo: fixed it.. disabled ipv6 lookups in /etc/gai.conf08:13
sprinkthanks for the help08:13
komatosebookmarked that link. thanks for the help08:13
komatosetime for bed.08:13
allyoutoosprink, glad you got it fixed :)08:13
hddmonsterWould you help me guys=08:14
allyoutooHmm I might as well remind people of my problem, so anyone know how to force all apps in gnome-shell use gtk theme for window decorations? now I get some adawaita/iris mix which is annoying08:14
allyoutoohddmonster, looking into it..08:16
hddmonsterallyoutoo: waitin for you..08:17
hddmonsterHey there my wireless connecting so hard, its slow and usually drops. Reconnecting hardly again. I updated backports-3.13-1.tar.xz. And my kernel is 3.11.0-15-generic. Ubuntu 13.10 64bit. Wireless adaptor is Qualcomm Atheros AR9485.08:20
jj995what is a really fast hard drive array that works well in Ubuntu?  things like Promise Pegasus2 R8 don't list Linux compatability08:21
Seveasjj995: I've never heard of a hard drive that doesn't work with Ubuntu08:21
allyoutoohddmonster, does command "rfkill list" say anything related to your card?08:22
jj995Seveas: thanks08:22
Seveasjj995: but if you want fast, go SSG08:22
allyoutooor RAMDisk :PP08:22
hddmonsterallyoutoo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6901964/08:22
nocturnal_should i use an AMD chip for Ubuntu or an Intel Chip?08:24
nightflydoesn't matter08:24
allyoutoohddmonster, http://www.emmolution.org/?p=253 could this be any help?08:24
nocturnal_nightfly: are you sure?08:24
hddmonsterthis is for 12.04 and older...08:24
hddmonsterbut already wrote this page..08:25
nightflynocturnal_: Unless you have a very, very specific need for a specific implementation of a processor extension it doesn't matter08:25
allyoutoohddmonster, well you can look into ndiswrapper (if its still used anywhere, not sure :P )08:26
Seveasnocturnal_: in general I would use Intel, AMD is power hungry.08:26
Seveasbut that has nothing to do with Ubuntu or not08:26
Busybyeskihowdy folks! i'm using windows partitioning tool to make space for a dual-boot. should i format the partition to any sort of filesystem or just leave it blank for the installer to handle?08:35
SeveasBusybyeski: just leave it blank. In fact, you don't need to partition in advance at all, the installer can do it for you08:36
Busybyeskii was having trouble with the MFT in windows being fragmented so i couldn't shrink the partition08:36
Busybyeskiit was considered an "unmovable file" which had fragments on both ends of the drive08:37
Busybyeskibut now that i have free space at the end of the drive, just try the installer again?08:38
Busybyeskior now that it's "unallocated" in08:38
Busybyeskidisk management08:38
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Busybyeskii'll give it a shot and report back :o08:39
jj995is there a way to check if a file is in the RAM cache?08:40
Seveasjj995: not that I know of, why?08:40
jj995Seveas: I'm just trying to do some performance tests, and it would be nice if I could check what is in the cache and maybe clear it before re-running tests08:44
jj995I just got burned by reporting too good to be true performance results due to OS file caching08:44
serg_test jemand da?08:45
Seveasjj995: you should always run tests but with a hot and cold cache08:46
Seveasto clear the cache: echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches08:46
Seveas!de | serg_08:46
ubottuserg_: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!08:46
wiiguyhello, i have a android stick, where i 9nstalled li9nux on, but because wifi di not work, i bought a usb to rj-45, but it seems it does not work on it(it does work on the android part) what can i do ?08:52
dupingpingwhat is the best docky in the world?08:53
Maazusb 308:53
CustomizeDistroMorning! How can i customize an ubuntu installation with specific destkop configurations and applications installed?08:55
SeveasCustomizeDistro: you mean creating a custom install CD?08:55
DwarfDefenderany picture viewers in ubuntu that can browse throught zip files?08:56
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=== Devil is now known as Guest33103
ttalhey all09:02
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ttalguys im on ubuntu 12.04 and have a FujiXerox DocuPrint M205b, im trying to get it to work but no luck yet. Does anyone know how I would get it to work, or a generic driver that would work with it?09:04
CustomizeDistroSeveas: yes09:06
Gallomimiafrom this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Empathy i get errors with unable to locate: telepathy-butterfly libtelepathy-farsight0 python-tpfarsight i'm not even sure what they are but i want to get empathy set up for a lot more accounts than are offered. icq and some others. i guess my old msn messenger account needs to be setup for windows live09:06
SeveasCustomizeDistro: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization09:10
CustomizeDistroSeveas: can this be applied to lubuntu? Does Ubuntu Customization Kit do this as well? Or is it just for creating live CDs...not install CDs?09:13
SeveasCustomizeDistro: I don't know about lubuntu but see no reason it shouldn't work09:15
Seveasand this one applies to the live/install combo cds, there are other wikipages for server and alternate install09:16
CustomizeDistroSeveas: what about Ubuntu Customization Kit?09:17
Busybyeskiok i'm to the point where it's trying to partition now.. it wants me to drag a slider to allocate drive space between my operating systems.  however, this only "includes" ubuntu 13.10 and ubuntu, to the total sum of the drive space i unallocated in windows09:21
Busybyeskiwhen i look at the partitions in gparted, one is ext4 and one is linux-swap09:21
adam___I install teamviewer using my account on my parents' computer09:22
adam___when I run it, it works fine09:22
adam___when I log out and log in as one of them, it can't connect and quits after about 5 seconds09:22
adam___any ideas?09:22
gordonjcpadam___: your basic problem there is teamviewer09:24
wiiguyhello, i have a android stick, where i 9nstalled li9nux on, but because wifi di not work, i bought a usb to rj-45, but it seems it does not work on it(it does work on the android part) what can i do ?09:24
Guest33103is it possible to manually change the lsb_release Description ID?09:24
adam___gordonjcp: so what's your suggestion for remote desktop help for my parents?09:25
gordonjcpadam___: no idea, I've never found a need for remote desktops09:25
adam___people here pointed me at teamviewer09:25
adam___lucky you09:25
gordonjcpadam___: it's a proprietary app and not packaged by Ubuntu, so really your only option is to contact whoever produces it09:25
adam___I tried Empathy but had issues connecting09:26
adam___it has a share your desktop option09:26
gordonjcpI just can't see why that would be useful09:26
adam___my parents are old09:26
adam___they need to be on the phone with me and watch me move the mouse to where things are09:27
adam___I just said. Because they are old09:27
gordonjcpadam___: what's age got to do with it?09:27
adam___add the fact that they haven't used a computer before09:28
Kaz_Hello, can someone help me please? after a few days messing up trying to boot in UEFI Ubuntu USB, i managed! now im trying to install it and the progress bar stopped about 2/3 .. i got some message in the box details saying it requested a quitting and stuffs09:28
gordonjcpI'm guessing they're functionally literate?09:28
adam___more or less09:28
adam___they need to be able to click on something and start a google hangout session with relatives09:28
Shutterstrommaybe not a strict Ubuntu question, but: How can i configure Samba to access the folder from my windows computer when the folder is owned by root? I want the ownership to look like this: sudo chown root:root -R /share/ but when I have it like this I can't access the share from windows.09:28
adam___watch some content09:28
adam___and read emails09:29
gordonjcpso, tell them what to do09:29
adam___maybe see some attached photos in those09:29
adam___I do09:29
gordonjcpokay, so they can do it then09:29
adam___but I know there will be a time when I will have to do something on the computer for them09:29
gordonjcplike what?09:30
adam___find a lost download of a picture, find something online, make something work on a website they never saw before09:30
adam___a ton of stuff09:30
adam___so lets get back to the subject of remote assistance on ubuntu, mainly sharing a desktop09:31
adam___that's my question, nevermind why I need to do it09:31
Busybyeskiany ideas? the only ubuntu i have "installed" right now is live: http://imgur.com/ghhS0Vu.png09:32
oshanzpls help. is it possible to scan remot pc from clamav (SSH).09:32
geek_josehi, for ubuntu server what is the channel?09:34
Shutterstromgeek_jose: I'm not sure if there's a specific chanel for ubuntu server, but I have been using this chanel and I only have Ubuntu server.09:35
Shutterstromgeek_jose: So fire away and give it a go. :)09:35
geek_joseok thanks Shutterstrom09:35
n2deepthe channel is simply #ubuntu-server09:36
* n2deep face palms09:37
wiiguyhello, i have a android stick, where i 9nstalled li9nux on, but because wifi di not work, i bought a usb to rj-45, but it seems it does not work on it(it does work on the android part) what can i do ??09:37
Kaz_anybody? the last info say "ubuntu AptDaemon: INFO: Quitting was requested. / ubuntu CRON[30445]: (root) CMD (cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)" and the progress is just stopped since (about 2/3)09:38
adam___I install teamviewer using my account on my parents' computer09:38
adam___1:22 AM <adam___> when I run it, it works fine09:38
adam___1:22 AM <adam___> when I log out and log in as one of them, it can't connect and quits after about 5 seconds09:38
adam___1:22 AM <adam___> any ideas?09:38
instigatorGreetings. Is a servername the same as a hostname?09:39
nightflycan be09:40
wiiguyhello, i have a android stick, where i 9nstalled li9nux on, but because wifi di not work, i bought a usb to rj-45, but it seems it does not work on it(it does work on the android part) what can i do ?09:46
pietro10Hi. On KDE, all GTK+ apps except firefox-trunk for some reason are not rendering fonts properly, even though gtk[23]-engines-oxygen is set. How do I fix this? Thanks.09:47
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str3ssHello / Bonjour09:52
SeveasHello str3ss09:55
str3sshello seveas how are you ?09:55
wiiguyhello, i have a android stick, where i 9nstalled li9nux on, but because wifi di not work, i bought a usb to rj-45, but it seems it does not work on it(it does work on the android part) what can i do ??09:57
str3sssorry wiiguy i dont help you :x10:01
Vpexwiiguy: lsusb and find what chipset it is10:01
wiiguyseems to be10:01
starbuckhello, is it possible to attach a usb hd to my server and let it sleep when not needed, if needed bring it up?10:02
wiiguystr3ss that is okay :)10:02
str3ssok :)10:03
Vpexwiiguy: I think your going to need to compile a kernel with that driver or you could insmod it in10:03
Seveasstarbuck: you could unmount it10:03
adam___so to solve the teamviewer issue, make sure you sudo -s first before installing it10:03
str3ssI have a questions too , How remove bluez ? without removing dependencies (gdm )10:04
wiiguyvpex to compile it i will need additional software, but i dont have any internet on it :p, can you tell me step by step how to do it ?10:04
Seveasstarbuck: and apparently you can also power down the usb port (unmount first though!) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4702216/controlling-a-usb-power-supply-on-off-with-linux10:04
Busybyeskishould a swap partition be primary or logical?10:05
gordonjcpBusybyeski: makes no difference10:06
Vpexstarbuck: the firmware in the drive should park the head after inactivity10:06
starbuckSeveas: i don't want to unmount it or power it down, at least not manually... i want something like acpi to shut it down automatically if not needed and power it back on if needed10:07
Vpexstarbuck: smart tools should handle it10:09
wiiguywhn im mtrying to compile it says "make *** /lib/modules/3.0.36+/build: no such file or dierctory. Stop."10:13
Vpexwiiguy: you need build-essential and linux-headers-generic10:14
wiiguyhow will i get taht without internet ?10:14
wiiguyfor arm*10:15
Busybyeskihow do you chat on irc without internet?10:16
wiiguythis is my pc10:16
wiiguynot my android stick10:16
Vpexwiiguy: does the stick detect the interface or not?10:17
wiiguyit had detected the NIC yes10:17
wiiguybut wont connect10:17
wiiguyhas* detected10:17
Vpexvia network manager or something else?10:17
wiiguya window caled "network connections"10:18
Vpexoh so network manager, terminal ifconfig and see whats there10:19
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wiiguy1 sec, gonna connect it direct to this screen10:21
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wiiguyeth0 Link encap:ethernet  HWaddr *00:e0:4c:54:44:5710:25
wiiguyinet6 addr : fe80::2e0:4cff:fe53:4458/64 Scope:Link10:25
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wiiguyRX packets:1 errors:0 dropped:0 overuns:0 frame:010:26
wiiguyTX packets:23 errors0 dropped:6 overruns:0 carrier:010:27
wiiguycollisions:0 txquelen:100010:27
wiiguyRX bytes:142 (1142.0B) TX butes:4414 (4.4KB)10:27
bekksUse a pastebin10:28
wiiguybekks sorry10:28
wiiguyVpex that si what it says about eth010:28
bekkswiiguy: Pastebin it.10:29
wiiguybekks i said sry !!!\10:29
Vpexwiiguy: if its just eth0 try "sudo iface eth0 dhcp" then "sudo ifup eth0"10:29
wiiguylet me get soem paper and a pen :p10:30
bekkswiiguy: Just use pastebin to make it readable please. Getting line per line in a chat log is pretty unreadable.10:30
bekkswiiguy: Thats why I asked you to use a pastebin.10:30
wiiguyoh ok10:30
wiiguyi thought you were angry :p10:30
wiiguyvpex actually there is a second part10:30
Vpexwiiguy: whats the interface name?10:31
bekksVpex: eth010:31
bekkswiiguy: "lo" is unusable for network traffic.10:32
Vpexwiiguy: lo is useless have you tried the above commands?10:32
wiiguyso there is eth0 and lo10:32
Unknown0BCi'm trying to use the at command to call firefox with a specified webpage loaded at a certain time. But my at jobs don't seem to call any graphical user interface programs.10:32
bekksUnknown0BC: You need to provide all needed environment variables, like DISPLAY, and such.10:33
Unknown0BCbekks : so how should my command look ?10:34
Unknown0BCI tried : at> firefox http://webpage.example.com10:35
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Guest85567salut tous10:36
bekksUnknown0BC: you need to srite a script that sets all needed environment vars, and then run that script through at.10:36
Guest85567what ?10:37
Unknown0BCthat much for a simple quick command eh ?10:37
wiiguyim getting iface command not found10:37
Guest85567apt-get upgrade erreur w3af :/10:38
bekkswiiguy: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/network-configuration.html10:38
bekks!fr | Guest8556710:38
ubottuGuest85567: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:38
Guest85567this is my problem10:38
bekks!details | Guest8556710:39
ubottuGuest85567: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:39
hddmonsterHey there! I have Qualcomm Atheros AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter. Adapter kernel is backports-3.13-1. Linux kernel is 3.11.0-15-generic. I have ubuntu 13.10 64bit. My connection usually drops and reconnecting so hard. It's not stable and slow. Signal level is low and modem is near of me. Would you help?10:42
foxboxerhey all10:52
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=== wut is now known as whiskers75
Unknown0BCCool, I found Gnome schedule to manage at jobs, if you want an x application to run you just tick a box in it. No writing scripts :D11:04
callipygousI'm trying to install the linux-source package, but it tries to fetch 3.2.0 not 3.8.0 ...11:13
chemist^callipygous, have you updated your sources list?11:13
callipygousas I want to compile my own kernel, but for some reason it's trying to fetch an older kernel11:14
callipygoushmm, probably not11:14
callipygouswhat do I do?  I'm not familiar with debian style sources lists11:14
chemist^sudo apt-get update11:16
callipygousI did that recently11:19
chemist^you need to update your list every time you want to install or upgrade something11:20
chemist^at least, that's how people thought me :)11:20
chemist^i get new updates at a daily basis almost11:20
Busybyeskihow do i manage this alt-tab system?11:21
callipygousI've tried to install linux-source-3.8.0 but it only seems to create an empty directory in /usr/src11:21
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chemist^!details Busybyeski11:28
chemist^!details | Busybyeski11:28
ubottuBusybyeski: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:28
Busybyeskii'm reading about it now: unity follows the lead of os x and alt tab moves from application to application instead of window to window. is there any way to alter this default?11:29
bekksBusybyeski: Where do you read that actually?11:29
chemist^Busybyeski, i personally don't like unity that much, i installed xfce4 on my Ubuntu11:29
Busybyeskiis gnome totally out of the picture these days?11:30
bekksBusybyeski: Basically yes.11:31
callipygousHow do I get my current kernel source?11:32
Busybyeskiisn't xfce what gives xubuntu the x?11:32
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chemist^Busybyeski, no, Xubuntu comes with preinstalled applications that work fine with xfce... i did not install all that stuff...just the Desktop Enviroment (xFce4)11:45
chemist^using gnome applications with no issues whatsoever11:45
alainusi have a directory which belongs to the www-data group, and my user is in that group, but i'm getting permission denied for creating files in that directory. any ideas?11:48
hitsujiTMOalainus: did you relog after adding yourself to that group?11:49
kennygengrikA program stopped responding in Ubuntu and greyed out, then the program start working again but remained greyscale. How do I restore colour to my program without restarting it?11:49
alainushitsujiTMO, yes i've had the directory like that for some time now11:50
alainusi'm just logging in to find this out now11:50
hitsujiTMOaladilas: is it group writable?11:50
alainusahh, that i don't know.11:50
alainuslet me check11:50
alainushitsujiTMO,  drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 Jan 10 20:07 icons11:51
alainusit seems not ?11:51
Ben64user group everyone, so nope, not group writable11:51
hitsujiTMOalainus: nope            you should chmod g+ws it11:52
alainusthanks hitsujiTMO11:52
fabiobrnHi all11:53
fabiobrnI'm on ubuntu 12.04 64bit. I've manually installed fglrx proprietary driver in 2012 (version 8.970) downloaded from ATI website. Today the update manager propose me to update to 13.101. Restricted driver window show me that I correctly have the "fglrx" proprietary driver installed and working. One question: should I discard this update and use  manual update only? (AFAIK manual fglrx installation should be only updated manually, am 11:53
hitsujiTMOfabiobrn: what card do you have?11:54
fabiobrnasus eah483011:54
fabiobrn*radeon HD**** series11:54
hitsujiTMOfabiobrn: thats only supported by the legacy driver. don't upgrade11:55
fabiobrnhitsujiTMO ok, thanks11:56
fabiobrnhitsujiTMO eventually, if a new supported driver version for my card will be released from ATI, should I perform manual update, right? ('cause update manager could broken my manual installation)12:00
hitsujiTMOfabiobrn: ati have dropped support so there will be no update. stick with the driver you have12:00
fabiobrnhitsujiTMO ok, thank you very much12:01
=== talia is now known as Siegel-
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest51683
Siegel-haai. just installed 12.04 wireless driver is not installed. how do i identify my hardware and install the driver? i see the antenna is working because the bluetooth mark is lit12:03
chemist^hitsujiTMO, does that mean if i want to use ubuntu on a new computer best not to buy ATI graphics?12:03
chemist^Siegel-, lshw, lspci, lsusb12:03
cfhowlettSiegel-, bluetooth and wifi are 2 different things - unreleated12:03
Siegel-chemist^: which one do i type into terminal? the entire line?12:03
Siegel-cfhowlett: ok12:03
chemist^what kind of wireless adapter do you have?12:03
chemist^usb? pci?12:03
Siegel-right now im using a cable12:04
Siegel-a regular internet cable12:04
Siegel-its an older computer. im not sure what the adapter is12:04
chemist^is it a USB dongle?12:04
chemist^or an internal adapter?12:04
Siegel-i dont know what an adapter is sorry12:04
chemist^the wireless card/adapter12:04
Siegel-its not usb12:05
Siegel-its internal12:05
bekksSiegel-: It still may be an internal USB device.12:05
Siegel-i doubt it12:05
chemist^ok...if you issue the command "sudo lshw"12:05
Siegel-ive had this problem before12:05
chemist^you'll see everything that's in your computer12:05
chemist^search for the wireless card12:05
chemist^it should give you a name, model and driver12:06
Siegel-i see ok12:06
kaligneHi there. I am trying to connect to my wpa protected network from command line. At some pint I used the wpa_supplicant command  ($ wpa_supplicant -B -i eth1 -D wext -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf)  and got this error: " ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Invalid argument " . Anyone knows about it, what does it mean?12:06
bekksSiegel-: Pastebin: lshw -c network12:06
hitsujiTMOchemist^: always best to stay clear of ati. worst of the top 3 when it comes to driver support12:06
chemist^kaligne, there is no space between -c and /etc12:06
chemist^hitsujiTMO, so what...nvidia? gigabyte?12:07
hitsujiTMOchemist^: intel or nvidia12:07
bekkschemist^: gigabyte has no "own" graphic adapters.12:07
chemist^intel is expensive :P12:07
Siegel-bekks: chemist^ is it the broadcom thing?12:07
bekksSiegel-: We dont know what you see.12:07
bekksSiegel-: Pastebin it.12:07
bekks!pastebin | Siegel-12:07
ubottuSiegel-: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:07
chemist^Siegel-, probably... you should pastebin the output12:07
fabiobrnhitsujiTMO Just out of curiosity, I was checking the ATI official download page. Seems that the latest driver it's available for HD4000 series (PCI express card, like mine) on linux 32/64 bit. http://support.amd.com/it-it/download/desktop/legacy?product=Legacy2&os=Linux%20x86_6412:08
chemist^Siegel-, install pastebinit .... sudo apt-get install pastebinit12:08
chemist^and than do: sudo lshw | pastebinit12:08
kingfisher64what would be the best way to make /var/www/ folder writable by non super user? At present I'm gksudo nautilus - ing in to copy/paste projects. Many thanks12:08
Siegel-ok i cant seem o copy it hold on12:09
hitsujiTMOfabiobrn: ahh sorry, maybe i'm wrong then, i though 13.X was current mainstream12:09
kalignechemist^ I actually tried with and without spaces after each argument, the output result remains the same :(12:09
chemist^Siegel-, sorry.... first install pastebinit like i wrote... than do "sudo lshw -c network | pastebinit"12:09
bekkskingfisher64: You dont write to that folder as normal user. Create a subdirectory, and set permissions to 775 youruser:www-data to that folder.12:09
Siegel-chemist^: im using pastebin. just a second12:10
hitsujiTMOfabiobrn: whats the exact packagename thats updating? (fglrx-legacy)?12:10
chemist^kaligne, why do you use that kind of method to connect to it? why not use /etc/network/interfaces and just append the lines ssid and wpa-psk ?12:10
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Siegel-chemist^: here is what it says for network: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6902838/12:10
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bekksSiegel-: Thats no wireless adapter.12:10
chemist^this doesn't seem lika a wireless card12:10
fabiobrnkingfisher fglrx fglrx-amdccle fglrx-dev12:11
chemist^Siegel-, are you sure your computer has a wireless adapter at all? :)12:11
kingfisher64by subdirectory I take it you mean a project? I've got at present a website named "pm" in there and my username is phil_c64 so it would just be "phil_c64:www-data /var/www/pm" bekks? Thank you.12:11
fabiobrnkingfisher don't worry, I'm not intend to update by now. I'll wait next LTS to reinstall Ubuntu and latest catalyst.12:11
chemist^Siegel-, please pastebin the whole "sudo lshw" .... it's much easier to use pastebinit than to copy/paste everything12:11
Siegel-chemist^: well i used to use it.. for like 4 years and i had internet so im pretty sure i should work somehow12:12
Siegel-chemist^: ok12:12
chemist^install pastebinit (sudo apt-get install pastebinit) .. and than do: sudo lshw | pastebinit12:12
chemist^and paste me the URL that it gives you12:12
Siegel-chemist^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6902862/12:14
chemist^kaligne, i had similar issues... i just added the interface in the /etc/network/interfaces and it worked... seems like it configures wpa_supplicant by itself or something, you just need to specify the essid and the password12:14
hitsujiTMOfabiobrn: next lts will not contain a fglrx driver for that card. you will be on the open radeon driver12:14
chemist^Siegel-,  product: BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller12:14
Siegel-chemist^: how do i install it?12:14
chemist^are you sure it's not installed already?12:15
DarkKnightCZhi, i have this problem that started few weeks ago... every other "volume keys" press works as mute (so if i press "volume up" key several times,  it works likethis -> "volume up, mute, volume up, mute, volume up, mute..."), does anyone encountered this too?12:15
Siegel-chemist^: how do i check?12:15
chemist^Siegel-, turn the thing on and see if it works? :P12:15
Siegel-chemist^: maybe i only need to activate it12:15
Siegel-chemist^: thats what ive been doing. it doesnt. thats what i said before.12:15
fabiobrnhitsujiTMO no manual installation is possibile?12:15
bekksIt is already "installed".12:15
Siegel-chemist^: its happened to me before that i had to install/activate the driver after reinstalling th OS12:16
bekksSiegel-: The driver "wl" is already installed for that wifi device. Pull the cable and enable the wifi connection in network manager.12:16
bekksSiegel-: You dont need to reinstall an OS for getting a wifi driver to work.12:16
hitsujiTMOfabiobrn: no. fglrx legacy requires an older kernel and older xorg. 12.04.0 is the last ubuntu to contain the support for fglrx-legacy12:16
Siegel-bekks: i didnt do it for that reason.12:16
chemist^Siegel-, issue the command: "iwconfig | pastebinit"12:17
chemist^without the quotes12:17
chemist^and "ifconfig | pastebinit" as well12:17
bekksBetter paste: ifconfig -a | pastebinit12:17
sohaebwhy is this channel called UBuntu-unregistered ?12:17
fabiobrnhitsujiTMO what a pity.12:18
cfhowlettsohaeb, it's not.  it's #ubuntu12:18
Siegel-chemist^: for the first one it said im trying to send an empty document, no wireless extensions12:18
sohaebcfhowlett: that's what I have :-/ "Mode #ubuntu [+CLcntzjf 5:10 #ubuntu-unregged]"12:18
chemist^Siegel-, do "ifconfig -a | pastebinit"12:18
fabiobrnkingfisher64 you should follow a tutorial for apache configuration and place the www directory in your users's home. (like I did)12:18
sohaebcfhowlett: ok, found the glitch XD12:19
hitsujiTMOfabiobrn: the radeon driver will be coming with huge improvements in 14.04 tho, so it will be worth the upgrade and sticking to the open driver12:19
fabiobrnhitsujiTMO ok, I'll do that way.12:19
Siegel-chemist^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6902887/12:19
kingfisher64yeah, I did ideally want the home/websites/ as the project root fabiobrn12:19
chemist^Siegel-, once again... do you have a hardware button to enable/disable wireless on your laptop?12:20
Siegel-chemist^: i believe its fn+f212:20
bekksSiegel-: Then verify it.12:20
Siegel-chemist^: it has the atenna mark on it in blue12:20
JaneSmithfm+f3 :)12:20
bekksSiegel-: Check the manual of the hardware then.12:20
kingfisher64aah, go it now. bekks sudo chown -R phil_c64:phil_c64 /var/www/projectname worked fine12:21
Siegel-chemist^: there is no other switch i could ever find on this computer to turn it on/off12:21
chemist^Siegel-, yeah...that's it... but the FN keys don't usually work in ubuntu... so you'd need to enable the wireless adapter in bios or in windows and then boot back in linux and it should be on12:21
chemist^at least, that's my experience with this kind of problem12:22
chemist^the easiest solution12:22
fabiobrnkingfisher64 try this http://joao.machado-family.com/2013/06/04/ubuntu-13-04-apache2-setup-public_html/12:22
Siegel-chemist^: the thing is, whenever i  use the fn combination it does turn my bluetooth on and off12:22
chemist^Siegel-, do you have dual-boot? (another OS installed on it) ?12:22
Siegel-and all the other fn functions work as well12:22
Siegel-chemist^: no12:23
chemist^Siegel-, well then12:23
chemist^enable it12:23
hitsujiTMOSiegel-: whats the output of: ls /sys/class/net12:23
chemist^usually it's ONE key for both wireless and bluetooth12:23
kingfisher64thanks fabiobrn I've bookmarked that.12:23
chemist^Siegel-, in my experience it was always 1 key for both adapters... i've never seen a laptop with separate bluetooth and wireless buttons12:24
fabiobrnkingfisher64 hope it help12:25
kingfisher64at present I've sorted it by the code up above, (as I'm a bit time restricted at present) but eventually I'll do it that way fabiobrn :)12:25
chemist^Siegel-, if you turn it on, does "ipconfig -a" give the same results as before? or does a new interface pop up in the output?12:25
chemist^Siegel-, interfaces are: example: eth1, wlan0, eth0 .. etc12:25
Siegel-chemist^: thats what im saying. thats why im sure its not working because the bluetooth is beuing turned on ad off12:25
hitsujiTMOSiegel-: whats the output of: ls /sys/class/net12:25
kalignechemist^ : I cannot find any file named interface in the /etc/network folder though there is a interface.d folder. Do I have to create it manually?12:26
chemist^Siegel-, that doesn't make any sense... if you turn bluetooth on... you turn on wireless as well.12:26
chemist^kaligne, interfaceS12:26
chemist^: /etc/network/interfaces12:26
Siegel-chemist^: thats my point. wireless is not installed obviously12:27
Siegel-i just intalled b43 packages12:27
chemist^Siegel-, do me a favour please... turn on your bluetooth as you say12:27
StrassburyWhy the fuck cant i join the channel reddit?12:27
hitsujiTMO!language | Strassbury12:27
ubottuStrassbury: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.12:27
StrassburyI demand answers12:27
Siegel-chemist^: it is on12:27
cfhowlettStrassbury, reddit?  wrong channel and bad attitude will quickly get you bounced out of here12:28
chemist^Siegel-, and when it's turned on, do "ifconfig -a | pastebinit"12:28
hitsujiTMOStrassbury: nothing to do with us12:28
Siegel-i just did12:28
Strassburyim chillin12:28
Strassburycand i join the channel #reddit12:28
chemist^Siegel-, and do "pastebinit /sys/class/net" as well12:28
cfhowlettStrassbury, not our channel not our problem12:28
hitsujiTMOStrassbury: you'd have to ask a reddit op12:28
StrassburySo you only give a damn about yo stuff12:28
ubottuStrassbury,: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic12:28
Strassburyi see what you mean12:29
Strassburyi see12:29
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chemist^i really like helping others with stuff i know... but i really don't like helping someone 20 minutes in vain (simply quits irc) .. i mean come on man12:35
fabiobrnkingfisher64 Do not forget to check out this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP. there's a suggestion for "securing Apache"12:37
LopeI've been fiddling around trying to format a drive and now it won't format partitions with UDF, FAT or HFS+. I can however format the entire disk with a filesystem. I've tried zero-ing the first 1MB of the drive with DD. The last 1MB of the drive as well. I've tried formatting with fdisk and gparted as a msdos partition table and also tried with gpt with gparted. I get errors like "the partition is too small to format, 512KB min" when12:37
LopeI've made a 500GB partition! I've unplugged and replugged. not sure what else to try...?12:37
bekksLope: What did you try, exactly?12:38
fabiobrnkingfisher64 gksudo "gedit /etc/apache2/ports.conf" and Change ports.conf so that it contains:  Listen  Save this file, and restart Apache (see above). Now Apache will serve only to your home domain, or http://localhost.12:38
Lopewell first I tried formatting /dev/sdb1 with UDF, that worked, but the Mac laptop wouldn't read it. So I formatted the entire disk as UDF, then the Mac would read it, but I was told the person I'm helping wants partitions. So when I tried to format /dev/sdb1 as half the disk only again (was gonna try a diff version of UDF) suddenly the mkudffs didn't want to format /dev/sdb1 (only /dev/sdb) and neither can I format /dev/sdb1 with Fat12:41
Lopeof HFS+. and as above I've tried destroying and recreating the partition table a few times in msdos and gpt formats.12:41
bekksLope: Dont repeat that generic information.12:41
bekksLope: What exactly did you try? What does "would read", "wouldnt format", etc mean, pleasE?12:41
bekks!details | Lope12:41
ubottuLope: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:41
fabiobrnhitsujiTMO have a nice day, thanks for help :)12:42
nidhimj22i want to use 64 bit OS12:44
nidhimj22sorry! wrong tab :P12:44
chemist^Lope, have you tried using gparted?12:44
TaylroxGood afternoon all. I'm trying to make it so that I can close my lid and have my laptop output via HDMI. Now, I've gone into power manager and set it so that when lid is closed nothing happens but it still shuts down my HDMI display.12:46
TaylroxAny ideas?12:46
chemist^Taylor, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/gnome-tweak-tool-a-tool-for-changing-specialised-or-advanced-gnome3-settings.html12:47
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pranavkIs there any utility that lets you create multiple clipboards and then copy stuff to there and then paste from there. Eg : Ctrl + C + 1 copies to clipboard 1 and Ctrl + C + 2 copies to clipboard 2.12:51
chemist^pranavk, try glipper12:52
chemist^se if it's what you need12:52
Lopethese are the steps I tried right now http://codepad.org/qhVu3UJw12:52
chemist^pranavk, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131967012:53
chemist^Lope, why don't you use gpatred? it has a nice gui12:54
LopeI've tried it, has the same problem12:55
chemist^Lope, you should first unmount the partition you want to format...you know that right? =)12:55
pranavkchemist^: okay, thanks12:55
=== joy_ is now known as wuhen
web1bastlerHello, I need some help with my old DAT 24 streamer on 13.1012:56
chemist^Lope, i've always used gparted... every time with success12:56
bekksweb1bastler: So which problem are you facing?12:56
Lopechemist^: its not mounted. yes :)12:56
chemist^Lope, maybe it's corrupt?12:56
chemist^damaged (hardware)12:56
web1bastlerI can't enable the hardware compression12:57
chemist^!details | web1bastler12:57
ubottuweb1bastler: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:57
=== steffen is now known as Guest50739
web1bastlerI have a problem with my DAT drive and the mt command, I'm running ubuntu ver. 13.10. When I try to enable compression with mt -f /dev/st0 compression it tells me that the opereation is invalid, I get following output: mt: Invalid argument »»compression«« for »»operation««, I expected it to either give me a validation that it worked or some sort of action on my drive13:01
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bekksweb1bastler: "mt -f /dev/st0 compression 1" to enable it.13:03
web1bastlerstill not working13:04
web1bastlersame error message13:04
kalignechemist^ : yes that's the same, interfaces.d doesn't have any file inside  (sorry for the delay)13:05
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web1bastlerbekks: in the man page there are those operations: eof, weof, fsf, bsf, fsr, bsr, bsfm, fsfm, asf, seek, eom, rewind, offline, rewoffl, status, retension and erase13:11
bekksweb1bastler: Then the mt command you are using doesnt support setting the compression.13:11
sexyboyhey, how do i stop apt from installing grub 2 automatically when sometihing grub related updates?13:12
somsip!pinning | sexyboy13:12
ubottusexyboy: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto13:12
sexyboyi dont need pinning13:13
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web1bastlerbekks: the big problem of all that is, that to install the versions that have the operations, I have to uninstall mt first which is a part of cpio13:13
sexyboyi mean the deb scripts that install grub in my mbr every time i update something13:13
sexyboyi don't want it13:13
bekkssexyboy: grub2 isnt installed on and on, but reconfigured, which is necessary.13:14
somsipsexyboy: what version of ubuntu are you running, and what bootloader?13:14
sexyboybekks, no, it installs in mbr13:14
bekkssexyboy: No, it doesnt.13:14
sexyboybekks, yes it does. and it breaks my tc windows bootloader13:15
bekkssexyboy: It reconfigures grub. It doesnt reinstall.13:15
k1lsexyboy: it does not install. it just updates the entries with the scripts13:15
bekkssexyboy: No it doesnt...13:15
sexyboydon't lie to me, i know that it broke my tc bootloader13:15
sexyboywhen i updated something13:15
bekkssexyboy: Because it _reconfigures_ grub.13:15
sexyboyyes, and rewrites mbr13:16
sexyboyi want it to stop13:16
bekkssexyboy: NO.13:16
web1bastlerbekks: if i want to uninstall cpio, it tells me that it also needs to uninstall initramfs and the ubuntu-system13:17
belgianguyI want my squeezeslave service to use dmix rather than steal the soundcard and hogging it13:19
belgianguyhow can I configure that, or what do I need to look into?13:19
bekksweb1bastler: Yes, that is expected.13:20
web1bastlerbekks: so what should I do now?13:21
bekksweb1bastler: Install a version of mt cpabale of dealing with compression manually, e.g.13:21
web1bastlerbekks: I've installed a old version of mt-st now and it seems to be working!13:24
bekksweb1bastler: Great :)13:24
web1bastlerbekks: yep, it's working! Thanks for your help!13:24
navneethow to fix terminator problem by terminal ?13:26
cfhowlettnavneet, see John Connor ...13:26
cfhowlettnavneet, nah, sorry.  not helpful at all13:26
cfhowlettnavneet, what exact problem?13:27
bekksnavneet: Define "terminator problem" forst please.13:27
bekks!details | navneet13:27
ubottunavneet: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:27
TJ-;) that actually made more sense to me than the question13:27
navneetcfhowlett: i was using terminator with 5 window... i forgot what change i did in setting. after it remove it by sudo apt-get remove terminator.. and install again but now when i open it ... than it open only for 1 second and close.13:29
cfhowlettnavneet, I'm GUESSING it might be a configuration issue.  purge terminator and reinstall should fix.13:30
bekksnavneet: Start terminator in terminal to get more messages.13:30
navneetcfhowlett: i did it 4 time // remove and install13:31
aeon-ltdnavneet: purge13:32
bekksnavneet: It isnt windows, you dont need to reinstall all over.13:32
cfhowlettbekks, "please proceed Mr. Bekks" ...13:32
bekksnavneet: Which messages do you get when starting terminator in terminal?13:33
navneetaeon-ltd: what command for purge.. i am using mint 15. with lxde env13:33
aeon-ltdnavneet: removing and installing only replaces the binaries and files needed to run. the configs stay, so whatever settings you had usually stays13:33
bekks!mint | navneet13:33
ubottunavneet: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org13:33
bekksnavneet: If you are using mint, please seek the mint support. Thank you.13:33
aeon-ltdnavneet: sudo apt-get purge terminator (if terminator is the same name as the package)13:34
aeon-ltdnavneet: after this show hidden files in your home directory, look for a folder or file owned by terminator then delete them. check here if you're unsure about the files13:35
bekksaeon-ltd: HE is using mint, no ubuntu.13:35
cfhowlettubuntu___, greetings13:36
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aeon-ltdbekks: i'm aware, but if i can help resolve this now it saves hassle for everyone on support channels. If i cannot resolve this then the user should go to the appropriate channel13:37
bekksaeon-ltd: Resolvin support issues of other distros is just offtopic in here.13:37
somsipaeon-ltd: your approach is applauded, but all it does is fill this channel with off topic information. Feel free to help him in PM13:37
MarkPaulExcuse me, would anyone confirm that my message is visible, please?13:38
Heishynyour message is visible ;)13:38
tomreynMarkPaul: no i won't13:38
MarkPaulThanks Heishyn13:39
chemist^kaligne, it's a file not a folder; the file is called "interfaces" and it should be located in the folder "/etc/network" ... if you are using Ubuntu that is13:39
cfhowlettknightshade, greetings13:47
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Guest22763Hi every body13:48
Guest22763I have a question13:48
Guest22763Is there anybody to help me?13:48
ubottuGuest22763,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:48
MarkPaulJust ask13:48
Guest22763does any body here me?13:48
tomreynno but we can read what you type13:49
cfhowlettGuest22763, give details or no help.  telepaths have the day off so we don't know your issue/13:49
otherjhow do i remove the landscape advert from motd but keep the sys info stuff? the old method of adding exclude_sysinfo_plugins=LandscapeLink to /etc/landscape/client.conf isn't working -- it still shows up13:49
Guest22763I'm new to the channel13:50
Guest22763and I just wanted to test it.13:50
Guest22763thanks cfhowlett13:50
MarkPaulCan anybody tell me which processes should be restarted after killing everything except init in Ubuntu 10.04?13:52
bekksMarkPaul: You should reboot the server.13:53
MarkPaulWhy so?13:54
sohaebok, If i type "exec i3" in .xinitrc file I login in automatically to i3wm. What do I type if I want to login to vanilla Ubuntu ?13:54
bekksMarkPaul: Thats the clean way to achieve what you want.13:54
cfhowlettMarkPaul, 10.04?  end of life ...13:54
bekkscfhowlett: 10.04 server is still supported.13:54
sohaebcfhowlett: well I think he doesn't really care13:54
cfhowlettbekks, do'h!13:54
MarkPaulAccording to the topic it13:55
MarkPaul's still supported13:55
docmurI'm trying to mount a cifs share, I have two ethernet interfaces in my computer, and, I've tried to mount the shares with commands like:  mount -t cifs //  /media/Videos -o guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,  I keep getting mount error(6): No such device or address13:55
bekksMarkPaul: Do you run 10.04 server or desktop?13:55
docmurI'm using the right addresses13:55
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MarkPaulActually on desktop right now, but I ask generally13:56
bekksMarkPaul: 10.04 isnt supported anymore.13:56
loacan somebody exaplain me what ubuntu init system?13:56
bekksMarkPaul: And the general solution has been told.13:56
cfhowlett!info init13:56
bekks!upstart | loa13:56
loai see that sysv and systemd are active?13:56
ubottuPackage init does not exist in saucy13:56
ubottuloa: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/13:56
bekksloa: systemd is not in use by ubuntu.13:56
MarkPaulAnyway, is there any place where it's possible to get a help about old versions which are already not supported?13:57
bekksMarkPaul: No. EOL versions are unsupported and dead.13:58
TJ-MarkPaul: One way that can be useful is "init 1" to go to single-user run-level, then "init 2" to switch into multi-user runlevel again13:58
sohaebdocmur: using //ip.address/folder is not really good. Why don'y you use, "mount -t cifs -o user=abc,password=def ipaddress /folder/folder13:59
sohaebuser2: test success....14:00
user2sudo aptitude install porn14:00
cfhowlettuser2, wrong place and improper command.14:00
chemist^:D lol14:00
user2just kidding guys14:01
docmurnow i'm getting mount.cifs: bad UNC (ipaddress=
bekksdocmur: "" is not an IP address.14:02
docmurright so how do i tell mount.cifs what folder to mount under that ip address14:03
MarkPaulOk, so what will happen if I'll press SysRq combination with letter i? It shpuld kill everything without init which as far as I know should start some essential processes again, so why can I still see an output of  SysRq ang generally a TTY which also should be killed after doing it?14:03
bekksdocmur: You have to ask sohaeb, I'd just use the //ipaddress/sharename approach.14:03
KeroshinSo, I installed a program and upon attempting to use it, it screwed with certain display settiings, and now I can't see what I type on websites like Facebook and YouTube.14:03
MarkPaulAnyone could explain it?14:03
cfhowlettKeroshin, "a program" - could you even BE more vague?14:04
KeroshinSorry.  I installed VBA express, and when I set it to fullscreen, upon attempting to run a ROM it crashed and now everything's weird.14:04
KeroshinLike, my toolbar up top is blue when it should be black, and I don't have my volume icon anymore.14:05
KeroshinAll my programs are blue.14:05
bekksKeroshin: So restart you desktop environment.14:05
Boogeymanhave you tried restarting x, logging out, or rebooting?14:05
KeroshinYes, I've attempted rebooting and logging out.14:05
KeroshinStill the same results.14:06
Boogeymandid you get a log of the output when it crashed?14:06
mojtabaHi, I am doing a backup with rdiff-backup (http://paste.ubuntu.com/6901655/)  should I exclude /home/.ecryptfs and /run?14:06
sohaebdocmur: I stand corrected. Using your 1sst method is the correct one. Question now: Where able to navigate to that folder using your file manager or terminal ?14:06
KeroshinNo I didn't.  I'm a little new to Ubuntu.14:07
docmuryes, I made the symlink myself14:07
KeroshinI don't know if it's an issue with the graphics card or what.14:07
Boogeymanlol, i've been using for almost 6 years now and I just learned how to do that last week :)14:07
docmurThese are logical volumns14:07
Boogeymanhave you tried running it in a terminal?14:08
Keroshin...Running VBA Express in a terminal?14:08
Boogeymanyeah, start it in the terminal14:08
Boogeymanwhen it crashes, it should spit out a bunch of crap in the term14:08
KeroshinI'd have to figure out the path to the program first.14:09
KeroshinBut in the mean time, how do I fix my current problem?14:09
Boogeymando you have a 'shortcut' to it?14:09
Boogeymanwell, first you need to figure out what caused it14:09
mojtabaHi, I am doing a backup with rdiff-backup (http://paste.ubuntu.com/6901655/)  should I exclude /home/.ecryptfs and /run?14:10
Boogeymanright click on the shortcut and see what it says14:10
Boogeymani havent used plain ubuntu in so long i cant remember what the option would be14:11
KeroshinApparently Ubuntu uninstalled it.14:11
MarkPaulLet me ask again, why can I still see the output of processes in displayed TTY after killing everything with ALT+SysRQ+I ? Shouldn't the TTY also be killed (and actually restarted)?14:11
sohaebdocmur: ok the way I setup mine was, You use samba to make the share14:11
sohaebdocmur: then you use the command14:11
Boogeymannow thats weird, i've never heard of that happening before14:12
KeroshinThat's what I'm saying, the whole damn thing is weird.14:12
KeroshinI've even got icons missing from the dashboard.14:12
KeroshinHome folder, settings.14:12
Boogeymanhave you checked to see if your HDD is having issues?14:13
KeroshinI'm windows savvy, so I know how to check for that on Windows, but blah..14:13
KeroshinI'm probably looking at a restore from the looks of things..14:14
Boogeymani just got through doing that myself when my graphics card decided to go poo14:14
KeroshinHow do I do that myself without having to bring my comp somewhere?  I'm broke.  ._.14:15
Boogeymanare you dual booting?14:15
KeroshinNo, just straight Ubuntu.14:15
Boogeymando you still have the install disk?14:15
reagaim trying to install a desktop on my ubuntu server os, but i get this error Failed to fetch http://us-west-2.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/i/indicator-bluetooth/indicator-bluetooth_0.0.6+13.10.20131011-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb  403  Forbidden14:15
KeroshinNo, the computer was given to me as a Christmas gift.  The computer belonged to a school.14:16
zuliSpeaking test14:16
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sohaebdocmur: This is what I used for the cifs command, "sudo mount -t cifs -o user=abc,password=def //ipAdress/folder /media/folder14:16
Boogeymanreaga, try pulling from a different server14:16
reagaBoogeyman: im new to linux, how would i do that14:17
Boogeymando you have the bandwidth/time/data cap to download the install disk?14:17
KeroshinHow big are we talking?14:17
reagayeah probably14:17
KeroshinGigabytes here?14:17
Boogeymani think its only like 900mb14:17
reagaBoogeyman: so yeah i do14:17
KeroshinOh, that's not bad.14:17
KeroshinIt'll take awhile, but I could do it.14:18
KeroshinNow do I have to burn it to CD?14:18
reagaoh you werent talking to me14:18
reagai feel sad now14:18
koellfeel evil :)14:18
Boogeymanyou can burn it to a cd or use a USB stick14:19
Boogeymansorry reaga, i'm trying to talk to you both14:19
reagaanyone know how i change what the pull server is14:19
chris__hey, i have to update a 12.04 to current 13.10. can i do this directly or do i have to apply each version in between?14:19
Boogeymaner, well a dvd, it wont fit on a cd14:19
KeroshinI may just find a USB stick or something.14:19
Boogeymanunless you want to go with an older version14:19
bekksreaga: Change the servers used, in synaptic e.g.14:20
Boogeymanyeah, what bekks said14:20
bekkschris__: you have to update 12.04 -> 12.10 -> 13.04 -> 13.10  -- nd ou should know that 13.04 is EOL already.14:20
hitsujiTMOchris__: you cannot jump directly to 13.10. Is there a particular reason why you need to update?14:20
reagai dont know what synaptic is14:21
Boogeymanlook in the applications menu14:21
cfhowlettchris__, *have to* update?14:21
bekksreaga: A graphical UI to your package management system.14:21
chris__hitsujiTMO, i wan't to use btrfs and the kernel of 12.04 seems pretty old to me14:21
bekkschris__: "seems"?14:22
reagabekks: i have no graphical ui, thats what im trying to install14:22
reagaim trying to install a desktop gui14:22
bekkschris__: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS enablement stack uses Kernel 3.11 currently.14:22
hitsujiTMOchris__: btrfs is not advisable to be used atm. but if you do want to use a lter kernel just use the saucy enablement stack in 12.0414:22
cfhowlettchris__, to get the latest kernel and other goodies: sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:22
hitsujiTMOchris__: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack14:23
Boogeymansee if that works for you14:23
Boogeymanwow, my nick was still registered from 2 years ago, and i even remembered the password14:26
HeroldHelp I m trying to run ubuntu on a usb and not getting pass grub getting black screen and stall. (alienware 18 with dual GTX 765s14:26
chris__didn't know about the enablement stack. have to read into this. when would you advise to upgrade and when to use the enablement stack? it's my girlfriends laptop. not a server running on the internet.14:26
k1lchris__: use the 13.10 lts enablement kernel for 12.04 (12.04.4)14:26
hitsujiTMO!nomodeset | herold14:26
ubottuherold: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter14:26
k1lchris__: if you "just" need the newer kernel go with enablement stack.14:27
MarkPaulIs there something like restarting Ubuntu without rebooting for example with some low level keyboard shourcut?14:27
janjaweedwhich ultrabooks are preinstalled with ubuntu14:27
bekksjanjaweed: None?14:27
hitsujiTMOchris__: wait for 14.04 to be released before considering an upgrade14:27
bekksjanjaweed: You have to ask the vendor.14:27
Heroldubttu thanks will try14:27
bekksMarkPaul: No.14:28
janjaweedbekks: I've looked in the city here, no one vendor could help me with that, all of them are installed with Windows14:28
bekksjanjaweed: So the answer is "None."14:29
hitsujiTMOjanjaweed: dell, hp, asus, and others sell a handful of systems preinstalled with ubuntu. Their availability is geographically dependent tho14:30
janjaweedbekks: thank you for your consice answer14:30
chris__when i always installed updates am i on 12.04.4? apt source.list just referes to precise14:30
FiremanEdI think System76 may have a ultrabook of sorts?14:30
hitsujiTMOjanjaweed: there's also system7614:30
MarkPaulMaybe is there any method to execute something when I can type in TTY but I can't quit the output of SysRq and the OS is alive? I'm inside the process, pressing enter after typing something just make me skiped to the next line.14:32
bekkschris__: Then just install the lts enablement package with "saucy" in the name.14:32
bekkschris__: 12.04 is supported until 2017.14:32
janjaweedhitsujiTMO: thank you for your replies, I'm checking system7614:32
MarkPaulNow I'm asking about 12.04, the problem seems to be universal14:33
rabbitear_sdfMarkPaul: yes mark paul, it is14:34
rabbitear_sdfMarkPaul: the problem is universal14:34
MarkPaulWhat exactly do you mean?14:34
chris__that is basically a kernel backport, isn't it? so i get the same btrfs support as if i updated to 13.10?14:35
rabbitear_sdfI will know, after you say whats going on MarkPaul ?14:35
Boogeymandoes anyone know how to have a bash script do math? specifically (s / 60) % 60?14:35
k1lchris__: yes. kernel wise14:35
hitsujiTMOchris__: yes. its the same kernel and xorg as 13.1014:35
chris__great thanks for this tip. i'll go down that route14:36
hitsujiTMOBoogeyman: x=5;y=$(($x * 10)); echo $y14:36
k1lchris__: and yes, 12.04.4 is the 4th "service pack" (point release). you get there with regular updates14:36
rabbitear_sdfthats what my x-wife used to say, 'does anyone know how or have a bash script to do math?14:36
chris__and when the next lts 14.04 is released i can directly update from lts to lts. that's nice :)14:37
hitsujiTMOMarkPaul: can you rephrase your question. maybe be more specific. It's difficult to understand what you are actually asking14:37
Boogeymanlucky, my ex wife just said "you're job is to agree with me even if i'm wrong"14:37
IdleOneand this is ubuntu related how?14:38
hitsujiTMOchris__: 14.04 is out in the 04th month of the 14th year of this century14:38
rabbitear_sdfI lied tho Boogeyman, I never had a real wife before14:38
MarkPaulAs I said above, I can't leave the process in TTY which is SysRq or some errors output. What can I do then - I was thinking about restarting it, but I can't reboot the machine, the RAM memory is full and I can't access it but I need. Do you know any solution for that?14:38
Boogeymanyou've had a fake one?14:39
rabbitear_sdfBoogeyman: yes14:39
hitsujiTMOMarkPaul: try: ctrl _ d14:39
hitsujiTMOMarkPaul: try: ctrl + d14:39
rabbitear_sdfBoogeyman: pretend ones14:39
IdleOneBoogeyman: rabbitear_sdf Please stay on topic, if you want to chit chat you are welcome to join us in #ubuntu-offtopic14:39
hitsujiTMO!reisub | MarkPaul or is this something you need?14:39
ubottuMarkPaul or is this something you need?: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key14:39
rabbitear_sdfIdleOne: is there an offtopic ubuntu gig going on ?14:40
MarkPaulI've already tried almost all combinations with CTRL and they don't work14:40
Wind-StormHello! Anyone have a Raidsonic 4210 NAS?14:40
rabbitear_sdfIdleOne: because there's to many people in this room for converation14:40
IdleOnerabbitear_sdf: this channel is not for conversation it is for ubuntu support.14:41
hitsujiTMOWind-Storm: what has a  Raidsonic 4210 NAS got to do with ubuntu?14:41
chris__is it okay to only use the linux-generic-lts-saucy to get the new kernel or is it advised to also use the xorg and mesa update on a latop machine with xserver?14:41
hitsujiTMOchris__: I'd go with the complete stack myself14:42
rabbitear_sdfIdleOne: but we're already really better than everybody else, where do we go in that case to say hi?14:42
chris__hitsujiTMO, okay14:42
MarkPaulThanks for advice, but I can't reboot, I would lose then the contents of RAM memory which I'm trying to avoid. The OS is alive, the memory is full, I'm looking for a way to dump or save it somehow14:42
hitsujiTMOrabbitear_sdf: #ubuntu-offtopic14:42
Wind-StormhitsujiTMO, Nothing, just it is linux-based device, but it is a popular channel, and I urgently need a bootloader for this!14:42
hitsujiTMOWind-Storm: then try ##linux or ##hardware ... you'll not find support here i'm afraid14:43
Wind-StormhitsujiTMO: ok, thanks!14:43
MarkPaulMoreover, the last B in REISUB doesn't work - the system doesn't react, I tried it on VM14:44
DarthEaronhello everyone14:44
DarthEaronjoin #pineapple14:44
hitsujiTMODarthEaron: please spam elsewhere14:45
FoxhoundzI created a new account for my linux box but whenever I ssh in I don't see a bash prompt like so: username@host:~$. Instead I see just $ and must of the bash functionalities like tab completion won't work unless I explictly call the bash command14:45
DJonesDarthEaron: PLease don't spam links to other channels14:45
MarkPaulI guess it should be activated before but apparently it is not14:45
Foxhoundzwhat is causing this?14:45
infinity0is there a document that describes which packages ubuntu snarf from debian? my c++ packages got snarfed within about 2 weeks of upload, yet they're not snarfing my xul-ext packages14:45
Busybyeskihow can empathy connect to irc?14:45
Foxhoundzdo I have to copy some sort of master bash profile file whenever I create an account?14:45
hitsujiTMOFoxhoundz: you created the account with useradd instead of adduser?14:45
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FoxhoundzhitsujiTMO: this user has been around for a while so I don't recall14:46
newb Hello and good (edit bad) morning. So, I now have my SATA hard drive hooked up. I also bought a USB cd/dvd. I tried to install windows XP (Home Edition), and I got the blue screen of death. I have no idea why.14:46
newbhitsujiTMO: Hello and good (edit bad) morning. So, I now have my SATA hard drive hooked up. I also bought a USB cd/dvd. I tried to install windows XP (Home Edition), and I got the blue screen of death. I have no idea why.14:46
DarthEaronDarthEaron: not spam, i forgot the put the / in. im runnig irssi.14:47
DarthEaronDJones: my bad14:47
DJonesDarthEaron: ok, no worries14:47
hitsujiTMOFoxhoundz: you created it with useradd. which just creates the account and nothing else. its therefore using the default shell, dash instead of bash14:47
mojtabaHi, I am doing a backup with rdiff-backup (http://paste.ubuntu.com/6901655/)  should I exclude /home/.ecryptfs and /run?14:47
MarkPaulThe matter is I lost a connection with CD-ROM for a while when I was using LiveCD session and I don't know what can I do now to restore it or dump the RAM or execute something avoiding reboot14:47
hitsujiTMOFoxhoundz: use: sudo usermod -s /bin/bash <accountname>                          to assign the bash shell to it14:48
newbhitsujiTMO: Could any of these devices be helpful to us in the ubuntu server installation? I tried fedora last night and all I get with that is '/isolinux/vmlinuz0' not found.14:48
newbhitsujiTMO: I also tried smos-linux but, so far, I can't figure out how to make a bootable usb with it.14:49
hitsujiTMOnewb: you're main problem right now is the network interface. you'd need to get a pci network card/usb wireless dongle that works with linux14:49
Jpmhapplets etc place little icons in the 'status' line at the bottom of my screen - how do I do that?14:50
newbhitsujiTMO: How do we know my existing network is incompatable with Linux?14:50
FoxhoundzhitsujiTMO: that worked, but there's now a bash binary file in my home directory14:50
Foxhoundzis that safe to delete?14:50
rom1504newb: how can a network be incompatible with linux ??14:51
reagaBoogeyman: : managed to fix it, had to type  sudo apt-get update14:51
Boogeymanlol, yeah, sometimes the simple route is the best14:51
Busybyeskiis it ok to put my own scripts into /usr/bin/?14:51
newbrom1504: I have no idea. I was responding to hitsujiTMO's comment.14:51
newbhitsujiTMO: I am looking at the motherboard's specifications and it shows a Realtek GbE Lan chip (10-100-1000 Mbit)14:52
hitsujiTMOnewb: the rt6168 is problematic with linux. even with the latest driver its not working14:53
hitsujiTMOnewb: r8168 even14:53
hitsujiTMOFoxhoundz: you also don't have a home directory14:53
newbhitsujiTMO: Is there a way to install the r8168 driver using the xubuntu GUI? I am not good a command line and I am not convinced that I properly commanded the installation yesterday.14:54
hitsujiTMOBusybyeski: use ~/bin14:54
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FoxhoundzhitsujiTMO: I do. I think i created that manually because cd ~ takes me to /home/<username>14:55
hitsujiTMOnewb: no. the driver is installed. it just doesn't work14:55
newbhitsujiTMO: So, I should give up on any linux distribution?14:55
hitsujiTMOnewb: either give up, or get a new network interface (new pci card or wifi adapter)14:56
MarkPaulWhat is CTRL + D and what it does? It's not mentioned for example here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/14155/what-to-do-when-ctrl-c-wont-kill-running-job14:57
newbhitsujiTMO: Is there any benefit to contacting Gigabyte to see what they say about the driver needed for Linux?14:57
hitsujiTMOFoxhoundz: whats the output of: cat /etc/passwd | grep <username>14:57
rom1504MarkPaul: it sends end of file14:57
hitsujiTMOnewb: they most likely don't support linux. but it can be worth a shot14:57
MarkPaulrom1504: Thanks, I'll try it14:58
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rom1504MarkPaul: might be useful if you want to write the input of a command that takes stdin directly in the terminal (and then press ctrl+d)14:58
Guest93577hey guys. I have a user deploy, which is my automated app deploy script. When it creates new directorys i need them to belong to the www-data group. How can I ensure that happens14:58
newbhitsujiTMO: Is there a way that I can test this hard drive to see if it is why I got the blue screen of death?14:58
newbhitsujiTMO: For example, if I boot to xubuntu, would it show up as a drive to be written to/read from?14:59
hitsujiTMOnewb: the hard drive is unlikely to be the cause, most likely its the fact that you're using such new hardware with such an old OS14:59
hitsujiTMOnewb: depends on what way its formatted before you got it15:00
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MarkPaulAnyway, is there any shortcut to restart TTY or all of them being in TTY?15:00
newbhitsujiTMO: I would like to leave the house, buy what is needed, return home and have this machine running as soon as humanly possible. Before going to buy windows 7, I would like to be able to test the hard drive, if possible.15:00
newbhitsujiTMO: So it could appear in xubuntu?15:01
FoxhoundzhitsujiTMO: sys:x:3:3:sys:/dev:/bin/sh15:01
hitsujiTMOnewb: yes it would appear, but to what extent i don't know. i believe there are some tesing software in gparted15:02
hitsujiTMOFoxhoundz: ok, it does indeed have a home so you should be fine there15:02
slackermanwhen I create a directory wish a user, how can I change the default owner of the group to www-data?15:05
aeon-ltdslackerman: chown?15:06
slackermanaeo-ltd: I'm automating creating directories with a script15:06
newbhitsujiTMO: hmmm... I am in xubuntu and I don't see the drive... it appears as though only the usb's file structure is available.15:06
hitsujiTMOslackerman: chown15:06
newbhitsujiTMO: could it be that i am looking in the wrong place?15:07
slackermannot sure how to chown after the fact with capistrano, can the default group when the user be something when i create a dir15:07
hitsujiTMOnewb: can you see it in gparted?15:07
aeon-ltdslackerman: no idea15:08
newbhitsujiTMO: I don't know what gparted is...15:08
hitsujiTMOslackerman: the default group can take the parent directories group, if the parent directory has g+s permission15:08
hitsujiTMOnewb: gparted is the graphical partition editor. its prob installed by default on the live cd. look for it in the application menu15:09
userkalispera se olous15:13
userna rotiso kati15:15
hitsujiTMO!gr | user15:15
ubottuuser: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes15:15
user:O sorry15:16
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reagai installed ubuntu-desktop on my ubuntu server15:20
reagabut it doesnt seem to work15:20
reagai tried to vnc into it, but its all just, grey15:20
hitsujiTMOreaga: thats because the ubuntu desktop(unity) is 3d accelerated. Use a non accelerated desktop like xfce415:22
reagahitsujiTMO: but i followed a guide of how to do it15:22
hitsujiTMOreaga: is that guide rather old?15:22
reagajune 18 201315:23
hitsujiTMOreaga: link the guide please15:23
newbhitsujiTMO: I found gparted. It shows 465gb unallocated.15:23
newbI guess that means it's not formatted?15:23
hitsujiTMOnewb: yup not formatted.15:23
newbhitsujiTMO: Can I format and test it in xubuntu?15:24
hitsujiTMOreaga: what version of ubuntu do you have installed?15:24
hitsujiTMOnewb: there should be testing tools in gparted. and you can create + format partitions with that too15:24
reagahitsujiTMO: ubuntu server 13.1015:26
hitsujiTMOreaga: that tutorial is assuming 12.04... ubuntu-2d (non accelerated unity) doesn't exist in 13.1015:26
newbhitsujiTMO: I think I may need to go buy windows 7. I have a desktop system in the living room with windows 7 and a laptop with windows 8, but neither system came with an installation disk. I wonder if I could use either system to make one for use on this setup. Do you have thoughts about that?15:26
reagathat makes sense15:27
hitsujiTMOnewb: they come with restoration partitions instead of install disks so they won't work for your new system15:27
newbhitsujiTMO: can you think of any other operating systems that might work?15:28
hitsujiTMOnewb: nope. as I said, regarding linux, the network interface is your main problem. you would have to purchase an addon card, or usb wifi adapter to get it working. (still cheaper than buying windows tho)15:30
newbhitsujiTMO: Do you know if it is possible to download windows 7 and burn it to disc instead of leaving the house to buy one?15:32
hitsujiTMOnewb: afraid not. its not longer available ins the MS store15:33
mojtabaHi, I am doing a backup with rdiff-backup (http://paste.ubuntu.com/6901655/)  should I exclude /home/.ecryptfs and /run?15:34
bekksmojtaba: exclude /run and all bind mounts.15:35
newbhitsujiTMO: How do I know if this hardware is 32 or 64 bit?15:35
hitsujiTMOnewb: the guys in ##windows would have a better idea of where you can get what copy15:35
Vpexnewb: Basically 2003 onwards its 64bit15:35
mojtababekks: what about /home/.ecryptfs?15:35
hitsujiTMOnewb: its 64bit15:35
bekksmojtaba: I never used ecryptfs. sorry.15:36
newbhitsujiTMO: Thank you for all your help15:36
mojtababekks: My home directory is encrypted. I guess, it is for that.15:36
hitsujiTMOnewb np15:36
newbhitsujiTMO: While I haven't achieved my goal, I have learned a lot. I will be sure to update you here, asap, when I am finally mining!15:37
hitsujiTMOnewb: cool. good luck with getting it going15:37
obsidiannewb, type:~$ uname -a15:37
hitsujiTMOmojtaba: use --exclude-other-filesystems if you want to keep it to one partition15:37
obsidianthat should tell you if you're kernel is 32-bit, or 64-bit15:38
bekksmojtaba: Check using "mount".15:38
hitsujiTMOobsidian: hes asking about hardware15:38
obsidianOh, gotcha.15:38
newbobsidian: type that why?15:38
obsidiannewb, disregard. Sorry.15:38
greekHi guys. I want to get files off my blackberry. I've got the USB cable. Any tips?15:42
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bekksgreek: Install Windows, install the Blackberry connection software.15:42
newbhitsujiTMO: That windows chat you sent to me is good. Is there a list of all the chats available?15:42
hitsujiTMO!alis | newb15:43
ubottunewb: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*15:43
greekbekks, Windows? Not really an option :/ Is that the only way? I could set up virtualbox I guess15:43
hitsujiTMOnewb: there's 40000 channels so a full list ain't advisable15:43
bekksgreek: Wont work that straightforward, since Blackerries are dual personality devices with a very poor support by virtualization solutions.15:43
mojtabahitsujiTMO: Could you please explain what does --exclude-other-filesystems do? I read the man page, but I could not figure it out.15:44
hitsujiTMOmojtaba: it will ignore paths that belong to other filesystems, e.g. /proc /dev /sys  and any mounted partitions15:45
mojtabahitsujiTMO: You mean instead of excluding /var , /mnt , ..., I can simply use this option?15:46
hitsujiTMOmojtaba: if /var is mounted on another file system then it will be ignored. some paths you may still need to specify for an exclude, but ones belonging to other filesystems will be auto excluded15:48
SpaceRatI'm in desperate need for help ...15:50
SpaceRatI killed a Linux Soft-RAID15:50
SpaceRatThough I'm pretty sure it can be recovered ...15:51
hitsujiTMOSpaceRat: what exactly do you mean by killed?15:51
SpaceRathitsujiTMO: there is no /dev/md0 anymore15:51
ActionParsnipSpaceRat: can you not rebuild the raid using the same drives?15:51
SpaceRathitsujiTMO: but the disks still exist and weren't overwritten15:51
SpaceRatActionParsnip: that's my question ... HOW?15:51
k1lSpaceRat: what did you do to kill it?15:51
ActionParsnip!raid may say15:51
ubottuActionParsnip: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:51
hitsujiTMOSpaceRat: pastebin the output of: sudo fdisk -l15:52
ActionParsnip!raid | SpaceRat may say15:52
ubottuSpaceRat may say: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto15:52
SpaceRathitsujiTMO: no fdisk, just parted15:52
hitsujiTMOSpaceRat: what distro is this?15:52
SpaceRathitsujiTMO: actually it's a NAS ...15:52
ActionParsnipSpacerat: then you will need your NAS manual15:53
SpaceRatparted -l : http://pastebin.com/DMDfG9B015:53
hitsujiTMOSpaceRat: try ##linux then. can't help you here when you don't even have access to the tools we know15:53
ActionParsnipSpaceRat: or the channel for the distribution the NAS is running.15:54
docmurI have samba sharing a locial volumn, /dev/orange-vg/Videos, Windows can see the folder but won't let me access it, saying the path doesn't exist, I don't know what to try, I'm using the root login credientials on Windows16:10
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ActionParsnipdocmur: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue16:11
docmurUbuntu 13.10 \n \l16:12
hitsujiTMOdocmur: the path being in /dev would suggest you are trying to share a block device?16:12
ActionParsnipdocmur: why are you sharing folders in /dev ?16:12
docmurwell it's a logic volumn in a LVM2 block device, of three drives16:13
hitsujiTMOdocmur: you should be sharing the mounted filesystem, not the raw block device16:13
deim23hello, I am trying to use trim on ubuntu but it don't works, can you help me? sorry for my bad english16:13
ActionParsnipdocmur: you will need to mount the file system, then share the mount point16:13
bekksdeim23: Define "doesnt work" please.16:13
bekks!details | deim2316:13
ubottudeim23: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:13
hitsujiTMOdeim23: sudo fstrim -v /16:13
deim23in that page I tried Testing automatic TRIM16:14
deim23and it don't prints 0s16:14
bekksdeim23: It is deprecated.16:14
hitsujiTMOdeim23: whats the output of: sudo fstrim -v /16:14
bekksdeim23: OR do you have Ubuntu 10.10 or older?16:14
docmuroh, I didn't realize that i had to mount Video under the volumn group, thanks!16:15
bekksdeim23: So why do you try to use a deprecated method?16:15
starbuckhey, is it possible to connect to x-server with a vnc client?16:15
deim23fstrim -v / nothing16:15
ActionParsnipDeim23: isnt there an option for it to add in /etc/fstab16:15
deim23because I don't delete too many files16:15
hitsujiTMOdeim23: there should be some outou16:15
ActionParsnipstarbuck: if you install a vnc server you can connwct to the active desktop session. What are you wanting to do on the remote pc?16:15
hitsujiTMOdeim23: there should be some output... is it stuck waiting or what?16:16
deim23hitsujiTMO: waiting16:16
ActionParsnipDeim23: trim is default enabled in Trusty. You could upgrade in April and be ok16:16
hitsujiTMOdeim23: when its finished please paste the output16:16
deim23hitsujiTMO  110534070272 bytes were trimmed16:17
Cydrobolthey why_so_serious16:17
why_so_serioushey cydrobolt16:17
starbuckActionParsnip: i want to take over the active session, so vnc would be an option but i want to know if it is possible without a vnc server just using x-server16:17
ActionParsnipStarbuck: yes but to achieve what? What is the purpose of the control? There  may be a sleeker solution to your needs16:18
hitsujiTMOdeim23: ok. so either add discard to the mount options in /etc/fstab for that drive. or add a daily cronjob for: /sbin/fstrim /16:18
starbuckActionParsnip: it is a server where i want to use some gui programs16:19
deim23hitsujiTMO, I had in fstab : UUID=69a2be1d-6ade-46f4-8cd5-f13edc5d1c2b /               ext4    discard,errors=remount-ro 0       116:19
bekksstarbuck: which ones, e.g.?16:19
why_so_seriousCan I switch from "ubuntu" to "xubuntu", without reinstalling the whole thing and with saving the data I saved in "ubuntu""16:19
ActionParsnipStarbuck: for example, transmission has a web interface, rather than use vnc then open transmission16:19
k1lwhy_so_serious: install xubuntu-desktop16:19
bekkswhy_so_serious: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop16:19
ActionParsnipwhy_so_serious: sudo apt-get install xfce416:20
hitsujiTMOdeim23: ok. can whats the output of: mount | grep errors=remount-ro16:20
ActionParsnipwhy_so_serious: mine is the minimal xfce session, the mwtapackage will install diluplicates of applications on your system.16:20
deim23hitsujiTMO : /dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw,discard,errors=remount-ro)16:20
hitsujiTMOdeim23: then its working.16:20
misdirecthi. my thinkpad e330 does not shutdown correctly when the lid is closed. 7516:20
misdirectoh sorry.16:21
why_so_seriousthanks actionparsnip16:21
ActionParsnipwhy_so_serious: eg you have gedit and you will also install mousepad using the metapackage16:21
deim23hitsujiTMO but I tried that test and it not get me 0s16:21
misdirectso i quite often set a shutdown -P +x timer and then close the lid. but 75% of the time the laptop does not shutdown but rather goes into standby forever. then when i open the lid the shutdown procedure continues and it shuts down. how can i fix that?16:22
hitsujiTMOdeim23: whoever wrote that test doesn't understand how ssd's work. its an invalid test16:22
why_so_seriousalright... is that all? or do i have do watch out for other things as i install the new desktop (I am not exactly good with computer things)...16:22
deim23hitsujiTMO, so how can I test it?16:22
bekkswhy_so_serious: Thats all.16:22
ActionParsnipwhy_so_serious: thats just one example16:22
why_so_seriousi'll give it a try16:23
why_so_seriousthx so very much16:23
hitsujiTMOdeim23: you can't. you'd have to use a tool specific to that ssd, if there's one that exists as each ssd is implemented differently then there's no one way of testing16:25
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deim23hitsujiTMO but there is any comand that show that is working? In windows there was a command, but I don't want that os16:26
hitsujiTMOdeim23: also trim doesn't explicitly zero a block in a ssd. such an effect would again be vendor specific16:27
hitsujiTMOdeim23: its reporting that its working, you'll have to take the ssd's word for it16:27
thesisusHow do I open .sh files with terminal if  Terminal is not in the list of default applications?16:28
bekksthesisus: Use the editor of your choice.16:28
thesisusproperties have been set to allow execution16:28
thesisusnot edit.... run16:28
nubcakethesisus: have you tried running the .sh from terminal, using ./filename.sh16:29
thesisus@nubcake yes and it runs fine.  I would like to click on the file and run16:29
thesisusI need to associate terminal to the file type16:29
thesisuswhen I go to properties > Opens with, Terminal is not in the list.16:30
thesisusThere appears to be no option to browse for other applications16:30
deim23hitsujiTMO ok thanks for your help16:33
DbuggerHi guys16:36
DbuggerI recently purchased a VPS to move my websites there, but now that Im with an unmanaged machine I am running into some troubles. First of all: How do I store in the same server siter that are run under different systems? (Apache, NginX, Rails, NodeJS...)16:38
ActionParsnipDbugger: set the folders in the service xonfig files16:39
hitsujiTMODbugger: one of your webservers must be front facing to the web (nginx usually) then proxy pass the sites to the relevent backend servers16:40
DbuggerActionParsnip, Im sorry I dont know what you just said16:40
ActionParsnipDbugger: you can set what folders are used by what sevuce using the services config file16:41
DbuggerhitsujiTMO, You mean that I have to use a webserver for ALL of them, and then somehow forward it to the others?16:41
hitsujiTMODbugger: yes16:41
hitsujiTMODbugger: this may give you an idea of how such would be configured https://www.digitalocean.com/community/articles/how-to-configure-nginx-as-a-front-end-proxy-for-apache16:41
DbuggerhitsujiTMO, Oh excelent :) I am using Ocean Digital. Thanks16:42
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DbuggerhitsujiTMO, do you recommend me nginX as front-end webserver? I have always used Apache16:44
hitsujiTMODbugger: nginx would be advisable for the front end. It's designed for it16:44
DbuggerhitsujiTMO, I will take a look into it, thanks!16:45
MarkPaulDoes anybody suppose the reason why pressing enter in TTY may skip the cursor to the new line instead of execute the typed command?16:50
hitsujiTMOMarkPaul: beacuse the command isn't finished and expecting more input16:51
whoeverMarkPaul: what hi said16:51
hitsujiTMOMarkPaul: such as running "cat" without any params16:51
whoeverhappyface: or the command was not terminated aproperly16:51
hitsujiTMOMarkPaul: or running: echo "hello<enter>                            <- not closing the quotes16:52
MarkPaulhitsujiTMO: Yes, exactly the same like in mentioned example with cat16:52
hitsujiTMOMarkPaul: in the case of cat. its waiting for input from stdin. and is terminated with: ctrl + D16:53
alexxxxaI'm struggling to get dual boot on my brothers laptop. We wants to use windows 8 and it's already installed. Problem is when choosing "something else" option. It doesnt show Windows distribution at all. I googled a bit and it says something about MBR and GPT (that on GPT Ubuntu during installation wont detect windows)16:54
alexxxxa*he wants16:54
hitsujiTMOalexxxxa: how are you booting the ubuntu installer? are you booting it in legacy mode/csm or something?16:55
MarkPaulhitsujiTMO: What if ctrl+D doesn't work and every TTY acts the same?16:55
hitsujiTMOMarkPaul: its depends on what exactly the command you have entered, it could be waiting for a specific string16:56
alexxxxahitsujiTMO legacy mode is enabled in BIOS. But how am I booting installer? From USB16:57
MarkPaulhitsujiTMO: Unfortunately it's the same reaction for every command16:57
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hitsujiTMOalexxxxa: disable legacy mode. you need to install ubuntu in uefi mode to run it along side windows 816:59
hitsujiTMOMarkPaul: whats the command you entered?16:59
MarkPaulhitsujiTMO: I know that rebooting surely would fix it, but I can't or rather don't want to reboot the machine because of some reason and I'm trying to execute something avoiding reboot, do you know any helpful solution which would work?16:59
hitsujiTMOMarkPaul: open a new tty, and kill the process17:00
hitsujiTMOMarkPaul: ctrl + alt + f217:00
MarkPaulhitsujiTMO: It doesn't matter because it's the same for every command so suppose that I want to run 'top'. but every TTY reacts the same, SysRq works, what can I do?17:01
John_John_what method to choose in order to install LAMP in Ubuntu 13.10 ? tasksel or apt-get ? should i prefer to install a 3d party AMP instead like XAMPP or BITNAMI ?17:01
hitsujiTMOMarkPaul: it could also just be the case that the command is doing a lot of processing/stuck in an infinite loop17:01
hitsujiTMOMarkPaul: can you ssh in?17:02
bekksMarkPaul: You are still on 10.04 desktop, arent you?17:02
hitsujiTMO!xampp | John_John_17:02
ubottuJohn_John_: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.17:02
hitsujiTMOJohn_John_: follow the instructions on the link17:03
alexxxxahitsujiTMO, thanks, I'll try it.17:04
MarkPaulNope, I'm not, now I try it on 12.04, but the aim is to find a solution and try it on 10.04 and others, I don't think it's possible to ssh because I didn't configure a server before17:04
bekksMarkPaul: correct.17:05
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bekksMarkPaul: No ssh without a ssh server.17:05
bekksMarkPaul: Instead of messing with Sysrq, why dont you just use ssh?17:05
MarkPaulBut how? It will refuse a connection...17:06
bekksMarkPaul: Install a ssh server before messing with Sysrq?17:07
hitsujiTMOMarkPaul: can you tell us the command you ran that has put you into this situation?17:07
MarkPaulIs it possible to do it with direct connection of two computers with a cable and network cards?17:08
bekksMarkPaul: Yes.17:08
hitsujiTMOMarkPaul: with a crossover cable17:08
mitherealhello all i have a question about creating a ppa can anyone help me?17:09
bekksmithereal: First ask your question :)17:09
mitherealok, i have looked all over the net and i cant find, all i have is a few bash scripts i want in my ppa, i can build source but wien i upload to launchpad build fails17:10
MarkPaulSure I can, it happened after the computer lost a connection with CD-ROM for a seconds and I was using a LiveCD session then, the memory is full so I expect that filesystem on ramdisk and files still exsist till reboot, but I can't access them. CD-ROM is connected, but it didn't remount it, there were a lot of SQUASHFS errors in TTYs, I would like17:12
MarkPaulto dump or save the ram contents somehow till it's still there and if it's possible17:12
MarkPaulI'm trying with VM now17:12
MarkPaulThe OS seem to be alive17:12
bekksMarkPaul: The OS is dead, basically.17:13
hitsujiTMOMarkPaul: were you mining from the live cd or something?17:13
jhutchinsMarkPaul: vbox?17:13
bekksOtherwiese you would not have those squashfs errors.17:13
MarkPaulI've got such a cable but I did not configure anything beefore and now I think is too late for that17:13
bekksIt is too late for everything. Reboot.17:14
mitherealis there a ppa builder, like a step by step thing?17:14
MarkPaulYes, tests on virtualbox17:14
bekksMarkPaul: You cant test cables in vbox,17:14
TJ-MarkPaul: The only way I can think to copy RAM now is if the PC has an IEEE1394 port and the kernel driver is loaded. Because 1394 is a bus-master, it is possible from another host on the firewire link to access memory... its not easy though :)17:15
MarkPaulI know, I mean using cable in the case of real machine17:15
MarkPaulTJ-: It's a very helpful hint, thanks a lot, I'm gonna read about it and try17:16
hitsujiTMOMarkPaul: may be possible to suspend the machine and get a raw dump of the ram from that17:16
TJ-MarkPaul: see for example http://code.google.com/p/volatility/wiki/FirewireAddressSpace17:17
MarkPaulOk, but how? You mean cold boot attack?17:17
hitsujiTMOMarkPaul: you said this is a virtualbox instance right?17:17
axtranAnyone running multiple display cards with Nvidia?17:17
bekks!anyone | axtran17:17
ubottuaxtran: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.17:17
hitsujiTMOMarkPaul: or do you mean you are running vbox on the system?17:17
axtranHaha.. okay, kind of the same question, I'm running two Quadro 600's and with Nouveau, everything works as desired, with Nvidia drivers, only two displays work :(17:18
axtranTry to enable via xorg.conf... two monitors work, third one is just "Disabled"17:18
MarkPaulIt's a normal real laptop with livecd ubuntu running, I'm doing some trials on VirtualBox to find a solution - just a simulation17:19
hitsujiTMOMarkPaul: ahh ok, then what I suggested wont work17:19
bekksMarkPaul: You cant simulate a defective cabling in vbox.17:20
MarkPaulBut the memory /according to SysRq + m/ as well as swap is still full and SysRq works and the OS reacts - I believe that there is any helpful solution, there's a lack of some part of FS if I understand it correctly which is on CD, but remounting FSs with SysRq is what I also tried and it brings no effects17:22
John_John_some other article also mentions that i have to add my user to www-data group. is that correct/nessecary ?17:24
SeekaNetHello - Package unrar-free is not available, but is referred to by another package.17:24
SeekaNetHow come?17:24
hitsujiTMOJohn_John_: sudo adduser <user> www-data17:25
John_John_hitsujiTMO: ok, can you explain to me why do i have to do that ?17:26
John_John_i am new to linux/php world17:26
John_John_but i have many years of development experience in windows platforms so i get things easily.17:27
John_John_so please if you can explain to me in a couple of words :)17:27
hitsujiTMOJohn_John_: it depends on the setup but if you set a directory as: root:www-data and chmod g+ws the directory. then anyone in the www-data group can wire to that directory17:27
Ubuntu1web pages are not loading tried to reinstall firefox and still the same problem, do I need to reload the OS?  cant think of anything else to do17:28
hitsujiTMOJohn_John_: normally in php world you would not have your www root owned by www-data (neither by group nor user) so you may be following a bad guide17:28
hitsujiTMOUbuntu1: from the command line whats the output of: ping www.google.com17:30
Ubuntu1hit:  just a sec17:31
Ubuntu1hitsu:64 bytes from iad23s08-in-f19.1e100.net ( icmp_req=1 ttl=49 time=42.2 ms17:31
Ubuntu164 bytes from iad23s08-in-f19.1e100.net ( icmp_req=2 ttl=49 time=41.5 ms17:31
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Busybyeskican i use gparted to change a primary partition to a logical?  i'm at my 4 max that i didn't realize existed17:32
hitsujiTMOUbuntu1: ok, so the issue is with firefox. have you tried creating a new FF profile?17:32
Ubuntu1hitsu: not sure how to do that17:33
John_John_hitsujiTMO: now i understand what you are saying and i agree with you. my first thought was to change DocumentRoot to my home/sites folder. do you agree with that ?17:33
axtranDo you guys think the Nouveau driver is adequate for basic office computer usage?17:33
axtranAt most, maybe some videos streamed online?17:33
hitsujiTMOUbuntu1: from the terminal run: firefox -P17:33
Ubuntu1hitsu:  opened up new window17:34
hitsujiTMOUbuntu1: create a new profile. load that and test firefox17:34
Ubuntu1hitsu: k17:35
MarkPaulOk, so maybe wanting to get working TTY is too much in my case, but anybody knows how to dump the contents of RAM in such circumstances to extract some strings from it after that?17:35
hitsujiTMOJohn_John_: i use /home/www     you can use /srv/www  or stick with /var/www  or whichever suits you best. what you can then do is create a group: www-user    chand chown your doc root to: root:www-user      and chmod g+ws      then that way your user (once added to www-user group) will have write access, but the web server wont17:36
=== SonikkuAmerica_ is now known as S-USA|Nexus
Ubuntu1hitsu: started typing and Firefox closed.  how do I do a complete removal of Firefox and reinstall?  I tried from Synoptic but it only did  a partial removal17:37
codepython777http://paste.ubuntu.com/6904515/ - how do i fix this?17:38
hitsujiTMOUbuntu1: no need to reinstall firefox. just delete your user settings. ~/.mozilla/firefox17:38
hitsujiTMOUbuntu1: there's also the cache: ~/.cache/mozilla/firefox17:39
codepython777is DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 11.10" an LTS?17:39
somsipcodepython777: no17:39
somsip!11.10 | codepython77717:39
ubottucodepython777: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) was the fifteenth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 9, 2013. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.17:39
hitsujiTMOcodepython777: no. thats an unsupported EOL version17:39
codepython777so i just do: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core + do-release-upgrade ?17:40
hitsujiTMO!eol | codepython777 read the eol upgrade instructions17:41
ubottucodepython777 read the eol upgrade instructions: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:41
codepython777hitsujiTMO: I was following this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades17:41
hitsujiTMOcodepython777: those instructions are assuming the distro you are upgrading from hasn't hit EOL, which 11.10 has17:42
MarkPaulAnyway, can anybody explain in few words what exactly happen in the livecd system when the cd-rom is disconnected and after seconds plug in again? I'm trying to understand it...17:43
Ubuntu1hitsu:  not working,  tried to reset Firefox to default settings, still not working17:44
hitsujiTMOUbuntu1: is it working on another user?17:45
Ubuntu1stand alone. Im the only user17:45
hitsujiTMOUbuntu1: try from the guest account?17:45
hitsujiTMOUbuntu1: then create a user to test17:45
codepython777hitsujiTMO: the link that you provided has no instructions for 11.10?17:45
Ubuntu1will try, thanks,,  if these last dont work ,  then what?17:46
hitsujiTMOUbuntu1: then we look into removing plugins17:46
Ubuntu1hitsu......be back in a while...............17:46
hitsujiTMOcodepython777: it has generic instructions17:47
Siegel-hi. my broadcom bcm 3418 is not installed or activated on my computer, thus wireless is not working. ive installed the firmware for this and the hardware button is switched on but its still not working. any help?17:48
hitsujiTMOSiegel-: whats the output of: ls /sys/class/net17:48
Siegel-hitsujiTMO: let me pastebin it for you17:49
Busybyeskiwhat is a good drive size visualizer?17:49
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S-USA|NexusBiusybyeski: baobab17:49
hitsujiTMOBusybyeski: disk usage analyser .... its part of the base ubuntu install17:49
Siegel-hitsujiTMO: eth0 lo (in a bright blue font)17:49
BusybyeskihitsujiTMO: thanks!17:50
hitsujiTMOSiegel-: ok. so the correct driver isn't installed17:50
hitsujiTMOSiegel-: or there is a conflicting driver17:50
simpleuserHi there. I installed a lamp server. I'm trying to make a symbolic link between a folder in my home and the /var/www folder17:50
hitsujiTMOSiegel-: whats the output of: lspci -knn | grep Network -A217:50
Siegel-hitsujiTMO: so it seems. im right now pu rging kernel b43 open source to try to see if the b43 fwcutter will work on its own17:50
simpleuserHere is the situation : https://dpaste.de/WmP617:51
simpleuserBut when i try to access to localhost i get a forbidden error17:51
simpleuserany idea ?17:51
hitsujiTMOSiegel-: have you looked thru the instructions here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BroadcomSTA(Wireless)17:51
Ubuntu1hitsu:  Firefox is messed up on guest account also17:51
hitsujiTMOUbuntu1: what plugins have you installed: about:plugins17:52
Siegel-hitsujiTMO: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6904589/17:52
Siegel-hitsujiTMO: im right now purging kernel as part of the instructions on that page17:53
Siegel-im waiting17:53
giovanniciao bill17:53
hitsujiTMOSiegel-: yup wrong driver is being loaded.      purging the kernel???17:53
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Ubuntu1hitsu:  java, realplayer, shockwave17:53
Siegel-  sudo apt-get purge bcmwl-kernel-source broadcom-sta-common broadcom-sta-source17:54
Siegel-hitsujiTMO:   sudo apt-get purge bcmwl-kernel-source broadcom-sta-common broadcom-sta-source17:54
Guest12770che cazzo dite?17:54
hitsujiTMOSiegel-: ahh purginf the sta drivers17:54
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:54
Guest12770ok beoys and girls17:54
Siegel-hitsujiTMO: its just that it seems to be stuck in terminal. it was doinng stuff and now its just stuck. should i restart a terminal and type it in again?17:54
hitsujiTMOSiegel-: in what way stuck? what las the last line of output?17:54
Guest12770kazz and mink?17:55
hitsujiTMO!ot | Guest1277017:55
ubottuGuest12770: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:55
Siegel-hitsujiTMO: update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-23-generic-pae17:55
Siegel-hitsujiTMO: and its not moving alon17:55
hitsujiTMOSiegel-: i see. how long has it been stuck?17:55
DJonesGuest12770: Do you have an Ubuntu support question? Be aware this is an operating system support channel and not for general chat17:55
Siegel-hitsujiTMO: several minutes, about 5-617:55
hitsujiTMOSiegel-: you can try cancel it: ctrl + c.... then run: sudo apt-get -f install17:56
MarkPaulAre there any low-level shorcuts except SysRq exists?17:56
hitsujiTMOMarkPaul: no. the magic sysreq is the low level backup17:57
thurstylarkdoes anyone have an MD5 sum for the i386 desktop iso?17:57
pipdaftykins: I finally got samba working as I like.  Reading the smb.conf carefully & some permissions changes did the trick.  Thanks for al,l your help last week :)17:57
Ubuntu1hitsu:  here is the problem,  web pages display images, and no text at all17:57
hitsujiTMO!md5 | thurstylark17:57
ubottuthurstylark: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:57
thurstylarkhitsujiTMO: thanks17:58
daftykinspip: np ^_^17:58
hitsujiTMOthurstylark: follow the first link there, should have a link to ubuntu hashes17:58
hitsujiTMOUbuntu1: do you have any other apps with the same issue?17:58
MarkPaulhitsujiTMO: thanks once again17:58
Siegel-hitsujiTMO: im gonna reboot, brb17:59
pipTTFN folks17:59
Ubuntu1hitsu:  twitter18:00
hitsujiTMOUbuntu1: is that a web app? then its using the ff engine, so doesn't count. if theres other apps then it could be an issue with a font renxering lib18:00
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Ubuntu1hitsu:  you tube is also only showing images, no text at all18:01
hitsujiTMOUbuntu1: can you try running firefox from the terminal. it should log info to the terminal. and you can pastebin that info for us to look at. it may give some clues18:03
Ubuntu1hitsu: let me see if pastebin will work  just a sec18:03
Bashing-omXethron: Hello ! .. What is up ?18:04
XethronBashing-om: Ze Sky she is up!18:04
hitsujiTMOUbuntu1: if pastebin doesn't work i'll suggest a work around18:05
XethronBashing-om: Whats down?18:05
Bashing-om!ot | Xethron18:05
ubottuXethron: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:05
XethronBashing-om: Thanks for the help!18:06
=== nZac is now known as nZac_away
Bashing-omXethron: Well, how can we help your ubuntu ?18:07
NewBuzzI am new to ubuntu and the other night I installed through the software centre two apps Dokcy and Cairo Launcher18:07
NewBuzzsince then my network settings are having issues18:08
NewBuzzSo I actually have two icons at the top near the gear icon or sound icon18:08
NewBuzzcan anyone help me18:09
hitsujiTMOUbuntu1: have you installed any new fonts lately?18:14
Ubuntu1hitsu:  yes, to use with Inkscape, and Scribus18:15
hitsujiTMOUbuntu1: most likely thats the cause of the problem. where did you install them to?18:15
Ubuntu1hitsu: what site can I upload a screenshot so you can see?18:16
hitsujiTMO!paste | Ubuntu118:16
ubottuUbuntu1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:16
shahan1322fanyone here know how to use HTML5 audio tag?18:18
shahan1322fhttp://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml5_audio_all  how do i position this top right instead of default top left?18:19
hitsujiTMO!ot | shahan1322f18:19
ubottushahan1322f: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:19
dehav_phello, can you help me how can I set cron for do a task every 20 min?18:19
Ubuntu1hitsu: I am going to install Chrome, see if that works, I post anything because pages are blank18:19
hitsujiTMOshahan1322f: try #html518:19
shahan1322fhitsujiTMO, alright but, it's a simple html5 question and this is an active room18:19
=== BrianH_ is now known as BrianH
shahan1322fhitsujiTMO, did18:19
DJonesshahan1322f: Although its active, the support here is just for Ubuntu operating system issues18:20
hitsujiTMOdehav_p: */20 * * * * command18:20
shahan1322fDJones, i know18:20
SeekaNetdoes anybody know how to fix this: apache2: Syntax error on line 140 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/sgci.load: No such file or directory18:20
SeekaNeti added the file to apache2.conf using ln18:21
dehav_phitsujiTMO : it is a root task, it will work?18:21
SeekaNeti verified its in the directory18:21
Ubuntu1hitsu:  installing another browser, will take a minute, im stepping ojutside for a smoke.  my nerves are about shot18:21
hitsujiTMOdehav_p: yes. that will work for any user18:21
hitsujiTMOUbuntu1: lol np18:22
saiarcot895SeekaNet: What do you get when you do 'stat /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/sgci.load'?18:22
hitsujiTMOSeekaNet: whats the output of: ls -l /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/sgci.load && file /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/sgci.load18:22
SeekaNetlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 36 Feb  9 12:33 /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/sgci.load -> /etc/apache2/mods-avalible/sgci.load18:23
SeekaNet/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/sgci.load: broken symbolic link to `/etc/apache2/mods-avalible/sgci.load'18:23
SeekaNeti am not sure how that happened18:23
SeekaNetor how to fix it18:23
=== treehouse is now known as thedockwithtails
dehav_phitsujiTMO : thanks, do you think that it is right? */20 * * * * sh '/home/user/Scripts/script.sh'18:23
hitsujiTMOSeekaNet: /etc/apache2/mods-avalible/sgci.load    <- missing an a in available18:23
hitsujiTMO*/20 * * * * /home/user/Scripts/script.sh18:24
dehav_pok, i will reboot to try it, thanks18:24
hitsujiTMOdehav_p: ^    make sure to chmod +x /home/user/Scripts/script.sh18:24
SeekaNethitsujiTMO -- i just noticed that, damn, ty man for looking over my dumba-- commandlol18:24
hitsujiTMOSeekaNet: thats why you should use: a2enmod18:25
dehav_phitsujiTMO, ok I will18:25
atbhey, my sound stopped working18:26
atbi can aplay front_center.wav as SU18:26
atbbut no applications that play sound are working18:27
SeekaNethitsujiTMO; when i look over my ln -s command, the a is there.18:27
atbtried resetting pulseaudio a few times18:27
lufihi, can anyone help me with this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/418643/cannot-access-ubuntu-from-windows18:27
hitsujiTMOSeekaNet: thats a little bizarre then18:28
SeekaNethitsujiTMO; yep18:28
BaribalHi. Is there a generic way to tell compilers where to look for header files? I'm trying to use pip to install a newer version of pyopencl, but it can't find CL/cl.h, although that's in /opt/AMDAPP/include/.18:28
xangualufi: three are a few programs that allow windows read ext partitions, but not sure about ext418:29
lufixangua, lets skip the samba problem. I cant even ping ubuntu from windows.18:30
xangualufi: ooh just read the question18:30
=== Guest21782 is now known as Bashedx
lufiit does show in the Network directory though18:30
Bashedxhey guys18:31
Bashedxgot a bit of an issue here id like someone to explain to me18:31
bburthi Bashedx18:31
SeekaNethitsujiTMO;  ln -s /etc/apache2/mods-available/scgi.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/scgi.load     ln: failed to create symbolic link '/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/scgi.load': File exists18:31
Bashedxhow is it possible that after installing ubuntu, i cant access my bios18:31
Bashedxi cant find the relation between the 218:31
bburtDo you mean you can't access BIOS settings on bootup?18:31
hitsujiTMOSeekaNet: ln -s target link.            so: sudo ln -s /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/scgi.load /etc/apache2/mods-available/scgi.load18:32
VpexBashedx: is it an UEFI board? hit F12 at boot18:32
Bashedxi ve never seen anything like it, its like saying my car wont start cuz the windshield is dirty18:32
hitsujiTMOSeekaNet: wait no forget that18:32
Bashedxoh yeah ive tried hitting f12, but nothing happens18:32
hitsujiTMOSeekaNet: since the link exists, use -f18:32
Bashedxf10 gives me only the HDD to boot18:32
bburtThat is very strange. are you using grub2 as a loader?18:33
OerHeksBashedx, depends on the machine, compaq used to write the bios data to track 0, if that is deleted, you are out of bios data and should have issues with your machine too.18:33
lufixangua, read the question? what question?18:33
Bashedxmbr is only showing ubuntu so theres nothing weird there18:33
lid6j86thanks, just spent the last minute imagining any possible way a car might not start because of a dirty windshield18:33
Bashedxreally oerheks?! wow18:33
SeekaNethitsujiTMO; force removal18:33
Ubuntu1hitsu: Chromium is working fine, Firefox is mucked up......18:33
Bashedxim using a samsung np30018:33
hitsujiTMOSeekaNet: its force, so it will overwrite an existing link18:33
VpexOerHeks: I think his computer is a little newer than that somehow18:34
astropirateIf I install 14.04 Alpha, will my system update to the release version when it comes ou t?18:34
OerHeksBashedx, try a hard reset, remove battery and hold power button for 10 sec18:34
bburtOK. duh.18:34
astropirateor will i need to do a new install?18:34
Bashedxyeah did that18:34
DJones!final | astropirate18:34
Bashedxdidnt work18:34
ubottuastropirate: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Trusty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 14.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.18:34
VpexBashedx: do you have WIndows 8 and secure boot?18:34
SeekaNethitsujiTMO; i made an oopsie:  ln -s /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/scgi.load /etc/apache2/mods-available/scgi.load18:34
SeekaNetln: accessing '/etc/apache2/mods-available/scgi.load': Too many levels of symbolic links18:34
Bashedxi dont18:34
hitsujiTMOUbuntu1: ff may be defaulting to a different font. also uses a different font rendering engine that could be messing up on a specific font file18:34
Bashedxubuntu only18:34
SeekaNetwhen i -f i mean18:34
dmarrdoes anyone know what is faster to stream hfsplus - mac+afp or nix+nfs?18:34
mitchelwbI have 3 partitions on my HDD, all created with Ubuntu (installed Ubuntu on a new drive, later used gParted to create 2nd and 3rd partitions) and yesterday, I wiped and reinstalled a clean install on my primary partition.  Now, I'm trying to mount the other two, but only one is there.  fdisk reports that partition 2 does not start on physical sector boundary and when I try to mount it it tells me that I need a filesystem type, but 18:34
astropirateDJones, I am currently in 12.04, should I just nuke my system and start fresh?18:35
SeekaNet ln -f /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/scgi.load /etc/apache2/mods-available/scgi.load18:35
SeekaNetln: accessing '/etc/apache2/mods-available/scgi.load': Too many levels of symbolic links18:35
Bashedxseriously wtf was samsung thinking when they put bios data on track 0, its beyond horrible18:35
hitsujiTMOSeekaNet: sudo ln -sf /etc/apache2/mods-available/scgi.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/scgi.load18:35
Bashedxi shoulda bought a lenovo18:35
Bashedxyou guys think removing the cmos battery d do it?18:35
mitchelwbHow can I find my partition filesystem type and how can I find my third partition?18:35
SeekaNethitsujiTMO; says the same thing about too many levels18:35
Bashedxi already tried hard resets, f8, f2, f4, f10, f12, etc18:35
BeldarBashedx, no swearing or acronyms of here please.18:36
hitsujiTMOSeekaNet: then your target is also a link. so you're missing the file18:36
VpexBashedx: does it skip the bios splash or say no bootable medium found?18:36
Aleranmitchelwb: maybe BootRepair will help you? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair18:36
SeekaNethitsujiTMO; but im in the directory, and its there.18:36
koelldo u know games like "curse of war"?18:36
Bashedxno i get a samsung splash but as soon as i hit f2 (key for bios settings) i get the grub menu18:36
hitsujiTMOSeekaNet: whats the output of: file /etc/apache2/mods-available/scgi.load18:37
dmarrit also used to be the case that nfs-kernel-driver used to require a kernel rebuild to support hfs, is this still the case?18:37
hitsujiTMOSeekaNet: and: ls -l /etc/apache2/mods-available/scgi.load18:37
lid6j86I got an Asus ultrabook, mitchelwb , i had all kinds of issues with hdd's when i tried messing around, it ended up being an UEFI issue, so if you haven't already, definitely take a peek in that direction to see if it isn't that18:37
VpexBashedx: try hitting esc at grub then F12?18:38
lid6j86 mitchelwb , i had all kinds of issues with hdd's when i tried messing around, it ended up being an UEFI issue, so if you haven't already, definitely take a peek in that direction to see if it isn't that18:38
Bashedxk just a sec18:38
SeekaNethitsujiTMO; inc pastebin18:38
bburtwaiting to see how this turns out ...18:38
Bashedxthat just booted directly into ubuntu Vpex18:39
SeekaNethitsujiTMO; http://pastebin.com/vc4WPA4Y18:39
Bashedxguess i have no other option than removing the cmos battery :(18:39
Bashedxi have having to rip a laptop apart18:39
hitsujiTMOSeekaNet: /etc/apache2/mods-available/scgi.load is a symlink to itself18:40
Bashedxhate having *18:40
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hitsujiTMOSeekaNet: you've just created a symlinkception somehow18:40
SeekaNethitsujiTMO; im a bit confused. i want the scgi.load into apache2.conf18:40
hitsujiTMOafk 10 mins.18:41
hitsujiTMOSeekaNet: try reintalling th scgi.load mod18:41
YerushalmiHey folks. My wifi keeps randomly dropping and refusing to reconnect until after a reboot. Careful parsing of the output of "sudo lshw -C network" before and after droplink reveals that "bus_master" disappears from the list of capabilities. Help!18:41
VpexBashedx: if you remove the hard drive then boot, you might have a quick bios option enabled18:42
mitchelwbAleran: I'm booting from the cd to try BootRepair, but looking at the link you posted, I'm not sure if that's what I need.  The only Windows install that's been on this HDD has been through VM.  BootRepair looks to be more geared towards boot and dual boot issues.18:42
Bashedxi tried Vpex, but it kept rebooting18:42
mitchelwbI'm booting fine, I'm trying to figure out what happened to my second and third data only partitions.18:42
Bashedxsplash, blank screen, reboot (w/o hdd)18:42
SeekaNethitsujiTMO; take a look at this, haha. i seriously don't understand. http://pastebin.com/Tdy1ihtj18:43
SeekaNethitsujiTMO; when youre back anyway18:43
Bashedxin case the cmos battery didnt work, is there any way to recover or install that track 0 bios on hdd?18:44
Bashedxor is it bricked18:44
lid6j86mitchelwb, how did you create them?  UEFI mode may be a culprit18:44
bekksBashedx: the cmos battery is unrelated to whichever "track 0".18:44
VpexBashedx: I could be wrong here but given how your laptop wasn't made in the 90s you shouldn't have to worry about that.18:45
Bashedxyeah but so far not sure if cmos error or hdd error18:45
Vpexthats the track 018:45
OerHeksBashedx, that was the old compaq way of bios, haven't seen those machines lately.18:45
whoeveris there an option in rhythmbox to have it scan id tags, i edited them with easytag and saved but rythmbox 3 is still showing the unedited tag18:45
whoeverit is rhythm box 3 not 218:46
OerHeksbut samsung is also known of bricking bios issues ..18:46
Bashedxi really dont know then what else can cause that18:46
VpexOerHeks: that was different due to a bug in the uefi secure boot on series 9 laprops18:46
mitchelwblid6j86: I don't really remember the details now.  When I originally set the machine up, I created a small partition on the drive and left the rest of it unformatted.  Later, I went back and used gParted to create and set up the other partitions.  But that was over a year ago.  I believe I set them up the same way as the original partition18:46
Bashedxand if theres a way to recover that id love to know18:46
mitchelwbI'm not familiar with what UEFI is, so I'll have to look that up as well.  (this wasn't how I intended to spend my weekend.)18:46
OerHeksthere is an !UEFI guide available18:47
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI18:47
lid6j86mitchelwb, i had a lot of similar issues and I had about a week's headache over it because at the time i was trying to dual boot.  basically if I recall correctly I was having issues because some drives were formatted when I had UEFI mode enabled, but then when I tried to install linux it was using a non-UEFI installer mode, so it couldn't see the partitions I was creating18:48
Bashedxwould a win 8 install n sec boot reboot fix it?18:49
lufiare there any required service to run in order ping ubuntu from windows? i can ping windows from ubuntu but not vice versa. i dont have firewalls on both machines too18:49
Bashedx(not keeping win 8 tho)18:49
bekksBashedx: fix what?18:49
Bashedxbios not showing18:49
bekksBashedx: No.18:49
VpexBashedx: no18:49
Bashedxthen im out of ideas18:50
Vpexlufi: do you have the right ip?18:50
bekksBashedx: get the manual of that computer and read about how to get into its bios.18:50
Bashedxi did bekks18:50
OerHeksrandom thought: maybe you can enter your bios only wwhen powersupply enabled, not on battery?18:50
lufii think so. it shows on the dhcp table of my router. here's the full question http://askubuntu.com/questions/418643/cannot-access-ubuntu-from-windows18:51
Bashedxbut apparently the ubuntu install messed things up on this machine, must have had bios datta on the hdd18:51
bekksBashedx: computer having bios data on hdd are about 30 years old.18:51
OerHeksBashedx, no, samsung nor uefi does that, compaq only18:52
Bashedxthen i have no clue whats causing this18:52
mitchelwblid6j86: the thing is though, This was a brand new HDD.  It's never had anything but ubuntu installed on it.  I'm going to have to read more about this UEFI stuff...18:52
Bashedxoh uefi then is it?18:52
Bashedxit there any way to bypass it?18:52
bekksBashedx: get immto the setup of the computer and enable bios.18:52
Bashedxcuz i just hate not being able to access bios settings, its just ridiculous18:52
lufiVpex, it is the inet addr in the ifconfig result right?18:53
hitsujiTMOSeekaNet: ls -l /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/sgci.load; rm -f /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/sgci.load; ls -l /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/sgci.load18:53
bekksBashedx: if there is no such option, you have uefi only18:53
Bashedxwhat do you mean setup of the computer bekks? i cant access the bios settings, thats the main issue18:53
Vpexlufi: yeah ifconfig will give you the right ip18:53
Vpexlufi: that is if your looking at the right interface18:53
mitchelwbRight now, I'm most interested in how to get my data off these two partitions more than anything.  It's not a lot of important stuff... and I can back it all up to my NAS anyway.  I thought I was safe by getting everything off the primary partition in to the other partitions and that once I reinstalled I'd just remount them and away I'd go.18:53
bekksBashedx: then you have to look into the manual too see how to get into the setup.18:54
bburtbekks: for his computer, it's F2, I think. But that doesn't work for him.18:54
Bashedxmanual says f2, that doesnt work18:54
bburtHe's tried all the F keys18:54
mitchelwbIf I backed it all up to the NAS, I could even do a full HDD reformat and go all about it from the ground up again, but I'd wait for the coming LTS18:54
instigatorHello. I have created a self-signed certificate for a website using openssl. Is there a way I can verify it? (without getting a third party)?18:55
bburtIs it a situation where the splash just goes by so quickly you don't have a chance to hit F2? Or is it unresponsive to keyboard input?18:55
TJ-Bashedx: What is the *exact* model/sub-model number?18:55
lid6j86mitchelwb, it's definitely worth the look, even if it never had anything else installed on it, if you are trying to load up in a different mode now it will have issues reading the partitions you made18:55
YerushalmiAnyone available to help with my wireless problem? My wifi keeps randomly dropping (usually when the computer is moved) and refusing to reconnect until after a reboot. Careful parsing of the output of "sudo lshw -C network" before and after droplink reveals that "bus_master" disappears from the list of capabilities, but I don't know if that's relevant.18:55
di0x_what's the name of the media player of ubuntu?18:56
lufiVpex, I only have one interface that shows the ip in inet addr. unless i would want to ping
lid6j86mitchelwb, so basically you'd have to go into the BIOS and either force a non-UEFI boot-up of the install disk or force the UEFI boot-up of the install disk, either or (if it is a UEFI issue)18:56
TJ-Bashedx: If it is a UEFI system, *and* has been configured for "fast-boot" (A Windows 8 feature), then it is not possible to enter UEFI setup whilst booting. I suspect you've been caught by that issue.18:56
Vpexlufi: if you only have a lo interface you going to need the right driver, how are you trying to connect ethernet?18:56
TJ-Bashedx: if so, that's a Windows 'feature' to make boot-times snappy18:56
OerHeksTJ- +118:56
bburtyay microsoft!18:57
Bashedxeven if i dont have windows 8 installed?18:57
VpexBashedx: yup18:57
Bashedxwell thats great...18:57
OerHeksbut then he would not be able to remove any windows partitions18:57
bekksBashedx: you had w8 installed?18:57
Bashedxjust ubuntu18:57
hitsujiTMOTJ-: if no efi boot is found it should drop into uefi tho?18:57
lufiVpex, i have eth interface. it shows the ip there. i can ping from ubuntu to windows but not vice versa18:57
TJ-Bashedx: Well if the UEFI is configured for "fast boot" then the symptom you describe would match. Time to read the user manual to find out how to reset UEFI to defaults18:58
Bashedxthe only thing i found was to boot win8 n reboot w uefi disabled18:58
TJ-hitsujiTMO: As I read it, many implementation don't when configured for "fast boot" ... a known but wide-spread 'feature' / bug18:58
Bashedxwell thats just not true, i meant @fast boot@ disabled18:58
hitsujiTMOTJ-: ahh ok. have yet to experience that18:58
TJ-Bashedx: OK, will if it is disabled, I have to wonder if it is taking notice of the setting, or if some combination of the various boot/secure boot options results in this.18:59
bekksBashedx: you cant  acess the settings - so how can you tell thats not true?18:59
Vpexlufi: eth0 might be wrongly configured then try "sudo ifconfig eth0 inet dhcp" and "sudo ifup eth0"18:59
Bashedx(not true what i said bout uefi, i meant fastboot)18:59
Bashedxguess ill have to install win8 n give it a go, im so upset w microsoft n samsung atm im thinking of sending it back to warranty n getting a lenovo19:01
bekksBashedx: Messing it up is no case for guarantuee :)19:01
VpexBashedx: quality control on lenovo are supposedly lacking19:02
Bashedxany brands to recommend then?19:02
Bashedxasus maybe?19:02
bekksHP, Dell.19:02
lufiVpex, it said `dhcp: unknown host` and `Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0` respectively. here is the result of ifconfig though http://i.stack.imgur.com/Pw5ee.png19:02
Bashedxdell sounds good ^^19:02
VpexBashedx: dell business line is where its at19:02
Bashedxi just use the computer for school, dont need any fancy 3k laptop really19:03
TJ-Bashedx: The manual I found - if it is the correct one - talks only about a BIOS, but it seems to be more a generic Windows 8 manual19:03
TJ-Bashedx: good luck with it; going out now19:03
Bashedxi know TJ :( ive seen that aswell19:03
Jazayrihi where can i set my https proxy ?19:03
astropiratehow can I install ubuntu 14.04 Alpha without having a blank DVD?19:03
Bashedxtyvm for your help guys19:03
hitsujiTMO!trusty | astropirate19:03
ubottuastropirate: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+119:03
astropiratehitsujiTMO, thanks shorlock not what I asked19:04
Vpexlufi: from your ifconfig image you have 2 nics and eth1 is the working one.19:04
lufiVpex, yes that is what I am pinging19:05
mitchelwblid6j86: I'm looking through my BIOS right now.  I don't see any kind of settings for UEFI as mentioned at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI but I do know that yesterday, when I booted from the install disk, I got the screen that would indicate I was NOT in EFI mode19:05
tomreynastropirate: you asked for support19:05
lufioh he left. can anyone help me on this one? http://askubuntu.com/questions/418643/cannot-access-ubuntu-from-windows19:05
astropiratetomreyn, what?19:05
hitsujiTMOastropirate: any trusty related support is in #ubuntu+119:06
astropiratetomreyn, he answered a question that wasn't asked by me. I didnt ask which release it was, i asked how i can installl the alpha without a dvd19:06
=== bruno is now known as Guest23790
tewardastropirate,we can't answer ubuntu+1 questions, you need to ask in #ubuntu+119:06
astropirateteward, high five buddy!19:06
tewardastropirate, you're asking how to install 14.04 without a DVD. 14.04 isn't a stable release. So you can only use #ubuntu+1 to ask about it19:06
MarkPaulLet me ask again, can anybody explain in few words what exactly happen in the livecd system when the cd-rom is disconnected and after seconds plug in again? I'm trying to understand it... It's about filesystem, ramdisk, SQUASHFS and so on19:06
tewardastropirate, if you wish to argue this, discuss it with the channel operators and the people who decide policy, not us users.19:07
lid6j86mitchelwb, that could very potentially be the problem then.  If I remember UEFI mode will show a black grub-like screen19:07
mitchelwbThe partitions were all set up using a 32 bit install, but yesterday, I installed 13.10 64 bit.  I see a lot of mention of the 64 bit when dealing with this EFI stuff, could that be a factor?19:07
bekksMarkPaul: Your system looses the squashfs and the entire livecd system running gets messed up instantly. Time to reboot, as I told you hours ago.19:07
astropirateteward, who is arguing?19:07
thoonaihey someone with experience with xdmx interested in helping me ;)?19:07
thoonaiI'm quite stuck19:07
Dave0101Hello all. I have what is probably a silly question. My wired ethernet works fine, and appears in gnomes network manager frontend, using dhcp as intended. It does not, however, appear in interfaces. Where is the configuration for eth0 likely stored?19:07
lid6j86mitchelwb, if it's still enabled and it just happened to boot up in non-UEFI then you should be able to go into BIOS and select something similar to boot-up by cd (it should have a big UEFI in the front of the description)19:08
lid6j86mitchelwb, let me load up my laptop and see if i can't find something in the BIOS to help you more with correct terminology here19:08
lufiDave0101, in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts i think19:08
=== hindujesus420 is now known as catalase
mitchelwblid6j86: I would assume though that none of the partitions should be in EFI mode (am I saying that right?)  And based on the info I just found, the current root drive shouldn't be EFI either.19:08
tomreynDave0101: /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/19:08
Dave0101tomreyn, system-connections only contains entries for VPN connections.19:09
lid6j86mitchelwb, howdid you format it?  what did you use?19:09
tomreynDave0101: not on my system, but it was just a guess19:09
mitchelwbWhich partition?  when?19:09
lid6j86mitchelwb, the two that you can't see19:10
Dave0101lufi, Don't have a /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts19:10
MarkPaulbekks: the last question: how do you think, the files are still there, they survived? I suppose so because the RAM and swap are used in some great part. Then, after dumping the RAM it would be possible to recover the filesystem or look for files basing on headers or just extract strings...19:11
bekksMarkPaul: They are messed up, gone.19:11
mitchelwbstarted with new HDD.  Installed first partition with 32 bit (11.?) and later, after updating to 12.04 used gparted to create the second two.  Don't remember much in the way of details on how I did it though.  (I know there was some trial and error that happened) Yesterday, I booted from the 64-bit 13.10 install disc and let it install over the 12.0419:11
bekksMarkPaul: Technically, you wont have any chance to dump the RAM, dont you? Or do you know a way to do so?19:12
bekksMarkPaul: I mean: dump the RAM from a non-running system.19:12
MagePsychohi guys, how to know which web server is installed on linux?19:13
lid6j86mitchelwb, one simple check would be to just go into BIOS and do a boot override in the opposite mode you didn't use, then check if you can't see them19:13
bekksMarkPaul: Until you do, this whole discussion is pointless for hours.19:13
hitsujiTMOMagePsycho: its which ever one you installed19:13
tomreynDave0101: i guess it'll be in the gconf database then19:13
SeveasMagePsycho: a good indication would be sudo netstat -pltn | grep :8019:13
lid6j86mitchelwb, it may not be your issue, but it's definitely a simple check without destroying anything19:13
mmazingi'm trying to kill the "indicator-datetime-service" process, and whenever i do, it automatically restarts itself, where would i be able to control that?19:13
tomreyn /etc/sysconfig is RPM style, you won't find this on ubuntu19:13
lufiDave0101, try /etc/network/interfaces19:14
mitchelwblid6j86 I'm looking at my bios and can't find anything that even looks similar to EFI though.19:14
Dave0101lufi, not there. I see lo in there, but no eth019:14
lid6j86mitchelwb, how old is your system?19:14
lid6j86mitchelwb, if it's older than ~2012 it may be that you don't have the options, in which case it's probably a different problem19:14
lufiDave0101, is your eth0 up?19:15
Dave0101tomreyn, no matches for eth0, including key names and values, in gconf db19:15
mitchelwblid6j86 I was just wondering the same thing... It doesn't seem like I've had it that long, but looking at the bios info, looks like the current firmware version is dated 12/21/2009!19:15
YerushalmiAnyone available to help with my wireless problem? My wifi keeps randomly dropping (usually when the computer is moved or tilted, but not always and not every time) and refuses to reconnect until after a reboot. "lspci -v" before and after droplink shows that "Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 45; Memory at f9fff000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K]" changes to "Flags: fast...19:15
Yerushalmi...devsel, IRQ 45; [virtual] Memory at f9fff000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K]".19:15
lufiit seems like your eth0 is not configured19:15
Dave0101lufi, yes. ifconfig confirms interface is eth0 and it's up.19:15
lid6j86mitchelwb, if it's 2009 you definitely don't have any EFI options available19:15
Dave0101lufi, and I'm using it right now. :)19:15
MarkPaulbekks: thanks for your help, I will try in every way I will find out, when the software is not controlable, I think it's time to deal with hardware. Thanks everyone who used to help me today, I really appreciate it.19:15
mitchelwblid6j86 so would that mean that EFI can't be the root of the problem with why I can't access my two partitions?19:16
bekksMarkPaul: Unless you do know your hardware has an interface to do so, there is no way. Having a stock hardware server, there is no such way.19:16
lufiDave0101, i think you can put your custom configuration there19:16
lid6j86mitchelwb, yes it's definitely not the problem19:16
MagePsychohitsujiTMO: not working19:16
lid6j86mitchelwb, UEFI mode wasn't available until about 201219:16
bekksMarkPaul: And you should not run a livecd system for production. Thats the biggest failure in your setup.19:17
lid6j86mitchelwb, possibly earlier, but certainly not on a wide-spread basis19:17
hitsujiTMOMagePsycho: did you install a web server? what port is it supposed to be running on?19:17
mitchelwblid6j86 if it wasn't around till 2012, and i'm showing 2009, even if it was around, chances are pretty dang slim.  And since I can't find anything related to EFI in the bios, I'm going to say it's not a factor.19:18
Dave0101lufi, Just go ahead and throw it in interfaces, anyway?19:18
Somelauw_Can I use the software centre to download xfce or do i need to download xubuntu? The reason I'm asking is that I heard from other people that when they tried to upgrade to kde their desktop broke.19:18
lid6j86mitchelwb, have you used software specifically tailored for partitioning?  not sure of a Linux equivalent, but something like partition wizard might allow you to see if there isn't something wrong19:18
lufiDave0101, yeah. are you planning to make it static?19:18
Dave0101lufi, Yeah, programmatically.19:18
mitchelwblid6j86 not since reinstalling yesterday.19:19
MagePsychohitsujiTMO: :(19:19
Somelauw_Since unity already stopped working, I don't think I got much too lose anyway, but I'm just asking to be sure.19:19
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lid6j86mitchelwb, it might be worth getting a partition wizard boot disk made and load it up to see if you can't find something squirrely in there19:19
hitsujiTMOMagePsycho: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && dpkg --get-selections | grep pastebinit19:19
Dave0101lufi, Reading NetworkManager docs, sounds like if you've defined an interface in interfaces, NetworkManager will not not handle those devices.19:20
lid6j86mitchelwb, on their website they have an .iso specifically meant for creating boot cd's19:20
Dave0101lufi, Which I suppose is fine.19:20
lufiDave0101, well that is why it is called networkmanager. it automatically manages the network for you unless you wanted to do some custom stuff19:20
Dave0101lufi, Sounds like it can anyway.19:21
Dave0101lufi, Just have to set managed=true in NetworkManager.conf as well.19:21
BaribalI'm not finding any reference to non-free in the Software Center anymore. Is that repo gone? Is there a .deb for Povray anywhere?19:21
Dave0101lufi, Thanks for the assist. I'm going to try a few things here. I appreciate the help.19:21
lufiDave0101, sure no problem19:21
hitsujiTMObarcelona1937_: non-free = debian19:22
hitsujiTMOBaribal: ^19:22
mitchelwblid6j86 are you talking about partitionwizard.com?19:22
jhutchinsBaribal: You'll have better luck using the console package management tools.19:22
hitsujiTMOBaribal: restricted + multiverse would be non free branches. theres also the partner repo19:23
MarkPaulbekks: Thanks for advices once again, anyway I will try to handle with and do my best, maybe I will come here tommorow and inform how are things, and it wasn't a production, just temporary files I didn't copy before it crashed.19:23
Baribaljhutchins, most of the time, I do use apt and dpkg anyways. But I could have sworn that I once installed Povray on Ubuntu, and now I can't find it.19:23
bekksMarkPaul: So we spent hours with telling you there is no way to get them back. :P19:24
hitsujiTMOBaribal: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=lucid&searchon=names&keywords=povray19:24
hitsujiTMOBaribal: existed before precise19:25
BaribalThanks. Wow, that's a long time ago...19:25
lid6j86mitchelwb, I believe that's the correct place19:26
mitchelwbok.  just checking because it appears to be all windows based.19:26
jhutchinsBaribal: Looks like it got dropped after lucid.19:26
jhutchinsBaribal: Looks like blender is the recommended replacement.19:27
Baribaljhutchins, well, that doesn't really help for rendering Povray files. :)19:28
YerushalmiHey folks. My wifi randomly droplinks (usually when the computer is moved or tilted, but not always and not every time) and refuses to reconnect until after a reboot. "lspci -v" before and after droplink shows that "Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 45; Memory at f9fff000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K]" changes to "Flags: fast devsel, IRQ 45; [virtual] Memory at f9fff000...19:28
Yerushalmi...(32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K]". Can anyone help?19:28
hitsujiTMOBaribal: install from source?   or ppa?19:29
BaribalhitsujiTMO, actually, I just installed it from the old package. ^^19:29
jhutchinsBaribal: The POV-Ray developers also provide officially-supported binaries for selected platforms (currently only Microsoft Windows, but expected to include OS X shortly).19:29
whoeverYerushalmi: is this a laptop, and is this also windows 819:30
YerushalmiThis is a laptop with ubuntu 12.04.19:30
YerushalmiThis computer has never had any version of Windows installed on it :p19:31
whoeverYerushalmi: when you say move computer, what is the signal strenghth be fore you move it , and what is it after, and where are you moving it to19:31
Yerushalmiwhoever: I don't mean move it around. I mean if I'm holding it and cough.19:32
whoeverYerushalmi: what make and model is it19:32
Yerushalmiwhoever: Which makes me think some kind of connector might be loose, but that only explains the initial disconnect, not the subsequent refusals to reconnect.19:32
YerushalmiDell Inspiron 152019:32
whoeverYerushalmi: and where are you in relation to the WAP19:33
jhutchinsYerushalmi: dmesg | tail -25 right after it drops, less +G /var/log/syslog19:33
MarkPaulbekks: not really,  I just wanted to understand better how it works to find an appriopriate solution and your answers and others was helpful in some meaning, I also wanted to try everything which is reasonable and may be helpful in such situation before next, more risky trials, there's always some effective way, tommorow it will be known if there i19:34
MarkPauls a way or not.l Sorry if I wasted your time.19:34
whoeverjhutchins: i am tring to rule out signal issues  first , and metal obstructions19:34
Yerushalmiwhoever: Never more than one or two rooms away.19:34
AlphonseElricHey guys I have a quick question. I'm a real newbie, I'm just starting to learn about Ubuntu and setting up servers. I have a domain in godaddy.com and I want to use a name server for one of my computers. I just wanted to make sure I was at the right tutorial with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIND9ServerHowto19:34
jhutchinsYerushalmi: If you can reliably get it to drop by moving or tilting it's time to start pulling covers.19:34
bekksMarkPaul: Unless having really expensive special hardware there is no solution to your home made problem.19:34
jhutchinsAlphonseElric: What you need to do is to use godaddy's DNS servers to point the domain at your external IP.19:35
Yerushalmijhutchins: I can't, not reliably. When I started hunting around for various commands to compare before and after droplink, I'd often need to bounce the computer on the bed for five minutes before it agrees to droplink. But when I *don't* want it to... :p19:35
jhutchinsAlphonseElric: Running bind yourself is fine for an internal network.19:35
whoeverjhutchins: dell does build with the cheapest parts they have on hand so it could be a loose connection, metal betweat the laptop and WAP or a wifi card just barly in spec19:35
whoeverYerushalmi: dell does build with the cheapest parts they have on hand so it could be a loose connection, metal betweat he laptop and WAP or a wifi card just barly in spec19:35
Yerushalmijhutchins: I'll do dmesg | tail -25. The other command is "less +G /var/log/syslog"?19:35
jhutchinswhoever: Please don't mix FUD with tech support, it's a bad combination.19:36
JoshStroblAnyone here familiar with Juju charm development that can help me out? Asked in #juju-dev but never got a reply.19:36
saranshhi are there any django developers around ?19:36
hitsujiTMOJoshStrobl: maybe try #juju19:36
jhutchinsThis channel is for Ubuntu support, not programming.19:36
mitchelwblid6j86 ok, so this is interesting.19:37
jhutchinsYerushalmi: Yes, can be generally applied to any log.19:37
AlphonseElricjhutchins: Thanks for the response. I kind of understand what you're saying, basically most of the work needs to be done on the godaddy website correct? So that way the connection goes to my external IP than to my server. I was just wondering because I basically want to set up the server to help my friends and myself share files and uploads for school19:37
hitsujiTMOJoshStrobl: #ubuntu-server might be helpful too19:37
JoshStroblhitsujiTMO: I went ahead and asked in #juju.19:37
mitchelwblid6j86 I just booted from partition wizard, and here's what I see... It shows I have two partitions.  one is 916Gb, other is a swap drive and is 15Gb19:38
xerrorhi all. if i eg want to disable the lightdiode on my webcam(board) what would be the right direction to go ? Identify the modul(driver) -> look fot the sourcecode -> change it -> compile it ?19:38
mitchelwbIt is a 1Tb drive that had three partitions on it.  Please don't tell me that this means that when I told it to install over the 12.04 install that it overwrote all three partitions.19:38
John_John_i have setup a second virtualhost in ubuntu 13.10. i can access both localhost and the new site from my local machine but i can't access the new site remotely. what am i missing ?19:39
bekksmitchelwb: Looks like you did that.19:39
MarkPaulbekks: are you just generally speaking or you mean some hardware you can point? I'm just curious19:39
Yerushalmijhutchins, whoever: Some additional details about the manner of the droplink. My blinking wifi light suddenly goes dark and stays dark. About five to ten seconds later, I get notification that I got disconnected from my wifi network. Ten seconds after that pops up one of the two types of dialog box asking for my wifi network's password (it never asks for it normally, because I keep it stored...19:39
Yerushalmi...and automatically connect). Clicking connect just has the computer wait a short time and pop up the same dialog box again.19:39
whoeverYerushalmi: because of the coughing disconneect, i am suspecting card and or connection19:40
bekksMarkPaul: Specialized hardware, which you cant buy in a store, bit only at the vendor directly, pricing is about several ten or hundred thousands of dollars.19:40
xerrormitchelwb: i agree, if u tell the installer to substutute ur install with the newone it also reformats the hdd i fear.19:40
Yerushalmiwhoever: I'd have no problem with said loose connection if I could *reconnect* afterwards. I don't understand why it demands a reboot.19:40
mitchelwbbekks: why would it do that?  They were three distinct partitions.  there was no option to tell it what partition to install to.  It recognized that 12.04 was already installed, so why would it wipe out other partitions?  That's asinine.19:41
oknowletsgoHi everyone19:41
bekksmitchelwb: Because you told it to do so.19:41
whoeverYerushalmi: was you card auto detected by ubuntu , or did you have to go get and install the driver for it19:41
mitchelwbI had three options.  upgrade 12.04 to 13.10, install 13.10 as a dual boot, or overwrite 12.04.  there was never any question or option what to do with the other partitions.19:42
whoeverYerushalmi: also how old is that diver19:42
bekksmitchelwb: So which option did you choose?19:42
oknowletsgodoes someone know when Firefox 27 will be available in Ubuntu Software Center? It's still version 26 and Mozilla released 27 few weeks back now19:42
mitchelwbOverwrite 12.04.19:42
Yerushalmiwhoever: Autodetected. I in fact reinstalled ubuntu just two weeks ago for unrelated reasons, including all automatic updates, though I had had the same problem before as well.19:42
bekksmitchelwb: Then it is expected to overwrite everything.19:42
hitsujiTMOoknowletsgo: 27 is still in proposed atm. no eta19:43
oknowletsgohitsujiTMO:  how do you check that?19:43
JoshStroblmitchelwb: You should've upgraded from 12.04 to 13.10. The options are pretty clear...19:43
whoeverYerushalmi: what is your wifi card19:43
mitchelwbthe problem I was trying to resolve was that it wouldn't mount the root.  If I had upgraded or set up a dual boot, I assumed (I didn't think it was a big stretch) that it still wouldn't be able to mount the root partition.19:43
MarkPaulbekks: but you don't know how it's called or how it does it work, right? I don't deny that it exists and so on, just asking19:43
whoeverYamakasY_: and this is nativly running not virtulized ?19:44
Yerushalmiwhoever: product: PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection       vendor: Intel Corporation19:44
hitsujiTMOoknowletsgo: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox19:44
mitchelwbI'm still at a loss why telling it to over write 12.04 would wipe out my partitions and all the data in those partitions.19:44
YamakasY_whoever: ?19:44
bekksMarkPaul: It even doesnt matter how it is called, when looking at that pricing. Just out of curiousity.19:44
oknowletsgothank you hitsujiTMO19:44
mitchelwbI expected it to overwrite the root partition.  I used an install disk and managed to manually mount the drives to move all the data I wanted to save off the root partition to the other partitions.19:45
bekksmitchelwb: Then restore the backups.19:45
d-eggHi, when I start some gnome apps (eg gnome-encfs-manager) there are plop sounds for button presses.  Unfortunately that infects the chrome browser and so I need to turn that off.  Please, could anybody tell me how to do that. That would be really nice.19:45
whoeverYamakasY_: is the ubuntu in question the host operating system (this boots up by it self ) or you boot say windows open vm ware and launch ubuntue19:45
YamakasY_whoever: wtf ?19:45
whoeverYamakasY_: i know it sounds odd but just to make sure your not talking about a virtuaalized version of ubuntu , I am just making sure19:46
mitchelwbbekks, that's what I want to do.  but I wasn't finding those other two partitions, so I booted from a partition Wizard disc and now I'm seeing that there is only one partition on my HDD.  There were 3 yesterday.19:46
YamakasY_whoever: I didn't ask a thing19:47
bekksmitchelwb: BAckups on the same disk are not cosidered to be backups.19:47
MarkPaulbekks: please don't understand me wrong, but we're talking about some hardware and I stll don't know what you mean exactly so also what we are talking about, you don't make me believed that's impossible, I have to do it on my own ;)19:47
bekksMarkPaul: Whatever you are talking about. Finally reboot your messed up livecd system.19:47
whoeverYamakasY_: sorry , i had the wrong nic19:47
whoeverYerushalmi: and this is nativly running not virtulized ?19:48
SDrhi guys, what is the simplest way to set up a wine server, and surface it via remote desktop connection?19:48
Yerushalmijhutchins: I'm going to force a droplink and run those two commands.19:48
mitchelwbbekks, I agree.  but I was just trying to move the data out of the way so the root could be wiped in the reinstall.  I didn't want to take the time to mount up to the NAS and move the data.  Or have to then go back and clean stuff off the NAS that I didn't really want there.  I assumed it was safe on the other partitions.19:48
bekksmitchelwb: The "overwrite" option is very clear, whatever you personally expected it to do like "overwrite something, but not everything". So now you have to get your external backup and restore it, or just consider your "data" to be lost.19:48
Yerushalmiwhoever: Yes, natively running.19:48
Yerushalmiwhoever: Brb, trying to force droplink.19:49
mitchelwbhow is it clear that it would over write things on other paritions though?  that doesn't make sense.19:49
whoeverYerushalmi: and it is a soft switch to turn your wifi on/off or a hard switch19:49
bekksmitchelwb: "overwrite" means "overwrite, but only a little bit".19:49
jhutchinsmitchelwb: It did what you told it to.19:49
bekksmitchelwb: Thats the difference.19:49
jhutchinsmitchelwb: "overwrite" is pretty specific.19:49
bekksmitchelwb: "overwrite" means "overwrite" and not "overwrite, but only a little bit".19:49
mitchelwbarguing over the concept of what is or isn't a "backup" doesn't change the fact that everyone creates partitions to keep data seperated.19:49
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bekksYou told it to overwrite - it did.19:50
MarkPaulbekks: Thanks for the conversation, it gives me a lot... motivation ;)19:50
jhutchinsmitchelwb: Hey, there's an installation here, you want I should upgrade it or just write over the top of it.19:50
xerrori guress hes coming from windows where u CAN reinstall to a certain partition without touching the others19:50
bekksMarkPaul: Until now, honestly, I consider the whole discussion to be pointless.19:50
jhutchinsmitchelwb: How does the installer know which parts of the filesystem are data and which are OS?19:50
xerrorim not sure, is ubuntu installer saying that it also wipe all existing partitions?19:50
mitchelwbI know what overwrite means, I'm still at a loss why overwriting the OS with a new copy of the OS would also overwrite the partitions that have NO OS DATA19:51
bekksxerror: It says "I will overwrite everything." and not "just a little bit".19:51
jhutchinsmitchelwb: Because they are PART of the system.19:51
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xerrorbekks: but coming from win one might assume OVERWRITING is NOT REAPARTIONING !19:51
jhutchinsmitchelwb: It's smart enough to know non-linux filesystems, but not to know what you have on Linux partitions.19:52
bekksxerror: Ubuntu is not Windows. Period.19:52
bekksxerror: Whatever you assume in Windows is invalid on non-Windows.19:52
mitchelwbI am perfectly clear that this is not Windows.  But if you parition a HDD in windows, it's standard process, and has been for decades, that you can wipe the C: partition and the remaining partitions are left alone.19:52
jhutchinsmitchelwb: Anyway, too bad that you didn't understand what it was going to do, now you know.19:52
xerrorbekks: u act unfriendly and have a weird attitude. i dont feel u reflecting the spirit of opensource or ubuntu19:52
MarkPaulbekks: you can be calmed, because I don't need to continue it, I found out what I wanted, sorry once again for the time you wasted.19:53
racer0940hey guys, installed a new mobo last night and am having issues with drivers, I can't connect to the internet due to this and I don't have a CD-ROM drive, what would be the easiest way to install the drivers?19:53
bekksxerror: I will not discuss your personal feelings about me in this channel. And I wont do so in a query, too.19:53
xerrorbekks: thank you (-:19:54
Vpexracer0940: If its a new mobo with different chipsets its practically a new computer, might be easier to reinstall19:54
jhutchinsracer0940: Do you have another system you can download them with?19:54
bekksxerror: So please leave your personal thoughts about me outside this channel, too. Thank you.19:54
mitchelwbOk, so, I can sit here and whine and moan all day that whoever decided this was the right way to do this was a moron.  But that's not going to get my files back.  Do I have any options?  I would be willing to bet my life savings I'm not the first person who has assumed that a partition is a partition and had this happen.19:54
racer0940I reinstalled ubuntu last night19:54
xerrorbekks: u r welcome (-:19:54
racer0940I'm on my pc desktop now, and was able to download the drivers, put them on the linux box with a usb, but it requries make19:55
racer0940which requires prereqs, which require more prereqs19:55
Bsimsmitchelwb: copy the data back from your backup19:55
mitchelwbBsims what backup?  Where is it?19:55
xerrorbekks: are u a "official" canonical ?19:55
jhutchinsmitchelwb: There are some file recovery programs.19:56
k1l_xerror: stop that. focus on technical ubuntu support in here, please19:56
kermytok I have an old drive I need to inspect for data before I wipe it.... it's an LVM setup drive.19:56
jhutchinsThere are things like photorec...19:56
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel19:56
mitchelwbBsims, I copied the files from my root partition to the other partitions on the same physical HDD, but apparently, installing 13.10 overwrote them.19:56
kermytusingthis guide to access the data http://linuxers.org/howto/how-mount-linux-lvm-volume-partitions-linux19:57
kermythowever the last mounting step fails19:57
david38400I have just changed refilled my ink cartridges on a canon pixma mp250, but an error comes up and I cant get rid of it. Has anybody experienced the same, or is there a solution??? Help please?19:57
xerrork1l_:sure, no problem. is it inappropriate to ask if smne does help here as his canonical job or just for fun ?19:57
kermyt└┌(#:/home/kermyt)┌- mount /dev/VolGroup/lv_home /mnt19:57
kermytmount: special device /dev/VolGroup/lv_home does not exist19:57
jhutchinsmitchelwb: Sounds like the installer probably formatted the partition, so it's probably not worth the effort, but the above is what's available.19:57
kermyteven though when I examine the volume that's the name od the home device inside the LVM19:58
xerrordid i violate rules with that, if so, sorry !19:58
* Bsims nods... so the installer did exactly what it said it was going to do.... sorry, copy them onto the updated drive from the backups19:58
bekkskermyt: Then look up the correct name, using vgs and lvs.19:58
jhutchinsBsims: I think he's pretty clear he doesn't have backups.19:58
k1l_xerror: here are no paid supporters. its a community run channel. and you questions are ad hominem. we dont have time for this in here. so again: focus on support19:58
kermytbekks, yes I did that that is the correct name I have triple and quadruple checked it19:58
Yerushalmijhutchins, whoever: Here is the output of "dmesg | tail -50" (I did -50 because -25 didn't seem to go back far enough): http://pastebin.com/vmznh1D219:58
jhutchinsExperience is proportional to data destroyed.  mitchelwb has gained experience.19:58
bekkskermyt: Then pastebin the output of both commands please.19:59
kermytok one sec19:59
hitsujiTMOjhutchins: +119:59
racer0940is there a way to get all the prerequisites in a tar file or something? Of course it's going to be my network drivers that don't work haha19:59
Yerushalmijhutchins, whoever: And here is the output of "less +G /var/log/syslog": http://pastebin.com/qGuH5YY319:59
racer0940everything else seems to be working fine19:59
Dbuggerhey guys. Weirdest thing. Im trying to configure nginx, so I do "sudo ln -n sites-available/mysite sites-enabled/mysite". Now when I do "cat sites-enabled/mysite" it tells me "too many levels of symbolic link". What is going on???20:00
mitchelwbthe problem is that it was my data that was destroyed, and not Canonicals.  Like I said, this was a standard, and if Canonical wants to be an alternative to Windows for the masses, they need to understand this issue and either handle it appropriately or make it painfully clear that this is going to happen.20:00
Vpexracer0940: apt-get -d install build-essential20:00
Bsimsmitchelwb: sorry then it sounds like ya are kinda screwed, in the future, to upgrade you don't need to reinstall... follow the steps here:https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/installing-upgrading.html20:00
jhutchinsYerushalmi: That looks like you caught the mid-crash output.  dmesg | less +G will let you scroll back.20:00
mitchelwbyou can't dump someones data and then tell them "We just tried to make it easy for you to screw yourself"20:00
kermytbekks, http://pastebin.com/67KSLCR020:00
AlphonseElricHey sorry for this kind of question I know you guys aren't godaddy support but when I try pointing the DNS to my local web server godaddy asks for 2 nameservers but I only have 1. I'm not quite sure what's going on :-/20:00
bekksmitchelwb: you are responsible for your data. So please either restore your backups or face the fact that your data was not that important.20:01
Yerushalmijhutchins: *wince* Do I need to reboot again and do that, or can I access it now?20:01
racer0940don't have internet vpex20:01
jhutchinsYerushalmi: Give it a try now.20:01
david38400Does anyone have a printer that is 100% compatible with Ubuntu 12.04 as I am having trouble with my canon pixma mp25020:01
hitsujiTMOAlphonseElric: you dont point the dns, you point enries in the dns20:01
jhutchinsYerushalmi: dmesg is cumulative but goes back to boot.20:01
Bsimsubuntu/debian is very good at upgrading, very rarely do you need to reinstall from scratch20:01
xerrork1l_:ok, sure, u r right.i was just wondering : if smnes habitus reflects that he has no fun doin what he does, why is he here then if its not a job. But i dont want to disrispect u, so i quit this now.20:01
Yerushalmijhutchins: *nods* Then I don't have it. I need to reboot after crash, remember, to reconnect.20:02
mitchelwbBsims, like I said though, I couldn't get my root partition to mount.. machine wouldn't boot without the live cd.20:02
Bsimsdavid38400: just make sure it speakes postscript and it will work perfectly20:02
YerushalmiOkay, crashing again now, then, and taking the dmesg output.20:02
Bsimsmitchelwb: ok sounds like grub had gotten corrupted20:02
AlphonseElrichitsujiTMO: oh I see but, I still don't get why they're asking for 2 name servers. I only have one machine hooked up at the moment20:02
david38400Bsims: why am I having so many problems then20:02
david38400I just refilled the ink cartridge and no way will they work20:03
Yerushalmi(Though I'll note in the "less" output, I backpaged all the way to the very first message after the point at which the crash took place)20:03
mitchelwbI didn't lose any data save for a few old cell phone pics... everything important was backed up to the NAS.  But there were files that I didn't have on the NAS that I didn't want to lose.  I only lost one file that really upsets me.  And yes, it should have been on the NAS.20:03
jhutchinsxerror: Generally there aren't any professional irc support people on any of the channels.20:03
mitchelwbI should have put it on the NAS, but didn't want to deal with mounting it just to move that one file.  I assumed it was safe on the other partition and once I had reinstalled I would mount the NAS anyway, I'd move it then.20:03
jhutchinsxerror: Mostly it's just fellow users trying to help out.20:03
hitsujiTMOAlphonseElric: thats for if you're running your own dns server. what you want to do is edit the dns entries on the godaddy dns. and have whatever domain/subdomain point to your server20:03
xerrorjhutchins: ah, nice. good community spirit. ty (-.20:04
mitchelwbagain, I assume that a super common standard would apply.20:04
mitchelwbWhat is the point of even having partitions in Ubuntu if it doesn't respect them?20:04
bekksmitchelwb: You told Ubuntu to _overwrite_. Thats where the discussion ends.20:04
kermytlol xerror you are picking on people that are doing this out of the goodness of thier hearts.20:04
racer0940I think I've got all the prereqs downloaded (mpfr, mpc, and gmp) and put ont he ubuntu server, is there a way to install these so I can get gcc/make up and running?20:05
mitchelwbUbuntu didn't tell me it wasn't going to respect my partitions and that it was going to overwrite them though.  I can't be blamed for not knowing that.20:05
xerrorkermyt: no, im "picking" on noeone, never. im not the kind of personallity who does things like that. sorry man, u must have got somethuing very wrong.20:05
AlphonseElrichitsujiTMO: I am trying to set up my own DNS server, but I only have one machine at the moment. I was able to setup a local web server, as I mentioned earlier.20:05
bekksmitchelwb: You choose "overwrite". You did not choose "upgrade" or "dualboot installation".20:05
eflynnwhy does setting up ubuntu with LVM use a boot partition?20:05
bekksmitchelwb: So I am missing the point for valid complaints, honestly.20:06
hitsujiTMOAlphonseElric: ahh ok. in that case: The DNS specifications require that each domain name is served by at least 2 DNS server for redundancy.20:07
bekkseflynn: Because a separate boot partition ensures that you can boot a rescue system in case your LVM breaks.20:07
jhutchinsmitchelwb: There is informationout there in install guides and wikis that explains what the system does, but there's no way to guarantee that people will read it rather than just download an ISO and run the installer.20:07
hitsujiTMOAlphonseElric: so if you want to do that, then you need to rent a second server20:07
eflynnbekks: oh20:07
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AlphonseElrichitsujiTMO: OH! Of course, thanks hitsujiTMO. I know I'm causing face-palms right now lol.20:07
eflynnbekks: LVM is cool, never used it before20:07
jhutchinsmitchelwb: If I had to go through a whole installation guide of explanations and warnings for every machine when I was building 200 a day - well, I wouldn't have been building 200 a day.20:08
mitchelwbbekks, look at it from my perspective... I spent decades in Windows where partitions are respected.  I've been on Ubuntu for a few years.  I have a machine that won't boot from the root partition, why would I think that upgrading the OS would make it magically mount the partition?  Why would I think a dual boot on the partition would work if a single boot wouldn't?  Why would I think overwriting the root partition would merge and o20:08
ljunggrensuch spamz20:08
hitsujiTMOAlphonseElric: have to learn somehow right :)20:08
Yerushalmijhutchins, whoever: Okay, here's the full relevant output of dmesg: http://pastebin.com/fmqp00BY20:08
jhutchinsmitchelwb, bekks, this is not about Ubuntu support.  I believe there is an #ubuntu-offtopic where you can discuss the philosophy behind the installer.20:09
AlphonseElrichitsujiTMO: yeah :)20:09
YerushalmiIts start is pretty much the same as the output of less +G /var/log/syslog.20:09
bekksmitchelwb: Every assumption in the direction "linux will behave the same as my windows does" is a failure. The behaviour of the installer is well documented, and you did not read the documentation. Now you are trying to blame Ubuntu for your mistake not reading the documention and the wrong assumptions you made. This is were I am out of this pointless discussion.20:09
jhutchinsYerushalmi: I don't see anything useful, it's all after the problem has occurred.20:10
jhutchinsYerushalmi: What release are you running?20:10
Yerushalmijhutchins: 12.04.20:10
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Yerushalmijhutchines: The line immediately prior to where I started copying has a timestamp far enough earlier that it's clearly irrelevant to the crash.20:11
mitchelwbjhutchins, bekks, I can drop it.  The data is gone, I can't get it back.  I still contend that there's no point in having partitions if there is no respect for them.20:11
racer0940is there a list of all the files I need for this thing... I hate to keep asking the same questions, but they keep getting buried20:12
Yerushalmijhutchins: I don't have a problem with my wifi droplinking so much as I have a problem with being forced to reboot in order to reconnect.20:12
bekksmitchelwb: There is no reason for blaming something else when not reading the documentation and making wrong assumptions.20:12
AlphonseElrichitsujiTMO: This is going to be a dumb question, but if I were to obtain a second machine but I don't have a remote location to set it up in while I still be able to create my own DNS server with it in the same place as my primary server?20:13
Vpexracer0940: build-essential should be it20:13
jhutchinsYerushalmi: I'm a bit surprised that an older, stable kernel like that is clearly having internal problems.20:13
hitsujiTMOracer0940: what version of ubuntu20:13
jhutchinsYerushalmi: System fully updated?  Do you have more than one kernel?20:13
YerushalmiI'd rather solve the latter problem than the former. If I droplink for a moment and reconnect shortly I'm golden. Besides, as we already mentioned, the fact that it's often a cough-triggered event points to a hardware issue.20:13
xerrormitchelwb: "no respect for partitions" does not reflect the way ubuntu works at all. but u may have good chances with recovery since u have a 1tb hdd and the ubu uinsrtall was only a few gb !20:14
hitsujiTMOAlphonseElric: as in both virtual machines on the same physical server?20:14
Yerushalmijhutchins: I wiped and reinstalled the entire computer only two weeks ago. Fully updated as part of installation, plus running update manager on a regular basis.20:14
racer094012.04 server I believe20:14
Yerushalmijhutchins: The problem predates the reinstallation but wasn't the reason for it.20:15
racer0940lsb-release isn't working for some reason20:15
xerrormitchelwb: so the adress space of ur "lost" data may only be unandressed in the partitiontable now and not complete overwritten. u may give it a try20:15
bekksracer0940: Th command is "lsb_release". Please run "lsb_release -a" and pastebin the entire output.20:15
racer0940ah underscore20:15
mitchelwbxerror, I'm not trying to keep beating this horse... but just for my own learning, what is the point of a partition in Ubuntu?20:15
racer094013.04 server20:15
racer0940one sec, I'll type it out20:16
bekksmitchelwb: Partitions are for separating data in general.20:16
racer0940just saw you need the whole thing20:16
AlphonseElrichitsujiTMO: In order to have a second name server they can't be in the same external IP address correct?20:16
jhutchinsbekks: Will you please drop it or take it to another channel?20:16
jhutchinsmitchelwb: You to.20:16
bekksjhutchins: I'll drop it. :)20:16
xerrormitchelwb: its technical, obviously. the extended swap is a swap (-. and u may partition /home. its not a "ubuntu" thing, its a situation u had with this install method.20:16
jhutchinsxerror: And you.20:16
xerrorjhutchind:? mewhat20:17
mitchelwbxerror, I'm hoping your right that I can somehow find it.  I honestly would be surprised if the data was truly formatted or over written because the install literally took about 2-3 minutes.  Not nearly long enough to format a 1TB drive.  What would be the best tool/approach to try and identify the data?20:17
hitsujiTMOracer0940: ok. well if you want you could create a 12.04 debootstrap environment on another machine, chroot into it, apt-get clean, then install the packages. then all the packages you need are in the apt-cache archive20:17
jhutchins!tell mitchelwb about undelete20:17
ubottumitchelwb, please see my private message20:17
hitsujiTMOAlphonseElric: correct. both names need to resolve to 2 seperate ips20:17
xerrormitchelweb: ther elots of forensic tools, i suggest u try a livecd..let me look for a link, gimme a sec20:18
AlphonseElrichitsujiTMO: Ah, yeah I figured so. Thanks again hitsujiTMO20:18
racer0940hmm, good idea hitsujiTMO, I might have to try that20:18
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xerrormitchelwb: this may help http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/15761/recover-data-like-a-forensics-expert-using-an-ubuntu-live-cd/20:18
hitsujiTMOracer0940: just make sure to apt-get clean, before installing the extra packages20:19
mitchelwbxerror, very cool.  thanks!20:19
TJ-Yerushalmi: I *suspect* the issue is with the IWL's power-management settings; it's being put into a low-power mode and is failing to properly resume20:19
racer0940it's just killing me because I have to do everything on seperate computers here, can't even ssh into the darn thing20:19
xerrormitchelwb: or this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery u r welcome, good luck (-:20:19
whoeverYerushalmi: if you restart networking after the crash does your wireless work again  or do you have to restart20:20
TJ-Yerushalmi: what does this report (assuming the device is wlan0) ? "iwconfig wlan0  | grep Power\ Management"20:22
jhutchinsYerushalmi: Given that you're willing to reinstall, you can try messing around with alternative kernels as shown here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/330065/ubuntu-12-04-kernel-upgrade-to-3-1020:23
jhutchinsYerushalmi: There's definitely something about your hardware that the 12.04 kernel doesn't like.20:23
* d-egg realizes that those are warning sounds20:24
TJ-jhutchins: There are well known WONT FIX issues for Intel wifi, especially iwlegacy, that affects the [34]945 and other models20:24
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gaghielHello people20:26
John_John_what is the correct way to install phpmyadmin in ubuntu 13.10 ?20:26
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hitsujiTMOJohn_John_: either by the package or from source.20:26
hitsujiTMOJohn_John_: personally i'd recommend installing from source20:27
ltsamprosHas anyone trouble with marvell yukon/sky2 driver after upgrading to 13.10 ?20:27
John_John_hitsujiTMO: to have a newer varsion ? is it more difficult to install from source ?20:28
hitsujiTMOJohn_John_: easier to manage if you're differing from the standard install in anyway. installing from source is simple. you just have to insure you keep it secure20:29
jibcageI'm trying to install EFI grub for my crunchbang partition. Is there any way that I can do this from Ubuntu's live USB, since it's the only live environment that I've seen so far that supports EFI booting?20:33
alexahitsujiTMO, it's me again. I tried to install Ubuntu with UEFI support. After booting from USB (UEFI), and choosing Install Ubuntu, (it's 13.10) it shows Ubuntu Logo and purple background and after that it's blank screen, nothing happens. What should I do?20:33
jibcageOtherwise I can't do the modprobe efivars thing20:33
hitsujiTMO!nomodeset | alexa have a try of this20:33
ubottualexa have a try of this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:33
jibcagewow, seems like a popular topic.20:34
Beldarjibcage, I would ask in ##linux20:35
ltsampros:( sky2 problems anyone ?20:35
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Beldarjibcage, There is #crunchbang20:36
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kerosene413hello ubuntu room20:36
chemist^hello kerosene41320:37
kerosene413can anyone here help me with a question?20:37
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alexahitsujiTMO, I know nomodeset can be used once OS is installed. But can I use it on installation of Ubuntu?20:38
bekkskerosene413: That depends on your actual question.20:38
tomreyn!ask | kerosene41320:38
ubottukerosene413: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:38
alexalink shows everything20:38
alexaI just love UBuntu support :D20:38
phuhUbuntu rocks or sucks20:38
hitsujiTMOalexa: when you boot the cd, hit 'e' on the grub menu for ubuntu. then you can edit the linux boot line. append nomodeset after quiet splash, then hit f10 to boot20:39
kerosene413can you run armitage/metaspoit in ubuntu?20:39
kerosene413i want to run ubuntu instead of kali, will all the porgrams run on ubuntu?20:40
YerushalmiTJ-, whoever, jhutchins: Sorry about that, I had gone to eat something. Back now.20:40
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chemist^kerosene413, of course...if you install them correctly :)20:40
TJ-Yerushalmi: Did you get all our suggestions?20:40
kerosene413ok i guess that helps20:41
Yerushalmiwhoever: Restarting networking does absolutely nothing. Until I reboot the computer, the wifi refuses to reconnect.20:41
bekkskerosene413: We dont know what kali ships with - as longs as applications are available on Ubuntu, too, they will run.20:41
chemist^i have metasploit framework running on my ubuntu pc with no problems20:41
Vpexkerosene413: yeah you can, kali is based on debian20:41
YerushalmiTJ-: Power Management: off20:41
chemist^kerosene413, what tools do you want to use?20:42
Yerushalmijhutchins: How much reinstallation would such alternative kernels require?20:42
chemist^that's just a gui for msfconsole20:42
wrapashHi all!20:42
chemist^kerosene413, shortly the answer is yes, you can, no problems20:42
vimbrohullo wrapash20:43
kerosene413is anyone here good at metasploit? I got the ms11-003 exploit to hack a windows 7 pc with ie8 but thats bests ive been able to do20:44
kerosene413does anyone know an exploit that works on ie11?20:44
TJ-Yerushalmi: Have you tried it with "options iwl3945 swcrypto=0"20:44
hitsujiTMOkerosene413: hacking is not supported here20:44
chemist^kerosene413, that is not an ubuntu related question20:44
kerosene413is there a channel that does?20:44
chemist^kerosene413, you should try #metasploit if it exists20:44
kerosene413its not letting me join20:45
hitsujiTMOkerosene413: you could also try any security channel20:45
hitsujiTMO!alis | kerosene41320:45
ubottukerosene413: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*20:45
bekkskerosene413: Then you have to register your nickname first, most likely.20:45
wrapashI noticed that the most difficult persons to convert to Linux aren't the noobs but tech-savvies20:45
vimbroyeah because they are entrenched in their beliefs20:46
k1l_wrapash: this channel is about ubuntu support. for regular chat we have #ubuntu-offtopic20:46
wrapashYou get things like "20:46
wrapashAh ok k1l_20:46
gmachine_24greetings earthlings. I've read/heard overwriting/scrubbing sdd drives can be difficult (to obliterate data previously stored); is this also true for thumb drives? I ask bc I am using one SSD for an Ubuntu server install and wonder, when the time comes, if I must take a hammer to it. Thanks.20:47
hitsujiTMOgmachine_24: depends on their implementation20:47
YerushalmiTJ-, jhutchins, whoever : Droplinked :( If you said anything since my last message I missed it.20:48
TJ-Yerushalmi: Have you tried it with "options iwl3945 swcrypto=0"20:48
gmachine_24hitsujiTMO: hey, how goes it? depends on their implementation ... oh, you're referring to the thumb drives; I guess I'm really interested in the sdd question. sorry about the confusion.20:48
YerushalmiTJ-: Assume I've tried nothing  :)20:48
TJ-Yerushalmi: Try it with "sudo modprobe -r iwl3945 && sudo modprobe iwl3945 swcrypto=0"20:48
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TJ-Yerushalmi: If that seems better, add the option entry permanently into a new file "/etc/modprobe.d/iwl3945.conf" as "options iwl3945 swcrypto=0"20:49
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tomreyngmachine_24: the major issue in wiping SSDs is that they're too intelligent. they have a controller which is basically a mini computer in your computer, whose task is make sure all the data which needs to get written is written to a block which is still in good condition. wear levelling is a problem there so the firmware of these drives needs to decide where to put data in an intelligent way. unfortunately this also means the operating system can20:53
tomreyn't really know where exactly the data is going and can't ensure that it will be writing to a specific physical location on the SSD. so the operating system can hardly wipe it clean.20:53
tomreynor not reliably.20:53
hitsujiTMOgmachine_24: different ssd's and thumbdrives have different implementations of wear leveling that can interfere with guaranteeing a complete wipe. Many have more space than advertised as they drop the use of bad blocks when write fails happen and stillretain their full space. if this is the implementation of the ssd you have, then even zeroing the full drive wont wipe every trace of whatever was written to it. you also can't rely on trim, a20:53
hitsujiTMOs it doens't zero an unused block, it just preps it for a write20:53
tomreynhehe, looks like i'm not the only one who typed up a longer reply.20:54
hitsujiTMOtomreyn: :)20:54
gmachine_24so, a hammer it is.20:54
gmachine_24thank you.20:54
hitsujiTMOgmachine_24: shotguns work too20:54
tomreynbetter actually20:54
gmachine_24hitsujiTMO: sorry. I don't do projectiles..... except when vomiting. but thanks.20:55
tomreynmelting is best, next best is a shredder20:55
gmachine_24tomreyn: melting at what temperature.........20:55
tomreyndunno, hot enough to make sure it gets all fluid i guess20:56
gmachine_24tomreyn: assume you're referring to one of those industrial blenders.....20:56
gmachine_24tomreyn: sounds like a business oppty for a budding entrepreneur (not me); I will check into that. Thanks.20:56
tomreynthere are specific devices for this type of job20:57
jesusabdullahHello friends, I am having a very strange problem with my machine's packages, this is what happens when I run `apt-get -f install` https://gist.github.com/jesusabdullah/52542f4cc1abaabcc09920:58
jesusabdullahI am SO confused20:58
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bekksjesusabdullah: Did you run sudo apt-get update before?20:59
jesusabdullahbekks: Yes21:00
tomreynjesusabdullah: post that, too21:00
is_nullhi all, any idea about a disk space issue ? http://dpaste.com/1597580/21:00
gmachine_24jesusabdullah: when that happens to me I run the autoremove and then try the update with $sudo aptitude update ... etc. seems to work better.21:01
is_nullit looks like i'm out of space according to df, du doesn't know why, and it looks like we're not out of fds nor inodes ... what do you think of that ?21:01
hitsujiTMOjesusabdullah: 32bit or 64bit?21:01
alexahitsujiTMO, I did it with nomodeset. Now I come to the point where it offers me option how to install. I choose something Else, but it doesn't recognize Windows 8. (even though I started UEFI USB installation). Is it because Windows 8 isn't installed with UEFI support? If so, I'll only install Win8 with UEFI support and than UBUNTU installer would recognize it. Is it like that?21:01
bekksis_null: all your space is filled up. you just have a 2GB /.21:01
is_nullbekks: I have 20GB ;)21:02
is_nullFilesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on21:02
is_null/dev/xvda1 20641404 19593140 0 100% /21:02
is_null20641404 B ~= 20641.404KB ~= 20.641404GB21:02
hitsujiTMOalexa: win 8 must be installed as uefi on oem systems (ms requirement) ... can you cancel then installer and get to the desktop and we can run some tests to see whats going on21:02
TJ-is_null 20641404 *1K-blocks*21:03
jesusabdullahtomreyn: https://gist.github.com/jesusabdullah/52542f4cc1abaabcc099#file-update-log21:03
bekksis_null: Still, 100% is filled up. Pastebin "du -shx /*" please21:03
jesusabdullahgmachine_24: it complains very loudly and badly exits when I try to run autoremove21:04
hitsujiTMOjesusabdullah: 32bit or 64 bit install?21:04
jesusabdullahhitsujiTMO: afaik 64bit21:05
jesusabdullahhitsujiTMO: yup21:05
bekksis_null: Look at the sizes to see where you space hogs are.21:05
gmachine_24I don't think that was a yes or no question21:05
hitsujiTMOjesusabdullah: start with: wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-meta/linux-server_3. && sudo dpkg -i linux-server_3.
jesusabdullahWhat does that do? o__o21:05
jesusabdullahoh I see21:06
gmachine_24sorry jesus..... I misread. safely ignore my posts.21:06
zack_knome_: are you here21:06
tomreynjesusabdullah: are you behind a proxy? because it seems your package information is outdated, but apt-get update is not aware21:06
hitsujiTMOjesusabdullah: then: wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-meta/linux-image-server_3. && sudo dpkg -i linux-image-server_3.
is_nulli'm sorry, I don't understand how you get to "there is only 2 gigs of total disk space" from "there are 20641404 *1K-blocks*"21:06
hitsujiTMOjesusabdullah: then sudo: apt-get -f install21:07
bekksis_null: df -h says "you are out of space", and du -shx /* tells you where your space hogs are.21:07
k1l_is_null: you got 1,3GB in /home. remove smth big from there to get a working system again21:08
is_nulli'm sorry, you guys are unable to count21:08
bekksis_null: And your / is filled up ;)21:08
is_nullhow much GB is that please ?21:09
bekksis_null: Well, then pastebin df -i21:09
is_nullyeah, that's in the first dpaste: http://dpaste.com/1597580/21:09
jesusabdullahhitsujiTMO: my God it appears running those in the right order helped a lot21:09
k1l_is_null: what gives df -h ?21:09
is_nullFilesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on21:10
is_null/dev/xvda1       20G   19G     0 100% /21:10
is_nullthanks k1l_21:10
jesusabdullahtomreyn: It *is* a vps, it's possible it's configured with an outgoing proxy21:10
alexahitsujiTMO, ok, I didnt start installation yer. WHat shall I do? Run Ubuntu USB live? I will follow your instructions21:10
hitsujiTMOalexa: get into the "try ubuntu" mode21:11
gmachine_24alexa, USB live is fairly quick, at least compared to running off a cd or dvd21:11
hitsujiTMOalexa: then open the terminal and run: sudo apt-get install pastebinit gdisk && sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit21:12
TJ-is_null: Do you ever mount another file-system inside the rootfs, say for backup? Is is possible you've currently got it masking a rootfs dir that contains a large quantity of data. Can you show us "mount" ?21:12
is_nullhttp://dpaste.com/1597625/ mount21:12
jesusabdullahthanks hitsujiTMO o/21:12
hitsujiTMOalexa: actually sorry: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit gdisk && sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit21:13
gmachine_24alexa, you can open a terminal via Cntrl+Alt+T21:13
alexawill be done21:13
alexagmachine i know that21:13
TJ-is_null: Alternatively: "sudo mkdir /mnt/tmp && mount /dev/xvda1 /mnt/tmp && du -hsx /mnt/tmp && umount /mnt/tmp"21:13
gmachine_24alexa, ok, I never know.21:13
k1l_is_null: since its a vserver it still could be some problem with the host21:13
TJ-k1l_: is_null I tend to agree, as there's no masking mount on the rootfs21:14
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Ampelbeinis_null: Don't know if you already checked, what does "tune2fs -l /dev/xvda1" say for reserved blocks?21:16
is_nullroot@upload:/var/cache/apt# mkdir /mnt/tmp && mount /dev/xvda1 /mnt/tmp && du -hsx /mnt/tmp && umount /mnt/tmp21:17
TJ-is_null: OK, so it's likely the host has over-committed storage. Talk to the host admin support21:18
alexahitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6905713/21:18
hitsujiTMOalexa: it does appear to be installed in legacy mode alright. so reboot to the usb live cd in legacy mode.21:18
alexa3 mins21:19
hitsujiTMOalexa: did you get the pc like that or was win 8 installed seperately?21:19
is_nullhttp://dpaste.com/1597653/ Ampelbein21:19
is_nullAmpelbein: i'm curious, what are you looking for ?21:19
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
is_nullTJ-: I talked to the host admin and they said they hadn't disk space issue and that disk space "would" (quoting) be pre-allocated21:20
Ampelbeinis_null: You can reserve X% (I think it's 5 per default) of space for root, in case the filesystem runs full - to let the admin do stuff.21:20
alexahitsujiTMO, it's my brother's Laptop. He installed it separately21:20
Ampelbeinis_null: It's in the "Reserved Block count".21:21
Ampelbeinis_null: But in your case, everything is normal.21:21
hitsujiTMOalexa: ahh that explains why its installed in legacy mode then21:21
is_nullnice, thanks Ampelbein21:21
alexahitsujiTMO, I started usb live in legacy mode --- still wont recognize windows 821:22
alexashould I then reinstall windows 8 or what?21:22
hitsujiTMOalexa: get to "try ubuntu" again and we'll have a look at os-prober21:22
TJ-is_null: Is there a recovery console you can access, which would allow you to reboot to it, mount this rootfs, and fsck it? If you do a straight reboot it *should* fsck itself but if it gets messed up you'll be stuck worse than you are now.21:22
=== Guest74084 is now known as _jmp_
alexahitsujiTMO, I'm in. Now what?21:23
eflynnhow do you install gnome-shell?21:24
TJ-is_null: I'm wondering if there could be a massive unlinked file, created by some process, you might detect that through scanning /proc/*/fds/ using a script to look for deleted files21:24
hitsujiTMOalexa: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo os-prober | pastebinit21:24
Beldareflynn, what release?21:24
eflynnBeldar: of ubuntu? 13.1021:24
k1l_eflynn: install "gnome-shell"21:25
is_nullTJ-: what script ?21:25
k1l_and then choose that on the login screen as desktop21:25
Beldareflynn, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop21:25
eflynnBeldar: yes!21:25
alexahitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/690575521:26
Beldareflynn, That commands gets you all the gnome 3 goodies21:26
eflynnBeldar: Now why was that so hard? :)21:26
hitsujiTMOalexa: ok, so its able to see windows.21:26
eflynnBeldar: can i uninstall unity while i'm at it?21:28
TJ-is_null: Try this "  stat $(ls -l /proc/{1..9}*/fd/* 2>/dev/null | grep deleted | awk '{print $9}') | grep -A1 'File:'   "21:28
alexahitsujiTMO, if it sees Windows, why doesn't it show it when I choose 'something else' on installation?21:28
Beldareflynn, If you had a meta list of the ubuntu desktop I would say yes, otherwise it is tiny I would leave it.21:29
is_nullhttp://dpaste.com/1597723/ output of ls -lR /proc | grep deleted21:29
TJ-is_null: actually, no, that needs the symlinks dereferencing... hang on21:29
TJ-is_null: Here:  "  stat -L $(ls -l /proc/{1..9}*/fd/* 2>/dev/null | grep deleted | awk '{print $9}') | grep -A1 'File:'  "21:29
hitsujiTMOalexa: i'm wondering if it has anything to do with the 4 used primary partitions. it could be that ubuntu cant install to a windows extended partition (just guessing at that, not had the pleasure of testing that sort of setup before)21:30
Beldareflynn, gnome 3 underlies unity, messing with it could cause problems in the shell.21:30
hitsujiTMOalexa: wait21:30
hitsujiTMOalexa: i think i know that the issue might be21:30
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is_nullTJ-: http://pub.yourlabs.org/deleted21:32
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bekksalexa: having four primary partitions already used, you cannot creat any more partitions.21:32
hitsujiTMOalexa: he may have installed windows as mbr after it was originally formatted as gpt. so ubuntu is seeing the gpt table and reading the disk as empty21:32
alexahitsujiTMO, the reason it has 4 partitions is that on installation of windows, brother made 2 partitions21:32
alexawin creates one more21:32
jhutchinshitsujiTMO: Not a primary-vs-extended issue.21:32
jhutchinshitsujiTMO: The installer doesn't see a difference.21:32
alexaplus I created one more (shrinking one to get some space) for wubi21:32
alexabut I deleted wubi21:32
TJ-is_null: There's your problem! 16GB of unlinked files still hanging around21:33
alexaI am open for anything you propose. Should I remove one partition from Windows?21:33
hitsujiTMOalexa: sudo apt-get install gdisk21:33
alexadid it21:34
hitsujiTMOalexa: sudo fixparts /dev/sda21:34
is_nullTJ-: Yeah ! processes 3477 and 3525 don't even exist anymore  according to ps aux21:35
hitsujiTMOalexa, does that ask you to fix the partition table?21:35
=== souredfrog_ is now known as souredfrog
alexaNotice: GPT signatures detected on disk, but no 0xEE protective partition! The GPT signatures are probably left over from  a previous table. Do you want to delete them? Y/N21:36
hitsujiTMOalexa: Y21:36
TJ-is_null: "cat /proc/{3477,3525}/cmdline"21:36
hitsujiTMOalexa: then hit w to write, q to quit21:36
alexadone writing data21:36
alexaexited automatically21:37
hitsujiTMOalexa: reboot and start the installation21:37
alexaback to ubuntu@ubuntu21:37
* whitehat now http://unhacker.org is open for public you can gain author access register button is on top left21:37
is_nullTJ-: yeah, i know those processes they were coded by a student before I was recruited21:37
alexashould I do with UEFI or in legacy?21:37
alexahitsujiTMO, should I do with UEFI or in legacy?21:37
hitsujiTMOalexa: legacy21:37
TJ-is_null: Are they safe to be -KILLed ?21:38
hitsujiTMOalexa: always do the same as the existing OS21:38
is_nullTJ-: i wish i know21:38
is_nulli can't reach the guy who set them up21:38
SamopotamusI have a hard drive mounted as a NAS in DD-WRT.  I want to mount this NAS over the internet on a Linux computer so that it can push files to said NAS.  What is the best way to go about this?  SSHFS?  NFS?  I only see SMB and FTP as explicitly supported methods in DD-WRT.21:39
YerushalmiTJ-: Experiment failed. Those commands merely caused my wifi to get stuck on "Connecting..." mode until I rebooted.21:40
YerushalmiTJ-: I also tried those commands after I deliberately caused a droplink; they removed Wireless entirely from the list of possible connection options.21:40
TJ-Yerushalmi: It sounds as if there could be a hardware issue. Have you tried removing and re-seating the WiFi adapter (if possible) ?21:41
is_nullTJ-: is it the only way i'm getting that space back ?21:41
YerushalmiTJ-: I plan to tomorrow; it's rather late. I'll need to figure out where it is (and I'm concerned that it's probably an integrated one)21:42
TJ-is_null: The space is allocated, the process has unlinked but until the process exits (unless there is some way to control the process to release (close) the files) the space is still in-use.21:42
TJ-Yerushalmi: If it is a laptop they are usually mini PCI cards, possibly presenting a USB interface21:43
is_nullTJ-: it sounds like the processes open()'d the file but never close()'d them right ?21:43
TJ-is_null: Yes, and kept on writing to them by the look of it!21:43
is_nullthanks a lot TJ-21:44
YerushalmiTJ-: I'll try.21:44
YerushalmiTJ-: Thing is, I think I have both a hardware issue and a software issue. The hardware issue causes the linkdrop when the computer is in any way jogged, but something software is preventing it from disconnecting until I reboot. Is it possible to manually reboot *just* the driver or something like that?21:45
eflynnI installed linux-image-virtual on saucy. I looked at the package description and it says "This package will always depend on the latest minimal generic kernel image." What's up with that?21:48
TJ-Yerushalmi: Only if the driver is no longer in use, but the look of that crash backtrace doesn't look good for that21:48
TJ-eflynn: nothing, what should be?21:49
eflynnTJ-: it doesn't seem to be a separate kernel21:49
hitsujiTMOeflynn: theres only 1 kernel now21:49
eflynnhitsujiTMO: oh21:49
TJ-eflynn: It isn't, it *depends* on the current latest minimal (formerly JeOS) kernel21:50
hitsujiTMOeflynn: it exists so anyone coming from a previous release has an upgrade path21:50
eflynnwhat was the point of having a "virtual" kernel then21:51
YerushalmiTJ-: Can I somehow shut down the driver and then turn it back on, or something like that? Anything like that?21:51
TJ-eflynn: specifically, "linux-image-virtual" is a kernel built specifically for VMware and KVM virtual machine guests. It only contains the minimum drivers known to be needed by those, rather than having *ever* module just-in-case as the regular kernels do.21:51
eflynnTJ-: that's what I thought... so they stopped doing that?21:52
TJ-eflynn: Not that I know of, the minimal (formerly JeOS) kernel is now known as the "minimal" install for ubuntu-server21:52
alexahitsujiTMO: I have installed Ubuntu about 100 times. Maybe this question would be little stupid, but what do you think, what's the best ratio of space for / and space for /home? Or if expressed in GB, how many GB would you assign to / ?21:52
hitsujiTMOeflynn: its removed as people ran into issues migrating a system from vm to phyical machine. the kernel can't boot on physical hardware because of the lack of drivers21:53
eflynnhitsujiTMO: that makes sense21:54
hitsujiTMOalexa: honestly it depends on what you're installing. 20-30gb is usually perfect for most for /            ... personally i don't have a seperate /home21:54
TJ-hitsujiTMO: looks like the server docs need updating on that score21:54
TJ-Yerushalmi: I'd doubt it, the crash is too severe21:54
fredericGood evening all21:54
fredericI don't know if this the right place but I'll just go ahead with my question...21:55
eflynnTJ-: so... the "minimal" kernel is linux-image-generic?21:55
fredericI'm on ubuntu 12.04 and I'm trying to get Wurm Online running21:55
hitsujiTMOTJ-: its in the doc: Note: Since 12.04, there is no difference in kernel between Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Server since linux-image-server is merged into linux-image-generic21:55
YerushalmiTj-:Probably is a hardware thing. I'll open up the computer tomorrow if these damn coughing fits leave me alone for a bit :p21:55
fredericwhen the loading of the game completes the game totally hangs21:55
hitsujiTMOTJ-: just they forgot to mention virtual too21:56
fredericif I run it in console I see the error thrown is:21:56
fredericpass_linear_scan:932 - out of registers21:56
fredericsome googling told me this could have to do with the nouveau driver I'm using21:56
fredericWhat guys would you suggest to try and fix this?21:56
TJ-hitsujiTMO: One of the 'cloud' devs was telling us last week, that the JeOS kernel was integrated into the server install but still existed as a true minimal21:57
fredericTry a nvidia driver?21:57
alexahitsujiTMO: for /, it already has chosen to be logical partition (remember that I removed the forth partition from windows). Should I set it to be primary?21:57
fredericTry to upgrade mesa? (currently running 8)21:57
eflynnI have an ubuntu 12.04LTS server, should i bother upgrading the kernel? it looks like there are some backports21:57
bekkseflynn: Just use the saucy LTS enablement stack.21:58
hitsujiTMOalexa: no keep as logical, it must be logical with your current partition layout21:58
alexahitsujiTMO: one more question, when I googled, I found something like it's necessary to leave some space for /boot (when dual OS). Is that true? I mean, there is already one partition reserved for Windows 8 loader.21:58
fredericanyone suggestions, or a channel where I should go to?21:58
hitsujiTMOTJ-: well. it is, just its not a minimal kernel21:59
alexacurrently I'm doing with partitions. Now is the moment without return XD21:59
TJ-hitsujiTMO: yeah, the specific point being addressed was the minimal size of the kernel vmlinuz and associated modules21:59
fredericalso my hdmi sound output is not working22:00
hitsujiTMOTJ-: altho, since 13.10 there doesn't seem to be a minimal install anymore, so that might be gone in 14.0422:00
alexahitsujiTMO: do I need to create that /boot or 'the 367MB Windows 8 loader partition' that already exists is fine?22:01
=== christian is now known as Guest90836
hitsujiTMOTJ-: ahh yeah. i hope they bring the kernel back some day, its kind of nice to have the option and not have to customise optimise the kernel yourself22:01
Guest90836someone there?22:01
hitsujiTMOalexa: no need for a seperate boot22:01
alexathanks :D22:02
bekksalexa: That windows partition is unusable by grub,22:02
Guest90836hi Guys22:02
bekksalexa: It has the wrong filesystem on it.22:02
hitsujiTMOalexa: /, /home and swap is all you want22:02
Guest90836I need install ubuntu on lenovo G40022:02
Guest90836someone help?22:02
eflynnwow pretty lively in here22:02
Guest90836I need install ubuntu on lenovo G400 someone help me?'22:03
Guest90836I need install ubuntu on lenovo G400 someone help me?'22:03
Guest90836I need install ubuntu on lenovo G400 someone help me?'22:03
Guest90836I need install ubuntu on lenovo G400 someone help me?'22:03
Guest90836I need install ubuntu on lenovo G400 someone help me?'22:03
Guest90836I need install ubuntu on lenovo G400 someone help me?'22:03
Guest90836I need install ubuntu on lenovo G400 someone help me?'22:03
Guest90836I need install ubuntu on lenovo G400 someone help me?'22:03
Guest90836I need install ubuntu on lenovo G400 someone help me?22:03
hitsujiTMOGuest90836: stop that22:03
abc_haroldwe could if you stopped22:03
alexaGuest90836: be patient22:03
hitsujiTMO!patience | Guest9083622:03
ubottuGuest90836: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/22:03
=== hdevalence is now known as hdevalence|away
Guest90836ohhh Im sory22:03
alexabekks: you want to tell me, I need to customize grub once I finish installation?22:04
alexaoh man22:04
Guest90836I dont know how answer here22:04
abc_haroldGuest90836: can't you just stick the iso on a usb or cd?22:04
Guest90836Im new22:04
bekksalexa: No. I said: that partition is not usable by grub.22:04
bekksalexa: You dont need a separate /boot as was pointed out before.22:04
hitsujiTMOalexa: no, you'll be fine. just ignore the exiting windows partitions and create those 3 partitions that you need22:04
Guest90836abc_harold, thanks, and yes I burn the image on usb stick22:05
Guest90836it boots.. menu for select; try or install appears22:05
abc_haroldGuest90846: just reboot with it in, and hit the boot menu key to select it22:05
Guest90836but later ..22:05
abc_haroldoh sorry22:05
Guest90836black screen appear and not boot22:05
Guest90836not start22:05
bekks!nomodeset | Guest9083622:06
ubottuGuest90836: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:06
hitsujiTMO!nomodeset | Guest9083622:06
hitsujiTMObeaten too me :(22:06
hitsujiTMObeaten too it* :(22:06
abc_haroldlol yeah read that22:06
Guest90836Guys abc_harold and hitsujiTMO22:07
Guest90836thanks for that I will try that22:08
abc_haroldno prob ;) thats why we're here22:08
=== papepu is now known as _ORumpelschutz
_ORumpelschutzHey all122:08
_ORumpelschutzI have some questions to ubuntu22:08
_ORumpelschutzAm I right here to ask them?!22:08
=== Guest90836 is now known as _christian
_christianthanks guys22:08
=== _ORumpelschutz is now known as `MAstell`
`MAstell`I have a PC with i5 4570 and 8 GiG memory22:09
`MAstell`My Linux experience is good!22:09
abc_haroldit should be on that hardware lol!22:10
`MAstell`I definately want to have unity ubuntu22:10
`MAstell`but shell I pick 12.04.4 or 13.10 or 14.04?!22:10
bekks`MAstell`: 12.0422:10
chemist^12.04 is LTS, so i'd go with that :)22:10
ianorlinis it a uefi motherboard though?22:11
`MAstell`Is .4 more stable than .1 or .2?22:11
chemist^(long term support)22:11
`MAstell`Could you notice a difference?!22:11
ianorlinno it is a month22:11
chemist^it's the up-to-date version22:11
hitsujiTMO`MAstell`: if you're asking that question, then 12.04 is the only answer22:11
bekks12.04 is supported until 2017.22:11
`MAstell`Well another qquestion22:11
abc_haroldyeah go lts if you dont want to upgrade too often22:11
`MAstell`what kernel does 12.04.4 have?22:11
bekks`MAstell`: With latest LTS enablement stack, 3.1122:12
`MAstell`ah cool!22:12
`MAstell`3.11 is up to date, nice! :)22:12
* chemist^ goes to smoke a phat one :P22:14
=== catalase is now known as flappybird
=== flappybird is now known as flappybird420
alexahitsujiTMO: it's on half way of installation, cant wait to finish. I am happy. I will write mini tutorial and will ask you to put it on forum, it might help someone (cause I don't have ubuntu forum account). I'll write the post on local (serbian) ubuntu forum mini tutorial, about this. Thanks!22:23
hitsujiTMOalexa: np22:24
PaulChainQuestion why is it on my older laptop I can play wow with good fps but on this new laptop with the ati 8400m intergrated graphics I get really crappy fps22:28
Arcanis_Hello. Got a quick question.22:29
abc_haroldfire away22:29
Arcanis_Alright, I have a dual boot set up. Windows 7 and PinGuyOS.22:29
Arcanis_When I set up pinguy, for some reason it broke my MBR.22:29
k1l_Arcanis_: ask the pinguy support about what is going wrong there22:30
Arcanis_Well what I was wanting to do.22:30
Arcanis_Was remove pinguy and replace it with ubuntu 13.1022:30
abc_haroldah ok22:30
PinkSwingHi. Youtube will not go full screen on both Chrome and Firefox. The screen shows the video smaller than the screen even though my monitor matches the aspect ratio of the videos. BBC iplayer does go full screen. I don't know if this is also a problem on other operating systems.22:30
abc_haroldPinkSwing: check if you are using the html5 player by right clicking, it has some bugs still22:31
Arcanis_So if I extract the ISO and put it on a flash drive, I'm guessing I can boot from that drive? And then does it have the utilities to remove pinguy?22:31
candacecan anyone familiar with kernels help me out22:31
abc_haroldArcanis_: use universal usb installer if on windows22:31
bekksArcanis_: Just dd it to the flash drive, dont extract it.22:32
abc_harold^ this on linux22:32
Arcanis_Then does the ubuntu installer have the utilities to remove pinguy and it's partition?22:32
k1l_Arcanis_: you can install ubuntu over that paritions22:32
Arcanis_Ok great.22:33
PinkSwingabc_harold: It's using flash player22:33
abc_haroldyes, you may have to enter advanced mode or delete partition from within windows first22:33
Arcanis_Thanks guys.22:33
Arcanis_I can handle that.22:33
bobenhausHello all22:33
dilligafooHello there bobenhaus22:33
Arcanis_Anyone have a clue why the MBR might get broken by grub?22:33
Arcanis_or how to replace it?22:34
abc_haroldPinkSwing: I haven't noticed any probs on my windows, have you tried updating flash?22:34
bekks!grub2 | Arcanis_22:34
bobenhausI have a questions concerning my scren alignment when  programs arent open in max mode22:34
ubottuArcanis_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:34
winnyhello i am benchmarking some language features of python and am curious if it's safe to disable cron.daily, cron.hourly, cron.weekly, and cron.monthly temporarily?22:34
dilligafooHello there winny22:34
abc_haroldArcanis_: it probably didn't check for windows, boot from windows cd and click repair22:34
Arcanis_I did that. I even used the console from the repair utility and ran the commands for backing up and replacing the mbr.22:35
bobenhausMy screen doesnt look aligned right when a program windows isnt open up all the way?  Any suggestions?22:35
Arcanis_But thanks. If I'm dual booted I guess I won't need it.22:35
abc_haroldArcanis_: bootrec /fixmbr and bootsec /nt60 all?22:35
Arcanis_Yes I did that.22:35
bobenhausI'm guessings its the nivida drivers:(22:35
abc_haroldArcanis_: it still doesn't boot?22:36
Arcanis_Not without grub2.22:36
alexahitsujiTMO: much of the log I've lost in xchat, so I copied all I could save : http://paste.ubuntu.com/6906073/22:36
Arcanis_The fix was reinstalling pinguy.22:36
alexaI will make the mini tutorial from your words :)22:36
Arcanis_But I don't want it on there forever, so I'm putting ubuntu. I was only testing pinguy.22:36
alexabut not today22:36
alexawhen I get some free time22:36
abc_haroldArcanis_: strange, don't know why it didn't fix it22:37
Arcanis_Me either.22:37
Arcanis_I'll try after replacing with ubuntu22:37
Arcanis_Maybe pinguy did some weird stuff to it.22:37
PinkSwingabc_harold: I have Adobe flash player 11.2 r202. According to the Adobe website this will be the last version to target linux as a supported platform. I notice they are on I don't know if mine is .336. How would I check?22:37
Arcanis_Thanks for the help.22:37
jonascjHi all. I am trying to compile pdfpc on ubuntu 12.10 and it needs gtk+ 2.x22:37
abc_haroldbobenhaus: open up additional drivers and try a proprietary one22:37
jonascjany suggestions on what package gtk+ 2.x might be?22:38
bobenhausabc_harold, ok thanks alot22:38
kacan we descuss this in a reasinable form22:38
hitsujiTMOalexa: lol, np. just so you know, the channel is logged and logs are available online http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/02/09/%23ubuntu.txt22:38
bobenhausabc_harold, I'm already using nvidia drivers22:38
abc_haroldPinkSwing: doesn't it show if you right click on flash content and click about?22:38
abc_haroldbobenhaus: try switching to a beta one or the open source one22:38
bobenhausok thanks22:39
PinkSwingabc_harold: Yes and I am on the latest Adobe flash. I just enable googles pepflash and that does go fullscreen. Only thing is it doesn't stay fullscreen when I click on my second screen22:39
abc_haroldPinkSwing: it will if you have the vid playing, im sure22:40
jhutchinsPinkSwing: That's how it works.22:40
=== WIll is now known as Guest29916
abc_haroldPinkSwing: google pepflash is in chrome, and will keep being developed i think22:41
=== Guest29916 is now known as wgwinn
IdleOnedilligafoo: we have no pie here, only cookies for great helpers22:41
SonikkuAmericadilligafoo: Spam that one more time and see what happens... :<22:41
aaasanyone ever automatically cut out commercials from recorded video .ts file with an .edl file using ffmpeg/mplayer/etc?  I have the .edl file, I just want to know, in general, how to cut a video file with ANY tool in linux (or windows)22:42
abc_haroldyes zack_?22:43
Flannelzack_: You've been asked not to do that here, you know this.22:43
zack_do what22:43
SeekaNetprobably evade bans set by channel staff22:43
wgwinnAre there any known issues using either 12.10 server or 12.04 server on an e-350 based board? I can launch 'install this system' but then the keyboard stops responding, lighting up the numlock key while a key is pressed for all keys22:43
dilligafooHello there zack_22:44
PinkSwingabc_harold: No. With the video playing full screen, when I click on the other monitor, fullscreen is lost. I understand from this article http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/ubuntu-multi-monitor-tweaks-full-screen.html that this is by design so I have been hacking Adobe flash player as suggested using ghex to prevent this behaviour. Anyone know how to make pepper flash stay fullscreen when working on another monitor?22:44
dilligafooHello there zack_22:44
usr13aaas: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/top5-linux-video-editing-system-software/22:44
k1l_dilligafoo: stop that script, please22:45
zack_who are you22:45
SonikkuAmericawgwinn: Not to deter you, but can you ask that in #ubuntu-server if you haven't already?22:45
aaasusr13 know if any of them do autocuts with edl files?22:45
dilligafooHello there zack_22:45
usr13aaas: I don't know22:45
aaasyeah im not sure there are any tools except maybe ffmpeg/mplayer...but nto sure22:45
wgwinnSure, didn't realize there was a seperate channel. Trying to download the desktop version to try that now.22:46
abc_haroldPinkSwing: works like that on windows, not sure of any other work around, sorry22:46
abc_haroldwgwinn: isn't there an f key in the boot screen for selecting special kbs?22:46
PinkSwingabc_harold: That's kind of annoying22:47
abc_haroldPinkSwing: did you say it does this in ff too?22:49
samerso one of the selling points for ubuntu phone is that you can go from phone to desktop22:49
samerare there any phone docks in the wild?22:49
PinkSwingabc_harold: Yes. Firefox doesn't display full screen properly. Of course pepflash is only in chrome22:49
abc_haroldhmm.. have you tried html5 instead http://www.youtube.com/html522:50
wgwinnabc_harold: F6 allows to edit the boot line, f4 to change some install options (normal, oem, minimal) but I didn't see anything specifically 'pick a special keyboard.  I've tried the options I could see, but it's a standard logitech mk120 US keyboard on an E-350 board.22:50
abc_haroldwgwinn: is it usb? try toggling usb emulation in the bios maybe?22:52
MysticalburritoI need help with my computer22:52
abc_haroldfire away22:52
PinkSwingabc_harold: That does the trick on youtube but not on BBC iplayer which is still using flash22:53
MysticalburritoAfter upgrading to Ubuntu 12.10 my computer boots to the bootscreen but soon after switches to a black screen with a white cursor that blinks22:53
Mysticalburritoim now having to boot from live CD22:53
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abc_haroldPinkSwing: thats a shame22:53
abc_haroldMysticalburrito: no grub?22:53
Mysticalburritono grub22:54
dmarrcan ubuntu write to hfsplus partitions? and what kind of speeds can i expect compared to reformatting as ext222:54
MysticalburritoI dont have any grub screen what so ever22:54
phuhUbuntu rocks or sucks22:54
Mysticalburritoand im also on a laptop that is missing it's built in display22:54
abc_haroldMysticalburrito: it may have fudged your boot loader22:54
wgwinnit's a uefi bios; so far as i can tell usb emulation is not a selectable option. the machine runs fine in centos 6.5 and runs fine in the memtest/check drive for errors menu options.22:55
Mysticalburritois there a way I can fix it?22:55
MysticalburritoThis is the second time this week ubuntu's bootloader has been messed up from updates/upgrades22:55
Mysticalburritolast time I had to reinstall my OS completely because the hard drive MBR was messed up22:56
abc_haroldMysticalburrito: try a sudo grub-install /dev/sdX22:56
abc_haroldMysticalburrito: but sudo update-grub first22:56
MysticalburritoOkay I'll try that22:57
PinkSwingabc_harold: I just found the easy solution. HTML5 video for youtube and Adobe flash for BBC iplayer22:58
PinkSwingThat is hacked Adobe HTML522:58
PinkSwingI mean hacked Adobe flash22:58
MysticalburritoI got /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?). with sudo update-grub22:58
zykotick9Mysticalburrito: you aren't chrooted proprly... sorry i don't have a link...  good luck22:59
Mysticalburritoand for sudo grub-install /dev/sdX I got /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?).22:59
ubulin64I know this will be a daft question, but how do you mine for bitcoins, and is it worth the time...thnx22:59
k1l_ubulin64: its not worth it23:00
abc_haroldPinkSwing: glad it works! thank adobe for their bugs...23:00
hitsujiTMOMysticalburrito: exit from that chroot. can you pastebin the output of: mount23:00
Mysticalburritonot really, my internet is quite unstable lately23:00
Mysticalburritoso im lucky I can get on the net23:00
PinkSwingabc_harold: I wonder if I can hack pepflash in the same way23:01
abc_haroldhitsujiTMO: i don't think he's in a chroot23:01
hitsujiTMOMysticalburrito: what hove you mounted from your actual system?23:01
k1l_pi just a test23:01
ubulin64right, thnx, I just wondered what all the fuss was about.23:01
abc_haroldPinkSwing: possibly, think it's built differently tho23:02
Mysticalburritobot my 99mb fat32 partition (I assume that is the bootloader) and my ext4 partition23:02
Programmer_installing pwnpad on my N723:02
PinkSwingabc_harold: I just tried. That string NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW doesn't occur in pepflash23:02
Mysticalburritothose are the only two partitions besides swap23:02
hitsujiTMOMysticalburrito: assuming / is mounted as /mnt, is the fat32 partition mounted as /mnt/boot/efi ?23:03
hitsujiTMOMysticalburrito: actually sorry, wait23:03
Mysticalburritothe mount partition (Fat32) is mounted as dev/sda23:04
abc_haroldit could be OEM diagnostics partition if not uefi23:04
hitsujiTMOMysticalburrito: sudo apt-get install efibootmgr23:04
YellowGTOHey guys im trying to auto mount a disk. But I just can't seem to get it to work23:04
Mysticalburritoit's installing now23:05
hitsujiTMOMysticalburrito: sudo apt-get install pastebinit23:05
chemist^!details | YellowGTO23:05
ubottuYellowGTO: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:05
hitsujiTMOmydogsnameisrudy: sudo efibootmgr | pastebinit23:05
YellowGTOIm posting it up on pastebin not ubottu23:05
usr13YellowGTO: fstab entry?23:05
expertI have a dir called 'backup'. How do I check on linux which hdd this dir belongs in?23:05
Mysticalburritopastebinit has no installation candidate23:05
hitsujiTMOMysticalburrito: ok. then whats the output of: sudo efobootmgr23:06
usr13expert: mount23:06
hitsujiTMOMysticalburrito: or even: sudo efibootmgr23:06
tripleBootinhello all23:06
expertusr13 mount doesn't show that dir /backup23:06
usr13expert: Is that the full path?  (/backup)23:07
expertusr13 yes23:07
hitsujiTMOexpert: df /path/to/folder23:07
experthitsujiTMO thank you :)23:08
YellowGTOfdisk -l pastebin.com/RqgZN4uQ fstab pastebin.com/yi7eR2cd23:08
usr13expert: df /backup23:08
YellowGTOIts Lubuntu 13.1023:08
YellowGTOHmm it seems the entry is missing now O_O23:08
MysticalburritoYellow, were you reffering to me?23:08
hitsujiTMOMysticalburrito: can you pastebin the output of mount. need to know how the hdd is mounted23:08
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Mysticalburritowhat command do I use for that?23:09
hitsujiTMOMysticalburrito: mount23:09
Cb321Hello everyone. I was wondering if someone would be able to assist me with a loading issue I'm having. When I am in my browser streaming a Youtube video, or a song from another site, it will skip/glitch from time to time. I have tried both Firefox and Chrome. I am somewhat new to Ubuntu, but I know my way around to a degree.23:11
hitsujiTMOMysticalburrito: sudo umount /dev/sda[12]23:11
MysticalburritoIm trying the boot repair fix23:11
Cb321I am currently running Ubuntu 13.10 on my HP Probook 4430s with an i7 Quad core Processor with 8GB ram and Intel HD 3000 Integrated graphics card.23:11
Mysticalburritothis: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair#Getting_Boot-Repair23:11
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hitsujiTMOMysticalburrito: ok. if you want to try the tool go ahead. if theres still problems ping me and i'll continue to talk you thru a chroot23:12
abc_haroldCb321: whats your current graphics driver23:13
expertjust a noob question, why does a lot of programs have both - and -- arguments. For example 'df -a' and 'df --all' ?23:13
hitsujiTMOMysticalburrito: that tools usually pretty decent so it hopefully will do the trick23:13
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zykotick9expert: - "typically" means each letter is a switch, while -- means a word23:14
hitsujiTMOexpert: - is for single character flags, -- is for word flags23:14
MysticalburritoIt actually installed this time so I ran it23:15
MysticalburritoI'll try rebooting now23:15
Mysticalburritoit if doesnt work then I'll be back later23:15
hitsujiTMOexpert: the difference is to allow you to quickly chain single char flags, without them being interpretted as a work: such as with: ls -latr23:15
dmarrusually you use the character when you manually type the command and the word when composing a reusable script so its more readable23:15
expertI see23:15
Cb321abc_harold: I entered the command, but wasn't sure which portion you needed so I pasted it for you. Here is the link: http://pastie.org/871659923:16
abc_haroldk give me a mo23:16
abc_haroldCb321: try opening Additional Drivers and try a diff one23:19
Cb321abc_harold: I went there prior to coming here. When it opens up it scans then comes up and says there are no additional drivers available. I'm not sure if it matters, but underneath that it also says that no proprietary drivers are in use either.23:21
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
abc_haroldCb321: must be only one driver, have you tried html5 players?23:22
abc_haroldCb321: at http://www.youtube.com/html523:23
=== HerpTheDerpWhale is now known as UKn0Me
apofisguys ? I just upgraded my nvidia driver on ubuntu 12.04 and when I reboot my machine it starts in a failmode (Xorg)23:28
hitsujiTMOapofis: what gpu do you hsve and what driver did you upgrade?23:28
apofisquick and dirty solution which works is the restart of lightdm23:28
Bray90820So when i enter "lsb_release -v" i get No LSB modules are available23:29
apofisI made an upgrade from 319 to 33123:29
hitsujiTMOapofis: what gpu do you have?23:29
apofisGeForce GTX 77023:29
zykotick9Bray90820: try "lsb_release -a" for example23:30
hitsujiTMOapofis: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:30
Bray90820I get all the other information but the kernal version still says No LSB modules are available23:30
Bray90820zykotick9: I get all the other information but the kernal version still says No LSB modules are available23:30
zykotick9Bray90820: i believe that's "normal"23:30
apofishitsujiTMO: http://askubuntu.com/questions/412366/problem-with-latest-nvidia-driver-provided-by-canonical23:31
apofisthis is my question ;)23:31
apofissince then it;s still broken23:31
Bray90820Oh nevermind i am totally wrong with what i am doing23:31
hitsujiTMOapofis: yes its still an issue and catching most people out23:31
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Bray90820zykotick9: I ment to do uname -r23:31
apofishitsujiTMO: I would say something with lightdm is not right23:32
zykotick9Bray90820: glad you figured it out :)23:32
apofishitsujiTMO: lightdm or ubuntu-greetings23:32
hitsujiTMOapofis: its not loading the nvidia driver correctly.23:32
apofisdriver is loaded23:32
apofisdont think this is an issue with driver itself23:33
hitsujiTMOapofis: can you pastebin the contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:33
hitsujiTMOapofis: if you're getting failsafe mode then it is an issue with the driver23:33
apofishitsujiTMO:  do u think that manuall installation of the latest driver will help ?23:34
hitsujiTMOapofis: not necessarily. I've the 331 doesn't work at all for some people23:34
apofishitsujiTMO: my Xorg.0.log looks almost the same like in the question on askubuntu23:36
apofishitsujiTMO: [    11.649] (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module. blah blah and23:37
hitsujiTMOapofis: does it have this line: Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module. Please see the23:37
apofishitsujiTMO: [    11.649] (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.23:37
hitsujiTMOapofis: can you pastebin the output of: lsmod | grep nv23:37
apofishitsujiTMO: module is loaded23:38
hitsujiTMOapofis: whats the name of the module?23:38
DbuggerHey guys. I just did "sudo apt-get install phpmyadmiN", but when I do http://localhost/phpmyadmin I still get my website. What did I do wrong?23:38
Cb321abc_harold: I did as you suggested in switching to the HTML5 player, but to no avail. I still get the same problem. However, I noticed that when I run a speedtest from speedtest.net my speed is less than half of what I was getting when I was on Windows.23:38
YamakasY_damn why does service --status-all show questionmarks on running services23:38
apofishitsujiTMO: nvidia (this is an alias for nvidia_331_updates)23:39
hitsujiTMOapofis: can you pastebin the output of: dmesg23:39
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mojtabaHi, Does anybody know where can I find the log files of rdiff-backup?23:40
abc_haroldCb321: It sounds like a driver or resource issue. Speedtest is flash based too23:40
abc_haroldCb321: Are you pushing your hw or running too much?23:41
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abc_haroldCb321: If you're updating too, that hogs resources23:42
Cb321Not at all. I only have Chrome running with about 8 tabs, 3 of which I'm using. I don't have any updates running atm. I have 30 MB/s internet and speedtest showed me at about 14. I'm at a loss.23:43
apofishitsujiTMO: https://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=4pTaAEYc23:43
apofishitsujiTMO: now u know more about me than my wife :P23:43
apofishitsujiTMO: nvidia seems to be loaded correctly : [   11.926905] NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module  331.20  Wed Oct 30 17:43:35 PDT 201323:44
abc_haroldCb321: What's your processor? Sorry if you're repeating yourself, i'm really tired23:44
Cb321abc_harold: That isn't a problem I appreciate the help. My processor is a Sandy Bridge quad core i723:45
Cb321abc_harold: I also have 8GB of ram if that was going to be another question of yours.23:46
wheatthinCb321, You're using chrome tho huh?23:46
hitsujiTMOapofis: yup. so it's most likely an error with the xorg side of things23:46
wheatthinchromes multi-threads are a system hog..23:46
wheatthineven running when chrome isn't opened...23:47
stanreg[noob Q] I just installed lrzsz from the software center.. yet, I can't find it in the menus anywhere.. how may I execute it?23:47
wheatthinCb321, my question would be, what kind of hard drive are you using?23:48
Cb321abc_harold: Yeah I started out using Firefox, but the freezing was just getting on my nerves. I figured I'd try Chrome, as that's what I ran on my Windows setup. It seems more fluid in terms of performance, but the skipping is still there. I think it may have to do with the connection as stated before, because it is listed at half of what I was averaging before.23:48
wheatthinYou don't have any torrents or anything running do you?23:49
wheatthinon any other computers on the network?23:49
abc_haroldCb321: have a look at http://bit.ly/1dAtEz8 similar problem, similar hw, but on opensuse tho23:49
apofishitsujiTMO: funny is that after downgrade everything back to normla23:49
Cb321wheatthin: I have a 500gb 5400 rpm Toshiba drive paired with a 120 gb SSD. However, the SSD is my Windows HD, and I partitioned the Toshiba drive for Ubuntu.23:49
wheatthinahh, might just be a slow drive then23:49
hitsujiTMOapofis: yeah, its prob the 331 driver looking for the wrong kernel module. downgrading to 319 should be fine23:50
apofishitsujiTMO: unfortunatelly for me it's not an option - 36h bug (after 36h module reports an error that fan on GPU does not work)23:50
abc_haroldCb321: they removed a boot option23:50
hitsujiTMOapofis: huh? you can't go back to 319?23:50
apofishitsujiTMO: I can but my workstation will freeze (Xorg actually) after every 36h :D23:51
hitsujiTMOapofis: i see. you can try an alternative driver from a ppa then23:51
wheatthinapofis, are your acpi/thermal features set to max?23:51
abc_haroldCb321: some people have said adding OverrideGPUValidation=true into /etc/adobe/mms.cfg if you have it23:52
apofiswheatthin: no, dont think so - everything is set up to auto23:52
wheatthinapofis, I'd try upping the thermal settings to aggressive and see if that helps23:53
Cb321wheatthin: I don't believe it is a slow drive, as everything worked well in Windows, but then again I could be, and may be wrong.23:54
apofiswheatthin: my GPU got 34 degree almost all the time - and in nvidia 331 36h bug does not exist anylonger23:54
Cb321abc_harold: I'll try that now and see what happens.23:54
wheatthinthat's just odd.. ahh yeah23:54
apofiswheatthin: this is the reason why I made the upgrade and made some dirty hax - added lightdm restart at the end of start sequence23:54
abc_haroldCb321: also please could you pastebin output of hwinfo --framebuffer if that doesn't work23:55
pietro10Hi. On KDE, all GTK+ apps except firefox-trunk for some reason are not rendering fonts properly, even though gtk[23]-engines-oxygen is set. How do I fix this? Thanks.23:55
Cb321abc_harold: Hmm I noticed something odd. I don't have an adobe folder in the /etc directory. Is that normal, or could that be an issue?23:56
newbHitsujiTMO: Well hello there. I am finally operational using windows 7. Yaaaaaay!23:57
newbHitsujiTMO: Again, I want to thank you for your help yesterday and earlier today.23:57
hitsujiTMO!yay | newb23:57
ubottunewb: Glad you made it! :-)23:57
abc_haroldCb321: probably not, just looking through similar issues on ubuntu variants23:57
hitsujiTMOnewb: hehe, no problem. at least you're up and running now23:58
newbHitsujiTMO: You have been very helpful, receptive, attentive, giving, and encouraging. I'm not sure why! But I am grateful.23:58
hitsujiTMOnewb: lol ty23:58
newbhitsujiTMO: I am interested to find someone just like you to talk to about mining.23:59
Cb321abc_harold: Another issue I'm having is when I try to input the code you suggested I try. When I do, it tells me to do an apt-get install, to which I do, but then I get this error: E: Package 'hwinfo' has no installation candidate23:59
newbhitsujiTMO: How would I find a litecoin mining channel? Can you send me a link?23:59
hitsujiTMO!alis | newb easiest way to search23:59
ubottunewb easiest way to search: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*23:59

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