
dholbachgood morning08:14
pleia2dholbach: duplicates keep piling in for this u.c.c bug, and it is quite annoying , can you take a look at this proposed solution? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community-website/+bug/126811015:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 1266881 in Ubuntu Community Website "duplicate for #1268110 Ubuntu Community Page Looks Weird" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:21
dholbachpleia2, I'll pass it on15:21
pleia2er, c.u.c15:21
pleia2which reminds me, is there any way for community members to help with this site aside from submitting bugs, or is the community site meant to be canonical only? ;)15:22
dholbachno, it's not15:23
dholbachI never got around to looking into it :-(15:23
pleia2I'm heppy to keep submitting bugs, but it would be nice to help more directly15:23
dholbachin this case it will be the web team to fix it15:24
dholbachbut in general, for content, I totally agree15:24
pleia2ah, they control the css?15:24
pleia2in other news, we have a translated version of the Italian orientation quiz up (need to work on logic some): http://dagobah.princessleia.com/Matrix/15:24
pleia2just a demo :)15:25
dholbachNICE :)15:26
jcastrohey dholbach15:38
dholbachhey jcastro15:38
jcastrothere seems to be confusion from people on what exactly it means to be an "ubuntu developer"15:38
jcastrowrt. the Valve games; I would think ~ubuntu-dev and ~ubuntu-core-dev right?15:38
dholbachI have no idea how they are going to assess it15:39
dholbachdoes Jo Shields know?15:39
jcastrodholbach, I wonder if my last upload to dapper counts? :p15:39
jcastrohe should know, or if he doesn't he'd know who to ask I would think15:39
dholbachpleia2, it'll get looked at16:09
pleia2dholbach: thanks \o/16:09
dholbachpleia2, can you try again, trying to reload with ctrl-shift-r and see if that fixes it?16:15
pleia2dholbach: looks good \o/16:16
dholbachpleia2, super, thanks16:17
pleia2(FF and Chrome)16:17
dholbachanother some-seconds fix of Anthony Dillon, the James Bond of the Web16:18
dholbachlove the guy :)16:18
chilicuilquite cool the orientation quiz, are you going to move it to ubuntu.com?, how I need to request permition to translate it to spanish?16:25
dholbachchilicuil, we'd need to see how we can integrate it into the wordpress site well16:26
pleia2chilicuil: the plan is to put it on community.ubuntu.com, the italian team has the source so we'll need to work with them to get the code available for everyone so it can be translated16:27
chilicuilpleia2, dholbach awesome, I'll look forward for helping out when it gets officially released16:30
dholbachall right - I'm out for today - see you all tomorrow!17:08
josejono: hey, to confirm you're doing your Q&A tomorrow?17:53
jonojose, yep, back to normal now17:55
=== daker_ is now known as daker
josejono: are we still meeting today?21:09
jonojose, I was just about to get in touch, I need to cancel all my calls this afternoon, my son has a fever21:26
josejono: no worries, hope he gets better soon :)21:26
jonothanks jose21:27
josenp :)21:27

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