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hyperaircould someone please help me upload https://launchpad.net/~hyperair/+archive/staging/+files/libgpod_0.8.3-4ubuntu3.dsc to ubuntu while i apply for my PPU access to libgpod?03:29
TheMusohyperair: Sure, I'll take a look.03:52
TheMusohyperair: Uplaoded.04:04
hyperairTheMuso: thanks04:04
TheMusohyperair: np04:07
pittiGood morning06:18
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larsugood morning!07:23
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ritzhi, is indicators-printer maintained ?08:14
larsuritz: not really...08:14
larsuwhat's the issue?08:14
ritzthought so08:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 959451 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "Credentials from gnome-keyring is not used while printing" [Low,In progress]08:15
ritzare we deprecating this in favour of system-config-printer ?08:16
ritzor will we implement a different solution ( for ubuntu-unified-touch-phone-laptop-... image ) ?08:17
dholbachhey hey08:17
dholbachsetting date and time in trusty does not work - it just opens up the general system settings08:18
dholbachis there a workaround?08:18
dholbachlarsu, ^ do you know?08:21
larsuritz: indicator-printer replaced system-config-printer's applet. We still use s-c-p for other stuff08:22
larsuritz: I don't know about any plans for the phone yet08:22
larsudholbach: let me check...08:22
larsudholbach: do you have unity-control-center installed?08:23
dholbachlarsu, yep08:23
ali1234you need unity-control-center-datetime08:23
ali1234it's a new package08:24
larsubut it's not pulled in by u-c-c or indicator-datetime?08:24
ali1234it ispulled in by ubuntu-desktop^08:24
ali1234but not if you're just upgrading08:24
larsudholbach: alternatively you can still start the g-c-c with gnome-control-center.real08:24
ali1234don't ask me why, i'm looking for the bug report (popey?)08:24
larsuali1234: not for me after a dist-upgrade08:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 1278063 in unity-control-center (Ubuntu) "date and time settings missing unity-control-center-datetime not installed" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:25
dholbachali1234, great, thanks - that made it work08:25
seb128good morning desktopers!09:01
* popey wonders why his keyboard layout keeps (twice in two days) changing on trusty from UK to US 09:02
seb128do you have both configured?09:03
popeyno, only one09:03
seb128what's the key combinaison to cycle layouts for you?09:04
seb128(settings -> text input has it)09:04
popeysuper+space, super+shift+space09:04
popeywhich if i press, just echos a space09:04
seb128do you hit those by error maybe?09:04
seb128hum, k09:05
seb128dunno then09:05
popeyseemed to happen when i got the new unity settings thing09:05
seb128what new unity settings?09:06
popeymay be coincidence, but the layout was fine all last week, only flipped over the weekend. (when ironically I went from the US to UK)09:07
popeyok, added US to list of layouts, switched to it and switched back and now my kb layout is correct.09:08
seb128unity-control-center is like gnome-control-center09:08
seb128it's only a configuration UI, it has no service/daemon side09:08
seb128it's not running if you don't and click it09:09
seb128so not likely it changing your keymaps09:09
popeyhm. No idea then ☻09:10
seb128me neither...09:10
jibelI had the same issue with FR->US. I applied latest updates and rebooted, now it's back to french09:19
seb128jibel, popey: it changed after some upgrades during a session and get back to normal after reboot then?09:21
seb128do you know what got updated when it happeneD?09:21
jibelseb128, after an upgrade and a cold boot. I think it was fr in lightdm because I could enter my password but the layout was wrong once logged in. Packages updated during previous upgrade http://paste.ubuntu.com/6908067/09:26
seb128jibel, thanks (I don't see any obvious candidate for the issue in that list)09:26
mlankhorstoh btw, hello world :P09:27
lschuetzeHi, is there a way to get an Indicator without icon with AppIndicator3? I am using python with PyGI currently.10:01
ritzlarsu, hi, again, wrt https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/959451 . running system-config-printer-applet resolves the issue.  indicator-printer seems to be a wrapper around system-config-print for queue management and printer management10:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 959451 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "Credentials from gnome-keyring is not used while printing" [Low,In progress]10:09
ritzis there a reason why we do not deprecated this in place of s-c-p10:09
czajkowskiloving Trusty folks thank you :) \o/10:10
lschuetzeHi, is there a way to get an Indicator without icon with AppIndicator3? I am using python with PyGI currently.10:24
larsuritz: s-c-p uses a systray applet and I wrote indicator-printer to be a proper indicator10:25
larsuritz: but it's been changed by design to not be an indicator at all anymore10:26
larsuI just didn't have the time to update it yet10:26
seb128larsu, the issue (if I read the description correctly) is that there is some acl management the indicator doesn't do10:31
larsuseb128: according to my last comment on the bug, it seems to be an issue with the print dialog. (I'm not sure right now though, I can't remember the details)10:34
larsubut yeah, it passes along empty credentials10:34
seb128what is s-c-p-a doing? can we easily do the same thing as a workaround?10:35
seb128I don't really understand the issue but it seems like something that would be nice to fix for the lts10:35
larsuright. I'll look into it later10:38
seb128larsu, thanks10:39
seb128larsu, btw, did you see the new comments in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evince/+bug/1277370 ?10:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 1277370 in evince (Ubuntu) "Now used Aiatana design blocks Evince accessibility usage if the current session is not Unity" [Undecided,New]10:40
seb128larsu, I'm not sure if I screwed the merge, but that's the same thing I was seeing on friday, some keybindings don't work under !Unity10:40
larsulooks like at least the first comment is about that10:42
larsuthe second one isn't a regression, but we can talk about it10:42
larsu(changing Ctrl+Left to be used for jumping word when caret navigation is turned on)10:42
larsuseb128: is ubuntu5 the one from last FridaY?10:43
seb128(seems reasonable to me)10:43
larsuah, seems like it10:43
seb128yes, ubuntu5 is the one with your fixes10:43
seb128but I'm not ruling out that I screwed something when I reconsiliated the revisions I forgot to push and your merge request10:44
seb128can you check that what you get from lp:~ubuntu-desktop/evince/ubuntu bzr bd-do correctly includes the fix your had?10:44
larsuhm, ubuntu5 crashes on Ctrl+S for me due to a double-free10:44
larsuyeah let me check10:45
seb128same here for ctrl-s10:45
larsuthe caret-navigation thing works fine here10:49
larsuCtrl+S is broken in my build as well10:49
seb128I didn't try the caret navigation, but I had the keybindings not working under g-s on friday10:52
larsuright, I'll test that after fixing the crash10:52
larsuI already know the issue, doesn't seem very related to my patches10:52
seb128the keybindings or the ctrl-S?10:53
larsuthe ctrl+s10:53
larsuoh, it is :(10:53
* larsu hides in shame10:53
larsuseb128: gotta go to the doctor and lunch first, though11:00
seb128larsu, ok, no problem, good luck with the doctor and enjoy lunch!11:00
ritzlarsu, so, updating s-c-p to support indicator features would help ?11:10
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desrthello europeans and just-returned americans12:28
seb128desrt, hey, how are you? had a good trip back?12:31
desrtvery nice12:32
desrthad a nice ubuntu-using seatmate :)12:32
desrtit's kinda neat how this sort of thing happens more and more often12:33
desrtthe usual response these days is at least "oh ya.. i've heard of that" instead of "huh?"12:33
desrtand every now and then you get someone who has actually tried it :)12:34
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mdeslaurdesrt: cool. were they using unity?12:48
desrtmdeslaur: they didn't have it on their laptop12:48
mdeslauroh, I see12:48
desrtalthough i ran into another guy once on a bus on the way to the airport who asked for directions... and for some random reason started talking to the guy.... and came to the topic of the fact that i was travelling for free software.... and he said "oh.  i use suse... a friend of mine set it up..."12:49
desrti asked him "ah... are you using kde or gnome?"... "uh.... i don't know.... kde, i think?"12:49
desrtwhen he took it out at the airport, gnome12:50
desrttells you all you need to know about the desktop holy wars :)12:50
desrt"uh... i don't know.... firefox?"12:50
mdeslauryes, I have to constantly remind myself that reddit isn't our target market :)12:50
desrtthat guy was cool... environmental engineer from france who was working at a freshwaters facility on lake ontario12:53
desrtas part of a canada<->france governmental exchange program12:53
desrti really like it when non-computer-people are using our stuff12:53
mlankhorstI like not thinking about the defaults ;)12:53
GunnarHjseb128: ping?13:03
seb128GunnarHj, hey13:03
GunnarHjseb128: Hi Seb!13:03
GunnarHjseb128: Question about ubuntu-docs?13:03
seb128sorry, ctrl-W on the wrong screen13:03
GunnarHjseb128: Question about ubuntu-docs?13:03
seb128GunnarHj, sure (I'm probably not the best placed to reply about those but I can try)13:04
GunnarHjseb128: We try to document the "release process" wrt ubuntu-docs. In my world it ought to be easiest to create a source package from lp:ubuntu-docs and upload that, and let lp:ubuntu/ubuntu-docs be automatically updated. Is there anything that speaks against that?13:06
seb128that sounds good/logical13:07
GunnarHjseb128: I know that you normally are expected to both commit to the ubuntu branch and upload. That's why I asked.13:07
seb128well, if the upstream branch is the main location for the package as well that works fine13:08
seb128that's what we do for most projects nowadays13:08
GunnarHjseb128: Ok, thanks, that's what I wanted to hear. :)13:08
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Sweetsharkseb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libetonyek/+bug/1277152/comments/5 <- FYI, Ill stay with internal libetonyek.14:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 1277152 in libetonyek (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libetoneyek needed as b-d for libreoffice" [Low,Won't fix]14:46
seb128Sweetshark, ok14:46
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seb128larsu, getting anywhere with those evince issues? do you need debug infos from me?16:17
larsuseb128: nope, preparing a patch for the Ctrl+S issue right now16:18
seb128larsu, great, thanks16:18
larsuI haven't been able to reproduce the other issues he mentioned16:18
larsudo you still have them?16:18
larsu!Unity not working, I mean16:19
ubot2larsu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:19
seb128let me retry to be sure16:19
larsuubot2: sorry, my bad.16:21
ubot2Factoid 'sorry, my bad.' not found16:21
seb128larsu, sorry, something made user switching really unhappy on my box16:24
seb128when I log out from sessions I get no X working16:24
seb128need to test if that's the intel driver updates or lightdm16:25
seb128larsu, anyway, still the same issue, under gnome-shell e.g f9 doesn't work16:25
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larsuseb128: ah I still had a locally-built version on my machine. I can reproduce with ubuntu516:42
larsunow I wonder what the differences were...16:42
seb128larsu, as said, I don't rule out me screwing up the merge16:43
larsuit looks fine so far. I'm rebuilding it right now16:43
seb128there was a conflict in one of the debian/patches and diff on diff can be tricky16:43
larsuya :)16:43
sil2100seb128: ping!17:22
seb128sil2100, hey17:22
sil2100seb128: hi! Can I borrow you for some preNEWing? ;)17:22
sil2100seb128: when do you EOD today?17:22
seb128sil2100, I'm going for sport in some 10 minutes, but feel free to give me the names and I can review them tomorrow morning when I start17:23
asacsil2100: noone else we can try?17:25
asacseb128: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-003/+packages17:25
asacerr unity-scope-scopes17:25
seb128asac, sil2100: +1 for that source, I just reviewed it, it's a trivial one17:27
popeygrr, seb128 my laptop has just randomly flipped to US layout again!17:27
sil2100seb128: can you check if the whitelist is updated?17:27
sil2100(I guess we still need that to be done?)17:27
popeyindicator still shows UK17:27
sil2100No, wait... hmm17:27
* sil2100 is confused17:27
sil2100We didn't use CITrain yet for new packages, so I don't even know where from does it take the whitelist17:28
seb128popey, :/17:28
popeyno idea what's causing it... very odd17:28
kenvandinepopey, you spent a week in the US... we figure you are ready for a change :)17:29
popeyhey, I'm all for eating meat and dancing on tables!17:29
popeyKeyboard layouts however, no.17:29
kenvandinehaha... shhhhhhh17:29
kenvandineseb128, remember the greek place we went to a couple years ago?  we went back :)17:30
seb128kenvandine, did you dance on the table? :p17:30
kenvandineof course!17:31
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larsuseb128: building evince for hopefully the last time :-/17:39
* larsu really hates accels in 3.1017:39
larsuseems to work now though17:41
seb128larsu, what was the issue?17:41
larsuwith a small workaround - desrt redid accel handling in 3.12 so I didn't bother to fix it in 3.1017:41
larsuseb128: the accels from the menu xml don't get picked up by the window17:42
larsucalling gtk_application_set_accelerator() in addition makes it work17:42
larsuthe Ctrl+S issue was my mistake17:42
larsuI'll mr both in the same branch17:42
seb128hopefully we are gold this time ;-)17:42
seb128feel free to just commit to your git and point me to the commits17:43
seb128e.g don't bother with quilt if you don't want to17:43
seb128I can easily cherrypick diffs17:43
larsuI already imported it into the package because I wanted to makes sure it works this time17:43
larsuby building the package itself17:43
larsu(hence the wait...)17:43
seb128larsu, take your time, I've to go for sport so that's going to be for tomorrow for me anywa17:44
seb128have a nice evening everyone17:44
seb128see you tomorrow17:44
larsuseb128: enojoy!17:44
seb128thanks ;-)17:44
attente_ChrisTownsend, is it possible for you to try running the key grabber AP tests again with this branch? it just adds some extra debug output: https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/compiz/debug-gnome-key-grabber17:49
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ChrisTownsendattente_: Yeah, I'll do that now.18:45
ChrisTownsendattente_: I have some results from the debugging you asked me to do.20:05
attente_ChrisTownsend, hey, thanks20:10
ChrisTownsendattente_: So I ended up just using printf's instead because I couldn't get Compiz debug output to work on my setup.20:12
ChrisTownsendattente_: But this is what was ouputted when I ran the failing test:20:12
ChrisTownsendgrad 38 0xd20:12
ChrisTownsendungrab 38 0xd20:12
ChrisTownsendErr, grab20:12
attente_ChrisTownsend, is there any more than that?20:14
ChrisTownsendattente_: Not when the test is ran.20:15
ChrisTownsendattente_: There is more when Compiz starts.  Do you need that?20:15
attente_ChrisTownsend, did you replace all of the compLogMessage's? i'm hoping you didn't happen to miss some of them20:16
attente_(btw i was adding the --verbose flag to unity to get them to appear)20:16
ChrisTownsendattente_: This is only for the test_grab_accelerator test that is failing.20:16
ChrisTownsendattente_: Yes, all of the one's you added.20:16
ChrisTownsendattente_: Oh, --verbose?  I was using --debug.  Let me switch it back and try that, but I think it will be the same.20:17
attente_oh ok20:17
attente_ChrisTownsend, do global shortcuts work at all for you?20:18
attente_i mean the ones that g-s-d normally provides20:18
attente_like the volume up/down buttons20:18
attente_or the next/previous input source ones20:18
ChrisTownsendattente_: Doesn't appear they are.20:19
attente_so bizarre... :S20:20
ChrisTownsendattente_: So the same thing with --verbose.20:20
attente_can you try again: dbus-send --session --dest=org.gnome.Shell --print-reply /org/gnome/Shell org.gnome.Shell.GrabAccelerator string:'<Shift><Control><Alt>a' uint32:020:22
ChrisTownsendattente_: Ok20:23
ChrisTownsendattente_: Then dbus-monitor?20:23
attente_ChrisTownsend, what is the reply for that send?20:23
attente_ChrisTownsend, it seems so strange that the tests fail and none of the g-s-d keybindings work20:24
ChrisTownsendattente_: method return sender=:1.875 -> dest=:1.887 reply_serial=220:24
ChrisTownsend    uint32 220:24
attente_but your alt+f is still opening in the panel20:24
ChrisTownsendYes, alt+f opens the menu in the Panel.20:25
attente_that suggests to me that the key grabber dbus server is down20:25
attente_ok, now 'dbus-monitor member=AcceleratorActivated'20:25
attente_and ctrl+shift+alt+a again20:25
ChrisTownsendattente_: Nothing is outputted.20:26
attente_ChrisTownsend, dbus-send --session --dest=org.gnome.Shell --print-reply /org/gnome/Shell org.gnome.Shell.UngrabAccelerator uint32:220:27
ChrisTownsendattente_: Ok20:28
attente_any reply?20:28
ChrisTownsendmethod return sender=:1.875 -> dest=:1.890 reply_serial=220:29
ChrisTownsend     boolean true20:29
attente_ChrisTownsend, do you have any special compiz plugins installed?20:31
attente_hmm.. no that can't be it...20:32
attente_ChrisTownsend, can you killall gnome-settings-daemon?20:33
attente_then try again dbus-send --session --dest=org.gnome.Shell --print-reply /org/gnome/Shell org.gnome.Shell.GrabAccelerator string:'<Shift><Control><Alt>a' uint32:020:33
attente_i'm wondering why g-s-d doesn't seem to be registering its accelerators20:34
ChrisTownsendattente_: Umm, this may be telling.  There is no gnome-settings-daemon process running.20:35
ChrisTownsendattente_: I'm going to reboot and see if it comes back.20:36
attente_wow, that's really strange20:36
ChrisTownsendIt is strange.20:36
ChrisTownsendattente_: Still no g-s-d.  What is up with my system?????20:38
ChrisTownsendattente_: I can start it manually, right?20:39
attente_ChrisTownsend, 'start gnome-settings-daemon'20:39
attente_i hope so...20:39
attente_but it's weird that it's in such a state as to not start with the session20:39
ChrisTownsendYeah, very strange.  It's running now.  I'll try the test and see what happens.20:40
attente_ChrisTownsend, i guess the tests will still fail20:40
attente_ChrisTownsend, but i'm wondering if your g-s-d keybindings work again20:40
ChrisTownsendattente_: Yes, g-s-d keybindings work now20:41
attente_ok, can you do 'dbus-monitor member=AcceleratorActivated' again and try using some of those keybindings?20:41
ChrisTownsendattente_: I get no output from those keybindings.20:43
attente_ChrisTownsend, but the keybindings still have an effect?20:43
ChrisTownsendattente_: Yes20:43
attente_ChrisTownsend, apt-cache policy gnome-settings-daemon20:44
ChrisTownsendattente_: Uh, I didn't notice, but I guess an update overwrote your g-s-d package I installed.
attente_ChrisTownsend, ah, ok20:45
ChrisTownsendattente_: I only installed your package not using your PPA.20:45
attente_ChrisTownsend, i guess this is still only half the problem though20:46
ChrisTownsendattente_: Right20:46
attente_ChrisTownsend, can you downgrade g-s-d, restart it, and then dbus-monitor member=AcceleratorActivated again?20:47
ChrisTownsendattente_: Yeah, I'll try that.20:47
ChrisTownsendattente_: Bah, it won't let me because the gnome-settings-daemon-schemas cannot be downgraded.20:49
attente_ok, let me upload a new one20:49
ChrisTownsendattente_: Ok20:49
attente_ChrisTownsend, ok, i think i see what happened. it must be the g-s-d fork20:51
ChrisTownsendattente_: I think this new package is also when my g-s-d started to fail starting.20:52
attente_ChrisTownsend, ok, i'll have to apply the changes to unity-settings-daemon instead20:54
attente_ChrisTownsend, thanks for your help, i'll let you know when it's ready20:54
ChrisTownsendattente_: Ok, np20:58
attente_ChrisTownsend, do you actually have unity-settings-daemon installed?21:41
ChrisTownsendattente_: I didn't, but now I do.21:43
attente_ChrisTownsend, i can't seem to replicate the problem where your g-s-d isn't running, mine still runs and i don't have u-s-d installed21:45
ChrisTownsendattente_: I honestly have no idea why it would not start.  u-s-d starts up on session start though.21:47
* ChrisTownsend Shrugs21:47
attente_ChrisTownsend, you manually installed u-s-d?21:47
ChrisTownsendattente_: Yes21:48
attente_ChrisTownsend, ok, i'm not sure what the right course of action is here21:48
attente_robert_ancell, hey21:48
robert_ancellattente_, hello21:48
attente_robert_ancell, is there an issue where g-s-d wouldn't start up in the unity session because of the fork?21:49
robert_ancellattente_, did you manually install u-s-d?21:49
attente_robert_ancell, i didn't, but ChrisTownsend seemed to encounter that problem earlier21:49
robert_ancellattente_, it was working for me, but it should be opt-in. xnox was playing around with the upstart config though21:49
Laneythe upstart changes went in21:50
ChrisTownsendRight, I had latest g-s-d installed with no u-s-d installed and g-s-d would not start on session start up.  I manually installed u-s-d and not u-s-d starts fine.21:50
Laney-start on started dbus and starting gnome-session21:50
xnoxattente_: please do $ apt-cache policy libunity-core-6.0-8 gnome-settings-daemon unity-settings-daemon21:50
Laney+start on started dbus and starting gnome-session INSTANCE!=ubuntu21:51
Laneythat is bad if we don't pull in u-s-d in some way21:51
xnoxLaney: there is an override in libunity-core-6.0-8 to start gnome-settings-daemon, if there is no unity-settings-daemon, until unity-settings-daemon is pulled in by default.21:51
xnoxattente_: and paste the output somewhere =)21:52
attente_xnox, ^21:52
attente_xnox, but this isn't my issue i guess, somehow ChrisTownsend got into that state21:53
ChrisTownsendAh, libunity-core-6.0-8 was uninstalled due to me installing libunity-core-6.0-9 from the Unity daily-build PPA.21:53
xnoxChrisTownsend: yeap, that would make things bad...21:54
attente_bah. ok. my fault, sorry ChrisTownsend!21:54
xnoxrobert_ancell: how far up the stack are we to make unity-settings-daemon the default?21:54
Laneyman, that is weird21:54
LaneyI'd have just waited before uploading it and done all the changes at once21:54
ChrisTownsendSorry guys for my Frankenstein system!21:54
xnoxChrisTownsend: attente_: sorry about that, I should make merge proposal into unity.21:54
robert_ancellxnox, "far up the stack"?21:55
xnoxLaney: that's what I wanted, that's why i had it blocked in -proposed.21:55
xnoxLaney: but somehow we ended up thinking on friday that gnome-settings-daemon is good to be unblocked into release pocket....21:55
xnoxrobert_ancell: there was a tracking bug to switch dependencies, wasn't there?21:57
robert_ancellxnox, bug 127748721:57
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1277487 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "Create Unity Settings Daemon so can remain on old GNOME Settings Daemon version" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127748721:57
xnoxright that.21:57
xnoxrobert_ancell: i guess we can seed unity-settings-daemon & gnome-settings-daemon.22:04
xnoxactually seed unity-settings-deamon only and drop gnome-settings-daemon.22:04
xnoxunity-s-d will pull in g-s-d-schemas and those remaining applications that depend on gnome-settings-daemon will pull it in, until we do all the uploads for s/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon-schemas/22:05
kgunnrobert_ancell: yo!22:07
robert_ancellkgunn, how's is going?22:07
xnoxtedg: how do i land https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/indicator-session/unity-settings-daemon/+merge/205421 ? it's all good to go.22:22
tedgxnox, thostr is the landing engineer for that project, so you'll have to ask him.22:24
tedgxnox, He'll have to get it into the silo request spreadsheet, and then... there's process.22:24
xnoxtedg: what does a landing engineer means? why can't i be the lander of this branch? Surely anyone who can dput should be able to be the "landing" engineer.22:30
tedgxnox, One would think.22:30
xnoxthostr, if you are in current working timezone and not on vacation and not otherwise swamped with high priority work, what needs to happen to land above branch into the archive?22:31
xnoxtedg: i have this wonderful command called "dput" and it's a pretty good landing robot =)22:31
tedgxnox, It would be against the release process for me to recommend distro patching it and saving yourself a day's work.22:32
ali1234hi tedg, how is the indicator stuff going?22:39
Laneyxnox: I'm not sure I knew that the upstart stuff was in there22:43
Laneythought it was just the split22:43
Laneyoh well22:44
xnoxLaney: well, it was all of our changes as well -> that is: g-s-d start on !=ubuntu and u-s-d start on =ubuntu22:44
xnoxtrickery that we designed.22:44
Laneyyeah I guess I got the wrong end of the stick22:44
Laneythought they would just be put into bzr22:44
xnoxto be fair, if i didn't upload, i would have lost context about the "solution" by today =)22:44
xnoxLaney: they were committed into version control, -proposed branch... using dput. =)))))))) that's my preferred version control system these days.22:45
tedgali1234, Eh, okay.  Getting bogged down in non-code stuff, but I very much have fixing that on the TODO list.22:46
ali1234tedg: we really need the fix for xubuntu, because we want to land gtk3 indicators this cycle, and currently our testers cannot test it22:47
xnoxali1234: is there something you need sponsoring?22:48
xnoxali1234: i am also indicator developer.22:48
tedgali1234, I understand, sorry to take this long on it.22:48
ali1234xnox: i have a MR that goes on top of the existing upstart indicator work22:49
xnoxali1234: link?22:49
tedgxnox, It's basically finishing the session service transition for indicators.22:50
tedgWe can't land that until I get all the indicators cleaned up.22:50
ochositedg: how many are missing atm?22:51
tedgochosi, messaging is the big one, but I think some of the others aren't right.  They're not using the Upstart XDG dirs, so they're kinda flaky.22:51
xnoxtedg: chicken and egg, eh? can't have both no-trigger-activation and auto-shutdown.22:51
ali1234xnox: exactly, it causes a race condition22:52
tedgIt's really more about ditching all the process management code in libindicator, it fights with whoever *should* be managing the process.22:52
xnoxtedg: or do we have a lifecycle manager to start us up?22:52
xnox(on the phone that is)22:52
tedgOn the phone Upstart does the session management.22:53
tedgOr, management of the session.22:53
tedgTechnically "session management" is done by unity-mir.22:53
tedgWow, I'm not really sure I cleared anything up there.22:53
ochositedg: hm, is there an ETA/deadline for the indicator work to be finished?22:58
Laneyfeature freeze is in 10 days :-)22:58
tedgochosi, I think the... yes, what Laney said :-)22:58
ali1234yeah but since you already cunningly half-pushed the changes, technically FF does not apply :)22:59
ochosiwell, does it apply to xubuntu then if we push the gtk3-indicator-related stuff after FF?23:00
ali1234this is the exact same situation that caused them not to get landed last cycle23:01
Laneysure it does, the rest of the changes are still features23:01
Laneyit'd be polite to give flavours time to get their ducks in a row before feature freeze too ...23:01
* ochosi admits he was asking rhetorically, trying to make a point23:02
Laneyto the bed-mobile!23:02
ochosiwell i guess we should half-cunningly push our changes then23:02
ali1234well it would help if upstream would do a release too23:03
ochosiyeah, i sent an email about that a few days ago (still waiting for a reply)23:03
ochosidon't think we have any more time to wait23:04
ali1234ochosi: worst case we can always stuff the workaround variable somewhere in the xfce environment23:08
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