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apwthat indeed08:36
smbMay the Schwartz be with you08:37
smbHm... schwarz == German for black... black --> coffee 08:39
* smb has a cup08:39
apwtea for me08:47
* apw reboots to test some kernels09:48
apwhmmmm, oddneess09:55
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ppisatibloody hdmi codec... #$@#%%^...12:00
ogra_use VGA then 12:08
rtgapw, have you followed this lowlatency issue in trusty at all ?13:21
apwrtg, yeah am following jsalisbury's work loosly13:32
apwand indeed i am running one of those on here right now, so i know its not 100% borked13:32
apwi did have one bad boot, the first one, which might indicate a timeing race, instigated by the ureadahead cache13:33
apwjsalisbury, it looked like your bug "turning off PREEMPT" made the world ok, but ... 13:33
apwi struggle to believe it is that borken given i am up and running it now13:33
apwjsalisbury, does your machine hang with it or only testers ?13:34
* apw found first boot was bad, i booted with debug instead of splash and it came up, and then subsequent boots seem to work13:35
apwit also dies just when the framebuffer would be initialising, so i am wondering if we are seeing some of 'smb's issue in here13:35
apw$ cat /proc/version_signature 13:35
apwUbuntu 3.13.0-8.27-lowlatency 3.13.213:35
smbapw, would you happen to have you udev log (to see which of the manyfold fbs your boot gets)?13:37
apwsmb, coming up13:37
smbapw, no rush :)13:37
apwsmb, $ cat /proc/version_signature 13:38
apwUbuntu 3.13.0-8.27-lowlatency 3.13.213:38
apwsmb, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6909166/13:38
smbok efi-framebuffer... that should be handled by what we added to the rules...13:39
apwyeah it should13:39
* apw goes for a couple of boots to confirm13:39
smbapw, heck how many times does this cover...?13:40
smbMeh forget it... browser changed to tell me that it wrapped in slightly darker gay on top of light gray13:40
apwok i've done 10 boots, 5 with pack and 5 without, onto this -lowlatency kernel (-8) and no issues13:47
apwi wonder if the .2 update fixed things, jsalisbury we should get them to retest13:47
smbapw, Might have been something else then. Otherwise it would be independant of the kernel more or less13:50
smb(except for with or without simplefb)13:50
jsalisburyapw, ack.  I'll ask for testing13:56
apwjsalisbury, have you tried this thing, did it work for yo?13:56
jsalisburyapw, I've been running the lowlatency kernel on a few machines and have not had any issues.13:57
apwdamn, so "specific" to something, arse13:57
jsalisburyapw, yeah, It may be load related, but my "normal" use has not reproduced it.  13:58
psivaaI am trying to findout a package that broke dialer app tests on mako and see http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6909262/ every time the test fails. i could not find the package that's causing this. 13:59
apwboot is pretty loady, but the bug is "doesn't boot" isn't it13:59
psivaado you see any clue in that?13:59
psivaaapw: jsalisbury: if you could ^ :)13:59
jsalisburyapw, Yeah, one bug reporter can't even boot.13:59
apwjsalisbury, has that one tried to "remove quiet splash and add debug"14:00
apwpsivaa, nothing jumps out no, i dont recall us changing anything in the rt area, best to check if they are there in the older good tests; they may well be14:01
jsalisburyapw, yea, I did ask for that, but we didn't seem to get it.  I'll request again.14:01
apwjsalisbury, great, thanks.  do you have a feel for "how many" people are not working, obviously we have "two" works for us14:04
jsalisburyapw, only three that I know of14:04
apwzequence, have you tried booting the trusty lowlatency kernel on anything?  1) does it work we have some people who think not, and 2) does it do what it is meant to :)14:04
apwjsalisbury, maybe we need to get some of our collegues to add to the testing pool14:04
zequenceapw: It booted for me, but haven't yet looked more closely at it14:05
psivaaapw: ack, the messages rt messages are present in the logs only when the tests are failing which happen only with new images. but i'll try to find an old install to see if they are logged. thx. 14:05
apwjsalisbury, ok so that is at least 3 all14:05
zequenceLet me do that now..14:05
apwzequence, thanks14:05
apwpsivaa, try and get the kernle versions on those good and bad ones14:06
psivaaapw: ack14:06
jsalisburyapw, two of the bug reporters, state they get lockups.  One of the bug reporters is unable to boot at all.  I requested testing of 3.13.2 and ask for more info from the guy that can't boot.14:10
apwjsalisbury, YATM14:11
smbyet another tragic moment?14:11
jsalisburyyet another terrible monkey?14:12
apwyou are the man14:12
sorenHey peeps. I'm running Precise on some HP servers. They have a P420i controller managing a bunch of disks. When trying to configure them for our needs we ran into problems and have been in touch with HP support. When they couldn't give us useful answers themselves, they said to ask Canonical for "the right drivers".14:32
sorenAm I right to assume that the right drivers are whatever is shipped by default in Ubuntu?14:32
sorenOr are there special drivers for HP smart array controllers that I have to ask for?14:33
sorenNote: I'm not expecting this to be the case, but I promised to ask.14:33
apwsoren, classically hardware enablement has been via the lts-hwe kernels so that might be what they are meaning14:34
sorenYou mean the backported drivers from q, r and s?14:35
sorens/drivers/kernel packages/14:35
apwyeah, /me asks about as well14:35
sorenI think what they are meaning is "we have no idea, so we're just passing the buck"14:35
apwheh ... 14:35
sorenI wish I were being snarky.14:36
apwsoren, what failure modes are you seeing14:36
sorenapw: Not failures. We just want only a few disks to be RAIDed and the rest to be exposed as individual drivers.14:36
sorenAnd that doesn't seem supported.14:37
apwso 'hardware' raid for a few and the rest jbod, that doens't sound like something the OS would control indeed14:38
apwsoren, i'll see what i can find out, and let you know if i find anything exciting14:39
sorenNope. The driver ignores all the ones that don't have a RAID configuration.14:39
sorenapw: Cool. I appreciate it.14:39
xnoxsoren: hp, also on some servers ships with driver-injection-disk, a what appears as a usb-drive with precompiled binary kernel modules for a given ubuntu kernels14:41
xnoxsoren: (not dkms based)14:41
xnoxsoren: so depending what you are after, you might need those...14:41
sorenxnox: I guess it's possible.14:41
xnoxchiluk: ^ are you familiar with raid / HP + missing kernel drivers.14:42
xnoxsoren: i didn't see HP servers personally, but chiluk might have dealt with those.14:42
chiluksoren... typically you have to define a jbod array for each disk in your raid firmware.14:44
chilukotherwise the controller will reserve the disks as spares for future use.14:44
zequenceapw: Coudln't boot with a nvidia driver14:45
zequenceapw: Going to try with the free one later14:45
chiluksoren it sounds like you have the correct drivers installed, as you are able to see the drives you have in a raid configuration. ... Now you just need to define a jbod for each disk you want visible to the OS, in a 1 jbod for 1 disk scheme14:45
sorenchiluk: Is there an actual JBOD setting? My ops guys suggested they could set up a RAID-0 for each drive and that was about it.14:46
chiluksoren, most controllers have a jbod option, for expressly this purpose.14:47
sorenchiluk: That's great info. thanks.14:47
chiluksoren... this is not a software raid card right?14:47
chiluksoren... it has ram, and a controller, and possibly battery backup right?14:48
sorenchiluk: No, it's an HP P420i. It's pretty pricey and supposed quite good.14:48
chiluksoren... then yeah you need to define jbods for each disk you want exposed to the OS.14:48
chiluksoren... keep in mind you may want to leave one as a hot-spare in case of failure in the raid itself.14:49
chiluksoren... also I don't have any explicit experience with the HP p420i, but that's how every other hardware raid device I've ever played with operates.14:50
chilukand I played with quite a few.14:50
chiluksoren if that doesn't work, look into installing the linux-generic-lts-saucy package14:53
sorenchiluk: How do you fiddle with the config on these things? Some sort of BIOS-like thing or a userspace utility after boot?14:54
chiluksoren... let me know how you fare, and more importantly if I was right... I do like being right.14:54
chiluksoren... you can usually configure the drives via a bios configuration utility.14:55
sorenchiluk: I need to be pretty specific with my ops guys. If I just say "look for the JBOD setting in the config tool", they'll be all like "which config tool?".14:55
chiluksoren...  Sometimes, if you're lucky, you can get a userspace utility.14:55
chiluksoren... I almost guarantee you that there is a bios level configuration utility.. So I'd start there.14:56
chilukonce your ops guys have it set up and accessible, then you can contact HP for the userspace utility.14:56
chiluksoren ... most of these hardware raid cards are just rebranded LSI megaraid cards, and they have a java utility that is relatively functional...14:57
sorenchiluk: I'm looking at screenshots from ACU which seems like some sort of user space utility. It shows the following options: "RAID 0", "RAID 0+1", "RAID 5" and "RAID 6".14:57
sorenI guess with hardware raid, RAID 0 is the same as JBOD, isn't it?14:57
chilukraid 0 with one drive is essentially a jbod..14:58
sorenWith software RAID, you add a superblock and probably go through devmapper in the kernel, but that doesn't really apply with hw raid, I suppose.14:58
sorenSorry, gotta run.14:59
sorenchiluk: Thanks for your help.14:59
chiluksoren let me know how it goes.14:59
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hvn2Hi, I got redirected here, but not sure if anyone here can help me. I have patched, configured and cross-compiled a vanilla kernel using make-kpkg for Ubuntu12.04 xenomai/armhf/omap and on the target dpkg tells me that although it is an armhf kernel, it is not an omap kernel. Is there anything special I should do for omap ?15:27
pkernapw: Where was the kexec fix for precise/lts-backport-saucy pushed to? Because I don't see an update to that branch in ubuntu-precise.git.15:52
rtgpkern, it won't ripple down until mainline saucy isuploaded15:53
bjfbrendand, will you be testing SRU kernels this week?15:54
pkernrtg: Oh I see. Thanks. :)15:54
brendandbjf, yeah should be in progress now15:56
bjfbrendand, thanks15:56
brendandbjf, i guess there is no raring -proposed kernel being published as it's EOL?16:11
bjfbrendand, correct, there *is* a lts-hwe-raring still though16:11
brendandbjf, yep got that one16:12
pkernSo I guess that's what confused me. That the raring one was updated as next in the precise repo.16:19
zequenceapw: Wasn't able too boot on saucy, using this one PC (nvidia, if that makes a difference). Worked fine on a trusty install, another machinge16:29
henrixsmb: cking: re. your replies to ktml, i suppose you're suggesting i should *not* take those pstate commits. is this correct?16:30
bjfinfinity, do we have a release schedule that shows the Trusty point release dates?16:30
smbhenrix, Actually cking replied too16:30
smbBasically the driver seems to be disabled16:30
rtgsmb, pstate is disabled by default in the Ubuntu kernel, but not upstream stable16:31
henrixyeah, i understand that -- i thought only on a stable prespective. so, the saucy kernel could keep that disabled16:31
smbrtg, Ah16:31
smbhenrix, If it is enabled upstream then I think it only improves things (though it is a kind of add support for thing which you can decide on taking or not)16:32
henrixsmb: cking: yep, and looking at the patch it seems to meet the usual stable requirments. that's why i had it already queued even before seeing the ktml email (it had been requested already in the stable mailing list)16:34
henrixof course the request on ktml was for it to be included on S and R, which is a different story... :)16:35
ckinghenrix, yup 16:35
henrixcool, thanks16:35
smbhenrix, So you would be ok. For anyone using the upstream kernel they have to get things right16:35
smbI mean to have the user-space side or not16:36
ckingwith the latter, 'cos we've turned it off, if it was included in S and R it won't make a jot of difference for user's who left it off by default16:36
henrixok, got it. thanks for the clarifications.  i'll just keep it on 3.11 (and probably kamal will pick it for 3.8 as well)16:37
kamalI haven't looked at the commits yet, but yes, my intention is to pick them up for 3.8-stable16:42
infinitybjf: Not yet.  I can whip something up later today, after I've had an "argh, I'm sick, but also need to be at work" nap-battle with a cold this morning.17:08
bjfinfinity, no rush. just with the discussion of 12.04.5 and how it lines up with 14.04.x i thought it would be helpful17:09
hallynhm.  3.11 kernel on precise, kvm-in-kvm hung taking up 200% cpu.  no msgs in dmesg though.  finally killed it.  shoulda gdb'd i guess, i'll see if it happens again17:25
hallynhm, crashed at the exact same place17:38
hallynholy cow nested kvm is just b0rked17:39
hallyntrusty guest works just fine.17:45
hallynsmb: ^ not sure where to go with this :)  do you have any precise host you can try to reproduce on?17:46
bjfjsalisbury, i pushed your quantal update17:47
jsalisburybjf, cool, thanks17:52
jsalisburybjf, It looks like Precise has the latest upstream commits, so is next up for Saucy when it's released.17:54
bjfjsalisbury, ack17:54
kamalhenrix, cking, smb:  correction to my statement above.  I will _not_ be applying those intel_pstate commits to 3.8-stable, because 3.8 doesn't even include the intel_pstate driver.18:11
smbhallyn, I probably can find something but right now still trying to figure out i386 hang (non-nested). Nested has been a bit of a mess with 3.11 though I had the feeling more when using as host. But maybe the stack of P-S-something also suffers18:18
hallynsmb: that's jodh's hang?18:19
smbhallyn, Hm, no I think jamespage reported that one18:19
hallynsmb: ok, so should I be filing a kernel bug, or is that basically a waste of time?18:19
hallynsmb: jodh showed me a bug (which i then reproduced) with i386 kvm (non-nested actually) on trusty hanging.  non-nsted -  nm, not same :)18:20
smbhallyn, The i386 not even able to run anyguest reliably. The nested bug basically would be jodh 's18:20
hallynall right well maybe i'll try a trusty kernel on precise.  i do need nesting to work18:21
smbThe i386 seems something new with 3.12/3.13. The nested borkage seems to involve kernels between 3.9 .. 3.13 18:21
* hallyn shakes his head18:22
smbhallyn, yeah, sforshee seemed at least unable to reporoduce with 3,13 18:22
hallynsmb: do you know offhand where i'd find the best trusty backport kernel for precise?18:23
smbhallyn, Optionally use an amd cpu, those had at least no nested issues... :-P18:24
smbhallyn, I would just go to the archive and download the latest trusty debs...18:24
hallynoh, linux-lts-trusty in canonical-ekrnel-team18:24
hallynsmb: heh, i can't just switch to amd, this is my fast remote box that i do all my testing on :)18:25
hallyni fear trusty kernel debs on precise will hit some precise shortcomign in postinst or something...18:25
hallynIt IS NOT RECOMMENDED that you subscribe to this PPA.   <- you guys can be scary18:26
smbhallyn, Too bad. :) Unfortunately upstream implemented that feature (nested page tables) in so many steps there is no real hope for a backport18:26
hallynsmb: funny thing though, a trusty guest on my precise host (with saucy kernel) works just fine18:26
smbhallyn, Well just don't blame us if things horribly go wrong :)18:26
hallynonly saucy guest hangs18:26
hallyn"I've got backups"18:27
apwhallyn, hehe if you go quiet for a long time, we'll know you are availing yourself of them :)18:28
hallynsurely subscribing to the ppa which will get updates would be safer than taking the debs and never getting an update, right?18:28
hallynapw: yup, my irc client is on that box too18:28
smbhallyn, Apparently there is a lot of fun of how things are mixed. shadow on nested or nested on shadow or shadow on shadow ...18:28
hallynsmb: oh ffs, fine, i'll test on ec2 :)18:28
smbheh, sure we got different problems there ... :-P18:29
smbNot even sure whether ec2 would allow accelerated nested18:30
hallynsmb: oh i don't care about that.18:30
hallyni'm just tryign to get the libvirt qrt to complete.18:30
hallynbut it keeps hanging the first-level kvm guest18:31
smbhallyn, I probably should have a look on that18:31
smbhallyn, So if you got time, file a bug and subscribe me and sforshee 18:32
smbjust that we won't forget18:32
hallynsmb: ok18:33
hallynsmb: opened bug 127853118:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 1278531 in linux (Ubuntu) "nested kvm on saucy kernel hangs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127853118:36
smbhallyn, ok thanks. might be some variant of the known bug bug at least I would like to be sure18:38
apwrtg, that cve you applied (CVE-2014-1874) did you apply it to lucid ?18:54
rtgapw, I have now. ooops.18:57
rtgforgot to push18:57
apwrtg, heh great thanks, my ocd was whining about the orange square18:58
hallynapw: hi, any thoughts on the possibility of unprivileged overlayfs in trusty/19:33
apwhallyn, i am not entirly against it, have you discussed it upstream?19:42
apwhallyn, i did get an early take from security, who at least didn't throw their hands in the air19:43
hallynno, not at all.  Who would be upstream, sinc eoverlayfs is not upstream?19:43
hallynI could ping Eric for his opinion,19:43
apwoh good point, hrm, i am a pint in so i'll think about your email tomororw19:43
hallynand cc: lkml just for giggles19:43
apwyeah we should do that indeed19:44
hallynok, I'll do that now so we have that info tomorrow (maybe)19:44
hallynapw: thanks, drink up :)19:44
* smb hopes apw _drinks_ a pint and _is_ not one19:50
hallynemail sent19:51
ogasawarainfinity: I'm probably going crazy, but I swear I thought we had daily netboot images for trusty?  But I am failing to find them...20:01
ogasawarainfinity: do you have a pointer by chance?20:01
infinityogasawara: Same place as all netboot images? :)20:02
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ogasawarainfinity: ah, I just had to hand edit then for trusty20:02
rtghttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/ ? 20:02
infinityogasawara: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/trusty/20:02
bjfogasawara, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/20:03
ogasawarainfinity: yep, got it.  it wasn't listed by default20:03
ogasawarathanks dudes20:03
infinityYeah, we don't add it to the parent until release, generally.20:03
infinityThough, I guess I could add a section for the development release there, with big flashing lights and Geocities-style under construction GIFs.20:03
antarusstgraber: hey, were you the fellow working on secureboot?23:32

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