
mhall119antdillon: peterm-ubuntu: yaili_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+bug/127821114:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1278211 in Ubuntu Website "Front page of Ubuntu for Android insults grandmothers" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:41
mhall119can we change the wording on there?14:41
mhall119even just s/your grandma/anyone/14:42
peterm-ubuntumhall119 we can change it14:43
peterm-ubuntuit is a pretty common phrasing... but we never meant to offend anyone14:44
mhall119peterm-ubuntu: I know, not saying anybody did anything wrong14:50
mhall119but since it does offend somebody, it's good of us to change it14:51
peterm-ubuntumhall119 it is on its way14:54
mhall119thanks peterm-ubuntu14:54
peterm-ubuntumhall119 done15:11
=== daker_ is now known as daker
The-CompilerHi! The Ubuntu download process is very confusing with javascript turned off. When I chose to download 13.10 on http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop and then click "No thank you" (without javascript) I get the LTS image...21:47
The-Compilers/No thank you/Not now/21:48

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