
cfhowlettjaco, greetings11:13
jacoHey there. I am switching from Xubuntu to Ubuntu Studio.11:13
cfhowlettjaco, OK11:14
jacoCan I get my XFCE shortcuts back? I just want <Super> T to get me a terminal again.11:14
cfhowlettjaco, you can edit your keybindings I suppose11:15
jacoOK -- sorry, they were built in on Xubuntu -- not sure how to recreate that here.11:15
cfhowletterrr I don't know the ubottu search term11:16
jacoyeah, I'm kind of drifting around in the wilderness here.11:16
jacoI guess I'll google ubottu then . . . thanx.11:17
cfhowlettjaco, my connect is slow - china.  terms you want to search are keybinding + xubuntu11:18
cfhowlettjaco, also #xfce would know11:18
jacoMuito Obrigado.11:20
cfhowlettThe configured keyboard shortcuts are stored in : ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml11:20
jacoAwesome! Config files. Totally old school.11:20
jacocheck out #xfce. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.11:27
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