
=== axw_ is now known as axw
axwwallyworld: do you want to take another look at https://codereview.appspot.com/59560043/ before I land?01:16
axwI removed the things you and rogpeppe objected to01:17
wallyworldok, i trust you :-)01:17
wallyworldwaigani: standup?01:30
=== axw_ is now known as axw
waiganiI just had to put my laptop in the fridge! Ubuntu on macbook, woke from sleep by itself while in its cover. When I pulled it out, it was almost too hot to hold!06:14
wallyworldaxw_: sorry, wrong channel06:19
wallyworldaxw_: i should put PerformUpgrade in the new file too?06:20
axw_wallyworld: that's not going to change over time is it?06:20
wallyworldprobs not, ok just the upgradeops then06:20
axw_wallyworld: your 1.16 branch seems to include things other than dependencies.tsv06:23
axw_not intentional, right?06:23
wallyworldaxw_: lbox fucked up06:26
wallyworldit didn't choose the correct branch06:26
wallyworldi just deleted the siteveld version and pushed manually06:27
axw_ah I see06:27
wallyworldi think that's all we need for 16.606:27
* wallyworld soccer, be back later06:31
hazmataxw_, ping.. looking at revno 2204 and trying to understand why juju is opening/reading all of a user's ssh keys06:59
axw_hazmat: hey, just a moment, refreshing memory06:59
axw_hazmat: all of the files in ~/.juju/ssh07:00
axw_not in ~/.ssh07:00
axw_~/.juju/ssh contains an auto-generated key-pair for Windows/people without keys07:01
axw_and you can dump whatever other key pairs you want Juju to try in there07:01
axw_and then Juju will add "-i <identity>" for each valid private key in there to each invocation of ssh07:01
hazmataxw_, ic.... i'm trying to track down where juju is reading all the ssh files in my ~/.ssh .. one of my keys is very old and i'm getting a looped failure in logs for authenticationworker07:03
hazmatrunning juju get-env does indeed show a concat of all my pub keys as the default env setting07:03
hazmatrunner.go:220 worker: exited "authenticationworker": adding current Juju keys to ssh authorised keys: generating key fingerprint: invalid authorized_key"07:03
axw_hazmat: ah right. authorized-keys defaults to the default public keys in ~/.ssh07:05
axw_hazmat: in environs/config07:05
axw_authkeys.go I think07:05
axw_hazmat: do you have an SSH v1 public key?07:05
hazmatcould just be a bad format in one key, but that also implies non validation up front which leads to env failure during usage.. but more just  curious why the default to all, there's a list of known keys in the src.07:06
hazmataxw_, it looks that way re v1.. dunno, the key is pretty ancient (10+ yrs)07:06
axw_yeah it probably should validate earlier. sorry, not parsing the last sentence. what do you mean defaulting to all?07:07
axw_it will pick up ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub, ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub, ~/.ssh/identity.pub07:07
hazmataxw_, yeah.. that's probably it.. 5 keys total in the env07:08
hazmat2 sys keys, plus the probes on the rest.. previous behavior with the list was just to use the first one that was found, it looks like its appending all of them here.07:09
axw_has been like that as far as I remember, but I don't go back to pyjuju :)07:10
hazmatfair enough, not many do, and the rest try to forget  :-)07:11
hazmatso the corner case bug is basically to validate default key before setting value, else auth worker dies in a loop.07:13
hazmataxw_, incidentally fwereade came up with a decent solution re initialization with manual provider client plugin, copy JUJU_HOME to temp,  bootstrap, copy jenv file back07:14
axw_yes I think so. we should just ignore public keys that are invalid07:14
axw_cool :)07:15
hazmatby solution i mean workable hack :-)07:15
mwhudsondoes anyone have a cute picture of the juju-core source import graph?07:48
axw_waigani: ^^ did you manage to create one?07:56
waiganiaxw_: no, it was deemed a distraction from bug hunting - so I abandoned it07:58
axw_ah yeh07:58
waiganibut these are some of the d3 graphs that caught my eye:08:00
waiganihttp://www.findtheconversation.com/concept-map, http://bl.ocks.org/robschmuecker/7880033, http://mbostock.github.io/d3/talk/20111116/bundle.html, http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/406355008:00
waigani_I was looking into getting output from libraries like pprof and pythia that  I could pump into a d3, taking the about as inspiration/starting point08:06
mwhudsonnm :)08:20
mwhudsonjamespage: https://code.google.com/p/go/issues/detail?id=7303 btw08:23
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dimiternwallyworld, +1 for shiteveld :)10:32
wallyworldyeah :-)10:32
dimiternrogpeppe1, mgz, wallyworld, natefinch, standup?10:45
mgzdimitern: the apt-get flag is --target-release11:07
mgzbut how that works with non-release things like ppas I'm not actually sure11:07
mgzand general priorities can be handled by apt/preferences and Pin-Priority11:08
natefinchwhat's the question?  I think I missed it (have been struggling with getting ppas working in trusty since no one has released trusty-compatible ppas yet)11:08
dimiternmgz, cheers11:09
dimiternnatefinch, the question is how to install our juju packages from the cloud pocket, without screwing up charms that need different versions of packages that happen to be in the cloud pocket (i.e. django)11:11
natefinchdimitern: ahh, I see11:11
dimiternjamespage, are you around?11:12
dimiternjamespage, you've commented on bug 1240667 about pinning the cloud-archive pocket at a lower priority (400) than the main archive, what's the default priority otherwise?11:14
_mup_Bug #1240667: Version of django in cloud-tools conflicts with horizon:grizzly <charms> <cloud-archive> <cts-cloud-review> <packaging> <regression> <ubuntu-cloud-archive:Confirmed> <juju-core:In Progress by dimitern> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1240667>11:14
dimiternjamespage, and also, having done that during cloudinit, what --target-release should we use in apt-get install to ensure we get cloud-archive packages? "precise-updates/cloud-tools" ?11:16
dimiternsmoser, perhaps you can help there? ^^11:17
jamespagedimitern, reading13:04
jamespagedimitern, default priority is normally 500 I think13:04
dimiternjamespage, ah, ok13:05
dimiternjamespage, and what --target-release should I give to apt-get ?13:05
jamespagedimitern, just checking that now13:05
jamespagelooking that the Release file I think its:13:08
jamespageCodename: precise-updates/havana13:08
jamespagedimitern, ^^13:08
jamespagewell not that one13:08
dimiternjamespage, precise-updates/cloud-tools perhaps?13:08
jamespagechecking again13:08
jamespagedimitern, precise-updates/cloud-tools looks right13:09
dimiternjamespage, and what if it's not precise, but something else?13:09
jamespagedimitern, well for at least the next 9 months its always precise13:09
jamespagecloud-tools does not support any other ubuntu series13:09
dimiternjamespage, ah, I see13:09
dimiternjamespage, thanks!13:10
=== rogpeppe1 is now known as rogpeppe
teknicohi all, will someone please review this and address jamespage's concerns? thanks! https://code.launchpad.net/~teknico/charms/precise/keystone/add-valid-service/+merge/20517114:15
rogpeppe1dimitern:  just checking, because i sent it with my non-canonical email, but i haven't seen a bounce, and i see it in the archives, have you seen my latest post to juju-dev (starting "I think that the best way to see how they look in real code") ?14:33
mgzwell, that was a fun power cut14:33
rogpeppe1power cuts are always fun14:33
dimiternrogpeppe1, let me check14:34
dimiternrogpeppe1, yep14:34
rogpeppe1dimitern: ok, cool. i guess someone must have subscribed me at my gmail address14:34
sinzuiabentley, rogpeppe1 Can I trouble both of you to join a hangout to discuss releasing 1.16.616:04
rogpeppe1sinzui: sure16:04
abentleysinzui: certainly.16:05
sinzuiabentley, rogpeppe1 https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/76cpidk53plj3t5324gml118j0?hl=en16:05
mattywrogpeppe1, could you give me a shout when you're done in the hangout - I have a small favour to ask16:08
mgzsinzui: one think I'll note, is there have been requests to backport the network fix if we don't get a 1.18 out in like, the next week or so16:10
mgz(we really should)16:10
dimiternrogpeppe1, natefinch, mgz, a small review that fixes bug 1240667 ? https://codereview.appspot.com/6141005116:52
_mup_Bug #1240667: Version of django in cloud-tools conflicts with horizon:grizzly <charms> <cloud-archive> <cts-cloud-review> <packaging> <regression> <ubuntu-cloud-archive:Invalid> <juju-core:In Progress by dimitern> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1240667>16:52
mgzdimitern: On It16:53
dimiternmgz, cheers!16:53
mgzdescription sounds right on16:54
rogpeppe1dimitern: looking17:02
mgzdimitern: reviewed, lets poke smoser to check it as well.17:05
dimiternmgz, thanks17:05
dimiternrogpeppe1, ^^17:05
dimiternsmoser or jamespage - can you take a look at this fix for the cloud-tools bug? https://codereview.appspot.com/6141005117:06
smosermgz, i agree on the dodgy ness.17:24
smoseri'm actually surprised that would work.17:25
smosercause as i read it you're sending one argument that is:17:25
smoser --target-release 'precise/cloud-tools' <package>17:25
smoserwhich i would have thought apt would balk at17:25
smoserhttps://codereview.appspot.com/61410051/diff/1/cloudinit/options.go looks sane17:26
mgzany other cunning ideas scott?17:29
smoseram i right in reading that ?17:29
smoseressentially you're doing: 'apt-get' 'install' ... "--taget-release 'precise/cloud-tools' 'mongodb'"17:29
smoseror something to that effect?17:30
smoserso 2 thoughts17:30
mgzsomething like that, the yaml quoting rules makes it all very fun to parse17:30
smoserbut cloud-init should do the right thing and get that all passed "correctly" to apt17:30
smoserie, not passing it through 'sh'17:30
smoseroh well.17:31
smoserso 2 thoughts17:31
mgzdimitern: in your ec2 test, did you look at the apt logs?17:31
smosera.) we could separate juju into its own cloud-archive.  i don't really like this, and its a lot of work, but then that archive wouldnt have the other packages that were screwing things up (the ones that maas has brought in).17:31
smoserthat may or may not fix things.17:31
rogpeppe1dimitern: reviewed17:32
smoserb.) you could just add the archive andinstall something from it later (not through cloud-init).17:32
smoserie, charms install stuff all the time, and could handle that outside cloud-init.17:32
mgzwe could probbly do the mongo install as a seperate run_cmd17:33
mgzbut that has plusses and minuses as well17:33
mgzwe'd need to re-add all the nice extra args to deal with unattended apt, and it's at a later stage in the boot17:33
dimiternrogpeppe1, ta!17:44
dimiternmgz, not apt logs, just cloud-init-output log17:44
dimiternand everything worked nicely17:45
dimiternsmoser, what I changed is instead of apt-get [numerous options] install 'package', for the packages with --target-release it generates the same apt-get [opts] install --target-release 'precise-updates/cloud-tools' 'package'17:48
smosermgz, well, you would have to do that (the extra args), i agree.17:49
smoserthats less than ideal, but it is something that really doesn't change.17:49
smoseranother thing you'd not get "for free" is eatmydata usage by cloud-init.17:49
* rogpeppe1 is done18:44
rogpeppe1g'night all18:44
natefinchnight rog18:45
=== zz_mwhudson is now known as mwhudson
thumpero/ waigani wallyworld_21:28
wallyworld_thumper: hi21:30
wallyworld_lots of emails to get through i assume21:31
thumperwallyworld_: I have a doctors appt shortly, but will be back later21:31
thumperwallyworld_: quite a bit, but currently going through the upgrade doc21:31
wallyworld_talk then21:31
wallyworld_ah yes21:31
thumperjust trying to address a few comments21:31
wallyworld_we can discuss when you get back21:32
* thumper nods21:32
* thumper tries to calculate time to the dr's office21:32
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
=== thumper-afk is now known as thumper
sinzuiwallyworld_, thumper do either of you have a moment to review a branch? https://codereview.appspot.com/6198004322:26
wallyworld_sinzui: all good for 16.6 then i assume?22:30
sinzuiwallyworld_, yes, thank you very much!22:31
wallyworld_great :-)22:32
sinzuiwallyworld_, I have released. I am waiting for Ubuntu packaging and backporting. That might be 12 hours away22:32
wallyworld_thumper: did you want a catchup before the standup? to align on upgrades etc23:42
thumperwallyworld_: yes, we also have our normal weekly call23:42
wallyworld_that's tomorrow23:42
wallyworld_but we can hangout now23:43
thumpercrap, so it is23:43
* thumper is eating23:43
thumperhow about in a while?23:43
thumperbut yes23:43
thumperdo want to chat23:43
wallyworld_sure, i'll wait with baited breath23:43
wallyworld_sinzui: are the compatibility bugs you refer to in your email the 2 azure bugs listed on 1.17.3 milestones?23:46
wallyworld_are there any others?23:46
sinzuithere are still many listed on https://launchpad.net/juju-core/+milestone/1.18.023:47
wallyworld_ah yes :-(23:47
wallyworld_i'd personally like to see these all fixed asap so we have the option of releasing a 1.18 when needed23:48
sinzuiI will create a compatibility tag. oh, each is really a regression. I will track these as regressions23:49
wallyworld_in an ideal world regressions would be critical23:49
wallyworld_the opportunity cost of not being able to release 1.18 when needed (eg when the havana stuff lands) is large23:49
thumpersurely bug 1262175 isn't a bug as it is stated23:54
_mup_Bug #1262175: debate drop --upload-tools flag <upload-tools> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1262175>23:54
thumperdebate something?23:54
* thumper goes to make a coffee prior to wallyworld_ cat23:55
wallyworld_thumper: i like white with none23:57

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