
ejmI have a Micron Transport T2200 laptop, which everything is working fine except for one thing:  the screen goes black after a while, and but the keyboard, hdd, and power button still work.00:16
ejmThere is an ATI Raedon FireGL 9000 (not sure if that's a chipset or videocard) if that helps.00:16
Poisoned_DragonGet a really bright flash light, and hold the bright end against the screen, while on. Do you see the desktop?00:17
ejmI also tried disabling some power settings like turning off the screen, and that didn't work.  But I do have pretty smooth graphics00:17
Poisoned_DragonI'm not kidding.00:17
Poisoned_DragonBefore you go chasing your tail, make sure it's not the lcd inverter board.00:18
Poisoned_Dragonif there is still an image on the lcd, but no light, you may have a faulty inverter board.00:18
ejmcould be. I don't have a flashlight with me. using an internet cafe.  It's really really old (first gen. intel centrino).00:19
Poisoned_Dragonlol... that's me too.00:19
Poisoned_DragonCentrino is just Pentium M paired with a compatible intel wifi card.00:20
ejmI thought that it was an old ati issue, but I think its the backlight.00:20
Poisoned_DragonThe flash light, while the screen is dark will confirm, one way or the other.00:21
Poisoned_DragonIf no image, then a setting isn't being recognized by the system.00:22
ejmok I will try that.00:23
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df101abnplease help / anyone know how to fix Muon02:13
df101abnon kubuntu 1302:13
df101abn64 bit02:14
df101abnany help would be appreciated02:14
df101abnthanx any who02:20
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Kisameanyone knows how to log in to a default activity??04:38
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roadkilllatest round of updates for Kubuntu 14.04 alphas broke global transparancies. this is gonna be fun.06:32
valoriemhall119: replied to your PM07:05
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maysaraHi, How to change Dolphin's default columns used in Details View?08:21
qdataonly thing I know about that is to right click on the sort bar at top for the drop-down08:24
qdataother than that no clue08:24
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maysaraThe problem is if I've audio files, I can't select anything from the audio category like this: http://i.imgur.com/tGkDoI1.png08:33
qdataI see, looks like they're greyed out on yours but on my box I can add them as columns in Dolphin but after doing so the column(s) remain blank with no info in them08:41
qdatarunning 13.10 here with KDE 4.12.108:42
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maysaraSo is there any solution to this problem?09:09
qdataif there is I do not know09:09
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lordievaderGood morning.09:52
lordievaderHey dd7710:41
dd77i have kde for 13.10 but not for 12.0410:41
dd77do i make something wrong?10:41
dd77or there is no update for kde 4.12.1 for 12.0410:42
lordievader!info kdelibs-bin precise10:43
ubottukdelibs-bin (source: kde4libs): core executables for KDE Applications. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.8.5-0ubuntu0.2 (precise), package size 201 kB, installed size 859 kB10:43
jarkko_what is akonadi?10:49
fkmjarkko_: http://community.kde.org/KDE_PIM/Akonadi10:53
jarkko_do i lose anything if i disable it?10:53
fkmDo you use any application that uses Akonadi (e.g. Kmail)?10:54
jarkko_i am not using kmail...10:54
fkmIf you don't use an application that uses the Akonadi framework, you'll be fine.10:55
jarkko_any idea how to remove?10:56
jarkko_sudo apt-get remove akonadi doesnt work10:56
fkmGoogle tells me: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176404810:57
jarkko_lol i just opened that before you posted10:57
jarkko_but i want to remove...10:58
fkmThat's where "Ask Google first" comes from ;-)10:58
jarkko_is it normal that i have 2 lightdm running as service?11:02
BluesKaj'Morning all11:37
=== Mackky is now known as manny
poeehi.. my windows are grayed out like this : http://i.imgur.com/nULNuXM.jpg. it comes back to normal after a restart. can anyone help?12:28
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nutomichi,i need some help13:03
nutomicmy kubuntu doesnt boot anymore after running apt-get dist-upgrade13:03
lordievadernutomic: Does it hang? If so, on what?13:09
nutomici'm trying to get the boot log dumped, but i don't see how13:12
nutomicthere's a red fail on "starting reload cups"13:12
nutomicand on "stopping anachronistic cron" and on "starting send an event to indicate plymouth is up"13:13
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nutomiclast message is "stopping startpar bridge"13:13
lordievadernutomic: Hmm, cups shouldn't matter. The other two are more critical. What happens when you boot into the rescue mode?13:13
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"13:13
nutomichere's the log of the dist-upgrade that broke it http://paste.kde.org/pkofue9gl13:13
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lordievaderHmm, that is not really what I mean.... Ignore ubottu.13:13
nutomicok i will try that13:15
lordievadernutomic: It is a good idea to pay attention to what it tells you, it has removed a lot of necesarry kde packages.13:16
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nutomiclordievader: yeah i know that now :P13:17
BluesKajnutomic, try the rescue kernel in grub, then choose 'repair broken packages' , if you can boot to the gruib menu13:24
nutomicBluesKaj: thx, will try that while the image downloads13:25
nutomicalthough apt-get shows nothing unusual13:25
BluesKajnutomic, always apt-get update and upgrade, before dist-upgrade13:26
nutomicwell i did that13:27
BluesKajok good13:28
lordievadernutomic: Also reinstall the kubuntu-desktop package.13:31
nutomiclordievader: that gives me tons of errors "Depends [package] but is not going to be installed"13:35
nutomicwhere [package] is ark, okular, systemsettings and others13:35
BluesKajnutomic, how did you install the OS, and is this a new install ?13:37
nutomicnot a new install#what do you mean how did i install it?13:38
nutomicok, did another apt-get update and now reinstalling kubuntu-desktop seems to work13:38
nutomiclets hope for the best13:39
BluesKajdid you upgrade over the internet or do cleqan install from media iso13:39
nutomici had this running for a while already, and did upgrades etc before13:40
nutomicbut it seems like it might work now13:40
nutomicit works now :)13:45
nutomicthanks for the help guys13:45
monkeyjuicewe use heated garages here in michigan ;)13:48
monkeyjuicewoops lol sorry13:48
BluesKajno need to rub it in monkeyjuice ,my neighbours have attached heated garages, but i wouldn't want to pay their heating bills :)13:52
monkeyjuicewe use heated garages here in michigan ;)13:52
yossarianukmonkeyjuice: are they 'heated' or are you growing things in them...13:55
monkeyjuiceno im not of that generation ...13:55
LucidGuyI just noticed my lower panel is not showing me my time.. I can't recall if it ever did?  And sadly its not very obvious how to get it back.14:07
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rudyismydoghmmm having trouble burnin iso of 14.04 using k3b keeps saying media is bad maybe16:15
melkorHello, I am trying setup some antispam for kmail.17:21
melkorI suppose Ill try spamassassin.17:25
melkorDoes anybody know how to use kmail. I want to classify a message as spam. When I left click it loads the message and all of the images.17:30
melkorHmm, it looks like it is set not to load html ... Ill have to investigate later. Cheers.17:37
xforksHello, is there any reason why kubuntu 14 has the older version of firefox instead of the latest stable?18:57
lordievader!info firefox saucy18:59
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 27.0+build1-0ubuntu0.13.10.1 (saucy), package size 30052 kB, installed size 61739 kB18:59
lordievader!info firefox trusty18:59
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 25.0+build3-0ubuntu0.13.10.1 (trusty), package size 27917 kB, installed size 57522 kB18:59
xforkslordievader, i'm on 14.4 and it uses FF 25?19:00
lordievaderxforks: Ah, 27.0~b6+build1-0ubuntu1 is in proposed.19:00
lordievaderHmm, since 2014-01-15...19:01
lordievaderThis is probably the reason: trusty arm64 Failed to build19:01
xforksLordievader, doesn't make much sense to me. I think 13.10 has 2719:01
lordievaderxforks: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/firefox19:02
xforkslordievader, yeah that does make sense lol. Got confused over the whole thing. 25 works fine, so no hurries :)19:04
lordievaderxforks: I suppose it will be fixed before the release of Trusty.19:04
BluesKajfirefox isn't displaying some buttons and icons correctly here on 14.04, appears to be a GTK icons problem from what i can see19:20
BluesKajlike so: http://wstaw.org/m/2014/02/11/snapshot2.png19:24
xforksBluesKaj, are you using amd64?19:40
BluesKajintel 64 bit19:42
BluesKajsame thing19:42
lordievaderAmd invented it, hence (one of its) name(s)19:44
xforksweird then, i never noticed that particular bug19:45
=== blackworm is now known as bones-afk
dmattI have KDE 4.12.1 installed from ppa, but today i noticed some updates with versions 4.11.5. For example kwin is at 4.11.5, kde-runtime is 4.12.1. Is this OK?20:17
lordievaderdmatt: Do you have Precise installed? I've looked through the backports today for precise and saw the same thing.20:19
dmattlordievader: saucy20:20
rbergnot all packages got a update with 4.12.1,  about kde will still show 4.12.1 after those 4.11.5 packages are installed20:23
lordievaderdmatt: I see here that most is 4.12, yet a few are 4.11.5 indeed. Not really sure why they have  4.11.5. https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports/+index?field.series_filter=saucy&batch=75&memo=75&start=7520:24
dmattI checked  available versions for kwin and only 4.11.x are available20:25
dmattit is probably OK, but it destroyed my peace of mind :)20:28
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naftilos76Hi, what are the kmail related files / folders in my ~/ ?21:18
naftilos76I know ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail2. Are there any other files?21:19
naftilos76I need to earesa everything related to kmail so that when i restart kmail all these files will be created again with default settings21:20
rbergnaftilos76: kmail keeps your actual mail in akonadi's database21:25
rbergso there is all that21:25
naftilos76I know that. The path is ~/.local/share akonadi/21:26
naftilos76I am asking if there are any other folders or files that are somehow related to kmail21:26
naftilos76For example, kmail keeps its' settings no matter what i do , that is erase the kmail2 folder or the akonadi folder!21:28
naftilos76There is got to be an other file that kmail keeps its' settings in there21:28
rbergthere is also ~/.kde/share/config/kmail*21:29
naftilos76ok thanks!21:29
rbergbtw, I tried so hard to be able to use kmail, and had many problems21:29
naftilos76Well yes kmail has been abandoned to its' misery. Everything points to that21:30
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alphacobra1who can point me to a good tutorial on dealing with tar.gz files?22:26
hewhomustalphacobra1: what do you want to know about them?22:27
alphacobra1what to do after unpacking them. How to change directory...then what?22:29
hewhomustalphacobra1 just cd into the directory where you unpacked it22:31
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allen999On the Kubuntu Live DVD is it possible to apt-get new software?22:33
hewhomustallen999: just try it22:36
allen999hm okay I got it, it was giving me errors before but first you have to apt-get update22:40
alphacobra1then what?22:41
alphacobra1do i need to be su22:42
alphacobra1taaa for the help!!22:50
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weqgHi I have a problem with kubuntu.23:07
weqgI didn't do any evil things, and now kde isn't shown at the login switcher anymore23:08
weqgonly xfce23:08
weqgwhat can I do? I want KDE23:09
DarthFrogweqg: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop --reinstall23:12
weqgIt says: kubuntu-desktop needs kde-workspace which shouldn't be installed23:13
DarthFrogsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:14
DarthFrogAll on one line.23:14
weqgIt works now :-)23:22
weqgDarthFrog: thank you23:23
weqgwhat could have been the reason?23:23
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