jane_ | hello i have a small problem.. i need the command to change or start a different desktop environment ... I changed it to LXgame or something and all i get is a black screen,, it does show my touchpad is disable in a notice but thats it. | 00:42 |
Unit193 | Log out, select the normal session. | 00:44 |
jane_ | cannot seem to logout | 00:44 |
jane_ | best i can do is get to the command line cltr alt f1 ectect | 00:44 |
Unit193 | DISPLAY=:0 lxsession-logout and the screen should pop up. | 00:45 |
Unit193 | If not, killall lxsession | 00:45 |
jane_ | k will try | 00:45 |
jane_ | yes the second one did it the killall lxsession ty very very much | 00:48 |
Unit193 | 'Welcome. | 00:48 |
jane_ | so how would you use the LX game one?? | 00:49 |
jane_ | i hit all the hotkey i could with of | 00:49 |
Unit193 | Don't know. | 00:49 |
jane_ | kk np | 00:50 |
Unit193 | You can inspect the lxsession settings for that session, stuff under /etc/xdg/ (but don't break it! :P ) | 00:56 |
=== TheLordOfTime is now known as teward | ||
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohi | ||
Ahmuck | hi. i've lost my menu option upper left hand corner in a application. how do i get it back? | 03:20 |
greeter_ | is this in every application or one application specifically? | 03:21 |
greeter_ | sorry i mis-understood the issue... hmm i used alt + f3 when that happened to me, but i tried it just now without any luck :-S | 03:22 |
Ahmuck | nm, i closed it and re-opened | 03:25 |
ianorlin | whihc application? | 03:26 |
greeter_ | ah ok, glad you solved your problem :-) | 03:27 |
=== MrGarlic_ is now known as MrGarlic | ||
thor480 | upload .png where can i do that? | 12:42 |
thor480 | For showing in here | 12:43 |
thor480 | Have found it | 12:45 |
thor480 | phillw: Jullian have made a mistake in the Q ppa. He have made a deb for lxqt-about in lxqt-session but there is no deb for lxqt-session. Here is sreensave for it. http://s28.postimg.org/f760p6rbx/Sk_rmbillede_11_02_2014_13_30_10.png | 12:49 |
phillw | thor480: I'll let him know | 12:55 |
thor480 | phillw: Thanks | 12:55 |
phillw | thor480: for future reference, I use http://imagebin.org/ which is a handy temp area for screen shots | 12:59 |
thor480 | ok can you make link for it.like you have for pastebin in here | 13:01 |
thor480 | Unit193: Can you if possible make link for http://imagebin.org/ like you have pastbin in here | 13:21 |
Unit193 | !pastebin | thor480 | 13:21 |
ubottu | thor480: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 13:21 |
thor480 | Unit193: pastebin | 13:22 |
Unit193 | Link is in there. | 13:22 |
thor480 | Unit193: thanks | 13:22 |
thor480 | ubottu: i will give it a try | 13:23 |
ubottu | thor480: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 13:23 |
thor480 | ubottu: i am stupid to | 13:24 |
ubottu | thor480: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 13:24 |
hide-san_ | Hello | 13:52 |
hide-san_ | I just started Lubuntu 13 and would like to swap CTRL key and Caps Lock key. | 13:53 |
hide-san_ | However xmodmap does not work well. (the swap setup is reset after some actions. I cannot figured out the actions yet. | 13:54 |
hide-san_ | Anybody know how to swap capslock and ctrl key? | 13:54 |
Greylocks | hide-san_: Have you tried changing them in rc.xml? | 14:03 |
hide-san_ | Hi Greylocks. No, I haven't. | 14:05 |
hide-san_ | Let me try. Could you give me any reference (web) if you have the link handy? | 14:05 |
Greylocks | hide-san_: This should help: http://openbox.org/wiki/Help:Configuration | 14:10 |
hide-san_ | Checking the page now. | 14:12 |
hide-san_ | Greylocks: Sorry I could not figure out what to do from the web. | 14:17 |
hide-san_ | The keyboard section has the link to http://openbox.org/wiki/Help:Bindings#Key_bindings | 14:17 |
hide-san_ | But this is to setup "short cut" by defining the linkage between "keys" and "action" (But not swap CTRL and CAPS_LOCK) | 14:18 |
hide-san_ | Would you tell me where to check on the web? | 14:18 |
Greylocks | hide-san_: I figured that you could remap the keys in there...perhaps try a google search. | 14:21 |
SLit | Hi! I have problem installing lubuntu on mac mini. At one point installer freezes and my screen stops to flash, filicker... Afther that I can't do nothing | 14:23 |
SLit | Anybody? | 14:31 |
Kriss3d | Hi everyone. Uhmm for some reason my Huawei E173 wont connect. any known issues ? | 14:31 |
Kriss3d | Im using latest Lubuntu and tried serveral of those odd spanish driver packs that people suggest | 14:31 |
phillw | SLit: it probably better to email the testing email list. That's where the MAC people hang out. | 14:54 |
phillw | SLit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing/PPC%26Mac64 has further details and some useful links to follow. | 14:55 |
phillw | Kriss3d: we share the same drivers as all of the *buntu familiy... let me have a dig for you. | 14:56 |
phillw | Kriss3d: http://askubuntu.com/questions/179324/huawei-e173-on-ubuntu-12-04 has two solutions (I'd try the swapping the usb port 1st... I've had that one myself with huawei in the past) | 14:58 |
SLit | @ phillw I tought maybe I could use aletranative cd. It looks like(maybe it isn't) that It is to demanding for mac mini from 2006 | 15:16 |
phillw | SLit: I don't have any experience with macs. There is a small team on the testing team. If you're emailing them please prefix the subject [PPC] so that they know it is for mac and not general query. the settings for graphics are dependeant on which graphics card you have installed (2 different solutions for 2 different makes). That is why we do not have one overall answer for graphics issues :/ | 15:19 |
SLit | Ok | 15:19 |
SLit | I will try first with alletrantive cd, then I will e-mail | 15:20 |
phillw | SLit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ#Configure_graphics has background on the graphics issues. | 15:21 |
SLit | I don't have issues with graphics. Everythig looks ok. It just freezes at some point. I whent on Internet adn tryed | 15:23 |
SLit | and then tried | 15:23 |
SLit | to load terminal, and may computer freezed | 15:23 |
SLit | Also when I try to install | 15:24 |
phillw | the video flashing seems to be a the cause of your freeze. | 15:24 |
phillw | get the video to work and you may well find it installs fine. | 15:24 |
SLit | Could be... | 15:25 |
phillw | but, the guys on the mailing list are your best bet for help :) | 15:25 |
SLit | Thank you man :-) | 15:25 |
thor480 | phillw: It`s just the name there is wrong. lxqt-about is really lxqt-session. I am running the lxqt desktop right now | 17:55 |
phillw | okies | 18:05 |
koell | hey phillw | 20:31 |
phillw | hi koell | 20:34 |
thor480 | phillw: The name has been changes. So thanks | 20:57 |
mrpl | Can I upgrade my 13.10 to 12.04.4 LTS by changing the repos and updating/upgrading ?...thanks | 21:08 |
gomiboy | mrpl: no, you can't, you'll have to reinstall... or wait a couple months for 14.04 if you really want a LTS :) | 21:16 |
ianorlin | no you cannot also lubuntu 12.04 wasn't a long term support release | 21:16 |
gomiboy | plus ianorlin is right :D | 21:17 |
mrpl | I'll wait....13.10 dosn't expire til july I believe | 21:18 |
mrpl | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 21:19 |
mrpl | I thionk 12.04 is LTS with the 12.04.4 update | 21:20 |
gomiboy | ubuntu 12.04 is LTS, but *lubuntu* 12.04 is not... i can't even remember why, but that's it | 21:21 |
mrpl | oh...I forgot that rumor.... | 21:22 |
phillw | thor480: yes, it was a more of a typo as he was rushing :) | 21:22 |
phillw | gomiboy: 2 reasons why lubuntu 12.04 is not lts... 1) we lacked man power 2) we were not permitted it be lts even if he had man power :) | 21:23 |
phillw | s/he/we | 21:23 |
mrpl | not permitted ? | 21:23 |
phillw | you need to have 2 releases before you can have lts. 12.04 was our 2nd release and thus not elligible to be lts | 21:24 |
mrpl | maybe 14.04 then ? | 21:25 |
phillw | 14.04 IS to be LTS :) | 21:25 |
mrpl | if manpower permits? | 21:25 |
phillw | that is why it is purely a bug fix of 13.10 (our stable beta of 14,04). | 21:25 |
thor480 | phillw: :-D | 21:27 |
gomiboy | mrpl: if you can't wait there is http://lxle.net/ but don't come here asking for help then, it's absolutely unofficial ;) | 21:27 |
phillw | have a read of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing/14.04 | 21:28 |
mrpl | I've been tunning a full install of 13.10 on a 32 gb partioned multiboot micro sd card since October 2013 | 21:28 |
mrpl | to see how long til the write back wear and tear slows me down, so far so good | 21:29 |
phillw | I've been on 14.04 since before Christmas as my production machine to thoroughly soak test it ready for LTS.... It's bomb proof :D | 21:29 |
mrpl | Our first LTS nice | 21:30 |
ianorlin | I installed it on an external hard drive on new years day | 21:30 |
mrpl | 2.5 " in a case ? | 21:31 |
ianorlin | yeah got two of them for my birthday last year | 21:33 |
mrpl | that's pretty ok | 21:33 |
mrpl | I have a hdd-less laptop so use the boot from portable device, the smaller in size the better | 21:36 |
mrpl | lubuntu runs the best from a full install , better than mint lxde ,crunchbang | 21:37 |
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