
=== TheLordOfTime is now known as teward
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morgoI have a procedure question RE: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-5.5/+bug/1154675 (see my last comment).  What do you suggest I do when I believe a bug is ready to close?15:23
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1154675 in mysql-5.5 (Ubuntu) "Serious regression in replication caused by fix for CVE-2012-4414" [High,Confirmed]15:23
rbasakmorgo: if you believe it's most likely fixed, I think it's fine to explain as you have and then change the bug status to Fix Released. I think others can just reopen if they disagree. Do you have permission to do that, if you try to change the status?15:26
rbasakmorgo: note that the main bug status on the Ubuntu bug task refers to the latest development release (rather than 12.04, for example). In this case that works for this bug.15:26
morgorbasak: I don't believe I have permission to close (can't see a link to change status).15:36
morgorbasak: I would be happy to request here for status changes if that works for #ubuntu-bugs.  Full disclosure is that I work for upstream of course :)  I don't want anyone to think I'm trying to apply a heavy hand in closing bugs.15:38
rbasakmorgo: thanks - I didn't know what permission you have here. Please do continue to ask here.16:34
rbasak(I've marked it Fix Released)16:34
morgoAck, thanks.16:41
intgrHi, which package should I file bugs to for the partition editor in the Ubuntu Server installer? 1278875 in particular.16:42
rbasakintgr: partman-base is the source package I think. I'm not sure if that's the right final target for that bug, but it's better than Ubuntu.16:59
intgrOk thanks17:00
=== charles_ is now known as charles

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