
MavKenmy neighbor is on my wifi... is there anything I can do to scare him?01:38
sarnoldbest would be to fix your wiki.01:39
sarnoldmanipulating his traffic while it goes through your network may introduce legal liabilities. best to just shut it down and be done with it.01:40
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pittiGood morning05:37
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seb128good morning desktopers09:01
Laneyhey larsu, wie gehts?09:08
seb128hey Laney, larsu, how are you?09:09
Laneyhappy that I work from home ;-)09:09
Laneyotherwise good! you?09:10
larsuLaney: good thanks!09:11
seb128I'm ok, I got a cold a friday which is slightly annoying, but I'm slowly getting over it, it seems09:11
Laneyoh I wanted to show you something ...09:14
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1276699 in ofono (Ubuntu) "scan-for-operator script fails: org.ofono.Error.Failed: Operation failed" [Undecided,Incomplete]09:14
Laney" we currently only support automatic network registration, and thus scanning is forbidden."09:14
seb128shrug, kenvandine said it used to work!09:15
Laneyit did09:15
seb128ok, so the title is misleading ;-)09:15
Laneyso do we need to take that feature out ...09:15
seb128but "good", it's not our fault09:15
seb128yeah, I'm going to talk to them though09:16
seb128that one seems like a basic feature, it sucks to take it out09:16
LaneyI'm pretty sure it did work before09:16
Laneyso maybe he is mistaken09:16
seb128though I've to admit in practice autoconnect is probably good enough for most users09:16
LaneyI had to use it in the usa last time because roaming didn't work09:17
seb128let's talk to awe or rsalveti when they are online09:17
Laneyk, /me patch pilots09:17
seb128Laney, enjoy!09:17
seb128larsu, don't bother arguing with that guy on the evince bug, I guess he's going to be happy enough once the keybindings issue is resolved09:18
Laneyafter the über dist-upgrade of doom09:18
seb128I saw all indicators landed, I wonder if that comes with any new bug09:18
* seb128 starts update-manager09:18
larsuseb128: I'm not arguing, but trying to explain. I wonder why F10 doesn't open the menu on unity anymore...09:20
seb128larsu, because there is no cog menu on unity?09:21
larsuF10 used to open the global menu09:21
larsuI'll ask attente later today09:21
seb128that's an attente issue09:21
seb128I think he's working on it09:21
larsuya, it's either an issue in the menus or the global keyboard shortcuts09:21
larsuboth attente issues :)09:21
larsuman, he sure picked the easy problems on our desktop...09:22
seb128you have to give him credits for picking those issues and sticking to them until they are fixed!09:22
darkxsthi seb12809:23
seb128darkxst, hey, how are you?09:24
darkxstgood, bit cooler now ;)09:24
seb128come to Europe if you like cold09:25
seb128or not, go to Canada I guess09:25
seb128darkxst, what's the plan for external panels in g-c-c-vanilla? which ones do you want to keep?09:25
Laneywe can do wet https://witness.theguardian.com/assignment/52f0dd85e4b08e6aaede60d309:25
darkxstseb128, mainly dejadup, UOA (not installed by default but we have users using it)09:26
seb128darkxst, UOA is going to be problematic I think, would a standalone GUI work for it?09:27
darkxstseb128, yes09:27
seb128I'm saying that because robert_ancell had a look at dual building it for u-c-c and g-c-c and mostly gave up09:27
seb128so I think they want to do what deja-dup is doing, having a standlone interface for non Unity09:27
darkxstgufw, but that might just be a desktop link09:28
darkxstlikewise with ubuntuone09:29
Laneydarkxst: what's the parent branch of this one you gave me?09:29
seb128the changelog of that branch is weird09:29
darkxstLaney, robert_ancells09:29
LaneyI'm kind of confused09:29
Laneywhy didn't he branch off of the current g-c-c one?09:29
seb128I would expect a "drop <list of Ubuntu patches>" on top of the current version09:29
darkxsthe dropped everything...09:30
darkxstand I added back in the bits that are required09:30
seb128that seems the wrong strategy09:30
darkxstseb128, it wasn't my strategy!09:30
seb128imho you should take the current "trunk" from trusty and drop things you do'nt want09:30
seb128what's I'm saying is "feel free to discard what robert_ancell did"09:31
LaneyI'd rebase on the ubuntu-desktop branch09:31
Laneyif I were you09:31
seb128I doubt he has much interest in it, he just tried to get things moving09:31
darkxstright, I don't either if we can still sneak in that gnome-desktop transition (that makes seb128 so nervous)09:32
darkxstseb128, fwiw config migration is not an issue, since it still uses the same file, but more of a backup for persistant storage09:32
seb128well, I'm too busy to help driving that transition through, and it makes me nervous09:33
seb128I'm not going to block it if you find somebody wanting to take responsibility for it/do the uploads though09:33
seb128you can try with Laney or other09:33
seb128robert_ancell seems to share my opinion that we should better delay that one after the LTS, for the record (we discussed it last week)09:34
LaneyI didn't follow the issues really09:35
darkxstLaney, all the XRANDR code move from gnome-deskop into a mutter09:35
seb128basically gnome-desktop replaced their gnome_rr xrandr api to call a new dbus servic09:35
darkxstso I ripped that code and made a standalone daemon which seems to work well09:35
darkxstg-s-d obviously needs a bunch of git patches to adapt, g-c-c is much more trivial09:36
seb128gnome-screensaver and others also use that API and are going to do patching if we do that09:37
seb128but the bit that makes me most nervous is changing a xrandr library but a new, virtually untested for us, dbus service09:37
darkxstseb128, its largely the same code09:37
lifelessI sometimes thing Gnome has gone crazy w.r.t. DBUS09:38
lifelesswhats wrong with using component specific APIs like XRANDR09:38
Laneydo a PPA with all of the packages and a call for testing on -devel?09:38
Laneyanwyay, regarding g-c-c - can you put the changes back on top of the current branch?09:38
darkxstlifeless, the whole point was to abstract away the display server from gnome-desktop09:39
darkxstLaney, yes will rebase, but won't be tonight09:39
Laneyokay, no problem09:39
Laneycyphermox_: do you have commit to network-manager?09:42
seb128Laney, if he doesn't he most likely know upstream enough to get stuff commited09:44
seb128either way you can bounce patches his way I think ;-)09:45
Laneythat was my backup hope09:45
Laneycyphermox_: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=66377409:45
ubot2`Gnome bug 663774 in nm-applet "Country selection dialogue does not react on Enter key" [Normal,Unconfirmed]09:45
lifelessdarkxst: uhm, ok. And DBus is the right answer for that? I would have thought an abstraction library, but thats just me.09:47
seb128larsu, https://code.launchpad.net/~samvasko/libappindicator/libappindicator/+merge/204202 ... looks fine to you? (I just crossed it while looking at pending merge requests)09:55
larsuseb128: yep, looks fine to me. Shall I approve?09:57
seb128larsu, +1 from me, thanks09:57
seb128Laney, do you know what desktops use g-s-d/u-s-d?09:59
seb128out of Unity/gnome-shell of course09:59
Laneyfallback too10:01
Laneyand there are sessions that are fallback but with different window managers10:01
seb128Laney, what is fallback likely to use? g-s-d or u-s-d?10:01
Laneybut you can think of those as mostly the same10:01
seb128asked differently, do we need to keep the legacy key grabber in u-s-d10:01
darkxstseb128, yes, I see all the fallback desktops using u- variants10:02
seb128darkxst, for the control-center yes, I was wondering for the settings daemon10:03
darkxstseb128, same10:03
seb128I wonder if we need a rotw-s-d10:03
seb128rest-of-the-world-settings-daemon :p10:03
darkxstright now, u-s-d should fit the rest of the world10:03
seb128darkxst, that's convenient for you, means we get to keep the legacy code there10:03
seb128I'm not really wanting to do that though10:04
Laneydoesn't compiz need the keygrabber?10:04
seb128I wanted to take the opportunity to clean stuff we don't use/need10:04
seb128attente is moving that to compiz, same way GNOME moved it to gnome-shell10:04
seb128that's the only reliable way to do grabbing10:04
Laneyright now it does though10:04
darkxstseb128, in that case the fallbacks can you that in compiz?10:05
seb128e.g to key modifier only keys to work10:05
seb128some fallbacks session don't use compiz10:05
darkxstalthough I suppose some insist on using oldschool metacity10:05
seb128so we can fix things for those in compîz10:05
seb128or some are Laney and use custom wms10:05
seb128(can't even remember the name of that wm now)10:05
Laneyit's still panel + gsd10:06
seb128close :p10:06
seb128Laney, context is https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-key-grabber/+merge/20275810:07
seb128well I guess it's not the end of the world to keep the legacy grabber in there10:07
seb128it's just more code to maintain10:07
LaneyI see10:09
Laneythat stuff seems pretty stable in practice though10:09
seb128right, as said it's just cruft/old code to keep around10:10
seb128the reason I want to clean it out is the same that made GNOME drop their fallback code10:10
seb128less code makes the job easier for us10:10
seb128but as said, no big deal for that one, we can keep it at least for the LTS10:10
Laneyas it is the fallback sessions will get gsd btw10:11
seb128darkxst just said he expect those to use usd10:11
darkxstseb128, I have no intentions of maintaining legacy desktops, surely that should fall onto the teams that still want to use them?10:11
Laneybut somebody has to fix it to do that10:11
seb128darkxst, I can copy/paste what you just wrote10:11
seb128darkxst, gnome-classic is not more an Unity session than it is a GNOME one, it's rather closer from a  GNOME one in fact10:12
darkxstseb128, gnome classic *IS* gnome-shell10:12
seb128whatever that's called10:12
darkxstno it is gnome-shell10:13
darkxstwith some extensions10:13
seb128well, what Laney is using10:13
seb128and that's not gnome-shell10:13
seb128we have users who still run gnome-panel with the wm of their choice10:13
darkxstthere are some issues with UI expectations, but gnome classic is technology wise identical10:13
Laneyor whatever it's really called10:14
darkxstgnome-panel aka fallback, would be much better using Unity stuff10:14
darkxstthey use the same indicators etc10:14
darkxstedubuntu are going to switch over to Unity for XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP10:15
seb128right, for UI bits it makes sense10:15
darkxst(for gnome-flashback)10:15
seb128g-s-d I'm unsure about10:15
LaneySweetshark: have you seen bug #1200277 is still alive?10:15
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1200277 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "[LibreOffice] - libreoffice-writer.desktop when drag/drop to desktop, 100% broken. " [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120027710:15
darkxstseb128, the biggest problem here is there is no distinction between UI bit and backend bits10:16
darkxstbackend wise, gnome-panel etc is very similar to Unity (apart from the few extra integrations you have)10:17
seb128it's not that far from GNOME either10:17
seb128you just don't want to have to keep maintaining the legacy code needed for those session (which I understand, but I don't want either ;-)10:18
darkxstseb128, do you have any idea how much legacy code is hanging around to support Unity/panel sessions?10:18
seb128I think we are eventually going to need to say "if you use a non gnome-shell/compiz wm, you are on your own"10:18
seb128but that would be unkind to do that before the LTS10:18
seb128darkxst, I've been putting those patches in for the most part, so yes10:19
darkxstright, and apart from the possible move of keygrabber into compiz, everything is needed by unity also10:20
seb128right, which is why we are making u-c-c/u-s-d10:21
seb128not sure what we are discussing at this point10:21
seb128out of10:21
seb128Laney, nobody wants to maintain legacy code for you it seems...10:21
darkxstno one wants the legacy code!10:21
seb128well, I guess we are going to keep it in u-s-d until it's creating enough issues that we decide that those sessions to find a solution that doesn't put the burden on us10:22
LaneyI think highvoltage does some upstream flashback maintenance :-)10:23
seb128need to find*10:23
darkxstmitya as wall10:23
darkxstwell even10:23
darkxstperhaps all the legacy fanatics can move to MATE10:24
seb128Laney, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/1274740/comments/21 btw10:24
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1274740 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Re-enable traditional titlebar on 'gnome-but-not-shell' sessions too" [Low,Confirmed]10:24
seb128Laney, we were discussing that last week10:24
darkxstaltough I have no idea where that is at10:24
seb128yeah, me neither*10:24
Laneyseb128: nice, I can't remember the details from before10:24
seb128Laney, it's early enough in the cycle than we can deal with issues10:25
LaneyI made some patches over the weekend to set that for the indicators ;-)10:25
seb128and I trust Dmitry to know what he is doing10:25
seb128nice ;-)10:25
darkxstLaney, Jeremy switched over flashback to Unity in past, then straight away reverted it since it was buggy10:25
seb128do you remember what was buggy?10:26
darkxstno, but I checked recently, as far as I can tell that was only due to the OnlyShowIn fields in the various desktop files10:26
darkxstgnome-panel, nautilus-classic and indicator*10:27
seb128ok, that's what we were discussing, Laney remembered that it was tried but not the reasons it didn't work/what was to be resolved10:27
darkxstindicator ones will need a autostart condition I suppose10:28
darkxstGNOME3 unless-session Unity10:28
seb128we use upstart for those in Unity10:28
darkxstoh, then it should be fine10:28
seb128so they can do what they need with the desktop10:28
darkxstwhich is just add Unity to them10:28
darkxstofftopic, we have been hitting a weird bug where gdm restarts on upgrade, could that be some upstart thing?10:30
seb128wasn't that https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/ ?10:30
darkxstapparently not, that did work at the time when I tested it, but its still happening now10:31
seb128but I doubt it's an upstart thing10:31
seb128is gdm upstart managed nowadays?10:31
seb128if it is the job didn't change in ages and usually they don't do restart, just start/stop and the stop for a dm is on init level change10:32
darkxstI wouldnt have thought so10:32
darkxsthowever, when I built and test the 3.10 package it was fine10:32
darkxst(i.e Dec sometime)10:32
seb128can you reproduce the issue?10:33
darkxstsure, just reinstall gdm while gdm is running, and it brings down the entire session10:33
seb128what does "sudo status gdm" says?10:35
seb128does it restart when that happens or just goes down?10:36
darkxstseb128, it restarts, but takes some time10:36
seb128hum, k10:37
seb128I can try having a look at it in a vm today10:37
darkxstI can't even switch to a vm once it goes down10:37
seb128that seems like a kernel/xorg issue to me10:38
darkxstbut ssh says: gdm start/running, process 406410:38
darkxstand apparently this time it is coming back up10:39
seb128no segfault/sigabrt in the Xorg.*10:39
seb128no apport repport?10:39
seb128did the pid change?10:39
darkxstno crash logs10:39
darkxstX still seems happy enough10:40
darkxstno idea if the PID changed10:40
seb128you can maybe try to sudo gdb -p $(pidof gdm)10:40
seb128(gdb) c10:41
seb128then reinstall10:41
seb128and see what happens in the gdb10:41
seb128do that from a ssh10:41
darkxstseb128, x tried to restart and failed10:42
seb128why did it try to restart?10:42
darkxstI don't get any logs of that10:43
darkxstgdm tries to fire up on a new dispaly (:1) and fails10:43
seb128when did that issue start?10:43
darkxstbut on my real machine, upgrade will result in gdm restarting10:44
darkxstlate Jan10:44
seb128k, so not the new xorg10:44
seb128I've problem with user switching for some days, I blame new xorg/intel10:45
seb128but that's probably different10:45
darkxstseb128, sometime before 22nd Jan10:51
seb128hum, k10:52
darkxstand my gdm changelog is dated way back in Nov10:53
darkxstbut it was certainly tested through dec10:54
seb128what do you mean? you don't have the recent fix from trusty?10:54
darkxstOf I have the recent fix10:55
darkxst^of course10:55
seb128I can try having a look later, need to set up a vm or try on my real box (but testing needs closing/restarting sessions)10:56
darkxstseb128, it will happen in a vm too10:57
seb128good, makes debugging easier ;-)10:58
darkxstjust gdm fails to actually restart in my vmware VM's, whereas it does on real hardware10:58
* darkxst could not live without VM's although I am running out of diskspace10:59
seb128darkxst, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/1266496 seems still valid (look through recent reports)11:02
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1266496 in gdm (Ubuntu) "extra "fi" in file" [Undecided,New]11:02
Laneyooh, just started snowing11:05
seb128Laney, that's another kind of weet ;-)11:07
Laneyan exciting one11:07
Laneybut it won't settle because of the previous wetness11:07
darkxstLaney, can you bring some snow ;)11:10
Laneysure, I'll pack it inside a thermos and send it over11:11
darkxstLaney, a 40ft container would be better ;)11:12
darkxstseb128, right, though I can't see how that would cause this issue11:16
darkxstbut will fix11:16
seb128yeah, it's not likely it, I just crossed the bug while looking at reports11:17
darkxstseb128, I havent seen a single report of this, since people only submit bugs when prompted right? and gdm doesnt update that often...11:22
Laneywoah, what happened11:22
Laney11/02 11:20:15 <Laney> seb128: can you push e-d-s please?11:22
seb128Laney, did your box reboot by itself again?11:22
Laneydid that send?11:22
Laneyfreenode lagged out11:22
seb128Laney, "push"? there is a vcs?11:22
Laneythis is on a different server :-)11:23
seb128oh ok11:23
seb128sure, sorry about that11:23
Laneycheers, np11:23
seb128Laney, ok, vcs updated11:35
seb128de rien11:35
Laneymlankhorst: was that ld crashing bug only on i386?11:43
Laneyi.e. not amd64?11:43
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xnoxMUAHAHA =) http://people.canonical.com/~xnox/gtk3-qmlscene.png12:41
xnoxthis is qmlscene, loading Desktop Components gallery.... using gtk3 instead of gtk2 =) here be dragons.12:41
ogra_xnox, dude !12:58
xnoxand it's only a 260 lines patch so far. https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,7785312:59
seb128xnox, I'm not sure to grasp what that is doing13:05
seb128xnox, you are making qt use gtk widgets? ;-)13:05
ogra_evil ...13:05
ogra_that will get you all sorts of political issues :)13:06
xnoxseb128: more specifically, it already knows how to use gtk _2_ widgets, i'm making it use gtk _3_ widgets/themes instead =)13:06
seb128that seems a weird concept13:06
xnoxogra_: my evil plan is to rewrite ubiquity using qt/qml and nobody to notice the difference.13:06
xnoxseb128: well, do you find mumble & skype out of place in terms of theming on ubuntu?13:06
seb128xnox, they do, but I would think the fix there is to make a Qt theme matching our desktop one13:07
xnox(e.g. the buttons are fully pale orange, instead of having gtk3 orange aura)13:07
xnoxseb128: Making qt themes is a pain, and at the moment, it simply dlopens gtk2 renders widgets and copies the pixmap back into QImage and slaps it onto QWindow.13:08
xnoxseb128: and that ends up looking far more native, then trying to maintain a parallel theme.13:08
xnoxsans gtk3 and gtk2 theme missmatches.13:08
xnoxfirefox is moving to gtk3 finally (patches posted), so it's time for qt as well ;-)13:09
xnoxthen we will be left with google chom[e|ium] and libreoffice.13:09
xnoxeclipse / swt did move to gtk3, so i'm not sure what's holding libreoffice back.13:09
mdeslaurhrm, won't switching firefox to gtk3 break flash?13:10
mdeslauror is that handled by the firefox sandbox now?13:10
xnoxmdeslaur: no idea, but as far as i remember firefox is sandoxing flash.13:10
xnoxmdeslaur: but i also thought flash stopped publishing napi plugin, and it's pepper only as part of google chrome....13:10
mdeslaurchromium is dropping gtk and moving to their own widget set in the latest dev version I believe13:11
mdeslaurxnox: well, the old flash is still supported for another 3 years or so13:11
xnoxexcellent =) or i guess i'll make my mind up once it lands in stable channel.13:11
mdeslaurit looks like ass at the moment :P13:11
mdeslaurwell, like windows ass :)13:12
xnoxmdeslaur: based on my timelines we will be all using silverlight by then.... oh wait maybe not =) and it will be more like XP never-ending EOL.13:12
mdeslaur(by ass, I mean out of place)13:12
mdeslaurxnox: lol :)13:12
xnoxmdeslaur: http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/borowitzreport/2014/02/gates-spends-entire-first-day-back-in-office-trying-to-install-windows-81.html13:12
mdeslaurhehe, yes, saw that...funny :)13:13
xnoxit took me 2 days to figure out how to upgrade stock OEM 8 to 8.113:13
mdeslaurI booted windows 8 on my new laptop just out of curiosity before I blew it away. I had to google search how to turn it off.13:13
xnoxturns out pre-loaded crapware, well McAffe antivirus, blogs connections to the 8.1 update servers and thus download just stalls at 0% and no indication how to fix it.13:14
xnoxlol =) i push power buttons to turn it off =)13:14
seb128xnox, so, doing an apt-get install --reinstall gdm leads to a console output13:21
seb128Preparing to unpack ...deb13:22
seb128gdm stop/waiting13:22
seb128Unpacking gdm13:22
seb128Setting up gdm13:22
seb128gdm start/running13:22
seb128xnox, do you know what could make gdm change to stop before the unpacking?13:22
seb128the upstart script has13:23
seb128stop on runlevel [016]13:23
seb128that doesn't make sense to me13:23
xnoxseb128: dh_installinit by default stops in prerm and start in postinst13:24
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xnoxseb128: one should pass --no-scripts or something like that, to make sure restart is not performed.13:24
xnoxseb128: it's not events that trigger restart, it's update-rc.d in maintainer scripts that explicetely stops and starts it, just like any other daemon.13:25
mdeslaurmpt: heh, have you seen this? http://www.therestartpage.com/13:25
seb128xnox, thanks13:25
mptmdeslaur, that’s brilliant13:26
xnoxit's even animated!13:26
mdeslaurlove the bios screens13:26
mdeslaurgot surprised by the mac startup sound :)13:27
mlankhorst2gs is quiet. :P13:28
mptmdeslaur, reminds me of http://www.clivejames.com/poetry/james/windows13:28
mdeslaurmpt: kind of like this: http://slowcoustic.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/The-Birds-is-coming.jpg13:30
mlankhorstdid I miss the os/2 one?13:30
mlankhorstah nm found it13:31
rsalvetiseb128: I know scanning was working fine with ofono in the past, as I implemented that feature13:43
rsalvetinot sure if it was disabled later on by awe13:43
rsalvetiwill check once he's back13:43
seb128rsalveti, ok, no hurry ... is he away this week? when is he back?13:44
seb128Laney, ^13:44
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rsalvetiseb128: he was sick yesterday13:45
Laneyrsalveti: thought as much!13:48
Laneyrsalveti: can you confirm if scan-for-operators / manual mode in system-settings works for you?13:48
rsalvetiand it's useful, I use it all the time when traveling13:48
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
qenghoxnox, mdeslaur, right, two major-versions of chrom.. (about April!) from now will not support any NPAPI.14:07
qenghomdeslaur: right, gtk2 dies in Cr. Aura should replace it.14:08
mdeslaurqengho: right, so at least chromium can use the pepper flash in an likely illegal way...but firefox still needs gtk2 flash unfortunately14:09
mdeslaurqengho: so, is the pepper flash using aura?14:09
qenghomdeslaur: I have no idea what Flash is using. I doubt Adobe is that sophisticated, considering the youth of Aura.14:11
mdeslaurI thought the whole point of pepper flash was that the chrome devs took over its development14:11
* mdeslaur shrugs14:11
qenghomdeslaur: nope. The security and process model is the goal of PPAPI Everything. Adobe still owns.14:12
mdeslaurI see14:12
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qenghoMay I have an upload for Trusty?  My usual contact seems busy.  https://launchpad.net/~canonical-chromium-builds/+archive/stage/+packages14:38
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
seb128qengho, is usual contact chrisccoulson?14:40
seb128chrisccoulson, stop being jetlagged :p14:40
seb128qengho, I can sponsor that for you, sure14:41
qenghoseb128: merci.14:41
seb128de rien14:41
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kgunnmlankhorst: just a heads up...we're going for another mir promotion...which will necessitate another xserver build15:13
kgunnjust a heads up so we don't collide again :)15:13
kgunni'll ping you as soon as i'm aware its happening, but you can always check with sil or did15:14
mlankhorstkgunn: no it's fine, nothing major planned, maybe mesa though :P15:16
* kgunn thinks mlankhorst is crazy "nothing major"=mesa :)15:16
mlankhorstnot immediately planned though15:16
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
seb128oh, it's meeting time15:30
seb128qengho, Sweetshark, mlankhorst, Laney, tkamppeter, desrt, attente_, larsu: hey, I hope you all made it back without issues15:31
desrtholy crap.  it's a meeting.15:31
seb128larsu, why not?15:32
seb128larsu, are you still on London time? (or did I screw the time?)15:32
larsuseb128: I just didn't keep track of time is all.15:33
* larsu feels like it's noon15:33
seb128same here15:34
seb128ok, let's get started15:34
seb128qengho, hey15:34
qengho- Testing chromium binary-package rename.15:34
qengho- To-do: treat meeting flu.15:34
qengho- To-do: Chromium high-dpi first, then multitouch.15:34
seb128got the ubuflu as well?15:35
* seb128 got a cold starting on friday15:35
seb128qengho, thanks15:35
seb128Sweetshark, hey15:35
qenghoI washed my hands 1000 times.  :(15:35
* desrt flexes his immune system15:35
Sweetsharkseb128: aye15:36
Sweetshark- fixed l10n issue15:36
Sweetshark- bumped tarballs to 4.2.0 final, reviewed removed some superficial tarballs from -src15:36
Sweetshark- using system mdds and orcus15:36
seb128Sweetshark, DONE?15:36
Sweetshark- tried for system libetonyek, but wont do it (not MIRing)15:36
Sweetshark- bumped LibreOffice 4.1.5 to the PPA15:37
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
seb128Sweetshark, you said some sponsoring request was coming soon, is that still happening? ;-)15:37
Sweetsharkseb128: its already at http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/trusty/libreoffice_4.2.0-0ubuntu1_source.changes -- I just need to smoketest it.15:38
seb128Sweetshark, ok, let me know when it's ready for upload15:38
Sweetsharkseb128: addendum: removed system-xmlsec its gone, add suggest to -sifr, did some major cleanup on ./debian/rules (ongoing)15:39
Sweetsharkand upstream some of that to debian and LibreOffice.15:40
seb128let's cross fingers than the cleanup doesn't hit new bugs15:40
seb128Sweetshark, thanks15:40
Sweetsharkseb128: new bugs risk is actually rather low if one can compare the generated BUILD_DEPS and configure-flags to be staying the same. But this could also be punted for after the LTS.15:41
seb128Sweetshark, thanks15:41
seb128mlankhorst, hey15:41
mlankhorsttransition to xorg 1.15, fixing bug related to GL_NV_vdpau_interop, fixing trusty xorg-server bug #1277014 . transition from precise to trusty https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/127873715:42
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1278737 in xorg (Ubuntu Trusty) "Upgrade to trusty fails from precise backported enablement stacks" [High,In progress]15:42
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1277014 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xorg assert failure: X: ../../dix/dispatch.c:3920: DetachUnboundGPU: Assertion `slave->isGPU' failed." [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127701415:42
mlankhorstand preparing mesa 10.1 for debian-experimental15:43
seb128mlankhorst, how is the feedback on xorg 1.15 so far? good?15:43
mlankhorstno feedback is good feedback :-)15:43
seb128I had some intel issues on the way but seems they got resolved with the newest version15:43
mlankhorstintel gave more problems recently, should be fixed with 91015:43
seb128seems to work fine for me15:44
seb128no corruption today, and user switching seems stable15:44
seb128mlankhorst, thanks15:44
mlankhorstyeah npp15:44
seb128Laney, hey15:44
Laney• Short-ish week; swap day15:44
Laney• Some gnome updates: glib, pango, cogl15:44
Laney• u-s-s reviews, brightness panel work (fixing things including animation-after-opening), investigation of slow-loading panel animation (ongoing), poke at 'manual' network selection not working → rsalveti taking a look.15:44
Laney• u-s-d/u-c-c discussions, work on the upstart conditions for u-s-d.Turns out you can parameterise 'start on starting' conditions for instance jobs! Implement hax to get the correct (Unity) settings panels from the indicators - will hopefully not be needed if we can manage to have XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity for fallback sessions too.15:44
Laney• Patch pilot15:44
Laney• DMB meeting/election wrangling15:44
seb128Laney, thanks15:46
seb128tkamppeter, hey15:46
tkamppeter- cups/cups-filters: Worked out concept for on-demand starting of daemons15:46
tkamppeter- cups: Patch for starting CUPS daemon socket-triggered via Upstart15:46
tkamppeter- Talked with xnox about socket-triggered daemon starting with Upstart, found Upstart bug which prevents it, xnox reported the bug.15:46
tkamppeter- Talked with mpt about print dialog for Ubuntu Touch, mpt posted first design thoughts on Ubuntu Wiki.15:46
tkamppeter- Google Summer of Code 2014: Posted project ideas for OpenPrinting, mentoring organization application for the Linux Foundation.15:46
tkamppeter- Bugs.15:46
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seb128tkamppeter, thanks15:47
seb128desrt, hey15:47
desrtseb128: hey.  working on a secret project right now.  i don't want to talk about it because of something larsu told me about motivation.15:48
desrtbut i can tell you that it's useful15:48
larsuwait. what?15:48
larsuoh, I remember!15:48
desrtlarsu: you said that if you tell people what you're working on you lose the motivation to keep working on it15:48
larsuin some bus/tram in brussels15:48
desrtso i'm giving that a try :)15:49
larsus/lose/can lose/15:49
Laneyparlez-vous français?15:49
seb128it has been a long week already it seems :p15:49
larsufeels like Friday15:50
seb128desrt, nothing you want to share since friday then? ;-)15:50
Laneyohne Schokolade15:50
larsuLaney: MIT!15:50
seb128k, fair enough, enjoy the secret hacking ;-)15:50
seb128attente_, hey15:50
desrtmit ohne alles?15:50
desrtthis is a strange meeting15:50
larsudesrt: you made it strange15:50
desrthaving a meeting to cover one work day since we last saw each other makes it strange :)15:51
attente_more key grabber bug fixes, AP tests for key grabber15:51
attente_trying to debug why they don't work on ChrisTownsend's machine...15:51
* attente_ also caught ubuflu last night15:51
seb128attente_, get better!15:51
larsuattente_: get well soon!15:51
LaneyI didn't understand that it was just supposed to be this week's stuff :P15:51
attente_seb128, larsu, thanks :)15:52
seb128I've ubuflu since friday, it's starting to be better15:52
* Laney nods towards attente_ 15:52
seb128desrt, well, in fact almost everybody has been doing a summary of what they did last week (mine is going to have that as well)15:52
tkamppeterI have no ubuflu at all.15:52
seb128tkamppeter, lucky you!15:52
Laneyme neither15:52
seb128attente_, congrats on getting your compiz changes merged in btw!15:52
LaneyI rode a Boris bike all around London on Saturday15:53
Laneythe fear probably scared the ubuflu away15:53
attente_seb128, thanks!15:53
seb128Laney, lol15:53
seb128larsu, your turn ;-)15:53
larsu- finally got the evince menu work in. Fixed a couple of issues we found while testing it (mainly related to accels)15:53
larsu- gave file-roller a better menu bar on !GNOME desktops (thanks to mpt for design input)15:53
larsu- started working fixing the amplified volume UI mess. On hold because of gtkscale issues15:53
larsu- some theming and layout (unity-control-center) tweaks15:53
Laneyyay menus15:55
seb128larsu, is the file-roller one pushed somewhere? I lost track on friday afternoon15:55
larsuLaynes: somehow I can't share your enthusiasm about menus anymore15:55
larsuwoah. Laney of course15:55
larsuseb128: ya, it's in master15:55
Laneyit's a weird afternoon for my nickname15:55
larsulet me find the bug15:56
Laneyhey man, you're getting upstreams to care about other environments15:56
Laneythat is GREAT!15:56
larsuseb128: https://git.gnome.org/browse/file-roller/commit/?id=cefd32cb41abe0231b06e0fe2f43091e55a944ba15:56
seb128larsu, danke15:56
desrtLaney: most upstreams want to care15:56
Laneyor at least to not block other people who care :P15:56
seb128but yeah15:56
Laneyit's good! makes you enthusiastic!15:56
desrtLaney: one of the goals of this entire gmenumodel thing from the start was to make it easier for them to care15:56
LaneyI was trying to give larsu back some enthusiasm :-)15:57
desrtdon't worry -- they love larsu :)15:57
larsuLaney: it's working... I think15:57
desrtgedit guys are currently standing in the love-larsu queue, in fact...15:57
seb128larsu is made of awesome, why would anyone not love him ;-)15:58
* larsu didn't know there was a queue15:58
* Laney coughs15:58
seb128ok, on that note15:58
seb128larsu, thanks ;-)15:58
seb128my turn15:58
seb128 * Desktop Debian syncs and updates (harfbuzz, telepathy-mission-control, geary, evolution-data-server, pidgin, gstreamer/base1.0)15:58
seb128 * unity-control-center/unity-settings-daemon testing, fixed some bugs (keybindings integration for compiz/unity)15:58
seb128 * synced new libcmis for Sweetshark, had to deal with build issues then15:58
seb128 * some desktop bugs fixes (gedit, nautilus, software-properties)15:58
seb128 * reworked evolution-data-server online accounts packaging split to merge goa/uoa and move common bits back in e-d-s15:58
seb128 * reviewed changes from other (u-s-s changes from Laney and click guys, gnome-settings-daemon audio detection from diwic, evince work from larsu)15:58
larsuseb128: thanks for the reviews and testing btw!15:58
seb128larsu, thanks for iterations and bugfixes, good work ;-)15:58
seb128if done, we are just done on the half an hour mark ;-)16:00
* desrt refrains16:00
seb128thanks everyone!16:00
desrtwe did it!!16:00
seb128desrt, you didn't share what you work on, you don't get to ask questions :p16:00
desrti was going to share16:01
desrtbut since we finished on time, i didn't want to ruin it16:01
desrt(at least was going to share the last-week stuff)16:01
seb128double round next week!16:01
* Laney cries16:02
seb128Laney, ?16:03
seb128qengho, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/chromium-browser/32.0.1700.107-0ubuntu1~20140204.977.116:03
ritzlarsu,  hi, are you working on indicator-printer replacement ?16:03
LaneyI just looked at why the kylin images don't build16:03
ritzor are we focusing on s-c-p ?16:04
Laneyat least most of it is commented out now16:04
larsuritz: no. I'm afraid nobody's focusing on anything printing right now...16:05
seb128Laney, I did hurt my eyes by reading that file once as well :/16:05
ritzlarsu, hmm, thanks. so the best option would be to "ubuntuize" s-c-p ?16:05
Laneyone of the packages doesn't exist16:05
LaneyI'll just upload to remove that16:06
Laneyget in and get out, surgical extraction16:06
larsuritz: what needs ubuntuizing? Are you talking about the auth/keyring issue?16:06
ritzs-c-p does not have an indicator icon16:06
ritzakin to indicator-printer16:06
ritzwhich presents us with a nice queue option16:07
larsuindicator-printer is the replacement of s-c-p's tray icon16:07
larsubut according to design, we don't want that at all anymore16:07
larsubut show the queue list in the launcher instead16:07
larsuindicator-printer has a queue option, no?16:07
seb128larsu, have you seen https://git.gnome.org/browse/file-roller/commit/?id=74eae54feab2fdb54b5230c1cb48238585147d71 ?16:07
seb128larsu, Archive Manager _Help -> Contents is going to make mpt cry :-(16:08
ritznope, it use s-c-p16:08
ritzk, so not to show the queue16:08
larsuseb128: ya :( I've been meaning to talk to paolo about it but forgot16:08
ritzif I understand this correctly, indicator-printer can be killed by design16:09
seb128larsu, anyway, no hurry, I'm backporting your patch and not that extra one, we have time before updating to 3.1216:09
larsuseb128: :)16:09
larsuritz: right, but something still needs to listen to cups' notifications and show/hide the queue window accordingly16:09
larsuand that still wouldn't fix the auth issue16:09
larsuI think just keeping the indicator the way it is this late in the cycle is the safest option16:10
ritzlarsu, why would this not fix ? s-c-p does listen and responds to auth request16:10
ritzfair point, pretty late in cycle16:11
mptritz, indicator-printer was perhaps my most elaborate design mistake. Its replacement is specced at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Printing#Printing-116:11
larsuritz: ya, and not all issues would be fixed. The print dialogs of various apps still show an auth dialog in some cases16:12
larsubecause CUPS inserts AuthRequired into printers.conf when it can't reach the printer16:12
ritzhmm, will test this out16:12
ritzthanks a ton for the insight16:12
larsuI haven't had the time to investigate this deeply, but I think this needs a more elaborate fix16:12
seb128larsu, there is an issue with your file-roller work (or with my backport)16:20
larsuseb128: impossible!16:21
seb128larsu, ;-) the "open" menu item is unactive for me16:21
larsuuh oh16:21
seb128hum, as are all the other items from files except "new archive"16:21
seb128same for the edit menu16:22
seb128larsu, does it happen for you as well?16:22
larsuno, it works for me16:22
seb128larsu, ok, don't bother, probably an issue with my backport then16:24
* seb128 does a git build16:24
seb128that one is actually easy to git build ;-)16:24
larsulet me try applying it to 3.1016:24
larsuseb128: oh, conflicts16:25
seb128larsu, https://git.gnome.org/browse/file-roller/log/src/ui/app-menubar.ui?id=cefd32cb41abe0231b06e0fe2f43091e55a944ba16:26
seb128I backported those 4 commits16:26
seb128(well not limited at this file)16:26
larsuseb128: I have the same problem16:32
larsuafter applying those four commits16:33
larsuit's only the open command though16:33
larsueverything else works as soon as I open an archive16:33
seb128not for me16:33
seb128I tried to open a tar.xz from nautilus16:34
larsusome of them don't work for me either16:35
larsulike anything in file16:35
larsustuff in view and help works16:35
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
seb128there are not so many commits between 3.10 and master16:35
* seb128 looks at the log16:35
larsuseems like the actions were renamed at some point16:37
larsuseb128: even worse. Seems like the window actions weren't gactions at that point16:41
larsuseb128: even worser, these were added in the same commit as the header bar16:42
larsunot my idea of fun16:44
larsuwhatever happened to independent small commits?16:44
seb128yeah, mine neither16:44
seb128which is why the ""16:44
larsuit's actually not thast big of a commit16:44
larsulet me try separating it16:45
seb128right, one hundred lines16:45
* larsu wonders if that's all though16:45
seb128it should be easy enough to drop the headerbar part16:45
seb128larsu, don't bother, I'm going to deal with that16:45
larsuwe should just switch to 3.12!16:46
* larsu hides16:46
* seb128 looks for a spare battery16:46
larsuseb128: good, then I can go on the run wanted to go on :)16:46
* larsu needs air16:46
seb128larsu, enjoy! (and sorry for delaying you with that)16:46
larsulet me know if you need help16:46
larsuno worries :)16:46
seb128should be fine, but thanks!16:46
=== mjohnson15_2 is now known as mjohnson15
ChrisTownsendattente_: Hey18:56
attente_ChrisTownsend, hey20:03
ChrisTownsendattente_: I made a comment in the MP, but I seem to be the only one hitting that AP failure, so I'm pretty convinced it's something with my machine.20:04
robert_ancellseb128, yo20:04
ChrisTownsendattente_: So when you merge in trunk again, we'll globally approve.20:04
robert_ancellseb128, I wasn't sure about the dummy package - can we just stop providing a binary package? Will that correctly uninstall the old binaries?20:04
attente_ChrisTownsend, ok, thanks!20:04
seb128robert_ancell, just going for dinner but I'm back in half an our and can chat/read scrollback then20:04
robert_ancellseb128, ok, cool20:05
seb128robert_ancell, you can stop yes, uninstall ... if not, add a Conflicts on it20:05
asacseb128: which source carries gdk nowadays20:05
seb128asac, gtk as always20:05
asacseb128: whats the source package :/20:06
attente_ChrisTownsend, ok, resolved20:11
ChrisTownsendattente_: Cool, thanks20:11
attente_ChrisTownsend, thanks :)20:14
ChrisTownsendattente_: No problem, and thank *you*!20:15
seb128asac, sorry was at dinner, depends of the gtk version, gtk+3.0 for gtk320:52
robert_ancellseb128, so what do we do about gnome-control-center-datetime? Nothing provides/conflicts etc with it21:03
robert_ancellseb128, Do we just make gnome-control-center do that?21:03
seb128robert_ancell, sorry, was catching up with pings21:04
robert_ancellno rush21:04
seb128robert_ancell, to get it uninstalled?21:04
robert_ancellseb128, I guess? Because we don't want to leave it lying around around right?21:05
seb128well, would it still work in g-c-c?21:05
seb128I still have the u1 integration with nautilus installed, even after dobey dropped it from the archive, and I'm glad about that since it still works and prove to be useful21:06
robert_ancellseb128, it would, but since it wont be rebuilt ever it might hold back its dependencies21:07
seb128well, that's something for the apt resolver to resolve imho21:08
seb128I would just let it like that and change things if we get reports of upgrade issues21:08
robert_ancellseb128, it depends "indicator-datetime (= 13.10.0+14.04.20140124-0ubuntu1)"21:08
dobeyi'm not glad that i have 2 of every control-center module listed in the dash21:08
seb128dobey, yeah, transitions suck21:08
robert_ancellSo it would stop the indicator upgrading right?21:08
seb128robert_ancell, depends of which one has more "weight" in the apt resolver21:08
robert_ancelldobey, yeah, that was the least painful transition we could do21:08
robert_ancellseb128, so at some point it will just be uninstalled21:08
robert_ancellfine by me to keep it = less work for me :)21:09
dobeyand i had to run gnome-control-center.real to get online accounts to work21:09
seb128well, just don't do anything21:09
seb128if upgrades are blocked on buggy due to it we can tweak21:09
seb128dobey, blame the CI daily landing stuff21:09
seb128the fix was commited but stuff don't land as they should21:10
seb128https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center-signon/0.1.7~+14.04.20140211.2-0ubuntu1 should fix it21:10
seb128got uploaded today21:10
seb128robert_ancell, on a similar "annoying transition issue", g-s-d-fallback-mount and u-s-d-fallback-mount grrrr21:11
robert_ancellseb128, got any better ideas?21:11
seb128robert_ancell, I get a mount and a "conflict mount prompt" every time I plug a device21:11
seb128I would have fixed it otherwise :p21:11
seb128just get the damn transition done? :)21:11
robert_ancellin flight...21:11
seb128btw did fginther got the autolanding work for u-c-c?21:12
robert_ancellseb128, no21:12
seb128robert_ancell, oh, and did you get an ok flight back? ;-)21:13
robert_ancelllong and tedious but yes21:13
seb128what's the issue with the CI ?21:13
robert_ancellseb128, still don't know21:13
seb128fginther, hey!21:13
fgintherseb128, yes?21:13
robert_ancellCan you approve https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-control-center/datetime-panel/+merge/205665 and https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/indicator-datetime/no-panel/+merge/205664 if good now?21:13
robert_ancellfginther, u-c-c still doesn't build (i.e. https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-control-center-trusty-i386-ci/8/console)21:14
robert_ancellAnything I'm doing wrong?21:14
robert_ancell"dpkg-buildpackage: warning: build dependencies/conflicts unsatisfied; aborting"21:14
robert_ancellit's like it can't find any dependencies21:14
fgintherrobert_ancell, looking21:16
dobeyseb128: when will the duplicate entries disappear from the dash? or am i going to have to remove things manually?21:34
seb128dobey, with the next g-c-c upload, which I hope is for this week21:35
seb128dobey, you can also uninstall gnome-control-center21:35
seb128it should be needed (once the -signon version from proposed lands)21:36
seb128it shouldn't*21:36
dobeyi'll wait to make sure stuff goes away with the new upload :)21:36
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
robert_ancellseb128, dpkg question... Since I've removed those old packages indicator-datetime doesn't build because the .install file now doesnt pick up the files in debian/tmp21:40
seb128robert_ancell, can you pastebin the error?21:41
robert_ancellis the "correct" way to fix this to update debian/rules or the .install21:41
robert_ancell"dh_install: indicator-datetime missing files (usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/*), aborting"21:42
dobeyrobert_ancell: you've only got one binary package coming from the source now?21:42
robert_ancelldobey, yep21:42
robert_ancellwhenever i hit this i dont know what to do21:42
dobeyrobert_ancell: i'd just delete the install file unless you need to install extra stuff with it to debian/tmp (like man pages or whatever)21:42
dobeyrobert_ancell: if it's just to pull files into the package and you've only got one binary, i'd just delete it21:43
robert_ancellI'll check it doesn't filter anything out21:43
dobeyif you need to filter stuff out, i'd rm -f it in debian/rules explicitly, with a comment why21:43
seb128robert_ancell, one binary -> destdir = debian/binary (instead of debian/tmp + .install moves)21:45
seb128but yeah, you just need to rm the unwanted files, if any, in debian/rules21:45
robert_ancellyeah, whoever came up with that inconsistency...21:45
seb128I like it21:46
seb128default case = no work21:46
seb128if you need split, you define the details21:46
seb128ok, enough for today22:02
seb128robert_ancell, I approved the u-c-c mp (let's see if fginther finds the issue with the lander) and +1ed the indicator one for charles_ letting charles to approve since he's the maintainer for that one22:03
robert_ancellseb128, yep, saw that. Thanmks22:03
fgintherrobert_ancell, seb128, I found a missing dependency on the build hosts gnome-pkg-tools. should have everything updated soon.22:04
robert_ancellfginther, awesome, thanks!22:04
seb128robert_ancell, btw, you should put your gnome-screensaver changes up for review as well ;-)22:04
seb128fginther, thanks22:04
robert_ancellseb128, review while broken?22:04
charles_seb128: thanks for the update, I was waiting on your needs-info :)22:04
=== charles_ is now known as charles
TheMusoWhich gcc/ucc branch should I be using to work on? Got some a11y fixes for the behavior tab in the look preferences panel.22:04
seb128robert_ancell, well, with a "need to be fixed" note, maybe somebody has an idea about the focus thing or indicators22:04
seb128TheMuso, u-c-c for Unity, g-c-c for GNOME, both if you care about both22:05
seb128g-c-c doesn't have "appareance"22:05
seb128they are going to have their own "background" soon which is a new design22:05
seb128charles, yw ;-)22:05
TheMusoOk, I just remember seeing discussion last night about the incorrect branch being used or some such... I was using lp:unity-control-center as a base, but should I be using another u-c-c branch?22:06
robert_ancellTheMuso, that's correct22:07
TheMusoOk good.22:07
=== thumper-afk is now known as thumper
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
fgintherrobert_ancell, the builders should all be updated now22:39
robert_ancellfginther, thanks again22:39
fgintherrobert_ancell, I've triggered a rebuild for https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-control-center/datetime-panel/+merge/20566522:54
robert_ancellcharles, Is Jenkins confused on https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/indicator-session/unity-settings-daemon/+merge/205421? Should that be merged?23:50

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