eagles0513875_ | humm have lots of things to try lol | 00:02 |
ikonia | eagles0513875_: please keep in mind you have to actually KNOW what you are writing | 00:02 |
ikonia | this means not making things up, making writing a document for "you" | 00:02 |
eagles0513875_ | ikonia: i know. | 00:02 |
ikonia | this means writing a document that other people can use, explains the situation etc | 00:02 |
knome | "To edit the grub2 config, bacon eggs and tomato." | 00:02 |
ikonia | eagles0513875_: this also means not copying and pasting things from other sites/documents | 00:03 |
eagles0513875_ | understood | 00:03 |
belkinsa | And I sent the e-mail to the team and three others. | 00:04 |
eagles0513875_ | im not seeing any tags on any of the pages | 00:05 |
pleia2 | eagles0513875_: add them :) | 00:07 |
eagles0513875_ | pleia2: belkinsa wasnt it agreed to have the versions on each page? | 00:07 |
belkinsa | I don't remember. | 00:07 |
pleia2 | no, too much work + maintenace burden | 00:07 |
eagles0513875_ | ok | 00:07 |
pleia2 | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tag this lists the tags, so when you see something that a tag, please add it | 00:07 |
pleia2 | s/something that/something that needs a tag | 00:08 |
eagles0513875_ | :) | 00:09 |
eagles0513875_ | belkinsa: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BuildingSoftwareReceipts <-- title doesnt make much sense receipts?? | 00:09 |
eagles0513875_ | and the title of that page all together doesnt make much sense | 00:09 |
knome | eagles0513875_, are you familiar with the content/issue at hand? | 00:11 |
eagles0513875_ | knome: not quite please enlighten me | 00:12 |
knome | eagles0513875_, that's the point. | 00:12 |
knome | eagles0513875_, if you don't know anything about what the page concerning, don't touch it | 00:12 |
eagles0513875_ | i wont | 00:12 |
knome | to put it otherwise, calling them "package recipes" makes sense for those who understand that area | 00:13 |
eagles0513875_ | but on the main contents page it says building software | 00:13 |
eagles0513875_ | and reading that i think compiling from source | 00:13 |
knome | if you don't understand something that is on the wiki, it doesn't mean it's wrong | 00:14 |
ikonia | a good example of this is the postfix docs | 00:15 |
eagles0513875_ | what bout them | 00:15 |
ikonia | you argued they where wrong for weeks, but it was your lack of understanding of how an MTA works that was the problem, not the docs | 00:15 |
eagles0513875_ | ikonia: well now looking at them and seeing the logs i see alot of warnings about depreciated settings etc in 12.04 | 00:17 |
eagles0513875_ | im not going to argue this | 00:17 |
ikonia | right, warnings you ignored and copied blindly | 00:18 |
ikonia | so again - you're lack of understanding, not the documentation | 00:18 |
ikonia | something that didn't need fixing | 00:18 |
belkinsa | IF it's not broke, don't fix it, eagles0513875_ | 00:18 |
knome | or if you don't understand it. | 00:19 |
ikonia | if you don't know if it's broke because you don't understand it - don't touch it | 00:19 |
belkinsa | Sorry for butting in. | 00:19 |
eagles0513875_ | belkinsa: you are fine | 00:19 |
ikonia | not at all, someone has to say it | 00:19 |
belkinsa | Heh. | 00:19 |
belkinsa | ikonia, mind if I PM you? | 00:26 |
ikonia | no problem | 00:26 |
ikonia | always welcome | 00:28 |
belkinsa | knome and pleia2: ping. | 00:32 |
eagles0513875_ | belkinsa: pleia2 = work call | 00:32 |
knome | belkinsa, yes? | 00:32 |
belkinsa | Oh duh. | 00:33 |
belkinsa | knome and ikonia, mind if we have a PM together in another room? | 00:33 |
knome | i can do that | 00:33 |
belkinsa | Sent you an invite, knome. | 00:37 |
* knome sits back on the comfy chair on the corner | 01:10 | |
belkinsa | knome, thank you for doing that with ikonia and me. | 01:10 |
knome | no problem! | 01:10 |
belkinsa | ikonia, I shall. | 01:12 |
=== jono is now known as Guest13828 | ||
julianofischer | Hi my friends, my name is Juliano and I work with the Brazilian Doc Team, I hope to appear here frequently | 03:30 |
pleia2 | welcome julianofischer | 03:30 |
julianofischer | thank you, pleia2 | 03:31 |
julianofischer | Someone can tell me when the 14.04 manual will be released for translation? (actually I do not know if already there is a 14.04 manual) | 03:50 |
pleia2 | julianofischer: from ubuntu-manual.org ? | 03:53 |
pleia2 | julianofischer: you want #ubuntu-manual for that, we're responsible for the documentation that's shipped with Ubuntu, available at help.ubuntu.com | 03:54 |
pleia2 | March 20th is our documentation freeze, once we prepare the packages (typically takes a few days) it becomes open for translators | 03:54 |
pleia2 | doh | 03:54 |
dsmythies | pleias2: Time between documentation string freeze and ready for translation is actually now very short. Serverguide is a matter of hours, and most of that is launchpad automated stuff delays, which are much much shorter than they used to be. Desktop help is a little longer and also dependent on someone with upload rights. Still should not be worse than overnight. | 06:15 |
pleia2 | dsmythies: ah, good to know! thanks :) | 06:23 |
eagles0513875_ | hey guys | 21:34 |
eagles0513875_ | belkinsa: ping | 21:38 |
belkinsa | eagles0513875_, pong. | 21:38 |
eagles0513875_ | anyone else around care to discuss a section title on the community help wiki | 21:39 |
knome | eagles0513875_, why don't you just ask? | 21:39 |
belkinsa | I know that needs to be changed to that, if it already hasn't. | 21:39 |
knome | (the real question, that is) | 21:39 |
eagles0513875_ | basically i understood what the section entitled building software does. basically its for web based software and flash based animated software and eaccelerate is. Wouldnt a better title be building web based software? | 21:40 |
knome | care to point us to the page? | 21:41 |
eagles0513875_ | https://help.ubuntu.com/community under software it says building software | 21:41 |
eagles0513875_ | if you click on it it tells you how to use eaccelerate and build flash based apps | 21:42 |
belkinsa | Look, if it's not broke, DON'T fix it. | 21:42 |
knome | i guess the title could be better | 21:42 |
eagles0513875_ | belkinsa: agreed but i feel the name is a bit misleading | 21:42 |
eagles0513875_ | what im trying to say | 21:42 |
eagles0513875_ | when i see building software | 21:43 |
belkinsa | Oh, there never mind. | 21:43 |
eagles0513875_ | i would expect a how to on how to compile from source | 21:43 |
knome | i would merge that page in the "applications" subsection "programming" or "servers/web", looking which one has more similar items | 21:44 |
knome | i guess the latter. | 21:45 |
knome | eagles0513875_, will you do that? | 21:45 |
eagles0513875_ | knome: i would feel better if someone else did it as Im not versed with details of other sections | 21:45 |
knome | eagles0513875_, i would rather see you do it. | 21:45 |
eagles0513875_ | but i still think more then anythign building software can stay there and we have how to's on how to compile various pieces of software from source | 21:46 |
eagles0513875_ | knome: i will do it but not tonight | 21:46 |
knome | it's not a big deal, put eaccelerator under "web servers", and the other one under "web applications" | 21:46 |
knome | when those are moved, the section on the frontpage can go | 21:46 |
knome | eagles0513875_, feel like procrastinating there, aye? | 21:46 |
knome | it's a 2 minute fix | 21:46 |
eagles0513875_ | ok im doing it now | 21:47 |
knome | i cheated. | 21:47 |
knome | 1 minute... | 21:47 |
knome | thanks ;) | 21:47 |
eagles0513875_ | lol | 21:49 |
eagles0513875_ | how do you move the pages lol | 21:49 |
knome | you don't. | 21:50 |
knome | rather move the content. | 21:50 |
belkinsa | Or rename the page | 21:51 |
eagles0513875_ | i was thinking of simply renaming the page | 21:51 |
eagles0513875_ | building web applications | 21:51 |
knome | in this case, since content needs to be merged anyway, moving or deleting doesn't make sense | 21:51 |
eagles0513875_ | ok | 21:52 |
knome | eagles0513875_, nope, that's not what i said | 21:52 |
pleia2 | we don't really like deleting/renaming unless there is a very good reason for it because it breaks links for folks who previously linked to pages, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide/DeletingAndRenaming | 21:53 |
eagles0513875_ | pleia2: what do you think about the building software section | 21:54 |
eagles0513875_ | its a bit mis leading imho | 21:54 |
pleia2 | I'm at work now, don't have time to look at it right now | 21:54 |
eagles0513875_ | ok | 21:54 |
knome | eagles0513875_, i've told you what i think about it, and it's a trivial thing really | 21:55 |
eagles0513875_ | ok | 21:55 |
knome | i'll take care of the rest when you have merged the content | 21:56 |
eagles0513875_ | ok | 21:56 |
eagles0513875_ | let me get to a point here at work where i can focus on it | 21:56 |
knome | sure | 21:57 |
knome | eagles0513875_, hard time finding a spot? | 23:25 |
eagles0513875_ | knome: sadly yes :( | 23:26 |
eagles0513875_ | problems as usual :( | 23:26 |
knome | ok, let's do it when you have time then, | 23:26 |
eagles0513875_ | dunno what time zone you are in | 23:26 |
eagles0513875_ | but im in central europe so i will be available when i wake in the morning | 23:26 |
knome | don't worry, just ping me when you're around and i'll reply if i am | 23:27 |
eagles0513875_ | ok nights at work are never the best for me :( | 23:27 |
knome | i understand. there's no hurry in fixing it | 23:28 |
eagles0513875_ | knome: i emailed myself so :) i dont forget | 23:30 |
knome | worksforme | 23:30 |
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