
=== jono is now known as Guest13828
dholbachgood morning08:34
elachechehey dholbach :) GM @*08:49
dholbachhi elacheche08:49
elachecheAnybody have an idea wen the @ubuntu.com cron will be executed next??!! → https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEmail#Alias_creation_times → It didn't start after 48h that's why I'm asking :p08:50
dholbachtry asking in #canonical-sysadmin08:56
elacheche<dholbach> try asking in #canonical-sysadmin thx dholbach 10:57
ishwonhello folks. anybody around who can help me with a loco.ubuntu.com login issue? due to the problem, i am unable to manage the "Mauritius Ubuntu Team" page.13:16
ishwonhello folks. anybody around who can help me with a loco.ubuntu.com login issue? due to the problem, i am unable to manage the "Mauritius Ubuntu Team" page.14:41
=== omnidan_ is now known as omnidan

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