
=== duflu_ is now known as duflu
kdubthanks for the review duflu01:48
duflukdub: I don't claim to have tested it, but I support the idea :)01:49
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RAOFOh, wow.07:14
RAOFbzr merge -i --uncommitted works exactly like how I want it to work.07:14
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anpok_alan_g: duflu alf_: which direction should i go now..10:29
anpok_keep report::, but drop lttng:: and report::logging?10:29
dufluanpok_: Ever forward... ?!10:30
dufluanpok_: I prefer the namespaces how they are today. And would prefer even more if we had fewer than that. So abstain10:31
* duflu -> dinner10:31
dufluGood night10:31
alf_duflu: bye!10:31
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greybackAlbertA: hey, quick comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~albaguirre/unity-mir/cross-compile-link-fix/+merge/20569015:46
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anpokalan_g: alf_: ... 200 lines less15:48
AlbertAgreyback: at least the mirserver library15:49
AlbertAshould be there15:49
AlbertAas it's a direct dependency - it makes sure the api signatures haven't changed15:49
alan_ganpok: It isn't the number of lines in the diff that matters. It is how easy it is to follow.15:50
AlbertAgreyback: Or not sure if you mean to use only the _LDFLAGS?15:54
greybackAlbertA: yeah that was what I was asking. I was pouring over cmake manual to understand the difference15:54
greybackAlbertA: _LIBRARIES seems to not set the -L path, which -LDFLAGS definitely does15:55
AlbertAgreyback: the LDFLAGS for those 3 packages at least just return -L path15:55
AlbertAand the libraries flag sets -l<libname>15:55
greybackAlbertA: http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v2.8.12/cmake.html <- searching for "_LDFLAGS" was what I was reading. I'm surprised now15:56
greybackas it implies LDFLAGS contains all required linker flags (which I'd expect), whereas LIBRARIES contains list of lib names that need their pkgconfig scanned for linker flags15:59
greybackdo I mis-understand?15:59
anpokgreyback: the cmake pkg-config module creates a load of variables for each found library16:02
AlbertAgreyback: that's what I read too16:02
anpokthere is for example also PKG_NAME_LIBRARY_DIRS16:02
AlbertAgreyback: but it's essentially the output of pkg-config16:02
anpokand that one could be used in link_directories() which is just symetric to include_directories()16:02
greybackAlbertA: right16:02
greybackSo I guess I'm confused :)16:03
* greyback needs to dig a little more16:03
anpoki.e. look inside CMakeCache.txt of your build dir..16:03
greybackanpok: yeah I've been doing that, to check AlbertA's patch did what I expected, but now I'm unclear what's really happening16:05
greybackmterry: comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity-mir/alpha-greeter/+merge/20406916:18
mterrygreyback, noted.  I tested on android and it worked!  So apply_to must be doing something currently...16:21
greybackmterry: nested in android? Or standalone?16:22
mterrygreyback, testing yourself is a little tricky.  You'd need to install several branches to see the difference, but will add to MP16:22
mterrygreyback, nested16:22
mterrygreyback, oh, you say that16:22
greybackmterry: yeah, that I expect to be ok. Just standalone I found apply_to wasn't being called16:22
mterrygreyback, fair.  Though I don't happen to care about standalone case16:23
greybackmterry: yep16:23
greybackmterry: but I did for a while :)16:23
mterrygreyback, :)  hey, how is the scenegraph stuff going, btw?16:24
greybackmterry: oh I've not been able to touch it for weeks now. Hope to resume it after MWC. racarr is doing some Mir adjustments to help integrate it however16:25
mterrygreyback, cool.  Poke me when it is more play-with-able.  I eventually plan to use it in the USC for interstitial animations between sessions16:26
* mterry heads out to buy a ladder16:27
greybackmterry: really? Ok. /me thinks we'd better profile it carefully before nesting it like that16:27
AlbertAgreyback: you were right16:45
AlbertAgreyback: we only need LDFLAGS16:45
AlbertAgreyback: it does include everything like the docs say :)16:45
AlbertAgreyback: i.e. -L<path>;-l<libname>16:45
greybackAlbertA: but I just tried compiling without LIBRARIES and it failed to link to mir!16:49
AlbertAgreyback: really? I tried here just using LDFLAGS it worked ok on both16:52
AlbertAnative and cross compiling16:52
greybacklet me try again, maybe I screwed something up16:53
greybackAlbertA: you're correct, it works with just LDFLAGS16:57
AlbertAI pushed a new revision16:58
AlbertAto the branch16:58
greybackAlbertA: and approved as it's exactly what I now have. Thank you!16:59
AlbertAgreyback: thanks!16:59
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RAOFanpok: It's not clear to me why logging:: should be under report::, as they're kinda two separate things. Not doing that move also reduces the namespace nesting somewhat.21:41

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