
fully_humanI see one problem that's arising. A .tix and .cix file under .bzr/repository/indices is corrupted (part of the file is corrupted).00:00
fully_humanOh, explored some others...looks like binary blob or something.00:01
fully_humanBut I'm getting a complaint that some of the files "have no final newline."00:02
fully_humanMan, this is getting confusing.00:07
fully_humanOkay, found another guide on packaging.ubuntu.com with more info on quilt. Which diff should I use as a patch for launchpad? the one from the '.pc/' directory or the output I obtain from debdiff00:33
fully_human*the one from the './pc' directory I created...?00:33
fully_humanOh, the one under .pc is a dir. Never mind.00:38
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dholbachgood morning08:34
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=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
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fully__humanSo, I have created a patch for a package. How should I get the patch into a form that will be accepted on LP. I already tried doing a debdiff and got a slap on the hand for it. From what I can tell the '.pc' directory has the literal patches, but they're all directories. Thanks!23:05
jtaylorwhy was the debdiff rejected?23:06
fully__humanThe attachment "blah blah blah" seems to be a debdiff. The ubuntu-sponsors team has been subscribed to the bug report so that they can review and hopefully sponsor the debdiff. If the attachment isn't a patch, please remove the "patch" flag from the attachment, remove the "patch" tag, and if you are member of the ~ubuntu-sponsors, unsubscribe the team.23:13
fully__humanOr is that just a warning in case I didn't mean for it to be a patch.23:14
jtaylorits a bot that add tags23:15
jtaylornormally if you add a debdiff you add a patch tag and subscribe sponsors23:15
jtaylorif you don't a bot will do so for you23:15
fully__humanThose poor bots. They don't get paid much.23:16
fully__humanIn any case, thanks! :-)23:17
jtaylornow you have to wait23:17
jtayloras feature freeze is soon it may take a while23:17
jtayloris it something that needs to go in before that?23:17
fully__humanThe bug was labeled critical.23:19
jtaylorwhats the bug?23:21
fully__humanBug #124817423:21
ubottubug 1248174 in inkscape (Ubuntu) "The Ubuntu colour palette in Inkscape is different from the one in design.ubuntu.com" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124817423:21

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